shobhit university newsletter vol4 issue3

new d im en s io ns Patron Prof. Anoop Swarup Vice-Chancellor Executive Editor Brig. SK Sareen (Retd.) Registrar Editor Anand Gaurav Sub-Editor Shashank Gupta Design by Akhilesh Singh Contact: Editor, New Dimensions SU Newsletter, Shobhit University NH-58, Modipuram Meerut - 250 110, UP, India [email protected] [email protected] Ku do s to P rof S . C . Ag rawa l f o r organi zi ng the An nu al Co nf e rence o f ‘Vi jn ana P ari sh ad o f Indi a’ and ‘ The Glob al Socie ty o f Mathemati ca l and A llie d S ciences’ on March 24-2 6, 2 011. In his mess age to Sho bhi t Uni ve rsi ty o n the o cc asion Ho n’bl e Mi n i ste r of HRD Shr i K ap i l S i ba l has laude d the i ni t i ati ve . The Re se arch J o urnal “J NA NABHA bro ught out sin ce 1970 at t he i nstan ce o f e mi n e nt mat he mat i cian Pro f . J . N. K ap ur pe rhaps i nsp i re d t he l aun ch o f Uni ve rsi t y ’s J o ur nal ‘Tr ansacti o ns i n Phy sical and Li f e Scie nce s’ unde r t he ausp i ce s o f “Aca de my o f Sci e nce , Eng i ne e ri ng and Manageme nt ” ( AS EM) by P rof. Kehar Si n gh, P rof e ssor Emeri t us, IIT D e l hi i n pre se nce o f Pro C hancel lo r K un war Shek har Vi je ndr a. I am ple ase d t hat t he Uni ve rsi t y has b e e n cho se n by t he ve ry e mi ne nt P rof . Glen D. Pa ige, Founde r CGNK, East We st Ce ntr e, Hawa i i t o be t he f irst i n S o ut h Asi a to s e t u p a ‘Non Ki l l ing Uni ve rsit i e s F o rum’ as i t t o o k a le ad in organ i zi ng the un i que Se mi nar an d Brai nst ormi ng se ss i o n on “The No nk il li ng Pa radigm” on Marc h 18, 201 1 a t ‘Gandhi Sm ri ti and D ars ha n S amit i, Mi ni stry o f Cul tur e at Ne w Delhi wh e re P rof Balwant Bhane ja, a Ca nadi an D i p l o mat alongwit h man y emi ne nt Gandhian s suc h as Shri Su bb arao ji , Dr Man i mal a ji and o t he r no t e d e xp e rt s air e d t he i r vi e ws foll o we d by a round up o f t he de l iberat i ons b y Ku nwar S he k har Vi je ndr a ji . It i s a mo me nt o f p ri de that P rof D. V. Rai was c o nf e rr e d wit h “In di an A ch i e ve rs Awa rd” f o r e xc e l l e nce i n t he f i e l d o f e ducati o n at t he 27 t h Indi an Achie ve rs Summi t o n ‘Gl o ba l Bu sin e ss Op port un i t i e s’, hel d o n 30th March, 2011 in Ne w De l hi. Thestude nt s of Bi o me di ca l En gi ne e ri ng pa rt i cipate d in the Me di ca l Fai r Indi a 2011 and t he 17t h In te rn ational C o nf e re n c e o n ‘Diagnos ti c, Me dical Equi p me nt s and Te ch nolo gy ’ i n Ne w D e l hi dur i ng 25t h- 27 th, March 201 1. I am sure the co l o urs, vivacit y and sp i ri t of Ho l i thi s s eas o n wi l l dri ve the Uni ve rsi ty to ne we r mi l estone s in the day s ahe ad. Volume 4, Issue 3 March 2011 from intellect to e mpo werment N e w D im en sio n s A n e wsle t t e r o f Shobhit University Disclaimer: Opinion expressed herein does not necessarily represent the views of Shobhit University and no material should be reprinted or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the explicit permission of the editor. Our I ns pirer B abu V ije ndra K umar Ji Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut Shobhit University has been granted ISO 9001: 2008 accreditation after the assessment of the quality management system of Shobhit University by the representatives of the Joint Accreditation System of Australia, and New Zealand and International Standards Certifications Pty. Ltd. Q F rom t he Vi ce-C hancell or's Desk The School of Basic and Applied Sciences organized the Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India and The Global Society of Mathematical and Allied Sciences (VPI 2011) during March 24-26, 2011. Amongst the various educational institutions that had expressed their desire to host the function this year, the Executive Body of the Vijnana Parishad of India, in its immense wisdom, selected Shobhit U niversity , Meerut as the most appropriate venue. It is a reflection of the collective appreciation of Vijnana Parishad for the commendable research achievements of this relatively young University in different disciplines of Science, such as Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Electronics, Computer Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, and Business Studies, evident through the many significant publications in well-known national and international journals. The Vijnana Parishad of India, each year confers ‘Distinguished Services Award’ to those who have made important contributions in the field of Mathematics. The award for 2011 was conferred to 3 eminent persons who have made significant contributions in the field of Mathematics. The awardees were Prof. Dinesh Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University, Prof. A. P. Singh, Professor and Head of Mathematics, Central University of Rajasthan, Kishan Garh, and Dr. Madhu Jain, I.I.T . Roorkee. Fellowship Award of VPI was given to Prof. R.D. Agarwal, Former Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Samrat Ashok T echnical Institute, Vidisha, (M.P .), It is a matter of pride to Shobhit University that the award for 2009 was conferred to Prof. S. C. Agrawal, Director, School of Basic and Applied Sciences. ISO 9001 : 2008 Annual conference of Vijnana Parishad of India 2011 ( Anoo p Swarup ) ………. Read more 

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8/6/2019 Shobhit University Newsletter Vol4 Issue3 1/4

n ew d imen sio n s

PatronProf. Anoop SwarupVice-Chancellor

Executive EditorBrig. SK Sareen (Retd.)Registrar

EditorAnand Gaurav

Sub-EditorShashank Gupta

Design byAkhilesh Singh

Contact:Editor, New DimensionsSU Newsletter,Shobhit UniversityNH-58, ModipuramMeerut - 250 110, UP, India

[email protected]

Kudos to Prof S . C. Agrawal for organi zing the Annual Conf erence of ‘Vijnana Parishad of Indi a’ and ‘The Global

Society of Mathemati cal and Allied Sciences’ on March 24-26, 2011. In his message to Shobhit Uni versity on the

occasion Hon’ble Minister of HRD Shri Kapil S ibal has lauded the initiati ve. The Research Journal “JNANABHA”

brought out since 1970 at the instance of eminent mathematician Prof . J. N. Kapur perhaps inspired the launch of

Universi ty ’s Journal ‘Transactions in Physical and Li fe Sciences’ under the auspices of “Academy of Science,

Engineeri ng and Management” (ASEM) by Prof. Kehar Si ngh, Professor Emeri tus, IIT Delhi i n presence of Pro

Chancellor Kunwar Shekhar Vi jendra. I am pleased that the Universi ty has been chosen by the very eminent Prof.Glen D. Paige, Founder CGNK, East West Centre, Hawaii to be the f irst in South Asia to set up a ‘Non Kill ing

Uni versit ies Forum’ as it t ook a lead in organizing the unique Seminar and Brainstorming session on “The

Nonk il li ng Paradigm” on March 18, 2011 at ‘Gandhi Smri ti and Darshan Samit i, Mini stry of Culture at New

Delhi where Prof Balwant Bhaneja, a Canadian Diplomat alongwith many eminent Gandhians such as Shri

Subbarao ji , Dr Manimala ji and other noted expert s aired their vi ews foll owed by a round up of the deliberat ions by

Kunwar Shekhar Vijendra ji . It is a moment of pri de that Prof D. V. Rai was conf erred wit h “Indian Achievers Award”

for excellence in the f ield of education at the 27 th Indian Achievers Summi t on ‘Global Business Opportunities’,

held on 30th March, 2011 in New Delhi. The students of Biomedical Engineeri ng part icipated in the Medical Fair

Indi a 2011 and the 17th International Conf erence on ‘Diagnosti c, Medical Equipment s

and Technology ’ i n New Delhi during 25th- 27 th, March 2011. I am sure the colours,

vivacity and spiri t of Holi thi s season wi ll dri ve the Uni versity to newer mi lestones in the

day s ahead.Volume 4,

Issue 3

March 2011

from intellect to empowerment

N e w

i m e n s i o n sA newsletter of

Shobhit University

Disclaimer: Opinion expressed herein doesnot necessarily represent the views ofShobhit University and no material should bereprinted or reproduced in any mannerwhatsoever without the explicit permission ofthe editor.

O ur I nspirerB abu V ijendra K umar Ji

Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut

Shobhit University has beengranted ISO 9001: 2008accreditation after theassessment of the qualitymanagement system ofShobhit University by therepresentatives of the JointAccreditation System ofAustralia, and New Zealandand International StandardsCertifications Pty. Ltd.

QFrom the Vice-Chancellor's Desk

The School of Basic and Applied Sciences organized the Annual Conference of Vijnana

Parishad of India and The Global Society of Mathematical and Allied Sciences (VPI 2011)

during March 24-26, 2011. Amongst the various educational institutions that had expressed

their desire to host the function this year, the Executive Body of the Vijnana Parishad of India,

in its immense wisdom, selected Shobhit University, Meerut as the most appropriate venue.

It is a reflection of the collective appreciation of Vijnana Parishad for the commendable

research achievements of this relatively young University in different disciplines of Science,

such as Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Electronics,

Computer Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, and

Business Studies, evident through the many significant publications in well-known national

and international journals.

The Vijnana Parishad of India, each year confers ‘Distinguished Services Award’ to those who

have made important contributions in the field of Mathematics. The award for 2011 was

conferred to 3 eminent persons who have made significant contributions in the field of

Mathematics. The awardees were Prof. Dinesh Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University,Prof. A. P. Singh, Professor and Head of Mathematics, Central University of Rajasthan,

Kishan Garh, and Dr. Madhu Jain, I.I.T. Roorkee. Fellowship Award of VPI was given to Prof.

R.D. Agarwal, Former Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, Samrat Ashok

Technical Institute, Vidisha, (M.P.), It is a matter of pride to Shobhit University that the award

for 2009 was conferred to Prof. S. C. Agrawal, Director, School of Basic and Applied Sciences.

ISO 9001 : 2008

Annual conference of Vijnana Parishad of India 2011

(Anoop Swarup)

………. Read more 

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VPI 2011

Workshop on Application of GIS and GPS Technologies in Agriculture and Forestry

New Dimensions

The theme of the Conference included several important areaslike Modeling and Simulation in various areas of Science and

Technology, Computer-based Applications in Science andTechnology, Operations Research, Industrial Mathematics, FlowSciences, Geophysics and Earthquake Engineering,

Mathematical Analysis, Numerical Solutions of DifferentialEquations, Biomathematics, Bio-physics and Bio-statistics,

Mathematics in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Quantitative

Studies in Business Management.

During the three day Conference, many delegates from different

parts of the country participated and presented their researchpapers and about 20 eminent scholars delivered invited lectures.

The Conference was inaugurated by Prof. Kehar Singh,Professor Emeritus, IIT Delhi.

Some of the eminent scholars who participated in theconference included Prof. Hans Raj Joshi, York University,Canada, Prof. G.N. Purohit, Dean (Academics), Banasthali

Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan, Prof. Kehar Singh, Professor Emeritus,IIT Delhi, Prof. S.L. Singh, UGC Fellow and former Professor

Centre for Agri-Informatics Engineering recently organized one day workshopon the ‘Application of GIS and GPS technologies in Agriculture and Forestry’ onMarch 06, 2011.The Chief Guest for this occasion was Mr Lalit Kumar Verma,

DFO, Meerut. Keynote address was delivered by Prof. S.K. Ghosh, from IITRoorkee and the lecture on Basic Concepts of GIS/GPS was delivered by Dr.

Satya Raj. Altogether 162 delegates participated in this workshop and theyreceived practical training with the hand-held GPS by Asim Industries,

distributors of Garmin GPS. The Chief Guest for the valedictory session wasProf. O.P. Singh, Director of Extension, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University ofAgriculture and Technology.


and Head, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar, Prof. R. D. Agrawal, Samrat Ashok Technical Institute, Vidisha, Prof. Sushil Auluck,

NPL, Delhi and Former Professor and Head, IIT Roorkee, Prof. V.P. Kaushik, University of Kurukshetra, Prof. Chandra Shekhar,BITS, Pilani, Prof. R. K. Tuteja, and Dr Madhu Jain.

During the conference Prof. Sunil Dutta, former Professor and Head of Mathematics, Lucknow University delivered “Prof. Manohar

Ray Memorial Lecture” and Dr. Jaimala, C.C.S. University, Meerut, delivered “Prof. S.D. Nigam Memorial Lecture” and Prof. R.K.Tuteja, Retd. Prof. & Head, MD Univ., Rohtak, delivered Prof. J.N. Kapoor Memorial Lecture. Young Scientists and Mathematicians

were awarded during the conference. The Young Scientists Awards by Vijnana Parishad of India were given to Ms. Richa Sharma,Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra (Best Paper Presentation), Ms. Priyanka Agrawal, School of Basic and Applied Sciences,Shobhit University, Meerut (Best Paper Contents) and Ram Singh, Baba Gulam Shahbad Shah University, Rajauri and Ms. Kriti

Priya, Institute of Advanced Management and Research, Ghaziabad, (Best Paper Application). The Global Scientist Awards by The Global Society of Mathematical and Allied Sciences were given to Ms. Ruchit Raj Singh, St. John’s College, Agra (Best Paper

Presentation), Ms. Sweta Upadhyaya, Institute of Basic Science, Agra, for (Best Paper Contents), and Ms. Nidhi Sinha, Centre forBiomedical Engineering, Shobhit University, Meerut and Mr. Ashok Kumar, Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut (Best Paper


The Chief Guest for the valedictory function was Prof. D.Pandey, former Dean Science and Engineering Faculty, CCS University,Meerut. The erudite deliberations of this distinguished gathering of eminent scholars ignited the minds of young researchers with

fresh research ideas and provided motivation for more meaningful and fruitful research in the times to come. Undoubtedly, thisdistinctive Conference proved to be beneficial for the delegates in particular and the entire scientific community at large.

Students of Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Shobhit University, attended Medical Fair Indiath

2011, at 17 International Exhibition and Conference on Diagnostic, Medical Equipments andth th

Technology at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi during 25 - 27 , March 2011. Through this visit the

students got exposed to medical equipments, alternative medicine equipments,diagnostics/laboratory medicine equipments, health care / preventive health care equipments,rescue and emergency equipments and many more related instruments. The students also

filled forms for being enrolled in various companies like Benchtop Lab Systems for training andplacement purpose.

CBME students visit Medical Fair

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New Dimensions

Shobhit University organized a Seminar & Brainstorming Session on 'Non-killing Paradigm' on March 18, 2011 at Gandhi Smriti and

Darshan Samiti, Rajghat, New Delhi in association with Center for Global Non-Kill ing, USA and GSDS, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of

India. This was the result of initiative taken by Prof. Glen D. Paige, Founder of Centre for Global Nonkill ing, USA who requested Prof.

(Dr.) Anoop Swarup, Vice Chancellor, Shobhit University, Meerut to establish the first ever centre for Global Nonkilling in an IndianUniversity. The keynote address was delivered by Prof Balwant Bhaneja, a Nonkilling Political Scientist based in Canada who has

also authored a book entitled "Quest for Gandhi: A Nonkilling Journey" highlighting the Non-Violent principles of Mahatma Gandhi.

Shobhit University organised a Student 2 Business Conclave, as a joint initiative with the Microsoft at FICCI Auditorium, New Delhi

on March 15, 2011. The Keynote address was delivered by Ms. Kimberly Voltero, Global Head, Microsoft Employability Programs

for Students, who outlined Microsoft’s initiative towards helping students build skill & competency in ever changing world of

business. The event was attended by enthusiastic students, senior delegates from colleges across North India and select


Shobhit University congratulates Prof (Dr.) D. V. Rai, Director of the Centre for BiomedicalEngineering, for receiving the prestigious “Indian Achievers Award” for excellence in the

thfield of education, at the 27 Indian Achievers Summit on ‘Global Business Opportunities’,

thheld on 30 March, 2011 in New Delhi. This award is conferred annually on eminentpersonalities representing different fields from country and abroad who have contributed

remarkably towards progress of their country in their respective fields. The award waspresented to Dr. Rai by Sri Sunil Shastri, President Lal Bahadur Shastri Foundation.

Seminar and Brainstorming session on “The Nonkilling Paradigm”

Student 2 Business Conclave with Microsoft at FICCI, New Delhi

Indian Achievers Award conferred on Prof. D.V. Rai

   P  a  g  e


Conclave on E-governance & Budget 2011Keeping pace with the times and rapid advancement in the field ofbusiness studies, School of Business Studies, Shobhit University, recently

hosted an annual conclave on e-governance. The conclave featured a keynote address on ‘National e-governance: Prospects and challenges’ and

aimed to be an informative and enlightening forum for conferring on theuse of electronic media to facilitate an efficient, speedy and transparent

process of disseminating information to the public. The keynote addresswas rendered by the Chief Guest Debi Prasad Dash, Additional DirectorGeneral , Ministry of Finance, Government of India. The address was

followed by the summing up of ‘Budget 2011 and implications forgovernance’ by Prof. (Dr.) Anoop Swarup and an Inter Business School

Competition by the 9 participating Business & Management Schools forand against Union Budget 2011. The guest of honor were Sh. S.S. Chahal,

Sh. Hemant Kumar, Founder, Member, IIA & Chief Patron, MID Forum andSh. Pankaj Gupta, Divisional Chairman, IIA. The evening concluded with avaledictory address and a vote of thanks.

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Education Empowers...

Recent Achievements of the University


School of Electronics Engineering

? Sanjay Sharma presented a research paper entitled “Image Compression Using Discrete Cosine Transform Algorithm” in

national conference on “Recent Advances in Microwave Tubes, Device and Communication Systems (NCRA-MTDCS-th

2011)” held at JNIT, Jaipur on 4-5 March 2011.

? Sanjay Sharma, R P Agarwal and Anubhav Tiwari authored a research paper entitled “Neural Computation of Radiation

Resistance of an Equilateral Triangular Microstrip Patch Antenna” which was presented in National Conference on“Recent Advances in Microwave Tubes, Device and Communication Systems (NCRA-MTDCS-2011)”held at JNIT, Jaipur

thon 4-5 March 2011.

Centre for Biomedical Engineering

? Durg Vijay Rai, Shiva Sharma, Jayanand, “Influence of the Menstrual Cycle on Hydration Status of Body Determined by

Whole Body Impedance Analysis”, March 04-05, 2011 at National Symposium on Microwave Field Measurements,

Biological Effects and Application in Nano Sciences (MICRO-NANO-2011), organized by SES, MASI, Jawaharlal Nehru

University, Delhi, India.

? Jayanand, Jitendra Behari and Rashmi Mathur authored a paper entitled "Prevention of Spinal Cord Injury Induced

Osteoporosis Using Low Intensity Pulse Magnetic Field", which has been accepted for oral presentation in International

Conference, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) to be held on September 12-16 September, 2011in Suzhou, China.

Faculty Participation/ Honours

GATE 2011

? Mr. Vikas Chandra Gupta, SBT, Shobhit University attended National workshop on “Hands on training on cell and molecular

biology tools and techniques” from 21-26 march, 2011, organized by National Centre for Human Genome Studies and

Research (NCHGSR), Panjab University, Chandigarh.

? Congratulations to following students for qualifying GATE 2011 Akash Gupta, Ashish Kumar, Swati Kant, Abhinav Saini (B.TechBiotechnology VIII Semester), Jyotsana Pandey, Anurag Yadav (B.Tech Bioinformatics, VIII semester) and Anjana

Kushwaha, Anand Mishra (B.Tech Bioinformatics VI semester).

University in News