shra news 2011/1

Sri Hartamas Resident’s Association “Our Place, We Care, We Share” SHRA In-Touch Newsletter 2011/1 SHRA In SHRA In - - Touch Touch Newsletter Newsletter SHRA 11/12 Elected Office Bearers President Gerald M Lee 012-3207540 [email protected] Vice-President Mike Carr 012-2822999 [email protected] Secretary Martin Lee 016-2331435 [email protected] Treasurer Robert Ng 012-xxxxxxx [email protected] Security Manager Tang Sai Keong 012-3682067 [email protected] Membership Tengku Baha 013-3516250 [email protected] Committee Joseph Ki Chen KF Melvin Wong S P Lee Chew Ching Li Bruno Simon MEMBERS ONLY SHRA SECURITY HOTLINE 012- 9132466 Hi! I am a real estate negotiator specializing in the Sri Hartamas area. What makes me unique is because I have been a resident here in Sri Hartamas for the past 12 years which gives me local knowledge on the properties transacted in this area. I have a growing list of interested clients who are seriously looking to relocate here. If you are interested to sell or rent your property please contact me and I would be very happy to serve your needs. ACE REALTY E (3 ) 1046 MARTIN LEE OFF NO: 03-7728 3978 H/P NO : 016-233 1435 Email : [email protected] TAKE NOTE! NOT READING THE SHRA NEWSLETTER WILL LEAVE YOU UN-INFORMED. CAN YOU TAKE THAT RISK? Look inside to find out what new proposals the 2011 Committee are hoping the Members will find of benefit to them. Anyone wishing to receive a PDF copy (in colour) please e-mail the Vice-President on [email protected]

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Residents Newsletter


Page 1: SHRA News 2011/1

Sri Hartamas Resident’s Association “Our Place, We Care, We Share”

SHRA In-Touch Newsletter 2011/1

SHRA InSHRA In -- Touch Touch

Newslet ter Newslet ter

SHRA 11/12 Elected Office Bearers


Gerald M Lee


[email protected]


Mike Carr


[email protected]


Martin Lee


[email protected]


Robert Ng


[email protected]

Security Manager

Tang Sai Keong


[email protected]


Tengku Baha 013-3516250

[email protected]


Joseph Ki

Chen KF

Melvin Wong

S P Lee

Chew Ching Li

Bruno Simon




012- 9132466

Hi! I am a real estate negotiator specializing in the Sri Hartamas area. What makes me unique is because

I have been a resident here in Sri Hartamas for the past 12 years which gives me local knowledge on the

properties transacted in this area. I have a growing list of interested clients who are seriously looking to

relocate here. If you are interested to sell or rent your property please contact me and I would be very

happy to serve your needs.

ACE REALTY E (3 ) 1046


OFF NO: 03-7728 3978 H/P NO : 016-233 1435

Email : [email protected]





Look inside to find out what new proposals

the 2011 Committee are hoping the

Members will find of benefit to them.

Anyone wishing to receive a PDF copy

(in colour) please e-mail the Vice-President on

[email protected]

Page 2: SHRA News 2011/1

Summary Taman Sri Hartamas Crime Incident

Reported Crime Incidents 2011

Page 2

SHRA In -Touch Newslet ter

If you see any suspicious

person or incident then

please call the hotline


“A stitch in time saves nine”



012- 9132466

Security Matters!

How can you reduce the risk to you and your property? Make sure that all your doors and windows are firmly

closed and locked. Fix grills and locks to your doors and windows. Fix an alarm system to your house. Al-

though very good options none of these deter people from coming to have a look and other than the first op-

tion can be quite expensive.

Finally, you can, like in many areas of the Klang Valley, make the it unattractive to thieves by having security

guards patrolling.

Join the SHRA and help to increase the number of Security Guards to better protect us!

We have had a reported case of someone trying to entice a small child into a car. The child was going to kin-

dergarten with the maid and on two days the car stopped, opened the door and beckoned the child. Unfortu-

nately no details of the car number plate was taken.

Why do people who buy expensive shoes leave them outside? We hear reports of people having expensive

(RM 2,500) shoes taken from outside houses. Stupid Lah!

2010 2011

July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June

1 0 0 1 4 3 0 1 1 2 0 6









2010 2011

Reported Incidents - Taman Sri Hartamas


Other — car thief, shoe thief, breaking car window

Page 3: SHRA News 2011/1

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SHRA In -Touch Newslet ter

The New SHRA Committee had it’s first monthly meeting of the year in June. Some old faces and pleas-

ingly some new faces. Firstly, thanks to Gerald Lee for providing the refreshments. As a volunteer group,

any committee expenses are borne by individuals and not the SHRA funds. In summary the key points of

the discussion at the meeting were:

The poor state of the finances of the association — it is clear that without more members or an in-

crease in fees it will be difficult to maintain the level of security currently provided and we appointed

Tengku Baha to endeavour to increase membership. Taman Sri Hartamas is a hot property area within

Kuala Lumpur being the only landed property available here. It has the potential to match the attraction of

Bangsar, however if it gains a reputation for a higher level of crime it will suffer and affect all of us person-

ally and financially. We have too many hangers on! Some complain that if the security were better then

they would join the SHRA. Well it will only get better if you join first, where do you think the funds come

from in the first place?

Improving Security Measures — A number of proposals were put forward and the committee decided to

adopt two plans and the newsletter has been chosen as the forum to advise of these.

Jalan 2 — It is intended that two of the access roads to Jalan 2 will be closed off for vehicle traffic. The cen-

tral entrance to Jalan 2 will become the entry and exit point. The current security personnel will change from

being mobile to permanent at that entrance. SHRA members will be issued with vehicle stickers enabling

easy access. Others will need to stop and identify themselves with the guard before being able to enter. Non

-members and non-residents who need regular access and wish to avoid the inconvenience of providing

details to the guard can purchase a sticker for their vehicles for an annual fee equivalent to paying RM 60

per month.

Jalan 18 — The level of membership in Jalan 18 (36 from a possible 129) does not warrant the provision of a

fulltime guard so it has been decided that the guard will become more mobile within Taman Sri Hartamas as

well as covering Jalan 18. However, should membership of the road increase to a minimum 70 members

then consideration would be given to a permanent guard.

The 2011/2012 SHRA Volunteer Committee

V. President

President Membership Treasurer



Page 4: SHRA News 2011/1

After a series of incidents in Jalan 9, the residents of that road decided to get together

to improve the security arrangements there with the assistance of the SHRA.

Their decision was to build a security pondok and install an automatic barrier across half

the road. The funds for the pondok and gate were generated by the residents of the


However, the SHRA have provided the guard, although the additional cost inclusive of

the membership fee is borne by the residents.

It was possible for the residents to carry out the whole exercise for themselves but

SHRA were able to assist by ensuring that our contacts within the police and DBKL

were made aware of what was happening and our arrangements with the security firm

enabled the residents of Jalan 9 benefit by leaving the management and control of the

guards to SHRA .

The cost of the installation was around RM 12,000 and the SHRA subscription in Jalan 9

is RM 210 per month (this is mainly due to the fact that the guard there covers fewer

properties than our other guards). Those renting out property in Jalan 9 are able to re-

cover the cost through an addition to their rental agreements because possible tenants

can see that the level of security is good.

The Jalan Sri Hartamas 9 Initiative

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SHRA In -Touch Newslet ter

The law regarding the provision of guard houses and barriers has been under discussion in the last year or so

and a number of articles have appeared in the press. Although final guidelines are still being considered the

building of permanent guard houses can be allowed but does require any application to be made through Resi-

dents Associations only, the consent of 85% of interested residents, must not obstruct traffic and the guards

must be registered with the relevant authorities. Barriers that permanently obstruct the road are unlikely to be


In many areas of Selangor residents have erected barriers and guard houses without approval, but they have

ensured that temporary or manned barriers are built so that access for utilities and emergency services is avail-

able at all times.

The SHRA can provide registered guards through its arrangements with the current security firm. We are not

able to undertake the erection of permanent facilities without the necessary approvals.

A very nice job done in

Jalan 9. Although they

could have done the exer-

cise at a lower cost the

finish would have done

little to suggest a profes-

sional attitude to security.

Whereas now the look

gives confidence.

If their are any residents of

particular roads within

Taman Sri Hartamas that

would like to discuss the

process that was under-

taken by the residents of

Jalan 9 then please contact

the President or SHRA

Page 5: SHRA News 2011/1

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SHRA In -Touch Newslet ter

AGM 2011 29th May 2011

As in previous years there was a small turnout of members relative to the total numbers although there

were some new faces welcomed to the event.

In reporting on the previous year the committee advised that there were a number of notable successes

from concerns raised by members The main highlights were:

1. A meeting with the Mayor of KL and high officers confirming the closure of Jalan 17 behind Plaza

Damas, thereby maintaining this roads as a cul-de-sac. Our action came about as a result of a cir-

cular from an “unknown” party claiming to represent residents of Jalan 17 requesting the road to be


2. A successful trial of the Jalan 17 gated closure was completed and (depending on future funding

constraints) the continuation of this arrangement is in place.

3. Representations from SHRA objecting to the establishment of a used car lot on vacant land adja-

cent to Jalan 17 and Jalan 1 was successfully made and further development has stopped for the


4. Significant work has been done by Joseph Ki (an Architect and committee member) in mapping out

proposals for the improvement of security around Taman Sri Hartamas should additional funds be-

come available. Our thanks to him.

5. The management of the new Futsal court was handed over by DBKL to SHRA. This now means that

the SHRA have been entrusted with the management of both the Futsal court and Basketball court.

In addition fruitful discussion took place about ways to improve the Security of the neighbourhood, SHRA

meetings with DBKL and Police and Alam Flora.

The annual accounts were presented by Robert Ng and he highlighted that we ran a deficit again in

2010/11 and that without additional funds for security things may “come to a head” this year

Current membership was reported as being 345 from a possible 720, around 48%.

Accounts were approved and the process of electing a new committee was successfully concluded.

Speaking on behalf of the new committee, President Gerald Lee, stated that it would be looking to ad-

dress security, membership and community togetherness issues raised by the members.

To Advertise in the Newsletter

We try to cover the cost of the Newsletter through advertising. Anyone who wishes to ad-

vertise can contact the Editor (or any member of the SHRA) to discuss options. A small

advert starts at RM. 150 per issue. Should you require a larger advert then the rate can be


Contact: [email protected]

Page 6: SHRA News 2011/1

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SHRA In -Touch Newslet ter


A simplified map of the proposed ideal security set up

Ideally there would be one guard per gated entrance,

Two guards per controlled area,

In addition Jalan 2 should also have a mobile patrol.

TOTAL: 8 guards plus 1 supervisor (RM. 35,000 per

month, 24 hrs per day)

Closed Road

Gated Entrance

(with gatehouse and barrier)

Controlled Area

(Mobile Patrol with selective road closures at night)


Page 7: SHRA News 2011/1

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SHRA In -Touch Newslet ter

What plans could we have for the future of Security in Taman Sri Hartamas? An Ideal?

The SHRA Committee has been working for the last 2 years on some comprehensive and professional plans to im-

prove security in Taman Sri Hartamas. At present these are just a dream as the level of membership and funds make

it impossible to implement them fully. However, the Committee felt that it would be of value to share these with you

and hopefully generate enough interest in resident s that they may want to do something about it.

Taman Sri Hartamas has the potential to be a very desirable area of Kuala Lumpur, with the good access to high-

ways and excellent shopping and food outlets. It has the potential to become more convenient and desirable than

equivalent properties in Bangsar and Damansara Heights. One thing that has historically held the area back has

been a reputation as an easy target for criminals. Although the trend over the last 4 years has been improving (30%

reduction from July 2007) there is still more that can be done.

The objectives in developing the plans for Taman Sri Hartamas have been:

1. Professionally done with quality finish—to match the aspirations of the area and the people.

2. Provide, where possible, sensible secure areas to prevent unwanted vehicle access.

3. Provide, where it is not possible, adequate mobile security to deter the attentions of unwanted people.

4. Understand that this is not a private estate and carry out the plans with full recognition of the Law.

Included on page 6 is a map of the Taman Sri Hartamas detailing key areas of improvement.

It shows road closures and the erection of automatic barriers to Jalan 2,17,18. In addition there are Guard houses

built (or already existing) at these entrances. Each road will have a permanent guard at the gatehouse and as Jalan

2 is so long with many properties a mobile guard would also be proposed.

In view of the open access, both by car and on foot, to the other roads and the fact that there is the commercial/retail

section, it is deemed difficult to have a simple closure system as above. In addition with the many roads it would be

difficult to manage both cars and people on foot with fixed posts as many properties would not be seen or controlled.

The proposal would be to have 2 guards for Jalan 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Also 2 guards for Jalan 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,

16 as well as properties on Jalan 3 near the school. At night, Jalan 16 and Jalan 14 would be closed for traffic.

Some consideration has been given to fencing off various roads from the parks and the highway but the investment

cost of this is considered too much high a burden on members in the whole of Taman Sri Hartamas.

Nothing in the plans would present members in individuals roads from considering an increased level of control and

the action taken by the residents of Jalan 9 is an example although the increased cost would need to be borne by

those particular residents.


The ideas outlined would require increasing the number of guards to 8 per shift and there are two shifts per day plus

a night supervisor and day supervisor. Investment would need to be made in gates (3 in number assuming all

changed to automatic) and guard houses (4 new ones). Quality guard houses and gates would give a greater im-

pression that we mean business about our security.

How much will it cost?

Purchasing the new guardhouses and auto gates would cost approximately RM 25,000 to 40,000.

There would be two shifts to cover 24 hours making the total annual cost of RM 420,000. Current income is only RM

250,000 leaving a shortfall of RM 170,000. To meet this shortfall an additional 240 members are required at the cur-

rent subscription of RM 720 per annum or a new monthly subscription of RM 105 with the same number of mem-


How secure do you feel and do you want to do anything about it?

Page 8: SHRA News 2011/1

Keep the Area free

from Rubbish.

Dispose of it in the

proper place.


Page 8

Keep the

Area free

from dog


Please clean up after

your dog.

Not doing this can be

irritating (if someone

accidentally steps in it)

and can be a health

hazard for kids.

Be a responsible person

SHRA In -Touch Newslet ter

On a lighter note:

Police Hotline: Tel: 0321159999 SMS: 32738

To all Non-Members:

Please don’t bother to ring SHRA security if you should have any prob-

lems. Our Guards are instructed not to respond to non-member calls.

We would respectfully suggest that you call the Police directly at the

number above to report any incidents


Socialism: You have two cows. You keep one and give one to your neighbour.

Communism: You have two cows. The government takes them both and provides you with milk.

Fascism: You have two cows. The government takes them and sells you the milk.

Capitalism: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.

Bureaucracy: You have two cows. The government takes them both, shoots one, milks the other, pays you for the milk, and then pours it down the drain.

Corporate: You have two cows. You sell one, force the other to produce the milk of four cows and then act surprised when it drops dead.

Democracy: You have two cows. The government taxes you to the point that you must sell them both in order to support a man in a foreign country who has only one cow which was a gift from your government.

"The most valuable things in life are not measured in monetary terms. The really im-portant things are not houses and lands, stocks and bonds, automobiles and real state, but friendships, trust, confidence, empathy, mercy, love and faith." Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) philosopher & mathematician

Sudoku Solution


Page 9: SHRA News 2011/1

To residents of:

Jalan Sri Hartamas2

Taman Sri Hartamas

50480, Kuala Lumpur

We are proposing an initiative for improving both security and safety in Jalan 2 as a result of rep-

resentation from some residents in Jalan 2.

The proposal is as follows:

To permanently close access to two of the roads from Jalan 1 (other than for emergency ser-

vices) and install a gated security point to the central access from Jalan 1.

The gated security point will be manned 24 hours per day and will require vehicles entering

Jalan 2 to be registered every time they enter. SHRA Members of Jalan 2 will be issued with

a limited number of car stickers for their own vehicles and if clearly displayed will allow quick

access. All other vehicles will be required to register at the security point.

This is the same system that is in place for Jalan 17 which has been in operation for over 2

years and is working well.

For Non-members wishing to simplify the registration process, each sticker will be available

for purchase at an annual fee equivalent to paying RM 60 per month.

We would like your support for both of these proposals. In case you strongly disagree with it

please return :


I disagree with the proposal detailed above and I am the resident in

House No: ____ Jalan 2.

Signed_________________ Date ______________

Issued by Sri Hartamas Residents Association Volunteer Committee