sexual reproduction _____. a. requires haploid gametes b. results in a diploid zygote c. creates...

Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents D. all of the above ___

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Page 1: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Sexual reproduction _____.

A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents D. all of the above ___

Page 2: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Homologous chromosomes are found in _____.

A. eggs B. sperm C. diploid body cells D. both A and B


Page 3: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Homologous chromosomes _____.

A. have the same centromere position B. contain genes for the same traits C. are the same length D. all of the above ___

Page 4: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Gametes _____.

A. are diploid B. contain only one chromosome of each kind C. have the same number of chromosomes as the body cells D. all of the above


Page 5: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Once duplicated, a chromosome is composed of two identical parts called _____.

A. sister chromatids B. centromeres C. homologous chromosomes D. chiasmata


Page 6: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Replication of the DNA occurs _____.

A. prior to meiosis I B. prior to meiosis II


Page 7: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Homologous chromosomes separate during _____.

A. meiosis I B. meiosis II


Page 8: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

A bivalent contains _____ chromatids.

A. one B. two C. three D. four ___

Page 9: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

At the completion of meiosis II, there are _____ daughter cells.

A. two haploid B. two diploid C. four haploid D. four diploid ___

Page 10: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

The diploid number of chromosomes is restored after _____ so that an animal's body cells contain the diploid number ofchromosomes.

A. meiosis I B. meiosis II C. fertilization ___

Page 11: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Synapsis results in _____.

A. a bivalent B. the diploid number of chromosomes C. a zygote D. four haploid cells


Page 12: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Following synapsis during meiosis I, the homologous chromosomes _____.

A. separate B. join C. diffuse D. replicate


Page 13: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Sexual reproduction contributes greatly to the process of _____.

A. evolution B. metabolism C. organization D. growth and repair


Page 14: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Regions where nonsister chromatids are attached due to crossing over are called _____.

A. centromeres B. tetrads C. chiasmata D. centrioles


Page 15: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

After crossing over, the sister chromatids _____.

A. are no longer identical B. carry recombined genes C. contain genetic instructions from a mother and father D. all of the above ___

Page 16: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Genetic recombination during meiosis occurs by _____.

A. crossing over B. independent assortment of homologous chromosomes C. both A and B ___

Page 17: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

When genetic information is exchanged between nonsister chromatids, _____ has occurred.

A. independent assortment of homologous chromosomes B. a mutation C. crossing over D. fertilization


Page 18: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

During synapsis, a nucleoprotein lattice holds the _____ together.

A. sister chromatids B. bivalent C. centromeres


Page 19: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

The combining of chromosomes from genetically different gametes occurs during _____.

A. crossing over B. synapsis C. meiosis II D. fertilization ___

Page 20: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

The chromosomes in one gamete have a different combination of genes than chromosomes in another gamete due to_____.

A. crossing over B. independent alignment of bivalents at the metaphase plate C. fertilization D. cytokinesis


Page 21: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Which of the following occurs during prophase I?

A. spindle forms B. the nuclear envelope fragments C. synapsis D. all of the above ___

Page 22: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Crossing over between nonsister chromatids occurs during _____.

A. interkinesis B. prophase I C. telophase I D. anaphase II


Page 23: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

If telophase I takes place, which of the following always happens?

A. the nuclear envelope reforms B. cytokinesis occurs C. nucleoli appear D. both A and C ___

Page 24: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

The homologues of each bivalent separate and move to opposite poles during _____.

A. prophase I B. metaphase II C. anaphase I D. anaphase II


Page 25: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

During _____ the sister chromatids separate and therefore four daughter cells each have chromosomes with onechromatid.

A. meiosis I B. meiosis II C. mitosis D. both A and B


Page 26: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

A fully formed spindle and alignment of the bivalents at the metaphase plate is characteristic of _____.

A. metaphase I B. anaphase I C. metaphase II D. prophase I


Page 27: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

At the end of telophase II and cytokinesis there are __________ haploid cells.

A. two B. four C. six


Page 28: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Cells have one chromosome from each homologous pair during _____.

A. prophase II B. metaphase II C. anaphase II D. all of the above ___

Page 29: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

The two sister chromatids separate at the centromere during _____.

A. prophase II B. metaphase I C. telophase I D. anaphase II ___

Page 30: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Sister chromatids align themselves at the metaphase plate during _____.

A. metaphase II B. prophase I C. anaphase II D. interkinesis


Page 31: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

In animals the haploid cells produced by meiosis mature and become _____.

A. spores B. zygotes C. gametes D. diploid


Page 32: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Telophase II is characterized by _____.

A. the disappearance of the spindle B. nuclei formation C. cytokinesis D. all of the above ___

Page 33: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

The reduction in the number of chromosomes is completed following _____.

A. prophase II B. telophase I C. anaphase II D. metaphase I


Page 34: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Which is characteristic of meiosis I?

A. pairing of chromosomes B. separation of sister chromatids C. diploid daughter cells D. all of the above


Page 35: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

In humans, meiosis occurs _____.

A. only in the reproductive organs B. in all tissues C. during growth and repair D. all of the above


Page 36: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

DNA replication takes place _____ during meiosis.

A. only once B. twice


Page 37: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Which is true of both meiosis II and mitosis?

A. pairing of chromosomes B. diploid number of chromosomes at the metaphase plate C. separation of sister chromatids D. four daughter cells


Page 38: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Mitosis is characterized by _____ nuclear division(s).

A. one B. two C. four


Page 39: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Which of the following results in diploid daughter cells?

A. meiosis I B. meiosis II C. mitosis ___

Page 40: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Homologous chromosomes pair and undergo crossing over only during _____.

A. meiosis I prophase I B. meiosis II prophase II C. mitosis prophase


Page 41: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Which of the following is characterized by a haploid number of chromosomes?

A. meiosis I prophase I B. mitosis telophase C. meiosis II anaphase II D. meiosis I metaphase I


Page 42: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Which phase is characterized by the haploid number of duplicated chromosomes at the metaphase plate?

A. meiosis II metaphase II B. mitosis prophase C. meiosis II telophase II D. meiosis I metaphase I


Page 43: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Mitosis occurs in humans during _____.

A. development of the zygote B. growth of a child C. repair of tissue at any time D. all of the above ___

Page 44: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

The alternation of generation life cycle is characteristic of _____.

A. animals B. plants C. protists D. bacteria


Page 45: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

In animals, the only haploid stage of the life cycle is the _____.

A. gametes B. spores C. zygote D. adult


Page 46: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

In fungi (and some algae), only the _____ are ever diploid.

A. gametes B. adults C. zygotes D. spores


Page 47: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

In the animal life cycle, the diploid adult produces gametes by _____.

A. meiosis B. mitosis


Page 48: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

The completion of the first meiotic division in females results in _____.

A. four eggs B. a secondary oocyte and a polar body C. a zygote D. two polar bodies


Page 49: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

The process of meiosis in males (humans) always results in _____.

A. four spermatids B. two sperm C. two polar bodies D. two secondary spermatocytes


Page 50: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

When a primary spermatocyte undergoes meiosis I, two _____ secondary spermatocytes are produced.

A. diploid B. haploid ___

Page 51: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

The mature egg of a human has _____ chromosomes

A. 46 B. 23 C. 2


Page 52: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

In females, meiosis is a part of _____ which occurs in the ovaries and produces eggs.

A. fertilization B. oogenesis C. the alternation of generations D. spermatogenesis


Page 53: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

A primary spermatocyte with 46 chromosomes will undergo meiosis and yield _____.

A. four spermatids with 46 chromosomes B. four spermatids with 23 chromosomes C. two spermatids with 46 chromosomes D. two spermatids with 23 chromosomes


Page 54: Sexual reproduction _____. A. requires haploid gametes B. results in a diploid zygote C. creates offspring that ae genetically different from the parents

Meiotic division in a diploid multicellular adult which results in haploid spores is characteristic of _____.

A. animals B. bacteria C. protists D. plants
