service ecosystem: empowering textile artisans' communities towards a sustainable future

SERVICE ECOSYSTEM: empowering textile artisans’communities towards a sustainable future Loughborough Design School | AHRC Design Star supervisors: Dr MC Escobar-Tello, Dr VA Mitchell Nordes ‘15 Francesco Mazzarella, PhD researcher

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Page 1: Service Ecosystem: Empowering Textile Artisans' Communities Towards a Sustainable Future

SERVICE ECOSYSTEM:empowering textileartisans’communitiestowards a sustainablefuture

Loughborough Design School | AHRC Design Starsupervisors: Dr MC Escobar-Tello, Dr VA Mitchell Nordes ‘15

Francesco Mazzarella, PhD researcher

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research background anthropocentrism & beyond sustainability challenges towards holistic sustainability service design conclusions

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research background

the global crisis is leading to theend of a linear economy, whilesetting the ground for redistributedmicroproductions, based on new ethics of sustainability

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the craft discourse is mainlybased on individual makingpractices, overlooking theirhuman and social dimension

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it is missing a strategicagenda, which could createsustainable interconnectionswithin this pacthy landscape

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the aim is to explore how servicedesign can strategically drivetextile artisans’ communitiestowards a sustainable future

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textile artisanship is the human-centred economic activity of givingform and meaning to local fibres,by hands or directly controllingmechanised and digital tools,and managing the apparel making

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by handsmachinerydigital tools

qualityskilled control

personal identitymaterial culture

local fibres:vegetableanimaldiscarded


small scalelocaliseddiversifiedflexible

tool making

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utilitarianculturally meaningful


large availability of fibresgreat employmentwide applicationsrising consumer trends


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textile artisans’ communitiesare bottom-up aggregations,embodying the craft atmosphereof a territory, due to physicalproximity and shared materialcultural background

& beyond

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delocalisation of manufacturing dwindling of natural fibres water and carbon footprints increasing purchase of clothes

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fast fashion(quick, high quantity, low quality and price)

=fast landfill

(producers, heritage, environment are no taken into account)

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artisans are living a precariouscondition, experiencing agenerational divide andthreatening of traditional crafts

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due to ine�ective top-downpolicies, some artisans arejoining an informal economy,and are even more endangeredin the developing world

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designers can potentiallyreduce environmental impactsby 80%, through... synergies designers & artisans long-term visions hard & soft design decisions

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textile artisans’ communitiescan contribute to sustainabledevelopment as they...preserve cultural heritage provide social engagement

boost creative economy enhance resource stewardship

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environmental sustainability

local natural fibres no chemical dyestu� dematerialisation design for disassembly design for disposal rich environmental info traceability & transparency cradle2cradle

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economic sustainability

micro-economies sustainable business models target market niches relocalise production glocal markets (tourism)

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social sustainability

happiness & wellbeing profitability & social capital entrepreneurship grassroots innovation enabling ecosystem sharing (time, space, relations)

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cultural sustainability

cultural heritage & diversity environmental education collaborative consumption (services for mending, sharing, leasing, collecting, reselling, upcycling)

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micro-transformations(good design of sustainable products/processes/services

addressing people’s needs within local systems)

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service design can facilitatethis holistic process:

1. artisans’ communities2. collaborative services3. enabling ecosystem

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di�erent stakeholdersacknowledge multiple







interaction withparticipants influences

the researchqualitative and flexibleprocess of in situdata collection

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participatory action research

reflectset a strategic agendafor driving TAC towarda sustainable future




y st



planselect TACto involvein co-design

2A 2C

to co-designcollaborativeservices forsustainable


planmap textileartisanallandscape


planbuildinterconnectionsamong TAC

reflectsynthesize servicedesign processinto a theoreticalframework

3A 3C



to developan enablingecosystem ofsustainable


act & observeexplore sustainablefuture scenariosfor TAC


act & observe


act & observedevelop anenabling ecosystemof services


PS: TAC: Textile Artisans’ Communities

to developtheoretical

framework ofsustainablefuture for



n s



reflectevaluate whereasservice designhas met thetheoretical framework

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an enabling ecosystem (withautopoietic interrelations amongartisans, designers, communities,policy makers) will boost sustainablecommunities, with stronger senseof belonging and social responsibility

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questions ?

[email protected] francesco.mazzarella10

Francesco Mazzarella