short story 1490 words "the churning of amba"

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  • 8/4/2019 Short Story 1490 words "The Churning of Amba"


    SHORT STORY - 1490 Words

    The Churning of Amba

    Who is that? Amba asked her husband, Jai at the first opportunity at night after

    their two very young children who were cuddled with them went into a deep sleep. She

    had sensed the presence of someone in her inner space during the day while he was off at

    his workplace. Ambas day was filled like any other ordinary womans life who took care

    of the children while staying home. Hers was a peaceful life and she was grateful for it.

    She was also conscious of her loneliness and was braced enough to pursue a part of life

    on her own.

    During this time an intrusion in her life felt mysterious and disturbing. She had

    already called on her husbands attention twice before and now she was making another

    attempt to relieve herself from the new chaos occurring from within her. Having got Jais

    attention she asked him again, who is that? Jai familiarly composed himself while at

    the same time attempting to hide his own confusions about Ambas concern. Both his

    boss and his dad came to her thoughts which she did not bother as much about as she was

    for his response. You are mistaken. Your thoughts are incorrect, Jai finally revealed.

    She didnt notice that he was defending himself. She was only determined to find

    a resolution to her dilemma so she could be a tender mother whom she was used to be

    until now. At the moment however she slept without finding the answer from Jai and so

    she knew that she had not resolved her unfamiliar agony. Both of them then retreated in

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    the silence of their sleep time not knowing that a painful division had just taken seat in

    their relationship.

    It was a challenging time for Amba and during an opportune moment in the


    she announced to Jai that she had decided to take the final year of a two year study

    program in the self-help field that she enrolled in only a couple of years before. He

    generously adjusted his schedule and took care of the children while she spent a long

    weekend at the distance study center.

    Away from home the once sudden appearance of mental agony turned into

    experiences of panic attacks for Amba. It then did not take long for her to realize that

    she was also in an emotional conflict with the elderly lady who was organizing the

    Sunday school and other programs at the spiritual center her family was registered for

    almost three years at that time.

    Upon returning home she quickly tried through self-help exercises to undo the

    conflict that had her entangled with the lady. She requested Jai to disregard their

    membership with the spiritual center and stop participating in the programs conducted at

    the place. Jai instantly disagreed through his response that after all the periodic

    opportunities for spiritual studies was only helping him and that their son too was

    beginning to feel at home studying in the place. Jai loved their children and Amba knew

    it. She did not want to dispute Jai making a decision for their son.

    In the meantime Ambas mental agitations increased until she could no longer

    relate to the world normally. After contacting several friends and relatives, Amba and Jai

    started consulting a psychiatrist. Amba was prescribed pills for her mental disturbances

    and she started taking them. Things began to get better between the two of them through

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    the sessions. Soon Jai asked Amba to visit the sessions herself as the medical expert gave

    him to do so.

    I do not need pills that give me side-effects, Amba powerlessly defended

    herself from the kitchen after a few days as she cooked the daily food. Jai paused in his

    steps to listen to her as he was crossing the walkway next to the kitchen. He hasted to

    recount within himself how in panic stricken state she had called him twice within only a

    few days during his work hours. He knew she had not recovered and having met with the

    psychiatrist himself he believed her condition could be treated successfully. As Jai was

    getting ready to leave for his work he hurriedly hid himself with his clarity from Amba in

    the walkway away from her sight.

    How would you feel if you had to take medicines which you know will trouble

    you later? she approached him again. Amba knew that if she discontinued taking the

    medicines prescribed by the doctor there was little hope for her to continue with the

    treatment sessions. They were now standing face to face and though disappointed he

    finally let her decide for herself. When she was alone Amba cried her heart out. Her

    body felt too heavy to love and take care of her two little ones and she began to drag

    herself to do her once effortless daily work. Amba however continued to live in the best

    way she knew how.

    A year later at a five day writing workshop away from her husband and children,

    she suddenly awakened to the fact that the healer whom she had contacted a couple of

    years before knew what in fact her problem was. Whoever harms others would be hurtin

    return and hundred times more so, he stated a law of nature rather emphatically in the

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    midst of treating Ambas ailment. As revelations began to pour on her she recognized that

    the elderly lady who was organizing the Sunday school and the other programs at the

    spiritual center had cast binding spells upon her. Amba recounted how ignorant she had

    been when the healer had insightfully but subtly expressed the truth. During the class

    breaks she thought of the kind priest at the temple that she visited with her family often.

    She began to gather herself and decided to switch her children from the Sunday school to

    a weekly program conducted at the temple.

    Do not sign in our family for the coming year in the Sunday school Amba

    requested Jai within a few days after returning from her workshop. Amba was firm this

    time unlike last year when she stayed away from intruding upon Jai and his decision-

    making rights as a father. Before too long Jai also began to open himself to Amba with

    signs of positive response to her request.

    The registration for the upcoming year began at the center. For three years Jai and

    Amba had taken their first born every Sunday for spiritual and cultural studies at the


    and they were actively engaged during the time in the family activities. Now the two of

    them gave up signing up for another new year.

    Amba was now relieved that she had guided both herself and Jai through chaos

    and exhaustion in order that they both avoided the magnetism to go there ever again.

    Amba was surprised and frustrated at the same time that for all of her struggles to come


    an end it only took some clarity to make one decision and act upon it. She felt grateful for

    taking up in the past the self-help course.

    But Ambas health continued to challenge her. So she once again met with the

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    healer whom she had contacted a year before and who cured illnesses through ancient and

    natural healing methods. She has negative energy, the healer revealed this time, directly

    and to Jai his insights communicated in fewer words as possible. I would do remedial

    rituals and it will not cost you much, he kind-heartedly solved the dilemma of


    for Jai.

    The following days began to fill Amba a bit too much by calling her for hard

    work. The exercises that she had to follow burdened the time that she had. She mixed

    herbs and took throughout the day. The healer was however turning into both as a source

    of inspiration and one who was inspired by the progress that Amba made in her health.

    He sang Gods songs whenever it appeared to him that she would not take so much pain

    in the body and in life.

    Amba was beginning to gain the identity that was stolen away from her. She also

    thought that she believed in God more than the elderly lady did. For even both the lady

    and her husband, who commanded a considerable influence in the community, together

    could not destroy her. Amba recounted what her mother had mentioned since her

    childhood about her astrological destiny : whoever confronts you would be hurt

    themselves. For they who fight you would only have fought against a stone.

    Amba slowly returned to gaining confidence within herself amidst the

    mental and bodily torments. She knew she had lots to do and was looking forward to

    work part-time more than a decade after she had left the work world. Gaining financial

    freedom through her writing skills would give her children the freedom they deservedand

    Jai the happiness he needed to have.

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