sga meeting- 03/01/2016 call to order- at 7:30pm … b, mountainlair student union morgantown, wv...

West Virginia University SGA Meeting- 03/01/2016 2016-2017 Administration Call to Order- at 7:30pm Hatfields B, Mountainlair Student Union Morgantown, WV Reading of the SGA Mission Statement “We, The students of West Virginia University, desiring to preserve within our university an atmosphere of open exchange of ideas with discussion, inquiry and self-expression to insure the person freedoms and general welfare of the student within our University, to promote principles of diversity and to continue in our tradition of responsible self-governance, do hereby establish this Constitution of the West Virginia University Student Government Association.” Roll Call President Pro Tempore Heeter - present Senator Brewster - present Senator Burgess - present Senator Dixon - excused Senator Dudley - present Senator Ernest - present Senator Goff - Senator Hunt- present Senator Kaska- present Senator King - present Senator Knollinger – present Senator McGuire - present Senator Quigley - present Senator Smith - present Senator Waris - present College Representative Hall- present College Representative Stover- College Representative Robinson- present College Representative Amato- excused College Representative McGraw- excused College Representative Cooper- present College Representative Morgan- present College Representative Smith- present College Representative Fakhouri- excused College Representative Levelle- present Minutes from last week have been approved

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West Virginia University SGA Meeting- 03/01/2016 2016-2017 Administration

Call to Order- at 7:30pm Hatfields B, Mountainlair Student Union

Morgantown, WV Reading of the SGA Mission Statement “We, The students of West Virginia University, desiring to preserve within our university an atmosphere of open exchange of ideas with discussion, inquiry and self-expression to insure the person freedoms and general welfare of the student within our University, to promote principles of diversity and to continue in our tradition of responsible self-governance, do hereby establish this Constitution of the West Virginia University Student Government Association.” Roll Call President Pro Tempore Heeter - present Senator Brewster - present Senator Burgess - present Senator Dixon - excused Senator Dudley - present Senator Ernest - present Senator Goff - Senator Hunt- present Senator Kaska- present Senator King - present Senator Knollinger – present Senator McGuire - present Senator Quigley - present Senator Smith - present Senator Waris - present College Representative Hall- present College Representative Stover- College Representative Robinson- present College Representative Amato- excused College Representative McGraw- excused College Representative Cooper- present College Representative Morgan- present College Representative Smith- present College Representative Fakhouri- excused College Representative Levelle- present Minutes from last week have been approved

Open Student Forum I Sen King – We’re here to tell you about a new event, to plan some of the WVU 150 celebrations. You might have seen a mixed blast about expanding ideas with WVU’s own version of Ted Talks called Mountaineer Talk. We’re still accepting applications until this Friday, March 3rd, so if you know anyone or anyone passionate about research or issues that you want to talk about. There’s a wide range of ideas that have already been discussed, health to stem research, social issues, politics from all spectrums, just trying to spread knowledge and ideas through all spectrums. We want to see everyone, like engineers coming and giving talks but then staying and learning about like Russian culture. We really just kind of want to broaden knowledge on all areas. Sen Burgess – we want to make sure everyone’s projects, presentations, and research are shown. We want to make sure to broadcast your presentation online. If you or anyone you have on mind, we encourage you to go and apply. It’s attached to the Mix Blast, and you can just follow the link and go from there. Sen King – we’ve gotten a lot of application from social sciences, but we want more STEM too to make it more inclusive. We want to make this a movement for years to come and showcase how awesome the WVU student community is. Dir Obioma – I’m a sophomore international studies major. I prepared a statement: Nicholas Kristof a two time Pulitzer prize winning journalist said “The greatest problem is not flat-out racists, but rather with the far larger number of Americans who believe intellectually in racial equality but are quietly oblivious to injustice around them. Over the past few months on this campus we have seen many instances or discrimination and hate both subtle and blatant. We have seen our fellow mountaineers be assaulted both verbally and physically on account of race, religion, and sexual orientation and I for one have had enough. Here at WVU we like to call ourselves pioneers we say “Mountaineers go first.” but we seem to be more than comfortable passing the buck to anyone else when it comes to fighting and challenging hate when it bears it ugly head. Weather is disguises itself as politics or patriotism we as student leaders have a responsibility to stand up against it. That is a point where both the University and SGA have failed in my opinion. When I first showed up to school here and joined SGA I found myself with an overwhelming sense of pride both in my university and the organization. I saw the amazing power, influence and potential that SGA had to make a difference. But as I see more and more of my fellow mountaineers attacked and discriminated against while both the university and SGA sit in silence, that pride dwindles. Even as we sit quite while even we are attacked as an organization. Booker T Washington said, “There are two ways of exerting one’s strength: One by pushing down and the other by pulling up.” Student government has the ability and the influence to lift up and assist marginalized communities here on campus but we often choose not to intervene because we fear the pushback and politics.

We have not spoken out and we have not shown up when we are needed. Our attendance has been higher at socials and dinners than it has at meetings and I truly believe we owe the student body far more than that. That is why I am calling on the current administration to not become complacent but to make one last push here on campus to truly do what we are here for and represent our students

The President’s Report President Merow- There is a basketball game Friday at 7PM against Iowa State. Go on and get your ticket and stay in town one more night. We’ll have things with the bylaws and speakers, and other such, after break. We still have 28 days, and that’s nearly a month, so please remember why you’re here, and rest up over break so we can hit the ground running after break. Senators’ Reports Sen Hunt- If you do still need ticket, they are still available. There are only student lower standing tickets. If anyone in the assembly wants to donate your budget to the raffle, just let me know. College Representatives’ Reports None. Executive Reports Intern Whitlock – I’m giving the Treasurer’s Report on behalf of Treasurer Daniel– as of right now, the BoF has awarded about $98,000 in grant funds. With the grants on the agenda tonight, with those numbers, we have the potential to have about $15,000 remaining in our external budget and we can afford about 14 additional orgs. Those orgs will be on the agenda for the next. Any grants that they will be awarded will be taken from our external budget if need be. The last BoF meeting will be allocated to the student org of the year award. COS Kiess – executive of the year doodle poll finalization is in the works EC Fatallah – If anyone on the board has anything they want on the ballot, please let me know as soon as possible, like today or yesterday. If you have anything you want to discuss, let me know as soon as possible Dir Campbell – We’re about 4 weeks out from WVU day at the legislator. So far I have 14 meetings set up for all of us, some overlapping so you can go meet with your

delegate, etc. I’m gauging interest in a reception after for the legislators to come over after. Let me know if you guys want anything specific. Unfinished Business None. New Business

Judicial Staff Appointment: COS Kiess- we inherited a J Court that had a lot of vacancies, for most of them were appointed from the same year so they graduated the same year. Chase Loving is filling our appointment/vacancy, and these are 3 year terms Rep Levelle – what made you decide to do this? Loving – I did a program in my hometown called team court, and I got about 60 hours training with an actual lawyer trying actual sentencing cases Sen Kaska – what year are you? Loving – sophomore Sen Quibley – Vote on appointment via UC Sen Brewster - second

Financial Bill 2017 - 05 o Title I NAACP

Intern White - They’re hosting the 6th annual awards to recognize people in the community, and we are suggesting $1900

o Title II WVU Hallil Intern White – they’re hosting a 24 hour event in the Mountainlair where they are saying all the names of the people who died in the Holocaust. Rep – We read names in the lair for 24 ours, but this year is our 20th anniversary so we really wanted to invite the community and get them involved. Also, since it’s such a long day, we wanted to provide food for people partaking. We want to make it bigger this year since it is our anniversary

o Title III WVU Sports and Exercise Psychology Club Intern White- they’re going to their regional conference.

o Title IV WVU Pre-Vet Club Intern White– they’re attending a conference this weekend; we are suggest $1190

o Title V MNRRS Intern White- they’re going to their national conference

o Title VI Moutaineer Catholic Dir Obioma – They are seeking expenses towards home repair for people who would otherwise not be able to afford them

o Title VII Resident Assistant Council Dir Obioma – they’re requesting funds for the annual RA banquet, we are suggesting $1000 Rep – I’m the downtown chair for RA Council, representative group of all the RAs on campus. Every year at the end of year, we give food, give awards and help out the graduating RAs. We are receiving $0 due to budget cuts, so we are asking for money to do this

o Title VIII Camp Kesam Rep - We’re having a GALA, it’s our second year of the organization, for kids whose parents have been diagnosed with cancer. Dir Obioma – BoF suggests $600 to cover catering and advertising Sen Waris – did they request $5300? Treasurer Daniel – there were a couple things they asked for, but we decided to pay for the GALA stuff that was happening in the semester, and everything else they asked for was happening in the summer and we try not to pay for anything past May 15

o Title IX Women’s Rugby Dir Obioma They were seeking funds for registration fees as well as equipment.

o Title X Student Academy of Audiology o Title XI Wildlife Society

Rep – Basically what we are is a professional org that promotes scientific evidence based conclave connect that connects all the northeast chapters. While we requested $1100, 880 only allows us to take 8 students. Big 12 Deputy Liaison Underwood – SGA doesn’t pay for gas, which is part of the remaining amount; 880 covers the entirety of registration Burgess – amount we allocated 150 for gas, registration is 1100 for students Dir Daw – we recommended to cover the 8 students instead of the 10

o Title XII Block and Bridle Rep – We are requesting funds for the Midwest academic quiz bowl, which includes lab practical to focus on different species, written exam and presentations, we are asking for lodging, and the competition is in Omaha Nebraska Big 12 Deputy Liaison Underwood – our suggest amount covers 2 rooms for 3 nights

o Title XIII National society of Black engineers Big 12 Deputy Liaison Underwood – 12 members had to qualify

o Title XIV Kappa Kappa Psi Big 12 Deputy Liaison Underwood - they’re asking for funds to cover lodging and registration to attend a music convention in Lancaster PA

o League of Legends Club Big 12 Deputy Liaison Underwood - they’re asking for funds for advertising and catering since all expenses can be ordered at once,

this event is classified as an outreach for the organization for a total of $500

Sen Waris – UC Sen Kaska – second

Resolution 2017-01-04 Sen Brewster- a resolution to amend article XI, section 1 of the Student Government Association. Basically the idea behind this is that if a vacancy comes up, a committee will form and the PPT will be the head of this committee. For 24 hours, the application will be open, or a college rep, anyone from that college can apply. The committee will review the application, vet them, and pick 3, and take them to the president, and the president will pick one and take it to congress for a 2/3 majority vote. This eliminates bias Sen Hunt – For the different selection committee made every time there’s a vacancy, would it be the same each time? Sen Brewster – It would be a random selection of 2 reps and 2 senators each time PPT Heeter – What about the 10 spots we have now? Would there just be one committee? Sen Waris – With just 2 sen and 2 reps, doesn’t it limit the sample of actual opinion on the board? Sen Brewster – there’s never 10 at any one given point, but we’re open to amendments Sen Hunt – there should be something about what would happen if the PPT was a vacancy. PPT Heeter – We would first elect new a PPT, it’s already in the constitution Sen Brewster – if for whatever reason, the chair person (VP) wasn’t here, PPT would step up PPT Heeter – I’m saying if just for one meeting, I would just chair, you wouldn’t have to appoint a new PPT Rep Levelle – would we just send an email out to advertise? Sen Brewster – we decided not to include specific information. For now, it would be a Mix Blast Rep Levelle – what happens if no one signs up, like what happened during the representatives election? Should we repeat it? Sen Brewster – there’s no language for that in this Resolution Sen Burgess – for last college reps election, we basically coerced people to encourage them to apply; we can do the same thing Sen Ernest – When you say determine 3 individuals to be submitted – how are those 3 individuals selected? Sen Brewster – They would apply then the committee would schedule a meeting, like an interview process Sen Waris – what if no one runs in the 72 hours – I don’t think we should force anyone into this new position. What if not enough people run to be Senators, we can’t just appoint them, like they should get their signatures

and go through the process; otherwise, it would be a slippery slope that yields too much power to the President: ‘oh they’re not enough people are running, I’ll just appoint you.” I don’t think we should fill a position by appointment Sen Brewster – We’ll revisit this for sure Sen Smith – Say we have 10 people apply for the 10 vacancies, what happens if committee wasn’t confident in 2 people, would you still appoint them or leave the spots vacant? Sen Kaska – On the actual text, talk about the top 3 individuals and change the language in case there aren’t 3 that apply because then you can’t continue with the process. Determine the “up to 3” top individuals. About Sen Smith’s question, that would be up to the Student Assembly to cast their 2/3 votes Sen Dudley – Adding more presidential power is not the solution. The majority of SGA is already presidentially appointed, and that already makes SGA not as reflective. I think we need to go back to the elections process and see where the problem is Sen Hunt – if committee is not confident in all candidates, the spots should be left for vacancies. There’s a reason we have this selection committee to see who is more qualified Sen Brewster – If there are 2 people you think is unqualified, should it be open to the PPT to open back up for submission? Sen Hunt – it shouldn’t be based on one person PPT Heeter – we have write-ins, so if you have 1 write in, you can be put on the board, and that’s an example of people not putting in the work Sen Waris – I think we need to revisit the election process; there are a lot of barriers. If you ran 2 years ago, it was more signatures than there was now. There’s a lot of problems and a lot of students who don’t think they can run or affect SGA. It seems unfair, and I don’t think we should be filling positions by appointing people just to do it. That garners people unmotivated to be here to not do anything. It’s not “hey you should be here to incite change, not be here to fill this seat’ Pres Merow – How about we extend the application timeline, and if you’re worried about getting enough qualified applications, keep extending the deadline and getting more applicants until you’re comfortable with their qualifications Sen Dudley – if we’re going to consider presidential appointments, we should consider them to be non-voting positons, so they can be here to hear voices and voice their open opinions Sen Ernest – if they’re appointed, they should be required to go through the election process, that way they have 500 signatures so they don’t get random support Rep Hall – back to sending all candidates forward, how is the assembly presented with the qualifications and application? Sen Brewster – we don’t have any language about getting the information to the assembly; typically, when we appoint, there are no questions

Rep Robinson – would it even reach the board to vote on it first? Sen Brewster- committee will decide and then reopen the process? Sen Hunt – we do now have 2 SGA elections a year: senators in the spring and the reps in the fall; if there was a way to put those position vacancies into the other election (like senate into representatives election), if it’s so long within the election, those seats could be filled then. COS Kiess – it’s like a job or job interview; there’s a hiring committee, it’s up to the discretion of that committee to open it back up at large. In terms of scheduling meetings, it’s hard to get 5 people in a room, let alone 15 at once Sen Smith – Are we going to decide the applicants are qualified by the board or committee? The board would vote on the committee and people stays on the board indefinitely so they can continue to make those decision Sen Knollinger – Say Jules and Mac sat down with these potential applicants: I think the way to go about this is table grants for a day and bring in the applicants to talk about their candidacy. Phase 2 would be share their experiences and then we could vote on them as a whole; it’s done a lot for a lot of organizations. We can discuss about them and talk about them and how we feel during the regular meetings Sen Brewster – when you’re saying naming a permanent committee – what’s the point in it? When we were drafting this, the whole point of the randomized committee is that it would eliminate bias – like what if this one committee had friends applying? Every time it would be different and it wouldn’t be the same kind of person to be appointed every time Sen Knollinger – After 2 meetings ago, who would listen to what I have to say? Sen King – SGA isn’t a business, we aren’t just filling a job. We are elected by the student body. I liked what Sen Hunt said about incorporating the student votes in with the two elections. Also, I echo Sen Dudley to go find the problem rather than trying to react constantly. Sen Quigley – We have an elections committee and it’s appointed to be unbiased and bring forth these candidates and follow this process. Using that committee, you would eliminate the bias. They have no intentions for the next election or previous elections, and they know how the elections are run Rep Smith – Why don’t we have a set of qualifications you need to even run? Also, when the reps got elected, we did not have to go to the ends you had to go through to get elected. When reps get voted, they should put more work in. Sen Smith – Sen Brewster, you’re concerned with the bias of this committee; in my mind, I was thinking the elected committee would have our faith in that they would remain unbiased, but a random interview doesn’t have that security. Does the entire board have an opinion on someone’s qualifications? We didn’t have a say on each other when we run originally PPT Heeter – Sen Smith, if it is an appointment, we do vote on those appointments; the entire appointments are voted on by the assembly. The elections committee is not a standing committee, they’re not always the same people. They’ve been approved by the elections chair but not by the assembly

Sen Ernest – We’re thinking as senators and college reps; the student body elects us, and with this format, the student body doesn’t have enough say simply through a committee of SGAers; this necessitates a special election. Treasurer Daniel – We only really have a viewpoint of 4 years, and SGA is very reciprocal, I’m sure someone has had this problem as well, like it’s gone up and down. There is only 1 ticket for next year, and this holds huge implications for this administration. After the debate and discussion, I think it would be wise to open the empty seats for senators in the fall and the empty seats of the representatives in the spring. We have a great opportunity to do that now that we have 2 elections. It’s a student body vote, and that is what is important. We haven’t had this problem in the 4-5-6 year window. This is only if there is one ticket. It’s important we get something like this done. Big 12 Liaison Morgan – two years ago, many of us in this room were running, there would’ve been 34 people qualified to fill the senators spot. It’s important to remember that article 10 outlines who is qualified and who is not qualified. An unbiased committee is probably the way to go, but you have to consider other options. Article 10 outlines that completely. The board at the time didn’t seem to follow the process, and the J Court didn’t think wasn’t constitutional in 2015 Sen Waris – who are we to decide who’s qualified to be in SGA? Who are we to look at people’s resumes and what they’ve done? A lot people who send those applications in are more qualified than most of the people in this assembly. You have to run to be in politics, and that’s the democratic process Sen Hunt –Implement Senator positions elections in the fall and representatives in the spring, and the President and VP can appoint someone for the time being until that election as a non-voting member to meeting attendance issues, and resignation was done in a timely manner, so that we have enough representation at the table all year round Dir Daw – have you guys talked to other big 12 schools? Pres Merow – they definitely do have this issue; a lot of them go unopposed and this is not an uncommon problem Sen Ernest – who are we to say who is qualified? The student body is, so we need the student body input in this way more than a committee like a special election PPT Heeter – I like the idea of having people run in this opposite election, but we don’t have enough people running for the Senators’ position, what makes you think there will be people who want to fill the main election being held? We need to increase the amount of people running? Sen Waris – we aren’t getting enough people to run for SGA; as a board, we need right now to have an amendment on the constitution where we revamp the election process and allow people who want to run to run Rep Smith – a lot of people are not running are really based on the barriers of entry; no one wants to be individualized, if all these senators are running by themselves, it makes it a more levelled playing field.

Treasurer Daniel – Because Tyler is going to Nicaragua tomorrow, the only way to make sure you get your voice heard is email Mac or PPT Rep Hall - If you’re going to hold them to the same accountability, you’re going to have less people if it’s only half the term.

Resolution 2017-01-05: Sen Burgess: this is about the study abroad scholarship I mentioned last week. The vote is only about putting this option on the ballot; we just want to hear what the students think about this idea. Sen Quigley – How many students will really read that entire thing on the ballot? I think the word ‘optional’ should be highlighted or emphasized, like bolding it or underlining it. Sen Hunt – Could you say something like you will not be charged? This is simply the option. Sen Burgess – I want to stress the importance of the optional incensement; the best option is bold optional incensement, because that doesn’t interfere with the logistics Sen Kaska – I agree with Sen Quigley in streamlining this by not listing a specific amount. If they see a specific amount, they may thing that they’re checking to pay Sen Burgess – the next administration will be the one that sets the criteria, and that’s something that they will have to worry about as well as advertising. I would accept the motion to scratch the $5 Rep Robinson – do you know where this will be going on the ballot? Sen Burgess – in the past, it’s been on the back. That’s something EC Fatallah has to figure out Sen Quigley – If you just see the “fee”, you kind of question it. $5 wouldn’t scare them Sen Waris – I love this idea as a whole, but we need to streamline this entire paragraph to be a question, like the one about the alcohol amnesty question to make it more of an opinion that the student body can vote on it. Sen Burgess – this is something completely new that was brought to this campus. I wanted to put it in here that it’s SGA’s job to make and accept the criteria for it, depending on the next administration handles it. COS Kiess – It would be the same as the college rep elections with a modified scantron system Sen Hunt – is there some way to just have it as a question? And then adding the description underneath? Pres Merow – I think when they did this with the Rec center, the ballot was very short and sweet; and then we can advertise the information beforehand, too. Waris - We can just print this out and have it available for everyone who wants more information, then on the ballot just have a sentence or two that streamlines the idea Sen Kaska – is there any way we can pass this tonight and not have specific language on what it will say on the ballot? COS Kiess – it would be preferred by EC Fatallah that it be done tonight, but if not, that’s fine too

Sen Brewster – global presence around the world seems a little redundant Sen Quigley – did you say all one paragraph? Or is the question separated? Sen Burgess – the question will be separated PPT Heeter – about the wording, like the amnesty one, can we change it to “would you support an SGA initiative…..?” instead of agreeing, like putting your support behind Sen Hunt – start with a question Sen Burgess – I think the question should be at the bottom so they can at least get the info before they vote Sen Knollinger – If they don’t want to take the time to read it, it’s their fault Sen Smith – did you keep the $5 in there? Sen Burgess – I scrapped it because I would hate to say $5 now and the next administration says something else Sen Ernest – an optional fee is very vague, instead say up to $5 Sen Burgess – if you set up a specific amount, that invades into the next administration Sen Ernest – what do you anticipate to be the highest amount? Sen Burgess – other schools usually did $5, so my personal opinion is $5 Pres Merow – if the university and the next administration try to up it, it would be invalid unless they held a special election Sen Kaska – just say approximately $5 Treasurer Daniel – if this was taken by the institutional board of governors, at the end of the day, we are just polling the student body to get data to present to the institutional board of governors; SGA is not going to get that money Sen Burgess – we are going to be able to set this criteria Treasurer Daniel – this is the first step to get that to happen; just to get people on the same page Sen Hunt – I move amend it to say would you support an optional $5 increase for student fees for the purpose of funding a study abroad scholarship? The criteria for the scholarship will be debated, pronounced, and implemented by the student assembly. PPT Heeter – Add on: would you support an SGA initiative..? Sen Hunt – I yield to PPT Heeter PPT Heeter- Motion: would you support an SGA initiative for an optional $5 increase for student fees for the purpose of funding a study abroad scholarship? The criteria for the scholarship will be debated, pronounced, and implemented by the student assembly. Sen Brewster – second PPT Heeter – Vote on this amendment via UC Sen Brewster – second Sen Kaska – Can add something for the election we have a paragraph available for students in case they want to reference it? Sen Burgess – that can be done separately Sen Hunt – move to suspend special rules and move to voting on the amended document tonight via UC? Sen King – second

Sen Ernest – vote on amended document via UC Sen Quigley – second

Open Student Forum II Dir Terani – we have a change to semester schedule to grad and student senate. Our next meeting will be Monday after spring break at 7 PM in the Greenbrier room. Dir Daw – The student org of the year application of the year is out there. Retweet it; if you want another link to it, let me know. We have several people here who were nominated for the NAACP awards. That’s open until Sunday so get out and vote Rep Levelle – Who’s going on the Nicaragua trip so I know who I can’t contact Advisor Reports None. Moments Dir Daw – Sen Burgess and Sen Brewster for the resolutions and taking debates all night Sen Waris – BoF interns for doing the presentations Big 12 Deputy Liaison Underwood – Teresa for typing all of that PPT Heeter – Isaac for saying all of that, in the face of people not necessarily agreeing Treasurer Daniel – Katie, Kayla, and the DA, for the informative articles they put out on SGA Sen Hunt – if you want to donate your budget to the Rack, let me or Treasurer Daniel know Sen Smith – Marcus for planning WVU day at the Capitol Sen Ernest – all the dancers and Garrett for winning the People’s Choice Award Sen Brewster – Sen Ernest for landing an internship with the Bad Move Bears VP McIntyre – all of you guys, that was a really good discussion Sen Ernest- UC

Sen Smith – second Adjournment: 9:16pm Written and Reviewed by Executive Secretary Hoang **UC= vote on by unanimous consent President Pro Tempore Heeter - Senator Brewster - Senator Burgess - Senator Dixon - Senator Dudley - Senator Ernest - Senator Goff - Senator Hunt- Senator Kaska- Senator King - Senator Knollinger – Senator McGuire - Senator Quigley - Senator Smith - Senator Waris - College Representative Hall- College Representative Stover- College Representative Robinson- College Representative Amato- College Representative McGraw- College Representative Cooper- College Representative Morgan- College Representative Smith- College Representative Fakhouri- College Representative Levelle-