seven new appointees named to marine fisheries advisory … · 2016-08-11 · richard h. stroud,...

NOAA/NMFS Developments Seven New Appointees Named to Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee Th e appointment of seve n men to th e De partm e nt of Co mm e rce's top leve l Marine Fisheries Advisory om- mittee has been anno unced by Sec r e- tary of Co mmer ce Fre de rick B. Dent. The Co mmitt ee advises the Secretary on pr og ram carr ied o ut by the a- ti onal Oceanic a nd Atmospheric Ad- mini s trati on. To pics of concern to th e Co mmitt ee includ e int er nati nal fisheries, co n- serva ti on, aq u ac ul tur e, biolog ical a nd environmental r esea rch , fisheries t ec h- nology, certa in sec ti o ns of the Marine M amma l Pr ot ec ti o n Act of 1 97:2 , a nd advisory services for sp ort and com- mercial fi h er ies. M embers of th e Com mitt ee arc chosen for recognized compete n ce a nd proven int ere t in th e marine fish - ery re o ur ces of th e United States. a nd are appoin t ed by the Secretary fo r a t erm of one yea r, st ar tin g Jul y I, a nd are eligible for addi ti onal t erms, for purposes of co ntinuit y. Commit- t ee members a re also se lected to ac hi eve both ba lan ced geographic al representation a we ll as a broad vi ew of the U .S . commercia l fis hin g indus- try. marine sport fis hin g. the academic co mmunit y, conservati on interests, State gove rnm ents , and the cons umer . The n ew mem bers are : Lawrence W. Appelbaum, ort h- field, I II. , vice president of Peng uin Frozen Foods and importer and ex- porter of fis h ery products, e pecia ll y hrimp . H e is al 0 very active in the atio nal Fisheries In stitute . a pri ate tr ade organiz a tion with natioll\\ ide member hip . Fra nk L. (Larr)') Cassidy, Jr. , Van- co uver, Wash. Mr. Cassidy is ole sto d.h older of Son Sa les, Ltd" manu - fac tur ers repre entative and br o ker in plumbing supplies in Oregon. Wa sh- ington. and Western Can ada. He ened pre ident of o rth\\e t teel - \\ hich ha since merged \\ ith Trout nlimited . H e sene a nation al vi ce president and Executive o mmit - t ee member of the latter organi za ti on which is concerned prim a ril y with port fis hin g. John W. McKean, Portland . Oreg. Mr . McKean has been direct or of the Oregon Game Commi ion inc e 1969. Pri or to th at he was a game bi o log ist w ith th e Oregon Game Commi s ion. He is act ive in the Pacific Marine F is h e ri es Commiss ion, and is hi ghl y r egarded for hi s knowledge of th e fi h erie problems of th e Northw es t. Mr . McKean is also active in th e We tern Associati on of St ate Game a nd Fi h Commi ss ioner s, and th e In- ternation al Associati on of Game. Fish and Conservati on Co mmi ssioners. Dr . Theodore B. Ford, Baton Rouge, L a. Dr. Ford is assista nt dir e ct or, Office of Sea Gr a nt D eve lo pm e nt , tate Pre\ he c hI ef III the I \\ tld- li fe and r (.omml \llln 0',1t:1 Wat er an d eaf\lod [)I\ 1\1 \In H Ig hl ) kn O\ \ ledgeahle lIn II,hene III the G ull llf \ 1c\IC\I. i \>\- Id el) knO\\n a ., a State adl11lnl'lr.l- tor a nd an ad\ I"or tll the (,ult St ates Marine C omllll Charle!> A. Black, BurlIngame, (,lit! Ir . Bl ac k t\ l ardela (,Ir - pora ti on of Bur lI ngame and ha Clltl- du cted an e e! lIn .H.jU,- c ultu re. fo ll o\>\-ed b) a \qlrk hop t(lf the a ti onal OceanIc and Atn1l' ph"r- ic He a reclIgnlled a uth orit) on aquacu l ture and \\111 ,Iud e \p ertise in an area of IIlCrC,1 Illg emphasis b) the ommlttet: Frank G. Go lo, Honolulu . Ha\\dll Mr . Go to has been general m,1I1,lgd Shrimp Aquacultur e Training " On -th e- job trainin g" in shr i mp aqu a cultur e is a ttr ac ting an 111 - creasin g numb er of fr om this co untr y a nd a br oa d to th e Co mm e rc e Depa rtm e nt' a ti onal Oceanic a nd Atm os phe ri c Ad min - istrati on's facilit y at Ga lveston. Texa s. The program is ano th er t ep in interna ti onal c oo pera ti o n o n fis h- erie r esea rch , particul ar l) "it h scienti st from Lati n A me r ican na- tion . Th e Gulf Coas tal hs henes Ce n- ter at Gah es ton, opera ted b) OAA 's a ti onal l arine F I, h erie e nic e. d ea ls " ith the cultu re of hrimp na tiv e to th e Gu lf of t\ le \l - c o. Sp ecific areas of re"earch In- c lud e ma tur a ti o n . di ... ea "e .... nutn- ti on. a nd hatch er) t echno log). The are und er the ,upen I\ lon of Dr. Rich ar d A. eal P rogre s in aquaculture I" bei ng follLl \\ cd ell) el! III man) of t he \\ orld L .\ t ) ear the 3S Center ,pon'ollred.\ e rtes of lecture ... and lahoratllr) ,C'>- slons for a total llf I, ,Clenll h from nIne Latin American c\lun- Three BrazilIan ,cientl\1 re- centl) concluded a t\\ II-nHlnth tral n- in g penod at Gal\e,tl)n On Augu ... t I. three I from t he Center Illr <"clenlltiL llld Techno loglLal Re'LarLh <.,(lnllJ"d t\ l e\ lco. hegan three - til I -I ,nIh trainIng r he "on-lhc-I,ll trallllng "not re,trtctt:d tll fllrCI!!n SClentl\h. a, e\ Idenced b, thc large number III' S Clenll t uttllllng the e\pertl\e dt:\el'lped ,It the (,JI- labllratlln The numher \It rt:qut: t lor t raInIng ha, Incre,l t:d 1l1Mkedl, during the pa t \ I rClgn Cl- enll,t intcre,ted 111 parllLlp tane In thl aetl\lt\ hould dire..:! theIr In- qUlne t\ I r'dt:rJ" 1 ane\ Ofll e of Intcrn,UllIndl \ffdlr ( \ R llck\llk, '10::0

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Page 1: Seven New Appointees Named to Marine Fisheries Advisory … · 2016-08-11 · Richard H. Stroud, Springfield . Va" e'\ccutive vice president of the port Fishing Institutc, and vice

NOAA/NMFS Developments

Seven New Appointees Named to Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee

Th e appointment o f seven me n to th e De partme nt of Commerce's to p leve l M a rin e Fisheries Advisory o m ­mittee has been a nn ounced by Secre­ta ry o f Commerce Frede rick B. De nt. The Co mmitt ee ad vises th e Secretary on prog ram carried o ut by th e a­ti o na l Oceanic a nd Atmospheric Ad­mini strati o n .

T o pics of concern to th e Co mmittee include internati na l fisheries , con­se rva ti o n , aq u ac u lture, bi o logica l a nd environmental resea rch , fisheries tech ­no logy, certa in secti o ns of the Marine M ammal Pro tecti o n Act of 197:2 , a nd ad visory services for sport a nd com­merci a l fi heries.

M embers of th e Com mitt ee arc chosen for recognized competence a nd proven inte re t in th e marine fish ­e ry re ources of th e United S ta tes . a nd are appoin ted by th e Secretary fo r a term o f one yea r , s tartin g Jul y I, a nd are eligible for addi ti o na l terms, for purposes of continuit y. Commit­tee members a re a lso se lected to

achi eve both ba la nced geographica l representation a well as a broad vi ew of the U .S . commercia l fis hin g indus­try. marine sport fis hin g. the academic communit y, conservati o n interests, State gove rnments , and the consumer .

The new mem bers are: Lawrence W. Appelbaum, orth-

fie ld, III. , vice president of Penguin Frozen Foods and importer and ex­porter of fis hery products, e pecia ll y hrimp . H e is al 0 very active in the atio na l Fisheries Institute . a pri ate

trade organiza tion with natioll\\ ide member hip .

Frank L. (Larr)') Cassidy, Jr. , Van­cou ver, Wash. Mr. Cassidy is ole stod.h older of Son Sa les, Ltd" manu ­fac turers repre entative and bro ker in plumbing supplies in Oregon. W ash­ington. and Western Canad a. H e ened a~ pre ident of o rth\\e t teel ­header~. \\ hich ha since merged \\ ith Trout nlimited . H e sene a nation a l

vice president and Executive o mmit ­tee member of the latter organi za ti o n which is concerned prim aril y with port fis hin g.

John W. McKean, Portland . Oreg. Mr . McKean has been directo r o f th e Oregon Game Commi ion ince 1969. Pri or to th at he was a game bio logist with th e Oregon Game Commis io n . H e is act ive in the Pacific M a rin e F is heri es Commiss io n , and is hi ghl y regarded for hi s knowledge o f th e fi herie problems of th e Northwes t. Mr . McKean is al so active in th e We tern Associati o n o f Sta te G a me a nd Fi h Commi ss ioners, and th e In ­ternationa l Associati on o f G a me . F ish and Conservati o n C o mmi ssio ne rs.

Dr. Theodore B. Ford, Ba to n Rou ge, La. Dr. Ford is ass is ta nt directo r, Office of Sea Gra nt D evelo pme nt ,

Loui ~ l a n a ta te ni\er~lt' Pre\ I{lU~1\ he wa~ chI ef III the I llul ~ ldnd \\ tld­li fe a nd r I ~ h e rt e ~ (.omml \llln ~ 0',1t:1 W ater Bott om~ an d eaf\lod [)I\ 1\1 \In H Ighl ) kn O\\ ledgeahle lIn II,hene pro hl em~ III the G ull llf \ 1c\IC\I. h~'

i \>\- Ide l) kn O\\n a., a St a te adl11lnl'lr.l­to r and a~ an ad \ I"or tll the (,ult Sta tes M a rin e I-t~h erte\ C omllll ~I,11l

Charle!> A. Black, BurlIngame, (,lit! Ir . Bl ac k I~ p re~ ldent. t\ l ardela (,Ir­

po ra ti o n of Bu rlI ngame and ha Clltl­du c ted a n e \ ten~ 1\ e ~un e! lIn .H.jU,­cultu re. fo ll o\>\-ed b) a \qlrk hop t(lf

th e a ti o na l OceanIc and Atn1l' ph"r­ic Admlnl~ t ra ll on. He I~ a reclIgnlled auth o rit ) o n aquacu lture and \\111 ,Iud e \pe rti se in an area of IIlCrC,1 Illg e m phas is b) the ommlttet:

Frank G. G olo, Honolulu . Ha\\dll Mr . Goto h as been general m,1I1,lgd

Shrimp Aquaculture Training

"On -th e-j o b trainin g" in shrimp aqu aculture is attrac tin g a n 111 -

creasin g numbe r of ~c i e nti t ~ from this country a nd a broad to th e C o mme rce De pa rtment' a ti o na l Oceanic and Atm os ph e ri c Ad min ­istrati o n 's facilit y a t Ga lves to n. Texas. The program is anoth e r tep in int e rn a ti o na l coope ra ti o n o n fis h ­eri e resea rch , pa rti cul arl) "it h scienti s t fro m La ti n A me rican na­tion .

The Gulf Coas ta l hshe n es Ce n-te r a t Gah esto n , opera ted b)

OAA 's a ti o na l l arine F I, herie enice. dea ls " i th the cul ture of hrimp na tive to th e Gu lf of t\ l e \l -

co. Specifi c areas of re"earch In­clude ma tura ti o n. di ... ea"e .... nutn­ti on . and ha tcher) technolog). T he tud ie~ a re u nder the ,upen I\ lon

o f Dr. R ichard A. eal P rogre s in ~hnmp aquaculture

I" be ing fo llLl \\ cd ell) el! III man) p a rt~ of the \\ orld L.\ t ) ear the


Gal\e~ton Center ,pon'ollred.\ e rtes of lecture ... and lahoratllr) ,C'>­slons for a total llf I, ,Clenll h

from nIne Latin American c\lun­trie~ Three BrazilIan ,cientl\1 re­centl) concluded a t\\ II-nHlnth tral n­in g penod at Gal\e,tl)n

On Augu ... t I. three ~clt:nti I from the Center Illr <"clenlltiL llld TechnologlLal Re'LarLh <.,(lnllJ"d t\ le\ lco. hegan three - til I -I ,nIh trainIng ~e'~ll)n, r he "on-lhc-I,ll trallllng "not re,trtctt:d tll fllrCI!!n SClentl\h. a, e\ Idenced b, thc large number III' S Clenll t uttllllng the e\pertl\e dt:\el'lped ,It the (,JI­\e~wn labllratlln

The numher \It rt:qut: t lor traInIng ha, Incre,l t:d 1l1Mkedl, during the pa t \ I rClgn Cl­enll,t intcre,ted 111 parllLlp tane In thl aetl\lt\ hould dire..:! theIr In­qUlne t\ I r'dt:rJ" 1 ane\ Ofll e of Intcrn,UllIndl \ffdlr ( \ Rllck\llk, '10::0

Page 2: Seven New Appointees Named to Marine Fisheries Advisory … · 2016-08-11 · Richard H. Stroud, Springfield . Va" e'\ccutive vice president of the port Fishing Institutc, and vice

United Fishing Agency, Ltd. since 1952. The concern acts as a whole­saler of fresh fi h and an agent for several tuna ves els. He erves on the Governor's Advisory Comm ittees on Science and Technology, o n Sharks. and on Labor and I ndu trial Rela­tions . He is a lso executive secretary of Hawaii's Fish Boat Owner's As 0-

ciation. Dr. James W. Burks, M .D" New

Orleans, La . Dr . Burks is a Professor of Medicine at Tulane University and a senior taff physician at Charity Hos pita l and Touro Infirm ary in ew Orlean . He owns two fishing Corpora­ti ons (Riptide , Inc .. and Holliday C harters) and has extensive experi­ence In cha rter boat sport fishing especially for bi g game fish species, as well as five years of commercia l fishing busines experience.

Members who have been reappoint­ed for anot her one-year term are : Theodore T. Bugas, A tori a, Oreg" director of public and gove rnment re­lations for Bumble Bee Seafoods. Divi­sion of Castle Cooke , Inc .: Charles R. Carr}, Redondo Beach . Calif.. execu­tive director of the Tuna Research Foundation, and a lead in g spokesman for the tuna canning industr) and the California wetfish industr}; Dr. James A. Crutchfield, Jr., Seattle, Wash. , associate professor of economics. Uni­versit) of Washington. Seattle and an internationally recognized au thority on fisheries economics; Jacob J. D) k­stra, Wakefield. R.I., president of Point Judith Fisherman's Cooperative AssoCI atlOn : and Ra) H. Full, Verm i l­ion, Ohio, presiden t of the Ki shm an F ish Company , and a member of the Ohio CommerCial Fisherman 's A so­ciati o n .

Abo reappoin ted were William B. Hannum, Jr., Key W e t. Fla., a n ac­tive consen'atio nist, fo rmer publish­Ing c'\ecutlve, a nd pres ident and di­rector of Sea Farm, Inc .. Key West. Fla.: Allen W. Ha}nie, Baltimore. Md" president of Zapata-Hal nie. Inc .. a v\ holl) 0 \\ ned subsidiary of Zapata

orroratl o n of Te'\a : John D. Isaacs, III, Rancho anta r e, Calif" ocean-

ographer and professor a t Scripps In ­stitution of Oceanography, La J oll a, Calif.. a nd Directo r of th e Institute of Marine Resources of the Un iversity of Californ ia; Harold E. Lokken, Seattle, Wash .. manager of th e F i h ­ing Vessel Owners Association since 1924; Henry Lyman, Ca nto n, Mass ., publi sher of 5(//1 Wall'/' 5pol'I .\ll1i11/

since 1949. and a member of various fisheries advi ory committees in the

ew Engla nd a rea for more than 20 years; John Mehos, Ga lveston, Tex., vice president of Liberty Corporati ons, Liberty Fish and Oyster Co., former FB I agent, and founder and pa t presi­dent of the Shrimp Association of the Americas: Howard Nickerson, ew Bedford. Mass " executive director of the Seafood Dealers Association of New Bedford. and pres ident of Atlan­tic Marine Service, Inc .. a consulting firm ; William F. R ockwell , Jr. , Boston, Mass ., chairman and chief executive officer of North A merican Rockwell C~rporation. and an ardent conserva­tioni st , hunter , and ang ler.

Others reappointed for one-year terms includc J ohn J. Ro)al, San Pcdro, Calif" secretar) -trcasurer. Fish ermen 's Union for 13 years, and a membcr of thc Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners sincc 1969: Richard H. St roud, Springfield . Va " e'\ccutive vice president of the port Fishing Institutc , and vice prcsident of the port Fisher) Rescarch rounda ­tion: Robert M. Thorstenson, Peters­burg , Alaska . president. Petersburg Fisherics and Seward Fisheries. Seward. Al as ka : Dr. James A. Timmerman, Jr., of Charleston. S.c.. Director of the South Carolina Marine Resources Division, and a former chairman of the department of biology a t the Citadel ; Cl ifford V. Varin of West Sa}ville. .Y., pre ide nt of th e Fire Island Sea Clam Company, pre ident­elect of the Shellfi sh Institute of Amer­ica. and a member of the executive comm ittee for th e Gulf a nd Car ib bean Fisheries I nsti tute ; a nd William H. Witherspoon, Corona de l Mar , Calif" retired. a co ll abora tor in scienti fic projects, \\ ho has personally carried


out much of the ma rli n taggi ng pro­gram off Baj a, Ca li fornia. He has been vice pres ident o f th e Internation­a l Gamefish Association for th e past 20 years.

Ahlstrom Awarded Commerce Gold Medal

E lbert H . Ahlstrom, Seni o r Sci­ent ist wi th the at iona l Oceanic a nd Atmospheric Administration's a­tional Marine Fisheries Service, ha received the Department of Commerce Gold Medal for hi leadership in de­veloping an entire cien tifi c technol­ogy. described as ocea ni c fish stock a sessment by means of systemat ic surveys of eggs and larvae. Fishery scientists call the process a possible answer to the need for additio nal food resources worldwide.

Secretary of Com merce Fred­erick B. Dent pre­sented the award - the hi ghes t h onor conferred by the Depart­ment - to Dr. Ahlstrom in a ce­remony at Wash-

Ahlstrom ington, D .C. Dr. A hl tr om. stat io ned at th e

N M FS Sout hwest Fis he ri es Ce nt er (La Jolla. Calif.) since 1954, was c it ed for developing in to a precise science techniques used to urvey the abun­dance and distribution pa tt e rn o f young stages of marine fis he in th e ocean. Hi s work has led to a basic sc ientifi c unde rstandin g of the fishery re ources off Ca li fo rni a. a nd of how they can be ex pl o it ed a nd u ed with maxi mum efficiency. Because the methods he developed are ada ptabl e to ot her areas throughout the world wi th a need to eva lu a te the po tential of fishery resources. Dr. Ah lstrom's contri bu ti on has had a n import a nt international impact.

Born a t Sharon. Pennsylvani a. in 19 10. Dr. A hl stro m was grad uated from Marietta Coll ege. Ma rietta . Ohio. with a n A.B. degree in 1930.

Page 3: Seven New Appointees Named to Marine Fisheries Advisory … · 2016-08-11 · Richard H. Stroud, Springfield . Va" e'\ccutive vice president of the port Fishing Institutc, and vice

a n a lm ost pe rfect scho las ti c reco rd . a nd selecti o n to Phi Be ta K a ppa. H e ea rned hi s M .A . degree in 1933 a nd hi s PhD. in Zoology in 193 4 fro m Ohi o Stat e U nive rsit y. Colum bu s. Ohi o . Dr . Ahl s tro m s pe nt five sum ­mers a t Ohi o S ta te 's labo ra to ry a t Put -in -Bay. Ohi o . wo rkin g o n fres h ­wa te r pl a nkt o n . a nd he produced a num be r of pa pe rs o n th e su bjec t of ro ti fe rs (m ic roscop ic aqu a ti c in verte ­bra tes). w hi c h have beco me s ta nda rd refe re nces .

Dr . A hl str o m has spent most of hi s ca reer in gove rnm e nt se rvice . In 1939

he join ed th e Fi h a nd Wil d li fe Se r ­vice. Depart me nt of th e In ter io r . as a j uni or bio logica l a id a t $ 1.440 pe r annum . H e was su bsequ e ntl y give n continuin g p rog ress ive respo nsibi liti e in ca r ry ing o ut major prog rams. a nd in 1959 beca me d irec to r of th e b io­logical la bora to ry at La J o ll a . Cali f .. whe re he is no w a Seni or Scie nti t. hi ghes t IFS sc ie nti fic recogni t io n .

H e was appo int ed A dj un ct P ro ­fesso r of Oceanogra ph y of th e U niver­sit y of Califo r ni a in 1968 . A n inter­na ti ona l expe rt o n P acific sard ines. Dr . A hl st rom bega n coope rat ive oce­a ni c in ves tiga tio ns w ith the Scripps I ns tituti on of Ocea nog ra ph y in 1940 a nd 1941. using the Ins t it u ti o n 's o ld sa ilin g research vesse l th e E. W. Scripp.l . T he work led to th e es tabli sh ­me nt o f th e Californi a Coope ra ti ve O cea ni c Fi s h er i es I nv es ti g ati o n s (CALC O F I). a n o rga ni zat ion th a t be­ga n as a n effort o n th e part of Sta te age ncies a nd th e Federal Gove rnm e nt to inq ui re int o th e causes of th e ca ta­stro phi c decl ine o f the Pacific sardine which a t o ne time sup port ed th e la rgest comme rc ia l fis he ry 111 th e U nited Sta tes .

Dr . Ahl tro m has pu bli shed more than 60 scie nti fi c pa pe rs. In 1972 he sha red with an o th e r a uth o r a n award by th e Wildlife Socie ty fo r th e o ut ­sta ndin g fi she ry pu b li ca ti o n of 197 1. He is a me mbe r o f ma ny int e rn a ti o na l committ ees a nd g roups a nd has fre­que ntl y se rved as a n ad visor a nd con­sult a nt to na ti o na l a nd inte rn a ti o na l groups.

Use of Silicone Grease and Dust Shields Improves Radio Communications at Sea

Th e Co m merce Depa rtm e n t's N a ti o na l Oceanic a nd A tm osp he ric A dmini s t ra ti on has found the so lut io n to a p rob lem whi ch has ha m pereu rad io co mmunica ti o ns a t sca durin g s to rmy wea th er sin ce sh ips first bega n us in g w ire less .

D u rin g heavy weath e r of lo ng dura ­ti o n . sa lt sp ra y a nd wa ter often sho rt ­ci rc uit th e insul a to rs o f rad io a nt enn as to s uc h a deg ree th a t shi ps ca nn o t communi ca te w ith o th e r s h ips o r wi th s ta tio ns ash o re . crea t ing a n es peci a ll y haza rd o us co nd iti o n fo r ve se ls requir ­ing a id .

T he radi o a nten nas used fo r tra ns­m ittin g a nd recei\ in g message by radi o te leph o ne a nd telegra ph a re iso la ted fro m the ship 's st ee l s tru c ture by po rcela in insu la to rs loca ted nea r the deck a t th e base o f the ant e nn as. A s lo ng as th ese ins ul a to rs a rc cl ea n a nd dry a nd ha ve a hi gh po li s h . th ey p re vent th e el ectri ca l curre nt in th e a ntenn as fro m sho rt -c ircuitin g to th e shi p 's stee l hu ll . But wh e n th ese insul a­to rs become cove red with sa lt cr)s ta ls fro m ocea n s pray and ra in wa te r fro m sq ua ll s. th e electrica l cu rre nt is di ve rt ed to the s teel hull . Th e a nt e nn as ' radi a ted po wer is th e n dim ini shed a nd . duri ng prolo nged s to rms. oft e n te rmi na ted ent irely. ma kin g radi o tra ns miss io n i m possi ble .

T h is pro ble m has now bee n so lved by coa tin g the po rce la in insu la to rs wi th a s ilico ne grease to whi c h wa te r will no t adh e re . T o pro tect the s ili­cone grease fro m o the r cont a mina n ts. such as dust a nd pa rtic les fro m burn ee{ fuel oil. th e grease is she lte red with a fi be r glass shi e ld sh aped lik e a n in ­ve rt ed funne l.

Two years o f tes tin g by thrce ves~c l s

of th e NOAA F leet- th e MI Milchell , R ('\(' (/rchN, a nd R(/il/iN- pro ved th e success of th e ne '" meth ou . e na blin g th e shi ps to co ntinu e ra di ocommuni ca­ti o ns p ractica ll ) unh a mpercd durin g stor m y '" eathe r .


The me th od wa~ co nce i\ ed a nd deve lo ped by William F- . Seibo ld . S r .. a nava l archit ec t technici a n '" ith

OAA's Offi ce o f !- Iee t Opera ti o n\. with a n expe nditure in ha rd"' are of o nl) $2.200 . Se ibo ld bega n c\ pen­mc ntin g \\ith th c ~ ili co nc grea\c in 1970. A radiC\ o pe ra to r a t sea fo r seven yea r~ . he subseq ue nt ly sened fo r nin e yea rs with th e I\ l a ritim e A d ­mini strati o n 's En gin ee ring Di visio n . Fo r the pas t seve n yea rs hc has bce n with the Coa~ t a nd G codeti c Sur vc~ a nd it s successo r age ncy. NOAA's

a ti o na l O cea n Sun ey. "'hi ch operate\ th e O AA Fl ee t.

Th c tir~ t t e~h of th e nc\\ methou bega n aboaru th e All ,\Il/ch('11 in I<nO For th e tes t. i n~ L1l ator~ in one of the ship 's a nt e nn as werc coa ted with the s il icone grcase. while the other wa\ le ft uncoa ted . to ac t as con trol. Sub­

seque nt tes tin g aboard th e MI Milchell, R esea rcher, a nd Rail/ier proved the method ~u ccessfu l . The most recent test showed that duri ng a \ 0) agc b~

th e MI Mi Ichell from the U ni ted Sta tes to F-ra nce. the antenna con­tinu ed to fun c ti o n well in severe wea th e r. with rain squalls. high "'ind\. a nd heavy spray . The R('\('af( her ha\ bee n us i ng th e new method also for ove r a year wi th perfect result... . Se ibo ld sa id th e man u facturer of the sili cone grease estimated one good coa tin g sho ul d last a year. and it UIU

Se ibo ld a nt icipated that the ne\\ deve lo pme nt wi ll Icad to further Im­proveme nt s in ~hip a ntennas a nd that. in th e futu rc. ships of a ll maritime na ti o ns will havc an tcn nas which ",i ll o pe ra te succe sfu ll ) w ith thei r rad io equipme nt regard les ofscvere weather.

T he new deve lop me nt ma) also prov ide a boon to rad io and te levision broadcas ti ng. Se ibold said the same techniqu e useu o n h ips is a lso ap­pli ca bl e to thc a nt e nn as of radio anu telev is ion b roadca tin g ta t ions to pre ve nt accum ul a ti o ns of ice anu sno", o n thc ir in ul a to rs.