seven year cycles 2.0

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  • 7/31/2019 Seven Year Cycles 2.0


    Gates 1

    Larry Gates

    Dr. Winfred Hamner

    Ethics 206

    7 May 2012

    Seven-Year Cycles

    Whether or not every cell in the body is replaced every seven years is not the basis of this

    demonstration. It is more important to know why would we as people on this planet have a need

    to re-create 470 octillion hydrogen atoms (Kross) roughly every seven years. The answer of

    course lies in biology and cosmology, but not so much philosophy or ethics. Over the next few

    pages we will look into some of the different factors that cause us to go through seven-year

    cycles through our lifetimes. Where are you in your current seven-year cycle?

    Plato brought about a few interesting points in his work the Symposium. Plato writes that

    Diotima asserts that mortals strive for immortality through reproduction (Plato). This is an

    interesting point to bring up and it does have a level of correspondence to immortality, in my

    opinion the higher form of mortality. We all carry on the thoughts, physical makeup and in most

    cases the name of our parents. Does this mean that they are still living through us? My answer

    would be a deafening yes.

    If anyone is in doubt as to whether we are immortal by being duplicates of our parents I

    offer these thoughts. Before I was born I existed as 2 single cells traversing the planet Earth.

    Once I was given instruction to form into what I have grown into today I was trained by my

    mother's care. From one day old to roughly seven years old I did as much thinking as I could but

    for the most part everything was directly dependent on my mother. It is no coincidence that at

    the age of seven I go into what we call the first grade. I'm engaging in all types of activities

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    expressing mostly my experiences from the home. At 14 years old most of us move on to middle

    school, another milestone. If we were to follow the path laid out by our culture then four years

    after the thirteenth year of school [high school] I would be twenty-one receiving a bachelor of

    arts from a university, ending three seven-year cycles.

    Contrary to most of our belief that seven is the first perfect number, or is considered to be

    the perfect number, that would be incorrect. The number six would actually be the first perfect

    number because the divisors one two and three add up to the number six. Making 6 the end of a

    cycle and seven the start of a new cycle. Here again we find another seven cycle.

    There is another scientific belief that I've held true for a long time. That belief is that our

    red blood cells are created in our bone marrow. It is my opinion based on current research that

    red blood cell production in bone marrow is a backup plan for inadequate red blood cell

    production in our small intestines (Andy). You may be thinking what exactly am I rambling

    about right now. Well, it is also known that the red blood cells are in fact the stem cells of our

    bodies. This means that red blood cells are created literally from the food we eat they go out into

    the body placing and creating new sales in all of our tissue. For me this becomes an easy

    correlation sense after seven years of ingestion, digestion and removal of waste, I'm certain that

    we've produced enough red blood cells to virtually re-create each cell in our body.

    Now that we've established a biological premise regarding seven year cycles let's look

    above our heads to see what a seven-year cycle is cosmologically. Let's first agree that the sun is

    the center of our local solar system and that all the known celestial bodies revolve around the

    sun's gravitational pull. There are a lot of interesting orbital patterns of our planets, but two in

    particular stand out in regards to the number seven. The first will be the planet Saturn, the sixth

    planet from the sun. Saturn has roughly a twenty-eight year orbit. This evenly breaks down to

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    four seven-year periods resulting in a complete cycle. The planet Saturn has the second largest

    mass of all our planets and the fourth longest orbit (Cox). From a certain sidereal aspect Saturn

    carries with it a governing energy that can easily be translated to life lessons. How does this

    correspond to us as individuals experiencing life?

    Crudely speaking life lessons are necessary for our growth. Growth is necessary for our

    success, and from a cosmological aspect Saturn plays a primary role in shaping us for our

    success as well as pruning us based on our decisions. The time I was born dictates a particular

    clock that I'm calibrated to and Saturn was at a static position that it will return to twenty-eight

    years after the second I took my first breath. On a personal level the twenty-eighth year of life

    had heavy overtones of a completely new reality markedly different from a particular life of

    luxury I was accustomed to living. This leads me to perceive that if I were to take the time and

    learn the math correctly I would demonstrate consistently similar happenings in everyone's life

    laid down on the same track.

    Another cosmological body that plays a secondary role in our seven-year cycle will bring

    us to the planet Uranus. This planet is the third densest with an eighty-four year orbital period

    (Cox). Coincidentally if we use a twelve house system of cosmology we find that an eighty four

    year orbit divided by twelve houses gives us exactly seven cycles to make a complete eighty four

    year cycle. Uranus derived from the Greek word O (Woodhouse). Placing this word into

    Google Translate and replacing the capital O with a lowercase results in the word heaven. This

    gives a correlation between Uranus being related to the upper limits of the sky, which can be

    read as heaven. Every seven years roughly Uranus places an influence based on its angle in

    relation to the sun and the earth, crudely speaking. For those of us lucky enough we will make a

    complete cycle of Uranus in our eighty-four year lives and effectively start the whole process

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    over again. Every seven years we embark on a new inexperienced portion of our idea of the

    upper limits of each part of our own personalities. If this happens in the celestial realm

    correspondence tells us this is happening on the cellular realm, how else would the changes take

    effect if they were not happening down to the lowest level of our being?

    There was a point that I wanted to address clearly. If we have new cells created every

    seven years then how could we have memories if we are new people? Thats easily answered.

    We dont use every faculty of our memory at all times, so parts that are not in use are easily

    shifted to other parts of our brain. Additionally neuronal connections are distributed throughout

    our brains. The connections strengthen and weaken depending upon use; therefore neurons can

    be replaced sequentially as opposed to universally. This allows memories to stay intact since the

    cells hold information but the information isnt dependent upon each cell being the same at all

    times. It is my view that Ive successfully demonstrated how we are new beings on the cellular

    level according to cycles of seven, while still holding true to who we have been since our


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    Works Cited

    Kross, Brian. "How Many Atoms are in the Human Body ."

    Jefferson Lab, 2012. Web. 6 May 2012.

    Plato. Symposium. Trans. Seth Benardete. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2001. Print.

    Andy. "Where Do Your Red Blood Cells Come From?" The Diamond Group,

    2009. Web. 6 May. 2012.

    Cox, Author.Nasa. Springer-New York, 2012.


    Woodhouse, S.A. "Woodhouse's English-Greek Dictionary." Chicago University. George

    Routledge & Sons, Limited, 1910. 0.