shift career mastering path


Upload: mennahrashad

Post on 18-Dec-2014




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We identified two simple – yet very crucial- dimensions in reaching your career targets: First, youmust know your target. Second, to be sure this is what you want, not just what you should want.


Page 1: Shift Career Mastering Path

Career Mastering Path



Page 2: Shift Career Mastering Path

how important is your professional career? how much time do you spend at work, for work or think-ing about work? We virtually spend most of our youth time within career framework. some of us feel happy in pursuing their professional career targets, some feel exhausted and some don’t even know what career targets to pursue. Furthermore, how about the effect left by that on the daily life, happiness, satisfaction and success.

We identified two simple – yet very crucial- dimensions in reaching your career targets: First, you must know your target. second, to be sure this is what you want, not just what you should want.

Walking through your career journey, we identified two other very important things you must keep in focus. First, you are a multi-dimensional human being, not just a target oriented machine. second, living a professional career, must not be contradicting with living YOUr life. We strive at helping you aligning all of these elements together both at personal and organizational level to boost your career quality without compromising your quality of life.

Program key objectives:

Develop self-awareness. ohelp individuals maximize their potential through designing their own life style. ohelp individuals focus their search on careers that match their unique personal profile. ohelp individuals identify and better articulate their unique interests, values, and skills. o

Program elements:

this program is composed of two parts. the first part can be conducted as a standalone profiling module. alternatively, the two parts can be conducted as a complete career mastering path.

Career Mastering Path

Page 3: Shift Career Mastering Path

Part 1: Personal profiling

Methodology: Developing personal profile through smart, bias-proof survey response. sur-vey analysis and report generation is thoroughly done using our human expertise supported by state of the art analysis engines. Dealing with personal profiles, we do it PERSONALLY; we don’t rely on mass analysis programmed tool to do it.

This part includes:

Conducting the survey ogenerating personal profile o

Time frame: personal profile is generated and handed over to the participant within 3-4 working weeks from survey response submission date.

Part 2: Building up personal SHIFT

Methodology: this part is built using hybrid meth-odology including self awareness induction ses-sions, one-to-one debriefing session, and class-room sessions.

This part includes:

One personal debriefing session o4 group classroom sessions oDeveloping personal “roadmap” using SHIFT otemplates on four basic levels

Conceptual• Motivational• Behavioral• Performance•

Time frame: 10-12 hours distributed over5 sessions.

Expected program outcomes

Upon completion of this program, participants are expected to be on the right track for:

having a realistic self awareness ointerpreting personal behavior osetting a clear vision and knowing where to go oDeveloping the ability to manage own career osetting personal standards otaking personal responsibility for own life otaking initiative towards own potential o

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A d d r e s s : 3 W K h a l e d Te a m a S t . S h e r a t o n B l d g s , h e l i o p o p l i s , C a i r o , e g y p t .

Te l : + 2 0 2 2 2 6 8 8 7 3 1 / 6F a x : + 2 0 2 2 2 6 7 6 7 4 0

P O. B o x : 1 1 3 6 1i n f o @ s h i f t - p e r f o r m a n c e . c o m

w w w. s h i f t - p e r f o r m a n c e . c o m

