session11’ accounts’receivable’ session 11.pdfaccounts...

A86045 Accoun,ng and Financial Repor,ng (2013/2014) Session 11 Accounts Receivable Paul G. Smith B.A., F.C.A.

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Page 1: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

A86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng  (2013/2014)  

Session  11  Accounts  Receivable  

Paul  G.  Smith  B.A.,  F.C.A.  

Page 2: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0


A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   2  

Page 3: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Course  Objec,ves  -­‐  Reminder  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   3  

At  the  end  of  this  course  students  will  be  able  to:  •  Read  and  interpret  financial  statements  of  companies  applying  interna:onal  accoun:ng  standards  

•  Iden,fy  and  evaluate  the  impact  on  a  companies  accounts  of  alterna:ve  accoun:ng  methods  

•  Assess  the  economic-­‐  financial  posi:on  of  a  company.  

Page 4: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Course  Overview  –  Where  we  are  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   4  

1.  Financial  repor,ng  under  IFRS   13.  Review  

2.  Financial  analysis   14.  Financing  including  leases  

3.  Review   15.  Review  

4.  Revenues   16.  Taxa,on  (direct  and  indirect)  

5.  Costs  and  expenses   17.  Review  

6.  Intangible  assets   18.  Group  accounts  

7.  Tangible  assets   19.  Business  combina,ons  

8.  Impairment  of  assets   20.  Review  

9.  Review   21.  Cash  Flow  Statement  

10.  Inventories   22.  Review  

11.  Accounts  receivable   23.  Fair  value  

12.  Non-­‐financial  liabili,es   24.  Review  

Mid-­‐term  test  

Page 5: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Session  11  Overview  Mins  

Session  overview  and  objec,ves   5  

Review  of  pre-­‐work  and  session  10  recap   5  

Defini,ons   10  

Fair  value  –  discoun,ng,  foreign  currencies   10  

Allowances    (discounts,  returns,  bad  debts)   15  

Factoring  and  sale  of  receivables  (with/without  recourse)   10  

Credit  risk  management  and  disclosures   5  

Class  exercises   20  

Overview  of  session  12,  required  reading  and  assignment  for  next  session  


Summary  and  valida,on   5  


5  A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng  

Page 6: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Objec,ves  of  Session    

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   6  

At  the  end  of  this  session  session  students  will  be  able  to:  1.  Explain  how  trade  accounts  receivable  are  valued  

in  the  balance  sheet  2.  Ar:culate  the  principal  deduc:ons  that  are  made  

in  determining  trade  accounts  receivable  3.  Understand  the  disclosure  requirements  rela:ng  

to  credit  risk  

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A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   7  

Page 8: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Recap  of  Session  10  

•  Current  Assets  –  Inventories  –  Inventories  

•  Permissible  valua,on  methods  –  Raw  materials  – Work-­‐in-­‐progress  –  Finished  goods  

•  Lower  of  cost  and  market  – Construc,on  contracts  

•  Completed  contract  method  •  Percentage-­‐of-­‐comple,on  method  •  Fixed  price  or  cost  plus  

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Page 9: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Overview  of  Session  11  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   9  

•  Accounts  receivable  –  Foreign  currencies  

•  Valua,on/allowances  –  Financial  discounts  –  Returns  –  Bad  debts  

•  Discoun,ng  •  Factoring/sale  of  receivables  (with/without  recourse)  •  Credit  Risk  Disclosures  •  Another  exercise  (    if  ,me  allows)  

Page 10: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Session  11  Pre-­‐work  

•  Reading  – Wiley  Financial  Repor,ng  Under  IFRS  a  Topic  Based  Approach:  •  Chapter  3  –  Current  Assets  

–  IASB  Statements  •  IFRS  7  Financial  Instruments:  Disclosures  

•  Research  –  Iden,fy  the  disclosures  in  your  chosen  company  in  respect  of  accounts  receivable  and  management  of  credit  risk.  

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Page 11: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0


A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   11  

Page 12: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Trade  accounts  receivable  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   12  

Defini,on  –  Trade  accounts  receivable  are  amounts  invoiced  to  and  due  from  customers  for  goods  and  services  provided.      They  are  covered  by  the  defini,on  of  a  financial  instrument  and  should  be  recorded  at  their  fair  value  which  is  normally  the  amount  at  which  they  are  ini,ally  recorded  (unless  extended  credit  terms  have  been  granted  in  which  case  they  should  be  discounted)  less  any  impairment  allowances.  

Uncondi:onal  receivables  and  payables  are  recognized  as  assets  or  liabili:es  when  an  en:ty  becomes  party  to  the  contract  and,  as  a  consequence,  has  a  legal  right  to  receive  or  a  legal  obliga:on  to  pay  cash.  (IAS  39  AG35(a),  IFRS  9  B3.1.2(a))    Loans  and  receivables  are  measured  at  amor:zed  cost  using  the  effec:ve  interest  rate  method    and  are  subject  to  review  for  impairment  (IAS  39.46,56)  

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A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   13  

Page 14: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Fair  Value  -­‐  discoun,ng  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   14  

If  I  have  €100  today  and  the  interest  rate  is  7%  then  in  one  years  ,me  this  will  be  worth  €107  i.e..  (100  +  (100x7/100))  

If  I  have  €100  today  and  the  interest  rate  is  7%  then  in  two  years  ,me  this  will  be  worth  €114.49.  i.e.100  +  ((100x7)  2/100)  

Conversely  if  I  will  receive  €100  in  one  years  ,me  and  the  interest  rate  is  7%  then  this  will  be  worth  only  €93.45  today  i.e.  (100/(100x7/100)).  

If  I  will  receive  €100  in  two  years  ,me  and  the  interest  rate  is  7%  the  this  will  be  worth  only  €87.34  today  i.e.100/((100x7)  2/100)  

In  prac:ce,  because  of  materiality,  this  is  generally  only  done  for  extended  payment  terms  beyond  12  months.    

Future  value   Present  value  

Page 15: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Sale  of  goods  in  foreign  currency  

2.  a)  On  September  30,  20X0  the  company  sells  50,000  units  of  product  X  to  a  customer  in  the  USA  at  $10  each  i.e.  $500,000.  b)  It  records  this  transac,on  in  €  at  the  exchange  rate  at  the  ,me  of  the  transac,on  i.e.  1.2  or  €416,666.67.  c)  At  year  end,  December  31,  the  balance  is  s,ll  outstanding  therefore  the  company  restates  the  liability  at  the  year  end  rate  i.e.  1.3  or  €384,615.38.  d)  The  loss  of  €32,051.28  is  debited  to  the  income  statement.  

Accounts  receivable   Sales  416.666,67   32.051,38   416,666.67  


Exchange  Differences  (I/S)  32.051,38  

   $   €  

Sept  30   500.000,00   1,20   416.666,67  Dec  31   500.000,00   1,30   384.615,38  


A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   15  

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•  Cash  discounts  •  Returns  •  Doubhul  accounts  

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Page 18: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Cash  discounts  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   18  

Either   Or  

Sale  for  €50,000  due  in  30  days  but  with  2%  discount  for  payment  within  15  days  

Record  with  the  discount               Record  without  discount                              

Accounts  receivable   Sales   Accounts  receivable   Sales  49.000   49.000       49.000   50.000   50.000       50.000  


Cash       Cash      49.000       50.000      

                                               If  then  customer  pays  aGer  15  days       If  customer  pays  within  15  days                      

Accounts  receivable   Sales   Accounts  receivable   Sales  49.000   49.000       49.000   50.000   50.000   1.000   50.000  


Cash   Financial  revenue   Cash      50.000       1.000   49.000      


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A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   19  

Normally  returns  should  be  es,mated  at  the  ,me  of  sale  if  the  company  has  a  history  of  accep,ng  returns.    Depending  on  the  reason  for  the  returns,  and  the  condi,on  of  the  returned  products,  the  item  should  returned  to  inventory  and  valued  at  the  lower  of  cost  and  net  realizable  value.  

Accounts  receivable   Sales  50.000   10.000   10.000   50.000  


Inventory   COGS  6.000   30.000   30.000   6.000  


Assume  a  company  makes  a  credit  sale  for  €50,000  of  goods  with  a  cost  of  30,000.    The  company  then  agrees  to  accept  the  return  of  goods  which  it  sold  for  €10,000  

Page 20: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Allowance  for  doubhul  accounts  receivable  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   20  

Doubhul  accounts  Novar,s   $m   $m  

2012   2011  

Not  overdue   8.584   8.967  Past  due  for  not  more  than  one  month   552   498  Past  due  for  more  than  one  month  but  less  than  three  months   321   295  Past  due  for  more  than  three  months  but  less  than  six  months   301   249  Past  due  for  more  than  six  months  but  less  than  one  year   205   228  Past  due  for  more  than  one  year   305   305  Provisions  for  doubhul  trade  receivables   -­‐217   -­‐219  

10.051   10.323  

Es,mates  of  the  required  allowance  is  normally  based  on  an  ageing  of  trade  accounts  receivable  and  taking  into  account  any  credit  insurance  that  the  company  might  have.  The  company  may  calculate  a  specific  and/or  generic  allowance.    

Page 21: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Allowance  example  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   21  

Accounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0 0,7Accounts receivable, gross 61,0 73,2 59,2 78,0 -17,0Depreciation on credits -7,4 -7,0 -3,7 -3,6 -3,8Reserves for returns -8,3 -5,8 -6,8 -6,6 -1,7Accounts receivable, net 45,3 60,4 48,7 67,8 -22,5

Q2 FY13€M

Q1 FY13 Q4 FY12 Q3 FY13 vs Q4

Q3 FY13

€/000 % €/000 % €/000 % €/000 %Generic provision 564 12% 544 12% 515 27% 835 44%Specific provision 4 085 88% 3 993 88% 1 416 73% 1 065 56%Subtotal 4 649 100% 4 537 100% 1 931 100% 1 900 100%BDR warranty LRD Guess Italy 2 801 2 442 1 726 1 691 Depreciation on credits 7 450 6 979 3 657 3 591 Coverage on not secured AR (not considering BDR warranty) 18,6% 14,7% 7,2% 6,4%

Q2 FY13 Q1 FY13 Q4 FY12Q3 FY13

Page 22: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Allowance  example  cont’d  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   22  

€/000Total At risk % on

total at risk

Total At risk % on total at


Total At risk % on total at

riskCurrent 42 725 17 096 69% 62 306 24 932 81% 68 422 25 829 85%1-30 6 996 1 906 8% 5 171 2 498 8% 2 957 644 2%31-60 3 235 1 301 5% 554 183 1% 894 418 1%61-90 902 - 0% 1 444 762 2% 680 212 1%91-180 3 632 2 305 9% 1 960 791 3% 2 777 947 3%181-360 1 997 998 4% 1 437 688 2% 2 466 1 178 4%Over 1 year 2 808 1 113 5% 2 578 1 004 3% 1 810 1 005 3%Total 62 295 24 718 100% 75 451 30 858 100% 80 006 30 233 100%

Q3 FY13 Q2 FY13 Q4 FY12

€M % €M % €M % €M %Insured 28,5 46% 35,4 47% 25,4 42% 38,3 48%Letters of credit 0,5 1% 0,7 1% 1,1 2% 5,5 7%Bank guarantees 8,3 13% 8,5 11% 7,1 12% 6,6 8%Total secured 37,4 60% 44,6 59% 33,6 56% 50,4 63%Unsecured 24,9 40% 30,9 41% 26,7 44% 29,6 37%Total 62,3 100% 75,5 100% 60,3 100% 80,0 100%

Q2 FY13 Q1 FY13 Q4 FY12Q3 FY13

Page 23: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Accoun,ng  for  bad  debts  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   23  

Step  1     Step  2  Record  the  es,mated  provision  for  doubhul  accounts   Write-­‐off  bad-­‐debts  against  the  provision  when  certain  

Accounts  receivablle  Allowance  for  doubhul  

accounts   Accounts  receivablle  Allowance  for  doubhul  

accounts  50000       2500   50000   2500   2500   2500  


Sales   Bad  debt  expense       50000     2500                                  

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A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   24  

Page 25: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Factoring  and  sale  of  receivables  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   25  

Should  cash  received  for  a  transfer  or  sale  of  an  asset  be  recognized  as  a  sale  or  a  liability?    The  de-­‐recogni,on  rules  of  IAS  39  (IFRS  9)  are  based  on  the  premise  that  if  a  transfer  of  an  asset  leaves  the  transferor’s  economic  exposure  to  the  transferred  asset  much  as  if  the  transfer  had  never  taken  place,  the  financial  statements  should  represent  that  the  transferor  s,ll  holds  the  asset.  

Page 26: Session11’ Accounts’Receivable’ Session 11.pdfAccounts receivable, gross 62,3 75,4 60,3 80,0 -17,7 Reserves for mark-down -1,3 -2,2 -1,1 -2,0

Derecogni,on  flow  chart  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   26  

Consolidate  all  subsidiaries  

Determine  whether  the  de-­‐recogni,on  principles  below  are  applied  to  a  part  or  all  of  an  asset  or  

group  of  similar  assets  

Have  the  rights  to  the  cash  flows  from  the  asset  expired?  

Has  the  en,ty  transferred  its  rights  to  receive  the  cash  flows  from  the  assets?  

Has  the  en,ty  assumed  an  obliga,on  to  pay  the  cash  flows  from  the  asset  that  meets  the  condi,ons  

in  para  3.2.5?  

Has  the  en,ty  transferred  substan,ally  all  the  risk  and  rewards?  

Has  the  en,ty  retained  substan,ally  all  risks  and  rewards?  

Has  the  en,ty  retained  control  of  the  asset?  

Con,nue  to  recognize  the  asset  to  the  extent  of  the  en,ty’s  con,nuing  involvement.  

Derecognize  the  asset  

Con,nue  to  recognize  the  asset  

Derecognize  the  asset  

Derecognize  the  asset  

Con,nue  to  recognize  the  asset  













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With  recourse  •  The  factor  acquires  the  

trade  accounts  receivable  but  the  company  is  liable  for  any  credit  losses  and  must  reimburse  the  factor  for  these.  

•  Trade  receivables  should  not  be  derecognized  and  the  proceeds  should  be  considered  as  a  liability  or  loan.  

Without  recourse  •  The  factor  acquires  the  

trade  accounts  receivable  and  assumes  all  the  collec,on  risk.  

•  Trade  accounts  receivable  are  derecognized  and  the  proceeds  are  considered  as  cash.  

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Factoring:  pass-­‐through  test  

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Customer   Company   Factor  

Sales/Accounts  Receivables  

Accounts  Receivables  sold  to  factor  

Factor  provides  cash  to  company  

If  the  company  retains  the  contractual  right  to  receive  cash  from  the  customer  and  assumes  a  legal  obliga,on  to  pay  this  to  

the  factor*  Normally  the  customer  pays  the    factor  directly      

*  All  the  following  condi,ons  must  be  met:  a).  The  en,ty  has  no  obliga,on  to  pay  amounts  to  the  factor  unless  it  collects  equivalent  amounts  from  the  customer  b).  The  en,ty  is  prohibited  by  the  terms  of  the  transfer  contract  from  selling  or  pledging    the    receivables  c).  The  en,ty  has  an  obliga,on  to  remit  any  cash  flows  it  collects  on  behalf  of  the  factor  without  material  delay.  The  en,ty  is  not  allowed  to  reinvest  such  cash  flows  except  in  cash  or  cash  equivalents.  

Cap,ve  factor  

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Credit  Risk  Disclosures  

QualitaMve  disclosures  a)  The  exposures  and  how  they  arise  b)  Its  objec,ves,  policies  and  processes  for  managing  risk  and  the  methods  used  to  measure  the  risk;  and  c)  Any  changes  in  (a)  or  (b)  from  the  previous  period  

QuantaMve  disclosures  •  Concentra,on  of  credit  risk  •  Maximum  exposure  to  

credit  risk  •  Analysis  of  the  age  of  

financial  assets  that  are  past  due  but  not  impaired  

•  Financial  assets  individually  determined  to  be  impaired  

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Overview  of  Session  12  

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•  Provisions,  con,ngent  liabili,es  and  con,ngent  assets  – Liabili,es  – Provisions  – Con,ngent  liabili,es  

•  Restructuring  provisions  •  Onerous  contracts    •  Con,ngent  assets  

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Session  12  Pre-­‐work  

•  Reading  – Wiley  Financial  Repor,ng  Under  IFRS  a  Topic  Based  Approach:  •  Chapter  4  –  Non-­‐financial  liabili,es  

–  IASB  Statements  •  IAS  37  Provisions,  Con,ngent  liabili,es  and  con,ngent  assets.  

•  Research  –  Iden,fy  the  disclosures  in  your  chosen  company  in  respect  of  con,ngent  assets  and  liabili,es.  Be  prepared  to  illustrate  these  to  the  next  class  

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Summary  of  Session  11  

A  86045  Accoun,ng  and  Financial  Repor,ng   36  

•  Accounts  receivable  –  Discoun,ng  –  Foreign  currencies  

•  Valua,on/allowances  –  Financial  discounts  –  Returns  –  Bad  debts  

•  Factoring/sale  of  receivables  (with/without  recourse)  •  Credit  Risk  Disclosures  •  Another  exercise  (    if  ,me  allows)  

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Session  11  Valida,on  

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•  What  are  the  accoun,ng  entries  for  product  returns  (B/S  and  I/S)?  

•  How  do  you  calculate  the  allowance  for  doubhul  accounts  receivable?  

•  What  exchange  rate  is  used  to  value  accounts  receivable  at  year  end?  

•  If  payment  terms  are  greater  than  twelve  months  what  should  the  seller  do?  

•  What  are  the  two  different  types  of  factoring  arrangement  and  what  is  the  difference?