shnta n glish - nys historic...

' -!' -f!' 1 ':/ 1:' i ; 1 1 . ; '• f w ' ; !- ! S %t ...... 11 IT H A 0 A JO U R N A L . 1. U.S^lKA^e-jEWf i; PEACE,^The.^ Democratic^ Re- a leadings article fro?? a spuarpe which f e s willing to nid£e to’Mesr 1 '^ Shnta Are} yfe ha,ye fbu^pothin^ , ' ^®fiE-tEGTK>fe At the electiott (|nMQndaynEthis town, 'i ■"^tety light votp Was polled, aid as m il be •saea bjrtheresdil yhiph wepttblish helow^j tthp c(^tpstT?as,ktt Tes^hats, divestpd * ..of apartj^ chaijac: er, A- large number of iSempcrata^Ptodifo iBen John4pn> for district ‘’Judge, ahahddning one' or the other 6f their % 3 i candidate^,| thi^ seemed';tp havp been ^*;^eeially thecapela'the 3d wafd, where ou^ .^^tSa&haHot^ JohlsoB^s name]iwas on 208. /, We-^earnVyerbal-M Cortlahd 'county, . ^ a t the Ufhiga thpi® W ’prp catl^lig ofT John- ston,and TOtfng alm ist entirely for Shankland, .'Ifodi^ Gray recekid a heayy ydte here, and undoubtedly, throug^eut !|be District, ' ^ a s o n f e ^ ^ d e I tor $ls, p4§y strength, ^ebdp^ditof the i nti-repters, ^ ill undoubt- ^ Uift ^ |Q ^ Gray^i be eid|ted. Who *’■ ‘dtipr emdidhte i are, the d^vass can a-. tenedebrapne- f ‘ bc»: FerJil& w I tpF t!m m ^ 415 SrdhsoH , 430. iJeWiptt * '415 ill ShanMand 420 Idptiehouse 306 { i^agW oj the Goart 0 / .^ampqri • . ||03 Beptoh . p ' Diirtrf# Attorneyj . I^rdinan ... 465;., , Smith t.5 G a u k y 3 k % ^ :i^ ■ ty jias^fete^siici.”; tioKell ' «S1 ' Blojii tS^I' Bie , . M a, 2? . ; ! ^ - “I . l^ «b S iJlie4a«tirat¥j aispty a 10% W e regret , the defea^ deUiican®l^ for disf. attonley ^ 4ffthBp!^'bf“flo4w4.’‘ >• same iefciei alion^ be ' ji&enchpaperpk !^e^^ the Gonrier des Etats Unis, has t^e foiloTyinl sensible Ihdi&tee remarks .on the Ishject of piibiic r i' lpUtfesOy-.and:ptopnbtyl | - i :ott with power to treat with the authorities of Mexico, uhder the instructions of Mrl $rist. Should the Mexicans desire it, Mr. Buchanan wdl himself go down and ne£Gtbte^,the city of Mexico, These statements, are instrict accordance with the repeated assurance from other well informed ^ h b e s . . The sanie m^ef,'sXs6 giyes the following as the ConMiohsm which our Government is williniDf to treat: |be Mexicans^ the Administration glaim it as a forfeit, hu{,.ofier to pay as to acquire it by purehase. W( for it, so e want a ;minislration coh- leay tit iders purchase tlie Very best of all titles. , The.expenteof the war we wiU not claim froid the MexicanS| .aiid the indemaity which she ywes our citizens w;in he assumed the American army might pre- e is deterniined to detepd the is furnishing them with good jnissioners appointed to superin- Ijtendthe defence of the Capital had selected 1 Jtio jFrio as |the only available pbinl of de- thither their can- apy shape, hn|d are^WiIling to accept land in payment of opr just, demands. As to the territory to be ceded of Sold io by Mesico| we are,of opiinion that it wHll h pornnHsA. more than'Upper California anfl’thht DUr.government !ec|aent friendly negotiafeibhs the two sister repubtidsi A serious riot occured ht Carlisle, Penp- al vania, on the 2d Hlsti.i in consequen«\e of 'an attempt to ^resfeue three fugitive slaves I an attempt to resbue three fugitive slaves yrom the custody of CoL Hollingsworth and nilr. Kennedy, p f Maryj’ and who claimed them. j , j An attack w^s fhade on the slaves, owners ids constables, ,by the negro tfien, and were I 3tt o£ the plaeje, and a frightlul mplee folo- Rred in which clubs,stones and canes were- used. * ' , V . During the fray, twej of the.slaves,’, a wo- maxi and girl escaped'^tlie thifd, a man, was taken back to Maryland. ‘Mr. Kennedy and the-hoy weye seriwsly if Ot dangefoasly hart,. About 20 of the rio- ters were arrested. I nterbsti igo [Dr. M. I )f Science, jno'w in this city, is one of the jous ant distinguished explorers bf the widefeeldof geology in this country, p is [discoveries hace opened new paths for pn eff the student in this all-im- F&oat THE UypER MisspuRi.^A company of traders who recently arrived at St. Louis qccurired of white people wb.i had frozen po death in the latter partjof January. a conflict betw There had 3tweeft the Pawnee and Siouxs Indians, in which 32 Paw- nees and one SiouX were killei' J A body of Mormon ly of Mormon jemigrantf, consistii 73 \yagons, were met 230 miles f depga|pnce, going, on, prosperously. ^ere well armed, and had six piecei tiilify; _ Anecdote [ volunteMs j-Cruz, reports t! m fcn^rity ,rdp6iC^iPn w as y< Tty ra th e commit! fore .you enow. ’Hadn’t; you. better hake^.oare oflyour .atuti isjead, General?’ an- [.sweredone M.them/ ‘Ay they,mabe Gene- n’iimuchot ,Gem , . . , peri- .: i.'.MimiiB'OF ycEX; D b |n k G [^ ^ e ha^e at^' | «&eivbd!.,a ?pw Co.’s . The RTC)iesterDa|jy. American thud dis- bpo^s of acasedpserstogllittle^else than ridi- Lcme, if it be not below that: , p “W e ,pave yeceivad '‘The Anglo ^ , Sacfan,’ oiiiSG^pe 1 ihTfflSd'JdNATA . _ ^ the .4% ipIyV .AraQhg .iigsj coMa%ed^in •, Wei notice two lyings Ibip stupendous heife^pdr, t i&toHcal; ones of'V ,fe^^ Iaf|eaizOj and ofj ^dullkr interest.. They atec WaslMngton’S; entrihde into Hew .York iu lf e |y and Wash- pB^btt tMfcing leave of hts o^c eWon retiring life^ Bbihit^fc engravings l^^e’^eiy'dxecutedy ^nd W-ith f ^iMOrical' fi-' „ dpli y grbat eyen|s wHief they; ddi? thedidlSfe^ ’The louathar Contains over digl ty d^i^in^'add portrait slin thelag^e- g a b T h e price is'|2 cents p3|r cdpt.’ "■ i ' 'i- ................ ' ' h#ii%937’6s [He few hoars sole Auch|for 20 [days wi jj^f; OnTfinrsday Mn dangerous, and -plrevented him. ae si% down, has been paralyzed; the , % % irof ipiuty drany excitppienL i Uoit&ge, vow^edMiatf^^^ pdthcMldieni ! !Sei«^tomewhat UttfijEtunateli> pafftlie first' thd ordinLjj..,.--.. --------- - mptt.c nied with arpf President >n,’ which terstend, accompa- Augukus F.'Doyle, more ^mirable tl ugustus b . Jioy ew York PhonDgraphi< >uldpublish gratis,, a col the, Copy of \fhich'lg fur )thing ip this daw sqieaci i the modesty of its advo HieH%[hE.m4iTs.-|-An instance the frei'ts mania, at Bufihlo, was r§lated. to us,"fester- day. A poor maiijpn the Ohidlcana 1, bought a scow, for p550 apd |reig|ited it .With flour to litle enterprise [Roph. Adv. oil lit . ...jl Irish Pbor assistance to a- lu ’the House of Lords, hn the evening c M ay the 6th, Lord Montiagle moved to limi tbe.dqration ibj’thp elbusek in the! Irish Pbo Relief Bill, giving o it-dqor. assistance to a We bodied 'poof ^when jvifhout Wdrk) to Au- gust, 1848.' ,‘Wedi.c hqpe,’’. says.'the lim es' of the 7th, ‘thMyVvith-thOtisands a flay dying of famine and pes|flenperT-with, Iop,OQ.O mers and. tnurst- j ’rtoffs toe d Ja.w Mexlcd - ! ................. .. ': ! ' ■! '' i' ^ i -i ' ; there with I ,hh4 erected I threalning another Battle. New YQrkjjJune 6, 3 p. m. , farther particular from Mexico, much later. , . Delta’s correspondent says Rio nly point on the road from Pueb- that is likely to give the army [Santa • Anna has . made a stand adequate force of Arlilly, and feattenesi I we have noj |Wmiback. j - I Sjmta Ap la, in his last.message,^ stated to [the Mexican s that they bad nbw an uppoitu.: jnity|of mak ng some difliculty for the Amer- jicans. .|. I However, iseiit itself, 1 works, and canpohi Tfle Co) hio as the only aval fenc4 and hi ve removed S p fa Anna says he intends to defend the city j A bat lie was daily expected at that Gpn- La 'ega arrived, in bad health, at Jalapa, by ti e way of Perote, where he re- 'ft „'be Commercial Times and Metcufy nden- lioni the ret ’ ‘ ' ............... ... ind |the figh LMer arrij bf interest, pf toe defeat! le Kentj hombw’ard in ,he yalley iqm iwho ii dost industrj [he ruminatij portent sciej ^ — - “s on f ' made a p u r 6 f insp< fen of Alabama' in ?, aqd reflected we! leto IVery lately Dr. ir 6f inspectiori •throi ell-earned ______ Dlckiu- liori •through that ... which. abounds the i-utten limestone fArmation.' . This i.s parti- l’”'"’-'” case in the vicinities of Clark, lounlies, ii: lation has been of glastos it ■nt.— lafly the M'aknngto Statue. Her considered b phelis, etc., sheen pn !)r.’ Ipickins :orm reef, w sevciral feet n ii ^t |its .basd P^lod] pn peri, of Cl Below this Wi pedqd in a b ?as tpund a huge oyster bed, ii lue marl or clay, in their origi ai pjsition. Some of these oysters measur- ed flifteen inches in length, and weighed from fifteen pounds. Succeeding, this stra- ibmd. too Hottoms'of several an- il kes and rivers, all yielding num- brd)i|s fine fo isils. Many of these fossils Dr. piUtinson his forwarded to the Academy of p f^ r a l Sei( nces in Philadelphia. nfeon starts to-morrow for the ncordiif, to investigate the. geo- lation of that section of our [N. O. Delta, 31st inst. lltlcs c f Oiar Soldiers, press, alike consistent and truth- 1 that ' toe .President appoints iffices,' but yet srs MtoO;,are [Ss6,ooe pmtp?s-®we humanity, wot ^ ^ landlord,, and reconme him to a moi^iLte in- stalment of toe Englfeh poor .law. IBjut N o l EMfdhixioN.' <^»ebe —Thb Emigrant Oto<5e pt informed % a ’ gentlemen [iglandlof 10,.Ct00 emigrants consigned tq that qfiice,;allpf whom will be landed in a few weeks.. I TWs Is a sprinkle of the shower of emigrants that is to be poured up- on the Ameribah contiufent within the ensu- Ijij ing season. ! toinfe we shall ;h4ve peaceT T?. which Wal- ker topiied--|‘iA|sCia7ianybV harn to net like men mii^upport your country.^ The Gdd Fellows aye 'out tb-day, in this city, in strong force< N ew; 'lira — ^We Kateii frqmtoqufestiouable authority thdt PW estimable frifefld, thb Captain of the S w S |y _ _ _ There is a young man in Boston so bright j hat his mother has to look him through a' pking of Manilla, by ihu Epitlire, I of 300 Mexicans, vals from Brazos bring, nothing "” tey pirnish no confirmation Cot. Doniphan. jicky Cavalry were to proceed ie of inves of the aad^Clairbornpci jtorbre. th'i's forim f geologists as a but by the power of glasses it ve'd to bo entirelj’ different.— 3U informs, us that it is a huge are the foi lany ot whicn may 4nt seas, and hem recent formation., lund a huge oyster bed, ir army- Ids, of . Jnessee',' perl Wo?E^ the Ienemy! f Wbife parli theflattei boil to battl 4eon?dj Montei covlr.^ will plnd...,T| but in - toj numerate. trpyOTfible. feeling, thop country is cash is vast h^p's thfee- Aniong bot in dll respe :t to ascribq r « Inot! only ui toe! facts Jwar must sel itsjhisi istorty .^RIVj learn fromi ber of emiffl from Janum Died oui thq hbdpita'k fqven and; Sw died.- Tbe idibi I-from'the *l!ew i.c.corditij ^fays. VGDisqovERiEs..^Sorae months W . Diqkinson, of toe Acade vas seJftt from Philadelpliia Iiqkinson, ie®t from edtigating the geology Mississippi. Dr. Dickii for lology of counties, ill that tofbre. this formation lias been geologists as a detritus ffoin pn sfl remains ofj Stc.. ^_,aes, h ^c., man|r. of im, foj^y to one hundred [feet in seyppntir i le bott of shells. 'arying f ,e o f pres imjains kick I ^rom ' ively must have :ent formation.— taken u|) the be seen by the !,,the. .bgll tvas opened pan and heroic Twiggs, toe only has,stuck toThe Democratic jecoming a life officer ,in the reg- The details,also show, that Gan. Jllinois, and Gdn,',Pillow .of vere among the heroic men wfii tod whilst galMntly Stormingjj fortifications. ^These men, in ] to, arq “red-moiithed focofoco’s;” was a member of toe Baltimore n 1844, and field. .-AfFi nnny-wflsl amr blond, was ley filsb were locofoco Generals; [but'in the fi ce of fpeto like theses .there arc tfio.'le.tvhq'lnlk as- if thd only meritorious of- Ificers i n t o ; schbollof p Thq demc Ifullyrfepjese so, ill all oth. or duty, calk. Jpoujred out lucj iiiv u, - ——■— . , [was a locoft co ; so is tob chivalrous Davis of [ Mi|sissippi ; so also-is Col.'Price, the gallant like theses.thei ifjthq only meritorious field, kvho were of the whig hlitidsU ■ ■.- , erac^ of [the Union are not only [ntedlaraW the generals, but al- 3rpobts Where danger threatens ;j . The lamented .CoL Yell, who hiq life’s, blood at Buena Vista, rdered- countrymbn at San- iso the heroic Dgniphan, fl the issippi lavepiger of ( ta Fe ; and 'Wb^to ,^00- eto!myistrong. Bfititos impless to nuipqrate. Theitrutlris apparent and indon- In the regular servi-cei, the ofE- !—like nearly all other life oflice Imluqteers met and defeatei _____ __ le people I theto milita 'V education—their freedom from I all respolnsb'ility to the masses-—all these and still other, <ircumstances, ar.e calculated to make tfipm ._iimerits,.as' well as.J ong the volunteer , officers-— nter the army only because their nvolVed in' war— With them the y djferent. • Two-thirds and per- !bnrt|his of toem, a¥e democrats. are those who are their country and y to tial as an important portion of clafiseSj there Its, fin honor to leritgj fair, I but lerit [exclusively to either class is ' ut in dire tlrWch an impartii !t forto a conflict with record of this I akd D eaths of EmGRANs. We I..1. _ 1VT .TT TT __1.1 .1 . r-. the ship ;rs who arrived ler of passengers . who arrived } 2d to tos.3|st May, was ty-^ix .were adpaittod into the Wednesdayi. Argus. iesdayi Albahyj x;jLv,w.v....g to estimats, ’toe surfad corti tips year, in the State of | seyi exceeds thq.t. pf Hst year bgj acres, wMch ' oii'ght' to yield three mflpdns hupelsf,' ,j^anta Ai| to planted.^1 New Jer- ' 100,000 na is the best runer of toe day. the American army with one j AnM^glish pEER.---TheDuke of N^rth- tumberiand, one of the pchest peers in Great. rRYltnSr, .imfl "rtonto quite suddenly, in ®r Bavtos suffered a few le infitonza. A foreign American paper says of , “ It is an awful thpught all the enormous wealth of .^hls noblemae^t descendant of the renowned "" tocorae averagmg M%iT y, perfectly upincUmli !ufe a single hand te d] 'ercyst^wf th I lich he might have grasped tod bteatoid by his brotoer, I^rd Pru||iQe4 Though not . Envoy to France at toe Cpronqtiqn of the ill-fated Cbarlep the Tenth. Dunag 'the emhasy he ‘ifusedto receive any money Outfit, or ly thlag else; though a flmmend - hilted ord of the value of £lOfOO0 sterling, voted birth m his suite. As he progressed throiigh Fiance to Paris he scfUbered gold, amongthe crowds that surrounded his train of eqoipa-; ^es M every po^l^bwii. His wife was gov- erness to Queen Victoria. ' The remains of the Duke wmre interred in the Westminster .'Vbbey, in toe tomb of the Percy’s, and with Royal State*' e Rocliesl Yof the Iqff people are, of corn pla T he coming Crops.— The Rochester Democrat of Thursday,speaking of the Iqfto- coming corn crop, says; “Few people arq.a- re of the increased quantity of corn plan- ted this year. The prospect that Iridian meal will be introduced as a common article df food^ in Eurotor has induced farmers I to plant all the lafid they could spare that purpose. _ One farmer Jn Perinton wto“ never, in former years, planted over tWiel . quantity.. We are told that the same proportion vyil hold good in various parts of the country,^’! - On long Island a friend of theN. Y. Com*- mercial Advertisoij who had been o-Vera cpn; siderable portion of the Island, speaks with amazement of the great increase in the quan- tity of evepy description, of,grain arid vege- table, planted and grown, qVer that Of formi years. At a low estimate* ^the doubled. Manures of every, dg correspondingly increased quantltiea have belli transported by the various cp'ptoynnces from the city; and considerable fias heeln ta-[ city, attention has of corn dnd wheat to t great extent, is a beautifjiil field of,;Ipidian coi 4- ______ T^iere orn, noficed'hy oar informant, wi|hin two miles of W 4.Il street, confainirfg tfpfMrd of fifly acrqaji 'jit is almost needlass to add that the conqidon id prospect of all the croto are delightlfuli id bneourageing. i' ' 1 [Albany Argus k ^huESDn) F^^h,—The ladies of A|biiny,i havfe prepared a superb flag to presentf to the lOffi Regiment of Infantry comm%p'ded by^j Col.’ Temple and which willin *1^3 be forwarded to the Regt. in MeXffio.. Th flag is ,6 feet by 6 fpet 6 inches, of crifiiiion silk, richly embroidered in schenilie andi s ilk, representin true to oati S. Shield and Thunderbolt ‘and standin^l ip' bold defience, its bead enClteleif fiy 4 w|reMh with toe words “New York and.Nfw ii jy.” Below, a scroji with thq.intoriph , Presented, by the ladies of Albany- 'te the 10th regiment of tbe U. S.” Infafitry.”;; Tee I -fable bordered by heavy, yellow silk bplUo'n.j ifige, 4 inches deep, and the staff surmount- ed by a silver plated spear-head, of the U.,S., Army pattern, with crimson and yellow silk cord and tassels. WtoAX.—^The wheat fields in Western Wisconsin.loqfc fine, while those at the sopth have, .suffered sevprqly, • There is no better or safer land for-wheat than the couptry,here and extending upward 600 or 700 miiep., [Galana ,Gaz. 4th inst. . R ail , R oad F reight .'— Few people whp have not had special raequs of information op the subject are not aware of the vpst a- mourit of business thaj^passes over the |ail- roato tod; especially .over' tKe 'Westernknd WorptoM *rad i^ostoni^foads.' ..jj|etween ^1 and:t2|o’ctoqk yesterday .^morning, we saw a, train of 76;frei'ght pars about ftora the..depot for Boston, and on inquiry .we vvet' surprised td- learn,’ fchat, since the nis-ht be illy laden -^ith flo : Merchandise^,; ,( e and sjieeppass full of tie and sheep„p:'. q-f die western Road has creased so much',, of late that the stock has been soldan Bosx)ni at a fraction over , o .per cent aboYfe par. [Worcester* TjanS. LAWS. OF n ' e;WW ORK—[ Authority.^ [Even- law.unless c iflTorent time shall be prBsejribed the^e--, in, snail commence ai d take effect throughout the Slat,e, on I and not before.tlie twentieth day after the dav lof its fipaU - passage, as certified b ,•the Secretary of S tate.-^f 4, chap. 7, part 1, Rei ised StAtutes.^ 4reat numbers of f^t cM-.l the -toad almostidM] CHAP.222.— An act in relalion to railroad oorporafiotis Psls=Crl M a y - 7 ''I SdV-e leneople off thejstate of Ne-w York, represented in Sen- ild A-ssombly, do enact ag fdllows: ' , Drsofeachofsuchconaeciing or iuierseciing railroaiis pnal terms ofaccomn.odaiion. priviltges and I the tranaporiuliun of cars, mas-eugers.’ basiiaae ahd 5 2, ThWadtVhall thfe'e^eff^jt imme%tely.,' N. S• BEItTgljr, secretary o f . iiT§bOL.i3Tioir. mdetsigiled havinff fbrindit a‘ So- Mo|16An &?M*rsox. t O R I G I N A L S TAl NIED

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Page 1: Shnta n glish - NYS Historic back to Maryland. ‘Mr. Kennedy and the-hoy weye seriwsly if Ot dangefoasly

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1 ' : /1 : ' i; 1 • 1 .

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% t ...... 11

I T H A 0 A J O U R N A L .

1. U.S^lKA^e-jEWf


PEACE,^The.^ Democratic^ Re- a leadings article fro?? a spuarpe which

f e s ” willing to nid£e to’Mesr

1' Shnta Are}

y f e ha,ye fbu^pothin^

, ' ^®fiE-tEGTK>feAt the electiott (|nMQndaynEthis town, 'i

■" tety light votp Was polled, a id as m il be •saea bjrtheresdil yhiph wepttblish helow^j tthp c(^tpstT?as,ktt Tes^hats, divestpd *..of apartj chaijac: er, A- large number of iSempcrata^Ptodifo iBen John4pn> for district ‘’Judge, ahahddning one' or the other 6f their % 3i candidate^,| th i^ seemed';tp havp been

^*;^eeially thecapela'the 3d wafd, where ou .^^tSa&haHot^ JohlsoB^s name]iwas on 208.

/, We-^earnVyerbal-M Cortlahd 'county,. ^ a t the Ufhiga thpi® W’prp catl^lig ofT John­ston,and TOtfng a lm ist entirely for Shankland,. 'Ifodi Gray recekid a heayy ydte here, and

undoubtedly, throug^eut !|be District, ' ^ a s o n f e ^ ^ d e I tor $ls, p4§y strength, ^ebdp^ditof the i nti-repters, ^ ill undoubt- U if t ^ | Q ^ Gray i be eid|ted. Who *’■ ‘dtipr emdidhte i are, the d^vass can a-.tenedebrapne-

f ‘ b c » :FerJil&


ItpF t ! m m ^

415SrdhsoH , 430.

iJeWiptt * '4 1 5

i l lShanMand 420 Idptiehouse 306

{ i^agWoj the Goart 0/

.^ampqri • . ||03 Beptoh .p ' ■ Diirtrf# Attorneyj .

I^rdinan . . . 465;., , Smitht.5 G auky3k% ^ :i ■ty

j ia s ^ fe te ^ s i ic i .”;tioK ell ■ ' «S1 ' B lo j ii

t S ^ I '

B ie, . M a , 2? . ; !

^ - “ I .

l ^ « b S i J l i e 4 a « t i r a t ¥ ja i s p t y a 10% W e re g re t , the defea^

d eU iican® l^ for disf. attonley

4ffthBp!^'bf“flo4w4.’‘ >• same iefciei alion be

' ji& enchp ap erp k !^e^^ the Gonrierdes Etats Unis, has t^e foiloTyinl sensible Ihdi&tee remarks .on the Ishject o f piibiic

r i' lpUtfesOy-.and:ptopnbtyl | - i

:ott with power to treat with the authorities of Mexico, uhder the instructions of Mrl $rist. Should the Mexicans desire it, Mr. Buchanan wdl himself go down and n e£G tb te^ ,the city o f Mexico,

T hese statements, are instrict accordance with the repeated assurance from other well informed ^ h b e s .

. T he sanie m^ef,'sXs6 g iyes the followingas the C o n M io h s m which our Governmentis williniDf to trea t:

|b e Mexicans^ the Administration glaim it as a forfeit, hu{,.ofier to pay as to acquire it by purehase. W(

for it, so e want a

;minislration coh-leay titiders purchase tlie Very best o f all titles.

, The.expenteof the war we wiU not claim froid the MexicanS| .aiid the indemaity which she y wes our citizens w;in he assumed

the American army m ight pre- e is deterniined to detepd the

is furnishing them with good

jnissioners appointed to superin- Ijtendthe defence of the Capital had selected 1 Jtio jFrio as |the only available pbinl of de-

thither their can-

apy shape, hn|d are^WiIling to accept land in payment of opr just, demands.

As to the territory to be ceded of Sold io by M esico| we are,of opiinion that it wHll h pornnHsA. more than'Upper California

anfl’ thht DUr.government

!ec|aent friendly negotiafeibhsthe two sister repubtidsi

A serious riot occured ht Carlisle, Penp­al vania, on the 2d Hlsti.i in consequen«\e of

'an attempt to ^resfeue three fugitive slavesI an attempt to resbue three fugitive slaves yrom the custody o f CoL Hollingsworth and n ilr . Kennedy, p f Maryj’ and who claimed them. j ■ , j

An attack w^s fhade on the slaves, owners ids constables, ,by the negro tfien, and were I 3tt o£ the plaeje, and a frightlul mplee folo- Rred in which clubs,stones and canes were-

used. * ' , V .During the fray, twej of the.slaves,’, a wo-

maxi and girl escaped'^tlie thifd, a man, was taken back to Maryland.

‘Mr. Kennedy and the-hoy weye ser iw sly if Ot dangefoasly hart,. About 20 o f the rio­

ters were arrested.

Interbsti igo [Dr. M. I )f Science,

jno'w in this city, is one of the jous ant distinguished explorers

bf the w idefeeldof geology in this country, p is [discoveries hace opened new paths for

pn eff the student in this all-im-

F&oat THE UypER MisspuRi.^A company of traders who recently arrived at St. Louis

qccurired o f white people wb.i had frozen po death in the latter partjof January.

a conflict betwThere had 3tweeft thePawnee and Siouxs Indians, in which 32 Paw­nees and one SiouX were killei'

J A body of Mormonly o f Mormon jemigrantf, consistii 73 \yagons, were met 230 miles f

depga|pnce, going, on, prosperously.ere well armed, and had six piecei

tiilify; ■ _

A necdote

[ volunteMsj-Cruz, reports t!

mf c n ^ r i t y

,rdp6iC iPn was y< Tty rathe commit!

fore .you enow. ’Hadn’t; you. better hake^.oare oflyour .atuti isjead, General?’ an- [.sweredone M.them/ ‘Ay they,mabe Gene-



, . . , peri-

.: i.' .MimiiB'OF ycEX; D b |n k G [^ ^ e ha^e at ' | «&eivbd!.,a ?pw Co.’s

. The RTC)iesterDa|jy. American thud dis- bpo^s of acasedpserstogllittle^else than ridi- Lcme, if it be not below that: , p “W e ,pave yeceivad '‘T he Anglo , Sacfan,’

o i i iS G ^ p e 1

ihTfflSd'JdNATA . _ ^the .4% ipIyV .AraQhg

.iigsj coMa%ed^in •, Wei notice two

lyingsIbip stupendous heife^ pdr, t i&toHcal; ones of'V ,fe^^ Iaf|eaizOj and ofj ^dullkr in terest.. T hey atec WaslMngton’S; entrihde into H ew . York iu l f e | y and W ash- pB^btt tMfcing leave o f hts o^c eWon retiring

life^ B b ih it ^ fc engravings l^^e’^eiy'dxecutedy ^nd W-ith f iMOrical' fi-'

„ dpli y grbat eyen|s wHief t h e y ;ddi? thedidlSfe^ ’T h e louathar Contains over digl ty d ^ i^ in ^ 'a d d portrait slin thelag^e- g a b T h e price i s ' |2 cents p3|r cdpt.’ •

"■ i ' 'i-


' ' h#ii% 937’6s

[ Hefew hoars soleA uch|for 20 [days wi

j j^ f ; OnTfinrsday M n

■ dangerous, and -plrevented him .ae s i% down, has been paralyzed; the

, % % iro f ipiuty d ra n y excitppienL

i Uoit&ge, vow edMiatf ^ pdthcMldieni

! !Sei«^tomewhat UttfijEtunateli> pafftlie first'

thd ordinLjj..,.--.. --------- -

mptt.c nied with arpf President

>n,’ which

terstend, accompa- A ugukus F.'Doyle,

more ^m irable tl

ugustus b . Jioy ew York PhonDgraphi< >uldpublish gratis,, a col the, Copy of \fhich'lg fur )thing ip this daw sqieaci i the modesty of its advo

HieH%[hE.m4iTs.-|-An instance the frei'ts mania, at Bufihlo, was r§lated. to us,"fester- day. A poor maiijpn the Ohidlcana 1, bought a scow, for p550 apd |reig|ited it .With flour to

l i t le enterprise [Roph. Adv.

o illit

. ...jl Irish Pbor assistance to a-

lu ’the House o f Lords, h n the evening c M ay the 6th, Lord M ontiagle moved to limi tbe.dqration ibj’thp elbusek in the! Irish Pbo R elief Bill, giving o it-dqor. assistance to a We bodied 'poof when jvifhout Wdrk) to Au­gust, 1848.' ,‘Wedi.c hqpe,’’. says.'the lim es ' of the 7th, ‘thMyVvith-thOtisands a flay dying o f famine and pes|flenperT-with, Iop,OQ.O

mers and. tnurst-

j ’rtoffs toe d Ja.w Mexlcd

- ! ................. ..

' : !

' ■! • ' ' i' ^

i ■ -i ' ;

there withI ,hh4 erected

I threalning another Battle. N ew YQrkjjJune 6, 3 p. m. ,

farther particular from Mexico,much later. ,. Delta’s correspondent says Rio nly point on the road from Pueb- that is likely to give the army

[Santa • Anna has . made a stand adequate force of Arlilly, and


I we have noj |Wmiback. j - I Sjmta Ap la, in his last.message,^ stated to [the Mexican s that they bad nbw an uppoitu.: jnity|of mak ng some difliculty for the Amer- jicans. .|.I However, iseiit itself, 1 works, and canpohi

Tfle Co)

hio as the only aval fenc4 and hi ve removed

S p f a Anna says he intends to defend the city j A bat lie was daily expected at that

Gpn- La 'ega arrived, in bad health, at Jalapa, by ti e way of Perote, where he re-

' f t„'be Commercial Times and Metcufy nden-lioni the ret ’ ‘ ' ............... . . .ind |the figh

LMer arrij bf interest, pf toe defeat!

le Kentj hombw’ard in

,he ya lley iqm iwho ii dost industrj

[he ruminatij portent sciej — - “s on f '

made a p u r 6f insp< fen of Alabama' in

?, aqd reflected we! leto I Very lately Dr. ir 6f inspectiori • throi

ell-earned______ Dlckiu-

liori • through that ... w h ich . abounds the

i-utten limestone fArmation.' . This i.s parti- l’”'"’-'” case in the vicinities of Clark,

lounlies, ii: lation has been

of glastos it ■nt.—

lafly the M'aknngto Statue. Her considered b phelis, etc.,

sheen pn !)r.’ Ipickins :orm reef, w sevciral feet n ii^t |its .basd

P ^ lo d ]

pnperi, of ClBelow this Wipedqd in a b

?as tpund a huge oyster bed, ii lue marl or clay, in their origi

ai pjsition. Some of these oysters measur­ed flifteen inches in length, and weighed from

fifteen pounds. Succeeding, this stra- ibmd. too Hottoms'of several an­il kes and rivers, all yielding num-

brd)i|s fine fo isils. Many of these fossils Dr. piUtinson h is forwarded to the Academy of p f ^ r a l Sei( nces in Philadelphia.

nfeon starts to-morrow for the ncordiif, to investigate the. geo- lation of that section of our

[N . O. Delta, 31st inst.

lltlcs c f Oiar Soldiers, press, alike consistent and truth-

1 that ' toe .President appoints iffices,' but yet

srs MtoO;,are

[Ss6,ooepmtp?s-®wehumanity, wot ^landlord,, and reconme him to a moi^iLte in­stalment of toe Englfeh poor .law. IBjut N o l

EMfdhixioN.' <^»ebe

—Thb Emigrant Oto<5e pt informed % a ’ gentlemen

[iglandlof 10,.Ct00 emigrants consigned tq that qfiice,;allpf whom will be landed in a few weeks.. I TWs Is a sprinkle o f the shower of emigrants that is to be poured up­on the Ameribah contiufent within the ensu-

Ijij ing season. !

toinfe we shall ;h4ve peaceT T?. which Wal­ker topiied--|‘iA|sCia7ianybV harn to net like men mii^upport your country. ’

The Gdd Fellows aye 'out tb-day, in this city, in strong force<

N e w ; 'lira — ^WeKateii frqmtoqufestiouable authority thdt PW estimable frifefld, thb Captain of the

S w S | y _ _ _

There is a young man in Boston so bright j hat his mother has to look him through a'

pking of Manilla, by ihu Epitlire, I of 300 Mexicans, vals from Brazos bring, nothing "” tey pirnish no confirmation

Cot. Doniphan.jicky Cavalry were to proceed

ie of inves of the

aad^Clairbornpci jtorbre. th'i's forim f geologists as a but by the power of glasses it ve'd to bo entirelj’ different.— 3U informs, us that it is a huge

are the foi

lany ot whicn may 4nt seas, and hem

recent formation., lund a huge oyster bed, ir

army- „Ids, of

. Jnessee',' p erl Wo?E the I enemy! f Wbife parli theflattei b oil

to battl 4 e o n ? d j Montei

covlr.^ w ill p l n d . . . , T | but in- to j


feeling,th op country is cash is vast h^p's thfee- Aniong bot in dll respe :t to ascribq r «

I not! only ui toe! facts

J war must sel itsjhisiistorty

.^RIVjlearn fromi ber of emiffl from Janum Died oui thq hbdpita'k fqven and; Sw died.-

Tbe idibi I-from'the



^ fays.

VG DisqovERiEs..^Sorae months W . Diqkinson, of toe Acade vas seJftt from Philadelpliia

Iiqkinson, ie®t fromedtigating the geology M ississippi. Dr. Dickii

for lology of

counties, ill that tofbre. this formation lias been geologists as a detritus ffoin

pnsfl remains ofj

Stc..^_,aes, h ^c., man|r. of im, foj^y to one hundred [feet in seyppntir

ile bott

of shells. 'arying f ,e of pres

imjains kick I rom '

ivelymust have

:ent formation.—

taken u|) the

be seen by the !,,the. .bgll tvas opened

pan and heroic T w iggs, toe only has,stuck toThe Democratic

jecoming a life officer ,in the reg- T he details,also show, that Gan. Jllinois, and G dn,',Pillow .of

vere among the heroic men wfii tod whilst galMntly Stormingjj

fortifications. ^These men, in ] to, arq “red-moiithed focofoco’s;” was a member of toe Baltimore n 1844, and

field. .-A fF innny-wflsl amr

blond, wasley filsb were locofoco Generals;

[but'in the fi ce of fpeto like theses .there arc tfio.'le.tvhq'lnlk as- if thd only meritorious of- Ificers in t o ; schbollof p

Thq demc Ifullyrfepjese so, ill all oth. or duty, calk .

Jpoujred out lucj iiiv u, —- ——■— . — ,[was a locoft co ; so is tob chivalrous Davis of [ Mi|sissippi ; so also-is Col.'Price, the gallant

like theses.thei ifjthq only meritorious

field, kvho were of the whig hlitid sU ■ ■ .- ,erac^ o f [the Union are not only [ntedlaraW the generals, but al- 3rpobts Where danger threatens ;j . The lamented .CoL Yell, who hiq life’s , blood at Buena Vista,

rdered- countrymbn at San- iso the heroic Dgniphan,

■ ■ ■ fl the

issippi lavepiger of ( ta Fe ; and

'Wb^to ,^00-e t o ! m y i s t r o n g . Bfititos impless to nuipqrate. Theitrutlris apparent and indon-

In the regular servi-cei, the ofE- !—like nearly all other life oflice

Imluqteers met and defeatei

_____ __ le peopleI theto milita 'V education—their freedom from I all respolnsb'ility to the masses-—all these and still other, < ircumstances, ar.e calculated to make tfipm ._iimerits,.as' well as.J

ong the volunteer , officers-— nter the army only because their nvolVed in' war— With them the y djferent. • Two-thirds and per- !bnrt|his of toem, a¥e democrats.

are those who are their country and

y to

tialas an important portion of

clafiseSj thereIts, fin honor to leritgj fair, I butlerit [exclusively to either class is

' ut in dire tlrWch an impartii

!t forto a

conflict with record of this

Iakd D eaths of EmGRANs. WeI..1. _ 1VT .TT TT__1.1 .1 . r-.

the ship

;rs who arrivedler of passengers . who arrived } 2d to tos.3|st May, was ty-^ix .were adpaittod into the



x;jLv,w.v....g to estimats, ’toe surfad corti tips year, in the State of |

seyi exceeds thq.t. p f Hst year bgj acres, wMch ' oii'ght' to yield three mflpdns hupelsf,'

,j^anta Ai|

to planted. 1 New Jer- ' 100,000

na is the best runer of toe day. the American army with one

j An M^glish pEER.---TheDuke of N^rth- tumberiand, one of the pchest peers in Great. rRYltnSr, .imfl "rtonto quite suddenly, in

®r Bavtos suffered a few le infitonza. A foreign American paper says of

, “ It is an awful thpught allthe enormous wealth o f .^hls noblem ae^t descendant o f the renowned "" tocorae averagmg M%iT

y, perfectly upincUmli !ufe a single hand te d]

'ercyst^wf th I

lich he might have grasped tod bteatoid

by his brotoer, I^rd Pru||iQe4 Though not

. Envoy to France at toe Cpronqtiqn o f the ill-fated Cbarlep the Tenth. Dunag 'the emhasy he

‘ifusedto receive any money Outfit, orly thlag else; though a flmmend - hilted ord of the value of £lOfOO0 sterling, voted

birth m his suite. As he progressed throiigh Fiance to Paris he scfUbered gold, amongthe crowds that surrounded his train o f eqoipa-; ^es M every po^l^bwii. His wife was gov­erness to Queen Victoria. '

The remains of the Duke wmre interred inthe Westminster .'Vbbey, in toe tomb of the Percy’s, and with Royal State*'

e Rocliesl Y of the Iqff people are, of corn pla

T he coming Crops.— The Rochester Democrat of Thursday,speaking of the Iqfto- coming corn crop, says; “Few people arq.a-

re of the increased quantity of corn plan­ted this year. The prospect that Iridian meal will be introduced as a common article df food in Eurotor has induced farmers I to plant all the lafid they could spare that purpose. _ One farmer Jn Perinton wto“ never, in former years, planted over tWiel

. quantity..W e are told that the same proportion vyil hold good in various parts of the country,^’ !- On long Island a friend of th eN . Y. Com*- mercial Advertisoij who had been o-Vera cpn; siderable portion of the Island, speaks with amazement of the great increase in the quan­tity of evepy description, of,grain arid vege­table, planted and grown, qVer that Of formi years. At a low estimate* the doubled. Manures of every, dg correspondingly increased quantltiea have belli transported by the various cp'ptoynnces from the city; and considerable fias heeln ta-[

city, attention hasof corn dnd wheat to t great extent, is a beautifjiil field of,;Ipidian coi

• 4-

______ T^iereorn, noficed'hy

oar informant, wi|hin two miles o f W 4 .Il street, confainirfg tfpfMrd o f fifly acrqaji 'j it is almost needlass to add that the conqidon

id prospect of all the croto are delightlfuli id bneourageing. i ' '

1 [Albany Argus

k ^huESDn) F^^h,— The ladies o f A|biiny,i havfe prepared a superb flag to presentf to the lOffi Regiment of Infantry comm%p'ded by j Col.’ Temple and which w illin *1 3be forwarded to the Regt. in MeXffio.. Th flag is ,6 feet by 6 fpet 6 inches, o f crifiiiion silk, richly embroidered in schenilie andi s ilk, representin true to oatiS . Shield and Thunderbolt ‘and standin^l ip' bold defience, its bead enClteleif fiy 4 w|reMh with toe words “N ew York an d .N fw ii

jy.” Below, a scroji with thq.intoriph , Presented, by the ladies of Albany- 'te the

10th regiment of tbe U . S.” Infafitry.”;; T ee I -fable bordered by heavy, yellow silk bplUo'n.j ifige, 4 inches deep, and the staff surmount­

ed by a silver plated spear-head, o f the U .,S ., Army pattern, with crimson and yellow silk cord and tassels.

WtoAX.—^The wheat fields in W estern Wisconsin.loqfc fine, while those at the sopth have, .suffered sevprqly, • There is no better or safer land for-wheat than the couptry,here and extending upward 600 or 700 m iiep.,

[Galana ,Gaz. 4th inst.

. R a il , R o a d F r e ig h t .'— Few people whp have not had special raequs of information op the subject are not aware of the vpst a- mourit of business thaj^passes over the |ail- roato tod; especially .over' tKe 'Westernknd WorptoM *rad i^ostoni foads.' ..jj|etween ^1 and:t2|o’ctoqk yesterday .^morning, we saw a, train of 76;frei'ght pars about ftorathe..depot for Boston, and on inquiry .we vvet' surprised td- learn,’ fchat, since the nis-ht be

illy laden -^ith flo : Merchandise^,; ,( e and sjieeppass

fu ll oftie and sheep„p:'. q-f die western Road has creased so much',, of late that the stock has been soldan Bosx)ni at a fraction over , o .per cent aboYfe par. [Worcester* TjanS.

LAW S. OF n 'e ;WW ORK—[ Authority.^ [Even- law.unless c iflTorent time shall be prBsejribed the^e--,

in, snail commence ai d take effect throughout the Slat,e, on I and not before.tlie twentieth day after the dav lof its fipaU - passage, as certified b ,• the Secretary of S ta te .- ^ f 4, chap. 7, part 1, Rei ised StAtutes.^

4reat numbers of f^t cM-.l the -toad almostidM]

C H A P.222 .— An act in relalion to railroad oorporafiotis Psls=Crl M ay-7 ''I SdV-e

leneople off thejstate of Ne-w York, represented in Sen- ild A-ssombly, do enact ag fdllows: ' ,

Drsofeachofsuchconaeciing or iuierseciing railroaiis pnal terms ofaccomn.odaiion. priviltges and I the tranaporiuliun of cars, mas-eugers.’ basiiaae ahd

5 2, ThWadtVhall thfe'e eff jt imme%tely.,'

N. S • BEItTgljr, secretary o f .i iT § b O L .i3 T io ir .

mdetsigiled havinff fbrindit a‘ So-

Mo|16An &?M*rsox.t

O R I G I N A L S T A l N I E D