seventh all-union conference on the physics of interaction of charged particles with single crystals

SEVENTH ALL-UNION CONFERENCE ON THE OF INTERACTION OF CHARGED PARTICLES WITH SINGLE CRYSTALS A. G. Kadmenskii PHYSIC S The Conference took place in Moscow on May 26-28, 1975. The topic of discussion at this and the preceding conferences were the relatively recently discovered effects of channeling and shadowing in the motion of fast charged particles in single crystals and phenomena associated with these effects. The Con-" ference was attended by nearly 200 scientists of various Soviet cities who represented universities and research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and other Soviet Republics, and also several ministries and departments. Papers have also been presented by prominent scientists from the USA, GDR, Poland, Mongolia, and Yugoslavia. The 93 reports read at the Conference touched upon various aspects of this rapidly developing subject. All reports can be arbitrarily divided into three major groups. First, the study of orientational effects of the motion of heavy charged particles (protons, ions) in single crystals; second, works associated with the motion of light charged particles (electrons, positrons) and radiation in single crystals; and third, the application of orientational effects in the study of nuclear, atomic, solid state, and other problems in single crystals. Such a classification takes into account not only the kind of particle but also the different form of description of the motion of heavy and light particles in single crystals. After the work of J. Linhard (1965) on the channeling of heavy particles, the basic model of de- scription is the classical model of statistical equilibrium in the phase space of transverse coordinates and particle momenta in the crystal (the amount of transversality relative to the direction of atomic nucleus for axial channeling and relative to the atomic plane for planar channeling). Such a description can also be used for high-energy electrons but the main approach to this case is a quantum mechanical treatment. The study of channeling and shadowing effects of heavy particles now proceeds in two directions. The method of kinetic equations for channeling particles, developed on the basis of the Linhard model by Danish (Banderoop, Andersen, and others) and Soviet (M. A. Kumakhov, V. V. Beloshitskii, et al.) workers, is ex- tensively used for calculating dechanneling and the elements of angular shadow-pattern distributions. Such calculations have been reported by, for example, M. A. Kumakhov, V. V. Beloshitskii, et al. (Moscow) and by V. S. Andreev etal. (Sverdl0vsk). On the other hand, experimental and theoretical results have been re- ported which indicate that axial and planar channeling are associated phenomena. Thus, the prevalent for- malism of kinetic equations does not describe certain effects of particle channeling. Important work on this subject has been carried out by Yu. V. Bulgakov, V. I. Shul'ga et al. (Moscow) who studied the behavior of crystal transparency in the transition region between axial and planar channeling where the transparency has been experimentally observed to vary nonmonotonically with the angle of particle incidence in relation to the close-packed axis. This effect has been explained by the presence of additional focusing by ordered atomic chains of the particle moving in the axial channel. The ordered arrangement of atomic chains is manifested experimentally in the azimuthal dependence of the elastic scattering cross section of channeling particles in the axial channel ("back shadow"). This has been most clearly demonstrated in a study of the spectra of back-scattered particles entering an axial channel with the same transverse energy (E• 0.5E• r, where E tcr is the Lindhard critical energy), but with different starting azimuths [E. I. Sirotinin, A. S. Rudnev, et al. (Moscow)]. Finally, computer simulation of angular distributions of particles passing through a thin single crys- tal under axial channeling conditions [A. G. Kadmenskii et al. (Moscow)] proved that for El0 -> 0.2 E• r angular distributions show a regular azimuthal structure that coincides with the principal direction of crystallographic planes passingthroughthe studied crystallographic axis. It has been found that these angular Translated fromAtomnaya t~nergiya, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 443-444, December, 1975. ~ @19 76 Plenum Publishing Corporation, 22 7 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. t 001 t. No part of this publication may be reproduced, ]stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, ....recording or otherwise, without written permission .of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. 1111

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A. G. K a d m e n s k i i


The Conference took place in Moscow on May 26-28, 1975. The topic of d iscuss ion at this and the p reced ing confe rences were the re la t ive ly recent ly d i scovered effects of channeling and shadowing in the mot ion of f a s t charged p a r t i c l e s in single c r y s t a l s and phenomena assoc ia ted with these effects . The Con-" fe rence was attended by near ly 200 sc ien t i s t s of var ious Soviet c i t ies who rep resen ted un ivers i t i e s and r e s e a r c h inst i tutes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and o ther Soviet Republics, and also s eve ra l m i n i s t r i e s and depa r tmen t s . P a p e r s have also been p resen ted by prominent sc ien t i s t s f r o m the USA, GDR, Poland, Mongolia, and Yugoslavia . The 93 r epo r t s read at the Conference touched upon var ious a spec t s of this rapidly developing subject . All r epo r t s can be a r b i t r a r i l y divided into th ree m a j o r groups. F i rs t , the study of or ienta t ional ef fec ts of the mot ion of heavy charged pa r t i c l e s (protons, ions) in single c rys ta l s ; second, works assoc ia ted with the mot ion of light charged pa r t i c l e s (electrons, pos i t rons) and radia t ion in single c ry s t a l s ; and thi rd , the appl icat ion of or ientat ional effects in the study of nuclear , atomic, solid s ta te , and o ther p r o b l e m s in single c r y s t a l s . Such a c lass i f i ca t ion takes into account not only the kind of pa r t i c le but a l so the different f o r m of descr ip t ion of the mot ion of heavy and light pa r t i c l e s in single c r y s t a l s . Af te r the work of J . Linhard (1965) on the channeling of heavy pa r t i c l e s , the bas ic model of de- sc r ip t ion is the c l a s s i ca l model of s ta t i s t i ca l equi l ibr ium in the phase space of t r a n s v e r s e coordinates and pa r t i c l e m o m e n t a in the c rys t a l (the amount of t r a n s v e r s a l i t y re la t ive to the d i rec t ion of a tomic nucleus for axial channeling and re la t ive to the a tomic plane fo r p l ana r channeling). Such a descr ip t ion can also be used for h igh-energy e lec t rons but the main approach to this case is a quantum mechanica l t r ea tmen t .

The study of channel ing and shadowing ef fec ts of heavy p a r t i c l e s now p roceeds in two di rec t ions . The method of kinetic equations fo r channeling pa r t i c l e s , developed on the bas i s of the Linhard model by Danish (Banderoop, Andersen, and others) and Soviet (M. A. Kumakhov, V. V. Beloshitski i , et al.) worke r s , is ex- tens ive ly used fo r calcula t ing dechanneling and the e lements of angular shadow-pa t te rn dis t r ibut ions. Such calculat ions have been repor ted by, for example , M. A. Kumakhov, V. V. Beloshitski i , et al. (Moscow) and by V. S. Andreev e t a l . (Sverdl0vsk). On the other hand, exper imenta l and theore t ica l r e su l t s have been r e - por ted which indicate that axial and p lana r channeling are assoc ia ted phenomena. Thus, the p reva len t fo r - m a l i s m of kinetic equations does not desc r ibe ce r t a in effects of pa r t i c l e channeling. Important work on this subject has been c a r r i e d out by Yu. V. Bulgakov, V. I. Shul 'ga et al . (Moscow) who studied the behavior of c r y s t a l t r a n s p a r e n c y in the t rans i t ion region between axial and p l ana r channeling where the t r anspa rency has been exper imenta l ly obse rved to vary nonmonotonically with the angle of pa r t i c le incidence in re la t ion to the c lose -packed axis . This effect has been explained by the p r e s e n c e of additional focusing by o rdered a tomic chains of the par t i c le moving in the axial channel.

The o rde red a r r a n g e m e n t of a tomic chains is mani fes ted exper imenta l ly in the azimuthal dependence of the e las t ic s ca t t e r ing c r o s s sec t ion of channeling pa r t i c l e s in the axial channel ("back shadow"). This has been mos t c l ea r ly demons t ra ted in a study of the spec t r a of b a c k - s c a t t e r e d pa r t i c l e s enter ing an axial channel with the s ame t r a n s v e r s e energy (E• 0.5E• r, where E tc r is the Lindhard c r i t i ca l energy), but with different s t a r t ing az imuths [E. I. Sirotinin, A. S. Rudnev, et al. (Moscow)].

Finally, compute r s imula t ion of angular dis t r ibut ions of pa r t i c l e s pass ing through a thin single c r y s - tal under axial channeling conditions [A. G. Kadmenski i et al. (Moscow)] proved that fo r E l 0 -> 0.2 E• r angular d is t r ibut ions show a r egu la r azimuthal s t ruc tu re that coincides with the pr inc ipa l d i rec t ion of c rys ta l lograph ic planes pa s s ing th rough the studied c rys ta l lograph ic axis . It has been found that these angular

Trans la t ed f r o m A t o m n a y a t~nergiya, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 443-444, December , 1975.

~ @19 76 Plenum Publishing Corporation, 22 7 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. t 001 t. No part o f this publication may be reproduced, ]s tored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, ....recording or otherwise, without written permission .of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00.


distr ibut ions a re fa r f rom being in s ta t i s t ica l equi l ibr ium in the Lindhard sense, and that the t r a n s v e r s e energy dis tr ibut ion also differs f r o m the predic t ions of the Lindhard model of s ta t i s t ica l equi l ibr ium for an axial channel.

All these fac ts will undoubtedly s t imula te furthe r development of the theory of or ientat ional phenomena.

Considerable p r o g r e s s has b e e n m a d e in the important p rob lem of the m e c h a n i s m s and magnitude of energy loss by channeling ions. A. F. Burenkov et al. (Moscow, Minsk) calculated the energy loss of a channeling par t ic le taking into account the band s t ruc tu re of the e lec t ron energy spec t rum in c rys t a l s . The rat io of the energy loss in motion through an axial channel to the energy loss of a par t ic le moving in a nonoriented d i rec t ion has been found to be a nonmonotonic function of the par t ic le energy and is e s s e n - t ial ly different f rom 1/2 as p r ed i c t edby the Lindhard rule of equipart i t ion of energy lo s ses into distant and nea r col l is ions. An exper imenta l study of average re la t ive energy losses for var ious tungsten axes and planes , c a r r i ed out by the th i ck - t a rge t method [E. I. Sirotinin, A. S.Rudnev, A. F. Tulinov et al. Moscow ], has found that for all or ienta t ions the f igures a re ~ 1.5 and ~0.35, respect ive ly , for c ry s t a l s escaping f rom the sur face l a y e r s and f rom g r e a t e r depths.

Channeling of e lec t rons and pos i t rons is act ively studied in Tomsk, Kharkov, and Moscow. Of p a r - t i cu la r in teres t a re a t tempts to analyze the bound state of an e lec t ron moving in channeling conditions, and the b r e m s s t r a h l u n g of such an e lec t ron in the p lanar and axial cases iN. 1). Kalashnikov, et al. (Moscow); S. A. Vorob 'ev , V. V. Kaplin, e t al. (Tomsk)].

The field of applicat ion of orientat ional effects i nc reases f r o m y e a r to yea r . Widely known are the resu l t s of m e a s u r e m e n t s of the l i fe t ime of exci ted nuclei in nuclear react ions in single c rys t a l t a rge t s , and the local izat ion of impur i ty a toms in the c rys ta l l ine lat t ice. Yu. V. Melikov, P. E. Vorotnikov, N. G. Chechenin, et al. (Moscow) repor ted on the m e a s u r e m e n t of ~ U f i ss ion t ime as a function of exci tat ion energy in a wide range of ene rg ies . The obtained resu l t s indicate that the level density of the studied nucleus has in the invest igated energy range a discontinuity which cannot be explained by exis t ing theo- re t ica l models . Considerable advances have been made in the de te rmina t ion of the si te of impur i t i es (oxy- gen, carbon) in semiconductor c ry s t a l s by Yu. Yu. Kryuchkov, N. V. Slavin, et al. (Tomsk), who used high- energy ~ pa r t i c l e s .

The calculat ion of the th ree -d imens iona l dis t r ibut ion of par t i c les in a channel and of i ts va r ia t ion with depth makes it poss ib le now to find the depth distr ibution of impuri ty ions and defects in a c rys t a l by the method of par t ic le backsca t te r ing . In t e r e s t i ngwork in this d i rec t ion has been jointly descr ibed by a group of Soviet and GDR sc ient i s t s .

Invest igat ions of the dynamics of phase t rans i t ions in single c ry s t a l s and of the s t ruc tu re of he te ro - epitaxial f i lms [A. A. Puzanov, et al. (Sverdlovsk)] proved that the applicat ion of charged par t i c le beams in such studies can provide new information, which grea t ly s u r p a s s e s the capabi l i t ies of t radi t ional meth- ods (e. g., x - r a y methods) .

New poss ib i l i t i es in a tomic studies have been d iscovered by German sc ien t i s t s (H. Otto, et al.). They succeeded in recording together with a pro ton diffract ion pat tern , a c i rc le represen t ing the c ro s s sect ion of the Kossel cone of the cha rac t e r i s t i c x - r a y radiat ion of the c rys t a l a toms . Of specia l in teres t is the new approach to the study of dynamic in teract ion of ions with the aid of channeling which has been put forward by D. Hammel (USA). If a col l imated beam of mo lecu la r H2 + ions en te r s a thin single c rys t a l in the d i rec t ion of the c lose -packed axis, the molecule d is in tegra tes inside the c rys ta l , but protons con- tinue to move in a co r re l a t ed f o r m in adjacent channels . The angular and energy distr ibut ions of pa r t i c les escaping the c rys t a l c a r r y important informat ion about the in terac t ion of such pro tons with the medium.