shatin tsung tsin secondary school · shatin tsung tsin secondary school p.2 s.1 geography –...

1 Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School Geography S1 Teaching Schedule 2016-2017 Teaching Cycles (lesson) Topics 1 Bridge Programme: Induction: What is Geography? 2 Unit 1.1: What are urban areas and rural areas? Unit 1.2: What are the major types of urban land use in Hong Kong? 3 Unit 1.3: Where is our Central Business District 4 Unit 1.4: Why are some residential areas near industrial areas in Hong Kong? 5 Buffer week for life education camp or activities 6 Unit 1.6: What problems is our city facing? 7 Unit 1.7: How can we solve the urban problems in Hong Kong? 8 (optional) Unit 1.8: Can our city be even better? Buffer week for activities/Test 1 Urban 9 Map-reading Skills book Chapter 1: How do we know where we are? 10 Map-reading Skills book Chapter 2: How can we locate a place using grid references? 11-12 1 st term Exam 13 Map-reading Skills book Chapter 3: How can we locate a place using distance and direction? (Distance only) 14 Map-reading Skills book Chapter 3: How can we locate a place using distance and direction? (Direction only) 15 Map-reading Skills book Chapter 5: How can we locate a place using latitude and longitude? 16 Buffer week/Test 2 Map Test 17 Core 3 The trouble with water Unit 3.1: What are the major threats to water resources? Unit 3.2: Where does water come from? 18 Unit 3.3: What and where are Chinas water resources? 19 Unit 3.3 (Cont): What and where are Chinas water resources? 20 Unit 3.4: What are the major water problems in China? 21 Unit 3.4(Cont): What are the major water problems in China? Test 3 Water

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Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School


S1 Teaching Schedule






1 Bridge Programme:

Induction: What is Geography?

2 Unit 1.1: What are urban areas and rural areas?

Unit 1.2: What are the major types of urban land use in Hong Kong?

3 Unit 1.3: Where is our Central Business District

4 Unit 1.4: Why are some residential areas near industrial areas in Hong Kong?

5 Buffer week for life education camp or activities

6 Unit 1.6: What problems is our city facing?

7 Unit 1.7: How can we solve the urban problems in Hong Kong?

8 (optional) Unit 1.8: Can our city be even better?

Buffer week for activities/Test 1 Urban


Map-reading Skills book

Chapter 1: How do we know where we are?

10 Map-reading Skills book

Chapter 2: How can we locate a place using grid references?

11-12 1st term Exam

13 Map-reading Skills book

Chapter 3: How can we locate a place using distance and direction? (Distance only)

14 Map-reading Skills book

Chapter 3: How can we locate a place using distance and direction? (Direction only)

15 Map-reading Skills book

Chapter 5: How can we locate a place using latitude and longitude?

16 Buffer week/Test 2 Map Test


Core 3 The trouble with water

Unit 3.1: What are the major threats to water resources?

Unit 3.2: Where does water come from?

18 Unit 3.3: What and where are China’s water resources?

19 Unit 3.3 (Cont’): What and where are China’s water resources?

20 Unit 3.4: What are the major water problems in China?

21 Unit 3.4(Cont’): What are the major water problems in China?

Test 3 Water


22 Unit 3.5: Is nature to blame?

23 Unit 3.5: Is nature to blame?

24 Unit 3.6: What can be done to solve water problems in China?

25 Unit 3.6: What can be done to solve water problems in China?

26-27 Consolidations & Revision

27 Final exam period

Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School p.1

S.1 Geography – Induction Notes (2016-2017)

Class: S.1 ____ ( ) Name: ____________________


A. Reading instructions

There are many instructions in exercises, tests and examinations. Do you

know what they mean?

Column A Column B

1 Refer to Figure 1. Fill in the blanks below.

參閱圖 1,把正確的答案填寫


2 Complete the following sentences.


3 Fill in the table below.

Fill in the blanks with suitable words.




4 Complete the flow chart below. 完成以下流程圖。

5 Read the news clipping below and answer the questions.



6 Study Figures 1 and 2. Then answer the questions below.

細閱圖 1 和 2,然後回答下列


7 Refer to your atlas. Locate the place mentioned in the news above and mark them on Figure 1.

參閱地圖集,在圖 1 標示以上


8 Shade China in red in the map below.


9 Let’s do an experiment. 來做個實驗。

10 Match A to D with their corresponding numbers.

把 A 至 D 跟對應的數字配對。

11 Follow the steps below to calculate the gradient.


12 Choose the best answer and put the letters in the boxes provided



13 Change the R.F scale below into statement scale.



Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School p.2

S.1 Geography – Induction Notes (2016-2017)

14 Describe the earth’s surface. 形容地球表面

15. Name one country in North America.


16. Find the distance between the two cities.


17. Explain/Give reasons …… 試解釋/找出原因

18. Justify your choice with map evidences



19. Identify the phenomenon. 識別該現象

20. Label pictures 1-4. 標記圖一至四

21. Study Fig.1,… Look at Fig.1, what …..? Refer to Fig. 1 on P.4.., what……?




B. Learn to ask and answer to the following questions

1. “Where is it?” and “What is it like?”

2. “Why is it there?” and “How did it happen?”

3. “How and why is it changing?”

4. “What impact (影響)does it have?”

5. “How should it be managed?”

Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School p.3

S.1 Geography – Induction Notes (2016-2017)

C. Geography of Hong Kong

At the south-eastern tip of , Hong Kong covers

Island (香港島), Island (大嶼山), the Peninsula(九龍半島)

and the (新界), including 262 outlying s (離

島). Between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula lies

Harbour (維多利亞港), one of the world's most renowned(著名的)

deep-water harbours (深水港).

Hong Kong's population was approximately 7.24 (百萬)in 2014.

(人口密度) is 6 650 people per square kilometer.

Total area 1 104 square kilometres

Land developed less than 25%

Country parks and nature reserves 40%

Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School p.4

S.1 Geography – Induction Notes (2016-2017)

a. Refer toP.24-25 of your Atlas (地圖集) and Figure 1 below. Find out the

Hong Kong Administrative Region (行政區) and fill in the table below.

Figure 1 The administrative region of Hong Kong SAR

New Territories Kowloon Hong Kong Island

No. Name No. Name No. Name

1 Islands District 10 Kowloon City D 15 Central & Western D

2 Kwai Tsing D 11 Kwun Tong D 16 Eastern D

3 North D 12 Sham Shui Po D 17 Southern D

4 Sai Kung D 13 Wong Tai Sin D 18 Wan Chai D

5 Sha Tin D 14 Yau Tsim Mong

6 Tai Po D

7 Tsuen Wan D

8 Tuen Mun D

9 Yuen Long D

b. Which district do you live?


Let’s do this! Task 1

Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School p.5

S.1 Geography – Induction Notes (2016-2017)

D. Climate of Hong Kong

Hong Kong's climate(香港氣候) is (亞熱帶), tending

towards temperate (溫帶) for nearly half the year. During November and

December there are pleasant breezes (微風), plenty of sunshine and

comfortable (溫度). January and February are cloudier (多

雲), with occasional fronts (冷鋒) followed by dry northerly

s (乾燥的北風 ). The lowest temperature recorded at the

Observatory is 0 0C . Sub-zero temperatures and (結霜) occur at

times on high ground and in the New Territories.

Figure 2 of Hong Kong

It shows the characteristics of Hong Kong over a year.

Annual rainfall: 2,401 mm

Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School p.6

S.1 Geography – Induction Notes (2016-2017)

Severe weather(惡劣天氣) include tropical cyclones (熱帶氣旋), strong

winter and summer (強烈冬季及夏季季風), monsoon

troughs (低壓槽), and (雷暴) that are most frequent from

April to September.

Figure 3 of Hong Kong

It shows the condition of Hong Kong of a specific day.




HK GeoPark

Summary of weather changes during

Typhoon Vicente on 23rd Jul, 2012. Element of Weather

As the typhoon approached Hong Kong

__________ __________

28 0C

__________ __________

994-996 hPa

__________ __________


__________ __________

7.5 m/s



Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School p.7

S.1 Geography – Induction Notes (2016-2017)

E. Relief of Hong Kong

a. Refer to p.14-15 of your Atlas. Find the height of the following


Peak Name Height of the peak (m)

A Castle Peak ________

B Victoria Peak ________

C Lantau Peak ________

b. Colour/Shade the relief with reference to the key given.

Let’s do this! Task 2

Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School p.8

S.1 Geography – Induction Notes (2016-2017)

F. Geography tools

We live in Hong Kong. But where is Hong Kong? To answer this

question we need a map.

Maps are the first tools we use in Geography. Maps help us to find

and describe the location (位置) of Hong Kong and other places in the

world. Location is very important in Geography.

There are different kinds of maps in different shapes and sizes. For

example, there are pocket maps and wall maps. There are atlases (地圖

集) and globes (地球儀). An atlas is a book of maps. A globe is a world

map in the shape of a ball. Atlases and globes are two special tools used

in Geography.

Label pictures 1-4. (Hints: Globe, Atlas, Wall map, Pocket map)

Picture 1 ______________________ Picture 2 _____________________

Picture 3 _______________________ Picture 4 _____________________

Let’s do this! Task 3