sermon - there is a way that seemeth right unto a man

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Prov. 16.25 - There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. If you ever spent an good deal of time with us, you would realize that, in many ways Lois and I are so very different. One of the differences in the concept of "the right way". To her, finding the right way and following it is a comfort. It ensures that it was done correctly. Me, I search for the way that works best for me. I often do not feel the effort to determine the right way gives me enough benefit to seek it out or even follow it. I personally feel justified in my haphazardness, after all it has served me well for over 40 years...but there are times is regret it. There are times when there is, for the most part only one way to do assembling items. While there may be some variation allowed, to be hapazard in assembling complicated stuff is a recipe for disaster. So much so that when it comes time to assemble many items...I get Lois. While I might think I know the right way, often with things like this, I am oh so woefully lacking. Here the Psalmist talks about a way....a path. One that men trod blindly to their own detriment. While there is some amount to truth in taking this literally, after all sometimes a wrong turn at an intersection meant the difference between life and death, the author is speaking of how a person leads their life. People like Robert Frost "TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both...." has used this metaphor in modern times so it should not be a stranger to us. What this verse is NOT about is that somebody chooses a direction and calamity randomly strikes. He is not writing about a man taking a job and moving to another city only to have a sleeping semi-driver take him out of this world. Rather, this is about a calamity striking as a direct result of his actions. A person who willing takes a path expecting good results but that very path was doomed from the start. No matter how certain the success seemed it always winds up in ruin. What make this so sobering is that the path traveler didn't see it coming until later and by then it was too late. That while walking down the path he felt safe in the very decision that would end up being his undoing. So, what are some reasons people would be going down a wrong path? 1. An error of logic. Tell the story of Thymus. 2. The error of feelings to determine how we run our lives. 3. The error of hubris or pride we are able to deduce on our own.... A. Star Trek B. Modernism - Philosophical Ethical Constructs C. Limits to our mind i. Examples of the cells - we are may be reaching a point iii. The has been no satisfactory a-theistic solution for man. D. Limits to our senses. ??? 1. Blind 2. Relativistic error - 1000mph rotation at equator, 67,000 mph around sun

So, what is the solution? God has not left us alone to our own devices. From the begining there has been knowledge, priests, prophets and scriptures giving us a path for us to follow. Over and over in the Bible we read of God's pleading for His people, and those who love him to take the wise path and warns them against taking the wrong path. Over and over we are given example upon example of those who foolishly walk their own way. It can seem like the Old Testament focuses more on "the way" as being more of an impersonal direction to live life; series of rules and guidelines to avoid destruction in this life. It is through Jesus Christ the we come to realize that "THE WAY" is path to not only avoid destruction but is a path to spiritual fulfillment in both this life and the life hereafter.

Jesus Christ....I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE

So, what are qualifies him? 1.While he was of us, he is/was outside of us....he overcomes the relativistic problem.... 2. He has seen "the end"....everybody else is guessing how to get there. "In my father's house are many mansions...if it were not so, I would have told you." 3. His way, at least as far as here on earth, has been proven out by millions and millions of Christians. 4. His way takes us outside of ourselves. 5. He has no limits to knowledge. 6. He is perfect in His understanding. Rich MullinsAnd everyone I know wants to go there too But when I ask them how to do it they seem so confused Do I turn to the left? Do I turn to the right? When I turn to the world they gave me this advice They said boy you just follow your heart But my heart just led me into my chest They said follow your nose But the direction changed every time I went and turned my headLyrics

And they said boy you just follow your dreams But my dreams were only misty notions But the Father of hearts and the Maker of noses And the Giver of dreams He's the one I have chosen And I will follow Him