shareholders & stakehoders

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  • 8/13/2019 Shareholders & Stakehoders



    Shareholders &Stakehoders

    Arif Har tono, SE. MHRM. PhD .

    Learning Objectives

    To understand the difference betweenshareholders & stakeholdersTo be aware of the various differentstakeholders groupTo have an overview of the way thatshareholders & stakeholders are provided forin various CG codes & guidelinesTo understand the roles that shareholders &stakeholders can play in companies & thedevelopment of CG

  • 8/13/2019 Shareholders & Stakehoders



    Stakeholders & Shareholders

    Stakeholder: any individual orgrouined p on which the activities ofthe company have an impact(including shareholder...)Shareholders: an individual, firm orother entity that own shares in acompany

    Stakeholders & Shareholders

    Shareholders being distinct from otherstakeholders group:

    Shareholders invest their money to providerisk capital for the companyIn many jurisdictions, shareholders rightsare enshrined in law

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    Shareholders & Responsibility

    Shareholders are not involved in the operationof the corporation, except through their electionof the BODOwn stocks but have no access to assetsThe real value of stock: dividend payment,share resell, potential asset value at thedissolution of the corporationThe rights include: receiving information,electing board members, submitting & voting onproposal policy

    Shareholders & ResponsibilityReceiving Information:

    Shareholders expect that they will receiveaccurate and representative informationregarding the corporations policies and

    particularly its financial situation.How shareholders do communication?These communications are offered toshareholders by way of the annual shareholdermeeting as well as through reports that arereleased on annual and quarterly schedules.Shareholders must also be assured that they arereceiving all important information related to issuesthat arise between the releases of reports.

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    Shareholders & ResponsibilityElecting Board Members

    Shareholders vote to elect board members whothey believe will take good care of theirinvestment in the corporation.In most situations the shareholders vote onpotential candidates who were nominated andscreened by the sitting board members.It is also possible for shareholders to nominatepotential directors themselves, but thesenominees will have to be screened by the boardbefore being included on the ballot.

    Shareholders & Responsibility

    Problems that may arise in electingthe Board:

    Some problems that can arise andcreate an insufficient system in terms ofelecting appropriate representationinclude inadequate information aboutprospective directors and an inability tonominate candidates.

  • 8/13/2019 Shareholders & Stakehoders



    Shareholders & Responsibility

    Proposal Submission and VotingThroughout the fiscal year, shareholdersare able to submit proposals to help directthe corporation in the direction that theydeem fit.Several protocols are consistently required

    for shareholder proposals. Withoutadherence to these protocols, theproposals will not be considered by theboard.

    Shareholders & Responsibility

    The rule shareholder proposal submission:The shareholder must own at least 1% of thecompanys stock, have owned it for at leastone year, and must commit to continualownership through the voting date.The shareholder may not submit more thanone proposal per voting period.The proposal may not be more than 500words in length and must not relate to anyprohibited proposal content.

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    Shareholders Meeting

    Shareholder meetings are held toprovide shareholders with a forum inwhich to gain information and cast votes.

    Although designed to ensure thatinvestors are able to actively protect theirinvestments, shareholder meetings canbe largely unproductive when not runeffectively.

    BODs Duties

    To protect shareholder interests, the board is assigned twofiduciary duties:

    Duty of loyaltyIn keeping with the duty of loyalty, the board and its members

    are required to act on behalf of shareholder and companyinterests, rather than their own.Duty of careThis duty requires that company directors make reasonableefforts to care for the companys interests.

    Board members who do not meet either of these duties aresubject to reprisal through shareholder petition fordismissal, class action suits, or legal injunction.

  • 8/13/2019 Shareholders & Stakehoders



    Shareholders in Indonesia

    The rule of share holders in theIndonesian companies can be found inpage 21 of Pedoman Umum GCGIndonesia

    Stakeholder Groups

    Employees: the company provides livelihoodProviders of creditSuppliers:

    Provide goods or servicesContinuity of the company suistanability of thesuppliers

    CustomersBuy productsSocial, environmental, & ethical aspect of corporatebehavior

  • 8/13/2019 Shareholders & Stakehoders



    Stakeholder GroupsLocal communities

    Corporate employees many local peopleUnemployment social impacts

    Environmental groupsProtection to environment (e.g. ollution)

    GovernmentTo ensure that companies comply to

    socially responsibility, ethical &environmental considerationsEmployment, monetery, market supply...Fiscal

    Role of Stakeholders &Shareholders

    Depend on national laws, customs, &individual companys approachUK & US: the emphasis is on therelationship between the shareholders(owners) & the directors (managers)German & French: partnership betweencapital & labor, provide for employeerepresentation at board level, bank(providers of finance) may alsorepresented on the supervisory board.

  • 8/13/2019 Shareholders & Stakehoders



    Stakeholders in Indonesia

    The rule of stakeholders in theIndonesian companies can be found inpage 23 of Pedoman Umum GCGIndonesia


    Companies should take account of theviews of various stakeholders in additionto those of shareholdersMaintaining & enhancing shareholdervalue should consider stakeholdersinterestsInteraction among all of interestssuitanability in the long-term operations.