si, - evols at university of hawaii at manoa:...

) 0 )t ft M ! i i M i in i M m n 111 I Established July a, 1858. iVOL. XXVL, NO. 4702. HONOLULU, PKICE FIVE CENTS. HAWAnAN ISLANDS, THUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER p., 1S97. SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. about 500 remained to be examined. NO ARBITRATION ELECTRIC LIGHT J. Q. WOOD. Attorney at Law, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. carefully discussed the wishes of those at Washington. Hawaii has done what it considers all that is necessary in the premises Japan may now show ita hand. The delay and trouble in the nego- tiations is laid at the door of Coun The matter of placing either a wire fence or a stone wall at Waialua was left with Mr. Reynolds. In the matter of placing another cof- fee shop at Kalaupapa, Mr. Reynolds said that there were two at the place new, and that he cotild not see the need of another. Taro planting was progressing nicely, and 60 acres had already been taken up. There was room for three times as much. In reply to a question asked by Presi dent Smith. Mr. Reynolds answered that while any officer was at the set tlement no swipes or effects of the same were anywhere to be seen. How ever, as soon as such an officer left he understood that celebrations were fre quent. Mr. Reynolds then brought up the matter of dogs at the Leper Settlement on Molokai. Meetings had been held while he and Mr. Wilcox were there. I Two propositions were made, namely: (a) That all dogs be destroyed, (b) that all but poodles be destroyed. The first was not received very kindly, but to the latter there seemed to be but little opposition. Asked as to what he meant by 'poodle," Mr. Reynolds answered that there was a certain breed of small, curly dogs very plentiful at the Island. Asked as to the translation of "poo dle" into Hawaiian, Secretary Wilcox answered, "Ilio keko" (Monkey dog). The Board decided to send notice to the Superintendent, through the Sec retary, that all dogs other than poodles destroyed, this with the understand I ing that, in case the regulation be found vioiated upon the next visit of tne 'iJoara to the Settlement, a more I..". .... I stringent regulation shall be made. wi ir winw forth rpniiirpmpnt? nw,MMrv tn tie fnr thft'TnUr SPttimnt thoco t be kept in mind by people sending in tenders for the supply of meat. An . application was received from Dr. Armitage for the position of physi cian at Malulani Hospital, Wailuku, Maui. Placed on file. In the matter of opium pills, Presi dent Smith said that he had seen the Customs authorities and had explained to them that it was the province of the Custom House to ascertain whether there was under or over 1 per cent or opium in tne pins, ir the percentage wi s under, then the pills were not con sidered as opium or a nreoaration thereof. If over, a special permit would have to be issued. The analysis seemed to be a matter of compensation. Dr. Lyons was the one who used fo attend to such work. The Board then talked over a nrorer nerson to do such analyzing. L.Dr - Alvarez presented a report on 1.1 I I IM IICL I 1 III III lT II 41 I ll I 11 I II H t I the Kalihi Receiving Station. The Board granted Dr. Hubert Wood a permit to visit the Leper Settlement for the purpose of studying leprosy. Board adjourned at 5 p. m SULLIVAN FOR MAYOR. Huston's "Wllllusr to Serve Ills Townsmen. BOSTON, August 19. John L. Sulli van will run as an" independent candi- - date for Mayor of Boston this fall, with ty.a avnxuar intinHrm rf dofpntintr ttv or Josiah Quincy, who will be the regu lar Democratic candidate for re-el- ec tion. When Mayor Quincy refused to shake hands with John L. Sullivan at Oarsman Ten Eyck's reception in Fan- - euil Hall, he committed what may prove to be a fatal political mistake. Sullivan was dumbfounded. According to one of the Mayor's of- ficial' organs the big fighter was easily the idol of the occasion. The crowd chased and cheered him. Ten Eyck was almost ignored at times. Sullivan's amazement at the slight gradually rhanprpH to an?Ar anri his anwr has . IF YOU BUY A SINGER, You will receive careful instruction irum a competent teacner at your home. You can obtain necessary accessories direct from the company's offices. You will get prompt attention in any part of the world, as our offices are ev erywhere and we give careful attention to all customers, no matter where the machine may have been purchased. company in the sewing machine busi- - ness, having an unequalled experience and an unrivalled reputation the strongest guarantee of excellence. Scud on easy payments. Repairing done. B. BERGERSEN, Agent 16 Bethel Street, Honolulu. The City Carriage Company possess only first-cla- ss hacks and employ only uti eiui, sieauy unvers. Carriages at all hours. Telephone 113. JOHN S. ANDRADE. m GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. 215 Merchant St. Have on hand Hawaiian and Microne- - wuu wuuuoi mauve xiaia, ivaptt, xutiLS TT.I J 1 l I ancj Calabashes. xidir-urtJbbi- ng ana Manicuring Department just opened. Offices to rent. Home-mad- e Pol, Gua-v- a and Poha Jellies and Jams a spec ialty. Floral Designs or Cut Flowers to order. Telephone, 659. TASN9SAN. Best Mineral Water in the Market. E. R. ADAMS, Telephone 184-- . 407 Fort St. H. HACKFELD & CO. onernl Commission si, Corner Fort and Queen Sts., Honolulu. A. W. McOnLbNtY OC bONb -:- - WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALERS IN -:- - Leather and -- ! Shoe Findings, AGENTS Honolulu Soap Works Company and Jlonolulu Tannery. LEWIS & CO., rale fliffl eo Grits 111 FORT STREET. Telephone, 240. P. O. Box, 29. i - H. MAY & CO., ills And ttil Grocers 98 FORT -:- - STREET. -:-:- P. Telephone, 22. O. Box, 470. LEWERS & COOKE, Successors to Lewers & Dickson. Importers and Dealers In Lumber And All Kinds of Building Material. NO. 82 FORT ST., HONOLULU. ilie Only Complete Plioltf opR Parlor IN HONOLULU. J. J, WILLIAMS, The Photographer. FORT STREET : : HONOLULU. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS, COOLERS, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS, And machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blacksmithing. Job work executed on the shortest notice. i soda iraier ii no., LIMITED Ssplanade, Corner Allen and Fort Sts. HOLLISTER & CO. AGENTS. COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL Piano, Voice, Singing, and Harmony. Love Bldg., Fort St. E. COOK. sellor Akiyama, who came hero on the Naniwa for the purpose of settling the difficulty at any cost. Minister Shlma-mur- a, a conservative diplomat, was getting along well in the matter, and if left alone there is little doubt that an understanding would have been ar rived at long ago. Counsellor Akiya ma, however, with international law points bristling out all over him, and new to the country and the conditions existing here, started In to discuss the question verbally with Minister Coop- er, but on the second meeting he got so far off the track by bringing In other points, that the original questions at Issue were almost lost sight of. It was I at this time that Minister Cooper i sug gested that negotiations from that time on must be conducted by letter. Since Counsellor Aklyama's departure the relations between the representa tive of Japan, Minister Shimamura, and this Government have been In every way cordial. WAS II K ltKSIONTSIIM,Kf A Promotor of Iarl Itazaar Itelnir Trlf 3 for Homicide. PARIS, August 19. Baron Mackau, one of the promoters of the Charity Bazar of the Rue Jean Goujon, which wag destroyed by fire on May 4th last wth a iogs 0( over inn lives, and Bailac onri natrrnKhnw two Amnlovps of tho I CJ -- - - kine-mateosrra- nh establishment in the bazar, the section where the fire, broke I out, were placed on trial here today. charged with homicide through their Imprudence upon that occasion. The. Baron was not tho onlv ono nf the chIef promoters of the fair, but he presented the inflammable properties representing Old Paris for tho use of .... . . 141 J 1 II.. luc dlIU Bve tue Lail u7 ,uiro Brounn upon wnicn ii was ereciea. i no Earonesa Mackau was a victim bfthe conflagration. The Judge who examined Baron Mackau today praised his honorable character, but reproached him for lack of precaution. The trial will last three days. There are 33 witnesses to bo ex amined. IIEI'UHLK COL,A!SIXO. Central American CJoverninent Un- - Htabln. WASHINGTON, August 19. Private advices from Nicaragua are that Costa Rica and Guatemala will In all proba bility refuse to proceed further with the scheme for the consolidation of the five Republics of Central America into one nation, and that the present Great- - CI lVJJUUllU, UUUjpilBIU (3H1VUUU1, I1U1I" duras and Nicaragua, will disintegrate at an early date. The intense Jealousy existing be tween Costa Rica and the States com posing the present Greater Republic of Central America, in which Guatemala participates to a lesser degree, is given as the reason for the possible failure to carry out the agreement. Upon the formal announcement of the refusal of ogta RIca and Guatemala to enter tne union the present combination of Hon- - pecte(j to collapse and the result, it is feared, will be a Btate of war that will extend to all the countries of Central America. ' WOULD ii IIA.NT ItKFOIlVfS. The Liberal ixwlor Say That Ho Ih IU-al- y to Accept OfHoe. MADRID, August Senor Sagasta, the Liberal leader, is quoted as saying, in an interview: "Even during Cano- - vas' time dissensions existed in the cline to hold office. In any case his Cabinet is certain to be only a tempor- - ary one. I am ready to accept office. and should I do so I would apply re forms to Cuba in the wide3t sense." 'HS Absolutely Pure a Celebrated for Its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Aesures th food against alum and all forms of adulteration com- mon to the cheap brand. ROYAL BAKING POWDKIi CO.. NEW YORK- - Gist of Count Oina's Last Commanication. IMPOSES TOO MAHY CONDITIONS hzr:-.:c4- -- rNc T-i- -f Itr r r u Declines to Consider. Japanese Matter Remains In Statu Quo Excerpts From the Correspondence. The Japanese-Hawaiia- n question is about as far from settlement today as when the Naniwa dropped anchor in port and discharged ner cargo or coun- - sellor and newspaper correspondents, The offer r tnis government to ar- - bitrate the matter has been diplomat- - icallv declined bv Janan: that is. the offer has been declined by Japan im- - posing conditions that made it impos- - sible for this Government 'to enter into I any agreement to settle the matter by arbitration. . It is generally believed that the offer to arbitrate was made by Minister Cooper to show the world that this Government was perfectly willing to do anvthine within reason to eet the difficulty straightened out. The propo sition was made by Minister Cooper on June 28th. A few days ago a letter from Count Okuma was received through Minister Shimamura, stating the terms on which Japan would agree to arbitrate. As near as can be learned, Count Okuma says that while consider- - ing the claims of Japan as perfectly . . . Just' as a matter r conciliation his Government is willing to accept in principle tne proposal to arourate. lie uggested, moreover, that in order to lighten the labor of the arbitrators an agreed statement of facts should be prepared and the arbitration be con fined to questions of law. He suggested, also, that the scope of reference be ex pressly defined. Count Okuma stated, also, that his Government felt the necessity of pro- posing certain conditions which It deemed essential to a satisfactory ter- - tioned that H. I. J. M.'s Government could not consent that the question of bona-fid- e possession of $50 in the hands of the rejected immigrants, or the ap plicability of the Hawaiian-Japanes- e treaty of 1871 to Japanese subjects other than the merchant class. Count Okuma considered these as points of is sue and suggested that the King of the Belgians be the sole arbitrator of the questions involved. This is the gist of the letter received by this Government, but it sheds very little light on the difficulty and vague- - lv exDresses the wishes of the Govern given Hawaii a golden opportunity to decline to arbitrate, and it should promptly take advantage inis is probably what the Hawaiian govern- - ment has done, for, on I uesaay Aim- - ister Cooper sent a letter to Minister Shimamura to the effect that this Gov- - ernment agrees that it is desirable to define the scope of the reference ana to that end he regretted tnat tne letter from Count Okuma did not define the questions he would be willing to sub- mit. Minister Cooper suggested that, in the absence of this, his Government could not be expected to answer wheth er the terms and conditions mentioned would be acceptable or not. As the scope of the reference had not been de termined he would ask that his Gov ernment be excused from agreeing at the present time upon an arbitrator. So new, after two months of waiting, the matter remains in statu quo. Just what steps Japan will take is a matter of guess-wor- k. To a man up a tree it looks as though Minister Cooper, with the advice and consent of the other members of the Cabinet, will stand pat; certainly no other propositions can go from this end of the line. It is known in official circles that the Sen ators in Washington wanted this dif ficulty disposed of before annexation was definitely acted upon by the Sen ate, and it is generally believed that the arbitration proposition was sub mitted by this Government after it had Snpsrintenaent Cassifly leal Board. THOUCHT COSTLIER PLAHT BEST TMw to r- - T irrVif o 4-- fVio Quarantine Station. Health Agent Reynolds Talks on Leber Settlement All But Poo- dle Dogrs Must be Anihllated. At the regular weekly session of the nnnrH of Hp.ith vpstwrtav nftprnnnt, .. ... . tnere were present tne toiiowmg: I'resiaent tmun, urs. uay, Emerson and Monsarrat; Messrs. Reynolds, Lan- - sing and ienipio. Minutes or tne pre- - vious meeting read and approved. President Smith announced that Mr. Cassidy was present and that the first business would be the cost of the elec- tric light plant at the Quarantine Sta tion; further, that in February of this year the matter of wiring the Quaran tine Station and of procuring the dyna mo for producing the lights was brought up for the first time. An esti- - mate was sent in by the Hawaiian Electric Light Company. Certain speci fications were given. Another estimate was received from Mr. Cassidy also. Mr. Lansing moved that the matter be left with Mr. Cassidy, it being un derstood that the estimate was $S09.60. The difficulty resulted in the fact that a nlant costing: $1,477 had been ob- - tained. Mr. Cassidy explained that the mat - ter had been placed in his hands. At the time it was thought by the Board that 100 lights would be enough. He went over to the Quarantine Station and found that more lights would be required. The corrals were full of peo ple. With this in mind he wrote to the Westinghouse Company for a plant that would support 250 lights. It is the latest improved, is minus a belt, by the way, a great nuisance; has attach ments for arc and search lights, and fills the bill. There are. three things I to be considered, in purchasing an elec tric plant, namely: Efficiency, main- tenance and attendants. It is built for the roughest usage and can be very eas- ily kept up. There are 125 lights at tached at the present time, these being in the three corrals European pas senger house, the two hospitals, guards' quarters and cook houses. Mr. Rey nolds said he supposed he should have referred the matter back to the- - Board of Health when he found the cost would be more, but the great need was to get the plant here as soon as possi ble. He felt that he could come before the Board and make a satisfactory ex planation, not supposing at the time that the appropriation was short. Mr Cassidy wished it to be understood that there were no commissions in the purchase of the plant. President Smith said that he was sure that the plant at the station was needed, and that his judgment in pur- chasing the same had been good. Cer- tainly it would be economy in the end. The only trouble was the insufficiency of funds to pay for it. It was finally decided that the West inghouse Company be paid $800, and that they be given an explanation as to the reason why the remainder cannot be paid until an appropriation is made. Mr. Cassidy expressed the wish that the members of the Board visit the Quarantine Station when the next batch of Asiatics arrive, 'for the pur pose of making a thorough inspection of the electric plant. The Board so agreed. Fish Inspector Keliipio's report showed 47,191 fish received at the market during the week ending Au gust 29th. Another protest was received from the Woodlawn Dairy, this time against the killing of 13 cows, alleged to have been affected with tuberculosis. Placed on file. The Examining Board reported that Dr. Thomas McMillan had presented satisfactory credentials and had passed satisfactory examinations. The Board voted that a license be recommended. In the matter of examination of cows for tuberculosis, Dr. Monsarrat report- ed that 400 cows had finished, and that OFFICE: Corner King and Bethel Streets. Dr. C. B. High U en XI bl Philadelphia Dental College 1392. Masonic Temple. Telephone 318. A, C. WALL, D. D. S. Dentist. LOVE BUILDING, Fort Street. l. E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. Dentist. 18 HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU. Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. A. J. DERBY. D. D. S. Dentist. FORT AND HOTEL STREETS, Mott-Smit- h Block. Hours: 9 to 4.. Telephone 615. - ww unnnV I-- r--V . O ucu. n. ki w i-- i f ms m i ' sj i Dentist. JTORT STREET, OPPOSITE CATHO- LIC MISSION. Hours: From 9 a,m. to 4 p.xn.' C. L GARVIN, M.D. Office: With Dr. F. R. Day, Beretania Street, near Fort. Offlce Hours: 1 to 4 p. m. Residence Telephone, No. 393. A.-S- . HUMPHREYS. Attorney and Counsellor. Office, Damojc Bldg., Coe. King and Bethel Sts., Honolulu, H. I. samuel j. macdonald. Counsellor at Law 204 MERCHANT ST. (One Door from Fort Street.) Honolulu. J.L.KAULUKOU. J. M.KANEAKUA. KAULUK0U & KANEAKUA. Attorneys at Law and Maries Public Also, Titles to lands in any part of the republic of Hawaii- - are searched and per- fect abstracts therefor are furnished. Office: Occidental Hotel. Cor. Klog& Alakea Sts LYLE A. DICKEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 14- - KAAHUMANU STREET. Telephone 682. WILLIAM C. PARKE. ATTORNEY AT LAW AGENT TO TAKE ACKNOWIDQ- - Offlce at Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. JOHN A. BAKER. Office with A- - G. M. Robertson, Mer- chant Street, Opposite Post Office. Real Estate Broker,- - Collector and Employment Agent. O. B. BRADDICK, Stenographer. Law Cases. Depositions, Etc, Report- - ed. Corresponaence ijriveii Secrecy and Despatch-Wit- h Paul Neumann. Telephone 415. W. C. ACHI & CO. Brokers and Dealers in Real Estate. We will buy or sell Real Estate In all parts of the group. WTe will sell prop- erties on reasonable commissions. Offlce: No 10 West King Street e. 480 o. box 1 tsL ILsa Telephone 478 . New and First-Cla- ss SECOND-HAN- D FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS- - - SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. Highest Cash Pric pai i for Second-Hac- d Furniture at j L Corner King and Nuuar.u Streets. 3. A. UEDERER. become vindictiveness. At first, after ment. To quote the representative of Cabinet, and if they are continued Gen-thinki- ng the matter over, he was in- - a foreign Government: "Japan has eral Azcarraga will be obliged to de clined to content himself with suoDort- - ing another candidate, like Mr. WTard- - ner or Judge Slanker. Now he has crossed the Rubicon and nut his foot through the bridge timbers, John L. Sullivan will ask the support of his fellow citizens at the noils. At one time he could have gone to Con- - gress, but he declined. Then his pro- - fessional duties were in the way. Now he feels that he can spare the time to serve his townsmen. 4 MILT) TV TOVE. Correspondence From Madrid to United Sttea MADRID. August 23. The Duke of Tetuan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, declares that the only claim presented by the United States in connection with Cuba is a demand for the payment of an indemnitv to the family of Dr. Ricardo Ruiz, the American citizen, who met his death in the jail of Guana- - bacoa under suspicious circumstances and is couched in pacific language. Captain-Gener- al Weyler, it is further announced, has not resigned, but the Government will shortly consider the results obtained bv the campaign in Cuba HAVANA, August 23 A special dis- patch from Madrid says there is no doubt the Spanish Government will be willing to extend the commercial treaty with the United States.

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M i in i M m n111 I

Established July a, 1858.



J. Q. WOOD.Attorney at Law,



carefully discussed the wishes of thoseat Washington. Hawaii has done whatit considers all that is necessary in thepremises Japan may now show itahand.

The delay and trouble in the nego-tiations is laid at the door of Coun

The matter of placing either a wirefence or a stone wall at Waialua wasleft with Mr. Reynolds.

In the matter of placing another cof-fee shop at Kalaupapa, Mr. Reynoldssaid that there were two at the placenew, and that he cotild not see theneed of another. Taro planting wasprogressing nicely, and 60 acres hadalready been taken up. There wasroom for three times as much.

In reply to a question asked by President Smith. Mr. Reynolds answeredthat while any officer was at the settlement no swipes or effects of thesame were anywhere to be seen. However, as soon as such an officer left heunderstood that celebrations were frequent.

Mr. Reynolds then brought up thematter of dogs at the Leper Settlementon Molokai. Meetings had been heldwhile he and Mr. Wilcox were there.

I Two propositions were made, namely:(a) That all dogs be destroyed, (b)that all but poodles be destroyed. Thefirst was not received very kindly, butto the latter there seemed to be butlittle opposition.

Asked as to what he meant by'poodle," Mr. Reynolds answered thatthere was a certain breed of small,curly dogs very plentiful at the Island.

Asked as to the translation of "poodle" into Hawaiian, Secretary Wilcoxanswered, "Ilio keko" (Monkey dog).

The Board decided to send notice tothe Superintendent, through the Secretary, that all dogs other than poodles

destroyed, this with the understandI ing that, in case the regulation befound vioiated upon the next visit oftne 'iJoara to the Settlement, a moreI..". .... Istringent regulation shall be made.

wiir winwforth rpniiirpmpnt? nw,MMrv tntie fnr thft'TnUr SPttimnt thoco tbe kept in mind by people sending intenders for the supply of meat.

An . application was received fromDr. Armitage for the position of physician at Malulani Hospital, Wailuku,Maui. Placed on file.

In the matter of opium pills, President Smith said that he had seen theCustoms authorities and had explainedto them that it was the province of theCustom House to ascertain whetherthere was under or over 1 per centor opium in tne pins, ir the percentagewi s under, then the pills were not considered as opium or a nreoarationthereof. If over, a special permitwould have to be issued. The analysisseemed to be a matter of compensation.Dr. Lyons was the one who used foattend to such work. The Board thentalked over a nrorer nerson to do suchanalyzing.

L.Dr - Alvarez presented a report on1.1 I I IM IICL I 1 III III lT I I 41 I ll I 11 I I I H t I

the Kalihi Receiving Station.The Board granted Dr. Hubert Wood

a permit to visit the Leper Settlementfor the purpose of studying leprosy.

Board adjourned at 5 p. m

SULLIVAN FOR MAYOR.Huston's "Wllllusr to

Serve Ills Townsmen.BOSTON, August 19. John L. Sulli

van will run as an" independent candi- -

date for Mayor of Boston this fall, withty.a avnxuar intinHrm rf dofpntintr ttvor Josiah Quincy, who will be the regular Democratic candidate for re-el- ec

tion. When Mayor Quincy refused toshake hands with John L. Sullivan atOarsman Ten Eyck's reception in Fan- -euil Hall, he committed what mayprove to be a fatal political mistake.Sullivan was dumbfounded.

According to one of the Mayor's of-

ficial' organs the big fighter was easilythe idol of the occasion. The crowdchased and cheered him. Ten Eyck wasalmost ignored at times. Sullivan'samazement at the slight graduallyrhanprpH to an?Ar anri his anwr has

. IF YOU BUY A SINGER,You will receive careful instruction

irum a competent teacner at yourhome.

You can obtain necessary accessoriesdirect from the company's offices.

You will get prompt attention in anypart of the world, as our offices are everywhere and we give careful attentionto all customers, no matter where themachine may have been purchased.

company in the sewing machine busi- -ness, having an unequalled experienceand an unrivalled reputation thestrongest guarantee of excellence.

Scud on easy payments. Repairingdone. B. BERGERSEN, Agent

16 Bethel Street, Honolulu.The City Carriage Company possess

only first-cla- ss hacks and employ onlyuti eiui, sieauy unvers.

Carriages at all hours.Telephone 113.






WOMAN'S EXCHANGE.215 Merchant St.

Have on hand Hawaiian and Microne--wuu wuuuoi mauve xiaia, ivaptt, xutiLS

TT.I J 1 l Iancj Calabashes. xidir-urtJbbi- ng anaManicuring Department just opened.Offices to rent. Home-mad- e Pol, Gua-v- a

and Poha Jellies and Jams a specialty. Floral Designs or Cut Flowersto order. Telephone, 659.

TASN9SAN.Best Mineral Water in

the Market.E. R. ADAMS,

Telephone 184--. 407 Fort St.


onernl Commission si,Corner Fort and Queen Sts., Honolulu.



Leather and-- ! Shoe Findings,

AGENTSHonolulu Soap Works Company and

Jlonolulu Tannery.


rale fliffl eo Grits111 FORT STREET.

Telephone, 240. P. O. Box, 29.i -

H. MAY & CO.,

ills And ttil Grocers

98 FORT-:- - STREET. -:-:- P.

Telephone, 22. O. Box, 470.

LEWERS & COOKE,Successors to Lewers & Dickson.

Importers and Dealers In LumberAnd All Kinds of Building Material.


ilie Only Complete Plioltf opR Parlor


J. J, WILLIAMS, The Photographer.




And machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attentionpaid to ship's blacksmithing. Jobwork executed on the shortest notice.

i soda iraier ii no.,

LIMITEDSsplanade, Corner Allen and Fort Sts.



Piano, Voice, Singing,and Harmony.

Love Bldg., Fort St. E. COOK.

sellor Akiyama, who came hero on theNaniwa for the purpose of settling thedifficulty at any cost. Minister Shlma-mur- a,

a conservative diplomat, wasgetting along well in the matter, andif left alone there is little doubt thatan understanding would have been arrived at long ago. Counsellor Akiyama, however, with international lawpoints bristling out all over him, andnew to the country and the conditionsexisting here, started In to discuss thequestion verbally with Minister Coop-er, but on the second meeting he gotso far off the track by bringing In otherpoints, that the original questions atIssue were almost lost sight of. It was

I at this time that Minister Cooper isuggested that negotiations from thattime on must be conducted by letter.Since Counsellor Aklyama's departurethe relations between the representative of Japan, Minister Shimamura, andthis Government have been In everyway cordial.


A Promotor of Iarl Itazaar ItelnirTrlf 3 for Homicide.

PARIS, August 19. Baron Mackau,one of the promoters of the CharityBazar of the Rue Jean Goujon, whichwag destroyed by fire on May 4th lastwth a iogs 0( over inn lives, and Bailaconri natrrnKhnw two Amnlovps of thoI CJ -- - -

kine-mateosrra- nh establishment in thebazar, the section where the fire, broke

I out, were placed on trial here today.charged with homicide through theirImprudence upon that occasion.

The. Baron was not tho onlv ono nfthe chIef promoters of the fair, but hepresented the inflammable propertiesrepresenting Old Paris for tho use of.... . .141 J 1 II..luc dlIU Bve tueLail u7 ,uiroBrounn upon wnicn ii was ereciea. i noEaronesa Mackau was a victim bftheconflagration.

The Judge who examined BaronMackau today praised his honorablecharacter, but reproached him for lackof precaution. The trial will last threedays. There are 33 witnesses to bo examined.


Central American CJoverninent Un- -Htabln.

WASHINGTON, August 19. Privateadvices from Nicaragua are that CostaRica and Guatemala will In all probability refuse to proceed further withthe scheme for the consolidation of thefive Republics of Central America intoone nation, and that the present Great- -

CI lVJJUUllU, UUUjpilBIU (3H1VUUU1, I1U1I"duras and Nicaragua, will disintegrateat an early date.

The intense Jealousy existing between Costa Rica and the States composing the present Greater Republic ofCentral America, in which Guatemalaparticipates to a lesser degree, is givenas the reason for the possible failure tocarry out the agreement. Upon theformal announcement of the refusal of

ogta RIca and Guatemala to enter tneunion the present combination of Hon- -

pecte(j to collapse and the result, it isfeared, will be a Btate of war that willextend to all the countries of CentralAmerica.



The Liberal ixwlor Say That HoIh IU-al- y to Accept OfHoe.

MADRID, August Senor Sagasta,the Liberal leader, is quoted as saying,in an interview: "Even during Cano--vas' time dissensions existed in the

cline to hold office. In any case hisCabinet is certain to be only a tempor- -ary one. I am ready to accept office.and should I do so I would apply reforms to Cuba in the wide3t sense."


Absolutely Pure a

Celebrated for Its greatleavening strength andhealthfulness. Aesures thfood against alum and allforms of adulteration com-mon to the cheap brand.ROYAL BAKING POWDKIi


Gist of Count Oina's Last



hzr:-.:c4- -- rNc T-i- -f Itrr r u

Declines to Consider.

Japanese Matter Remains In StatuQuo Excerpts From the


The Japanese-Hawaiia- n question isabout as far from settlement today aswhen the Naniwa dropped anchor inport and discharged ner cargo or coun--

sellor and newspaper correspondents,The offer r tnis government to ar--bitrate the matter has been diplomat- -

icallv declined bv Janan: that is. theoffer has been declined by Japan im- -

posing conditions that made it impos- -

sible for this Government 'to enter into I

any agreement to settle the matter byarbitration.

.It is generally believed that the offerto arbitrate was made by MinisterCooper to show the world that thisGovernment was perfectly willing todo anvthine within reason to eet thedifficulty straightened out. The proposition was made by Minister Cooper onJune 28th. A few days ago a letterfrom Count Okuma was receivedthrough Minister Shimamura, statingthe terms on which Japan would agreeto arbitrate. As near as can be learned,Count Okuma says that while consider- -

ing the claims of Japan as perfectly. . .

Just' as a matter r conciliation hisGovernment is willing to accept inprinciple tne proposal to arourate. lieuggested, moreover, that in order to

lighten the labor of the arbitrators anagreed statement of facts should beprepared and the arbitration be confined to questions of law. He suggested,also, that the scope of reference be expressly defined.

Count Okuma stated, also, that hisGovernment felt the necessity of pro-posing certain conditions which Itdeemed essential to a satisfactory ter--

tioned that H. I. J. M.'s Governmentcould not consent that the question ofbona-fid- e possession of $50 in the handsof the rejected immigrants, or the applicability of the Hawaiian-Japanes- e

treaty of 1871 to Japanese subjectsother than the merchant class. CountOkuma considered these as points of issue and suggested that the King of theBelgians be the sole arbitrator of thequestions involved.

This is the gist of the letter receivedby this Government, but it sheds verylittle light on the difficulty and vague- -lv exDresses the wishes of the Govern

given Hawaii a golden opportunity todecline to arbitrate, and it shouldpromptly take advantage inisis probably what the Hawaiian govern- -ment has done, for, on I uesaay Aim- -ister Cooper sent a letter to MinisterShimamura to the effect that this Gov--ernment agrees that it is desirable todefine the scope of the reference anato that end he regretted tnat tne letterfrom Count Okuma did not define thequestions he would be willing to sub-mit.

Minister Cooper suggested that, inthe absence of this, his Governmentcould not be expected to answer whether the terms and conditions mentionedwould be acceptable or not. As thescope of the reference had not been determined he would ask that his Government be excused from agreeing atthe present time upon an arbitrator.

So new, after two months of waiting,the matter remains in statu quo. Justwhat steps Japan will take is a matterof guess-wor- k. To a man up a tree itlooks as though Minister Cooper, withthe advice and consent of the othermembers of the Cabinet, will standpat; certainly no other propositionscan go from this end of the line. It isknown in official circles that the Senators in Washington wanted this difficulty disposed of before annexationwas definitely acted upon by the Senate, and it is generally believed thatthe arbitration proposition was submitted by this Government after it had

Snpsrintenaent Cassifly

leal Board.


TMw to r-- T irrVif o 4-- fVio

Quarantine Station.

Health Agent Reynolds Talks onLeber Settlement All But Poo-

dle Dogrs Must be Anihllated.

At the regular weekly session of thennnrH of Hp.ith vpstwrtav nftprnnnt,

.. ... .tnere were present tne toiiowmg:I'resiaent tmun, urs. uay, Emersonand Monsarrat; Messrs. Reynolds, Lan--

sing and ienipio. Minutes or tne pre- -

vious meeting read and approved.President Smith announced that Mr.

Cassidy was present and that the firstbusiness would be the cost of the elec-

tric light plant at the Quarantine Station; further, that in February of thisyear the matter of wiring the Quarantine Station and of procuring the dynamo for producing the lights wasbrought up for the first time. An esti- -

mate was sent in by the HawaiianElectric Light Company. Certain specifications were given. Another estimatewas received from Mr. Cassidy also.Mr. Lansing moved that the matterbe left with Mr. Cassidy, it being understood that the estimate was $S09.60.

The difficulty resulted in the fact thata nlant costing: $1,477 had been ob- -

tained.Mr. Cassidy explained that the mat -

ter had been placed in his hands. Atthe time it was thought by the Boardthat 100 lights would be enough. Hewent over to the Quarantine Stationand found that more lights would berequired. The corrals were full of people. With this in mind he wrote tothe Westinghouse Company for a plantthat would support 250 lights. It is thelatest improved, is minus a belt, bythe way, a great nuisance; has attachments for arc and search lights, andfills the bill. There are. three things I

to be considered, in purchasing an electric plant, namely: Efficiency, main-tenance and attendants. It is built forthe roughest usage and can be very eas-ily kept up. There are 125 lights attached at the present time, these beingin the three corrals European passenger house, the two hospitals, guards'quarters and cook houses. Mr. Reynolds said he supposed he should havereferred the matter back to the- - Boardof Health when he found the cost wouldbe more, but the great need was toget the plant here as soon as possible. He felt that he could come beforethe Board and make a satisfactory explanation, not supposing at the timethat the appropriation was short. MrCassidy wished it to be understoodthat there were no commissions in thepurchase of the plant.

President Smith said that he wassure that the plant at the station wasneeded, and that his judgment in pur-chasing the same had been good. Cer-tainly it would be economy in the end.The only trouble was the insufficiencyof funds to pay for it.

It was finally decided that the Westinghouse Company be paid $800, andthat they be given an explanation as tothe reason why the remainder cannotbe paid until an appropriation is made.

Mr. Cassidy expressed the wish thatthe members of the Board visit theQuarantine Station when the nextbatch of Asiatics arrive, 'for the purpose of making a thorough inspectionof the electric plant. The Board soagreed.

Fish Inspector Keliipio's reportshowed 47,191 fish received at themarket during the week ending August 29th.

Another protest was received fromthe Woodlawn Dairy, this time againstthe killing of 13 cows, alleged to havebeen affected with tuberculosis. Placedon file.

The Examining Board reported thatDr. Thomas McMillan had presentedsatisfactory credentials and had passedsatisfactory examinations. The Boardvoted that a license be recommended.

In the matter of examination of cowsfor tuberculosis, Dr. Monsarrat report-ed that 400 cows had finished, and that

OFFICE: Corner King and BethelStreets.

Dr. C. B. HighUen XI bl

Philadelphia Dental College 1392.

Masonic Temple. Telephone 318.

A, C. WALL, D. D. S.

Dentist.LOVE BUILDING, Fort Street.



Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

A. J. DERBY. D. D. S.


Mott-Smit- h Block.Hours: 9 to 4.. Telephone 615.

- ww unnnV I-- r--V . Oucu. n. ki w i-- i f ms m i ' sj i



Hours: From 9 a,m. to 4 p.xn.'


Office: With Dr. F. R. Day,Beretania Street, near Fort.

Offlce Hours: 1 to 4 p. m.Residence Telephone, No. 393.


Attorney and Counsellor.Office, Damojc Bldg., Coe. King and

Bethel Sts., Honolulu, H. I.

samuel j. macdonald.Counsellor at Law

204 MERCHANT ST.(One Door from Fort Street.)




Attorneys at Law and Maries Public

Also, Titles to lands in any part of therepublic of Hawaii- - are searched and per-fect abstracts therefor are furnished.Office: Occidental Hotel. Cor. Klog& Alakea Sts


14-- KAAHUMANU STREET.Telephone 682.




Offlce at Kaahumanu St., Honolulu.

JOHN A. BAKER.Office with A-- G. M. Robertson, Mer-

chant Street, Opposite Post Office.

Real Estate Broker,- - Collector andEmployment Agent.

O. B. BRADDICK,Stenographer.

Law Cases. Depositions, Etc, Report- -ed. Corresponaence ijriveii

Secrecy and Despatch-Wit- h

Paul Neumann. Telephone 415.

W. C. ACHI & CO.

Brokers and Dealers in Real Estate.

We will buy or sell Real Estate In allparts of the group. WTe will sell prop-

erties on reasonable commissions.Offlce: No 10 West King Street

e.480o. box

1 tsL ILsaTelephone

478 .

New and First-Cla- ss



Highest Cash Pric pai i for Second-Hac- d

Furniture at j L Corner Kingand Nuuar.u Streets.


become vindictiveness. At first, after ment. To quote the representative of Cabinet, and if they are continued Gen-thinki- ng

the matter over, he was in- - a foreign Government: "Japan has eral Azcarraga will be obliged to declined to content himself with suoDort- -ing another candidate, like Mr. WTard- -ner or Judge Slanker.

Now he has crossed the Rubicon andnut his foot through the bridge timbers,John L. Sullivan will ask the supportof his fellow citizens at the noils. Atone time he could have gone to Con- -gress, but he declined. Then his pro- -fessional duties were in the way. Nowhe feels that he can spare the time toserve his townsmen.


MILT) TV TOVE.Correspondence From Madrid to

United StteaMADRID. August 23. The Duke of

Tetuan, Minister of Foreign Affairs,declares that the only claim presentedby the United States in connectionwith Cuba is a demand for the paymentof an indemnitv to the family of Dr.Ricardo Ruiz, the American citizen,who met his death in the jail of Guana- -bacoa under suspicious circumstancesand is couched in pacific language.

Captain-Gener- al Weyler, it is furtherannounced, has not resigned, but theGovernment will shortly consider theresults obtained bv the campaign inCuba

HAVANA, August 23 A special dis-patch from Madrid says there is nodoubt the Spanish Government will bewilling to extend the commercial treatywith the United States.


Seeking Knowledge.LIST OF LETTERSLarge numbers of people are daily New

Arrivals Itaking advantage of the offer of Wall,

Remaining In the General Postoff ice Nichols Company's Standard Diction Water ITj&zfiWary Club to become members, and thusobtain in thi3 easy-payme- nt plan the r ,

Up to Augus 3. 1897.

GENTLEMEN.American Livery Allmond, M L

and Sale StabV

greatest work of the present time thef.Standard Dictionary. This Dictionary

Is the combined work of 247 editors, is penJU.

-- .

contains 2,238 quarto pages and is nowuniversally recognized as the "only

The kind that do not shrink. We have them in all sizes;from 500 to 5,000 gallons, and larger ones we can set on short notice.Do not place an" order for a tank without getting our prices: It willpay you to do so. Ask for a circular showing cut of. Tank and givingprices and full information as to size and weight of each tank.

If you wish a WINDMILL to fill a tank with, we can furnishyou the well known PERKINS In any size. Ask Mr. W. W.Dimond what he thinks of the "Perkins" Mill he has on his ranchat Niu.

We also have PUMPS of all sizes; from the small Lifting Pumpto a large Wind Mill Pump; also Ship and Deck Force Pumps.

E. O. HALL & SON, Ld.

Brobant, MrBush, W MBently, MrBoyd, W NBrand, GBlancherd, H

Beattie, F P (2)Bolster, HBrown, J FBower, BBesser P - .

Bored. Jdictionary" one that has no real com For Ladles and Gentlemen's

Suits.petitor. Join the Standard DictionaryClub now. You will never regret it.Brannschweiger & Bises, G B

Co. Bennett, N M OOOOIt costs you the small sum of $1 aCrockett, A W (2) Campbell, H A (4) week for 21 weeks. Drawings weekly

at Wall, Nichols Company. enCampbell, J Caissier, cCrowning, Jr Cook, T .

Crowril. O (2) Clarke, C II sis,Connelly, C Campbell W R (2)Crowningberg, D C Cowan, JCluney. Capt J C Cahill, ACrowning, Sr

A Model Plant Is not complete without Electric Power, thus dispensing

Cartwright, JCox, A PDieterich, WDrew, JDenyer, R W (2)Dyar, L S

Cran, J CDavis, R WDunn, FDonnolley, MrDavis, C S


with . small engines.

When Gambrinus, on a keg of --beer, unfurled hisstandard to the air he looked around the place and said:

"Great Schlitz Is Best:!Others Out Fair."There are many kinds of Beer;

Why not generate your power from

New Line of the Latest Designs.


Ladies'Linen Embroidered and Drawn-wor-k



New Veilings

one CENTRAL Station? One generErnestberg, MrEllis, J 3Edwards, G L (3) Emerson, Mr. and

Mrs C P (2)Edwards, J

New line of goods, including But Beer fljigHomespun,

Eriksen, AFlorentine, JFuller, AFisher, C BForet, MGreen, A M

Halsey, W BHorner, A JHallinan,Hall, C AHughes, J

Black Crepon,Beer jf5That Is E. I. JORDAN'S

ator can furnish power to your Pump,Centrifugals, Elevators, Plows, Rail-ways and Hoists; also furnish lightand power for a radius of from 15 to20 miles.

Electric Power being used saves thelabor of hauling coal In your field, alsowater, and does away with high-price-d

engineers, and only have one engine telook after in your mill.

Where water power Is available Itcosts nothing to generate ElectricPowei.

THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COM-PANY is now ready to furnish Eleo-trl- c

Plants and Generators of allat short notice, and also has

on hand a large stock of Wire, Chan-deliers and Electrical Goods.

All orders will be given prompt at-tention, and estimates furnished forLighting and Power Plants; also at-tention is given to House and MarineWiring.



Eliassen, OFreiberg, J CFagerstrom, J (2)Fehlber, Capt EFrank, CGrane, FGreen, HHoughtailing, G

(3)Horner, J LHargran, JHouser, J SHuston, CIrving, J BJohn sen, FJohnson, WJohnson, CJackson, WKomoco & Co, OKoch, MrLomer, ALucas, M FLuper, MLeonard, HLe Blond, F C

Black Figured Mohairs,

EXECUTORS SALELadies' Shirt Waists,--OF-


Johnson, AJohnson, W CJerome, F

Kinney, C

Larsson, CLubeck, MrLewis, R BLivingston, FLee, RMathews, C II

tMartin, JMossman, DMcCaw, W J M

SCHLITZBy order of the Executors of the Es






THE BEER THAT MADE tate of ADELIA CORNWELL, deceasMaryanski, MMery, GMayward, L BMuloch, GMcL Hilde. J

ed, I will sell at Public Auction, on theBEER.McDowall, A MILWAUKEE FAMOUS. premises, Judd Street, Honolulu,


G.B. G.B.It will not be necessary for you to

call at the drug store for a tonic. Callat the GERMAN BAKERY and geta loaf of

Quaker Bread.The best tonic to be had. Quaker

Bread is malted bread. Malt is thegreat tonic of the age. Quaker Bread Isrich in diastase and maltose and ex-quisite In flavor. Chicago consumesdaily about 200,000 loaves of this bread.

QUAKER BREAD Is sold at sameprice as other bread, and you get yourtonic FREE.

Manufactured at the

GERMAN BAKERY.833 Fort St. Tel. 677.

The only progressive bakery In Ho-nolulu. Headquarters for the Celebrat

Ladies' Ox Blood Hose that valuable property, known as theSOLE AGENTS.Newest Shade.

me m i bill 1)JJWUL (JflLLI and at present occupied by Mrs. Wid

difield.WILL COMMENCE WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1ST. v The real estate comprises about 4.7Fort Street, Honolulu. ed RALSTON HEALTH BREAD.

It-- 100 acres of the finest residence prop G.B. G.B.Do not confound this store with the chronic bargain sale houses. Our erty in Honolulu.The grounds are planted with a vast

Refrigerated Poultrygoods are right, and we are doing just what we advertise not palming offahop-wor- n or damaged goods but placing on sale first-cla- ss articles. Weare overstocked, and as our order has been placed for the holiday stock, wemust make room for it.

variety of fruit, shade, plam and othertrees, and are laid out with fine carriage drives and walks through tropic --ANDal foliage. One of the alley streamsFOR TWO WEEKS runs through the eastern boundary of Fresh SalmonWE WILL DISPOSE OF ANY LINE AT A the property.

The main dwelling is a commodiousCONSTANTLY ON HAND.two-stor- y building, containing SpaclReduction of One-Four- th Its Former Price.

You have received true and good values at our sales in the past, and weous Drawing Room, Dining Room, Billiard Room, Bed Rooms, etc., and has

now propose to give you another opportunity. See for yourself. all modern improvements. The house Metropolitan Meat Company

Telephone substantially built and the rooms areall well ventilated. Sanitary plumbingthroughout.

Cottages, Stables, Carriage Houses

MecKewin, II (2) Maclean, A WMcLoughlin, J C McKeagne, J KMcGuire, W McMillan, HMcNally, CNicholas, A G Nelson, HNeilson, N SOsbon, A N


Pellyers, Dr R Peermahome, JPeterson. O Parker, JPeters, J Pierce, E PPeterson, A L Paffrath, MrPeters, H Pickard, MrPinkham, G Pickard, J WRobinson, W' Richards, ARichard, J Rewcastle,Shuttle, J Swinton, H SSmith. H F Slim, ESharratt, W F (2) Studd, A IIShaw, O J Simerson, W KSteven, A E Stark, F F xSchwarty, F Swift, H ASpring, T B Stone, C ESanford, D T Smith, GSmyth, C Steinkuhler, HScott, W B (2)Taylor, H S (2) Thomsen, HVahai, TWillhelm, E White, WWilliams, C (3) Wright, AWaters, Weslo, HWoods, G Witt, H R deWood, S Wilberton, FWebb, S H Wagner, H EWinchester, W D Walters, JWright, JYaeger, J J Young, T



LADIES.Aguire, E, Mrs Auld, J, MrsBrown, E E, Mrs Briwer, MrsBeerman, S, Miss Brickwood, L C, MiBryant, I F, Mrs Brown, F M, MrsCarroline, Mrs Christian, MissCluney, C, Mrs Cowles, L F, MissErickson. Miss Fisher, J, MrsEmma, L, Miss Freed, M, MissHilbron, L, Miss Hickey, MrsHill, A, Miss Harbottle, S H,Holt, L, Miss MissHugd, Mrs Holt, H, MrsIngham, MrsJohnson, G, Mrs Johnson, L, MrsJohnson, A H, Johnson, Rebeka

Miss (3) Joseph, MrsLosing, H, Mrs Lyons, N, Miss (2)Long, I, Mrs Love, J, MrsLewis, N K, MrsMassey, W H, Mrs Martin, E, MrsMoore, E, Miss Martin, M, MrsMcKeague, Lizzie ( Moorehead, M,Montague, E B, Mrs

MissOtoo, Merry- -

Petersen, E, Mrs Paul, D, MissPetersen, A, Mrs .

Rose, G W, Mrs Rees, J L, MrsRichardson, R, Richards, J R, Mr$

Mrs Rede, J, MissStone, E, Miss Stevens, M, MissSherman, Sarah Sampama, MrsTibbett, MrsWellman, A K, Wezt, L G, Mrs

Miss (5) White, H, MrsWelch, Miss (2) Williams, L, MissWiggins, A, Mrs

and Out-hous- es on the property.HOTEL STREET. ROBINSON BLOCK. THE FAVORITECorner Hotel and Bethel Streets

The situation commands an unsurpassed view of the Harbor, the mainportion of the City and the adjacentmountain scenery. This Is one of theWire Glass largest and finest residences that has Only : Pure : Liquor : Sold

First class patronage solicited.been offered at public sale in Honolulu,and must be sold to close the aboveEstate.

Immediately following the sale of theresidence, I will sell mi CUNNINGHAM,

PROPRIETOR.Tie Entire HiseMfl WlireBUTTERICK (Basque, 9212 .

PATTERNS k!rt. 90SO particulars of which can be obtained at elo o m Bomy office.The Above or Anj' Other Pattern of

IS THE PRODUCT of a recently invented process by which wirenetting is so incorporated in a sheet of glass as to be completely envelopedand protected from any corroding or deteriorating Influences.

The function of the netting and purpose of the inventor in making thisnovel use of same, is to give to sheet glass a greater amount of stabilityunder extreme conditions, and therefore a wider range of application thanhas been possible heretofore:

Glass so reinforced will not melt or break to pieces when exposed toheat, cannot be cut or tampered with, will resist much rougher usage, and is,therefore, more desirable for sidewalk or floor lights, skylights, and any ex-

posed situation. The meshing of wire, together with the tinge of green giventhis glass in blowing, make it unnecessary to use any artificial means tomodify its illuminating power or to insure privacy.


As already stated, this glass cannot be cut, but is manufactured in va-

rious sizes. We have in stock sizes from 20x40 inches to 40x100 inches, sizesextremely useful for skylight or sidelight uses, a single sheet answering inplace of a number of lights, thus reducing the chance of leakage in ex-

posed places.We have placed this style of glass on the balcony in front of our new

store, and find it most acceptable In giving the place MORE LIGHT.Call at 227 and 229 King Street and inspect this new glass, as well as

the fine line of Plumbing and House-Furnishi- ng Goods we carry.JOBBING GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION.

Parties contemplating purchasing theLIMITED.


MRS. M. HANNA.Fashionable : Milliner.

Residence and wishing to inspect thesame, should make application at myoffice, No. 33 Queen Street. Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000.000

Paid Up Capital Yen 7,500,000JAS. F. MORGAN,4683-t- f iteserve Fund Ten 5,464,001FOR SALEBLOODED



The undersigned offers for sale theGray Mare ."Nell Stanford," got byStanford, out of a Kalakaua mare. Is8 years old, of splendid disposition anda good saddler. Has been driven toharness. Also, the BayFilly, "TWINKLE SHENANDOAH,"out of Nell Stanford, a beautiful enl--

Japanese Wines, LiquorsJ. EMM ELUTH & CO. Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,san jpTancisco, Shanghai,

Bombay, Hong Kong.AND PROVISIONS

: : : Saki a Specialty. Transacts a General Banking and Exmal, yet unbroken, but perfectly gen-tle. Prices reasonable. Inquire of ALLEN STREET. Telephone, 704. change Buslneea.

Agency Yokohama Specie Bank.H. E. McINTYRE & BRO-- ,


N. B. This offers a rare opportunity'to obtain-choicel- y bred stock.

New Republic Bld'g, Honolulu. H, LWICKER CHAIRS.Henry St. Goar. Edward I'ollitz.Tables, Couches, etc.; White andImporters and Dealers in

Colored Matting, Fancy Goods, ManFads and Fancies.Members Stock and Bond Exchange

EDWARD P0LLITZ& COMPANYFeed.roceries, Provisions ila and Havana Cigars.


' Parties Inquiring for letters In theabove list will please ask for "Adver-tised Letters."

JOSEPH M. OAT,Postmaster General.

General Post Office, Honolulu, Au-

gust, 31, 1897.

COMMISSION BROKERS AND DEAL--ALL THE LATEST "IDEAS"of the fashionable world in . Chains,Bracelets, Brooches, Pins, etc., are tobe seen at


Particular attention given to nnr--9rS. SCHrMAN, PROP. C. H. BKLLUT 1,MQR.

CLUB STABLES. chase and sale of Hawaiian sugarstock.BOY WANTED.

Now aad Fresh Goods yetved by tvary packet fresa d&tionr, Ess&ssb Ss&and Eiifopesas Markets.

Stwtdttd Grades of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fte).Goods delivered to any part of the city. Satisfactfea Baraat&si.Island trade solicited.

Urn (1113 Feed Bullion and Exchange. Loans Negotiated. Eastern and Foreign Stock

and Bonds.H. G. BIART'S.404 FORT STREET.

Newspaper carrier wanted at thisBoy with horse preferred.

4702-t- fHack Stand Telephone Ne. 210.

Stables Telephone No.TELEPHONE NO. 92.P. O. BOX 145. 403 California St. - San Francisco, CaL


"Pommery Sec"BRAIN SURGERY BEST WAY.A Benefit to Consumers !& (?) 0 0 0 0

We Are Offering For Sale the Following at REDUCED RATES:

Schlitz Beerin barrels, 6 doz. quarts,. $12.00 Per bbl.

There is a best-clothi- ng store in town; you probablyknow which it is.

There are best clothes we don't mean finest yonwant .your rough clothes right. That's what we mean bybest. There's nothing better than right. Do you knowwhich the best clothes are?Schlitz Beer

in cases, 3 doz. quarts, $6.50 Per case.They have this label under the

coat collar.If you will come in and try on,

we'll talk about it. The clothes willdo most of the talking for us though.California Wines

Your money back if you want it.Safe buying; safe selling too.

Look through our furnishings when you are in; theyget forgotten, some of 'em. Some get into the papers;some dort't. Dont know which to mention or skip. It's ahandy place; tell the Boys you want to see everything.

in y gallon kegs,Madeira, Tokay and

in 10 gallon kegs,

00We Allow a Rebate of 50 Cents

KL In AC'KFEL' M. McINERNYTeamCity Furni


Pianos 'jjjoraans. fc






VvVygC Z


Horse Goods

Mirrors, Pictures. Curtains, Portieres, Etc.NOTE. PIANOS AND CHAIRS ON HIRE FOR BALLS, PARTIES, ETC.



din mm O. COLLINS.King St., near Nuuanu St, Honolulu.

Hllo, Hawaii.

ChampagneHas a world-wid- e reputation for

superiority over all other Brands,and in the race for public favorhas left them far behind.

1.. ill I GO


Have received a new invoice ofthis favorite wine, and

have also


44GREEN SEAL"A First Class but less expensive


Every bottle is guaranteed inperfect condition at time of deliv-ery.



PHOTOGRAPHS,50c and $1.50 eaih.

MIRRORS,Framed or unframed.





KING BROS.'Art Store.



Streakof Luck

WE RECEIVED A FULL, LINEof Serges, Sergerettes, Corkscrews,Tweeds, Crashes, etc., and we are giv-ing you your pick of them for




Waverley Block, 11 Hotel St

tv Sill Dress Ms!LADIES' AND CENTS'

Silk HandkerchiefsAnd Artistic Cases.



Fancy: Crockeryware!And Many Other Japanese Novelties.


OZAKI.WimtfT Block Hotel Street

CHONG FAT.Contractor, and Builder,

Carpenter & Cabinet Maker.

Furniture of all kinds constantly onhand and made to order.

137 Nuuanu st., cor. Kukui lane.

TELEPHONE 662.P. O. BOX 496.

( And q fc


Wonderful Operation Per-

formed by Dr. Kobayashi.

Little Ethel Austin SuccessfullyTreated for Jacksonlan


The successful operation performedon the little daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Ed Austin has opened theeyes of many people to the giant stridessurgery ha3 made in the last few years.

In a chat with Mr. Austin, a reporterfor this paper learned the following:

About two and a half years ago theirlittle daughter, Ethel, received a severeblow on the head, and from that timehas been Subject to severe epileptic fits,affecting the whole of the left side ofthe body, and increasing in 'severityand number till last June, when theynumbered as high as 20 per day.

In July of this year Mr. Austin tookhis little girl to Dr. S. Kobayashi, whofound the cause of the troublewas centered in the brain and due to irritation in the arm center in the rightside of the cerebral cortex.

On the 14th of July Dr. Kobayashiperformed an operation by cutting anopening about three inches by two inthe skull, and after opening the duramater, or thick membrane protectingit, removed a portion of the brain. Theoperation lasted one hour and a quarter and was eminently successful inevery way.

The fits have entirely left the childand today she is running about as welland happy as any on the Islands.

For the ''Benefit of Consumers."We beg to announce that we are sole

and exclusive agents for the SchlitzBeer, "which made Milwaukee Famous. Having no rival spite to gratify, we shall pursue the even tenor ofour way and calmly await the on-slaught of the "opposition," whichchooses to advertise our beer, unso-licited by us, at $12 per barrel of 10dozen quarts. Realizing that their carload will soon give out, we shall cheer-fully reap the advantages accruing,but shall only bind ourselves to supply6 dozen quarts to the barrel.

We are also in the wine business, andintend to keep up with the hearse. Wecan meet any cut made by disappointment or thrift.4702-t- f MACFARLANE & CO.

Concerts Resumed.The first Government Band concert

since the vacation was given in theExecutive grounds yesterday afternoon.Several new and popular airs, including"The Kentucky Babe" and "All CoonsLook Alike to Me" were rendered,much to the enjoyment of the audience.Soldiers of the regular companies offguard were around the band stand andseemed in better spirits for the music.The two new melodies will be playedtonight at the hotel concert.

Iolani School.Head Master, R. J. FENN, King's

College, London.The next term commences on Mon

day next, September 6th, at 9 a. m.A thorough English education, to

gether with Scripture, Vocal and In-strumental Music (Violin and Piano),Shorthand, Bookkeeping, etc. 4701

Flour,in and



Washington Feed Co.138 Fort SI Telephone ill

BEAVER LUNCH ROOMS.Fort St., Opp. Wilder & Co.

H. J. NOLTE, Propr.

First - Class Lunches ServedWith Tea, Coffee, Soda Water,

Ginger Ale or Milk. Openfrom 3 a, m. till 10 p. m.

Smokers' Requisites a Specialty.

K. MIYAMOTO.Umbrella Maker.


Umbrellas and Parasols of All Descriptions Made to Order, Repaired

or Re-covere- d.



to vote. He will know his candidate.

City Feed Store.L. H. DEE & CO.

Punchbowl and Beretania Streets.Telephone 921.

& CO


JpO.OU per keg.

Port, Cft 7 - QQ per .Keg.


for Kegs Returned in Good Order.

rare StoreFORT STREET.

it01 El!


So many different styles ofoil stoves have been put onthe market during the pastten years, that it was withdifficulty that the best couldbe determined until themmus was introduced ayear ago. This style burnsa kerosene vapor and is non-explosi- ve;

yon can turn it

upside down and no dangerwill result.

The oil tank cannot be fill-

ed while burning as the re-

moval of the filler cap ex-

tinguishes the flame instantly. In point of simplicity it has no equal for it hasno wick, burns any grade ofkerosene and the flame canbe regulated. It produces aheat of from 2,100 deg. to2,600 deg. Fahr. and consumesone quart of oil in five hoursconsecutive burning. Thismeans an expense of 2 centsper hour. Nothing but solidbrass is used in the manufacture of the Primus, andwhen in operation it is absolutely odorless. It will bringa quart of water to boiling in5 minutes.

We have half dozen styles,single, double v and tripleburners; extensions for singles so that three vegetablesmay be cooked at once.Soldering irons, flat ironheaters, ovens and everything necessary to cook ameal.


New PianosFor Rent!

WALL, NICHOLS C0A1PANY,Music Department.



La Intimidad,



La Espanola,La Africana,

Henry Clay & Bock & Co

A Great Variety of

W. W. WRIGHT. Proprietor.

Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER.

All orders from tfie other Islands Inthe Carriage Building, Trimmings andPainting Line will meet with promptattention.

--P. O. BOX 321.

128 AND 130 FORT ST.

To Arrive!Sept. 1. A Shipload of

Nitratef Soda!Place your order now for immediate

delivery from the wharf. Advance or-

ders given the preference in order inwhich they are received.


For further details address

01Irnil fin D

A. F. COOKE, Manager.P. O. Box 136. Honolulu.

Correspondence solicited.



All kinds of Suits made to order. Fitguaranteed.

I employ only skilled labor and harmade a name for myself in my tradtsecond to none in Honolulu.



He Kieif lee Mini o

Will reopen In September, and all ap-

plicants for admission are requestedto call at once upon Mrs. Harriet Cas-

tle Coleman, 660 King street. 4695-t-f

Stoves andREAD OUR LIST:


Farmers' Boilers and Extra Cast-ings for all Stoves.

JOHN75-7- 9 KING ST. OTT.TEL; NO. 3li


body. And, curiously enough. eucE Waring & othrough the missionary must"go" when annexation takes

ary's inscription in its own lan-

guage on the face wall of thismighty dam; "this is the work ofAnglo-Saxo- n civilization planted

M w, lj i w rm xnrTTir - w n n .W. N. ARMSTRONG. - EDITOR. place, he is in favor of it, for the

same reason that his ancestorSEPTEMBER 2.THURSDAYhere, was in favor of good government.

here with so much care, fosteredby the best thought." A fewmore of the same kind of cobblestones, and some more heaps ofcast off coats, and we shall have



Made and Merit Maintains the confidenceof the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. If amedicine cures you when you are sick ; ifit cures your neighbors and your friendswhen they are ailing; if it makes wonder-ful cures of many diseases everywhere,then beyond any question that medicinepossesses merit. That is just the truthabout Hood's Sarsaparilla. Prepared byacombination, proportion and process un-known to other medicines, it has curativepowers peculiar to itself. We know itpossesses great merit because it has

the percentage lower still, butthe "dam of Anglo-Saxondom- "

will be greater of course.

No man' has taken office in thiscountry with more of the goodwishes of sensible people thanthe new Collector-Genera- l ofCustoms. "All round men' aregenerally scarce. Here is a man,who has done well, all that hehas been called upon to do. Andhe has handled many delicatematters. He has, moreover, act-ed in all things, with infexible initegrity, in a position where itwas supremely needed. He hasalso a turn for politics, but hediffers from the ordinary politi-cian in one thing. He perfectlyunderstands that there must besome principles in politics. Nine- -

Cures, not once or twice or a hundredtimes, but in thousands and thousandsof cases. We know it cures, absolutely,permanently cures, when all others fail todo any good whatever.

The Japanese case is now this,so far as we understand it. TheJapanese Government is unwill-

ing to-leav- e the subject of the"$5(T qualification for imm-

igrants, to arbitration. On othermatters it desires to put variouslimitations, but the Governmentreplies that, as the Government ofJapan does not clearly define itsposition, or desires to narrow thequestion to be submitted to arbi-

tration, it declines to. accept theKing of the lielgiums as arbitra-tor. As the exact language of'thecorrespondence is not given, weare not able to state the case ac-

curately. It is, however, goodenough for newspaper business.Our own Government does not ap-

pear to have asked the Govern-ment of Japan to. define moreclearly it position. Whether it is

trying to "call a, halt" on Japan,we cannot say.

DEALERS IEMHood's Sarsaparilla is known to possessmerit or the power to cure disease; it isknown to be the best building-u- p medicineon earth ; it is known to be honestly adver

Real Estate and Financial Agents.Telephone 678 314 FORT STREET, HONOLULU.tised, a.nd for these reasons the people

buy and take Hood's Sarsaparilla almost We are ready to purchase Large Estates near Honolulu and Hllo, amCoffee Lands on the exclusion of other preparations.

In fact, Merit Made and Merit Maintainsthe confidence of the people in

Loans placed and negotiated; Estates taken charge of and managed.Choice Lots for sale at Kewalo, at Punahou and the growing City ef

Hllo, on the Installment plan. Houses built for lnyestors. No trouble Uteuths of the men who enter poli-- j show property to intending purchasers.

There must be something thematter with the foundations ofthis wonderful dam. The Ameri-can Government for the last fouryears, has kept, at an expenseto itself of more than a half mil-

lion of dollars per annum, a crewin these parts, watching thismagnificent structure day andnight in order to shove in somesort of gun cement, in case of abreak.

There seems to have bven alarge amount of "Irish engineer-ing- "

in building this. dam. "Thevellow tid" to the extent of manvmillions of gallons is let in, andis now dammed in,. instead of be-

ing dammed out,If this illusion of a mighty

dam, with an army of ghastlymen at work on it, with piles ofsupernatural coats in a heap onthe banks, is really the legitimateeffect, of "poi and salmon" thesooner the Government treatsthat simple diet like opium, as adangerous drug and prohibits itsuse, the sooner the users of it, willcease to see visions and dreamdreams.

Now s The Time!

tics carry no compasses of princi-ples, and when they are in thewoods, simply flounder and arebogged. -

There is much reason for say-

ing that in the coming years, thenew Collector will be no smallfigure in the history of these

SarsaparillaThe One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.

ww cure liver ills; easy t0liOOU S HlllS take, easy to operate. 25'THE DAM OF ANGLO SAXON-DOM.- "


CYCLISTS are reminded that the New Track israpidly approaching completion, and intendingcompetitors in the Opening Meet should purchasetheir


TIMELY TOPICSWith inexpressible joy we hail

the declaration of our cotempor-ary- ,

the Star, that our people"have taken off their coats, andare building up a dam of Anglo- -

9?August 27, 1897. 66 REMINGTONSaxondom, which will effectuallyA PARAGON OF EXCELLENCE.




keep out the yellow tide" (meaning the Japanese). It is indeed

"ONE MISSIONARY LESS."a relief to hear that the grand Without loss of valuable-time- . Experience hasproved them the FASTEST on the Islands,and they will maintain their reputation every

work has begun, and that ourcotemporary knows all about itOn looking into the matter we time.find the case is very hopeful, andthe coats are coming off all PRICE, $85.00.round. Not a single dollar of the

This was the hearty commentmade on the street yesterday, bya supporter of the Governmenton hearing of the resignation ofMr. Jas. IJ. Castle of the office ofCollector-Genera- l of. Customs.This is about all the' "tribute"which a faithful officer receivesfrom a large number of liis fellowcitizens. Perhaps he gets nothing

EVERYONE ADMITS THAT Atonic taken now and again will provedecidedly beneficial in preserving one'shealth itx this climate. Naturally therearises a question as to what will bestsuit your constitution.

ALASKA Is attracting anenormous amount of atten-tion just now, and every lineof matter containing refer-ence to it, is eagerly scannedby thousands.

In view of this, perhaps itis not out of place to mentiona few facts worth consider-ing.

1. The Alaska is con-structed upon strictly scien-tific principles, by which lowtemperature and dryness ofair are naturally and inevit-able obtained.

2. The Alaska has pre-served fresh meats perfectly

Pacific Cycle & Manufacturing Co.532 Fort Street.T. V. KING. J. T. LUND.altM r--l

Cures while

more, tnan ie expected. it isprobably a matter of indifferenceto him. "

The "boys" no doubt are gen-

erally congratulating themselveson this sudden decrease of the"missionary" element. It givesroom for the workers to come in.The new Collector-Genera- l will

. . Of the many reputable preparationsoffered to build you up and restore lostvigor, most all of them are repulsive tosome people, and, therefore, ought notto be used. MALT NUTRINE actswith all alike; the effect is generallyvery marked, and at all times

appropriation of 50,000 for im-

migration, other than Asiatic hasyet been spent in bringing inAmericans.. This is a big stonein the Anglo-Saxo- n dam, and thecoats went off to do it. The An-

nexation Club has never openedits mouth formally in favor ofwhite labor or even urged it.3Iore coats off. Another bigstone in the dam. The Planters'Supply Company has never takena decided attitude in favor ofAnglo-Saxo- n immigration. . Morecoats pealed off. ' More cobblestones in the dam. Out of sixty-si- x

plantations, but three haveactually resolved to try Anglo-Saxo- n

labor. More coats thrownon the bank. Not a dollar hasyet been spent, by the communi-ty as a whole, in the investigationof and preparation for any Am-

erican immigration. Another bigstone in the dam. 'More coatsoff. The dam grows. Not a sin-

gle plantation that has yet eventried a thoroughly well organized

be marked missionary or not mis

Whooping Cough, Asthma, Group, Catarrh, Golds.CreSOlene) when vaporized in the sick room will gi we immediate relief.

Its curative powers are wonderful, at the same time preventing the spreadof contagious diseases byacting a a powerful disinfectant, harmless to Ihmyoungest child. Sold by druggists. Valuable booklet free.

HOLLISTER DRUG CO., Honolulu, h. i. Agents.

tor three weeks in the hot-test weather.

3. The Alaska producesbetter results with less icethan any other.

4. ' The Alaska possessesthe only provision chamberfree from odor.

utrineN a

IPA 511 CIT Cluil lij the Month

sionary, in accordance with theway lie makes himself , useful to.the unfortunate.

The tourist is always asking,who is --the "missionary." Hemay be tersety described, as onewho is never in distress, when hesees good government, and he hasa weakness for the reign of law.There is, however, the "unpardon-able missionary." lie, generally,was born on the Islands, and hisancestors established schools andchurches, and good civil adminis

For the teachers and clerks who havedoubtless profited by their summer va-vati- on,

ought not to drift back to thetired and wornout condition theywere in previous to taking their vaca-tion. Take MALT NUTRINE and con-

tinue to improve. ,


L? II?Satisfies HLMAMMaSiMsnsssssasBBBBSSK i

j. between tne outer andinner walls there is an inchand a half space filled withpure charcoal, and experienceextending over three and ahalf years, hs convincedus that the Alaska is withoutdoubt, the best refrigeratoron the market, in construc-tion, in power, to preserveperishable goods, in economyof ice, and in fact, in alipoints necessary to makethem first-cla- ss in every re-

spect.We have them in several

sizes, at from $1$ to $25 andalso keep the Alaska icechests.

Call and examine at

v; f. m 1. .



the Teeth and leaves them

White and Beautiful.

"Hardens the

Gums and Imparts



You need not feel that you are ex-

perimenting when you begin takingMALT NUTRINE. The. many hun-dreds who have profited by taking ithave placed the preparation beyondall fear and doubt as to its virtues.Our orders placed with the manufac-turers show a steady increase, whichsignifies popularity and merit.



tration here. For this, he hasbeen under strong suspicion ofhaving done something wrong,and very many of those who havearrived during the last . fewyears, feel that he has no busi-ness to be in the government,even if he was born here, andthat it is his duty to go." Well,one of them has just gone. Otherswill follow, when annexationtakes place, and "fresh blood"will flow through the arteriesand veins of this little political

Hawailan islands;

experiment in - Anglo-Saxo- n

labor. Another big boulder inthe dam. The last Legislature,an annexation body, did not liftits finger in the project of pro-

moting Anglo-Saxo- n immigra-tion. Here went a million bricksinto the dam, and more coatswere stripped off in the grandwork.

Into this "dam of Anglo-Saxon-dom- "

so grandly rising, the Anglo-

-Saxon himself has packedduring the last twenty years fivethousand barrels of Anglo-Saxo- n

cement, and topped that off with25,000 barrels of Japanese ce-

ment and 20,000 barrels ofChinese cement. The ground wasstrewn with the coats whippedoff when it was being done.

Prepared Only Byn nTrnnnnftfln1; III life 0.tlULLIdltliOltlJlilffl

SOLE AGENTS. 8enson, Smith & Co286 FORT ST.


Commencing; EVloncJeay , August 23d.Genuine Reductions! Stock Must Be Reducedfsm 'T!

B Neverargains To Be Offered efore Equalled.o

Finally comes an admirablyprepared census report, a creditto its author, which will go rightinto the American Senate andtell the whole story. Whenthese statesmen read up thesummary, that only about twopert cent, of the population isAmerican, and only six per cent,is Anglo-Saxon- , they will see atonce the justness, the truth andthe eloquence of our cotempor- -

Comnriencing on rhe "Event of the Season"!New Goods at Ridiculous Prices! onday SVaorningj2j pKij


MOItTUAUY REPORT. AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. ML 6. Ill 1 80.C. D. CHASE.

Real Estate Agent







Fire Insurance Company or Liverpool,England,

'Stock Company, Incorporated 1S1.)AND


Fire Insurance Company of Korwaft,Connecticut.

(Stock Company, Incorporated 1:59.)

A policy written by the above company Is doubly secure, as it representtwo of the largest Fire InsuranceCompanies back of It.



Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

C. IB I CO., H

The total number of death3 reported forthe month of August. 1897, was 51. tlis"tributed as follows:

Under 1 vear. .10 From 30 to 40 5From 1 to 5 4 From 40 to 50 8From 5 to 10. 1 From 50 to 3From 10 to 20 3 From GO to 70 3From 20 to 30 12 Over 70 ... 2

Males 30 I Females.. 21

Hawaiians 2 Great Britain 1

Chinese 13 United States 1

Portuguese ". . Other nationalities 0Japanese 4

Total 51Unattended 18Non-Residen- ts


Auk. 1893 46 j Au2. 189 3Aug. 1H91 57 Aug. 1897 51Aug. 1895 . 61 I

CACeiE OF DEATH.Abscess 1 Inanition 3Alcoholism 1 1 sanity .. 1

Bronchitis 1 lnflarnation 1

Burns 1 Lung Trouble 1

Cancer ." 2 Nephritis 1

Cholera Infantum. 3 Old age ... J

Consumption 4 Paralysis 3Convulsions 1 Peritonitis 1

Drowned 1 Pleurisy 1

Diarrhoea 1 Pneumonia 3Dysentery 1 Rheumatism 1

Erysipelas ... . 1 Rupture 1

Exhaustion 1 Shock 1

Ftver 1 1 Suicide 1

F;acture of Skull . 1 Tetanus 1

Gangrene 1 Fever, Typhoid ... 1

Heart Disease 2 Unknown 2Hemorrhage 2 Whooping Cough. 1


Wards .. 1 2 3 4 5 side.Deaths ... S 8 15 4 10 1

Annual death rate per 1000 for month 20.40Hawaiians 27.13Asiatics 20.40All other nationalities.... 11.29

C. B. Reynolds,Aent Board of Health

Rand Music.Professor Berger has arranged the

following pieces for the band, to beplayed in the concerts that will be onduring the moonlight nights:

1. "Those Wedding Bells Shall NotRing Out.",

2. . "Elsie from Chelsea."3. "Cast Aside."4. "Ma Honey Low."

. 5. "The Stranger's Story."6. "Two Little Eyes of Blue."The following have been arranged as

schottisches:"Kentucky Babe." (Sung here by

Katie Putnam.)"All Coons Look Alike to Me."


The pieces mentioned above have allbeen loaned to Professor Berger by theHawaiian News Company, and can behad there at any time.

Saturday's Concert.In another column is published the

program for the concert to be given atY. M. C. A. hall under the auspices ofthe High School Camera Club next Sat-

urday evening. There are nine num--

-- AND-

Notary Public.417 Fort Street. Telephone 184.

HousesFor Rent.BuildingLotsFor Sale.


Daring my absence from the Islands,If. R. Adams will act for me in all mat-ters of business, under full power ofattorney.


Real Estate Agent andNotary Public.

417 Fort Street. Telephone 184.


Large and well ventilated rooms, hotand cold baths. Excellent table andattendance.

TERMS: $7.50 and Upwards.


Telephone, 809. P. O. Box, 461.

WE have just received alarge and varied assortmentof new style wicker furni-ture suitable for rooms orverandas.

We areSelling

them at very low prices.

These may be stained anycolor required to matchother furniture in the house.Plush cushions made toorder to fit any furniture de-



LOW!a . . -

We have also in stock alarge number of those hand-some white enamalled bed-

steads single or double.These are very cheap andservicable. The price willastonish you.

J. H0PP & CO,Furniture Dealers!


Queen Street, : : Honolulu. H. I.AGENTS FOR

Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono-me- a

Sugar Company, Honomu SugarCompany, Wailuku Sugar Company,Waihee Sugar Company, Makee Su-gar Company, Haleakala Ranch Com-pany, Kapapala Ranch.

Planters' Line, San Francisco Packets;Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of BostonPackets.

Agents Boston Board of Underwrit-ers.

Agents for Philadelphia Board of Un-derwriters.

LIST OF OFFICERS:,P. C. Jones, President; Geo. H. Rob-

ertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop, Treas-urer and Secretary; Col. W. F. Allen,Auditor; C. M. Cooke, H. Waterhouse,G. R. Carter, Directors.


SINGER'S BAKERY.Established 1874

King Street, near Thomas Square.

Home-PJiad- e BreadfSTServeil Fresh Every Day-SP- G

Cakes and Pies to Order.

H. F. SINGER,TELEPHONE 872. Sole Propr;u

Mm limy m Boordina iteCor. Merchant and Richards Sts.

LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES.Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at all

hours. TELEPHONE 40n




REFINED SUGARS,Cube and Granulated.


Paints, Compounds and BulldiBgPapers.

PAINT OILS,Lucol Raw and Boiled,Linseed Raw and Boiled.


Water-proo- f cold rvater ptfjt.Inside and outside; in white aatfcolors.

FERTILIZERS,Alex. Cross & tfona high rr&dt

Scotch fertilizers, adapted fosugar cane and coffee;

N. Ohlandt & Co.'s chemical fer-

tilizers and 3n:ly ground BoatMeal.

steam Pipe covering,Reeds patent, elastic, sectional

pipe covering.

filter press cloths.0

Linen and Jute.



San Francisco, Cal

BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS,Philadelphia, Penn., U. S. K.

NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL, CO.,(Manf. "National Cane Shredder"),

New York, U. S. J

N. OHLANDT & CO.,San Francisco, CaL


San Francisco, CaL

Emm! v

20 cents a naiv


rzz zznczJ L J


MOST PERFECT MADE.A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Freefrom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.

In all the great Hotels, the leadingClubs and the homes. Dr. Price's CreamBaking Powder hold9 its supremacy

40 Years the Standard.

LEWIS & CO.,Agents. Honolulu, H. I.

bers, including the exhibition of lan-tern slides. Among those who will takepart are the names of the best of localtalent, and Miss Leighton, a profession-al, well known in St. Louis, where shehas frequently appeared in public.


Camera : Club : EntertainmentY. M. C A. HALl,

Saturday Evening, Sept. 4, at 8 o'clock


PART I.1. Piano Solo Murmur from the Pa

cific E. CookMiss Gertz.

2. Stereopticon Exhibition(a) Slides lent by W. H. Baird, Esq.(b) Slides lent by Dr. Hessler of

U. S. S. Philadelphia.(c) Slides made by the Camera


3. Piano Solo Polonaise. .ScharwankaMiss Cordelia Clymer.

4. Song Merrily I Roam. .SchleiffardMiss Leighton.

5. Violin Solo Legende WienawskiMr. J. W. Yarndley.

6. Song My Dream of YouPaul Rodney

7. Song .' Mrs. WalbridgeMr. Macurda.

8. Song Adieu MarieStephen Adams

Miss Leighton.9. Recitation Miss Stella Love

ADMISSION, 50c; Reserved Seats,75c. .

Tickets for sale at the Hollister Drug'Company. 4702-- 3t


Children's- KTVA.JL IJlJKtJ

. jrir imtPviCJ tiS 1

3 Ij i i

f Sock,

P ID) A .11Such bargains were never before offered in Honolulu for the same quality of goods.

This is not a catch-penn- y sale, but is a Genuine Clearance to enableus to reduce our stock preparatory to moving.


T TFHTTTTTV) TTTa rCN FTT Tn TV TT 7"mm m m mm mm mm m t. w mm m m m mm m m mmOur

Fast "Black Stockiners. 15 cents andI

JiJLWJ, UiUU. JLFJLVyXJ. MUUXXtJ j jJ y KJ UL CLumh n mm t

In addition to these goods we have great bargains inCURTAINS, CUHTAINETTES, aUILTS, TABLE LINEN.

these goods cannot be duplicated at the price and our stock will not be replaced, this is your opportunity.


mf. z m kmw t mm mm

sjv sr 0

11X JulCliVllU rmS

L- - jl ad mmSo-tlhio- O





The 'Verdict18 PIP BurbankPotatoes

Inspection and Drill on CruiserPhiladelphia Yesterday.

Capt. N. M. Dyer, who relieves Capt.C. S. Cotton from the command of theT Q C Th ilo rial rVi i i tnnl-- r Vi n rra nf

I 1 S - t . I GrandJ. M. WEBB, of the GOLDEN RULE uwu in vicUIl that vessel at 2:30 d. m. yesterday. TheBAZAAR has just received a stock of Were received by the AllS- - ceremonies began at 9:30 yesterdaythe famous F. H. Ayres Lawn Tennis tralia and SOld by US in anV morning, when the crew was inspected,

From all quarters on our new ACORN last in Men'sCalf and Russia Balmorals is, "they cannot be beaten'

The phenomenal sale that we are having on thisspecial shoe is a guarantee to us that the shoe is a goodone, built right, and properly lasted.

We had a large invoice, but fear now that w? aregoing to run short.

Rackets direct from London, the same quantity. Everyone who has a11 storerooms and compartments ofRacket that Is used In the champion- - wpr the shiD opened and everything lookedBhlp games of England, Ireland. Scot-- .11Ved lI? the WebfOOt its host. At 1 p. m a general alarm

State knOWS the good points wa, .ounded the ship c toland, Wales. Canada, Australia and ;: r i i RallyIndia, They are BEAUTIES! Flay- - in a uuiuuiik. "Arm and away for distant service"

and "Fire drill." Following this, theera are Invited to call and inspect We have alSO, fresh fromcrew was mustered aft, Captain Cottonthem. Hawaiian Fans, Ukuleles, Taro-- (he States OFreading the orders relieving him, andCaptain Dyer reading those which ordPatch Guitars, Hawaiian Sheet Music,

Picturesque Hawaii. Shells. Photogra-- EDlCUrGcinphlc Views of Island Scenery, Etc. . ered him to assume command. In read

MasonsBooks, Stationery, Office and Typeing his orders, Captain Cotton thankedthe officers and crew for the excellentcondition of the ship and regretted hisfruits,writer Supplies. Prices right.departure.

lie is granted two months' leave ofabsence. Captain Dyer s inspection Mclnerny Mammoth Shoe Store!was a minute one, but he could find316 FORT STJ


K. O. C. Hams,and Bacon.

nothing but the best of orderin everydepartment.

Sch illi lift's Best Will Leave.lurata & Co THE HEW IMPROVEDTV TT "Raiisrh. renresentative nfThese gOOdS are . Of excel- - schilling's best teas, etc., and G. W.

lent quality and the best On McNear's flour and millstuffs, leavesCor. Nuuanu and Hotel Sts.the market. Olir SrOCk is for his home in San Francisco on the IDHaunters' Hoe16th inst" after a visit coverin some--PrinrpQQcpmpieie. unions, thinff over 10 monthS on the islands. 1UllVeS, KOll bUtter, hreSh Mr. Baugh is the first commercial agent

coming to Honolulu to pay tne reWalnuts and Almonds. quired $500 license, his firm preferringto assume that expense than to workSolid PackU through other dealers.. During his

All Thirty-secon- d Degree Ma-

sons will meet at the store of H.F. Wichmin at any time duringthe month and select one of thebeautiful charms or pins speci-

ally imported to keep up withthe great interest taken by allMasons in the islands in theirorder.

Thirty-secon- d Degree Masonsespecially, will find a splendidselection in our stock, and ofsuch designs which are boundto please. We are makers of ev-

ery description of society em-

blems. Nothing too fine; noth-

ing too difficult for us.Small charms as cheap as

$1.50; a few just a little mora;

others as high as $50.We prefer making the $50

ones, naturally, but don't objectto making them at any price to

visit he has made "Schilling's Best"



Tomatoes, and Port Costa flour household words,T and the demand for the goods is conClam Chowder, stantly increasing. A1 ;:'';-';.- '' rfi 'til fSliced Peaches, Public Moonlight Concert.

Complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. t ' ;rt!;i::''vihi,:''i;i:K:,i!-'":,iv- iiEvaporated Hatch on this (Thursday) evening at f D U K iIf Ui V'J, ICREPE SHIRTS, 3 I,Cream, 'ill; f ''! !'J..,.!'f , ..:.J. -' ' V 51 x '','"';lv. i.

7:30 at the Hawaiian Hotel:March Greetings HallOverture Poet and Peasant. .. .SuppeIntermezzo Cavalleria Rusticana...

STRAW '' il... ul.i l" J': " .l".' .L ., r.' ''V " 'HATS. Murata's Straw f in ry A vvi OVlVnManufactory, Nuuanu Street,. 1 UUII5 1 1 1 d iKsCAHatNext to Ahana's. MascagniCheese, Grand Selection II Trovatore. . .Verdi

Cornet Solo Sea Flower RollinsonMr. Charles Kreuter.MURATA & Co. and Full Cream Kentucky Babe and All Coons Look

Alike to Me (new)Arranged by BergerCheese.

suit your purse.

Yours in P. A. Y. O. D.

The Latest Favorite (new) SOLID CAST STEEL, EYE AKD BLADE FORGED EN-TIRE. OIL TEMPERED.Central Meat Market. Your orders bv mail or Arranged by Berger

telephone will be carefully MarchThe Rifle Regiment (new214 NUUANU STREET. Sousa

filled and promptly delivered. Hawaii Ponoi. This Hoe is made specially for the PACIFIC HARD-WARE CO., and is pronounced the best Planters' Hoe that haaever been used in the country.

A large assortment of new goods just received by theMlThrum'sCHOICE BEEF, YEAL, MUT-


1 yBookStore


H. E. GARES, ProprTELEPHONE 104. B 111! We have just received a large stock m m it

ovrA noof School Supplies, including Compo-sition and Note Books, Scratch Pads,Limited.Slates, Pencils, Five and Ten-ce- nt Tab--40-4 MERCHANT ST., HONOLULU. lets, etc. Also, a large invoice of Visiting Cards, Fancy Papetenes andCrepe Tissue. Some of the

11 11 V 11 11

That can ride a Single Wheelcan ride a


If you want any Plumbing. TinWork done promptly and properly.

New BooksWe have just received are: "EqualStationers,

I am prepared to do all kinds ofwork in my lino at the Lowest

ity," by Edward Bellamy; "How, ToTell a Story," by Mark Twain; "TheMartian," by Du Maurier; "A StoryTeller's Pack," by Frank R. Stockton,

Possible Rates.

Jobbing a Specialty Tandemn.and Mahan's "Life of Nelson."We are the Exclusive Agents for


NeWS and MusicDealers,

Have just received ex S. S. Australia:Kindergarten aIf you wish to Enjoy an Evening with

friend, try a ride on the NewSupplies . . .

Descriptive Catalogue mailed for theSCIENTIFIC KITES,



JAS. NOTT, JR.,Tinsmith and Plumber.


Wm. G. Irwin.. President and ManagerClans Spreckels ...Vice PresidentW. M. Giffard. Secretary and TreasurerTheo. C. Porter Auditor




Thrum'sOfficial Intercollegiate Footballs,

Bates' Automatic Numbering Machines, BookStore.

HammocaS, Tablets, Envelopes,


All of which we offer you atOf San Francisco, CaL


JUST RECEIVED!Imported Dry Goods! INGFirst ComeEnglish, American and Chinese.

DRESSMAKING.Specialty. Low Prices to suit the times.Come and see our new stock and store.





EWELRYNUUANU STREET. NEAR HOTEL. The Strongest and Easiest-runnin- g Wheel made.

A complete stock of Tires and CycleSundries at the

(Opposite V. W. Ahana.)'This firm was formerly known as

Shim Loy, Fort street.Telephone 157.


The rough and tumbleyoungster never knewthe comfort and freedomof neat-looki- ng clothestill we took him in tow.Appearance and wear resistencelock arms in our little fellows' suits.Prices to suit all comers.


AT- -

ouseholdE. A. JACOBSON'S,FORT STREET. Supply Dept



Agents for Dr. Deimel's Linen-Mes- h

Underwear. Send for Catalogue.


Wicker Chairs, Wall Paper,Matting and Mattresses. F. C. ATHERTON, Agent.WING W0 CHAN & CO.

210-21- 2 NtruAKU St.

READ THE ADVERTISER. irst - Class A hoe!SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. ent.Opp. Cixb Stablxs.625 Fort St.



LOCAL BREVITIES. himself away in the Kauailani when hefound out what he had done, and inthat way reached the other side of the Ml DlhSftIsland.

'Advertised letter" list in this issue. Fred "Harrison fa ninninir n rtonhlpCompany A will assemble for drill '

shift of mason, working day and nighttonight. (Limited.)on the pumping house at Oahu PlanA chowder party will be given at tation.

Waikiki tonight. Before J. G. Gibson left "N'aimea toBand concert at the Hawaiian Hotel take UP his Position here as Deputy

tonight. Time, 7:30. j Inspector of Schools, the townspeopleI there presented him with a handsome WE KEEP DIFFERENT STYLES


To Our Friends and Customers.

GREETING:The Manufacturers' Shoe Company respectfully an-

nounce that their mommoth stock of footwear and find-ings nearly complete; goods are arriving all the time. Yourinspection and investigation is most cordially invited tothem. If you have already looked them over, look themover again. If you have not looked them over we mostcertainly believe it to be for your best interests to do so.

There areRecognized Leaders.

You'll find the latest and best. here as well as lowestprices. .

Merchants ani Commission


l nere were no arrests reported at the golfl watch and chainPolice Station .last night. j mmm

Special meeting of Pacific Lodge, No. j

822, tonight for work in second degree, j

WATERCharles Wilcox will occupy thein Kawaiahao Church Sunday even- - If you think for one mo

ment that SCHILLING'Sit win pay you to can at the "Kau- - BEST "money-bac- k" pro-iik- e"

bargain counters in the Robinson '

block. j position is a mere advertise- -Poultry dinner and other luxuries at !ment, yOU do yourself and TO 7 nnuD 0the New Market Restaurant; 11 to L'jine manUiaCtUrer OT pure

p. m. today. comrriodities an injustice--- -




During the absence of Dr. S. Kobay- - bpciHpc mfcsincr thp hptrr T Mnri will hav--P charfi of his U1I3:3U1bcffic and natients. bee?


The Mftnciiiif hiGleason will play second base in the

St. Louis team on Saturday. Aiwohiwill play short-sto- p.

Oahu Lodge, No. 1, K. of P., will meettonight at 7 o'clock for work in the i

The best in the world issecond and third ranks.A bluejacket from one of the Ameri-

can men of war was arrested for drunk-enness yesterday afternoon.

Jame3 S. McCandless will leave forthe Coast by the Gaelic. He will visithis old home in West Virginia. Pabst AlohaMtttriltt Bulletin.

Diamond Head, I

August 29, ISS7.CWeather clear, wind lieht northeaat.

But if you want your family to drinkwater that is

ABSOLUTELY PUREPlease notice that

Raw WaterIs an Aquarium:

Boiled WaterIs a Graveyard:

Distilled WaterIs PURITY ONLY.

This you can have by using our

The Salvation Army have moved to !


in. b. bachs announces afine display of Drapery Silks SMOKING TOBACCOand Art Tickings. IMG

the hall over the I X L, store, wheremeetings will be held hereafter.

One dollar a week for 21 weeks en-

titles you to a Standard Dictionary.Join now. Drawings weekly. Wall,Nichols Company.

It transpires that Gorman is a first-cla- ss

twirler and may go into the boxon Saturday, unless Hennessy is infirst-cla- ss condition.

Meeting of the Y. H. I. tonight forthe purpose of choosing officers to serveduring the ensuing year. Every mem-ber is requested to be present.

There was a luau to a number ofyoung people at the home of Mr. andMrs. Harry Davison, Manoa, last night.

We have just received a

Not an intoxicant, bnt a liquid food containing everyelement of life, health, nutrition, rest, bodily forceand strong red blood.

new lot of figured Art Tick-ing, in latest colorings anddesigns.

Down Pillows DownPil-Iows- v

in all sizes.FicTiired Hranerv Silks.

"Dagger" Brand

New Zealand MulletInvalids

using Best Tonic madeby the

A very pleasant time was spent.

A two-seat- ed family carriage in good Linen Side-boa- rd Scarfs.condition is offered for sale on reasonable terms by G. P. Castle. Can be ) TraV Covers, Table Run

i s4T J T- t L I

PABST BREWING CO., experience relief almostinstantly. It produces NEW LIFE, renewed ENERGYand eliminates from the system every trace of tired feelingthat exists in the average being in this semi-tropic- al country.

ners ana l ea-cio- ms.

New Sailor Hats and allJthe latest fads in millineryto be found at


An upright piano is offered for saleat less than half-pric- e, on account ofowner leaving for the States. Can beseen at P. II. Dodge's, Emma street.

The latest in ox-blo- od hose at J. J.Egan's. A new line of goods has just


been received, including ladies' shirt PabstBestToeicwaists, dimities, lawns, laces, ties, N.

Union Express Co.TELEPHONE 8G.

Office, King St. Opp. Wall, Nicbols Co.

We move Safes, Pianos and Furni-ture. We check Baggage at your Res-idence, and place Small Baggage InStaterooms. We remove Garbage andYard Sweepings by the month or load;haul Freight from and to Steameri.We have large Wagons and smallWagons, large Drays and small Drays.


Competent men and low prices.W. LARSEN, Manager.

S. SACHS,r;2o Fort Street. is not a new article; it has been tried and proven a success.

Reputable physicians recommend it to their patients. Itreceived the highest awards at the Worlds Columbian Exhibi-tion and stands to-da- y without an equal as a strength builder.

AVE ARE THE AGENTS. We can sell you a bottle or a case.There is 110 doubt about the benefit its use will be to YOU.

For use also in PLANTATIONLABORATORIES: All you have to dois to put the apparatus over a kero-sene or kitchen stove and catch thedrippings..

Honolulu Sanitarium.1082 KING STREET.

PHOTOGRAPH CO., Ltd.,Is open for business. Portraits ofeverv description upon the best HOBRON DRUG CO.

King & Fort Sts. r i.i "ir " 'Hi '.it :;


Papers, Platinum, Iridium, Mezzo-tin- t,

Carbon, and all other papers known inPhotography. Best work guaranteed atmoderate prices.

CABINETS from $6.00 per Dozen.Pictures made Life Size direct.

Appointments made by Telephone 492.Sole proprietors of the Bas-Reli- ef andIridium processes. Large collection of re-

cent Island Views.Specimens can be seen on the ground

floor, Mott-Smit- h Building,Cor. Fort & Hotel Sts.


A quiet, hygienic home, where Inva-lids can obtain treatment, consisting ofMassage, "Swedish Movement," Baths(both Electric and Russian) adminis-tered by Trained Nurses.

Strict attention given to diet.DR. C. L. GARVIN, In Charge.DR. S. C. RAND, .Manager.

Telephone 639.

WW Miml





Dandruff Killer!A New and ThoroughlyEfficient DestroyerFor All

DANDRUFF IN THE HEAD.Guaranteed to Cure the ScalpOf All bkin Diseases.Pnt up in one size bottle only.


We can also furnish you with bestquality of

Ice Chests,

Refrigerators,Ice Cream Freezers

WALL, NICHOLS CO., Proprietors.

Greatest Amount of Knowledge for CRITERION BARBER SHOP,PACHECO & FERNANDES, Prop.

Fort bt., Opp. Pantheon Stables.

the Least Money.


Cricket practice on the parade-ground- s

in front of the Drill Shed at4:30 p. m. today. The new mat, recent-ly procured, will be used for the firsttime.

A complete stock of Sterling wheels,tires and sundries has Just been re-

ceived at the household supply depart-ment of Castle & Cooke, Ltd. First-clas- s

wheels for rent.Senator Morgan of Alabama, who is

expected here soon, will be the guestof Mr. and Mrs. Ballou, at their newhome in Nuuanu. Senator Morgan is acousin to Mrs. Ballou.

Second series of games in the pooltournament at the Arlington billiardparlors this evening. There are fivecontestants, and the kicks regarding"professionals" are still on.

Regular weekly session of the Com-

missioners of Education at 2:30 p. The opening of the. school yearis at hand, and it is probable therewill be a lot of business to transact.

The Regulars are not issued writtenpasses when they leave the grounds ofthe Executive Building. They are per-

mitted to pass through the gates anytime between 9 a. m. and 5:30 p. m.

Messrs. H. Hackfeld & Co. are offer-ing Schlitz Milwaukee beer for$12 abarrel, six dozen quarts, and $650 fora case of three dozen. quarts. Also, allkinds of wines at correspondingly lowprices.

Dr. Murray will leave the city in afew days to be absent about threeweeks. During his absence Dr. A. Sin-

clair will have charge of his practiceand II. Herbert will make collectionsfor his account.

There will be no cricket matches be-

tween the II. C. C. and Theo. H. Da-vi- es

& Co.'s teams until the return ofMr. Kane, who is the captain of thelatter organization. There may be apractice game during the interval.

There were only five cases in thePolice Court yesterday. The only de-

fendant sentenced was Nohoanu, forassault and battery on Keahi. For thisindiscretion Judge 4iWilcox sentencedNohoanu to five days at hard labor onthe reef.

The Board of Supervisors of the FreeKindergarten Association are remind-ed of the regular monthly meeting,which is called for tomorrow (Friday)morning at 9:30 at Queen Emma Hall.The usual committee meetings are tobe held at 9 o'clock at the same place.

William Soper, who came from theStates recently, has gone to the newOahu Plantation to assist in erectingthe new pumps. Mr. Soper is studyingengineering, and will probably returnto the States at the end of the year forthe purpose of completing his course.

Mrs. Lemon has resigned the positionof matron at the Kapiolani MaternityHome, and her place has been filled byMrs. Caroline Clark. Mrs. Lemon hasbeen matron of the home for severalvears, and those who know her andthe work she has done feel that theHome Is losing a valuable woman.

Kepano, supposed to be the man whoknocked the boy, Kulekana, from therailing Saturday night, was arrestedyesterday in Koolau and brought up tothe city later. It seems that he stowed

Call at theAnd You Soon Become the .Owner of

This Great Work.

what a job of fine repair work is? With us itmeans to make an article- - just as good as when itwas new, both in strength and appearance.

This can only be done by skilled mechanicswho thoroughly understand their business, and thisis the only class of help we employ in our shop.Remember, we charge you no more than you wouldhave to pay for inferior work at some other placeand we guarantee every job that we do.

We have every facility for doing anything inthe line of Bicycle, Gun, "Typewriter or other finework and any time that you are dissatisfied withwhat you are getting elsewhere, come to us andwe will prove to you that we make no falseclaims.

Our line of Bicycle sundries and Athleticgoods is unsurpassed.

Hawaiian Cycle & Mfg. Co.312 Fort St. Opposite Lewers & Cooke.

keloid supply Dept. HUSTACE & CO.,DEALERS IN

Wood and CoalALSO

White and Black SandWhich we will sell at the very lowest

market rates.Telephone No. 414."



egardless of Cost! . W. Schmidt & Sons I

Are anxious to dispose of all theirON ACCOUNT OP LEAVING HONOLULU ON



247 Editors;I 301, 865 Vocabulary Terms;

5.000 Illustrations;2,238 Quarto Pages.

DodsOF- - Before the arrival of their Fall goods

and wiilsell them regardless of cost!Gents' Furnishing Goods,Jewelry, Etc. Yon Holtl Block,

Books on Exhibition and Further In- -formation at


N. B. Our solicitor, Mr. H. E. Kelsey,will soon call on you with


..i- - w. a oil T l--Botlnson Block. Hotel Street.


recently arrived at Sydney with j

sails perforated in accordance roll iiCQifl mgjBY authority, oceanic steamship Company.i

Captain Bassalo's system and her per1&8 Pocilic Coiiefil Miser

Issued Every Morning, ExceptSunday, by the


formances at sea have greatly pleased j Department of Finance,Honolulu, II. I., September 1, 1S37. ill an Go.

Notice is hereby given that FRANK j TIME TABLE:C. G. BALLENTTNE,Manager.

her commander, Captain Crisculo.There are two holes in each square sail,diminishing from a diameter of 2 feetin the lower sails or courses to about 7

inches in the royals or topmast sailsthe fore and aft sails, jibs, staysailsand spanker have but one hole each.Captain Criscuolo states that whensailing fairly free ona light breeze and

The Fine Passenger Steamers of This Line Will Arrive at and LaThis Port as Hereunder.

B. McSTOCKER has this day been ap-

pointed Collector-Gener- al of Customsfor the Hawaiian Islands, vice JamesB. Castle, resigned.

S. M. DAMON,Minister of Finance.

4701-- 3t 1895-- 3t


Steamers of the above line, runningin connection with the CANADIANPACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY be-tween Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney,N. S. W.. and callins at Victoria, B. C.Honolulu. Suva (Fiji) and Wellington,N. Z., are

Due at Honolulu:On or about the dates below stated, tU:



ALAMEDA OCT. 14Department of Finance,Honolulu, H. I., September 1, 1897.



increased speed obtainable by his vesselis quite two knots per hour, while witha strong wind it is not quite so much.Running before a wind, if the holes dono good they can certainly do no harm,as the wind escaping from one sail

AUSTRALIA OCT. 20Notice is hereby given that J. F. MARIPOSA... NOV. 11

CLAY has this day been appointed AUSTRALIA NOV. 17

NAVAL.U.S.S. Philadelphia, Miller, San Diego.U.S.S. Bennington, Nichols, San Diego.H.I.J.M.S. Naniwa-ka- n, Kurooka, Japan

MERCHANTMEN.(This list does not include Coasters.)

Ger; ship II. F. Glade, Haesloop, Bre-men.

Br. bark "Woollahra, Barneson,

Deputy Collector for the Port of Ho MOANA DEC.nolulu, vice Frank B. McStocker, pro AUSTRALIA DEC. 15

must, of necessity, strike the sail im-mediately ahead. Captain Bassalo'stheory is that the wind, after havingdone its work on the ordinary sail,forms an elastic cushion in the belly,and this causes a large amount of windto be thrown back broken, and con

In connection with the sailing'of the above steamers, the Agents are prepared to issue, to intending passenger b. coupon through tickets by any rail

moted. F. B. McSTOCKER,Approved: Collector-Genera- l.

S. M. DAMON,Minister of Finance.

4701-- 3t 1895-- 3t

From Sydney, Wellington, N.Z.,and SailFor Victoria and YancouYer, B.C.


From Vancouver and Victoria, B.C., For

Suya, Wellington, N.Z., and Sydney;

road from San Francisco, to all points in the United States, and from NevYork by any steamship line to all European ports.sequently lost, and he considers that

his invention permits of the vessel ob

Am. schr. Lizzie Vance, Hardwick,Newcastle, August 17.

Am. bark Geo. P. Manson, Crack, New-castle. "

Am. bk. Mohican, Saunders, San Fran-cisco, August 23.

Am. schr. Aloha, Dabel, San Francisco,

taining full benefit of whatever windsshe may get. London Shipping World. SALE OF THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL For further particulars apply to


o'clock noon, at the front entrance of AORANGI NOV. 2SLIMITED- -

August 27.Am. schr. Robert Lewers, Goodman,

Port Gamble, August 29.Am. schr. Jessie Minor, Whiting, Eu-

reka, August 29.Am. bktn. Archer, Calhoun, San Fran-

cisco, August 31.Am. schr. Transit, Jorgensen, ' Pan

the Executive Building, will be sold at WARRIMOO DEC. 21General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.Public Auction the Hawaiian Hotel

Through tickets issuea from HonoPremises, Honolulu, Oahu.There will be a special meeting of

Pacific Lodge, No. 822, A. F. & A. M.,at its Hall, Masonic Temple, THIS(THURSDAY) EVENING, September2d, at 7:30 o'clock.

lulu to Canada, United States and EuOPENING OF 1Plans of the Buildings and Groundscan be seen at the Office of the Min rope.Francisco, August 31.

Am. bktn. Amelia, Wilier, Seattle,Wash., September 1. For Freight and Passage and allister of the Interior.WORK IN SECOND DEGREE. New Furniture Store general information, apply toTerms of sale are CASH, in UnitedMembers of Hawaiian Lodge, LodgeVESSELS EXPECTED. le Progres and all sojourning Brethren States Gold Coin.

Upset price: $40,000.T. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD.

General Agents.are fraternally invited to be present.By order of the R. W. M.

H. H. WILLIAMS,Secretary.

Possession of the. above property willbe given on the 1st day of December,

Vessel: From: Date:Schr. Novelty, Newcastle DueBktn. Klikitat, Port Gamble. . .Aug. 27Brig W. G. Irwin, Frisco Sept. 4Schr. Jno. G. North, Frisco. .. .Sept. 5

Fort and Beretania Streets, (late H. H. Williams)

New and Good Furniture at San Francisco Prices :

25 Bed-roo- m Sets Mahogany, Oak and Maple.50 New Bedsteads, only $3.50 each.50 D. Wool and Wire Mattresses, $4.00 each.

100 Wool and Feather Pillows, $1.00 each.Canvas, Army and Wire Cots, Steamer Chairs, Rugs, Chinese Matting,

1897.In case there should be no sale of

Oahu Lodge No. 1, K. of P. the above property, a lease of theARRIVALS. same will immediately be offered for a

term of TEN years at an Upset Rental Baby Carriages, Buggies, at very low prices.of $4,000 per annum, payable quarter LIFE FIREThe regular convention of Oahu

Lodge; No. 1, K. of P., will occur this(THURSDAY) evening, at their Castle

ly in advance; possession will be given

Wednesday, September 1.

Schr. Ka Moi, from Hamakua.Stmr. Kaala, Mosher, from Oahu

ports.Am.' bktn. Amelia, Wilier, 26 days

from Seattle, Wash.Am. bktn. Echo, Foye, 20 days from

Chemainus, B. C. (Off port.)

to the Lessee on the 1st day of Decernber, 1897.

Hall, Fort street, at 7 o'clock.WORK IN SECOND AND THIRD


Oak Dining Chairs, $1.25.COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF.



212 Queen Street. Honolulu.

It is conditioned that the Lessee isto thoroughly renovate the premisesand open them as a First-clas- s Hotel,and to keep the same in good order

- visiting brothers cordially invited.Oahu ports.X t7X Ul Utl VS. VS.

CHAS. KIDDER, K. R. S.DEPARTURES. and repair and deliver them at the expiration of the lease or its sooner term AGENTS FOR

AGENT FORination in like good order, ordinaryATTENTION, COMPANY A. New England Mutual Life InsuranceGoWednesday, September 1.

Bktn. Echo, Foye, for Tientsin.P. M. S.'S. Peru, Saunders, for China THE MIRRLEES, WATSON & YARYAN CO., Ld.wear and tear excepted.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior,

Interior Office, August 31, 1897.4701-- 3t

Armory Company A, First Regiment, N. G. H. .

and Japan.


Etna Fire Insurance Company


Honolulu, Sept. 2. 1897

- bugar Machinery,WATSON, LAIDLAW & CO

Centrifugals and Cream Separators.JOHN FOWLER & CO. (Leeds), Ld

Steam Ploughs and Portable Railway.

Jwery member ot tins uommand ishereby ordered to report at the Drill

Shed THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING,SATURDAY, September 18, 1897, be

Am. bk. Mohican, Saunders, for SanFrancisco.

Stmr. J. A. Cummins, Searle, forOahu ports.

Sept. 2, at 7:30 o'clock for drill.PAUL SMITH,

Captain Commanding, ing a National Holiday, all Government THE RISDON IRON WORKS General Enerineerins.offices throughout the Republic will bePASSENGERS. . closed on that day. J. A. KING, ,

A. V. GEAR,i!e and Fire Insurance Aoeiil

NOTICE. MARCUS MASON & CO., Coffee and Rice Machinery.J. HxlRRlSON CARTER. Disintegrators. .Minister of the Interior.

Inter ior Office, August 31, 1897.4700-- 3t

During my absence from the city Dr..Departures.

For China and Japan, per P. M. S. S.Peru, September 1. C. J. Brooke, R.G. Brewster, Mrs. Plummer, James Ar--1

A. Sinclair will have charge of myoffice and H. Herbert will make all Catton, Neill & Co.REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.thur and Mr. Amsick, with 115 in collections for my account.47,02-l- w H. V. MURRAY, M. D.

J. M. MONSARRAT has for sale theAGENT FOR

THe GermQnlQ Life insurance GomDQnfFOUNDERS AND HACHINISTSfollowing properties:NOTICE.IMPORTS.1. Premises off Vineyard Street, Ho

nolulu, with two Cottages thereon.of New YorkThis is a fine property. Cottages will


Invite Enquiries for General Ironwork.let for $15 and $12 per month, respecFrom Oahu ports, per stmr. J. A.

Cummins, September 1. 600 bags rice.


During my absence Dr. I.' Mori willattend all my patients in my office. .

4702-- 3t DR. S. KOBAYASHI.tively.

Trie Greenwicn Fire fnsuronce Gomnony2. Premises on Ewa side of Liliha IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. SHIPS BLACKSMITIIING.Street, between School and KuakiniStreets. Has a frontage of 137.3 feet of New YorkFAMILY CARRIAGE FOR SALE. Repairs Will Be Promptly Attended to.

TELEPHONE NO. 4lOand a depth of 170.8 feet. One CotDIAMOND HEAD SIGNAL STA tage on maku end of the lot. Lets for

TION, September 1, 10 p. m. The $15 per month.4680-- tf J. M. MONSARRAT. Tel. No. 256210 King is clear; wind, light, north;

schr. Ka moi bound in. Don't Read This Sign.A two-seat- ed surrey in good condi-tion. Terms reasonable. Can be seenat shop of T. B. Murray.4702-l- w G. P. CASTLE. FURNITURE FOR SALE, HOUSE TO SPRINGFIELD

; TO LET.PIANO CHEAP. Fire an in insurance Co

The Bennington is coaling.Warrimoo from the Colonies tomor-

row.The Kaala and the Ka Moi came in

late yesterday.

Including white enamelled parlor andbedroom suits, oak dining room set,Jewel" kitchen stove, decorated

French china, dishes, pictures, bric-a- -The Peru got away at about 10:15 a. brac, rugs, curtains, draperies, linen, The Largest Massachusetts Co.

ASSETS. f4.iei.l74.TI.

aaeswanj saivmnsa

jopjjnoo pm J9ppgKHODKin M 9

m. yesterday for China and Japan. etc. All new, four- - months ago.

Party going away to States willsell their Upright Piano at less thanhalf price. It is in good order and hasa fine tone. Can be seen at

MR. P. H. DODGE'S,4702-- 3t Emma Street.


Phaeton and harness.The bark Mohican will sail for SanHouse can be rented and furniture;Francisco today with a full cargo of bought entire, an opportunity for a

ovely home, cheap, or separately.Also, a collection of Japanese swords


HONOLULU.and other curios at less than half value.

sugar.The British brig Darpa is said to be

the only full-rigg- ed brig, now afloat,under the Canadian flag.

. The J. A. Cummins came in from Oa

Apply on premises, 476 Punahoustreet, one block beyond college.

46S9-l- m

Japan Emigration Company andYanase & Co. have removed to roomNo. 1, Spreckels building, over thebank.

Telephone, No. 917. ' 4701-l- m


hu ports with a small cargo of riceyesterday morning, and will sail on her King Strt5 Occfdental Hotel.WATER NOTICE.


BISHOP & CO.--Bankers-Proper application having been made

usual route today.H. B. M.'s S. Algeria is expected to

arrive at Victoria, B. C, shortly tomake a survey between that port andHonolulu for the proposed Britishcable.

to me by Mary E. Foster by E. H.Wode- -

house, her attorney in fact, for the adjudication of her water right in the


Mr. David A. Dowsett is authorizedto collect all accounts due to the Ho-nolulu Dairy up to June 30, 1S97.

J. I. DOWSETT,4700-3- w For Honolulu Dairy Co.

Auwai of Auwaiolimu, Honolulu, Oahu, K. ISOSHIMA.Captain Nissen, formerly of the dere it is hereby ordered in accordance with AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS.lict Rosalie, will go to the Klondyke the provision of Chapter 26, Session (Next door to Castle & Cooke.)


Laws of 18S8, that all parties interestin the spring. He is waiting in Hono-lulu to settle up his affairs in con-

nection with the Rosalie.ed in the water right from said AuCOPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Commercial and travelers' Letters ofwai of Auwaiplimu, Honolulu, Oahu,to appear before me at the Judiciary' Credit Issued, available In all tk

principal cities of tha world.Straw Hats!Building, Honolulu, Oahu, at 10 o'clockA recent report that the ship Iro-quois, from Honolulu to New York,was erroneous. She called at the Isl a. m., on Monday, the 13th day of Sep- -

Claus Spkkczkls. Wm g. Irwin.and of Aitutaki only to exchange pro tember, A. D. 1897, to contest, or other- -wise said petition or judgment will be CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.,

visions with the natives there.The four-mast- ed barkentine Echo, given ex parte by default. Crepe SMrts at Cost Price. No. 411

Kingr Street.(Sig.) EMMA M. NAKUINA,Pharlps E. Fove master, arrived off

Notice is hereby given to all con-cerned that the following persons havebeen added as partners to the firm ofWing Chew Lung Company, doingbusiness at No. 212 Nuuanu street:Tong Kan, Chock Kit and Wong Chong.

CHEW FAN,Manager of Wing Chew Lung Co.Dated, August 26, 1897. 4700-- 3t


Commissioner of Private Ways and Bankers,HONOLULU .. . H. I.

Water Right for the District ofHonolulu, Oahu.

Honolulu, August 23, 1897.1892-3t-T 4695-2- w

Ban Fbancisco Agent Tlie Nevada Bankof San Francisco.

port yesterday morning, on her wayfrom Chemainus to Tientsin, with acargo of lumber. She was 20 days out,and called in at this port to leave mailand procure a supply of medicine.

'The American barkentine Amelia, E.F. Wilier master, arrived in "port yes


New York Line.Cottages To Let

In all parts of the City. Furnishedor unfurnished.


terday morning, 26 days from Seattle,sailI have money, in anyv amounts, from WM. L. PETERSON,

15 Kaahumanu St.The Bark FOOHNG SUEY will

from New York for Honolulu$1,000 up, to loan on approved realWash., with a cargo of lumber for Al-

len & Robinson. She experienced calm,lieht and southerly winds throughout

For a term of years a few WaiklkiBeach lots at a rental of $75 per an-

num. Apply at once toA. V. GEAR & CO.,

210 King Street.Telephone 256. 4693-l- w

estate security at low interest.4699-l- w L. D. TIMMONS.the trip. The Amelia is alongside Al-

len & Robinson's lumber wharf.

DRAW EXCHANGE ONSan Francisco --Tte Nevada Bank of BanFrancisco.Ixndon-Th- e Union Bank of London (Ltd iSeT ork American Exchange NationalChicago Merchant National Bank.Paris Comptofr National d'Escompte do

m fir 1 sBerlin DroKdner Bfnk. .

Ilonijkontr and Yokohama HonirkoDe and, Shanghai Bankinjf Corporation.eT? "land and Australia Bank ofNew Zealand.

Vleitorv.a nd Vancouver Bank of Brit-ln- horth America.

iki o General Banking s Eiciunge BusinessDeposit Received. Loans made on ApprovedSfJty,ii??m?Sal an(1 Travelers credittof Exchange Bought and 8old.

Collections Promptly Accounted Tor


BEACH RESIDENCE FOR LEASE.The Pratt premises, WaikikI, fur-

nished throughout, are for lease for aterm of years. Possession given Sep-tember 1st. For particulars, apply onthe premises.


Perforated Sails.The theory of Captain Bassalo has


If sufficient inducement offers. Ad-

vances made on shipments on liberalterms. For further particulars, ad-

dress Messrs. CHAS. BREWER &CO., 27 Kilby Street, Boston, or

C. BREWER & CO, Ltd.,Honolulu Agents.


Fine residence on Green street, nowoccupied by Dr. G. P. Andrews.aroused some curiosity in this countryGrounds, 1 acres; beautifully laid

SCHOONER WAIALUA, Capt. JohnNeilson, will make WEEKLY TRIPSto Waialua, Oahu. For further par-ticulars, apply to Captain on Board.

4678-l- m

out. Commands fine view. Vacant 1stAugust. R. I. LILLIE, WEEKLY) IS ISSUED ON TUESDAYS

among those Who are interested insailing vessels. The Macdiarmid, a

full-rigg- ed Italian ship, of 1,559 tons, 4668-- tf Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd. AND FRIDAYS.