should eu be more politicized?

Should, and could, European integration become more politicized? Ivan GRIGORYEV (POL)

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Page 1: Should EU be more politicized?

Should, and could, European integration become more politicized?


Page 2: Should EU be more politicized?


1.why ask? A brief intro do we make it more politicized? Virtues of constitutionalization and majoritarianism

3.who could help do it?

Page 3: Should EU be more politicized?

1.why do we ask ?

The roots of the problem:shift in the EU's policy agenda + end of 'permissive consensus'

Page 4: Should EU be more politicized?

shift in policy agenda-1


Source: Hix, p. 41

All in favour of changing the SQ, so it produces winers only

Page 5: Should EU be more politicized?

shift in policy agenda-2

late 90s-present:

Source: Hix, p. 43

Changing the SQ produces winers AND losers

Page 6: Should EU be more politicized?

end of “permissive consensus”

Maastricht and its aftermath “was a great constitutional moment” for the EU because of “the public reaction, frequently and deliciously hostile... For four decades European politicians were spoiled by a population which was conveniently indifferent.” Maastricht “has had a transformative impact: public opinion... is no longer willing to accept the orthodoxies of European integration, in particular the imperative which demanded acceptance, come what may, of the dynamics of Union evolution.” (Weiler: 3-4)

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end of “permissive consensus”

Source: Eurobarometer 54: 32

Page 8: Should EU be more politicized?

“It is only when the "lower classes" do not want to live in the old way and the "upper classes" cannot carry on in the old way that the revolution can triumph.” (Lenin: 83)

Page 9: Should EU be more politicized? to make it?

“the EU needs a strong dose of political oxygen to breath properly” (Tsoukalis: 6)

Page 10: Should EU be more politicized?

“...the aim was to render policy-making more transparent and understandable and the system more accountable to European citizens” (Tsakatika: 877)


Page 11: Should EU be more politicized?

problem: streamlining rules to make the EU more user-friendly does not create incentives for citizens to participate


Page 12: Should EU be more politicized?

two-way street: “A contest for control of political authority and over the direction of the policy agenda forces elites to reveal their policy preferences to the public and encourages leaders to engage in policy innovation and joined-up thinking across a range of policy issues. It also allows the citizens to identify the winners and losers of policy outcomes... and choose to support rival leaders in the next stage of the on-going competition, and to hence hold leaders to account” (Hix: 90)

“majoritarianism light”

Page 13: Should EU be more politicized?

Hix proposes a combination of more QMV and less consensus in the Council with a 'winner takes more' principle within the EP committees (Hix: 117-136)

How to make it more majoritarian?

Page 14: Should EU be more politicized?

Should it happen like that - it would be nice.

Page 15: Should EU be more politicized?

Who in the EU wants politicization?

3.who would do that?

Page 16: Should EU be more politicized?

3.who would do that?

Trade-off between constitutionalization and politicization (Hooghe and Marks)

Page 17: Should EU be more politicized?


Hix, S. (2008) What's Wrong with the European Union and How to Fix it?, Polity Press

Hooghe, L. and Marks, G. (2005) The neofunctionalists were (almost) right: politicization and European integration, Constitutionalism Web-Papers, ConWEB No. 5/2005.

Lenin, V.I. (1999) 'Left-wing' Communism – An infantile disorder, Resistance Books

Standard Eurobarometer 54,

Tsakatika, M. (2007) Governance vs. politics: the European Union's constitutive 'democratic deficit',Journal of European Public Policy 14: 6

Tsoukalis, L. (2005) What Kind of Europe? OUPWeiler, J. (1999) The Constitution of Europe: 'Do the New

Clothes Have an Emperor?' and Other Essays on European Integration, Cambridge University Press

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pictures' sources

1: Did Will Would Should Could Have by banlon1964, Minimalism* by imapix, Root problem by Autumnsonata,,5: Good cat Bad cat by Tabbie-cats, Lego People by Joe Shlabotnik, LENIN, ALEXANDROVA Y NIXON by bocángel, Oxygen by Geeflex, No kite, 2 bikes and a casual passer-by by OR-U,

Page 19: Should EU be more politicized?

pictures' sources

11: Another reason to bootleg transfats in your basement by pinkyhonor, Members of the UK Youth Parliament take their seats by UK Parliament, Maroš Šefčovič answering questions of MEPs: a view from regia's booth by European Parliament, On a nice day by madamcoffee, Tony Blair, Klaus Schwab - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2007 by World Economic Forum, Gezinsdag Herman Van Rompuy by CD&V,