seven c's


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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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There are seven words in seven C’s

and each of them start with a

alphabetic “C” , there for its called

seven C’s..

Seven C’s makes the communication

effective and understood .

The Seven Cs should be used in both

written and oral communication.

1. Completeness

2. Conciseness

3. Consideration

4. Concreteness

5. Clarity

6. Courtesy

7. Correctness

To complete your information..

For the completeness you have to follow the following rules…

1. Provide all necessary information .

2. Answer all questions asked.

3. Give some extra information.

1. Provide all necessary information.

Answer all five questions .

Give answers all the ( W) Questions which are related to the topic..



How happened?



Give some extra information.

A. Give some extra information

which are not related with your

concern topic..

B. If you need to put extra

information you can put in it

while if you do not need so do

not put in it……….

Stating a few words to share a huge

comprehensive meaning.

To convey your message in the few west

words possible words..

In conciseness we short our message

with weightily words…

We use single or simple words instead of

difficult words..

Avoid words repetition..

Stating a few words to share a huge

comprehensive meaning.

1) To convey your message in the few west

words possible words..

2) In conciseness we do short our messages

with weightily words…

3) We use single or simple words instead of

difficult words..

4) Avoid words repetition..

5) Avoid buzzing words..

6) Stick to the point..

7) No extra Detail if possible..

8) Include only relevant information

9) Eliminate wordy expression


1) In this time ____________ Now

2) Once upon a time _______ Past

Use pronouns instead of nouns,

Examples: he , she . It . They , we , you etc...

Preparing the massage according the mind of the receiver.

A good communicator always tries to inculcate the idea as others want or wish to get the message

Always use “you” attitude instead of “ I ” and “We”..

I am delighted to inform you We will

deliver the generator .

You are selected as our vendor You will receive it in your company premises

Do not you “You” attitude in negative sense.

Name the third person while indication.

For examples: If you are beaten, whom would

you ask for?

SAY------------ If you someone is beaten, who

he or she would ask for?

Means that a massage is specific, definite

and exactly related to the point.

If a massage lacks these qualities , it will be

vague and general.

To achieve concreteness, denotative words

will be used instead of connotative words.

Denotative words : Which gives the same

exactly meaning of the word.

Connotative words: Give further meaning.

Use direct Sentences instead of indirect


A. Means conveying the message clearly so that

the receiver will understand what you are trying

to convey.

B. So choose precise, concrete and familiar words.

C. Clarity is achieved if you use familiar and

conversational words.

D. Use simple and short words.

E. Use conversational and easy words..

F. Not.. You have to follow the exactely


Choose Simple, Concise and conversational words.

Simple words

Instead of these Choose these words

1. A substantial segment Many


2. Of the population

3. Affords an opportunity Allows

4. Approximately About

5. Are fully cognizant of Know

Concise words

Instead of these Choose these


Arrived at the conclusion Concluded

At a later date Later

At the present time Now

Due to the fact Because

Conversational words

Instead of these Choose these words

1) Acknowledge receipt of Thank you

2) At the earliest possible date as soon as

you can

3) as per our conversation as we


Choose nondiscriminatory expressions:

Courtesy also requires use of

nondiscriminatory ‘ expressions that refer to

any particular , gender , race , ethnic, origin,


Do not use Particularize bad words..

Instead of these Choose these words

Businessman Businessperson

Chairman chairperson

Manpower worker

Newsman Newscaster, journalist

Salesman salesperson, agent

The correctness principles is more than proper

grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Mistakes are never intentional , however they

can spoil our image

Errors in the massages fall in the following


Mistakes in names, figures, facts and words

Mistakes in Punctuation and capitalization

Mistakes in the level of language