sherry shriner still crawling around i see

8/10/2019 Sherry Shriner Still Crawling Around i See 1/37  HERSTORY 2014 -/ Feb 1 // 15 // 21 / 28 Mar   / 2014 DRACO WACKO VAMPIRE BBQ UrAmerica by Dana Horoco!"#i $$ CURRICULUM  // 2014 pdf // /2014 doc /  /  http://ere!"t#treet!e$%co&/ % Made in cANADa! http://c#berc'a%!et/  Bob Mar&ey' Pro(ecie" an) Me""a*e" +, by Dana Horoco!"#i ,,('$$cyberc&a"".ne,$02212014.,m MAR)i 02 1 2014 % 2$$+ % 1 % % DIS - INFO WARS- VATICAN BANKS CONTROL ALL SIDES o- ,e AMON RA PROPAGANDA nibir-or % ,,('$$$nibir-or.,m ETHIOPIAN PLANE CRASH HOAX 33 %I, i" all African siri!"ali!# ", !i,ene) ( an) ,!i",e) "o ,a, E)omi,e race" can c&aim ,o be 5o)" co"en. I- yo !ere ,o re"earc yo !o&) in6e",i*a,e ,e ric an) (o!er-& R$%an PISO fa%il#& 7renc -i*,er e," accom(anie) iac#e) E,io(ian (&ane in,o 5ene6a !en co%(i&o, ,rea,ene) ,o cra" beca"e 8!i"" air%-orce O9:; WORK8 O77ICE HOUR8 3 ,,('$$!!!.)ai&ymai&.co.#$ne!"$ar,ic&e%2<=1$7renc%-i*,er%e,"%accom(anie)% iac#e)%E,io(ian%(&ane%5ene6a%(i&o,%,rea,ene)%cra"%8!i""%air%-orce%O9:;% WORK8%O77ICE%HOUR8.,m& $$A &oo# a, (&ane iac#in*" by E,io(ian" ,,('$$#)!$2014$02$1$a%&oo#% a,%(&ane%iac#in*"%by% e,io(ian"$ $$ $ 9>8B "ay" in,ern re"(on"ib&e -or -a#e -&i*, cre! name" o- cra"e) Asiana (&ane % ,,('$$!!!.,e)en6ercanne&.com$ne!"$,ren)in*$n,"b%"ay"%in,ern%re"(on"ib&e%-or%-a#e% -&i*,%cre!%name"%o-%cra"e)%a"iana%(&ane $$ A&&e*e) (&ane cra" in :a*o"? a oa@  9AMA % ,,('$$!!!.6an*ar)n*$201$0=$a&&e*e)%(&ane%cra"%in%&a*o"%a%oa@% nama$ RFID c'i ,a, con,ain" biome,ric )a,a abo, ,e carrier a" been mo6e) ,o ,e in"i)e o- ,e (a""(or, co6er? !ere i, !on, be 6i"ib&e. ,,('$$!!!.!ire).co.#$ne!"$arci6e$2010% 0$2<$ne!%#%(a""(or,"%n6ei&e) 

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 HERSTORY 2014 -/ Feb 1 /  7  // 15 // 21 / 28 /   Mar  /   / 2014 DRACO WACKO VAMPIREBBQ UrAmerica by Dana Horoco!"#i $$ CURRICULUM  // 2014 pdf   // / 2014 doc /  /  

http://ere!"t#treet!e$%co&/  % Made in cANADa! http://c#berc'a%!et/  

Bob Mar&ey' Pro(ecie" an) Me""a*e" +, by Dana Horoco!"#i


MAR)i 02 1 2014 % 2$$+ % 1 % % DIS - INFO WARS- VATICAN BANKS

CONTROL ALL SIDES o- ,e AMON RA PROPAGANDA nibir-or %,,('$$$nibir-or.,m

ETHIOPIAN PLANE CRASH HOAX 33 %I,i" all African siri!"ali!# ", !i,ene) ( an),!i",e) "o ,a, E)omi,e race" can c&aim ,o be5o)" co"en. I- yo !ere ,o re"earc yo !o&)in6e",i*a,e ,e ric an) (o!er-& R$%an PISO


7renc -i*,er e," accom(anie) iac#e)E,io(ian (&ane in,o 5ene6a !en co%(i&o,

,rea,ene) ,o cra" beca"e 8!i"" air%-orce O9:; WORK8 O77ICE HOUR8 3,,('$$!!!.)ai&ymai&.co.#$ne!"$ar,ic&e%2<=1$7renc%-i*,er%e,"%accom(anie)%iac#e)%E,io(ian%(&ane%5ene6a%(i&o,%,rea,ene)%cra"%8!i""%air%-orce%O9:;%WORK8%O77ICE%HOUR8.,m& $$A &oo# a, (&ane iac#in*" by E,io(ian",,('$$#)!$2014$02$1$a%&oo#%a,%(&ane%iac#in*"%by%e,io(ian"$ $$ $ 9>8B "ay" in,ernre"(on"ib&e -or -a#e -&i*, cre!name" o- cra"e) Asiana (&ane %

,,('$$!!!.,e)en6ercanne&.com$ne!"$,ren)in*$n,"b%"ay"%in,ern%re"(on"ib&e%-or%-a#e%-&i*,%cre!%name"%o-%cra"e)%a"iana%(&ane $$ A&&e*e) (&ane cra" in :a*o"? a oa@  9AMA % ,,('$$!!!.6an*ar)n*$201$0=$a&&e*e)%(&ane%cra"%in%&a*o"%a%oa@%nama$

RFID c'i ,a, con,ain" biome,ric )a,a abo, ,e carrier a" been mo6e) ,o ,e in"i)e o-,e (a""(or, co6er? !ere i, !on, be 6i"ib&e. ,,('$$!!!.!ire).co.#$ne!"$arci6e$2010%0$2<$ne!%#%(a""(or,"%n6ei&e) 

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I" ,i" Obama" WOR:D 5OVER9ME9> Pa""(or,3 ,,('$$,r,-i&e".ne,$3(2<= $$,,('$$en.!i#iboo#".or*$!i#i$Armenian5enoci)e $$$,,('$$!!!.-an""$*a&&ery$(o,o"$11<04$r!an)a%brn)i%re&$ $$$,,('$$e@c&$Re6ie!"$7i&m$"ocia&*enoci)e%-ernan)oe"o&ana" $$,,("'$$!!!.,ami&"a*ain",*enoci)e.or*$ $$

DANGERO(S DANA )r*+ni"s&ca PLA,lis!



!or#" -or ,e VATICAN BLACK POOP -

D(LCE BASE DISTRACTIONS %A)eren," o- ,e !i,e "(remici", ,eo&o*y#no!n a" >!o%8ee)&ine o- -a&"e cri",ianI)en,i,y o&) ,a, !i,e (eo(&e are)e"cen)an," o- A)am an) are ence ,eco"en (eo(&e o- 5o). >e Fe!i" (eo(&e are

"ai) ,o be )e"cen)an," o- Cain an) ," o- 8a,anG >i" be&ie- !a" )e6e&o(e) by Dai.

Ic/+0 W+sl+# A& S1if!0 C$nra. Gaar. an) Wi&&iam Po,,er 5a&e amon* o,er" -a&"e (ro(e,"? a&& are ma"onry. ,,('$$,oraco)e"%mn.b&o*"(o,.ca$2012$04$"erry%"riner%an)%i"%e"o,eric%a*en)a.,m& $$,,("'$$!!!$)an"ia.oroco!"#a$(o","$2==+40014+10=

Ancien, E*y(,ian" ca&&e) 8iri" ,e Do* 8,ar? a-,er ,eir *o) An"2is? !o"e ea) in (ic,o*ram" re"emb&e) ,a, o- a )o*&i#e anima&' ,,('$$,oraco)e"%mn.b&o*"(o,.ca$2011$10$a&&a%moon%*o)%an)%*o)%o-%-reema"onry.,m&

S'+rr# S'rin+r E3$s+. - Fals+ Pr$'+! $f S"n

W$rs'i an. S+r+n! S++. by E%+ral. E%issar# % ,i"VOICE 8OU9D8 :IKE MARK DICE ,,('$$!!!.yo,$!a,c361:(BC&/co $$,,('$$!!!.yo,$"er$Emera&)5a,eMini",ry $$


S'+rr# S'rin+r an. 'is Es$!+ric A*+n.a % >ora Co)e"2012 by Mi)bar 9e"er' 7reema"onry an) ,e I"&amic

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De",iny % ,,('$$,oraco)e"%mn.b&o*"(o,.ca$2012$04$"erry%"riner%an)%i"%e"o,eric%a*en)a.,m&

E3$sin* S'+rr# S'rin+r0 S+r+n!0 Ali+n0 Fall+n An*+l0 Fr++%as$n0 S'rin+r0 N+$-

Na4i0 sa!anis!. ,,('$$ami*,y!in).com$!a,"ne!$&e"bian"riner.,m&

% S'+rr# S'rin+r i" a -a&"e (ro(e, in6o&6e) in L"cif+rian s"n 1$rs'i0 an) ana)6oca,e o- ,e 88 9a/i 8ocia&i"m 8er(en, 8ee) )oc,rine? 8a,an" )ee(e", ,eacin*? a&yin* (er6er"ion o- ,e Bib&e -rom ,e PI> o- DU:CE BA8E 9EW MEJICO an)7A::UFAH IRAQ %

Dan*er" O- 8erry 8riner an) Her Or*one,,('$$ami*,y!in).com$!a,"ne!$"erry"riner.,m& $$$$8a,anic:i/ar)"?U7O"?Bir) Dea,"?9WO?Con"(iracy >eori", 8riner%,,('$$*&oba&rmb&in*".b&o*"(o,.ca$2011$02$"a,anic%&i/ar)"-o"bir).,m& $$$

8erry 8riner a,e" 9A>URE an) ,e 5ODDE88 ,ra)i,ion. 8ei" 9O> HUMA9. S'+rr# S'rin+r call+. T$%%# (s"r#Fr++ K+nn+.# a

SATANIST0 bac# in 200+. ,,("'$$!!!$,ommy."ry-ree#enne)y

8HRI9ER a#a DIVI9E 8CRO::KEEPER ...e6ery,in* i" BACK FIRING f$r


LIES LIES LIES&..I a6e &i",ene) ,o year" o- :IE8 -rom 8erry 8riner an) 9O8O:U>IO98. 8e be&ie6e" in :I:I>H? b, "ay" ,ere i" 9O EVE. >i"QUACKER a" &o", ,e P:O>. 8HERR; 8HRI9ER% I WA9> M; 100 )ona,ionBACK? ,a, I "en, yo in 200=. I )on, "e&& my or*one anymore...i, ,a#e" ,oo mc

o- my (recio" ,ime ,o ma#e i, an) I "e) i, ,o "rron) A&*oma an) 8oo Mici*an$Mac#ina! Bri)*e. I ",o((e)"e&&in* i, aron) 200?.b, ne6er!a" a bi* (romo,er% ma#e i,yor"e&-. I HA>E MO9E; I)on, !an, ,o -n) ,eMI:I>AR; (o",a& "er6iceei,er ,,('$$+,$b&ac#"!an"&,.,m

MOTHER $f VAMPIRES %,,("'$$!!!$,onya.#ane.1$me)ia"e,3

"e,a.1024<200=4+40.2+=.10000142422+<1L,y(e $$,,("'$$!!!$,onya.#ane.1$me)ia"e,3"e,a.101<=<142.2414.10000142422+<1L,y(e

,,('$$!!!."erry,a&#ra)$,ran"cribe$2014$02%0%14.,m $ $$

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As!ral Ti%+ Tra+l8 T'+ H&D&R& - ,,('$$(aranorma&i".com$,rea)"$a",ra&%,ime%,ra6e&%,e%%)%r.=2+$ 

Dana Horoco!"#i % 7eb 2014



MAR)i 02 1 2014 % 2$$+ % 1 % % DI8 % I97O WAR8% VA>ICA9 BA9K8 CO9>RO:A:: 8IDE8 o- ,e AMO9 RA PROPA5A9DA nibir-or %






C$%%an.+r a! T'+ Galac!ic F+.+ra!i$n Of Li*'!

Pas!8 Ali+n R+sis!anc+ M$+%+n! :A&R&M;S!".i+. a! !'+1a!c'+rsfil+s&c$%

Pas!8 an.r$%+.a c$"ncil

Li+s in D"lc+0 N+1 M+3ic$

Fr$% Fall")a'0 Ira<>o "ee !a, e "are" !i, -rien)"? "en) im a -rien) ree",.Wor# an) E)ca,ion>e 5a&ac,ic 7e)era,ion O- :i*,>e 5a&ac,ic 7e)era,ion O- :i*,

Comman)er 8e( 1? 1+ ,o (re"en,A&ien Re"i",ance Mo6emen, A.R.MA&ien Re"i",ance Mo6emen, A.R.M8onic Beam Comman)er On 7eb =? 10,e!a,cer"-i&e".com,e!a,cer"-i&e".comC&a"" o- 10an)rome)a conci&

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an)rome)a conci&C&a"" o- 17ami&y

Comman)er J

5ran)-a,er Abo, Di6ine8r6i6or o- ,e 7ir", An*e& War" Orion Con-&ic,N. Ca(,re) an) "en, ,ro* ,e An,are"8,ar*a,e. Im(ri"one) in ,e man bo)y on Draconion Pri"on P&ane, #no!n a" Ear,? -orno!.7a6ori,e Qo,a,ion"8ee# >e >r,? An) Bear >e Con"eence".. Ha6e re"(ec, n,o ,e co6enan,? -or ,e)ar# (&ace" o- ,e Ear, are -i&&e) !i, ,e abi,a,ion" o- cre&,y % P"a&m" +4'20.P&ace" :i6e)D&ce? 9e! Me@icoD&ce? 9e! Me@ico

Crren, Ci,y7a&&a? Ira7a&&a? IraHome,o!nBa"ic In-orma,ion5en)erMa&eIn,ere",e) InWomenRe&a,ion"i( 8,a,"8in*&e:an*a*e"Enocian an) En*&i"Con,ac, In-orma,ionWeb"i,e,,('$$!!!.an)rome)aconci&.com7aceboo# ,,('$$$"cro&&#ee(er :i-e E6en,"18,ar,e) 8coo& a, an)rome)a conci&105ra)a,e) -rom ,e!a,cer"-i&e".com15ra)a,e) -rom an)rome)a conci&1=8,ar,e) 8coo& a, ,e!a,cer"-i&e".com108,ar,e) Wor#in* a, A&ien Re"i",ance Mo6emen, A.R.M1+8,ar,e) Wor#in* a, >e 5a&ac,ic 7e)era,ion O-  Wi,eAn*e&ic :i*,

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An.r$%+.a C$"ncil !!!.an)rome)aconci&.com>e An)rome)a Conci& i" an in,er*a&ac,ic an) in,er",e&&ar *o6ernance L )e6e&o(men, bo)y o- a&i*ne) bene6o&en, ",ar "y",em" L (&ane,".



Transcribe 02-03-14 Monday Night with Sherry Shriner 

Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:43 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Sherry Shriner on.....

Sherry T!" #dio

 $ired on 02%03%2014


ondy *i+ht 'ith Sherry Shriner 

Februry 3, 2014

-#$ /$ $ T/#$TS T/$T T/ # -* T- 5- P * -# 8T


F5#$# 2

 $nd he!!o, e9erybody. oure !i9e. ts ondy ni+ht, Februry 3. m

Sherry Shriner. 8oup!e thin+s 'nn t!" bout toni+ht. ; you 'thed the

Super 5o'! yesterdy, tht 's yer t'o in ro', you "no'. #emember !st

yer, the Super 5o'! in *e' -r!ens, they hd p!ns to b!o' it up nd 'e 'ere

b!e to sbot+e tht. -r+one 'rrior +ot or+one round the stdium nd

sturted the 'ho!e re o; *e' -r!ens.

 $nd then this yer, +in, <ump ;or'rd, 'ith the et i;e Stdium. ou

"no', 's re!!y hesitnt, e9en to be+in 'ith ;or the 'ee". o 'e re!!y

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'nn stop it= /h> ou "no', <ust to +et thin+s%%!et the time!ine sty

'here its t. 5ut you +ott thin", you "no', theres !i"e 70,000 peop!e in

tht stdium. ed !redy sturted *e' or" 'ith or+one. $nd ou!d see in

the 8odes, s m 'hitt!in+ 'y in them on Sturdy nd Sundy, tht ore

's upset. $nd ou!dnt ;i+ure out, ?hy is ore md=? ou "no'. hts

ore h9e to do%%ht is their st"e in !! this= $nd so, m redin+throu+h my e%mi!s, nd m redin+ this e%mi! someone sent out. t 's

t!"in+ bout ho' ore hd mde threts they 'ere +onn b!o' up *e' or" 8ity

on Februry 2. $nd tht the +o9ernment 's "eepin+ it @uiet. The medi 's

"eepin+ it @uiet, 'hte9er. 's thin"in+, ?-, so thts the onnetion.

Thts 'hy ores md.?

T/ 5T T F ST$ T/ P$*S T- 5- T P $* /$A

P#P-ST-* 5-5S * T

 $nd then you h9e the stdium in *e' Bersey, 'hih, dont "no' ho' ;r

tht is ;rom *e' or". thin" its... dont "no'. st #uther;ord. dont

"no' ho' ;r tht is ;rom nhttn. 8ou!d be ross the 'ter. 5ut

'rrior +ot do'n there nd sturted the stdium 'ith or+one. $nd ;or some

reson, theres some e;;et. dont "no' i; its the or+one or its <ust

e9erythin+ e!se tht surrounds it tht hppens. 5ut, you "no', 'ht is it 'ith

or+one tht bombs 'ont detonte= ou "no', ho' is it tht or+one is

pre9entin+ bombs ;rom detontin+= ou "no', tht one "ind o; mysti;ies me.

The sme s !st yer, they hd nisters o; poison. didnt see 'here

they 'ere p!ed this yer. "no' tht !st yer the ord sho'ed me tht

there 's these bi+ nisters o; poison tht hd been prepositioned throu+hout

the stdium. Tht they 'ere +onn b!o' it up nd !et the nisters !oose

t the sme time. $nd, pprent!y, the p!ns 'ere the sme ;or this yer.

They bui!t et i;e Stdium, +uess, 'ith the p!ns o; b!o'in+ it up. So

its !redy +ot prepositioned bombs in the p!e.

 $nd ;or some reson, the or+one pre9ents tht, nd so. dont "no' i;

its beuse o; tht, or its beuse the or+one sturtes the ir so i; ny

F-s ome in, 'hih they norm!!y do 'hen theres destrution, !i"e

trin, they +o in nd they strt bdutin+ peop!e, you "no'. ed or !i9e

they!! bdut them into their ships beuse humns re their ;ood soure. They

;est on humns. They <ust put them up on hoo"s. $nd put them in theirmet !o"ers on their ships. $nd thts 'ht they do.

F T/ ST$ - /$A 5-* P, T/ -#-* F$8T-* - /$A -*


 $nd so, i; the stdium is sturted 'ith or+one, nd F-s 'ere +onn ome

in nd bdut peop!e, they 'ou!d be thretened to rsh. men, or+ones

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been rshin+ F-s ;or the !st ten yers. $nd so, e9er sine 'e strted

puttin+ it out, it 's one o; those thin+s tht 'e !erned !on+ the 'y. -;

ourse, i!he!m #eih !imed it 'ou!d. $nd 'e9e been seein+ it ;irsthnd

tht it does. $nd so, mybe they 'ere ;rid tht i; they b!e' up the

stdium nd brou+ht their ships in to strt t"in+ peop!e, tht the or+one 'ou!d

;;et them nd use them to rsh. re!!y dont "no'. ht do "no' istheyre md. /ehe> Theyre md. Theyre md. $nd so, theyre md tht 'e

pre9ented it.

didnt s" the ord not to do it. <ust sid, ?hte9er is our 'i!!.?

ou "no'. ?hte9er our 'i!! is.? ou "no'. et it hppen i; its to

hppen. $nd then stop it i; /e doesnt 'nt it to, you "no'. hte9er /is 'i!!

is in the mtter. "no' %%you "no', hd mentioned there 's +ood

hne, in the month o; Bnury (this month) tht the or+one ;tion ou!d be

!e9in+. $nd it me do'n%%ends up omin+ do'n to the Super 5o'!. ; the

stdium hd b!o'n up, the ;tion 'ou!d9e +one home. *o' tht it hsnt, 'ere

stu" here. ere de!yed.

 $nd so typi! ;or de!ys. e9e been !oo"in+ t those sine 200C. $nd so,

you "no', 'e shoot ourse!9es in the ;oot, but thts 'ht 9e !'ys

sid, you "no'. 5ut re 'e supposed to sit b" nd do nothin+= et 70,000

peop!e b!o' up nd beome ;ood ;or the !iens= thin" thts 'ht Stn 's

bn"in+ on. ?e!!, they 'ont do nythin+, beuse i; it b!o's up, then some

o; them%% !ot o; them 'i!! +et to +o home.? $nd so, they didnt eDpet us

to do nythin+. ht, do they thin" 'ere <ust +onn sit on our hnds nd

"i!! 70,000 peop!e=

S T/# $S -F $#*SS * SPT5# % T/ /$ T/S /- ST

P F-# $ S$8#F8 T/#-/ 5-* P T/ ST$

ere so used to de!ys, 'e n put up 'ith nother month, t'o, three

;our. dont see nythin+ +oin+ pst September o; this yer. m !oo"in+ t

September nd m seein+ tht 'ho!e u!!in+ period, tht three dys o;

dr"ness, tht, typi!!y, shedu!ed to%%peop!e eDpeted it in eember, !st

yer nd the yer be;ore. $nd m seein+ it this yer in September.

 $nd 9e !'ys sid, you "no', the Cth, 10th, nd 11th, re the three hot

dtes o; September. 5euse thts !'ys been their September rri9!times. $nd its !oo"in+ !i"e those ou!d be the three dys o; their u!!in+

dys 'here they mssi9e!y !ense the erth, 'hih is nothin+ but mss

murder. urder s mny peop!e s they n in three dys. $nd theres dr"ness so

tht peop!e nt re!!y ;untion nd operte. dont "no' 'ht

probb!y, most !i"e!y, so peop!e nt see them. ou "no'. They !i"e to

operte in dr"ness. here, o; ourse, Fther opertes in the !i+ht. *othin+ /e

does is hidden or seret. 5ut, o; ourse, e9erythin+ Stn does, is.

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 $!'ys the tot! opposites.

 $nd so, h9e to b"tr" no' 'ith the three dys o; dr"ness in

September to 'hts +onn hppen 'ith the neDt se9er! months, beuse thin"

tht the stdium bein+ b!o'n up, they hd this 'ho!e 'ee"end set. t 's the

per;et setup. t t"es 'hi!e ;or them to prepre, you "no'. They hd setup b" in Bnury. Tht me nd 'ent. Then 'e hd the Super 5o'!. $nd

this 's per;et setup. They hd the 8hinese *e' er, the three%dy

ho!idy +oin+ on. They hd their bi+ stni ritu! set Sturdy ni+ht ;or the

stni +roups ross the 'or!d. Some "ind o; ho!y dy o; theirs. They hd

the +!ob! reset on the ed+e, +ettin+ redy to +o, push the button on tht.

 $nd it <ust seems !i"e the Super 5o'! bein+ b!o'n up 's prt o; the 'ho!e

p!n. ou "no', tens o; thousnds sri;ied to strt the 8hinese *e' er

o;; 'hte9er. $nd, you "no', it 's <ust per;et setup. $nd no' 'e h9e

to 'it +in ;or the neDt thin+ tht omes up, nd strts to ro!! s

per;et setup +in, you "no'.

T/* TS -* T- 5 8/*S F-#8S -* $#T$ $ #-*PS

oure <ust +onn her more nd more bout 8hin. men, 'hen, in !!

these yers, hs nybody e9er red 'hen 8hins *e' er is= men, dont

thin" nybodys e9er red. $nd no', !! o; sudden, you "no', it m"es

the ne's. ?-h, its 8hins *e' er.? hy do 'e re= 5euse 8hin o'ns

 $meri pretty muh, ;o!"s. oo" t the 'ritin+ on the '!!.

 $nd so, theyre !so Stns rmy. Theyre his ;ores. Bust thin", 'e +ot

1.E bi!!ion 8hinese. *ot to mention ho' mny re !oned. *ot e9en tu!!y

humn. Thts @uite bit Stns +ot t his dispos! to use s his

henhmen, you "no'. dont thin" its +oin+ to be mi!itry ;ores doin+ mrti!

!' roundups. ts +oin+ to be the 8hinese ;ores. Thts 'hy you!! see

thin+s o!or%oded. 5euse they nt spe" n+!ish, but they n reo+nie


 $!! this "ind o; +ets thro'n o;; beuse there 's series o; e9ents tht

'ere +onn hppen, tht 's seein+. $nd no' !! thts +onn +et thro'n

o;; beuse it 's pretty muh bsed on thin+s tht 'ere hppenin+ this

'ee"end. 5ut tht ou!d be +ood in 'y. h...not so muh, beuse 'hen onethin+ +ets "no"ed out, nother thin+ omes in nd its <ust s bd s the

one tht +ot "no"ed out, usu!!y.

SSP8T $ / #-/T S -* T- /T S-T * T/ SP#* -#


 $-* -T/# T/*S

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ht suspet is +onn hppen is 'ere +onn +o on into the sprin+ nd

summer. $nd suspet hu+e drou+ht is +onn hit. *ot <ust 8!i;orni.

thin" e9erybodys +onn see the 8!i;orni drou+ht. thin" its +onn spred

to the id'est. ere +onn h9e hu+e drou+ht here. $nd theres +onn be

!ot o; erth@u"es nd tsunmis omin+ up. #emember the Fther to!d me,

t the be+innin+ o; the yer, this 's +onn be yer o; !ot o;dissters. $nd so, it 'ou!dnt h9e sho"ed me i; the Super 5o'! p!ns hd been

suess;u! nd it hd b!o'n up, beuse Fther sid there 's +onn be !ot

o; dissters nd despir this yer.

T/# P$#$* T/ 5$8 /-#S $##A$ 8-* *

5ut 'e n mo9e on to other thin+s tht +o beyond ;ootb!! stdium.

men, 'e9e +ot, you "no', these p!nets omin+ in. *ibiru omin+ b" in.

Tht ou!d re!!y 're" h9o on this p!net. $ !ot o; erth@u"es, tsunmis.

 $ drou+ht. men, theyre prdin+ the b!" horse rri9! omin+ in. $nd

'hts the b!" horse, ;o!"s= ts ;mine. men, you s' the...or herd

bout, their ou!ti per;ormnes t the rmmys. 's surprised tht

the Super 5o'!s re!!y 'snt tht ou!ti. t 's tu!!y h!;time you

ou!d tu!!y <ust sit nd 'th 'ithout h9in+ to ++ t !! the stni

rp +oin+ on, or e9en <ust +et up nd !e9e your te!e9ision sets ;or

h!;time beuse they9e !'ys been so +ross. $nd, ;or one, 'e tu!!y hd

pretty norm! one.

5A T/ 5#-*8-S 8-*T P#F-# $T T/ SP# 5- 58$S T/#

-*S F F#- T/ -#-*%S$T#$T ST$

ht thou+ht 's musin+ 's the e;;et or+one hs. i"e 9e !'ys

to!d you, you "no', it burns the !iens, they su;;ote, they nt stnd it,

it hs putrid odor to them. To them, its !i"e sme!!in+ deth. ts !i"e

the sme!! o; deth, to us, is +ross, thts probb!y 'ht it sme!!s !i"e to

them beuse its putridness to them. $nd its the on!y thin+ n

re!te thts re! putridness to us is the sme!! o; deth. Someones ded

body. Tht putrid sme!!.

5ut it !so prohibits them. t pre9ents them ;rom bein+ b!e to per;orm,

pprent!y, beuse the 5ronos ou!dnt do thin+. $nd, you "no' Peyton

nnin+G so!d%out !!uminti de9i! 'orshiper. 's <ust 'th 9ideoer!ier 'ith his s!it eyes. oo"s !i"e they9e !redy rep!ed him. $nd thts

usu!!y 'ht hppens 'hen you se!! out to Stn, you se!! your sou! to

Stn. 9entu!!y, you +et rep!ed. ou "no', you +et !oned nd rep!ed.

 $nd the ori+in! person is "i!!ed o;;.

5ut none o; the 5ronos ou!d per;orm. ts beuse most o; them operte,

espei!!y i; you <oin the !!uminti, nd <oin into the soni stu;;, nd

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the stnism, theyre +i9en spirits to he!p them per;orm better. ou "no'.

 $nd 'ith the or+one sturtin+ the re, those demons 'ou!d not%%'ou!dHI3CG9e

t"en o;;. They 'ou!d9e ;!ed. $nd so, youre pretty muh !e;t 'ith bunh

o; +uys 'ithout their spirits he!pin+ them, tht h9e to re!y on their o'n

t!ent nd bi!ity 'ithout eDtr he!p beuse their demons h9e !e;t. They

'ont ome in. The stdiums ;u!! o; or+one. They 'ont enter it.

 $nd thts 'hy thin" they <ust ou!dnt p!y yesterdy. They ou!dnt

per;orm t !! beuse their demons bndoned them, you "no'. hen you see

dners onst+e 'ith 5eyone nd !! these pop dners, they +et spirits to

he!p them dne the 'y they do. ou "no', you n +et spirits to he!p you

sin+. ou "no', hitney /ouston syin+ in n inter9ie' the reson her

onerts hd ;!!en so ;!t (peop!e 'ere '!"in+ out o; them), she ou!dnt hit

the hi+h notes nymore beuse she !ost the spirit. $nd she sid tht,

eDt!y, ? !ost the spirit.?

e!!, 'hen you understnd ho' this re!m 'or"s, these Stnists, you "no',

Stn he!ps them. $nd he +i9es them spirits. Bim 8rrey +ot spirits to

m"e him ;unny. o9ie strs, Bohnny epp, they +et spirits to he!p them

per;orm, to beome tors, to "no' ho' to t the ro!es theyre +i9en. $nd then

the humn prt o; them <ust he"s out nd the demons t"e o9er nd per;orm

tht ro!e. Thts 'ht they +et in return. ou "no'. They si+n the dotted

!ine, nd then theyre +i9en t!ents to p!y instruments, or dne, or p!y

sports, you "no'. Theyre +i9en spirits, 'hih is nothin+ but demons. They

dont !! them tht. They !! them spirits.

 $nd so, thin" it hu+e!y ;;eted their bi!ity to p!y yesterdy, nd

not e9en +et nythin+ +oin+, beuse o; the or+one. $nd it 's nie to see

8hristin @urterb" nd nie tem 'in. The underdo+s. ou "no', d

s"ed the ord to he!p the opposite tem 'in. Tht they 'nted to 'in.

didnt "no' 'hih tem, 'ou!d im+ine the 5ronos. 5ut <ust s"ed the ord

to he!p the opposite tem 'in. The one tht they didnt 'nt to 'in. Bust to

re!!y rub it in. /h> Tht they re not !! in ontro!. They re not !!

po'er;u!. They thin" they re beuse they h9e !! the money, nd !! the

po'er, nd !! the top positions. ou "no', !! the Stnists round

 $meri. 5ut theyre not !! po'er;u!. The Fther is. $nd thin" /e!! !'ys

"eep them in he" nd b!ne on tht.

dont thin" they eDpeted, yesterdy, 'ht 's +onn hppen 'ith the

or+one. dont thin" they eDpeted it t !!. ind o; ur9eb!! t them.

 $nd, you "no', shout%out, nd heds%up, nd thn"s to the 'rrior out

in *e' Bersey tht +ot it o9er there. ou "no'=

# S* T/ F#TS -F -# $5-# 5* S88SSF, 5T # -*

5-##- T

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 $nd 'e !so ou!d9e hd dissters 'ith ore in *e' or" 8ity. $nd tht

didnt mount to nythin+. spent !ot o; time in *e' or" 8ity, t'o yers

+o, poundin+ tht p!e 'ith or+one. $ oup!e o; 'rriors did. ou "no',

'ere seein+ the ;ruits o; our !bors bein+ suess;u!.

ou "no', !oo" t the drid Fu!t ine. They9e been tryin+ to /$$#P

tht, nd +et tht +oin+. $nd 'e hd 'rriors +oin+ up nd do'n the ;u!t !ine

p!in+ or+one, pre9entin+ tht, nd so. e9e done !ot o; 'or" to s9e

!i9es nd pre9ent destrutions.

5ut its not +onn sty this 'y ;ore9er. et, e9ery time 'e do tht,

peop!e h9e bou+ht !itt!e bit more time to '"e up, to prepre. ou "no'. $nd

most peop!e <ust 'ste the time tht theyre +i9en. ere on borro'ed

time, s it is. ou "no', theres +onn be !ot o; destrutions omin+ this

yer. spei!!y i; youre on the ost!ines. ; youre on is!nds,

'ou!dnt be on n%% 'ou!dnt 'nt to be on n is!nd. 'ou!dnt 'nt to be ner

ost!ine. spei!!y 'hen the Fther hs spent so muh time 'rnin+

peop!e to +et 'y ;rom the ost!ines.

9entu!!y, /is 'rnin+s <ust stop. men, !oo" t 200J 'hen 's

'rnin+ Bpn%%peop!e to !e9e the is!nd o; Bpn. $nd then in 2012, tsunmi

hits it. So they hd ;our yers to +et o;; tht is!nd o; Bpn. t!!

probb!y ;inish +oin+ under this yer. e my !ose @uite ;e' is!nds this yer.

-5$$S -#* -* T#* T- T $ P$*8 -*

 $nd then 'e h9e -bm 'or"in+ on tryin+ to +et pndemi +oin+. From

'ht n see in the odes, be!ie9e its rbies. /es tryin+ to pound

rbies. $nd thin" 'ht nother nme ;or rbies ou!d be the ombie 9irus.

5euse%% men, ho' is /ebre's +onn%% /e%%you "no', in the /ebre' !n+u+e,

ho' 'ou!d you trns!te tht o9er to n+!ish so 'e ou!d understnd it. $nd

so, 'hen see the term rbies, o;ten thin" o; ombies. Theyre

desribin+ ombie beh9ior. i!d, nim!isti humn beh9ior 'ou!d be ombies. $nd

they9e been tryin+ to do tht ;or yers, nd 'e9e been b!e to

suess;u!!y stop tht ;or yers <ust 'ith or+one. Bust +ettin+ the or+one out. t

pre9ents the ti9tion.

ou "no', they +et so ;r in poundin+ peop!e 'ith their hemi!s, nd

their nnobots, nd their tehno!o+ies. 5ut they !'ys need tht ;in! thin+

tht ti9tes it. $nd 'e9e been suess;u! in b!o"in+ their ti9tions.

 $nd so, you "no', mybe they ;ound 'y round it. dont "no'.

T/ 5$8 - $* A#S S $ P$ T/$T 8- ST#- $ -F $**,

F T --S

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So you better be!ie9e most o; thts +onn be these p!+ues, beuse, you

"no', usu!!y 'hen its n !ien 9irus, !ien p!+ues, they t"e 'hi!e to

;ind n ntidote to them. $nd it m"es me thin" tht they must be re!!y

on;ident tht they h9e n ntidote to this b!" +oo. Tht it 'ont ;;et

them. $nd so, 9e s"ed the ord to sbot+e !! their nedotes so tht

they dont 'or". ou "no', turn them to 'ter. Bust sbot+e them. et themrep 'ht they so'. ou "no', i; theyre +onn thro' this out on mn"ind,

dish it out, nd strt destroyin+ peop!e 'ith it, !et it destroy them, too.

et them rep 'ht they so'. 9ery p!+ue, nd disese, nd ner tht

they thro' out t us, !et them be ;;eted by, too.

m tired o; these Stnists 'ho !u+h nd +'" t !! the destrutions

they use innoent peop!e beuse theyre so hu+hty tht they thin" Stns

+onn protet them. They h9e nedotes. -r it 'ont +et to them beuse

Stns +onn protet them. ou "no', <ust s" the Fther !! the time to

demo!ish nd to sbot+e their protetions so they h9e none. hy shou!d

they +et to hide. et them rep 'ht they so'. et them be in the sme bot

'ith e9erybody e!se.

ou "no', the one thin+ they <ust h9ent eDperiened yet is Stns true

o!ors. $nd 'hen they do, its +onn be @uite, @uite, @uite 9inditin+ to

see, you "no'. They thin" 'hen he rri9es, hes e9erybodys buddy, you

"no'. /e <ust does thin+s no' to +et his ;oot in the door. ou "no', he +ets

his ;oot in the door nd !ets peop!e thin", ?-h, hes +ood +uy.? /es

hrmer, he he!ps them. it ti!! he +ets here nd strts "i!!in+ them o;;,

beuse he doesnt need them round nymore. ou "no'= ts eDt!y 'ht

hes +onn do. So tht!! be some'ht 9inditin+ ;or !! the ri+hteous peop!e

'ho h9e been 9itims o; the stni sum o; this 'or!d ;or the !st

oup!e thousnd yers.

# $T* -* T/ $##A$ -F S$*$*$ $* $T#$ % T/ F$T/# -*T

*$S/ /S B*TS T- ST#- $#T/ *T 8F# S /#

5ut either 'y, ;o!"s, it re!!y doesnt !oo" +ood ;or the omin+ months.

ind o; +ot !m be;ore the storm ri+ht no'. ependin+ on 'hih prt o;

the ountry youre in, or the 'or!d. "no' 'here m t, 'ere bout to +et

hit 'ith nother /$$#P 'epon storm. They "eep poundin+ the northest 'ith

these rti b!sts. $nd you "no' 'ht= ts Februry, n de! 'iththt. ere used to 'inter in the 'intertime. /h> i+ht be !itt!e o!der

thn usu!. 5ut its 'intertime. ts not !i"e its the midd!e o; Bu!y nd

'ere +ettin+ pounded 'ith n rti sno' storm, so n de! 'ith this.

dont !i"e it, but dont !i"e 'inter to be+in 'ith. thin" s you +et

o!der you <ust +et some'ht d9erse to o!d 'ether. t +ets hrder to de!

'ith, but so does the hot, so.

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ither 'y, you "no', thin" 'e9e +ott%% thin" the neDt thin+s m

seein+ ;or dte'ise ;or interestin+ thin+s re end o; Februry, be+innin+ o;

rh. $nd 'ere !'ys <ust 'itin+ ;or their rri9!, ;o!"s. m men,

its re!!y the ti"et. Thts re!!y 'ht 'ere !! <ust 'itin+ on. 5euse

itrey rri9es in the idd!e st some'here. $nd be+ins his mpi+n s

 $sended ster, or uhmmd, or 'hte9er it is hes omin+ s o9er there.Thts re!!y the red ;!+, the si+n! tht rps bout to hit the ;n. ou

"no'= 5euse the Fthers not +onn un!esh /is <ud+ments to destroy the

erth unti! ui;er is here. nti! he be+ins his ministry on rth throu+h

these t'o puppetsG Snnd nd itrey. $nd, re!!y, Snnds <ust

ui;er in humn ;orm. /e 'or"s nd ts throu+h this Snnd ;orm. 5ut he n

be t mu!tip!e p!es t one time. 5i!otion is 'ht its !!ed. $nd so,

hes not !imited !i"e 'e re. ou "no', hes not !imited s humns re.

 $nd so, one these t'o rri9e, boy, the destrutions on rth re +onn be

e9ery bit o; 'ht prophey re9e!s. ou "no', noh re9e!s tht in the

!st dys, you "no', ;ruit trees re +onn be +ro'in+ out o; seson. ere

+onn be +ettin+ pp!es in eember. ou "no', e9erythin+HI3CGs +onn be 'h"ed

beuse o; the po!e shi;t. Theres +onn be po!e shi;t. $nd 'hen tht

ours, e9erybodys sesons re +onn be thro'n o;;. 8!endrs re +onn be

 <ust ob!iterted. ere +onn h9e 'inter in the summer nd summer in the

'inter. $nd thin+s re +onn be <ust upside do'n. 9erythin+HI3CGs +onn hn+e,

i; you red the boo" o; noh.

 $nd so, 'e h9ent seen tht yet. e h9ent seen tht muh dissters yet.

 $!thou+h 'ere +ettin+ tste o; thin+s. 5ut those dissters re +onn

hppen, but they!! be more or !ess ;ter the $ntihrist nd F!se Prophet

be+in their ministry on rth ;ter they rri9e. $nd so, 'e h9e some time on

tht. 5ut men, one they do rri9e, 'hih ou!d be momentus, t ny

time, unti! then, you n onsider it @uiet be;ore the storm. 5ut then,

dont ;or+et you9e +ot *ibiru omin+ in. $nd thts +onn use erth@u"es

nd tsunmis, nd so.

ou "no', m not sure i; theres nythin+ !e;t !i9e on *ibiru. "no'

the or+one hs deimted them. Thts 'hy they me in t'o yers +o,

hi+h%ti!ed it, nd too" o;;. 5euse the or+one 's burnin+ them. $nd so, they9e

been o;; tryin+ to restore their ship, their p!net, nd put shie!d o9er

it so tht 'hen they ome b", the or+one 'ont be b!e to penetrte thisshie!d theyre puttin+ round it. dont "no' i; thts +onn 'or" or

not. 5ut either 'y, 'e "no' its omin+ b".

 $nd so, 'hether its ;u!! o; !i9e or ded +ints, the sheer sie o; this

p!net, 'hih is, !i"e, three times the sie o; Bupiter, is pretty muh

+onn use !ot o; h9o on rth, nd so. $nd i; you red bout !! the

destrutions it n use, it pretty muh !i+ns 'ith the trumpet nd bo'!

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 <ud+ments in the boo" o; #e9e!tion. ; you red those <ud+ments, pretty muh

!i+ns 'ith !! the predited tstrophes nd dissters tht *ibirus

+oin+ to use s it omes !oser to the erth, nd so.

/* - S $T#$, #* % ST$#T TT* -T -F T/ 8TS, T -#

5%-T 5$S, $* - F* $ P$8 T- 8#$S/ F-# $ 8-P $#S

ou "no', 'e9e !so +ot n steroid nd omet tht 'i!! be hittin+ the

erth. ont thin" those 'i!! be hittin+ unti! ;ter their rri9! either.

 $nd so, <ust thin" !! the min dissters, the ords <ud+ment on rth,

re +oin+ to our ;ter their rri9!. Thts 'hy 9e !'ys sid, 'hen you

see itrey, run. ou "no', strt +ettin+ out o; the ities. et your

bu+%out b+s. o ;ind p!e to rsh out ;or oup!e yers. 5euse the

dissters re +onn stri"e <ust one ;ter the other, nd so. ou "no', <ust

"eepin+ our eyes on the idd!e st. See 'here hes +oin+ to rri9e. ; its

+oin+ to be thiopi, or rn. -r hes supposed to +ther 10%ntion

on;edery to+ether. $nd hes supposed to sho' up nd sy the pryers t e

or somethin+, ordin+ to s!m prophey.

 $nd you ne9er "no' 'ht hes +onn do, you "no'. They <ust "ind o; re'rite

e9eryones 5ib!es 'hen they rri9e. Theyre +onn te!! e9erybody they hd

it !! 'ron+, nd then re'rite re!i+ion s theyre here. ts pretty muh

'ht they p!n to do.

T/S $S8* $ST#S 8$* /P*-TM -, S- -*T ST* T- T/, -*T

$T8/ T/ -* TA

 $nd they!! s'y e9erybody. -; ourse, theyre 9ery hypnoti. They n

hypnotie you. Thts 'hy 9e to!d you 'hen theyre here, not to !isten to

them, not to 'th them on TA. 5euse they n hypnotie you. $nd their

si+ns, their ;"e mir!es, tht theyre +onn ome to pro9e nd sho' tht,

?-h, 'ere $sended sters. ere he9en!y bein+s. ere ;rom he9en.? ou

"no', nd they h9e !! this po'er s od nd !! this. ou "no', to persude

the +u!!ib!e. $nd it is +onn be e;;eti9e. Theyre +onn persude !ot

o; peop!e. Theyre +onn be 9ery e;;eti9e.

men, +et s"ed, e9ery dy, @uestions bout, ?e!!, 'ht do you thin"

o; this +uy=? ?ht do you thin" bout this +uy !imin+ hes Besus ;romeDio or 5ri!=? Peop!e h9e no disernment. ; they nt disern tht

person is ;!se prophet, you thin" theyre +onn disern tht this ;"e

Snnd omin+ tht !oo"s !i"e Besus o; the 5ib!e is Stn= men,

serious!y= Theyre +onn ;!! ;or him hed o9er hee!s. Thts 'hts sry. So mny

8hristins re +onn be so +u!!ib!e. They !redy re. Theyre sittin+ in

best hurhes. Theyre <ust 'itin+ ;or roundups, bsi!!y. rti! !'

roundups. $nd thin" thts +onn hppen pretty soon.

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/* KP-S /$T T/# -* T- -, T/ TP8$ 8$*8 T

thin" 'ere +onn see hn+e o; routes to 'here 'e9e been so

suess;u! in shuttin+ them do'n nd eDposin+ !! o; their p!ns. men, they 'ere

;urious. ou!d see this !st 'ee", 'hen !oo"ed t my Feboo" p+e nde9erybodys postin+ !! these 'rnin+s bout the ;!se ;!+ Super 5o'!

tt". They +et so md. 5euse 'hen you eDpose 'ht theyre +onn do, they

typi!!y ne! it. Thts their sttus @uo. $nd here 'e hd, surprisin+!y,

@uiet Super 5o'! beuse they didnt do nythin+. They 'erent b!o'in+

it up. hether the or+one pre9ented it, od pre9ented it, /imse!;, or <ust

the ;t tht it 's so o9ereDposed tht they deided not to do it.

ou "no', thou+ht hd herd tht 5runo rs 's supposed to per;orm

+y mrri+e eremony durin+ his per;ormne. They ob9ious!y too" tht out,

beuse didnt see tht. $nd 'hte9er other stni thin+s they hd

p!nned, they ob9ious!y too" out, beuse it 'snt h!; the stni ritu! it

norm!!y is. They s!ed it b". $nd so, you "no', they +et eDposed, nd

then they run, nd so. So thin" 'ht theyre +onn do, e9entu!!y, is <ust

t"e do'n the nternet. Strt t"in+ ontro! o; it. ettin+ rid o; the

bi+mouths. Shuttin+ them up.

 $* *A*T-# * S$ $#$5$ A-P $* F$%$PP#-A #F 8/P T/ PS

 $* $ -S -F 8$* $TT$8/ T- T

ou "no', 's !oo"in+ t this one 9ideo, nd it 's syin+ e9erythin+

tht hd t!"ed bout yers +o. /o' t!"ed bout ho' this #F hip 's

+onn be !i"e n on nd o;; s'ith. Tht one you 'ere imp!nted 'ith the

s'ith, 'ith this hip, tht they ou!d "i!! you instnt!y i; they 'nted

to. ou "no'= They ou!d <ust s'ith the button to o;; nd youre ded.

 $nd FoD *e's hd brodst bout the Sudi $rbi%%this +uys in9entor

;rom Sudi $rbi. /e probb!y !istens to my sho'. $nd he de9e!oped n

#F hip 'hih hs been ppro9ed by the .S. nd the F$. $nd its PS

hippin+ de9ie 'ith dose o; ynide tthed to it. $nd so, i; you disobey

the +o9ernment, they n "i!! you instnt!y. They h9e the PS. They "no'

'here youre t. $nd they n "i!! you instnt!y. +uess they 'nn "no'

'here youre t be;ore they "i!! you. /ehe> 5euse they ou!d <ust "i!! you'ithout e9en "no'in+ 'here youre t, 'ith the ynide in it.

 $nd theyre tryin+ to sy, ?This is 9o!untry. The #F hip is

9o!untry.? eh, ;or no'. 5ut i; you red in -bmre, -bmre en;ores e9eryone

to h9e this hip imp!nt in their body. $nd this is eDt!y the hip tht

theyd use. So, these thin+s re !redy omin+ bout. ou "no', 9e

'rned o; this hip yers +o. $pprent!y, be;ore it 's e9en in9ented. 5euse

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it 's <ust in9ented. dont "no'. see this stu;; in the 5ib!e 8odes nd

'ht the ord re9e!s to me. m not redin+ trde <ourn!s nd sienti;i

m+ines nd stu;; 'hen do sho'. <ust re9e! 'ht the ord te!!s

me. $nd so, t!"ed bout tht yers +o.

*o' theyre t!"in+ bout en;orement o; tht. thin" they 'ere syin+ by $pri! e9erybody 's supposed to be imp!nted. Tht!! probb!y be pushed

b". ou "no', their time!ine +ets s 'rped s nybody e!ses. 5euse

thin+s +et de!yed. e use de!ys. They use de!ys. e9e been on bot

ride o; de!ys. 5ut, e9entu!!y, this is +onn ome bout 'ithin this yer.

This yer or neDt. spei!!y i; you see this itrey nd Snnd


T/ $# -F T/ 5$ST 8/P%P$*T T - *T- T/# 5$ST SST,

 $* - 5 8-*T#- 5 T/# T$ 8-PT#

ou "no', their 'ho!e +end, espei!!y Snnd, hes hu+e on hip

imp!nts nd 9ines. Thts his 'ho!e thin+. /e hs 'ho!e rmy o; !iens

redy to +o 'ith 9intions to +o stin+ peop!e 'ith them. $nd it reminds me

o; the !oust rmy o; Boe!. 5euse they h9e stin+s in their ti!s. $nd

see this !! the time 'ith Snnd, 'here he hs, you "no', theyre +ettin+

redy 'ith these 9ines tht they 'nn sho9e into peop!e, ;ore into

peop!e, beuse they h9e these hips in them. They 'nt e9erybody

hip%imp!nted. They dont 'nt nybody to be b!e to thin" ;ree!y nd on their o'n.

Turn them into hi9e%mind onsiousness, you "no'.

5ut tht 'i!! +et muh 'orse 'hen they strt the en;orement o; the mr"

o; the best. 5euse it 'i!! tie you into their best system. Their di+it!

omputer. t!! !in" e9erybody into it tht +ets the mr" o; the best,

nd they 'i!! be ontro!!ed throu+h tht omputer. They 'i!! be tr"ed, nd

e9entu!!y sou!%s!ped nd rep!ed. men, theres no s!9tion ;rom

tht. The ord hs 'rned, in #e9e!tion, hpter 13:1J bout the mr" o; the

best. $nd those 'ho +et it 'i!! be st into the !"e o; ;ire. There is

no, ?-, m sorry. dont 'nt this.? Theres no rene+in+ on it. -ne you

+et it, thts it. Stn o'ns your sou!. $nd so, this is 'ht this 'ho!e

hip%imp!ntin+ is 'or"in+ to'rds.

P-P /- #FS T/ $# -F T/ 5$ST /$A T- T -T -F$*ST#$

S-8T T- 5 $5 T- S#AA

ou "no', you nt buy or se!!, or dri9e r, or sh he", 'ithout

h9in+ this hip. $nd so, peop!e re +onn h9e to +o under+round. Pretty

muh +et o;; o; the +rid, +et 'y ;rom soiety, to be b!e to sur9i9e.

/oo"in+ up 'ith other +roups o; peop!e. -ther peop!e 'ho re;use the mr" o; the

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best. They nt "i!! you ;or re;usin+ the mr" o; the best. 5ut 'ht

they!! do is "i!! you ;or re;usin+ to 'orship the best, you "no'. n

#e9e!tion, hpter 13 it sys those 'ho re;used to 'orship the best re "i!!ed.

They!! probb!y h9e this%%nd you!! see it more nd more%%te!e9isions

poppin+ up e9ery'here. Thro' piture o; the best up on the sreen nd

en;ore peop!e to bo' to him or somethin+. dont "no' ho' theyre +onn dotht. 5ut i; you re;use to 'orship the best, they!! "i!! you on the spot.

So, most peop!e re <ust +onn h9e to +et out o; minstrem soiety to

sty 'y ;rom these types o; p!e 'here theyd be demndin+ the 'orship o;

the best.

T/ F$T/# S$S / P#-T8T T/-S /- S /, 5T -ST P-P


/$A *- #$T-*S/P T/ T/ -#

ou "no', the Fther sys tht /e 'i!! protet those 'ho see" /im. $nd,

you "no', o; ourse, the hurh hs their 'ho!e, ?-h, theres +onn be this

hu+e rpture be;ore !! this strts.? *o, it on!y sys /es +onn protet

the hurh o; Phi!de!phi. -ne out o; se9en hurhes. hih mens theres

;tion o; be!ie9ers tody tht /e 'i!! protet, 'hether /e t"es them o;;

the erth or !e9es them on the erth. 5ut /e!! protet them. /e!! put

them in p!e o; protetion nd they!! be proteted. $ ;tion. Tht mens

the bu!", the m<ority o; 8hristins tody 'i!! +o throu+h perseution

durin+ the tribu!tion period.

 $nd "no' peop!e dont 'nn her tht. *o, they!! srem up nd do'n.

5ut most peop!e tody, nd de! 'ith this e9ery sin+!e dy, h9e no

re!tionship 'ith the ord. *one. ou "no', i; they s" me @uestion, !! sy

s" /im. ?/o' do do tht=? They dont e9en "no'. They dont eDpet to s"

the ord @uestion nd +et n ns'er. They9e ne9er bui!t their o'n

si+nture re!tionship 'ith /im. They dont "no' ho' to her /is 9oie. ou "no',

/e sys, ?y sheep her y 9oie nd "no' them, nd they "no' e.? ou

"no' ho' mny peop!e n tu!!y !im they n her /is 9oie, or n

reo+nie 'hen /e spe"s to them, or 'hen /es !edin+ nd diretin+ them=

 $bout E, 10 perent o; the hurh. C0 perent o; peop!e h9e no ide 'ht

youre t!"in+ bout. ou +et the deer in the hed!i+hts !oo". Thts 'hy on!y

one out o; se9en hurhes is tu!!y proteted, rptured. The others +o

throu+h%%the bu!" +o throu+h perseution.

ou "no', peop!e dont +et it. ts not bout re!i+ion, its bout

re!tionship. ; they spent s muh time in !ernin+ ho' to her /is 9oie, nd

sittin+ t /is ;eet, nd s"in+ /im ;or the truth in !! thin+s, nd bui!din+

re!tionship 'ith /im s they did tru"in+ to hurh e9ery Sundy tht

mens nothin+ to them. They thin" theyre doin+ their 'ee"!y duty s

8hristin. 8nt 'it t +et home. ou "no', those "inds o; 8hristins= Those

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re the bu!" o; the ones tht re +onn end up in mrti! !' mps nd F$

mps. oin+ throu+h perseution durin+ the !st dys. -ne out o; se9en

hurhes. Tht mens ;tion o; the 5ride. Bust ;tion is +onn be


So ho' do you +et to be one thts proteted= ou better be one thtssee"in+ ;ter /im. /e 'nts those 'ho see" ;ter /im. i!y. ou "no', bui!d

re!tionship 'ith /im. T!" to /im. $s" /im to teh you ho' to her /is

9oie. /o' to reo+nie 'hen /es spe"in+ to you. The di;;erent 'ys /e

'or"s. /e 'or"s in di;;erent 'ys. 5ut s" /im to teh you. See" /im. Those

'ho see" /im re /is.

T/ -# SP*S $ /S T P* /S #$ P-P -T -F T/ 8/#8/S,

T/* S$T$* /TS T/ T/ $ T T#P

ou "no', 'ere not t!"in+ bout !i9in+ mind!ess!y ;or siD dys 'ee",

nd then +oin+ to hurh on Sundy, nd sin+in+ some hymns, nd then

'thin+ the time on your !o"s unti! youre re!esed out o; there. ou "no',

did tht ;or yers, <ust 'thin+ my 'th. ?s this o9er yet=? ou!dnt

stnd ontro!!ed re!i+ion. 's !'ys suh rebe! s "id +ro'in+ up,

but no' understnd 'hy. ou "no', it <ust 'snt...there 's somethin+

'ron+ 'ith !! tht.

ou hd to do it. ts the mind ontro!. ou h9e to be in hurh. #e!!y=

5euse you "no' 'ht= From 'ht 9e !erned, nd 'ht "no', the ord

spends !! /is time pu!!in+ /is re! peop!e out o; them. 5euse /es not in

them tody. /e pu!!s /is peop!e out o; them. n ;t, 'hen you strt

pryin+ ;or the truth in !! thin+s, the ;irst thin+ /es +onn do is pu!! you

out o; the hurh. $nd then, peop!e%%Stn hits them 'ith +ui!t trip. /e

'nts them to thin", ?-h, no, youre supposed to be in hurh. oure bd.

oure bd 8hristin beuse youre not in hurh.? Thts <ust Stn

beuse he 'nts you to +et b" in hurh so he n ontro! you. ou "no', s

!on+ s you in those mind%numbin+ nd %dumbin+ hurhes, youre ne9er +onn

!ern the truth bout nythin+.

ou "no', my hurh is the nternet. y ;e!!o'ship 'ith be!ie9ers is my

;e!!o' 'rriors. Thts my ;e!!o'ship. dont need to be in bui!din+ 'ith

;our '!!s. ou "no'= ;e!!o'ship on!ine 'ith other be!ie9ers. Thts myhurh. $nd 'orship nd prise the ord !! the time. dont need

p!t;orm to do tht. dont need to sit in pe' to do tht. dont need

hymnboo" in my hnds to do tht.

BST ST$#T $S* T/ -# F-# T/ T#T/ * $ T/*S $* / ST$#T

$* - T- T/*S $* $* - T- P-P

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Bust strt s"in+ the ord ;or the truth in !! thin+s. Thts 'here you

need to strt. ou "no'= Thts 'here you strt. ou nt <ump hed.

Theres no shortuts. Thts 'here you h9e to strt. 5euse then /e!!

strt%%/e "no's eDt!y 'ht you need. $nd /e!! strt !edin+ you to the truth in

!! thin+s. ou h9e to "eep s"in+ /im. /e 'nts to "no' tht you re!!y

'nt it. 5euse 'ere /is "ids, nd "ids re !'ys s"in+ the dds ;orstu;;. $nd pretty muh in one er, nd out the other most o; the time. 5ut

then, 'hen you "eep bu++in+ d ;or somethin+, he "no's you re!!y 'nt it,

e9entu!!y /e!! +i9e it to you so you!! shut up. eh. Thin" o; it tht

'y. eep s"in+ /im. 5euse then /es +onn "no' you re!!y 'nt it. /9e

to sty persistent.

 $nd /e!! strt !edin+ you to thin+s. /es !edin+ you to peop!e. Theres

truth here. Theres truth there. Theres truth e9ery'here. oud be med

t some o; the p!es 9e +otten the best nu++ets o; truth. $nd, no, they

'erent in the hurhes. True is e9ery'here. 5ut you h9e to !ern to

disern. ern 'ht it is /es sho'in+ you, 'ht /es tehin+ you. $nd /e!!

"eep ;ter you. /e!! "eep ;ter you. ou!! her tht n++in+. *++in+ in

your spirit somethin+s not 'ron+, or somethin+s not ri+ht. ou!! th on

to ho' /e !eds nd direts. spei!!y 'hen /e "eeps t"in+ you b" to

somethin+ o9er, nd o9er, nd o9er, nd o9er +in. hen does the !i+htbu!b

+o o;; tht this is somethin+ /e re!!y 'nts you to "no'= ou "no'= ern

ho' /e 'or"s, ;o!"s. $s" /im to teh you.

ost o; the time you !ern by tri! nd error. ou !ern by +ettin+ it

'ron+. /m%he> /e!! sy, ?*o, its this.? $nd then you !ern. ou "no', you

+et !ot o; thin+s 'ron+ be;ore you +et it ri+ht. 5ut, e9entu!!y, 'hen you

+et it ri+ht, you "no', tht you "no', tht you "no' it. ou9e +ot it do'n

no'. ou !erned it by eDperiene insted o; somebody te!!in+ you

somethin+. ou !erned it ;rom your o'n eDperienes.

5ut thts 'ht /e 'nts, those 'ho see" /im, see", s%e%e%", not those 'ho

s!eep, s%!%e%e%p, in /im. Those 'ho see". $ti9e!y see" ;ter /im. Those

re /is. ost dont. ost <ust dont.

--* $/$ F-# SS-*S $*T T- 5 -* * T/ SP#* $*

S#, S- S* * -# -*$T-*S, F-S, S- 8$* T ST$#T

 $ny'y, 'ht 'e h9e is eDtr time. Seems to be on st!!ed route ri+ht

no'. -; ourse, ou!d be hn+in+ my tune three 'ee"s ;rom no'. 5ut m

!oo"in+ hed ;or missions 'nn be doin+ in the sprin+ nd summer. P!es

tht need or+oned. $nd re!!y thin" need to be t"in+ trip b" to

*e' or" nd t"in+ trip out to 8o!ordo. $nd so, probb!y need to strt

+ettin+ busy +ettin+ supp!ies stored up so n strt m"in+ or+one in the


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T"es inredib!e mount o; supp!ies to m"e pipes, nd the pu"s, nd the

hu+e oin b!sters tht 'e m"e 'ith m+nets, 'hen 'e +o on missions.

men, <ust hu+e, inredib!e number. "no' ;or J mi!es 'e hd 200 pipes, 100

minis, 400 9rious sies o; or+one b!sters, ;rom sm!! to !r+e. Tht 's

;or J mi!es. e pounded nhttn. ou "no', nd !! te!! you 'ht. ere+onn +o b" nd pound it on the 5orou+h, !i"e to, <ust beuse it needs


n 8o!ordo, tht north'estern prt o; the stte, tht 'ho!e orner re,

the north'estern prt o; the stte, "no' 9e +ot 'rriors tht 'i!! +et

the ri9ers. Fous on the ri9ers. e need to ;ous on tht 'ho!e north'est

orner o; the stte. dont "no' 'hy, 'hts +oin+ on up there. 5ut thts

somethin+ the ord !erted me to !itt!e 'hi!e b". $nd then it strted

+ettin+ o!d, so <ust put it to the side. 5euse 'e re!!y dont do muh

'hen it strts +ettin+ re!!y o!d out nd turnin+ into n rti b!st s

it hs been. 5ut theres de;inite!y thin+s tht need to +et done i;

'ere sti!! +onn be round this sprin+ nd summer. So mybe tht!! !i+ht the

;ire o; peop!e tht !i9e round tht re n +o +et. $nd dro9e ross

the top o; 8o!ordo. here 's = *ebrs"= ht is tht= *ebrs" up there=

N!u+hsO dont e9en "no' +eo+rphy. 5euse me ;rom th nd dro9e

ross *ebrs". $nd then do'n to en9er, tht 'y. 5ut the 'ho!e north'est

orner there. /u+e hun" o; re there tht needs done, nd so. ore one

!o9e, +uess. ore one ;ruit !o9e.

 $ny'y, sti!! need dontions, ;o!"s, so n +et strted on !! o; this

stu;;. spei!!y i; h9e to +o b" to *e' or". Thts trip in itse!;.

thin" the !st time 'e 'ent, 'e 'ent throu+h 20,000 bu"s. $nd this one

'i!! probb!y be pretty muh h!; the sme, nd so. $!so i; h9e to +o

!! the 'y out to 8o!ordo. Thts hi"e ;rom 'here m t in -hio. $nd

 <ust the supp!ies 'e h9e to rt. Stu;; 'e h9e to do nd buy. So, m +onn

need dontions, ;o!"s, to strt hmmerin+ 'y t these t'o !otions. So.

 $ny'y, !! be b" neDt 'ee". $nd 'e!! see 'ht the ord 'nts me to

re9e! then.

nti! then, e9erybody. h b!ess.


Support the resistne +roup thts re!!y demo!ishin+ the *- % Sherry

Shriners nterntion! -r+one *et'or">

Send 'hte9er you n, E, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, 20,000...'hte9er

the ord puts on your hert. $nythin+ is better thn nothin+.

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Sherry Shriner,

 $uthor o; 5ib!e 8odes #e9e!ed: The 8omin+ F- n9sion nd the uthor o;

 $!iens on the nternet


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Transcribe 01-27-14 Monday Night with Sherry Shriner 

Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:47 pm (PST) . Posted by:


Sherry Shriner on.....Sherry T!" #dio

 $ired on 01%27%2014


ondy *i+ht 'ith Sherry Shriner 

Bnury 27, 2014

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TS FF8T T- $ -#-* /* TS $#8T8 8- -TS

 $nd he!!o, e9erybody. oure !i9e. ts ondy *i+ht 'ith Sherry Shriner,

nd it is Bnury 27. ere "ind o; ro!!in+ throu+h Bnury. ;i+ured

itd be pretty @uiet durin+ this month. oo"ed !i"e it ou!d +et interestin+

to'rds the end o; the month nd into Februry. $nd !so the !tter prt o;Februry nd into the ;irst 'ee" o; rh. Seems to be the turn o; the

month times tht%%seem to be the most interestin+ in the 5ib!e 8odesG the ;irst

'ee" o; e9ery month. $nd the !st 'ee"ends, nd so.

ts been rti o!d here. $nd so, i; you9e been 'itin+ on or+one

orders...the ones hd re !! out, ;in!!y. men, its <ust been so brut!!y

o!d. dont "no' ho' m supposed to +o out in ero%de+ree 'ether nd

m"e or+one. dont h9e 'rehouse 'here do this stu;;. m"e it s

+et the orders. $nd sometimes its <ust too o!d, or+one 'ont e9en set.

 $nd it t"es ;ore9er to dry in the 'inter so usu!!y%%typi!!y t"es

!itt!e !on+er ti!! +et nie dy 'here its t !est 20, 30 de+rees


F - F* -#SF $* $#-* $ 5* T/ $ 8-8 T-#, ST$

 $$ F#- T, T/ *$T $ $*T T- 5- T P

5ut ;e' thin+s 'nted to t!" bout toni+ht. 's !oo"in+ on

Feboo", nd somebody hd posted tht to'er, tht !o" to'er photo+rph ;or the

!!uminti rd +me. $nd remember tht rd beuse b" in the 200J

-!ympis they hd p!ns to bomb%%h9e bombin+ set o;; t the ondon -!ympis.

 $nd nothin+ hppened. t 's pretty @uiet. $nd, o; ourse, ntur!!y no',

;or the Sohi -!ympis, they h9e nother ;!se ;!+ p!nned. hether it

+oes o;; or not, dont "no'.

5ut 'hts interestin+ bout tht !o" to'er, is theres t !est three

di;;erent p!es tht h9e to'er 'ith !o" in it. $nd m pretty sure

seen one oup!e yers +o o; Sers To'er in 8hi+o. dont "no' i;

tht 's it or not, but m pretty sure it 's somep!e in 8hi+o tht hd

!o" to'er. $nd then, theres one in ondon, ri+ht on the '!!, the top

o; the p!e. Some'here o9er by the p!e theres hu+e !o" to'er thin+

there. $nd thts 'hy they thou+ht, you "no', tht it 'ou!d be ondon.

5euse i; ondon hd tht !o" to'er%%peop!e 'ere syin+, ?This rd 's <ust ;ound. t <ust me out.? remember seein+ this thin+ yers +o. $nd

then, theres one in Sohi. its in one o; the bui!din+s in Sohi theres tht

!o" to'er.

 $nd 'ht they 'nt%%you "no', +onn b!o' it up. onn b!o' up tht

prtiu!r re. So +uess the mor! o; the story is i; you ;ind yourse!; '!"in+

round bui!din+ 'ith !o" to'er, sty 'y ;rom it. $nd !i"e sid,

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you dont "no' i; theyre +onn do it or not. They hd bombin+ p!nned

;or ondon nd it ne9er 'ent o;;. So no' the one in Sohi in #ussi pe"s my

interest !itt!e more beuse, you "no', they dont !i"e #ussi, they hte

#ussi, nd so probb!y 'ou!d 'nn...<ust ;or spite. 5ut, you "no', they,

you "no', theyre !! in9o!9ed 'ith p!nnin+ the one in ondon.

T/ M$#S 5* *ST$ * -A#**TS /$A *- P$T#-TS $* T/#

 $ *$#8SSST8 PS8/-P$T/S

ou "no', they dont h9e ny ptriotism to'rds the peop!e, ;o!"s. The

!irds tht ontro! the 'or!d, in the $merin +o9ernment, in the 5ritish

+o9ernment. $nd theyre spredin+ it to !! the other ountries tht i; they

'ont on;orm, they <ust t"e them o9er. oo" t, you "no', iby, nd

+ypt, nd Syri. So they n inst!! their o'n !ird +o9ernments in those

res. They dont h9e ny ptriot%%those !eders bein+ inst!!ed dont h9e

ny !o9e ;or the peop!e. men, you thin" -bm !o9es $merins= -bm

htes $merins. The on!y person -bm !o9es is himse!;. $nd you n !oo" t it

in e9ery photo he t"es. /e !o9es himse!;. /e doesnt re bout nybody

e!se. $nd thts onsistent 'ith nrissisti psyhopths. $nd theyre !!

the sme. Theyre !! the sme. er ;ter%%e!etion, ;ter e!etion, ;ter


Peop!e dont e!et o;;ii!s, theyre ppointed in. $nd theyre !!

nrissisti soiopths. Psyhopths. $nd its pretty muh 'ht you turn into,

prtiu!r!y 'hen youre not, one, ;u!!y humn. oure <ust !oned bein+.

 $nd, t'o, 'hen you +et sou!%s!pedG t"en o9er. $nd bein+ in9o!9ed 'ith

stnism. ou "no', these peop!e tht si+n the dotted !ine, nd se!! their

sou!s ;or ;me nd ;ortune, s!o'!y +et t"en o9er. The more nd more e9i! they

beome, the more nd more +ood they re in the eyes o; their ontro!!ers,

the Stnists, the top Stnists o; the +roups theyre in. The more e9i!

they beome, the more sou!%possessed they +et. 9entu!!y <ust "i!!ed

outri+ht nd t"en o9er. $nd so, you n see it in !ot o; their photos.

T/ S$ A$$ T/$T S--* S $ F$ /$* S T/ S

They 'ere postin+ pitures o; the rmmy !irds, those e!ebrities there.

 $nd !oo" t their eyes, ;o!"s. oo" t their eyes. $nd !oo" t their

;i! ;etures. The usu! +i9e'y is the eyes. The eyes mirror personssou!. $nd so, i; you see dr"ness nd 'i"edness, nd <ust somethin+s not

ri+ht, the pupi!s rent ri+ht, theyre s!it, theyre s!nted, theyre o;;set.

-ne o; those thin+s tht, typi!!y, is tht the pupi!, itse!;, the iris o;

the eye, is too sm!!.

su!!y its the 9ritions o; the de;ets o; eyes is ho' you n te!!

prt humn ;rom ;"e humn mon+st us. ts 9ery esy. They9e been doin+

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 $nd interestin+ i; 'ere seein+ the !i+hts in ihi+n nd -hio, they my

be tryin+ to ti9te the drid Fu!t ine. *o', they9e been nonstop

re!!y tryin+ to ti9te the drid Fu!t ine ;or the !st t'o yers. $nd 'e

'ere b!e to put stop to it b" in 2011, thin" it 's, mybe 2010,

 <ust +ettin+ or+one up tht drid Fu!t ine. $nd thts hu+e ;u!t !ine. $oup!e 'rriors +oin+ out nd +ettin+ tht done. $ hu+e hun" o; it.

5ut, e9entu!!y, you "no' 'ht= The ords +onn !!o' tht thin+ to b!o'.

/es +onn !!o' it. rth@u"es re omin+. estrutions re omin+. The

ords <ud+ment on this erth. 5ein+ 'i"ed nd rebe!!ious, you "no'. $nd

its !most !i"e 'ere bein+ !ed by bunh o; robots 'ith no humnity in

them. $nd they beome bi+ heer!eders o9er the popu!e to do e9i!. To

bndon the 5ib!e, to bndon mor!s, bndon mrri+e, bndon ;mi!ies, nd

 <ust beome this one hu+e 'i"ed soiety.

 $nd peop!e thin", ?-h, thts e!ebrity>.? $nd they beome soi!

en+ineers to 'here they 'ou!d in;!uene peop!e on ho' they thin" nd 'ht to

'er. $nd these e!ebrities, most o; them re <ust robots. They9e been

rep!ed. The re! ones h9e been "i!!ed o;; nd rep!ed by these robots. m

 <ust +onn !! them robots. ts esier.

 $nd 'hen theyre not soi!%en+ineerin+ peop!es ttitudes nd tryin+ to

;;et e9erythin+, theyre in their under+round prties, etin+ poop nd

drin"in+ urine. $nd prisin+ Stn. $nd thts the bi++est thin+ they do. ou

"no', they h9e these under+round prties !! o9er .$. nd 8hi+o, nd

e9ery'here e!se. $nd, you "no', ob9ious!y, you h9e to "no' 'here theyre

bein+ !oted. oure !!o'ed entrne in. $nd <ust e9erybody in9o!9ed 'ith

these stni +roups, nd !! the !itt!e robots, they +o to these prties.

ou "no'.

 $nd its <ust +ettin+ re!!y tiresome. "no', i; you !o9e the ord,

you9e been tired nd si" o; it ;or !on+ time !redy. $nd it <ust ontinues

on nd +ets 'orse, nd 'orse, nd 'orse.

/$T A---- 8#S S 5* S -* 85#TS T- P T/ F#- $*=

Somebody s"ed me, the other dy, nd thou+ht it 's interestin+, theysid, uh, they s"ed me 'ht 9oodoo urse 's bein+ used on e!ebrities

beuse some re simp!y not +in+. They9e stopped +in+. $nd m thin"in+,

?ht re you t!"in+ bout= N!u+hsO ht 9oodoo urse n stop +in+=? The

on!y reson peop!e stop +in+ is beuse they9e been rep!ed by !one.

ou n !oo" t the 5rbie s"in !ot o; these peop!e h9e. Per;et, um, you

"no', per;et s"in. *o 'rin"!es, <ust per;et s"in. oo" t the -bms.

ou "no', !oo" t ihe!!e nd -bm. -bms s"in hsnt hn+ed in ei+ht

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yers sine hes been in o;;ie. /es +ot tht per;et 5rbie s"in.

ou "no', you n h9e mo!es nd thin+s !i"e tht. Those re trdemr"s o;

the *$ o; tht person. $nd 'hen they !one, m"e the !one, tht !ones

+onn pi" up tht birthmr" or birth mo!e or 'hte9er. 5ut !oo" t the

s"in. oo" t their s"in. -ther thin+s to !oo" t.

notied 'hen you !oo" t some o; these po!itiins, they h9e those

'eird bu!+es under their s"in. $nd its !i"e, !most !i"e they <ust t"e humn

s"in nd put it o9er n !ien body beuse its re!!y <ust n !ien host

'ithin tht humn. t protrudes throu+h tht humn s"in. $nd so, you end up

'ith !! these 'eird%!oo"in+ bu!+es. $nd theres so mny res tht9e been

doin+ it.

 $# T/ 5$ $$8T8S 8-* F#ST, $* T/* T/ -- -*S $# 8-*=

ou "no', +et e%mi!s ;rom peop!e, nd theyre s"in+ me, you "no', ?$re

the bd +!tis omin+ ;irst, nd then the +ood ones re omin+=? ts

!i"e, 'ho> ht minute. $s soon s you sy the 'ord +!ti...;o!"s,

you9e +ott understnd, theyre !! e9i!. Theres no nie ones. Theres no

+ood ones. Theyre e9i!. Theyre e9i!. They p!y Stns +end. ht they do

is they p!y bd op nd +ood op. ou "no', they set eh other up. $nd

the humnoid ones ome in tin+ !i"e theyre +onn be our s9iors to

mn"ind. $nd theyre not e9en tu!!y humnoid. Those re mnu;tured bodies.

Those !oned bodies theyre omin+ inG these $sended sters. Theyre

tu!!y t!! rey !iens nd $nu"s is 'ht they re. 5ut they mnu;ture

humn%!oo"in+ bodies.

So you9e +ot 'ht they !! $sended sters tht re omin+ to rth.

-ne !oo"s !i"e Besus. -ne is itrey. $nd you h9e Sint ermine. ou!!

h9e i!ith omin+ in, t"in+ body. $nd thin+s !i"e tht. They h9e to

rete bodies to ome into this dimension. 5euse i; they dont, 'e nt see

them. Theyre in9isib!e to us. 5euse ny other dimension but rths

third dimension, is in9isib!e to us. $nd so, i; they 'nn operte here, they

need body. $nd so, thts 'hy they !one so muh. They9e been doin+ this

;or +es, ;or yers. $nd they9e re!!y per;eted their tehno!o+y do'n so

+ood peop!e nt e9en te!! theyre !ones or ndroids. men, they!! put

them on TA nd h9e hu+e ntion! pub!i debte nd youre !oo"in+ ri+htt ndroids, !ones. $nd nobody "no's. *obody suspets. 5ut the b!in"in+

+i9es them 'y. Their mnnerisms. The ;t tht they !oo" E0 pounds thinner

sine the medi o9er+e o; them in the mornin+. $nd you see them t ni+ht

+i9in+ pub!i debte, po!iti! debte, nd they !oo" E0 pounds thinner.


T/ -# S -* T- S*8 T/ P-# -F -#-* F-# $ 5T T- $-

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T- /$PP*, T/* / 8#$* T 5$8 P

So peop!e h9e +ot !ot o; '"in+ up to do. 5ut, un;ortunte!y, !ot o;

destrutionHI3CGs +onn strt hittin+ be;ore !ot o; them '"e up. ou "no',

one o; the thin+s see in the 5ib!e 8odes !! the time is tht the ord is+oin+ to !!o', /es +oin+ to si!ene the po'er o; or+one ;or !itt!e bit

to !!o' thin+s to hppen, to !!o' some destrutions to hppen. $nd then

/e!! rn" it b" up to protet the peop!e. $nd thts one o; the thin+s

tht Stn nd his ;ores re so ;umin+ ;urious bout is the ;t tht

or+one protets peop!e. ou "no', it re!!y burns them to ome into this

dimension nd try to +et ner n re tht hs or+one in it. t burns them. They

hte%%they nt brethe. They bre" out in hi9es, boi!s. They h9e !ot o;

he!th prob!ems omin+ ner n re 'ith or+one. $nd thts 'hy 9e been

poundin+ the p9ement, ;or the pst ten yers, ;or peop!e to +et or+one in

their res.

t my not seem so si+ni;int ri+ht no', but 'hen you9e +ot torndo

'inds hedin+ into your re nd you9e +ot '!! o; or+one up, those

torndoes re +onn brupt!y turn ;e nd hed to di;;erent diretion. Thts

protetion, ;o!"s. hen you9e +ot 200 mi!!ion !ousts omin+ to'rds your

re%%nd the Boe! 2 rmy 'i!! hppen, propheti. Peop!e sy its the

8hinese. ts not the 8hinese. Theyre mis@uotin+ sripture. ts the !oust rmy

o; Boe!. $nd #e9e!tion, hpter C, the !oust. $nd these re not 8hinese

peop!e. They ome ;rom the eDtreme north, 'hih is spe.

 $nd so, 'hen these !ousts hit the erth, nd they strt hedin+ to'rds

your re, re they +onn ;est or ;mine= ou "no', put '!!s up !! the

'y round my ounty. put or+one pu"s e9ery mi!e, !! the 'y round my

ounty, so tht 'hen they ome ner 8rro!! 8ounty, theyre +onn hit

or+one '!!, nd theyre +oin+ to ;!ee. Theyre not +onn ome ner here.

Thts protetion, ;o!"s.

The ord is +i9in+ us protetions. *o', "no' you n !! on /is nme,

nd s" ;or /is protetion 'hen you need he!p, in dire need, nd /e!!

ns'er. 5ut 'ht re you +onn do 'hen youre not pyin+ ttention= ts dy

'hen, !! o; sudden, thin+s <ust hit in !! diretions nd you h9ent

been pyin+ ttention. -r youre s!eepin+. -r+one 'or"s in the b"+round,e9en 'hen youre not. 9en 'hen youre re!Din+, youre t"in+ bre", youre

not pyin+ ttention to thin+s. -r+ones !'ys 'or"in+.

-*T KP8T -# -#-* T- -# T/ $ S$ T -#, F - -*T

$ T T/ $ S$ T- $ T

 $nd its not +onn be too muh !on+er to 'here peop!e 'i!! h9e time, or

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;i9e yers. The 'or!ds +onn be drsti!!y di;;erent, nd its +oin+ to

strt this yer. re!!y be!ie9e it!! strt%%!! the de!ys <ust ;in!!y stop.

T/ 5ST T/* T- $T8/ F-# S T/ $##A$ -F $T#$ $* S$*$$, -# T/

T#$*SF-#$T-* -F -5$$ *T- $ /T 5*

So, this summer, nd this sprin+, nd e9en in the er!y 'intertime here,

omin+ ster, you "no', the best thin+ to 'th ;or is the rri9! o;

itrey nd Snnd, or the trns;ormtion o; -bm into !i+ht bein+. ou

"no', thts nother route. 9e mde it so di;;iu!t ;or eDtrterrestri!s

nd terrestri! bein+s on this p!net nd in this uni9erse, in +ener!,

theyre h9in+ re!!y hrd time bein+ b!e to mteri!ie nd sur9i9e in our

dimension. $nd so, 'th i; they h9e to turn round nd trns;orm -bm

into this !i+ht bein+. Thus pro!imin+ hes +od nd beomin+ the%%;u!;i!!in+

the ro!e o; the $ntihrist.

#emember, to!d you its the !eder o; 5by!on. The -!d Testment

prophets to!d you its the !eder o; 5by!on. 5by!on is the nited Sttes.

oesnt neessri!y men its the president o; our nited Sttes. 9e sid to

'th out ;or the routes 'here the * t"es o9er ontro! beuse o; these

 $sended sters, these osmi bein+s omin+ do'n, tht re bunh o; ;"es,

nd ;ruds, nd !irs, nd they t"e ontro! o; the ountry. $nd urope nd

se9er! others !! strt t"in+ ontro!. ts 'hoe9er is the !eder nd

the ontro!!er o; 5by!on. $nd the !st dys 5by!on is $meri.

So they h9e their routes, they h9e their !itt!e osmi !irs, nd then

they h9e -bm. $nd so, remember tht, you "no', b" in the 5ush dys,

he 's !'ys the route 'here he 'ou!d beome the trns;ormed !i+ht bein+,

beuse he @u!i;ied. $nd -bm @u!i;ies beuse hes mmry. eor+e 5ush,

Br. @u!i;ied beuse o; his +enes. /is b!ood!ine or 'hte9er. From his

;ther. /is ;ther, tru!y not humnG eor+e 5ush, Sr. *one o; them t the

9ery top re, ;o!"s. They ser9e Stn. They 'orship him.

T/ 5ST T/* P-P * T- - S ST$#T F-8S* -* 5*

#$T-*S/PS T/ T/ F$T/#

 $nd !ot o; peop!e +onn +et u+ht up be!ie9in+ the !ies o; the *e' $+e

mo9ement. see it e9ery dy. ou "no'= +et !! these e%mi!s ;rom peop!es"in+ @uestions. ts, !i"e, ho' n peop!e e9en not spend t'o seonds

redin+ the 5ib!e, nd spendin+ time in pryer 'ith the Fther so tht they

"no' 'hos not o; /im= ; you dont "no' someone, ho' n you de;end them=

; you dont "no' someone, ho' n you "no' 'ht they 'ou!d do or 'ou!dnt

do= -r 'hts o; them or 'ht isnt=

So the bi++est thin+ peop!e need to do is strt ;ousin+ on bui!din+

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re!tionships 'ith the Fther. *o', you dont h9e to h9e the hed bo'ed in

pryer 24 hours dy. t!" to /im !! dy !on+. t!" to /im onstnt!y.

"no' /es there. ;ee! /is presene. ; /es not, m !i"e, ?-, 'hts

+oin+ on=? N!u+hsO ts +ott be n tt". t seems !i"e /is presene

!'ys !e9es be;ore theres n tt" on me. dont "no' 'hy tht is. +uess

/e 'nts to see ho' m +onn hnd!e it. /e tests me !! the time. men,9e been +oin+ throu+h tests ;or yers. 20 yers. 30 yers.

So, +et to "no' /im. Then you "no' 'ho isnt o; /im or 'ho%%you "no'. $nd

thts the bi++est thin+ thts +onn be the s!p up the hed o; most o;

the peop!e in this ountry, beuse theyre +onn be eptin+ these ;"e

osmi bein+s s n+e!i bein+s. *ot re!iin+ tht theyre ;"es, nd ;ruds,

nd !irs. 5y deeption Stn deei9es the 'or!d. Theres on!y minority

tht is s9ed ;rom his deeptions. $ minority. $ hnd;u!. *ot this hu+e

tens o; mi!!ions o; rpture +one nd then e9erybody e!se on rth !e;t

'onderin+ 'ht hppened, 'hered they !! +o. ts not +onn be tht drmti. $nd

its not +onn be tht muh o; n impt. 5euse its minority.

 $nd in the 5ib!e, the hurh o; #e9e!tion, the other hurh, they 'ere

spred, they 'ere proteted. 5ut it doesnt sy they 'ere !i;ted o;; the

erth. ou "no'= *o', be!ie9e some 'i!! be. e h9e the 144,000 tht 'i!! be

!i;ted o;; the erth. ou h9e the other 144,000 tht 'i!! be se!ed on the

erth, beomin+ e9n+e!ists ;or the ord.

5ut the bi++est prt tht the hurhes o9er!oo", beuse its <ust%%its

+ory ne's nd not the +ood%%"ind o; +ood ne's tht they 'nt, the ;ee!%+ood

ne's they 'ont be here ;or !! thts omin+%%is the ;i;th se! 'ith sou!s

under the !tr. $!! the 8hristins 'ho 'ere "i!!ed nd mrtyred, 'ntin+

re9en+e ;or their deths. *o', thts 'here your mi!!ions re. $nd thts

'hy the ords 'thmen, ;or so !on+, h9e been stndin+ up nd sremin+,

?mrti! !',? nd ?F$ mps.? 5euse the -!d Testment prophets

;ore'rned you o; tht.

/$T T #$ $*S T- 5 $ 8-*SP#$8 T/-#ST

 $nd e9erybody htes the messen+ers. ou "no', !oo" in the 5ib!e. #ed the

mess+e. h9e rti!es on my 'ebsite bout $meri. hy $meri is

5by!on, nd the destrution o; 5by!on in the !st dys. /o' $meri isdestroyed in one hour. $!! the sripture re;erenes you need ;rom the -!d Testment

prophets, re+rdin+ F$ mps, mrti! !'. Thin+s tht re omin+ to

this ountry. $!! this stu;; is true. t is true.

They try to smer the nme onspiry theorist nd brnd the ords

'thmen 'ith tht brnd o;, ?-h, thts !be!. Thts onspiry theorist.

Tht mens theyre ry.? *o, tht <ust mens theyre thin"in+ outside the

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boD, nd they see 'hts omin+ nd theyre 'rnin+ peop!e. Theyre s"in+

@uestions. Theyre ;indin+ ns'ers. $nd 'hen they ;ind the truth, peop!e

dont 'nn be!ie9e it.

T/ PT T/ S -T T/# -* T/ *T#*T S- T/$T F P-P S$#8/

*$, T/$TS /$T T/ F*G T/ S

Sty 'y ;rom the !be!in+, ;o!"s. Thts their +me. Thts their toy.

They !i"e to !be! peop!e nd !ie, nd mo" nd disredit them. men,

theres stu;; !! o9er the nternet bout me tht <ust !u+h bout. ts !!

!ies. 5ut they put tht out there so tht peop!e serh my nme in serh

en+ine, thts 'ht they!! ;ind. They!! ;ind !! the !ies. The 'ebp+es,

the 9ideos, the ht rooms, 'hte9er. They 'nt peop!e to ;ind the !ies.

They dont 'nt you to "no' the truth.

 $nd i; youre sittin+ in my shoes, theres nothin+ you n do bout it.

Thts proteted by ;ree speeh. Peop!e <ust need to s" the Fther, /imse!;.

ou "no', s" the Fther, ?s tht person o; ou= s tht person ours=?

ou "no', h9e to do tht !! the time. Peop!e 'nn p!y their +mes,

p!y their hrdes round me, nd !! <ust s" the Fther, ?s tht one o;

ou= s tht one o; ours=?

su!!y, i; h9e to s" /im, theyre not. Sometimes m not sure. $nd

h9e !ot o; ptiene 'ith peop!e. h9e !ot o; ptiene. ri9es some

peop!e ry beuse m so ptient. Bust to see 'ht their true o!ors re.

Bust to !et them eDpose nd re9e! themse!9es ;or 'ho they re.

ou "no', most o; the time, the ords peop!e, you <ust ;ee!, uh, you ;ee!

!in" to them. ou ;ee! their spirit, you ;ee! onnetion, you "no'

its the ords person. ou n <ust ;ee! nd "no' tht someone is the ords.

 $nd then others, 'ho <ust p!y the +me, they sy the ri+ht 'ords, @uote

some sripture, t !i"e%%p!y hurh, nd theyre de9i!s in sheeps

!othin+. see !ot o; tht in ht rooms nd in soi! medi.

ST*# 8$%* T-*/T

 $ny'y, ;o!"s, i; you h9e @uestion ;or the sho' toni+ht, you n !!

inG (J77)24E%E64J. Thts (J77)24E%E64J. ; you h9e @uestion ;or thesho', !! in. nt +et in the ht room, so, uh, bein+ b!o"ed out o; tht

toni+ht. So 'ont be b!e to +o in there nd see i; nybody s"ed

@uestions. Tried ;or the hundreth time to +et in there, but doesnt seem to be

'or"in+ t !!. 9e been tryin+ ;or n hour. $!! ri+ht, m +onn t"e

@uestion ;rom !!er.

/- -S -# #- $S $5$SS$-# FF# F#- 5* -#S -T/P8

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S/##: /e!!o, !!er, youre on the ir.

8$#: /e!!o, Sherry=

S/##: es>

8$#: /ey, 'nted to "no', ho' does bein+ ...ho' does your ro!e s

mbssdor di;;er ;rom bein+ ords mouthpiee on rth=

S/##: NpusesO hts the @uestion= $mbssdor%%

8$#: /o' does your ro!e s mbssdor%%yeh, mbssdor.

S/##: $mbssdor.

8$#: eh.

S/##: -, its not tht nt her you. ts tht nt understnd

you ;or some reson. m herin+ this noise. ts throu+h my te!ephone. So,

repet 'ht you sid.

8$#: n one o; your pre9ious sho's, you hd t!"ed bout ho' your ro!e

here on rth hd +one%%not +one, s the ords mouthpiee, but hd%%youd

beome mbssdor.

S/##: -.

8$#: $nd 'ou!d !i"e to "no' 'ht tht mens. i"e, on your end, you


S/##: e!!, you "no', the ord !'ys hs, !i"e, 'ith noh, /es !'ys

hd one person in e9ery time o; er. /e hd oses, /e hd 9id. /es

!'ys hd one person tht /e ou!d spe" diret!y throu+h, nd tht person

ser9ed s /is mbssdor on rth. Someone tht /e ou!d use. $nd in these

!st dys theres so mny ;"e...peop!e +oin+ round 'ith tit!es. Theres 'ho!e mo9ement tht !!s themse!9es post!es. ou "no', the !st post!e


8$#: m%hm.

S/##: %%in 7J $.. Theres no%%tht o;;ie is !osed. Peop!e +i9e

themse!9es tit!es. 's ne9er !oo"in+ ;or this tit!e. The ord put me into it.

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 $nd, simp!y beuse theres so muh +oin+ on 'ith ontt 'ith terrestri!

res nd thin+s !i"e tht tht m o;ten used s meditor bet'een od nd

them, +uess you ou!d sy.

8$#: m. -.

S/##: So do !ot o; medition.

8$#: So%%

S/##: 8!ssi point, in eDmp!e, J yers +o%%bout 12 yers +o%%nd

dont thin" e9er to!d nybody this%%there 's +roup o; *ordis tht

'ere humnoid !iens, tht 'nted redemption ;rom the ord. They didnt 'nt

to be prt o; Stns "in+dom. They 'nted to be redeemed by the ord. 5ut

there 's no set redemption ;or the ;!!en n+e!s. 5ut these 'ere the

o;;sprin+ o; the n+e!s tht ;e!!. So they 'ere +ui!ty by ssoition on!y. They

hdnt ommitted the sins diret!y, themse!9es. $nd the ord !!o'ed it to

'here ou!d medite bet'een them nd /im. $nd they 'ere tu!!y set

side, nd "ept s;e nd 'y ;rom Stns "in+dom, put to+ether 'ith n n+e!,

one o; the rhn+e!s, nd they be+n to 'or" o9er the erth ;or the ord,

/imse!;. iret!y to be proteted by /im. $nd so, theres !ot o;

medition tht +oes on. dont t!" bout it. did t!" bout the redemption o;

14 bi!!ion month +o. Tht 'nted 'y 'y ;rom i!ith, nd Stn, nd

e9erythin+. $nd so, theres !ot o; thin+s tht +o on behind the senes.

Peop!e nt be!ie9e in *e' or!d -rder, !et !one h!; the stu;; tht

+oes on. $nd ertin!y dont re9e! it beuse dont <ust e9en 'nt to

!isten to it. NpusesO o you h9e ny other @uestions=

8$#: eh. 'nted to "no' i; Nsys somethin+ but the udio bre"s upO.

S/##: /e!!o= NpusesO m not herin+ nythin+. dont "no' i; nybody

e!se is. /e!!o= ou sti!! there= NpusesO /e mi+ht9e +ot ut o;;. NpusesO

eh, it !oo"s !i"e he +ot ut o;;. /e!! h9e to !! b" in.

/ - - *T- S- -F T/ T/*S - F-# T/ -#, /* P-P

-*T A* 5A T/$T /$T T$ $5-T KSTS=

 $nybody e!se h9e @uestion, <ust !! in t (J77)24E%E64J.  men, e9enhushu too" the post!es to pri9te room nd 'ou!d te!! them the truths

o; the prb!es /e spo"e to the peop!e, beuse peop!e nnot +rsp truth.

They nt +rsp menin+s. Theres !yers to thin+s. hen /e sys

somethin+, one prb!e n men ten di;;erent thin+s. Theres !yers o; truth. $nd

most peop!e n +rsp the top !yer, but then /e 'ou!d teh the hidden

menin+s nd deeper truths to /is post!es. /e 'ou!d t"e them side nd teh

them. 5euse /e "ne' they ou!d +rsp it. They ou!d understnd the truth.

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ou "no', its the sme 'y tody. Peop!e nt...peop!e nt be!ie9e in...

Ness+e !ippedO Aie' entire