shooting locations

SHOOTING LOCATIONS LADBROKE GROVE(TRELICK TOWER) Location chosen for our most anticipated scene which is the drug deal, this event is definitely the most controversial event which is a key event that attracts our audience, the grittiness of the environment gives us the urban theme in which is the basis of our project, this theme also adds a sense of realism to our product which is defiantly important as our audience do recognize us as real.

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Shooting Locations



Location chosen for our most anticipated scene which is the drug deal, this event is definitely the most controversial event which is a key event that attracts our audience, the grittiness of the environment gives us the urban theme in which is the basis of our project, this theme also adds a sense of realism to our product which is defiantly important as our audience do recognize us as real.

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location for our second scene will be the William Morris park, the scenery is definitely ideal due to the block of flats and fences that are visible within the shot, this is also another true representation of an urban environment which is what the audience want to see, the park represents the hardship in which some children grow up and live their whole lives endured by.

Scene 3 is also shot within this estate as our actor Clifford lives in this estate, the background inside the bedroom is key iconography and key props within the building show our audience how our actor is trying to make his way out of poverty, by pursuing his talents and paving a way to achieve for his family, this is a key plot

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and adds a narrative to our production which is very important.

Brentford school for girls

This is a key scene we used within our production, great for us due to accessibility and the low risk assessment factors, due to the nature of the environment its also a key convention of our production as it symbolizes how our actor has two different sides of his life, he is still trying to achieve good grades and has not dropped out of school like many youths that grow up in similar environments.

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Portobello gym(market)

Another essential location that adds realism to our plot, additionally this represents the handwork and determination our actor has and how hard is prepared to work to achieve his childhood dream of becoming a professional boxer and using his talents to break the cycle of deprivation, this gym has all the equipment we need for example a big punch bag in which we are going to film the vital practice shots.

Overall I believe the scenes you use for your production can ideally enhance your product or ruin it due to the fact that personally for my production all my scenes used add a sense of realism to our production and this a key convention of rap music as most of it is generally regarded as a telling of your life story.

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Above is a key risk assessment with our locations and the measures we will go to prevent any risks.