session 2 - wsam - final 2013

Productivity and work study

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Productivity and work study

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• The management of an enterprise is responsible for seeking the best possible way to achieve the highest productivity .

• For higher productivity , Management acts to influence either one or both of the two factors , the output ( i.e. products and services ) or the input ( i.e the five resources at its disposal ) .

• Thus management may be able to produce a larger quantity of , and/or better quality or higher –value , products or services with the same input , or it may achieve a better result by changing the nature of the input such as investing in advanced technology , information systems and computers or by using an alternative source of raw material or energy .

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• In order to fulfill its requirement of improving productivity , the management usually seeks the services of specialists . The most widely called upon is the work study practitioner who in turn are industrial engineers.

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• The principal objective of work study is to increase productivity and lower unit cost , thus allowing more goods and/or services to be produced for more people .

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Work study

• Work study as defined by British standards institute is a generic term for those techniques particularly “method study” and “work measurement” which are used in the examination of human work in all its contexts and which leads systematically to the investigation of all the factors which affect the efficiency of the situation being reviewed , in order to seek improvements .

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• Work study aims at examining the way an activity is being carried out , simplifying or modifying the method of operation to reduce unnecessary or excess work , or the wasteful use of resources and setting up a time standard for performing that activity .

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• If work study results in cutting down the time of performing a certain activity by 20 % , merely as a result of rearranging the sequence or simplifying the method of operation and without additional expenditure , then productivity will go up by a corresponding value , that is 20% .

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• To understand how work study acts to cut down the costs and reduce the time of a certain activity , it is necessary to examine more closely what that time consists of .

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How the total time of a job is made up

Total time of operation under

existing condition

Basic work content

Total ineffective time

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• The basic work content of the product or operation .The work content means , the amount of work contained in

a given product or a process measured in work hours or machine hours .

• A work hour is the labour of one person for one hour .• A machine hour is the running of a machine or piece of

plant for one hour . • The basic work content is the irreducible minimum

time theoretically required to produce one unit of output .

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Basic work content of product and/or operation Total ineffective time / excess work content

Total time of operation under existing conditions




Work content added by poor product design or materials utilization

Work content added by inefficient methods of manufacture or operation

Ineffective time resulting from human resources contribution

What operational time is made of ……..

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• Work content added by poor design or specification of product or its parts or improper utilization of materials .

Poor design and frequent design changes Product development reduces work content due to poor

design . Waste of materials Proper materials utilization reduces and utilizes waste . Incorrect quality standards Quality control ensures proper standards and inspection

methods .

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• Work content added by inefficient methods of manufacture or operation

Poor layout or utilization of space Better layout and process planning reduces unnecessary

movements . Inadequate materials handling Materials handling adapted to activity reduces time and

efforts . Frequent stoppages as production changes from one

product to another . Production planning and control reduces ineffective

time .

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Ineffective methods of work . Methods study of an activity reduces the work content

due to poor methods of work . Poor planning of inventory . Inventory control defines appropriate & most economical

inventory levels . Frequent breakdown of machines and equipment . Preventive maintenance to ensure longer life and

continuous run of machines and equipment .

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• Work content resulting mainly from the contribution of human resources .

Absenteeism and lateness Proper management and personnel policy can create a

satisfying working environment . Poor workmanship Training can develop appropriate skills . Accidents and occupational hazards Better working conditions improves morale and reduces

absenteeism .

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Conclusion • None of the methods discussed above can be applied in

isolation . Each one has an effect and is affected by others .