she is like a monster

Upload: alejandra-obando

Post on 05-Apr-2018




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  • 8/2/2019 She is Like a Monster


    The wind was blowing with such strange force that it almost looked like a

    tornado, something was wrong, very very wrong. Maybe not the end of all times,

    but at least it was something very much a like.

    The morning started as it always did, a headache from the few hours of sleep

    that she had, annoyed by every sound and every slip of light that crossed her

    eyes, lets say that bad mood doesn't quite nail it. One call to her uncle to make

    sure he picks her up to school. She usually got to school very early, almost

    always the first to be there.

    Her dark short hair made a mess thanks to the weather, was her usual look, plus

    a simple dress and some dirty boots, Katy was a simple girl more in the

    appearance than on an inside look. As simple and not a very social as she was,

    she also was more a mess in her head than her hair, always thinking to much,

    way to much. Going to sit somewhere, sense her last move she didn't find herself

    with no one, she didn't belong to any group, talking to everyone when the

    occasion demanded but never found a friend in her new school.

    -"Hi there"- In front of her was the small, bright-red girl from the sports club that

    most of the time tried to push her into her club - As early as you come you should

    definitely join the sports club?- Even her warm smile did little to the cloud over

    Katy's head.

    -No thanks, I still can even think about it with out getting tired- sarcastic but just

    the truth, Katy's condition was deplorable at the point of being sad, really sad.

    -Don't be like that, you need to be more around people, we could help- a promise

    that neither of them believe but again, this girl was too insistent and just wouldn't

    let it go. Then a group of brunettes walked to the spot where Katy and the red

    haired girl were, she didn't need to remember their names, they were call the

    bunnies and not precisely because they were lovely and sweet, not at all. The

    bunnies hate it any one who was different, anyone that didn't belong in their

    perfect pink world. The red haired girl raise from the floor to greet the 4 girls in

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    front of them, she didn't even said good bye or wave her hand to Katy, to low to

    be even noticed.

    After a few classes everyone needed a break except Katy, the only place she felt

    safe was inside a classroom, no one could denied she was brilliant, smart and

    lonely has being the story of her life. The professor in the next class was Mister

    Bround and no kidding he had the best last name to describe him.

    Mister B as many call him, was a very selective chemistry professor, he liked the

    students that exceed at his class but he also preferred the bunnies, they were

    excellent company and they even had many inside jokes that no one else could

    get but it was good they didn't, no hurt feelings that way.

    Today it was about experimenting with non dangerous elements, see what could

    come out of the game. As the only student without a partner, Katy had more

    liberty to explore her curiosity with elements she put them one at the time

    enjoying the variety of colors that where created from her experiment, she has so

    distracted that didn't though about looking at the next glass, it wasn't one of the

    safe elements, it was a bottle that one of the bunnies has let there by accident,


    In that second everything became pink, then red and last black, very very black.


    All looked like a dream, a very stupid and dangerous dream, all her fears have

    become one, darkness all over her, loneliness and a soundless space she felt

    very much lost. Walking without knowing where she was, darkness all around her

    but it just feel like the most unsafe thing in the world. In the darkness a soft voice

    started to sound, very small like if it was hidden.

    -Who is there?!- any company will be better than just her own in this darkness

    -Here, here - started to speak and fade it out, she was looking in a blind space.

    Finally she found some kind of rock, well, more than find was to trip on the rock

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    but it wasn't a rock, it was the little voice. A sort of black coat covered the little

    thing, turning the thing to face her ended up in a very white skinned being, it

    wasn't like any human or animal thing she had ever seen, read or imagined. So

    simple and so small with three eyes shut and a mouth completely sourced no

    wonder why it couldn't speak..

    It opened the right eye, all black and bright, with a red line instead of eyelid,

    smiling like if it saved it a dark secret and was glad to be able to share it with

    someone so dark

    -I found you- and behind the lines that crossed across its mouth where very

    sharp tooth smiling at her.

    She woke up in an emergency room, searched for a watch or a cellphone,

    something, that could level her ground, tell her a little bit about what just

    happened. A nurse came and called a doctor at that same moment.

    -Don't move dear, the doctor will come in a second-

    -What day its this? What time is it?

    -Dear, its sunday, and we are pass noon-

    Katy stood there in shock, she had passed a hole week unconscious she had

    miss a hole week of school!!

    Later that day, after hearing one billion times how she got mistaken in her

    laboratory experiment and how lucky she was to be alive after that. She stood

    there for two or three hours till her mom could came to pick her at the hospital.

    Laying there in the hospital bed she started to think more and more about the

    little creature, the dream was so vivid and felt so real that she could't shake the

    feeling that it really was she went to the bathroom to wash her face and when

    she looked into the mirror found her face as white as the creature of her dreams,

    and her mouth completely sourced, even when she knew she was screaming the

    mirror was smiling at her. She threw herself back, falling to the floor that became

    water and no longer give her a support. She was drowning in a dark sea and the

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    panic stop her from moving anywhere, something really warm pull her up to the

    real floor.

    Katy was on solid floor again, very frightened and slowly she steadied her feet

    and stand up again in from of the mirror there was just her, but for some reason

    deep into her own eyes she could see the white faced creature. Of course at that

    exact moment she run as fast as she could to the hospital bed without noticing

    she had company. On the edge of the door outside the bathroom was a guy, he

    stood there in silence till someone opened door of the room, Katy's mom.

    -Hi, who are you?- said Katy's mom, she realize at that moment that she was not

    alone but a blond handsome guy was not her first thought. Overwhelmed by the

    fear a soundless scream made her faint again.

    One more time in the darkness Katy wanted to end everything, she was a smart

    girl, if there was something she was not going to aloud herself was to became

    insane. This darkness was different, there where little gleams of light spread all

    over the place that make her feel less stress less, in danger. In one of the

    clearest spots was a little girl sitting beside a tree, looking as innocent and tiny as

    a butterfly. Katy walked slowly to the spot of light and sited next to the little girl.

    - I though you didn't like me, you run away last time- said the little girl, more

    human than before but with scars in the place where the sourced line crossed

    her before, she had changed a lot.

    - What are you?- Katy's heart was about to explode, but she was certainly that if

    this was a dream, she just had to find the way to wake up.

    - I'm you, the part of you that no one told you about, but that everyone knows it's

    there- Katy couldn't see the eyes of that thing specially as hard as she was

    trying not to even look in her direction at all. - You think that I could be out

    sometime? Its a little to dark in here and I really will enjoy a day or maybe a

    morning o just a few hours in the brightness of the day- continued the little girl

    that know was making circles in earth with her finger. Katy knew from the very

    first time that that thing was not something good, the smile of the creature mad

    her chill. She felt sorry for the little girl but also scared, it wasn't human and

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    claimed that she was her.

    They stood in silence there for some time, little glimpses of light touching the

    dark ground. Everything looked so big, so bast, no trees that could mark a limit of

    all that darkness. Little by little she stared to see the resemblance between she

    and the little girl, the same hair texture, not the same color, the little girl had a

    darker type of brown, even when Katys hair was almost black, the little girl hair

    was darker than black, you could see notting there and for some reason if you

    stared to much at it you will feel it drag in it, like a horn hole.

    - If I promise to try to be good if I do my very best will you let me out?- Asked

    in a tiny little diminute voice the girl. But Katy knew better, she knew that if she

    said yes she will have to do it and worst, she knew that thing was not to be


    - I think that it will be better if you stay here I will come to visit you- Any

    way something told her she didn't have a choice - and this is getting so much

    better that the outside world, you can trust me- Le little girl was looking at her,

    Katy could feel her icy look burn her will she stud there in the silence. Katy was

    afraid, thinking in how many time it would have passed now, and that if what was

    about to happen was worst.

    -Ok, I will stay if you stay with me- No way! though Katy and at that moment

    got the guts to look the girl. Her eyes where as dark as her hair, it could easily

    consume any one.

    -I will not stay with you! I got to go back!!! - The girl stepped aside and stared into

    the ground like when Katy found her this time.

    -I understand, but you will come to visit, right?- So small and looking so innocent,

    except for the scars she was indeed a very small girl with very good chances to

    resembling a princess of darkness in this case, but never the less, a princess.

    -Yes, I will come to visit- said Katy with enfaces in the "visit" and then she was

    back, the blanket she used to cover her face was off and a beautiful guy was at

    her right side, warm hands on her neck, repeating over and over again "can you

    hear me?"

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    Cap 3 Comparative point

    -Yes, I can hear you- and then she swallowed loudly, that guy was why to

    beautiful, from being with a monster to being with and angel she though that the

    only reasonable thing was that she may be dead, that the monster ended up

    eating her without her knowing.

    -You passed out, are you ok know?- Asked the guy with a soft look in his eyes,

    they were like a green see of that involved you in some kind of peaceful dream.

    He looked intensively into Katy's eyes like trying to find the monster.

    - I'm fine, really- she couldn't fool anyone, her voice was shaking and her heart

    felt like an erratic drum, not even she could tell if it was caused by the young man

    or by the fear she had experienced.

    - I thing you suffer a panic attack- said the boy

    - Are you a doctor?- Kary didn't mean disrespect but for sure it sounded like she

    was questioning him.

    -Nop, I just passed by- oh, what a wonderful smile, dazzling her and her mom

    more than any anesthesia.

    - You passed inside my room just because?-

    - Well, I heard you scream so I got in, you were at the bathroom floor looking like

    drowning and I took your hand and then hide myself after you could see me

    because I assumed it will make things worst if you looked a strange face pop out

    of nowhere-

    -That just doesn't make sense- said Katy way to tired to fight anymore falling

    back to the bed and rolling till she let them at her back what actually make smile

    the handsome guy.