sharp features on multiresolution subdivision surfaces · 2018-03-12 · sharp features on...

Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces Henning Biermann, Ioana M. Martin, Denis Zorin, Fausto BernardiniNew York University IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Abstract In this paper we describe a method for creating sharp features and trim regions on multiresolution subdivision surfaces along a set of user-defined curves. Operations such as engraving, embossing, and trimming are important in many surface modeling applications. Their implementa- tion, however, is non-trivial due to computational, topologi- cal, and smoothness constraints that the underlying surface has to satisfy. The novelty of our work lies in the ability to create sharp features anywhere on a surface and in the fact that the resulting representation remains within the mul- tiresolution subdivision framework. Preserving the origi- nal representation has the advantage that other operations applicable to multiresolution subdivision surfaces can sub- sequently be applied to the edited model. We also introduce an extended set of subdivision rules for Catmull-Clark sur- faces that allows the creation of creases along diagonals of control mesh faces. 1 Introduction Interactive editing is of great importance for creating ge- ometric models for a variety of applications, ranging from mechanical design to movie character creation. Often times, modeling begins with an existing object on which the user performs a sequence of editing operations that lead to the desired shape. Of particular interest are small-scale features such as engravings and embossed details that are encoun- tered on many real-life objects. Traditionally, geometric modeling has relied on non- uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) for surface design. However, NURBS have well-known limitations such as the inability to address arbitrary topology, tedious cross- boundary continuity management, and difficulty represent- ing different resolution levels. In addition, editing opera- tions such as those considered in this paper typically require features to be aligned with iso-parameter lines or patch boundaries, or other complex manipulations in parameter space. {biermann,dzorin}, {ioana,fausto}, While techniques such as free-form deformations [19], wires [20], and procedural modeling [18] offer alternative ways to edit three-dimensional objects, typically they do not present a unified representation that includes both the original surface and the edits. Thus, in many cases, the re- sulting representation is not the same as the original, but an extension of it. The main drawback of this approach is that algorithms that have been developed for the original repre- sentation are not directly applicable to the result and special cases may have to be considered. The past few years have seen considerable advances in subdivision theory and many common NURBS operations have been translated into the subdivision setting. Subdivi- sion theory [22], parametric evaluation [21], and applica- tions such as interactive editing [23, 12], trimming [15], boolean operations [2], and geometry compression [11] have contributed to the increasing popularity of multireso- lution subdivision surfaces. To date, they have been used in commercial modelers (e.g., Alias/Wavefront’s Maya, Pixar’s Renderman, Nichimen’s Mirai, and Micropace’s Lightwave 3D) and are currently making their way through in game engines and hardware implementations. Subdi- vision algorithms are attractive because of their concep- tual simplicity and efficiency with which they can gener- ate smooth surfaces starting from arbitrary meshes. Mul- tiresolution subdivision surfaces offer additional flexibility by allowing modeling of details at different resolution lev- els and ensuring that fine-scale edits blend naturally with coarse shape deformations. In this paper, we address the problems of feature place- ment and feature creation by providing a set of tools that allow fine-scale editing and trimming operations to be ap- plied anywhere on a surface. We use multiresolution subdi- vision surfaces as our representation and we ensure that this representation is preserved after editing. This gives us the flexibility to integrate our technique with other algorithms developed for multiresolution subdivision surfaces. In our implementation, we use a subdivision scheme for quadrilat- eral meshes, however a similar algorithm can be developed for triangular meshes. Our contributions include: 1. An algorithm to produce sharp features at arbitrary lo- cations on a piecewise-smooth multiresolution surface

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Page 1: Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces · 2018-03-12 · Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces Henning Biermann†, Ioana M. Martin‡, Denis Zorin†,

Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces

Henning Biermann†, Ioana M. Martin‡, Denis Zorin†, Fausto Bernardini‡†New York University∗ ‡IBM T. J. Watson Research Center†


In this paper we describe a method for creating sharpfeatures and trim regions on multiresolution subdivisionsurfaces along a set of user-defined curves. Operationssuch as engraving, embossing, and trimming are importantin many surface modeling applications. Their implementa-tion, however, is non-trivial due to computational, topologi-cal, and smoothness constraints that the underlying surfacehas to satisfy. The novelty of our work lies in the ability tocreate sharp features anywhere on a surface and in the factthat the resulting representation remains within the mul-tiresolution subdivision framework. Preserving the origi-nal representation has the advantage that other operationsapplicable to multiresolution subdivision surfaces can sub-sequently be applied to the edited model. We also introducean extended set of subdivision rules for Catmull-Clark sur-faces that allows the creation of creases along diagonals ofcontrol mesh faces.

1 IntroductionInteractive editing is of great importance for creating ge-

ometric models for a variety of applications, ranging frommechanical design to movie character creation. Often times,modeling begins with an existing object on which the userperforms a sequence of editing operations that lead to thedesired shape. Of particular interest are small-scale featuressuch as engravings and embossed details that are encoun-tered on many real-life objects.

Traditionally, geometric modeling has relied on non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) for surface design.However, NURBS have well-known limitations such asthe inability to address arbitrary topology, tedious cross-boundary continuity management, and difficulty represent-ing different resolution levels. In addition, editing opera-tions such as those considered in this paper typically requirefeatures to be aligned with iso-parameter lines or patchboundaries, or other complex manipulations in parameterspace.


While techniques such as free-form deformations [19],wires [20], and procedural modeling [18] offer alternativeways to edit three-dimensional objects, typically they donot present a unified representation that includes both theoriginal surface and the edits. Thus, in many cases, the re-sulting representation is not the same as the original, but anextension of it. The main drawback of this approach is thatalgorithms that have been developed for the original repre-sentation are not directly applicable to the result and specialcases may have to be considered.

The past few years have seen considerable advances insubdivision theory and many common NURBS operationshave been translated into the subdivision setting. Subdivi-sion theory [22], parametric evaluation [21], and applica-tions such as interactive editing [23, 12], trimming [15],boolean operations [2], and geometry compression [11]have contributed to the increasing popularity of multireso-lution subdivision surfaces. To date, they have been usedin commercial modelers (e.g., Alias/Wavefront’s Maya,Pixar’s Renderman, Nichimen’s Mirai, and Micropace’sLightwave 3D) and are currently making their way throughin game engines and hardware implementations. Subdi-vision algorithms are attractive because of their concep-tual simplicity and efficiency with which they can gener-ate smooth surfaces starting from arbitrary meshes. Mul-tiresolution subdivision surfaces offer additional flexibilityby allowing modeling of details at different resolution lev-els and ensuring that fine-scale edits blend naturally withcoarse shape deformations.

In this paper, we address the problems of feature place-ment and feature creation by providing a set of tools thatallow fine-scale editing and trimming operations to be ap-plied anywhere on a surface. We use multiresolution subdi-vision surfaces as our representation and we ensure that thisrepresentation is preserved after editing. This gives us theflexibility to integrate our technique with other algorithmsdeveloped for multiresolution subdivision surfaces. In ourimplementation, we use a subdivision scheme for quadrilat-eral meshes, however a similar algorithm can be developedfor triangular meshes. Our contributions include:

1. An algorithm to produce sharp features at arbitrary lo-cations on a piecewise-smooth multiresolution surface

Page 2: Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces · 2018-03-12 · Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces Henning Biermann†, Ioana M. Martin‡, Denis Zorin†,

without remeshing the control mesh. The sharp fea-tures are created interactively, along curves drawn bythe user on the target surface.

2. An extended set of rules for the Catmull-Clark sub-division scheme that allow the creation of creasesand boundaries along diagonals of quadrilateral meshfaces.

3. A unified solution to offsetting and trimming oper-ations. Using our technique, a sharp crease havinga user-defined profile may be applied along a givencurve. Alternatively, the portion of the surface delim-ited by the curve can be trimmed off, creating a hole inthe surface.

The remaining sections of the paper are organized as fol-lows: in section 2 we overview surface modeling methodsand we emphasize the main differences between our ap-proach and existing techniques. The core of our methodis presented in section 3. In section 4 we present our re-sults and we illustrate applications. Finally, in section 5 wesummarize our work and we point out open issues.

2 Background and Related Work

Figure 1. Surface editing. Features are added to an ini-tial surface (left). Smooth and sharp features are funda-mentally different: smooth features (center) add bumpsto the surface, while sharp features create tangent planediscontinuities (right).

Figure 2. Smooth surface representations do not cap-ture sharp features. Multiresolution Catmull-Clark sur-faces can approximate sharp features by adding detailcoefficients at finer levels (left three pictures). Instead,we use piecewise-smooth multiresolution surfaces toexactly represent sharp features without any detail co-efficients (right).

Subdivision surfaces [1] efficiently represent free-formsurfaces of arbitrary topology. A subdivision surface is de-fined over an initial control mesh and a subdivision scheme

is used to recursively refine the control mesh by recomput-ing vertex positions and inserting new vertices accordingto certain rules (masks). Recursive subdivision produces ahierarchy of meshes converging to a smooth limit surface.Most objects of interests to geometric design, however, areonly piecewise smooth and exhibit sharp creases and cor-ners. To model them using subdivision, special rules areneeded to avoid smoothing of sharp details (Figure 1 and 2).Previous work in this area has focused on defining such spe-cial rules. Hoppe et al. introduce rules to create sharp fea-tures on subdivision surfaces in [9]. The work of DeRoseet al. [5] extends Hoppe’s approach to achieve creases ofcontrollable sharpness by using subdivision rules parame-terized by a sharpness factor. Our work builds upon sub-division schemes for piecewise-smooth surfaces [3] wherecontrol mesh vertices and edges are tagged in order to gen-erate singularities, such as creases, darts, and corners. Wealso draw upon the curve interpolation work of Nasri [17].In all of these techniques, there is the common requirementthat features need to be aligned with the edges of the un-derlying control mesh. Therefore, the control mesh has tobe designed with a particular feature in mind. However, adesigner might want to first model an initial shape and ap-ply small scale features in later stages of the design. It isour goal to support this kind of a modeling approach andto allow features to be placed at arbitrary locations on thesurface.

Multiresolution subdivision surfaces are a natural exten-sion of subdivision surfaces that accommodates editing ofdetails at different scales, allowing general shape deforma-tions as well as the creation of minute features. Multiresolu-tion, however, does not solve the problem of sharp featuresas they can only be placed along edges at discrete locationsin the mesh hierarchy.

Our technique removes this constraint by allowing sharpfeatures to be created and edited along any user-defined setof curves on the mesh. The main idea is to view subdivisionsurfaces as parametric surfaces defined over the coarsest-level mesh similar to MAPS [13]. Similar to the approachin [2] we compute the image of a given curve in the para-metric domain and we reparameterize the surface to alignthe parameterization with the curve on some level of themultiresolution hierarchy. Subsequently, we apply specialrules to generate non-smooth features.

The closest work to the technique presented in this pa-per is that of Khodakovsky and Schroder. In [10] they de-scribe a method for interactive creation of feature curves atarbitrary locations on a surface. To create a feature alonga curve, a perturbation according to a given profile is ap-plied in the neighborhood of the curve, while maintainingsmooth boundary conditions. There are no restrictions onthe position of the curve with respect to the underlying sur-face, however, the representation used is no longer a pure

Page 3: Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces · 2018-03-12 · Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces Henning Biermann†, Ioana M. Martin‡, Denis Zorin†,

multiresolution surface. In order to create a sharp featurewith this technique, it is necessary to enforce the featureprofile at each level of the multiresolution hierarchy. Boththe surface and the feature curve are needed to represent theresulting surface. Thus, one cannot directly use techniquesdeveloped for subdivision surfaces (i.e., evaluation). In ourmethod, we address the issue of arbitrarily placed sharp fea-tures within the multiresolution subdivision setting, thus al-lowing for greater flexibility in combining feature editingwith other existing subdivision tools.

A by-product of our method is the ability to performtrimming of surfaces by simply discarding the portion ofsurface inside a given curve. Trimming is an important de-sign operation that has been traditionally difficult to per-form on parametric surfaces. Our work is complemen-tary to the trimming approach of Litke et al. [15] wherequasi-interpolation is used to approximate a trimmed sur-face with a combined subdivision surface [14]. Similarly,quasi-interpolation may be combined with our approach toobtain trimmed multiresolution surfaces within a specifiedtolerance.

3 Feature Editing AlgorithmThe input to our feature editing algorithm consists of a

Catmull-Clark [4, 6] multiresolution subdivision surface, aset of feature curves on the surface, and a user-selected pro-file to be applied along these curves. The result is a mul-tiresolution subdivision surface with offset or trim featuresalong the given curves.

The basic idea is to model sharp features with piecewise-smooth surfaces. We view feature curves as boundaries be-tween smooth surface patches. Sharp features occur alongpatch boundaries where patches with distinct tangent planesare joined.

Our multiresolution surface representation enables us torepresent sharp features as boundaries or creases by taggingthe control mesh edges. In general, the creases generated inthis fashion do not coincide with the user specified featurecurves. Moreover, it may not be possible to create topolog-ically equivalent curves due to the control mesh topology.Therefore, before we can represent a feature, we need tochange the surface parameterization.

Our algorithm proceeds in two steps: Reparameteriza-tion and Feature Creation. We first reparameterize the sur-face by sliding the control mesh along the surface in order tosample the feature curve with vertices of the mesh. Hence,we are able to approximate the feature curve by edges orface diagonals of the control mesh. In the following sub-division step, we treat these edges and diagonals as creasesin the control mesh, and apply piecewise-smooth subdivi-sion rules to obtain a surface with a sharp feature. The sur-face patches on each side of the feature may be controlled

separately. This allows to shape the feature according to aspecified profile. Moreover, for trimming we can discardthe surface on one side of the feature without changing thesurface on the other side.

3.1 ReparameterizationThe goal of this step is to align the parameterization of

the given surface with a given feature curve. Recall that amultiresolution subdivision surface can be naturally param-eterized over the coarsest level control mesh (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Parametric domain and surface. Multiresolu-tion subdivision surfaces can be parameterized over thecoarsest level control mesh (left). The subdivision op-erator maps vertices of the parametric domain to theirimage on the surface (right).

Some notation is necessary to describe the reparameter-ization. Let c denote an input curve defined on the param-eter domain X of the surface, c : [0, 1] → X . In general,c traverses the domain X at arbitrary positions. We want toreparameterize the domain X such that c passes through thevertices of X . Therefore, we compute a one-to-one map-ping Π : X → X which maps vertices of X to curve points:Π(vi) = c(ti), for some vertices {v0, v1, . . . } and curve pa-rameters {t0, t1, . . . }. The mapping Π is built to satisfy thefollowing approximation property (AP):

(AP): the piecewise linear curve [v0, v1, . . . ] has thesame topology as c and either follows along mesh edgesor crosses mesh faces diagonally.

The reparameterization algorithm proceeds iteratively,alternating Snapping and Refinement steps. The snappingstep moves mesh vertices onto the curve if they are suffi-ciently close. In the refinement step we simply subdividethe parameterization linearly. The algorithm terminates ifthe sequence of vertices {v0, v1, · · · } along c satisfies theapproximation property (AP). Property (AP) is guaranteedto be satisfied after a finite number of steps for piecewise-linear curves c. After the reparameterization, the surface isResampled to reflect the new parameterization.

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Figure 4. Reparameterization matching a feature curve.The quad is recursively split and vertices are snappedto the curve. After four subdivision steps, the curveis approximated by a sequence of mesh vertices: Theapproximated curve follows edges or passes throughquads diagonally.


Figure 5. Snapping step. Vertices are snapped to clos-est curve vertex if the distance is less than a certain ε.Note that distances are measured in parameter space,where each face corresponds the unit square. A singlesnapping step reparameterizes the neighborhood of thesnapped vertex.

Snapping. This step moves vertices onto the curve c ifthey are sufficiently close to it. First, the algorithm traversesthe mesh along the curve on a given subdivision level. Forall vertices of the traversed faces we compute the closestpoints on the curve. Distances are measured by param-eterizing each quad intersected by c over the unit squareand by computing distances to the curve in this parameterspace. This approach presents an advantage over computinggeometric distances in that it does not undersample smallquads. Vertices v within a certain distance ε to the curveare snapped to the corresponding closest points c(t) on thecurve (see Figures 5 and 4). We assign Π(v) := c(t).

The parameter ε controls the distortion of the reparame-terization: small values keep vertices from moving too far,but require more snapping steps. In all cases, ε is less than0.5 to ensure that the snapping region around each vertex isdisjoint from the snapping regions of its neighbors. In ourexamples, we obtained good results with ε = 0.3.

In some cases, it may be necessary to align specific

points in the parameter domain with mesh vertices. Thisis the case, for instance, where several curves intersect ina corner. Due to the chosen surface representation, weneed a mesh vertex at the corner that connects the separatecurve branches. Such constraints are enforced during snap-ping: constrained curve points have higher priority than un-constrained points. For a given vertex, the algorithm firsttries to snap to the unmatched constrained vertices. If nosnapping is possible, unconstrained points are consideredas snap targets.

Refinement. The parameterization Π is piecewise lin-early subdivided to increase the resolution and allow futuresnapping. The subdivision is done similarly to [13]. As in[13], local charts are used to refine the parameterization Πwhere neighborhoods are mapped to different faces of thecoarsest level control mesh.

Resampling. After reparameterization, we resample thesurface at the new parameter positions. Intuitively, thismoves the control mesh on the surface and places mesh ver-tices on the feature curve. With the notation from above, weiterate over the vertices of the finest level control mesh. Forevery vertex v of X , we assign a new position by evaluatingthe input surface at parameter position X(v). Finally, weapply multiresolution analysis to obtain a multiresolutionrepresentation with detail coefficients.

3.2 Feature CreationThe reparameterization step approximates the feature

curves as chains of mesh edges or diagonals and mesh diag-onals. Our idea is to view these curves as crease or bound-ary curves in the control mesh. In order to create surfaceswith sharp features, we apply crease subdivision rules alongthe feature curves. The shape of the feature can be con-trolled by offsetting mesh vertices in the feature neighbor-hood according to a user given profile.

The profiles shown in Figures 14 have been created bychanging the positions of mesh vertices that are close to afeature curve. Vertices are displaced normal to the surfaceand the displacement is determined by their distance to thecurve. Note that for closed curves different shape profilesmay be used for displacing points in the interior and pointson the outside.

Trimming can also be performed by simply interpretinga feature curve as a boundary of the mesh. The featurecurve cuts the control mesh into separate pieces. Each piececan be subdivided separately and processed further. The re-sulting surfaces are independent from each other, moreover,their boundary curves are cubic B-splines.

3.3 Subdivision Rules for Sharp FeaturesIn this section, we explain how to subdivide control

meshes with feature curves (Figure 6). As in the standard

Page 5: Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces · 2018-03-12 · Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces Henning Biermann†, Ioana M. Martin‡, Denis Zorin†,

Figure 6. Subdivision of a control mesh with a featurecurve. The feature curve is a sequence of mesh edgesor mesh diagonals acting as a boundary in the mesh.The resulting surface consists of two smooth patchesjoined along a cubic B-spline boundary. Our subdi-vision scheme extends piecewise-smooth subdivisionwith rules for diagonally split faces.

Catmull-Clark subdivision, we iterate over the mesh on agiven level and we compute positions of the vertices on thenext level by refining the positions of existing vertices (ver-tex points) and by inserting new vertices on edges (edgepoints) and in the faces centers (face points). We apply spe-cial rules in the vicinity of the curves and standard ruleseverywhere else. Our rules extend the piecewise-smoothsubdivision of [3]. The idea is to treat the feature curve asa crease and to refine the mesh on each side of the curveindependently to create a tangent-plane discontinuity. Asfeature curves may pass through quads diagonally, we in-troduce new rules, that account for such situations.

We use vertex tags to identify the subdivision rules tobe applied when traversing the mesh. Initially, we tag allvertices traversed by the feature curves as crease vertices.Additionally, we mark the faces that are cut diagonally bythe curve.




pk-1i q






q3i p



Figure 7. Special vertex rule in the neighborhood of acurve that passes through some of the quads diagonally(gray line). Point qi

k−1 is on the opposite side of thecurve from ci and it is not used in the computation ofthe refined position ci+1. The reflection of ci across thediagonal (pi

k−1, pi0) is used instead.

Vertex points. A refined control point position corre-sponding to an untagged vertex is computed as a weightedaverage of control points in its neighborhood. For a vertex cwith valence k (i.e., with k adjacent polygons), its new posi-

tion ci+1 is a linear combination of its old position weightedby (1− β − γ) and the positions of the vertices in its 1-ringeach weighted by β/k if situated on an edge incident to cor by γ/k otherwise. We use coefficients β = 3/(2k) andγ = 1/(4k).

A special situation occurs when some of the quads in the1-ring of c are split by a curve (see Figure 7). The previousrule is modified to ignore vertices that are not on the sameside. We use q′ := pi

0 + pik−1 − c.

ci+1 = (1−β−γ)ci+1k


k−1 + γq′ +k−2∑j=0

βpij + γqi


A crease vertex is refined as the average of its old positionwith weight 3/4 and the two adjacent crease vertices withweights equal to 1/8.

Corner vertices (i.e., where two or more creases meet) re-quire additional rules depending on the neighboring topol-ogy, similar to our discussion of creases. For the sake ofbrevity, we do not include them in this paper. Darts (i.e.,smooth transitions of a crease into a surface) require no spe-cial consideration, as the standard rules are directly applica-ble at such points.

Face points. For faces that are not split diagonally bycrease curves, we insert a point in the centroid of each face.For faces with a diagonal on the curve, the center point iscomputed as the average of the two diagonal endpoints onthe crease.

Edge points. On an edge with both endpoints tagged, weinsert a new vertex as the average of the endpoints. Whenboth endpoints are untagged, the standard edge mask ap-plies. The remaining case is that of an edge with one vertextagged and the other untagged. A curve passing through amesh vertex partitions the mesh in the neighborhood of thatvertex into two sectors. We select the rule to be applied toan edge point adjacent to a tagged vertex c depending onthe topology of the sectors around the tagged vertex. Wedistinguish three types of sectors:

1. Consisting of quads only: in this case the curve fol-lows two edges incident to c and we can apply thecrease rules described in [3]. This case is illustratedin Figure 8(a). We choose θk = π/k, where k is thenumber of polygons adjacent to c in the sector consid-ered, and apply an edge rule which is parameterizedby γ = 3/8 − 1/4 cos θk. The new edgepoints pi+1


(j = 1, · · · , k − 1) are computed as

pi+1j = (






2. Beginning with a triangle (i.e., a split quad) and end-ing with a quad or vice versa: in this case the curve

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q2i+1 q








ki+1 q





























q2i+1 q





qk-1i q


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8. Special rules for edge points on edges with one endpoint on a curve (gray line). (a) Sector delimited by thecurve consists of quads only: in this case the rules from [3]. (b) Sector begins with a split quad and ends with a fullquad. In this case only pi

0 is on the opposite side of the curve and the only rule that needs to be modified is that forpi+11 . The reflection of ci across the edge (pi

1, qi0) is used. (c) Sector begins and ends with quads that are split by the

curve. Points pik and pi

0 are on the opposite side of the curve. The rules that would normally take into account thesepoints to compute pi+1

1 and pi+1k−1 are modified to use the reflections of the points pi

1 and pik across the curve instead.

passes through the vertex following a mesh edge and amesh diagonal. This case is illustrated in Figure 8(b).We use θk as above and apply the same edge rule tocompute pi+1

2 · · · , pi+1k−1. The edge point pi+1

1 betweenthe triangle and the first quad is obtained as

p1i+1 = (







3. Beginning and ending with triangles: in this case thecurve follows two diagonals incident to c (Figure 8(c)).We choose θk = k − 1 and apply the edgerule of thefirst case to find pi+1

2 , . . . pi+1k−2. The edge points pi+1


between first triangles and quads is computed as

p1i+1 = (


−γ)ci+(γ− 116





The rule for pi+1k−1 is symmetric to this. In the special

case of k = 2, we use pi+11 = 1/4ci+1/2pi



Tangents and normals. Our subdivision scheme haswell-defined limit and tangent properties. We can efficientlyevaluate limit positions of vertices and tangent directions byapplying specific masks [8]. These masks correspond to theleft eigenvectors of the subdivision matrix used at a givenvertex. The masks are listed in appendix A.

3.4 Discussion of the Subdivision RulesIn this section, we briefly discuss some properties of the

previous subdivision rules and we motivate our choice ofthe special rules for crease neighborhoods.

As we use cubic B-Spline subdivision along the features,the resulting curves are B-Splines defined only in terms ofcontrol points along the curves. Moreover, the surfaces on

either side of the feature do not depend on each other. Thisis a consequence of our rules, as no stencil uses verticesfrom the opposite side of a feature.

Our rules have an easy geometric interpretation (Fig-ure 8), but some subdivision theory is needed to understandthe rules in more detail. We follow the usual eigen-analysisapproach [6] to understand the asymptotic behavior of thesubdivision operation. Consider a neighborhood of a creasevertex c as shown in Figure 8(a). Iterated subdivision con-tracts the neighborhoods to a single point. We want toensure a well-shaped limit configuration and design ruleswhich preserve a specifically chosen configuration. Tech-nically speaking, we design rules that have certain desiredsubdominant eigenvectors (see Appendix A). We use geo-metric reasoning to reduce the cases of neighborhoods withtriangles to the case of neighborhoods without. The reflec-tions previously mentioned are chosen to map the desiredeigenvectors to the eigenvectors of the no-triangle case (Fig-ure 8(a)). Thus, we can design subdivision rules as follows:(i) apply reflection to complete triangles, (ii) subdivide us-ing the usual no-triangle rules and (iii) discard the unneces-sary points. The subdivision scheme defined in this way hasthe desired eigenvectors.

For a complete analysis a larger neighborhood and thecorresponding subdivision matrix need to be analyzed. Thisis beyond the scope of this paper, and instead, we visualizehere only the asymptotic behavior of the subdivision ruleswith illustrations of the characteristic maps (Figure 9).

4 Applications and ResultsFigure 13 illustrates the steps of the algorithm for a trim-

ming sequence. The creation of sharp features and trim re-gions is illustrated in figures Figures 10 and 11. Note thearbitrary position of the curves with respect to the under-lying meshes. The models were created interactively on aPentium III workstation.

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Figure 9. Characteristic map for crease vertex neighbor-hoods with a single triangle. We show maps for valence3 (left) and valence 6 (right). The maps show the behav-ior near the curve vertex. Note that the maps are smoothand one-to-one.

Figure 14 illustrates the creation of offset features alonga curve according to various user-specified profiles. Theprofiles are based on distance to the curve. In general, com-puting distances on surfaces is a difficult problem [16]. Inour examples (i.e., Figure 14), we measure the distance inspace, which is a reasonable approximation for small dis-tances on surfaces with low curvature. Alternatively, onecould use geodesic distances on the surface [10].

Also, we use our algorithm to create features on mul-tiresolution surfaces (Figure 12(a)). Feature curves withintersections are illustrated in Figures 13 and 12(b).

Finally, we demonstrate how our trimming approach ap-proximates the result of a precise trimming operation (Fig-ure 15). It is the nature of our technique that the resultingsurface is different from the input surface (even for a flatfeature profile). The differences are due to resampling andthe use of piecewise-smooth base functions in the featureneighborhood. Also, the specified feature curves are resam-pled only at vertices of the control mesh. However, we cancontrol the approximation by resampling surface and fea-ture curves at different levels in the hierarchy. In general,resampling on a finer level reduces the error, but is compu-tationally more expensive. In our implementation the usercontrols the level on which the resampling takes place.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

In this paper we present an efficient method for creatingsharp features along an arbitrarily positioned set of curveson a Catmull-Clark multiresolution subdivision surface. Weview our surface as a parametric surface defined over theinitial control mesh and we change the parameterizationto align it with the pre-image of the feature curves in theparameter domain. The result is a surface represented inthe same way as the input surface with the curves passingthrough mesh edges or face diagonals. This property allowsus to apply special subdivision rules along the curve to cre-ate sharp profiles. Another application of this algorithm istrimming, which can be achieved simply by discarding theportion of the mesh situated inside the trim curve.

Our algorithm takes as input arbitrarily shaped curves,with or without self-intersections, as well as multiple inter-secting curves. The number of curves intersecting at a point,however, is limited by the number of connections availablebetween a vertex and its neighbors along edges and diago-nals (eight in the regular case).

Multiresolution surface representations that allow fortopology changes within the hierarchy [7] could be used toresolve this restriction in future research. Other researchmight combine quasi-interpolation or surface fitting withour trimming approach and study the approximation alongthe lines of [15]. Also, we are interested to see whether thespecial diagonal subdivision rules are useful in a generalgeometric modeling context. For practical applications, itmight be useful to work out expressions for direct evalua-tion.

A EigenvectorsWe list the right and left eigenvectors corresponding to the spe-

cial subdivision rules previously described. We denote the domi-nant left eigenvector by l0 and the left subdominant eigenvectorsby l1 and l2, respectively. We denote the dominant right eigenvec-tor by x0 and we use x1 and x2 for the right subdominant eigen-vectors. Recall that the eigenvector coefficients are applied to thecontrol points of a polygon ring/fan. The eigenvector l0 is used tocompute the limit position of a point, whereas l1 and l2 are neces-sary for computing the tangents. The crease degree is the numberof polygons adjacent to a crease or corner vertex with respect toa specific sector. We use the following notation: k denotes thecrease degree of a crease vertex, the subscript c denotes the co-efficient corresponding to the center vertex, we mark edgepointcoefficients with the subscript p, and facepoint coefficients with q.The dominant right eigenvector x0 is the vector consisting of ones.Unlisted coefficient values are null.

• Sector consisting of quads only. Let θk = π/k.

l0c = 2/3, l0p0 = l0pk = 1/6

For k = 1,

x1c = 1/18, x1

p0 = −2/18, x1p1 = −2/18, x1

q0 = −5/18

x2c = 0, x2

p0 = −1/2, x2p1 = 1/2, x2

q0 = 0

l1c = 6, l1p0 = −3, l1p1 = −3, l1q0 = 0

l2c = 0, l2p0 = −1, l2p1 = 1, l2q0 = 0

otherwise l2c = x1c = x2

c = 0 and

x1pi = cos iθk, x2

pi = sin iθk, i = 0, · · · , k

x1qi = cos iθk + cos (i + 1)θk, i = 0, · · · , k − 1

x2qi = sin iθk + sin (i + 1)θk, i = 0, · · · , k − 1

l2p0 = 1/2, l2pk = −1/2

α =cos θk + 1

k sin θk(3 + cos θk)

l1c = 4α(cos θk − 1), l1p0 = l1pk = −α(1 + 2 cos θk)

Page 8: Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces · 2018-03-12 · Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces Henning Biermann†, Ioana M. Martin‡, Denis Zorin†,

Figure 10. Surface editing. Left: surface with user specified feature curves. Closed curves are trim curves, the opencurve indicates an offset feature. Center: image of the feature curves in the parametric domain. Right: resultingsurface with sharp features and trimmed regions. The displacement of the points along the offset curve is a quadraticfunction of the distance to the curve.

Figure 11. Surface shaping. A fish pin is cut from a disk using a trim curve along its outer contour and shaped withoffset curves in the interior.

(a) (b)

Figure 12. Left image pair: trim features on multiresolution surfaces. Right image pair: offset features with inter-sections. The control mesh on the right shows how reparameterization aligns the feature with edges and diagonals.Mesh vertices are placed at curve intersections.

Page 9: Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces · 2018-03-12 · Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces Henning Biermann†, Ioana M. Martin‡, Denis Zorin†,

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 13. Steps of the algorithm. (a) Wireframe rendering of a surface with feature curve. (b) The surface isparameterized over a cube. (c) Reparameterization aligns mesh edges with the feature. (d) Resampling with respectto new parameterization. (e) Trimming by discarding a piece of the control mesh and subsequent subdivision.

Figure 14. Different offset profiles for a feature curve. In all three cases, the interior profile is a quadratic function ofthe distance to the curve. Left: linear exterior profile. Middle: linear exterior profile; the size of the neighborhoodaltered is doubled with respect to the previous image. Right: Gaussian exterior profile.

Figure 15. Trim operations are applied on different levels of the hierarchy. Top row: distance between the resultingsurface and an analytically trimmed surface. Bottom row: corresponding control meshes. The largest error occurswhere the surface boundary does not capture the intended trim curve. The error of surface obtained by trimming onlevel 4 is less than 1% (of the length of a base mesh edge).

Page 10: Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces · 2018-03-12 · Sharp Features on Multiresolution Subdivision Surfaces Henning Biermann†, Ioana M. Martin‡, Denis Zorin†,

l1pi =4 sin iθk

(3 + cos θk)k, i = 0, · · · , k − 1

l1qi =(sin iθk + sin (i + 1)θk)

(3 + cos θk)k, i = 0, · · · , k − 1

• Sector beginning and ending with triangles. Let θk = π/k.

l0c = 2/3, l0pk = l0q0 = 1/6, l1pk = 1/2, l1q0 = −1/2

x1c = x2

c = 0

x1pi = cos iθk − θk/2, x2

pi = sin iθk − θk/2, i = 1, · · · , k − 1

x1qi = cos iθk − θk/2 + cos (i + 1)θk − θk/2, i = 0, · · · , k − 1

x2qi = sin iθk − θk/2 + sin (i + 1)θk − θk/2, i = 0, · · · , k − 1

l2c = −4 sin (θk/2)

l2pk= l2q0 =

3(sin2 (θk/2) − 1)

sin (θk/2)

l2pi= 4 sin (iθk − θk/2), i = 1, · · · , k − 1

l2qi= sin (iθk − θk/2)+sin ((i + 1)θk − θk/2), i = 1, · · · , k−1

• Sector beginning with triangle, ending with quad.Let θk = π/(k − 1).

l0c = 2/3, l0pk = l0q0 = 1/6, l1pk = −1/2, l1q0 = 1/2

x1c = x2

c = 0, x1q0 = 1, x2

q0 = 0

x1pi = cos iθk, x2

pi = sin iθk, i = 1, · · · , k

x1qi = cos iθk + cos (i + 1)θk, i = 1, · · · , k − 1

x2qi = sin iθk + sin (i + 1)θk, i = 1, · · · , k − 1

α =1

cos2 θk + k cos θk + 3k − 1

l2c = −4 sin θk

l2pk= α

sin θk(2 + 5 cos θk − cos2 θk)

2(cos θk − 1)

l2q0 = αsin θk cos θk(5 + cos θk)

2(cos θk − 1)

l2pi= 4α sin iθk, l2qi

= α sin iθk+sin (i + 1)θk, i = 1, · · · , k−1


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