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7 kinds of people THAT YOU FIND IN NITK The student community of NITK is a fairly large one, with a population of almost 5000, new

batches constantly replacing the old ones, sparing some veterans who refuse to part ways with this

beautiful place.

When you read this topic you must have thought “As if there wasn’t enough division

already!!” Well, if this was based on those traditional classification of students (I meant branch-wise;

those who thought of politics, refer to section 4 of this article) this would be featured in the NITK

brochure. But I feel that every one of us would fit into at least one of these categories.

In a college where there are many technical wizards who fight the dark forces of foolishness using

powers of technology and innovation, some people prefer to remain as muggles, ignorant of the

legendary stuff happening around them.

There are those who may be brilliant in the muggle ways of life. However, in the world of mythical

engineers who bring magic of innovation and advancements, these people are barely noticed in the

wizarding world, preferring to stay hidden in the realm of their rooms blissfully unaware of the

happenings in college.

Many people read novels/books for recreation and they’re not the ones that I am talking about (Obvious,

read the section’s title). People who read novels tend to be really cool and awesome. (Example: The

writer of this article). I am talking about those whom the historical references describe as an ideal

student, one who follows the professor’s words like sermons from the almighty, reads the textbooks as if

the world outside them doesn’t exist, whose interaction with the fellow classmates usually begins with “I

have a doubt…” or “Did you do the assignment…” or “How much did you get in the test…”

Though these people are very kind and very helpful, they are on everyone else’s hit list owing to the fact

that they hold the professor five minutes after the bell for fifteen more minutes on a question that even a

toddler can answer.

The Horned Sage

The Muggles

The Text-book worms

In a college where there are many technical wizards who fight the dark forces of foolishness

using powers of technology and innovation, some people prefer to remain as muggles, ignorant

of the legendary stuff happening around them.

There are those who may be brilliant in the muggle ways of life. However, in the world of

mythical engineers who bring magic of innovation and advancements, these people are barely

noticed in the wizarding world, preferring to stay hidden in the realm of their rooms blissfully

unaware of the happenings in college.

Many people read novels/books for recreation and they’re not the ones that I am talking about

(Obvious, read the section’s title). People who read novels tend to be really cool and awesome.

(Example: The writer of this article). I am talking about those whom the historical references describe as

an ideal student, one who follows the professor’s words like sermons from the almighty, reads the

textbooks as if the world outside them doesn’t exist, whose interaction with the fellow classmates

usually begins with “I have a doubt…” or “Did you do the assignment…” or “How much did you get in

the test…”

Though these people are very kind and very helpful, they are on everyone else’s hit list owing to the fact

that they hold the professor five minutes after the bell for fifteen more minutes on a question that even

a toddler can usually answer.

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For some people reality sucks. They have been kicked in the ^#%$ repeatedly by life, perhaps. To avoid reality, videogames are usually the medium of release; damn this piracy, most videogames today need equipment that even NASA finds too advanced. Therefore to avoid this ‘unfair’ reality, the standard response of these people to any statement would be “Chal yaar, let’s drink some (C2H5OH + H2O).” When under the influence of the toxins, even the meekest of them become wise old monks, black menacing dogs, fast royal stags up for any and every challenge (Coincidentally, the person in the statue in front of our college is called U.S. Mallya). Some of them become melancholic and whiny, telling whole life histories sparing no minute details at every such incident.

You might think these are the people who say PAAAAARTTYYYYY at the end of every week, but NO!! Here’s a sample situation that happens among them: Guy1 from Party A: *achhhhoooo (sneezes)* Can I have a tissue???

Guy 2 from Party B: Here’s one.

(5 mins later) Guy 3 from party B: How dare you ask tissue from my party guy??? (slaps guy 1) (10 mins and 100 slaps and a whole war between two parties later) Guy x from party A/B: %^$#!@#%$#, this time you’ll lose in elections. Yes, these are the people whom you find saying their party name at least twice in every sentence. Everything they do, the food they eat, the people they talk to or the air they breathe is for politics and politics only.

(Shylock was a very selfish and shrewd businessman in the Shakespeare’s play “The merchant of Venice” for those who don’t remember their primary school English) Some people struggle to get one technical internship within 4 years, other do interns at 5 different places continuously even during semesters, but business and marketing related. Any conversation with them either leads to you investing 1000INR on some stupid website or them trying to get you to market the product that they’re being paid to sell.

The Reality Escapees

The Party men

The Shylocks

For some people reality sucks. They have been kicked in the ^#%$ repeatedly by life, perhaps. To avoid reality, videogames are usually the medium of release; damn this piracy, most videogames today need equipment that even NASA finds too advanced. Therefore to avoid this ‘unfair’ reality, the standard response of these people to any statement would be “Chal yaar, let’s drink some (C2H5OH + H2O).” When under the influence of the toxins, even the meekest of them become wise old monks, black menacing dogs, fast royal stags up for any and every challenge (Coincidentally, the person in the statue in front of our college is called U.S. Mallya). Some of them become melancholic and whiny, telling whole life histories sparing no minute details at every such incident.

You might think these are the people who say PAAAAARTTYYYYY at the end of every week, but NO!! Here’s a sample situation that happens among them: Guy1 from Party A: *achhhhoooo (sneezes)* Can I have a tissue???

Guy 2 from Party B: Here’s one.

(5 mins later) Guy 3 from party B: How dare you ask tissue from my party guy??? (slaps guy 1) (10 mins and 100 slaps and a whole war between two parties later) Guy x from party A/B: %^$#!@#%$#, this time you’ll lose in elections. Yes, these are the people whom you find saying their party name at least twice in every sentence. Everything they do, the food they eat, the people they talk to or the air they breathe is for politics and politics only.

(Shylock was a very selfish and shrewd businessman in the Shakespeare’s play “The merchant of Venice” for those who don’t remember their primary school English) Some people struggle to get one technical internship within 4 years, other do interns at 5 different places continuously even during semesters, but business and marketing related. Any conversation with them either leads to you investing 1000INR on some stupid website or them trying to get you to market the product that they’re being paid to sell.

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In every dark corner of the college, under the staircases, in benches that even birds don’t excrete upon, under the trees or inside cosy blankets, there lives a poor soul who spends majority of his/her allowance on calling their guy/girl. To try talking to them one must either hack into the phone company’s server and tap into their calls or else just pray to the mighty Thor to destroy the nearby cell-phone tower. But, keeping them close is certainly an advantage as they never seem to run out of balance in their phones.

Being in college means being in one of these groups; perhaps in more than one depending on the year and the season. (The summer makes everyone come under a new category: sloths). But the main point of the article and the magazine is to prove that whichever category one is in, one has to enjoy NITK life to its fullest.

The Lovebirds

The Creators/Socialites

In every dark corner of the college, under the staircases, in benches that even birds don’t excrete

upon, under the trees or inside cosy blankets, lives a poor soul who spends majority of his/her

allowance on calling their guy/girl. To try talking to them one must either hack into the phone

company’s server and tap into their calls or else just pray to the mighty Thor to destroy the nearby

cell-phone tower.

But, keeping them close is certainly an advantage as they never seem to run out of balance in their


Everyone wants their names to be flown a mile high in the sky when hundreds cheer for the mere mention of their name sometime in their life. A small step towards are taken by those people who you find working tirelessly in committees for fests, starting new and awesome stuff like clubs and the SHOUTBOX magazine (Editor’s note: I did not bribe the writer to write that) and trying to spice up our lives by organising/ participating in new events in their clubs. However, sometimes they go to such extremes to become famous that one might wonder whether they’re in a sitcom plot from the 80’s while talking to those people.

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Get Mangalored

"Naaku na pacchadi kavali…"(Translation:”I want my

pacchadi” *sniff sniff*...tears rolling down her cheeks) were

my friend Panchami Reddy's words early in the morning on

the eve of her New Year. None of us were able to help

her out.

We do miss our festivals and the celebrations on certain

occasions but remember! NITK's not in a jungle and is

definitely not an isolated place. It's well connected to our

dear Mangalore and once you get a set of besties and set

aside a few hours of your oh-so-precious time, you can get

truly absorbed in the local way of celebrations out there.

This October is the time of festivities and comes with it

the memories of Navratri or Durga Puja for many people,

especially for those who have come from afar. If you

happen to walk on the streets of Mangalore this time (We

have holidays for five continuous days ensuring that your

friends living nearby go home), you're sure to witness

an array of beautiful lights adorning the city. The

festivities being mainly centred on the worship of Goddess

Sharada (Saraswati). Huge idols of Sharada are installed at

many places.

The temple of Gokarnatheshwar is one such place where

Navadurgas' idols (Idols depicting nine forms of the

Goddess) are also installed along with Sharadas’ (it falls on

1st October this year). The architecture is in itself very



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mesmerizing and during Navratri, it is totally decked up

and we can find ourselves lost in exploring its grandeur!

Regular Poojas also enhance the atmosphere.

On the last day, Vijaydashami (4th October this year),

after the Visarjan pooja, Sharada and other Navadurga idols

are taken in a grand procession around the city. Around 15

tableaux carry the idols. Devotees and visitors line up on

the roadside to watch the beautiful sight. Men painted as

tigers dance beautifully and elegantly to the drum beats.

Thousands of people join the magnificent religious procession

and enjoy themselves throughout the night. Mild showers

of rain add to the excitement.

Few months later comes my favourite and eye-catching

event, the Rathothsavs (Fairs in which chariots with idols

are drawn). They are held at different points of time at

various places throughout the districts of Dakshina Kannada

(The one in which we live) and Udupi. Among them, the

one special Rathothsav that takes place close to our

present abode is the Mangalore Car festival or "Kodial

Teru" in Konkani. Visitors in thousands and sometimes a

lakh throng in from different places to witness this

spectacular event every year.

The main event, "Hod teru" is on the last day of this

weeklong festival. It starts in the evening around 5:30 pm

when a statue of Lord Venkataraman is placed high on the

chariot. It takes place with a lot of splendour and uproar

from the audience. Following that, devotees line up to give

their offerings to God. This goes on till 9:00 pm.

Meanwhile a lot of other things serve for the

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onlookers’ entertainment and tastes - stalls!! Different

types of food-stalls sell an assortment of food items –

Bhelpuri ( Mangalorean style!), different juices, podis

(fried besan-coated vegetables) made of unripe jackfruit,

banana, sweet potatoes and baby corn, sweets, cut

cucumbers, indigenous fruit.....the list goes on. Dinner is

served inside the temple in the form of Prasad and the

very thought of it is mouth-watering! It’s indescribable,

you should experience it to understand its magnificent


Ensuing that, the best part of the fest--the rath

(chariot) is taken along the Car Street. All the people

get together to pull the gigantic chariot forward (the

crowd is a decent one). Singing, bursting of crackers and

Poojas can be witnessed throughout the journey. While a

few native residents wait outside their houses or shops,

eagerly expecting the arrival of the rath, the rest are

engaged in moving with it, each one performing seva in

their own way. All this goes on till 1:30 am!

While what I told was just the outline of what happens,

the real event has much more to offer! You can find

exquisite photos of this event online. This year it falls

around the 26th of January. I encourage you to attend

these magnificent events and have the fun of a lifetime.

So if you can arrange to return back to NITK, I think

this is a splendid opportunity to attend. Such events

form a memorable and remarkable part of our precious

student life.

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Have you ever felt utterly bored in the hostel that you wanted to do something exciting and exhilarating?

Well, that was the situation of 4 friends, not like the people in the movie “FUGLY” though, decided to go an

“adventure” at night. Now we can actually film this entire adventure from each one’s point of view but let’s

just view it from the common man-Mr Scaredy Cat.

Scaredy Cat and his friends were always blowing the trumpet about their fearlessness and bravery. So,

curiosity made them test their mettle by exploring one of the most eerie places in NITK at 2 am (02:00 hrs

IST!), namely the isolated Research and Development Department or commonly known as the “boiler

place”. It’s just beyond the bushes that the swimming-pool road goes into. You may ask, what’s so scary

about this place? For starters, this is a completely dark, blacked out and isolated place which looks more

like a haunted house. It really looks like the place where Freddy Kruger has his nightmares, where the

aliens emerge out of their cocoons, the place where sleep comes to die. Following that, there are rumours

going on about a ghost in the boiler. The story goes like this. A few years ago, a student fell into the boiler

near the department and some say that he was boiled to death. There are rumours flaunting around that

his body was found after a while and that his ghost is still wandering around (I think they forgot to do the

13 day Puja after his death). Apparently, following a lot of misfortunes the department was finally closed.

Now, let’s get back to the story of Scaredy Cat and his friends.

They started their maiden voyage to this beautiful place. As they reached the road to the boiler there was

an eerie silence. Scaredy Cat could feel the unease mounting up in everyone’s nervous system. But they

bravely passed the volley-ball court and walked towards the boiler. The road was wide enough for 4 people

to walk abreast. Somehow, Scaredy Cat ended up at the left corner; an occasional branch suddenly

scratching his arm sending jitters up his spine. The road was surrounded by trees and bushes and you

Sanjay Satyanaraya


They started their maiden voyage to this beautiful place. As they reached the road to the boiler there was

an eerie silence. Scaredy Cat could feel the unease mounting up in everyone’s nervous system. But they

bravely passed the volley-ball court and walked towards the boiler. The road was wide enough for 4 people

to walk abreast. Somehow, Scaredy Cat ended up at the left corner; an occasional branch suddenly

scratching his arm sending jitters up his spine. The road was surrounded by trees and bushes and you

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could hear them rustling in the cold wind. Suddenly, Scaredy Cat felt a cold hand on his shoulder. He felt a

tingling sensation down his neck and spine. He shrieked and turned back to see that it was his friend,

Mischief ’s’ hand. Rest of his friends burst out laughing. Scaredy Cat was furious at this. He was about to

smack Mischief when he realised that the rest of his friends had stopped laughing. They had reached the


A creepy howling (duh! Howling is always creepy) was heard coming from somewhere in the distance.

There was a sudden movement to the left of Scaredy Cat. He could hear the bushes stirring. The various

creatures in the bushes were scurrying away from the boiler. Scaredy Cat was frozen to the bone. But he

steeled himself and to the shock of others, was ready to go inside the department. As they neared the

building (Apparently it looked more like a barn to him), the howling grew louder and louder. It was almost

as if someone was next to them, howling in their ears. The department truly looked haunted; with its door

slightly off the hinge, the paint worn off and windows creaky and broken. Scaredy Cat opened the door

ever so slightly and he could feel a musty scent in the air. Everyone entered the building shivering from


Scaredy Cat observed that the hall was caked with a layer of dust. Their footprints stirred the undisturbed

dust. All of a sudden, the door started rattling and slammed shut due to the wind causing an echo (I am

sure the distance between the walls was less than 17.2 m, but believe me it was surely an echo).They were

filled with dread. Scaredy Cat lost his previous bravado. He suggested leaving this forsaken place. But

Mischief surprisingly convinced the others to stay for a while longer. Scaredy Cat heaved the door open for

an escape route.

He turned back to see, and to his astonishment his friends had vanished. He was rooted to the spot. He

heard a sound from the adjoining room. The phone light didn’t provide enough illumination to identify

the origin. He was steadily making his way towards the room when to his utter dismay; his phone ran out

of battery. Nothing was visible due to the overwhelming darkness. His rods in the retina adjusted to the

darkness, he could see the silhouette of a person standing close by. He was gripped with fear.

could hear them rustling in the cold wind. Suddenly, Scaredy Cat felt a cold hand on his shoulder. He felt a

tingling sensation down his neck and spine. He shrieked and turned back to see that it was his friend,

Mischief ’s’ hand. Rest of his friends burst out laughing. Scaredy Cat was furious at this. He was about to

smack Mischief when he realised that the rest of his friends had stopped laughing. They had reached the


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He slowly made his way towards the person. To his utmost relief, he found out that it was Mischief. The

other two were close by. He was about to say something when he realised that Mischiefs’ eyes were rooted to

a spot slightly in front and above him.

That was when he saw it.

That was when he was filled with an

unexplainable terror; a choke arose from the base

of his bowels up to his throat, his face turned as

pale as a vampire’s.

That was when they all started running like their

lives depended on it, perhaps it really did but they

were not going to stay back and

check. They ran, ran and ran, screaming all the

time. Scaredy Cat finally came to a stop when they reached the basketball court.

With not a single word to say, they went back to their hostels. They were awake the whole night. Many

nights of nightmares followed. Mischief joked and assured us that what we saw was just a shirt hanging on

the wall. Scaredy Cat convinced himself that was what they must have seen that night. But to this day, none

of them went back to confirm it. Not even in broad daylight.

Disclaimer The author of this article is not responsible for any future incidents regarding the boiler. Explore at your own risk.

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It took world by shock when Malaysian foreign

ministry confirmed that the flight MH 370 of the

Malaysian airways that went mysteriously misssing

few months ago is actually abducted by 'death eater'

community of wizards.

According to CIA inputs 'Death Eater' community of

wizards is extremely dangerous to deal with-just like

highly angered Arnab Goswami.

The purpose of this abduction is still not clear.

But many analysts maintain that it was done in

desperate attempt to find a matching nose skin to fix

that of 'Lord Voldemort' alias Dark Lord.

When our reporter somehow established a contact

with this wizard community seeking explanation

about attacks we got just one howling reply.

“So we had to make sure we had lot of options

available before HIM” justified Bellatrix Lestrange-

the alleged mastermind behind the abduction attacks

for taking huge numbers as almost 250 muggles as


Meanwhile scientific community which was quite

helpless since the mysterious missing of plane as it

could not even go somewhat near to solve this

disappearance mystery, seemed quite happy with this

latest development.

'' Now you understand why we couldn't trace the

plane? It was not at all a failure of modern

technology. If any other cause was there for

disappearance-our scientists would have found it and

traced the plane back within few days. But we cannot

deal with likes of some mad wizards.”, one official

was quoted.

Meanwhile politics in India took sudden turns after

this news broke out.

Congress immediately severely condemned the

abduction and even drew a live analogy teaching

Voldemort for having self-control and patience. “Itne

ghotalo ke baad toh humari bhi naak kat chuki hai.

Par humne toh kabhi aisa wyawhaar

nahi kiya.” stated a congress spokesperson.

Congress also slammed Death Eaters as racist and

communal. When asked for justification of the above

accusation, one of the congress leaders replied


“That ‘Lord’ man is extremely communal. Only that

particular ‘Malaysian’ was focused. All other Indian,

American, Bangladeshi, etc. flights were completely

neglected. What is our fault? Hamare desh ke planes

ke sath yeh sautela wyawhaar kyun? He is certainly

linked with Modi-who has penchant for being

extremely communal.”

Arvind Kejriwal also came down

heavily against death eaters

accusing them of completely

neglecting the aam admi in harsh

words as-

“Why only a plane? Why not a


Why not public bus? Because they

never wanted the skin of a

common man from a bus or a train

for Voldy's nose treatment. They

just wanted VIP travelers from

plane. But this will all change

when we come to power. Aam

admi's value will once again rise.”

While PM Narendra Modi

appealed Tom riddle (the birth

name for Lord Voldemort) to

safely release all the passengers

and invited him for nose

replacement surgery. '' Voldy

bhai aapko hum kati huyi naak

hi naahi balki khoyi huyi ijjat

bhi wapas dilayenge. Ek baar

Gujarat (cuts tongue...)

opps...Bharat aa toh jao!” Modi

said in an statement to the


“ ”

Dark lord is extremely selective.

We cannot risk his will to have

perfect matching skin for nose

transplant operation.







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NI K TThe Freshman’s Experience

‘A feather in the cap’ moment isn’t it, just to say N.I.T.K ! You’re at the cynosure

of all eyes, you lead by example the younger crop, who look up to you like you’re a body of

brains ; and of course your friends associate you with the word ‘nerd’ for the rest of your

life. But when the sun goes down, you laugh to yourself wondering about the dividends, that

working a few hours at those maniacal problems in your JEE coaching class, could pay.

This is just what it looks like on the surface. But there’s more to what a freshman

goes through that makes her/him a well-rounded and independent person by the time

she/he graduates. Be it having to stay away from the comfort of home, having to manage

your laundry, putting up with the ‘not-so-good’ mess food or even having to walk into

washrooms where ‘sometimes’ the taps run dry , the paradox being that we are one among

the only two universities in the world to have a private on campus beach. We would all agree

that the N.I.T.K beach is the cleanest beach in India. It’s like water- water everywhere

but not a drop to spare!!!

All of this just fades into the background eventually with the exuberance that the

campus life offers us. The rich talent pool of our seniors from which we imbibe, through

the workshops and events they organize under various clubs. ‘Enterprise’ organized by



Domestic issues apart, most of us as

first years are ‘pointer’ obsessed,

because it is said that first year is

when you can get your GPA high. In a

bid to be in the top 10% of the best

brains on campus people realize that

12th didn’t mark the end of slogging!

A couple of others are caught in a

conflict of mind; whether to a

change their branch from a less

sought after one to a popular one.

What’s more amusing is that the

ones who’ve chosen the quieter

branches are often confronted

with the question - “Have you

taken it by choice or ….“ This is a

very interesting question; it makes

you introspect and reinforces your

urge to give anything you do your

best .For all we know ‘the road

less taken’ has its own share of


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EFOREA was one such event from which I picked up a lot. Be it setting up stalls for

marketing products and generating maximum profits from the given capital; or even making

a b-plan presentation to draw venture capitalists, it taught what team work truly means.

Trust me, it was wonderful to have our team win and it was the first time I went to Suraj

for a treat. Amongst the innumerable workshops, my favorite was the ISTE workshop on

soldering. It provided us hands on experience with circuit boards and it was loads of fun to

play around with molten solder and a fuming solder gun!

Also our popular fests offer us a perfect balance of fun and insight into tech

stuff .Engineer, our tech-fest, just left me spellbound, at watching so many things I

thought would be impossible to model by students just a

year or two older than us, translate to reality. The

psychedelic room, symphony, blitzkreig, meta magic and

mega pixel were loads of fun to witness. Incident, in the

even semester, is the most awaited fest. The fact that the

same DJs who spun some EDM on the final day, did so at the Axe

Boat party later this year, tells you how cool it was! The Salim Suleiman

concert was mind-blowing. The best part about Incident is having curfew timings

lifted and having endless nights of music and dance. Surprisingly, most of the 1st years

stayed back and didn’t run to home during fests!

We NITKians reflect the diverse culture of India by celebrating most festivals like Ganesh

Chaturti, Diwali, Holi, Saraswati puja, Pongal, Ugadi and Onam in true spirit which makes us

feel at home. Diwali, the festival of lights was very memorable. The diyas in front of our

rooms, the decoration, and the traditional attire of students was a treat to eye .But the

best part of festivals are those delicious and mouth-watering dishes!!!!! Bharat darshan,

remains clearly etched in my memory. To watch groups from each state come up and

showcase their culture was wonderful to watch, though most of us sat through only until

the group representing our states had performed.

Overall, my first year was an experience to cherish for life and a feat overcome as

well .My amazing friends, caring ‘mess akkas’, events, fests, musical nights etc. made my

journey enjoyable. Now what I realize is, as freshers it’s very important for us to learn to

learn, unlearn and re-learn and give back to our juniors, as we move up the rung.

Love being a NITKian!!!!!!!!!

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A necessary evil

"Never say never again!" to many people is the penultimate movie of Sean Connery as BOND-007.

But this phrase“Never say never again!” concluded my personality development instructor's inspiring and motivated speech as he finished his seminar on positivity and how it is an imperative ingredient for success.

It was pre-board time, and the seminar was a part of our college’s effort to diffuse the tension in which the students were due to the forthcoming challenge.

Optimism is known to work wonders. Will power, self-belief and self-confidence are one’s best weapons.

As usual in such speeches you find one of your friends trying to mock at the wise man's words. Here too one of those characters popped up. “This isn’t how life works!!!You can never move in life if you are blindfolded with optimism.” That statement put me to thinking as he was not completely wrong. As an outcome of that thinking process ,today I am writing this article.

Indeed optimism is a good virtue. But does it mean that we should never be

pessimistic??? No at all!!!Being pessimistic at times also helps in progress. This is not my personal belief, but is something research too has proven . A study on workplace behaviour among a section of people in the UK has suggested that people with negative attitudes tend to perform better at workplaces than their positive counterparts. Blind optimism is indeed the worst enemy one can possess. People who are overly optimistic tend to ignore the shortcomings and weaknesses, which is non-conducive for today’s highly competitive environment. Having a negative attitude helps one weed out these hindrances, shaping him/her as a better person. Indeed, one should never try to escape reality but accept it and try to

The Blabbering




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change it for being successful.

"Life is a Race" reminds us all of the movie 3 Idiots. That statement is quoted

by almost everyone around you. At times you feel that we need not hurry; however the truth is contrary. It is a simple game called "Camouflage" where if you don’t change according to your surroundings you will get crushed. To survive this wilderness one has to work hard, smoothening any creases on the fabric of life. Every situation, every venture needs to be seen with the eye of doubt. Only then the benefits of being pessimistic can be reaped. In the real world it prepares one for the worst case scenario and makes one well equipped for disastrous outcomes which always have a probability of arising. This, of course, does not imply that one remains cloaked under the darkness of negativity. Striking a proper balance between the positive and the negative is important for a stable life.The Atom is surely the best example for this. Being self-confident is necessary, but not over-confident.

So don’t shun the “I CAN and I WILL” but do keep with you the no’s, the

never’s and the dont's.

Be positive. Be negative. Be successful!

+ + +


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Team Shoutbox!!