seven quality tools [statistical process control]

Seven Quality Tools [Statistical Process Control] by S.OliverNesaRaj Assistant professor School of Mechanical Engineering SRM University

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Seven Quality Tools [Statistical Process Control]. by S.OliverNesaRaj Assistant professor School of Mechanical Engineering SRM University. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • Seven Quality Tools[Statistical Process Control]by

    S.OliverNesaRajAssistant professor School of Mechanical EngineeringSRM University

  • Quality management refers to systematic policies, methods, and procedures used to ensure that goods and services are produced with appropriate levels of quality to meet the needs of customers.Organizations today integrate quality principles into their management systems using tools such as Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma, and Lean Operating Systems, Quality circle, Zero defect, Kaizen Poka Yoke etc., .Quality management

  • A Brief History of Quality ManagementHistorical uses of quality management include the precision involved in building of Egyptian pyramids, interchangeable parts during Industrial Revolution, and statistical tools used for quality control during World War II.Dr. Joseph Juran and Dr. W. Edwards Deming were pioneers in the field (more later on these two quality gurus). The Japanese integrated quality ideas and methods throughout their organizations and developed a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Understanding QualityQuality can be a confusing concept, partly because people view quality in relation to differing criteria based on their individual roles in the value chain, such as:perfection,delighting or pleasing the customer,eliminating waste, doing it right the first time, and/orconsistency.

  • Factors Affecting Quality:Market compulsions, Product complexitiesMoney, Men MachinesShop floor point of deliveryResponsible ManagementInformation systemsMotivation Techniques

  • W. Edwards DemingFocus on bringing about improvements in product and service quality by reducing uncertainty and variability in goods and services design and associated processes (the beginning of his ideas in 1920s and 1930s). Higher quality leads to higher productivity and lower costs.14 Points management philosophy.Deming Cycle Plan, Do, Study, and Act.

  • W. Edwards Deming 14 PointsPoint 1: Create a Vision and Demonstrate Commitment Point 2: Learn the Philosophy Point 3: Understand Inspection Point 4: Stop Making Decisions Purely on the Basis of CostPoint 5: Improve Constantly and Forever Point 6: Institute Training Point 7: Institute Leadership

  • W. Edwards Deming 14 Points..Point 8: Drive Out Fear Point 9: Optimize the Efforts of Teams Point 10: Eliminate Exhortations Point 11: Eliminate Numerical Quotas Point 12: Remove Barriers to Pride in Work Point 13: Encourage Education and Self- Improvement Point 14: Take Action

  • What is quality ?Fitness for the purpose - Joseph M JuranSuitability for use by the customerGoods that do not come back, but customers that do come back

    The totality of features and other characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. [As per ISO 8402 - 1986]

  • DIMENSIONS OF QUALITY The dimensions of quality are nothing, but the various features of a product or service.

    Product QualityFunctionalityReliability [mean time between failure]UsabilityMaintainability [mean time to repair]EfficiencyPortability [Ability to transferred from one environment to another]

    Service QualityQuality of customer serviceQuality of service designQuality of delivery

    Additional AttributesTimelinessAesthetics [ appearance]Regulatory RequirementsRequirements of SocietyConformance to Standards

  • Quality control

    The operational techniques and activities employed to achieve and maintain the quality of a product, process or service.

    It involves Monitoring activityIt finds out and eliminates the causes of quality problems

    Juran gives 3 steps of QC :Evaluation actual operating performanceCompare actual performance to goalsAct on the differenceQuality assurance Quality assurance, refers to planned and systematic production processes that provide confidence in a product's suitability for its intended purpose

  • Total Quality Management (TQM) [Company Wide Quality Control (CWQC)]It is a process which involves the whole organization, every department ,every activity, every single person at every level in the production of quality products.Responsibility.(As per TQM)Design departmentPurchase departmentMachine operatorsInspection departmentMarketing service department

  • key factors for the success of TQMFit for purpose" (the product should be suitable for the intended purpose) and Right first time" (mistakes should be eliminated). Use statistical process charts & control chartsFor variation in quality, the route cause must be found outDont fight with person but fight for the issueEnsure total involvement of all the employees.Look for continuous improvement in the major contributing factors of TQM.

  • Total Quality Management (TQM)..European Construction Institute (1993) recommends the following objectives to achieve TQM in construction:C Commitment by top managementO Organization and structure for total quality managementN- Normal financial controlS Supplier relationshipsT Training, education and safety awareness

  • Total Quality Management (TQM) ..R Relationships with customersU understanding and commitment by employeesC CommunicationsT TeamworkI Independent certification to ISO 9000O Objective measurementN Natural use of tools and techniques

  • Total Quality Management (TQM)

    Customers will seek out the highest quality product.Improved quality that exceeds customer expectations will generate more revenues that exceed the cost of quality.Therefore, quality is free.

  • Total Quality Management (TQM)W. Edwards Deming proposed that improving quality reduces cost and improves profitability.Quality can be and should be improved continuously.RevenuesCostMax ProfitMax Quality


    Total Revenues & Costs




  • What is QCProblem Solving ?Problem solving, the isolation and analysis of a problem and the development of a permanent solution, is an integral part of the quality-improvement process.

    Not hit or miss, but objective and systematic

    Not directed at symptoms, but rather at root causes

  • Problem Solving ProcessFollow UpIdeaGenerationSymptomRecognitionFactFindingProblemIdentificationSolutionDevelopmentPlanImplementation

  • All Managers Need Problem Solving Skills80% of problems are external to QC organizations

    Quality problems transcend individual functions

    Companies need multi-discipline problem solving approach

    Management involvement and commitment is crucial

  • Problem Solving Skills for Managers

    Understand and utilize a systematic problem solving processAsk the right questionsPresent information clearly and unambiguouslyMake judgments based on information

  • Kaizen: Implementation

    The Deming cycle: Originally developed by Walter Shewart, but renamed in 1950s because Deming promoted it extensively.

  • Kaizen: ImplementationPlan Study the current system; identifying problems; testing theories of causes; and developing solutions.

    Do Plan is implemented on a trial basis. Data collected and documented.

    Study Determine whether the trial plan is working correctly by evaluating the results.

    Act Improvements are standardized and final plan is implemented.

  • 10 Problem Solving StepsRecognizeProblemForm qualityimprovementteamsEvaluateSolutionEnsureperformanceAnalyzeProblemIdentifyPossibleSolutionsDeterminePossibleCausesDefineProblemImplementSolutionContinuousimprovementPLANDOACTSTUDY

  • Plan: study current situation Do: implement plan on trial basisStudy: determine if trial is working correctlyAct: standardize improvements


  • PDSA and QC ToolsPLANDOACTSTUDYPLANDOACTSTUDYBrainstormingPareto analysisWhy-Why diagramCheck sheetsRun chartsControl chartsCause and effectdiagramScatter diagramsControl chartsRun charts HistogramsScatter diagramsCheck sheetsPareto charts

  • BrainstormingBrainstorming to encourage creative thinking and generation of ideas

    Purpose - generate a list of problemsopportunitiesideasSuccess requiresno criticismno arguingno negativismno evaluationConstruct a Why-why diagram

    List problem statementAsk why 5 times; record responses

    Problems for Why-Why discussion

  • Cost of Quality MeasurementsThe cost of quality refers to the costs associated with avoiding poor quality or those incurred as a result of poor quality.Prevention costs are those expended to keep nonconforming goods and services from being made and reaching the customer.Appraisal costs are those expended on ascertaining quality levels through measurement and analysis of data to detect and correct problems.Chapter 15 Quality Management

  • Cost of Quality MeasurementsInternal-failure costs are costs incurred as a result of unsatisfactory quality that is found before delivery of good or service to the customer.External-failure costs are incurred after poor-quality goods or services reach the customer.Chapter 15 Quality Management

  • Statistical Process ControlThe objective of process control is to control the quality of the processes and ensure that the deliverables are produced as plannedThe aim of statistics based process controls to produce products and services with quality consistently. The application of statistics to quality control has enabled quick analysis and control of quality in all types of businesses.STATISTICS : Collection,Organization,Analysis,Interpretation and Presentation of data.

  • Ishikawas Basic Tools of Quality

    Kaoru Ishikawa developed seven basic visual tools of quality so that the average person could analyze and interpret data.

    These tools have been used worldwide by companies, managers of all levels and employees

  • The 7 Quality Tools are Problem Solving Tools which can

    Help to identify and prioritise problems quickly and more effectively. Assist the decision making process.

    Provide simple but powerful tools for use in continuous improvement activity.

    Provide a vehicle for communicating problems and resolutions throughout the business.

    Provide a way of extracting information from the data collected.

  • Why do we need the 7 QC tools?

    TQM is data driven: data are impersonal; opinions are not.

    Experience is gained quickest by collecting and analyzing data.

    The 7 QC tools provide common methods of analysis to help problem solving teams operate effectively.

  • Goals of SPCCollection of data of performance of products and service deliverables

    Finding out variations

    Analyzing through brain storming and determining the causes and eliminating the causes

    Improving performance of processes continuously

  • Process improvement: KaizenEvery employee strives for improvement. Top management views improvement as part of strategy and supports it. Middle management can implement top managements improvement goals by establishing, maintaining, and upgrading operating standards. Workers can engage through suggestions, small group activity.Middle management can help create conducive environment for improvement by improving cooperation amongst departments, and by making employees conscious of their responsibilities for improvement.Supervisors can direct their attention more on improvement than supervision, which will facilitate communication.

  • Process managementPlanning and administrating the activities necessary to achieve high quality in business processes; and also identifying opportunities for improving quality and operational performance ultimately, customer satisfaction.Process simplification reduces opportunities for errors and rework.Processes are of two types value-added processes and support processes.Value-added processes those essential for running the business and achieving and maintaining competitive advantage. (Design process, Production/Delivery process)

  • Process managementSupport processes Those that are important to an organizations value-creation processes, employees and daily operations.Value creation processes are driven by external customer needs while support processes are driven by internal needs.To apply the techniques of process management, a process must be repeatable and measurable. Process owners are responsible for process performance and should have authority to manage the process. Owners could range from high-level executive to workers who run a cell.Assigning owners ensures accountability.

  • Process management

  • Process controlControl is the activity of ensuring the conformance to the requirements and taking corrective action when necessary.Two reasons for controlling the processProcess control methods are the basis of effective daily management of processes.Long-term improvements can not be made to a process unless the process is first brought under control.Short-term corrective action should be taken by the process owners. Long-term remedial action should be the responsibility of the management.

  • Process controlEffective quality control systems includeDocumented procedures for all key processesA clear understanding of the appropriate equipment and working environmentMethods of monitoring and controlling critical quality characteristicsApproval processes for equipmentCriteria for workmanship: written standards, samples etc.Maintenance activities

  • Process improvementCustomer loyalty is driven by delivered value.Delivered value is created by business processes.Sustained success in competitive markets require a business to continuously improve delivered value.To continuously improve value creation ability, a business must continuously improve its value creation processes.

    Continuous process improvement is an old management concept dating back to 1895. However, those approaches were mainly productivity related.More recently (1951) Toyota implemented Just-In-Time which relies on zero defects and hence continuous improvement!

  • Process improvement: KaizenJapanese for gradual and orderly continuous improvement over a long period of time with minimum financial investment, and with participation by everyone in the organization.Improvement in all areas of business serves to enhance quality of the firm.Three things required for successful kaizen program: operating practices, total involvement, and training.Operating practices expose opportunities for improvement. JIT reveals waste and inefficiency as well as poor quality.

  • Kaizen: ImplementationJurans breakthrough sequence: Proof of the needProject identificationOrganization for breakthrough two paths identified: symptom to cause (diagnostic) and cause to remedy (remedial) paths.Diagnostic journeyRemedial journeyHolding the gains.

  • The Seven QC Tools

    (Process improvement tools)

    HistogramsControl Charts & Run ChartsCheck sheetsPareto ChartsCause and Effect Diagrams Scatter DiagramsProcess Flow Charts

  • Lead Indicators of QualityVariation indicates poor quality. To measure variation, there are several tools that can be used: HistogramsRun ChartsControl Charts

  • Diagnostic InformationWhile lead indicators tell that there IS a problem, diagnostic tools help determine WHAT the problem is.While Lead indicators tell that there IS a problem, Diagnostic tools help to determine WHAT the problem is.

  • The Seven QC ToolsFlowcharts: process mapping to identify the sequence of activities or flow of materials/ information in a process.Run Charts and Control Charts: a run chart is a line graph with data plotted over time; control charts include control limits.Checksheets: simple tools for data collection, ensure completeness. Histograms: graphically represent frequency of values within a specified group.

  • The Seven QC Tools..5.Pareto Diagrams: separate the vital few from the trivial many causes; provide direction for selecting projects for improvement. Pareto analysis to separate the major causes of the problems form the minor ones6.Cause-and-Effect Diagrams: represent chain of relationships; often called a fishbone diagram. To identify potential causes of a problem7.Scatter Diagrams: graphical component of regression analysis. Often used to point out relationship between variables. Statistical correlation analysis used to interpret scatter diagrams

  • HistogramsHistograms are powerful tools for elementary analysis of data that contain variations.

    A histogram is a diagram which represents the class interval and frequency in the form of a rectangle. There will be as many adjoining rectangles as there are class intervals.

  • Steps Involved in Formulating Histograms

    Measure and record data pertaining to a processArrange values in ascending orderNote the range ,ie. Max and min of the valuesDivide the range into number of groups called class intervalsMark class intervals on X-axis and frequencies on Y-axis.Now divide the X-axis as per class intervalsChoose a proper scale for Y-axisCount the number of occurrences of the data in each class interval.this is called frequency of occurrence in each intervalPlot the frequency or Count the number of occurrences corresponding to each interval in the form of bars.It is essentially a column graph

    Draw rectangles with class intervals as bases and the corresponding frequencies as heights.

  • ExampleThe daily wages of 50 workers, in rupees, are given below

  • A kink or a zig - zag curve is shown near the origin. It indicates that the scale along the horizontal axis does not start at the origin. Histogram

  • Histogram7 Quality Tools



















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    Duration in Minutes for a Sample of 102 Telephone Calls

    Received by the Flight Reservation System of Austral %Frequency





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    Call Lengths Histogram



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  • Histogram

  • Control ChartTo identify common cause and special cause variationsAccording to walter A.Shewhart A phenomenon will be said to be controlled when, through the use past experience, we can predict, at least within limits, how the phenomenon can be expected to vary in future

    The number of samples over a period of time will help us to characterize the nature of the process.

    Control charts are used to determine whether a process will produce a product or service with consistent measurable properties.

  • Steps Used in Developing Process Control Charts

    Identify critical operations in the process where inspection might be needed.Identify critical product characteristics.Determine whether the critical product characteristic is a variable or an attribute.Select the appropriate process control chart.Establish the control limits and use the chart to monitor and improve.Update the limits.

  • Types of measurementsThere are two types of measurement which you can measure and plot on a Control Chart. Variables answer the question how much? and are measured in quantitative units, for example weight, voltage or time. Attributes answer the question how many? and are measured as a count, for example the number of defects in a batch of products.

    The vertical axis of the control chart identifies the scale of measurement for the variable of interest.

    The upper horizontal line of the control chart, referred to as the upper control limit, and the lower horizontal line, referred to as the lower control limit.

  • Control Chart

  • Control ChartProcess control involves monitoring a production process and charting the results on a control chart. If any of the points plotted falls outside the control limits, the process is out-of-control.

    181263915212427246810121416Sample numberNumber of defectsUCL = 23.35LCL = 1.99c = 12.67

  • Quality Improvement: Problem Solving Control Charts7 Quality Tools

  • Run ChartA run chart, also known as a run-sequence plot is a graph that displays observed data in a time sequence. Often, the data displayed represent some aspect of the output or performance of a manufacturing or other business process.

    What it is used forTo show the output of a process over time

    When to useTo monitor process performance In determining when a change to a process might have occurred.

  • Creating a Run Chart

    Gathering DataSome type of process or operation must be available to take measurements for analysis.

    Organizing DataData must be divided into two sets of values X and Y. X values represent time and values of Y represent the measurements taken from the manufacturing process or operation.

    Charting DataPlot the Y values versus the X values.

    Interpreting DataInterpret the data and draw any conclusions that will be beneficial to the process or operation.

  • An Example of Using a Run Chart

    An organizations desire is to have their product arrive to their customers on time, but they have noticed that it doesnt take the same amount of time each day of the week. They decided to monitor the amount of time it takes to deliver their product over the next few weeks.

  • Check sheetsSpecial types of data collection forms in which the results may be interpreted on the form directly without additional processing.Data sheets use simple columnar or tabular forms to record data. However, to generate useful information from raw data, further processing generally is necessary.Additionally, including information such as specification limits makes the number of nonconforming items easily observable and provides an immediate indication of the quality of the process.

  • Check Sheet ShiftsDefect Type7 Quality Tools

  • Check Sheet

  • Source: K. Ishikawa, Guide to Quality Control (Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization, 1982), p. 33.Exhibit 15.4 Defective Item Checksheet

  • Pareto ChartsPareto chart, named after Vilfredo Pareto, is a type of chart which contains both bars and a line graph.The purpose of the Pareto chart is to highlight the most important among a (typically large) set of factors. Helpful in identifying the quality focus areas. Popularized by Juran. It is a histogram of the data from the largest frequency to the smallest.The bars display the values in descending order, and the line graph shows the cumulative totals of each category, left to right. The left vertical axis is the frequency of occurrence, but it can alternatively represent cost or other important unit of measure. The right vertical axis is the cumulative percentage of the total number of occurrences, total cost, or total of the particular unit of measure.

  • Steps Involved in Pareto DiagramCalculate the share of each cause as a percentage of total.Then arrange the causes in descending order.If there are too many small causes contributing too little to the total, group them as a miscellaneous.Arrange the data in descending order.Calculate the percentage of total of the datum.Calculate the cumulative percentage.Draw the column graph in the solid line pertaining to each of the causes, in descending order.

  • Pareto chart

  • Pareto chart7 Quality Tools% Complaints

  • Pareto ChartPercent from each causeCauses of poor qualityMachine calibrationsDefective partsWrong dimensionsPoor DesignOperator errorsDefective materialsSurface abrasions(64)(13)(10)(6)(3)(2)(2)

  • Use of Pareto Diagrams for Progressive Analysis

  • Cause and Effect Diagram

    Developed by Kaoru Ishikawa (1953)The cause and effect diagram is also called the Ishikawa diagram or the fishbone diagram.It is a tool for discovering all the possible causes for a particular effect.Show the relationships between a problem and its possible causes.The major purpose of this diagram is to act as a first step in problem solving by creating a list of possible causes.

  • Constructing a Cause and Effect Diagram

    First, clearly identify and define the problem or effect for which the causes must be identified. Place the problem or effect at the right or the head of the diagram.Identify all the broad areas of the problem.Write in all the detailed possible causes in each of the broad areas.Each cause identified should be looked upon for further more specific causes.View the diagram and evaluate the main causes.Set goals and take action on the main causes.

  • Cause and Effect Diagram

  • Cause and Effect SkeletonQualityProblemMaterialsEquipmentPeopleProcedures7 Quality Tools

  • Fishbone Diagram

  • Exhibit 15.6 Cause-and-Effect Diagram for Hospital Emergency Admission

  • Cause and effect diagramsAdvantagesmaking the diagram is educational in itselfdiagram demonstrates knowledge of problem solving teamdiagram results in active searches for causesdiagram is a guide for data collection

  • Cause and effect diagramsTo construct the skeleton, remember:For manufacturing - the 4 Msman, method, machine, materialFor service applicationsequipment, policies, procedures, people

  • Scatter DiagramA scatter diagram is a tool for analyzing relationships between two variables.

    One variable is plotted on the horizontal axis and the other is plotted on the vertical axis. The pattern of their intersecting points can graphically show relationship patterns.

  • When to use it

    Use a scatter diagram to examine theories about cause-and-effect relationships and to search for root causes of an identified problem.

    Use a scatter diagram to design a control system to ensure that gains from quality improvement efforts are maintained.

  • How to use itCollect dataGather 50 to 100 paired samples of data that show a possible relationship.Draw the diagramDraw roughly equal horizontal and vertical axes of the diagram, creating a square plotting area. Label the axes in convenient multiples (1, 2, 5, etc.) increasing on the horizontal axes from left to right and on the vertical axis from bottom to top. Label both axes.Plot the paired dataPlot the data on the chart, using concentric circles to indicate repeated data

  • Title and Label the DiagramInterpret the dataScatter diagrams will generally show one of six possible correlations between the variablesTypes of correlationsStrong Positive CorrelationStrong negative Correlationweak Positive CorrelationStrong negative CorrelationComplex Correlationweek Correlation

  • Strong Positive Correlation The value of Y clearly increases as the value of X increases.

    Scatter Diagram

  • Strong Negative Correlation The value of Y clearly decreases as the value of X increases.

    Scatter Diagram

  • Weak Positive Correlation The value of Y increases slightly as the value of X increases.

    Scatter Diagram

  • Weak Negative Correlation The value of Y decreases slightly as the value of X increases.

    Scatter Diagram

  • Complex Correlation The value of Y seems to be related to the value of X, but the relationship is not easily determined.

    Scatter Diagram

  • No Correlation There is no demonstrated connection between the two variables.

    Scatter Diagram

  • Flow chartsProcess map identifies the sequence of activities or the flow in a process. Objectively provides a picture of the steps needed to accomplish a task.Helps all employees understand how they fit into the process and who are their suppliers and customers. Can also pinpoint places where quality-related measurements should be taken. Also called process mapping and analysis.Very successfully implemented in various organizations. e.g. Motorola reduced manufacturing time for pagers using flow charts.

  • FlowchartsGraphical description of how work is done.Used to describe processes that are to be improved.

    A flowchart is a common type of diagram, that represents an algorithm or process, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting these with arrows. Flowcharts are used in analyzing, designing, documenting or managing a process or program in various fields.Draw a flowchart for whatever you do. Until you do, you do not know what you are doing, you just have a job. -- Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

  • Symbols

    Start and end symbols Represented as circles, ovals or rounded rectangles, usually containing the word "Start" or "End", or another phrase signaling the start or end of a process, such as "submit enquiry" or "receive product".

    Arrows Showing what's called "flow of control" in computer science. An arrow coming from one symbol and ending at another symbol represents that control passes to the symbol the arrow points to.

    Processing steps Represented as rectangles. Examples: "Add 1 to X"; "replace identified part"; "save changes" or similar.

    Input/Output Represented as a parallelogram. Examples: Get X from the user; display X.

  • Flow chart for order processing

  • Flow chart for house painting

  • Flow Diagram

  • Flow Diagram

  • Process Chart

  • What are the New Seven Q.C. Tools Affinity DiagramsRelations DiagramsTree DiagramsMatrix DiagramsArrow DiagramsProcess Decision Program ChartsMatrix Data Analysis

  • History of the New Seven Q.C. Tools Committee of J.U.S.E. - 1972Aim was to develop more QC techniques with design approachWork in conjunction with original Basic Seven ToolsNew set of methods (N7) - 1977 Slide 1 0f 2

  • History of the New Seven Q.C. Tools Developed to organize verbal data diagrammatically.Basic 7 tools effective for data analysis, process control, and quality improvement (numerical data)Used together increases TQM effectivenessSlide 2 0f 2

  • What are the Basic Seven Q.C. Tools? Flow ChartsRun ChartsHistogramsPareto DiagramsCause and Effect DiagramsScatter DiagramsControl Charts

  • Relation Between New Seven Q.C. Tools and Basic Seven ToolsFACTS DataNumerical DataVerbal DataOrganizeThe Seven New ToolsInformationThe Basic Seven ToolsGenerate Ideas

    Formulate plansAnalytical approachDefine problem after collecting numerical dataDefine problem before collecting numerical dataSource: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

  • Benefits of Incorporating New Seven Q.C. Tools Enhanced CapabilitiesGenerate ideasImprove planningEliminate errors and omissionsExplain problems intelligiblySecure full cooperationPersuade powerfullyOrganize verbal dataSlide 1 0f 4

  • Benefits of Incorporating New Seven Q.C. Tools Enhanced Keys to Organizational ReformClarify the desired situationPrioritize tasks effectivelyProceed systematicallyAnticipate future eventsChange proactivelyGet things right the first timeAssess situations from various anglesSlide 2 0f 4

  • Benefits of Incorporating New Seven Q.C. Tools Five Objectives of Organizational Reform which will establish a Culture that:Gives importance to planningStresses the importance of the processPrioritizes tasksEncourages everyone to think systematicallySlide 3 0f 4Identifies problems

  • Benefits of Incorporating New Seven Q.C. Tools Unstructured Problem [must be put into solvable form]Problem is mappedProblem becomesobvious to allProblem is in solvable formSlide 4 0f 4The Seven New ToolsThoughts are easily organizedThings go wellPeople understandproblemCooperation is obtainedCountermeasuresare on targetProblem becomesobvious to allNub of problem is identifiedProblem can be clearly articulatedPlans are easily laidNothing is omittedSource: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsAffinity Diagrams For Pinpointing the Problem in a Chaotic Situation and Generating Solution StrategiesGathers large amounts of intertwined verbal data (ideas, opinions, issues)Organizes the data into groups based on natural relationshipMakes it feasible for further analysis and to find a solution to the problem.Slide 1 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsAffinity Diagrams Advantages of Affinity DiagramsFacilitates breakthrough thinking and stimulate fresh ideasPermits the problem to be pinned down accuratelyEnsures everyone clearly recognizes the problemIncorporates opinions of entire groupSlide 2 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsAffinity Diagrams Advantages of Affinity Diagrams (cont.)Fosters team spiritRaises everyones level of awarenessSpurs to the group into actionSlide 3 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsAffinity Diagrams Constructing an Affinity Diagram Group Method ApproachSlide 4 0f 7Select a topicCollect verbal data by brainstormingDiscuss info collected until everyone understands it thoroughlyWrite each item on separate data card Spread out all cards on table

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsAffinity Diagrams Constructing an Affinity Diagram Group Method Approach (cont.) Slide 5 0f 7Move data cards into groups of similar themes (natural affinity for each other)Combine statements on data cards to new Affinity statementMake new card with Affinity statementContinue to combine until less than 5 groups

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsAffinity Diagrams Constructing an Affinity Diagram Group Method Approach (cont.) Slide 6 0f 7Lay the groups outs, keeping the affinity clusters togetherNext, complete the diagram

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsAffinity Diagrams Completing an Affinity Diagram

    Slide 7 0f 7Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsRelations Diagrams For Finding Solutions Strategies by Clarifying Relationships with Complex Interrelated CausesResolves tangled issues by unraveling the logical connectionAllows for Multi-directional thinking rather than linearAlso known as Interrelationship diagramsSlide 1 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsRelations Diagrams Advantages of Relations DiagramsUseful at planning stage for obtaining perspective on overall situationFacilitates consensus among teamAssists to develop and change peoples thinkingEnables priorities to be identified accuratelySlide 2 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsRelations Diagrams Advantages of Relations Diagrams (cont.)Makes the problem recognizable by clarifying the relationships among causesSlide 3 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsRelations Diagrams Constructing a Relations Diagram Group Method ApproachSlide 4 0f 7Express the problem in form of Why isnt something happening?Each member lists 5 causes affecting problemDiscuss info collected until everyone understands it thoroughlyWrite each item on a card

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsRelations Diagrams Constructing a Relations Diagram Group Method Approach (cont.) Slide 5 0f 7Move cards into similar groupsAsking why, explore the cause-effect relationships, and divide the cards into primary, secondary and tertiary causesConnect all cards by these relationshipsFurther discuss until all possible causes have been identified

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsRelations Diagrams Constructing a Relations Diagram Group Method Approach (cont.) Slide 6 0f 7Connect all related groupsNext, complete the diagramReview whole diagram looking for relationships among causes

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsRelations Diagrams Completing a Relations Diagram Slide 7 0f 7Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsTree Diagrams For Systematically Pursuing the Best Strategiesfor Attaining an ObjectiveDevelops a succession of strategies for achieving objectivesReveals methods to achieve the results.Also known as Systematic diagrams or DendrogramsSlide 1 0f 5

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsTree Diagrams Advantages of Tree DiagramsSystematic and logical approach is less likely that items are omittedFacilitates agreement among teamAre extremely convincing with strategiesSlide 2 0f 5

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsTree Diagrams Discuss means of achieving objective (primary means, first level strategy) Constructing a Tree Diagram Group Method Approach Slide 3 0f 5Write Relations Diagram topic (Objective card)Identify constraints on how objective can be achievedTake each primary mean, write ob-jective for achieving it (secondary means)

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsTree Diagrams Constructing an Tree Diagram Group Method Approach (cont.) Slide 4 0f 5Continue to expand to the fourth levelReview each system of means in both directions (from objective to means and means to objective)Add more cards if neededConnect all levelsNext, complete the diagram

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsTree Diagrams Completing a Tree DiagramSlide 5 0f 5Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsMatrix Diagrams For Clarifying Problems by Thinking MultidimensionallyConsists of a two-dimensional array to determine location and nature of problemDiscovers key ideas by relationships represented by the cells in matrix.

    Slide 1 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsMatrix Diagrams Advantages of Matrix DiagramsEnable data on ideas based on extensive experienceClarifies relationships among different elementsMakes overall structure of problem immediately obviousCombined from two to four types of diagrams, location of problem is clearer.Slide 2 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsMatrix Diagrams Advantages of Matrix Diagrams (cont.)5 types: L-shaped, T-shaped, Y-shaped, X-shaped, and C-shapedSlide 3 0f 7






    EfficacyPracticabilityRankSite QC circleSection/Plant QC circle supporterSection/Plant ManagerLeaderMember

    4th level means from Tree diagramOO1O

    4th level means from Tree diagramOO1OHold 4 times/month

    4th level means from Tree diagramO3OAt every meeting

    4th level means from Tree diagramO2O

    4th level means from Tree diagramOX5OAt least 3 times/year/person

    4th level means from Tree diagramOO1OO

    4th level means from Tree diagram4O

    4th level means from Tree diagramO2O

    4th level means from Tree diagramOO1O

    4th level means from Tree diagramOO1O



  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsMatrix Diagrams Constructing a Matrix Diagram Slide 4 0f 7Write final-level means from Tree diagram forming vertical axis Write in Evaluation categories (efficacy, practicability, and rank) on horizontal axis. Write names along horizontal axisExamine final-level means to identify whom will implement them

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsMatrix Diagrams Constructing a Matrix Diagram (cont.) Slide 5 0f 7Label group of columns as ResponsibilitiesLabel right-hand end of horizontal axis as Remarks Examine each cell and insert the appropriate symbol: Efficacy: O=good, =satisfactory, X=nonePracticability: O=good,=satisfactory, X=none

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsMatrix Diagrams Constructing a Matrix Diagram (cont.) Slide 6 0f 7Fill out remarks column and record meanings of symbolNext, complete the diagramExamine cells under Responsibility Columns, insert double-circle for Principal and single-circle for Subsidiary Determine score for each combination of symbols, record in rank column

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsMatrix Diagrams Completing a Matrix DiagramSlide 7 0f 7Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)






    EfficacyPracticabilityRankSite QC circleSection/Plant QC circle supporterSection/Plant ManagerLeaderMember

    4th level means from Tree diagramOO1O

    4th level means from Tree diagramOO1OHold 4 times/month

    4th level means from Tree diagramO3OAt every meeting

    4th level means from Tree diagramO2O

    4th level means from Tree diagramOX5OAt least 3 times/year/person

    4th level means from Tree diagramOO1OO

    4th level means from Tree diagram4O

    4th level means from Tree diagramO2O

    4th level means from Tree diagramOO1O

    4th level means from Tree diagramOO1O



  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsArrow Diagrams For Working Out Optimal Schedules and Controlling Them Effectively Shows relationships among tasks needed to implement a planNetwork technique using nodes for events and arrows for activitiesUsed in PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) and CPM (Critical Path Method)Slide 1 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsArrow Diagrams Advantages of Arrow DiagramsAllows overall task to viewed and potential snags to be identified before work startsLeads to discovery of possible improvementsMakes it easy to monitor progress of workDeals promptly with changes to planImproves communication among teamSlide 2 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsArrow Diagrams Advantages of Arrow Diagrams (cont.)Promotes understanding and agreement among groupSlide 3 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsArrow Diagrams Constructing an Arrow Diagram Slide 4 0f 7From strategies on Tree diagram, select one (Objective of Arrow Diagram)Identify constraints to Objective Write all essential activities on separate cards List all activities necessary to achieving Objective

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsArrow Diagrams Constructing an Arrow Diagram (cont.) Slide 5 0f 7Organize cards in sequential order of activities Remove any duplicate activities Review order of activities, find sequence with greatest amount of activitiesArrange parallel activities

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsArrow Diagrams Constructing an Arrow Diagram (cont.) Slide 6 0f 7Record names and other necessary informationNext, complete the diagramExamine path, number nodes in sequence from left to right

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsArrow Diagrams Completing an Arrow DiagramSlide 7 0f 7Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsProcess Decisions Program Charts For Producing the Desired Result from Many Possible Outcomes Used to plan various contingencies Used for getting activities back on trackSteers events in required direction if unanticipated problems occurFinds feasible counter measures to overcome problemsSlide 1 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsProcess Decisions Program Charts Advantages of Process Decisions Program Charts (PDPCs)Facilitates forecastingUses past to anticipate contingencies Enables problems to pinpointedIllustrates how events will be directed to successful conclusionEnables those involved to understand decision-makers intentionsSlide 2 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsProcess Decisions Program Charts Advantages of PDPCs (cont.)Fosters cooperation and communication in groupEasily modified and easily understoodSlide 3 0f 7

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsProcess Decisions Program Charts Constructing a PDPC Slide 4 0f 7Select a highly effective, but difficult strategy from the Tree diagramDecide on a goal (most desirable outcome)Identify constraints of objective Identify existing situation (Starting point) List activities to reach goal and potential problems with each activity

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsProcess Decisions Program Charts Constructing an PDPC (cont.) Slide 5 0f 7Review list. Add extra activities or problems not thought of previously Prepare contingency plan for each step and review what action is needed if step is not achievedExamine carefully to check for inconsistencies and all important factors are included

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsProcess Decisions Program Charts Constructing an PDPC (cont.) Slide 6 0f 7Next, complete the diagramExamine to make sure all contingency plans are adequate

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsProcess Decisions Program Charts Completing a PDPCSlide 7 0f 7Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsMatrix Data Analysis Principal Component AnalysisTechnique quantifies and arranges data presented in MatrixBased solely on numerical dataFinds indicators that differentiate and attempt to clarify large amount of informationSlide 1 0f 6

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsMatrix Data Analysis Advantages of Principal Component AnalysisCan be used in various fields (market surveys, new product planning, process analysis)Can be when used when Matrix diagram does not give sufficient informationUseful as Prioritization GridSlide 2 0f 6

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsMatrix Data Analysis Constructing a Prioritization Grid Source: Foster, S., Managing Quality (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001)Slide 3 0f 6Determine your goal, your alternatives, and criteria for decision Place selection in order of importance Sum individual ratings to establish overall ranking (Divide by number of options for average ranking)Apply percentage weight to each option (all weights should add up to 1)

  • New Seven Q.C. ToolsMatrix Data Analysis Constructing a Prioritization Grid (cont.) Slide 4 0f 6Rank order each option with respect to criterion (Average the rankings and apply a completed ranking) Multiply weight by associated rank in Matrix (in example, 4 is best, 1 is worst) Result is Importance ScoreAdd up Importance Scores for each option

  • New Seven Q.C. Tools Matrix Data Analysis Constructing a Prioritization Grid (cont.)Slide 5 0f 6See completed the diagramRank order the alternatives according to importance

  • New Seven Q.C. Tools Matrix Data Analysis Completing a Prioritization Grid Slide 6 0f 6Source: Foster, S., Managing Quality (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001)


    CriteriaCustomer AcceptanceStrengthImportance Sum ScoreOption Ranking

    (most important)CostReliability(least important)


    Design A

    Percentage weight.


    Importance score1. (tie)

    Design B

    Percentage weight.


    Importance score.901.6.10.403.02

    Design C

    Percentage weight.


    Importance score.25.501.752.53

    Design D

    Percentage weight0.


    Importance score.90.10.601.63.21 (tie)

    Sum of weights1.

    Average weight.

    Criterion Ranking1243



  • Review New Seven Q.C. Tools Affinity DiagramsRelations DiagramsTree DiagramsMatrix DiagramsArrow DiagramsProcess Decision Program ChartsMatrix Data Analysis

  • Keys to Successfully Using the New Seven Q.C. Tools Mental Attitudes - Keen awareness to the actual problem - Eagerness to solve problem - Be highly motivated for the challengeSlide 1 0f 5Four Specific Keys Understand the problem Select the right tool for the job Obtain appropriate verbal data Interpret analytical results

  • Keys to Successfully Using the New Seven Q.C. Tools Slide 2 0f 5 Understand the problem Stage 1 - problem is unclear and not obviouswhat exact issue should be addressed Stage 2 - problem is obvious, but causes unknownexplore causes and single out valid ones Stage 3 - problem and causes are knownrequired action is unknownstrategies and plan must be developed4 Specific Keys

  • Keys to Successfully Using the New Seven Q.C. Tools Slide 3 0f 5 Selecting Right tool for the Job Stage 1 - Collect verbal information on events (Affinity Diagram) Stage 2 - Choose tool to identify causes (Relations Diagram / Matrix Diagram) Stage 3 - List strategies and activities (Tree Diagram / Relations Diagram) Plan actual activities (Arrow Diagram / PDPC Chart) 4 Specific Keys (cont.)

  • Keys to Successfully Using the New Seven Q.C. Tools Slide 4 0f 5 Obtaining appropriate verbal data Three types of verbal data: - Facts; factual observations expressed in words- Opinions; factual information colored by opinion - Ideas; New concepts created by analyzing facts

    .Group Discussions: - Ensures common understanding- All data should be without bias or distortion - Data should fit objective of the analysis4 Specific Keys (cont.)

  • Keys to Successfully Using the New Seven Q.C. Tools Slide 5 0f 5 Interpreting Analytical Results Information must be obtained for accomplishing objectives from: - Completed diagrams; or - Process of completing diagrams

    Analyze actual information obtained: - Prepare summarized report with findings, conclusions, and processes used- Check if necessary data has been obtained, if not - Discover the cause and take appropriate action4 Specific Keys (cont.)

  • Practical Application ofNew Seven Q.C. Tools Slide 1 0f 5 Complete the following Relations Diagram - Review notes for clarity- Get in groups of 4-5 per table (work as a team!)- Topic - Using the New Seven QC Tools skillfully- Cause cards- will be provided (not categorized)- Arrange cards to complete diagram (some hints have been provided)Example; Relations DiagramAbilities Required for Applying New Seven QC Tools

  • Practical Application ofNew Seven Q.C. Tools Slide 2 0f 5Abilities Required for Applying New Seven QC ToolsUse N7 SkillfullyPrimary CausePrimary CausePrimary CausePrimary CauseSource: Foster, S., Managing Quality (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001)

  • Practical Application ofNew Seven Q.C. Tools Slide 3 0f 5Abilities Required for Applying New Seven QC ToolsCause Statements (hints are in yellow)


    AInterpret data clearlyNUnderstand seriousness of problem

    BSelect appropriate toolOThink flexibly from various standpoints

    CThink systematicallyPObtain appropriate verbal data

    DGive opinionsQExpose core of problem

    EKnow what the problem isRCommunicate well

    FExtract necessary informationSAccurately understand real problem

    GCollect reliable verbal dataTHave excellent intuition

    HThink multidimensionallyUSee to heart of problem

    IObtain factsVSelect appropriate type of verbal data

    JInterpret analytical resultsWThink in terms of word-based diagram

    KGenerate ideasXExpress genuine thoughts

    LKnow that distorted data is uselessYHear and respect other's opinions

    MGrasp overall picturedZGenerate highly accurate verbal data



  • Practical Application ofNew Seven Q.C. Tools Slide 4 0f 5Abilities Required for Applying New Seven QC ToolsUse N7 SkillfullyPrimary CausePrimary CausePrimary CauseBTRYFILSource: Foster, S., Managing Quality (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001)

  • Practical Application ofNew Seven Q.C. Tools Slide 5 0f 5Solution for Abilities Required for Applying New Seven QC ToolsUse N7 SkillfullyEWJPBTHRCZYOAMFSUNVKDIQLXGSource: Foster, S., Managing Quality (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001)

  • Summary New Seven Q.C. Tools

  • BibliographyFoster, Thomas. Managing Quality. An Integrative Approach. Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall, 2001.

    Nayatani, Yoshingobu, Eiga, Toru, Futami, Ryoji, Miyagawa, Hiroyuki, and Loftus, John. The Seven New QC Tools: Practical Applications for Managers. Tokyo : 3A Corporation, 1994.

    TQM: The 9 TQM Tools. Internet

  • Other Quality Improvement StrategiesKaizen focuses on small, gradual, and frequent improvements over the long term with minimum financial investment and with participation by everyone in the organization.Poka-yoke (mistake-proofing) is an approach for mistake-proofing processes using automatic devices or methods to avoid simple human error.Chapter 15 Quality Management

  • Poka-Yoke ExamplesMachines have limit switches connected to warning lights that tell the operator when parts are positioned improperly on the machine. Fast food restaurants use automated french-frying machines that can only be operated one way; the french fries are prepackaged and the equipment automated to reduce the chance of human error. Chapter 15 Quality Management

  • Summary This presentation provided learning material for each of Ishikawas seven basic tools of quality.

    Each tool was clearly defined with definitions, a step-by-step process and an example of how the tool can be used.

    As seen through the presentation, these tools are rather simple and effective.

  • The end

  • Quality circlesTeams of workers and supervisors that meet regularly to address work-related problems involving quality and productivity.Developed by Kaoru Ishikawa at University of Tokyo.Became immediately popular in Japan as well as USA.Lockheed Missiles and Space Division was the leader in implementing Quality circles in USA in 1973 (after their visit to Japan to study the same).Typically small day-to-day problems are given to quality circles. Since workers are most familiar with the routine tasks, they are asked to identify, analyze and solve quality problems in the routine processes.

  • Additional process improvement toolsKaizen blitzAn intense and rapid improvement process in which a team or a department throws all its resources into an improvement project over a short period of time.Short time burst rather than long range simmer- hence the name.Blitz teams usually comprise of employees from all areas involved in the process who understand it and can implement the changes on the spot.

  • Additional process improvement toolsPoka-Yoke (Mistake proofing)Approach for mistake-proofing processes using automatic devises or methods to avoid simple human error.Developed and refined in the 1960s by the late Shigeo Shingo, a Japanese manufacturing engineer who developed the Toyota production system. Focused on two aspects: Prediction Recognizing that a defect is about to occur and provide a warning.Detection Recognizing that a defect has occurred and stop the process.

    ***************Histograms are graphical frequency tables that visually capture and display the variation in a set of data.**Process control involves monitoring a production process and charting the results on a control chart. If any of the points plotted falls outside the control limits, the process is out-of-control. **A check sheet is a fact-finding tool used to collect data about quality problems. A typical check sheet tallies the number of defects by previously identified categories. The next step is to graph the defects per category in a histogram.***Pareto analysis uses an ordered histogram to highlight the major causes of quality problems.***A cause-and-effect diagram, or fishbone diagram, is a chart showing the different categories of problem causes.

    *Affinity DiagramsRelations DiagramsTree DiagramsMatrix DiagramsArrow DiagramsProcess Decision Program ChartsMatrix data analysis

    We will spending most of our time on the first 6.Before we actually get started, we need to look at the:A committee for developing QC tools affiliated with JUSE was set up in April 1972. Their aim was to develop QC techniques for use by managerial level and staff. This committee was headed by Yoshinobu Nayatani and they met regularly. In January 1977 the committee announced the results of its research in the form of a new set of methods called 'The Seven New QC Tools. ( intent was to develop tools that would provide methods of organizing verbal data. They wanted to create a complete Design Approach. The established Basic 7 tools were very effective, however they were primarily focused on numerical data. For example, if a washing machine is redesigned. The customers dont like the new control panel, style, and color. These statements are not expressed in numerically , but verbally. These statements are expressions of data, but only in a verbal form. (Nayatini 3)So in conjunction in with the B7, the N7 can dramatically increase the the effectiveness of many TQM activities. The two sets of tools can greatly assist the promotion of Total Quality.

    Flow Charts - pictorial representation showing all of the steps of a process

    Run Charts - used to analyze processes according to time or order

    Histograms - bar graphs with frequency intervals

    Pareto Diagrams - 80/20 histograms for identifying and prioritizing problems

    Cause and Effect Diagrams - fishbone diagrams

    Scatter Diagrams - Identifies the possible relationship between the changes observed in two different sets of variables.

    Control Charts - used to determine whether a process will produce a product or service with consistent measurable propertiesThis shows how the N7 and the B7 complement each other in solving quality-related problems.Facts -> to Data! Do people provide data in numerical form or verbally? (How do you?)

    Information - This is the most IMPORTANT GOAL!!! Without the info, there will be no KNOWLEDGE gained which is required for achieving our goal! (Nayatini 4)The N7 are used for promoting Total Quality. The goals for TQM are: Ensuring company fulfills obligations, Securing profits, Developing people (Nayatini 9)

    The N7 enhance the capabilities of every employee. It has a direct impact on developing the workforce. At the same time, the effectiveness and efficiency is greatly enhanced which results directly on the bottom-line. The N7 will lead to Organizational Reform system-wide. These keys lead to a greater set of skills. The most important being, the ability to be proactive in anticipating future problems. (Nayatini 10)

    The Organizational Reform establishes a system wide Culture that should result in stimulating people to think for themselves. This culture should result in a workforce that is constantly Thinking TQM and being Creative with TQM. (Nayatini 10)

    The N7 are techniques for untangling the intricate relationships among the different variables of a problem. Using the N7 makes it easy to clarify the situation, establish a plan, and get to the root cause of the the problem. It also makes it easier to explain the situation and get buy-in with their cooperation. (Nayatini 6)

    Affinity diagram is a tool/method that gathers large amounts of intertwined verbal data. It organizes the verbal data into groups based on natural relationship. Such formation of distinct groups help a meaningful picture to emerge, thereby making it feasible for further analysis and to find a solution to the problem. (

    Review each bullet point!

    Review each bullet point!

    Review each bullet point!Topic: How will we spread the N7 through out the company?Ask for actual examples!!!Brainstorming in a group - Set up rules: No criticism, anything goes, More is best, Combine and improve ideas (Nayatini 39)

    When collecting data:- review circumstances surrounding the problem-examine the facts from a broad perspective-summarize statements in concise sentences

    When reviewing verbal data:- rewrite statements in specific terms

    Review each bullet point!Topic: How will we spread the N7 through out the company?Combine actual examples!!!

    When grouping data cards:- do not group based on logic. Do so according to tendency of a natural result of mutual affinity.-do not rely on the superficial literal meaning-avoid classifying by keywords

    When writing Affinity cards:- capture the essence in a single statement- avoid general, abstract statements

    Review each bullet point!Topic: How will we spread the N7 through out the company?

    When constructing and laying out diagram:- place the most important group of cards in the center

    Review the Diagram

    Relations Diagram also known as Interrelationship diagram is a tool for finding solution to problems that have complex causal relationship. This helps to untangle and find the logical relations among the intertwined causes and effects. It is a creative process which allows for 'Multi-directional' rather than 'linear' thinking to be used. (

    Review each bullet point!

    Review each bullet point!

    Review each bullet point!Topic: Why do accidents due to falling objects happen in the workplace? (Nayatini 21) Ask for actual examples!!!

    When collecting causes:-start by defining any preconditions

    When reviewing verbal data:-discuss the problem thoroughly for clarity before writing card

    When writing cards: -ensure that the statement has only one possible meaning-express each statement in a complete sentence

    Review each bullet point!Topic: Why do accidents due to falling objects happen in the workplace? (Nayatini 21) Ask for actual examples!!!When writing cards: -one concise idea per card

    When reviewing cause-effect relationships:-keep asking why-break down problem into components -look at situation from vary angles

    Review each bullet point!Topic: Why do accidents due to falling objects happen in the workplace? (Nayatini 21) Ask for actual examples!!!

    When reviewing relationships:-when linking cause-effect, keep pair close together -break any continual loops -look at situation from vary angles

    Review the Diagram

    Tree Diagram is a technique for mapping out full range of paths and tasks that need to be done in order to achieve a primary goal and related sub goals. Such a diagram reveals in a simple way with clarity not only the magnitude of the problem but also helps to arrive at methods which are to be pursued to achieve the results. In other words, it serves the purpose of developing the essential means to achieve an objective or goal. (

    Review each bullet point!

    Review each bullet point!Topic: What kind of support must managers and technical staff provide in order to keep QC circles active? (Nayatini 24) Ask for actual examples!!!General:-have a group of diverse backgrounds and experience. Ideas are more readily generated-use brainstorming to creative more ideas and objectives

    When setting objectives:-make sure basic objectives are compatible with the next higher objective-make sure necessary means of achieving the objective have been included

    Review each bullet point!Topic: What kind of support must managers and technical staff provide in order to keep QC circles active? (Nayatini 24) Ask for actual examples!!!

    When setting objectives:-make sure to scrutinize as you go to eliminate blind spots and omissions-make sure the develop the means for achieving the the objective at the level which it has to be implemented at necessary means of achieving the objective have been included

    When completing the diagram:-start at lowest level means and work back through the diagram. Verify each mean is capable of achieving objectiveReview the Diagram

    A Matrix Diagram consists of a number of columns and rows whose intersections are checked up, to find out the nature and strength of the problem . This will help us to arrive at key ideas and analyzing the relationship or its absence at the intersection and finding an effective way of pursuing the problem solving method. This enables conception of ideas on two dimensional relationship basis. The intersection points are also called "idea conception points". (

    Review each bullet point!

    Review each bullet point!

    Review each bullet point!Topic: Evaluating Strategies and Allocating Responsibilities (Nayatini 48)

    General:-obtain problem-solving ideas by studying relationships between vertical and horizontal subjects-solve problems effectively by using the intersections on the matrix as starting points-be objective when assessing the strength of relationships-obtain reliable data from experience supported by actual observations-obtain a consensus among a group with real experience on the topic

    Review each bullet point!Topic: Evaluating Strategies and Allocating Responsibilities (Nayatini 48)

    General:-obtain problem-solving ideas by studying relationships between vertical and horizontal subjects-solve problems effectively by using the intersections on the matrix as starting points-be objective when assessing the strength of relationships-obtain reliable data from experience supported by actual observations-obtain a consensus among a group with real experience on the topic

    Review each bullet point!Topic: Evaluating Strategies and Allocating Responsibilities (Nayatini 48)

    General:-obtain problem-solving ideas by studying relationships between vertical and horizontal subjects-solve problems effectively by using the intersections on the matrix as starting points-be objective when assessing the strength of relationships-obtain reliable data from experience supported by actual observations-obtain a consensus among a group with real experience on the topic

    Review the Diagram

    Arrow diagrams are a network technique using nodes for events and arrows for activities for project planning, scheduling and monitoring. This is a very useful tool when we want to plan the activities of a known but a complex task or project. With the help of this tool we can workout an ideal project plan and also daily plan for not only to the main task but also for the other allied tasks and monitor their progress in an effective manner. (

    Review each bullet point!

    Review each bullet point!

    Review each bullet point!Topic: Holding an In-House Training Seminar on the New Seven QC Tools? (Nayatini 30) Ask for actual examples!!!General:-be specific on exact constraints of the objective

    When listing activities:-express each task by a unique pair-find all tasks that can be performed in parallel time frame

    Review each bullet point!Topic: Holding an In-House Training Seminar on the New Seven QC Tools? (Nayatini 30) Ask for actual examples!!!

    When reviewing activities:-use positive integers in the actual sequence (1 goes to 2, 2 cannot go to 1)-find all tasks that can be performed in parallel time frame

    Review each bullet point!Topic: Holding an In-House Training Seminar on the New Seven QC Tools? (Nayatini 30) Ask for actual examples!!!

    When examining path:-use positive integers in the actual path -work from the farthest left side, then move to the next section and mark all activities before moving to next section -ensure that the diagram shows the exact correct sequence

    Review the Diagram

    The Process Decision Program Chart (PDPC) is a very useful and powerful method to overcome a problem or a goal to be achieved which are not familiar. With the help of PDPC we can map out all the conceivable events or contingencies that can occur in the implementation stage and also find out feasible counter measures to overcome these problems. (

    Review each bullet point!

    Review each bullet point!

    Review each bullet point!Topic: Holding an In-House Training Seminar on the New Seven QC Tools? (Nayatini 35) Ask for actual examples!!!General:-continue updating the PDPC as it unfolds-consider that contingency plans are the objective. We are looking for the possible things that can go wrong.

    When listing activities:-start by constructing a diagram from the initial situation to its single outcome-find all tasks that can be performed in parallel time frame

    Review each bullet point!Topic: Holding an In-House Training Seminar on the New Seven QC Tools? (Nayatini 35)

    When reviewing activities:-if it is unclear if an item is an action or a result from that action, treat it as an action -if a sequence of actions starts heading towards an undesirable result, introduce a countermeasure to break path and divert action in another direction-you may have to loop back and start at the beginning

    Review each bullet point!Topic: Holding an In-House Training Seminar on the New Seven QC Tools? (Nayatini 35)

    When completing the diagram:-ensure that not too many arrows cross each other -highlight the most desirable path so that it stands out for the others

    Review the Chart

    Matrix Data Analysis is a multivariate analysis technique called 'Principal Component Analysis'. This technique quantifies and arranges data presented in a Matrix Diagram, to find more general indicators that would differentiate and give clarity to large amount of complexly intertwined information. This will help us to visualize properly and get an insight into the situations. (

    Review each bullet point!

    Review each bullet point!This is an exact example. (Foster 305) Go over step by step.

    Review each bullet point!This is an exact example. Go over step by step.

    Review each bullet point!This is an exact example. Go over step by step.

    Review the Chart

    Explain that this is a very complex process, but should be used as primarily a prioritizing chart/grid.

    Affinity DiagramsRelations DiagramsTree DiagramsMatrix DiagramsArrow DiagramsProcess Decision Program ChartsMatrix data analysisFor a TQM culture to exist and flourish, the most important factor to consider is mental attitude. This allows for complete awareness to the problem and an eagerness to solve it. The N7 Tools assist in developing the proper mental attitude. These tools will also motivate the group to meet the challenge.

    To use The N7 Tools skillfully, four specific keys and abilities need to be recognized. (Nayatini 117)When solving a problem using the The N7 Tools it is essential to know which stage of the problem-solving process that you have reached. Which of the tools to use depends on the clarity of the problem. Also can the problem be identified, and if the causes are known and how to eliminate them. There are three stages to the solution of the of a problem. They are: Review each bullet point! (Nayatini 121)Be sure to choose the right tool for the job!When you know which stage you have reached in the problem solving, the goal will become clear and the right tool will present itself.With a Stage 1 problem, collect verbal information and use an Affinity Diagram to structure it. You will be able to identify the problem.With a Stage 2 problem, choose a tool that will enable you to identify its causes. The Relations Diagram is appropriate when complex relationships exist among causes of a single result. The Matrix Diagram is effective when there are many problems or effects and can be related in row/column format.With a Stage 3 problem, some method is needed to list and plan the activities required to solve the problem. A Tree Diagram can develop key points or strategies to achieve an objective. After the activities for solving the problem are identified, a schedule can be devise for carrying them out. An Arrow Diagram should be used for this. The PDPC can be used to develop and modified for the plan. (Nayatini 124)When gathering the verbal data, it is best to use a group setting. It ensures total understanding from all participants. It is also important to distinguish the different types of verbal data. They are:Review each bullet!

    The goal for gathering verbal data by group discussion should include: (Nayatini 124)Review each bullet!

    It is essential to obtain the correct information for accomplishing the objectives. When using the N7 Tools, never construct a diagram and leave it that way. Always make some type of record of the findings, conclusions drawn, and the exact process used for constructing the diagram. This is especially true with Affinity Diagrams and Relations Diagrams.Do not forget to check the results of analysis to ensure that you have actually obtained the data you need. If you have not, it is due to insufficient data or unskillful use of the N7 Tools. (Nayatini 126)

    Actual Exercise:Now its your turn to put this information to use!1 - Take a couple of minutes to review your notes on Relations Diagrams2 - Get in groups of 4-5 AND you MUST work as a team3 - Your topic; Using the New Seven QC Tool Skillfully4 - The actual cause cards will be handed out to your team. The cards statements are not categorized. You will need complete that as a team. Each card will have a letter of the alphabet on the upper right corner. These letters will correspond with final solution. 5- A blank copy of the Relations Diagram will also be provided. A secondary copy will be provided with a few hints to direct you towards your goal.

    Good luck!Actual Exercise:Topic; Using the New Seven QC Tool SkillfullyBlank copy of the Relations Diagram. Actual Exercise:Topic; Using the New Seven QC Tool SkillfullyActual cause cards with statements and corresponding letter of the alphabet. These letters will correspond with final solution of the Relations Diagram.Hints for the Relations Diagram are highlighted in yellow.Actual Exercise:Topic; Using the New Seven QC Tool Skillfully2nd copy of the Relations Diagram with hints provided.Actual Exercise:Topic; Using the New Seven QC Tool SkillfullyCompleted solution of the Relations Diagram.Review each bullet!The N7 Tools were created for a complete design approach to promote Total Quality Management. The benefits as well as the roles of the N7 Tools will ensure that a complete Organizational Reform will occur as well as a system-wide Culture of not only Thinking TQM but actually Creating TQM.
