seriesvol springfield ii rr ounpof isister jtil...

f I t TI Ii ii t I i J r lIok 1 J U t NEW8L APH I- JtIL A t I > > New SeriesVol XL No 5 SPRINGFIELD WASHINGTON COUNTS KENTUCKY FEBRLJARY II 1904 ij A YEAB t f t j S SBTIronipsonJrjCoUNDERTAKERS J AND EMBALMERS arIty in stock all kinds of Funera Buripliep PHONE 53 OUR DIRECTORY pRINQFIELDi county seat of VK shingtbn County 52 mijles sduth east ot ixingtou 59 mijes from Lo lisyilte oa Bacdstown branch ol I o liiville and Nashville railroad in a t arming and agricultural district TV o Banks telegraph and telephone Hn s express office flour niillsJumber ya As Popcatioti 1100 population of eoi nty 150001 leprescntative in Congress HoriD f Smith Hodgenyille Ky j i epresentative in Kentucky Legis la ure Hon W D Claybrooke teprescntative in State Senate Hon H try Lancaster Lebanon Ky JCounty Directory CIRCUT COURT ircutt Court begins on the fourtk MJmday in February Mayan Octo bot V a E Pattescn Judge J L Durham Commonwealth At I tTney M Campbell Clerk 4JE VG Ieachma faster Commiss Ioer QUARTERLY COURTs uarferly Court iis i held on the thi dJ ndayin each montht t LV Litsey Judget t I COUNTY COURT Cuurt meets on the fourth 4County onday in cchmotith > BL Litsey Judge WF Booker County Clerk- S I T Mayes County Attorneyf George Catlett Jailer Byron Croake Sheriff v < Richard Ishamv t t Sidney Osborne RH Mullican Depu lea i Masters Ed James F Moore County Surveyor Jjl Royalty Assessor T P OBryan DeputyC Robert Noe Treasurer t r J M Montgomery Coroner 3sw Bush Supt of Common i tfoboo1B I 0 Springfield i CITY COURT 7tJa es RNoe Police Judge Jo ha GM s Mirsa xl o WvF Grigsby City Attorney J JUSTICE COURT j Justice Eourts are hrfd in January t April July andOctobei i t > Church Directory BAPTIST CHURCH Rev S J Cannon Pastor Ser Aices every Sunday at II am and 700 t pm Sunday School at 900 Prayer Meeting ori Wednesday night at 700 r T METHODIST CHURCH Rev J Dl Ward Pastor Services on the First andThird SuudaV8 In each t mouth at 11 a m and 730 pm Sun day School every Sunday at 10 am Prayer meeting v Wednesday night j 4 CATHOLJC CHURCH Rev PF H nesS av Pastor Ser vices every Sunday at 8 and 10 oclock I fam Scrvices at StRose same hours j = < CHRISTIAN CHURCH oi Refr Felix Pastor Service Jiecox3d and fourth Sunday in each moijth PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J t Rev T D Latimer Pastor Pre lobln5f every Sunday at 11 am hind nt1pmrSunday school every unflay at 10 nm Prayer meetIng itevov Thursday evening at 7 oclock 1 J d Fraternal Ordeas LCICL E1ringfcii oige No Si meets seecnd Mouday io each inonth VashinJo a R O Chapter No 57I Tnsiaa every third Monday Springfield Council flo52 meets on even tourth Monday KNipHisIof THEMACABEKS Meet fnt Vluictttv incacbnron IeI J r L t AMERICAN ir 1 I I SILVER I ml e f TRUSS m j g IIlOW I II I I I I tl iuiskt 1 I = pLJ 41tby C J HaythJ r WW e H Otf tf fii 1 rr i A OUNpOf TALK 4 I l a c44 MM I In f he Clufches Oh rosy side of life return And greQt uwifh a smile For now Ibekiqkj of discontent Are us for a while Oar household noises do not sound Like lute or Angelas jpTb By dtj we nuiec the cornered hump By night we snOrt and cough i Si hoping that the following aWill But oh the goading llttleimps Are sure to set usbaclr And day by day and n ghtb night They hold us tb the rack 4 And solemnly the doctpr notes j r The working of the bugs And wisely the prescription writes AmToff we go for drugs Mid boxes hero acdnmnlatc And bottles by the score On which the parasites regale As Iqstly as before Whcnefybu hail your fellowman Who grapples with the grip Waste not on his devoted Head Yurjovja fellowship And shotfjd some sudden look declare Hu reason aJl astray nightmaresThat o IMPROVE They say that Z the management of the Springfield Water Electric Light Lo contemplates puttirpf in some improvements this spring which will add greatly to the alue of the plant and tho com fart arid convenience of the pd roos A serious drawback t- Dtbeuse of the tater from the companys hydrants ring the summer months las heretofore been the bad odor which it possesses rendering it unfit fit almost for use except for sprinkling purposes This defect itJe company purposes to remedy his S ear if possible by putting in a filtration an aeration plant at the reservoir by hicbJis expected to put the water in a condition of purity which will make it available for any use This contemplated improvement one wtfich in justice to the campa13Y1itsel possible would certainly prove aprofilable rie Many citizens of the town have refused to use thejwater luring the summer months on he grounds that it was full of Impurities and consequently un iiealthful for general use l < I i > IG CONTESTThentest O over the honorable position of Justice or the Peace fOr the i11h burg Norh- Magisterial Sistrict of Washington county promises to rival in importance the famous Go bel Taylor con test for the Governship of fen ucky although We trust tho re suits there trom will not be so disastrous At the last election Nimrod Hendren the Republican beat his rival candidate R6bert Riley Democrat 19 votes On the face of the returns at the two precinctS Willisburg arid North At the former place Hen rens majority wasi 25 while Riley re ¬ ceived at North precinct six votes more than his opponent After the election was all over Ri ey through his attorneys files suit in which he seeks to throw out entirely tbe vote of liVillis burgon the technical grounds that votes were cast at that polls after the time required by law for the closing thereof Foi i several weeks the taking of proof by deposition has been goingon and half the votersjmore or less in t thatehdof the county have been caljed on to testify in the case The cost of the contest will doubtless amount to severalJ hundred dollars or more than the office is worth should one have it for an average office holders hi9tirne 4 CLAssThere is still BiFTti deal of interest ex¬ pressed over the classification of the town of Springfield and those who have become espec ialjy i interested in the matter are awaiting more or less impatient lY the action of the Legislature in the matter Representative Clay brooke introduced the nec essary bill to have the twnput into the fifth class several days lago bat in the slow grind iri such Legislative matters action I A on it may be deferred until it i fiyaIlslot is in tne ayalanch of measures which cccurs at the close of the session t A protest from a good many citizens of ihe town taawbaare satisfied to have matters stand as they are has been sent up and it may pos sibly have some effect on the ac tion The friends of the fifth clas movement it is safd have enlisted the aid of State St nator Lancaster in the inaUer but with what result remains to be seC1lt jw E LNEW1The high prices g and good demand for mules are making tbd owners for those ungraceful but useful beasts of burden feel ll i iri good spirits and many are taking advantage of the market to let go some of their stock at good prices Traders bd a few upto date farmers understand the causes of higher prices for mules whicn t are enumerated as beinsjthe high t price jif cotton the Panama canal building and the prospect t of war ini Europe The upto date farmer and the wiley pro fessional stock buyer are nat bys any means however the only f people who keep posted as one of their dumber discovered one day recently while looking for a good tbig in a mule trade on- o tie strWis of Springfield A oiiop ovejrgrown chip Qrm one of the Jack deestricts of the Thcounty with a rojpe in hand to one end of which was attached one of those longeared quadrupeds now under dissussion The would be purchaser approached the owner and asked the priceof his property The animal was only abutthree feet tall and didnt look as if it could mOvea wheel borrow load of dirt on t flown hill pull but it was a mule t just the ame I want sevcntY fj five dollars for this here mule l said the owner confidently The t trader remarked something1 about being ableto buy about three such animals for that amount and was about to giveS our ruraf friend the laugh but the young fellow was indead hard earnest Thats allrightbe said you fellers think youre t smart but theres olliei people what know a few things Dot f I know that they air goin to build that there Panamer canal and that mules is gain upaY- a I he shook the rope andstartejpoKt with his treasure He wasnt to be ooed He knew l DO It TODAY The timeworn i in j ju n c t i ion NeAer put pff till tomorrow l what you cain lo todayis now generally presented in this form Do it today That is the l terse adviccwe want to give you but that hacking cough or de moralizing cold with which you have been struggling for severall days perhaps wpeks Take some l reliable remedy for it TODAY i and let that remedy be Dr Bas chees GermariSyrup which has been in use for over thirtyfive years A few doses of it will undoubtedly relieve your cough or cold arid its continued use for a few days will cure you corn pletely No matter how deepi i seated your cough even if dread consumption has attacked your rungs German Syrup will surely effect a cureas it has done be¬ t fore in thousands of apparently hopeless cues of lung trouble New trial bottles 25c regular size 75c At 0 J HaydouS drugstore Menu One Minute One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute becaasec it kills the mi crobe which tickles the raucous mem brane causing the cough aud and at jlhe same time clears the phlegm draws out the inflamation and heals and soothes the affected parts One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs yards of pneumonia and is aharmlesa and never falling cure In all curable cases of Coughs Colds and Croup One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take harmless and good alike for young nndoJd Sold by C J Haydon Wlrat Arc They Ohamberlain4KStbmch and Live Tablets A new ramedyfor stomach troubles billiousness and constipa tion and a good one Price 25 cents For aile at C J Huydond drug storeI ISister Josephine The Courier Journal one day last week contained a sketch of t the life of Sister Josephine ai account of whose death was pub lished in our last issue Among other things the article says Sister Josephine had been an iqvalid for thirty years but i in spite of her physicalf condition had never been idle She had been at theSt Catherine Acade my seven years buying been ransferrodto that convent from St Agnes convent in Memphis where she spent many 3 cars cf her life and where she became known as a woman of brilliant intellect possessed of a keen phiiosoplji and literary mind During liar life in St Agnes convent she contributed many articles to Catholic publications They were widely read and com mented on by the Catholic people The writer of these brilliant liter ary contributions was never generally kriown Sister Jose phine choosing to keep herself inI background She was always retired and reticent especially as to her life prior to assuming the veil of a nun but had talked to some of her iutimata frieuds at St Catherine Academy about her early life before coming to America and from these con versations if was learned that he was the daughter of an En glish nobleman said tor have beenI Lord Beck The story was that after Sister Josephine the first child was born her mother be came a Catholic against the will f her husband and that when she refused to renounce her new faith at his demandhe disowned er Mother and daughter d sought refuge in America and i were first heard of in ColullibuSiI 0 while Sister Josephine was still a young girl She entered St Marys Academy at thatl place and completedthe novitiate and after taking the veil soon began to wield an influence for good that distinguished her all through her life which for more hanlialf a century had beW f given to Christian work Her life had been closely allied with the history and progress of the Dominican orfcr in America since he joined it in her rlyI girlhood GOO X SPIRITS i Gbodspirits ant alfcome fromj Kentucky Their main source is the liceranall the fine spirits ever made in the Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad livor or the huhdridandono ill effects it produces You cant have good spirits aridd bad liverI t the same time Your liver must be in fine condition it you would feel buoyant happy and hopeful bright of eye light of step vigorous and successful your pursuits You can put yourJ liverin fine condition by using Greens August Flower rt n gI greatest of all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indigestion It has been a favorite l liousenold remedy for over thirty tire years August Flower will male your liver healthy apd active and thus insure you a liberal supply of good spirits Trial size 25c regular bottles 75c At C JI Hay dons drugstore Anotht r Casc of Rheumatism Cu red by Chamberlains Pain Halm The efficacy of Chamberlains pain Balm in the relief of rheumatism is is being demonstrated daily Parker Triplett of Grigsby Va says that Chamberlains Pain Balni gave himI lullthe and he would not be se by C J Haydon Public Sale Having sold my farm i 1 wi 1on the premises one mile and a half from Sprmgfied on Tuesday February 16 1904 beginning at 1pIn1 sell the following person al property Three Yearling tylules two Yearling Steers four Heifers three Calves three nico Brood Sows two Milk Cows one stack of Hay Binder Mower Rake and a lot of other Farming Implements TERMSAll sums 10 and over 12 months time with interest from date ne gotiable and payable at First National Bank Sums under i cash 4 SIDNEY GREEN Ccl Tt E Whayne Auctioneer S VRUP WR CAUDWECTS PEPSI N CURES INDIOC TIQN BAD STORM Sweeps over Washington and Mercer Counties Sunday l2bt A small siz d tornado arouseq Itbe sleeping inhabitants of th I Itown and fame porticns of the county here Sunday night an4 although no great amount ar t damage was done in this imme warquit part of Vththington and in Moij ij cr couny Tie tobacco burp on Mr Taylor Spaldfngs fartii about two miles north of Spring field was blown down and trees fencing andvhay Stacks suffered The cyclone proper started at Cornisnville which i is about 2b miles north of here and contin ued on its destructive coursed i iti an easterly direction passing over to Harrodsburg and on dtii to Burgin At Cornishville th Christian church was blown down and completely torn to pieces The large covered bridge which spans Salt river i at that point was lifted from ita resting place and carried some distance Seven other houses at J Cornish ville were blown down and torn to fragments It is said that hardly a fence in that 7sec 9tion In the course of the stofm l from that place to Harrodsburg j ba t roofed and many of them tOrn I 1otnpIetely of Wes Cardwell a large tobacco barn which was full of farm ma t chinery was twisted into kindling si wood and most of the machinery fiemolished ings in Harrodsburg wereunC roofed R ports from Bur iu say that many houses and arnsin tt section were removed from their a fourdatipiis During the storm lightning struck the stock barn I of Scott McClare near UOeJ J Pill andl it was entirely destroy ed together with several head of E horsEs andmules rI I t A Core For Eczema My baby had Eczemaso bad that itsd head was a solid mass of scabs and hair all came out I tried many reme ¬ l dies but nane seznedto doanyjperma mint goodut til f used DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve The Eczema is cured the scabs are gone and toe little ones SjCalp is perfectly clean and healthy and its Piis is grm ipff beautifully alain I cannot givctod much praise to DeWiltrs With Hazel fealve Frank Farmer Bluff City Ky In buying Witch Hazel Salve look ont tor count erfeits DeWitts Js the orignal and the only one containing sure Witch Hazel The name R C DaWitt Co Is on eyery box Sold by CJ Haydon i t Miirder and Robbery A pedal from Danville dated Feb 4 aystW B Rucker night telegraph operator and ticket agent at the Queen anil Crescent Depofi in this city was found dead on a telegraph table with a bullet hole in his head at 1120 oclock tonight by passenJ gers who had come to board the train for the Smith The ticket office drawer was broken open and all the money1 was missing Rocker had some change in his pocket and it is evident that the robbers paid po attention to his Valuables He was shot through the win- doviwhile lymg asleep on tbeI table This jis shown by a bullet hot through one of the window panes It is not known who shot Mr Rucker or how much money was secured froni the ticket office draper Ther i is evidently an organ AjJers Take cqld easily Throat tender Lungs weak Any relatives have consumption Then a cough means t great CherryPectoral deal to you Follow your doctors advice and take Ayers Cherry Pectoral It heals strengthens prevents tltFor years hie depended oaAyera Cnerrr Pectoral for coughs an1 colds know It rreatiyttremtthil lunji- MBS P A Mamsov S lne Hleh Se 5OcSitO J n 00 Alic1ro iufdr Lowell May Weak Lungs AysrPHS ncrs the ctlvltyf tM liver arel tsu sid recovery ized gang of robbers at work lire Within tae past week at CI tempts have bet nmade torob the tbejBayle pbstoffice Mr Rocker was about twenty fivc years of age He wasCiJar ned about a y dr ago td Miss Daisy Boyd oi DerrvvKy He came here from Paint Lick r Hae Yon Iiiii eston If jou havjp indigc lion Ko ol Dys ¬ pepsia Cure will ct re you It has cur ed thousands liii i curinp people ev erylayevtry ho f Y6u owe it tc ybfirsclf to iye i it a trial You Will co inne to suffer ur til yu tjo try it There is no other Combination of diI getantfl that dige t and rebuild at the sametiratf Kudol does both Kodol SoLdby Haydonf f ClimterlaWs s tomcChan dLiYcrlablelS UnepalleJ fgi Collst1poll1s Mr A R Kane prominent drug gist of Baxter Springs Kansas says Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets are in my judgement the mqst superior prep ration of anything in use today for c nstipation They re sure in action i nd with no tenden ¬ cy to nnu ate or g ripe For sale at 1Jm Haydona drdg toreD bf Big Jer ey Sale 25 Cows that produced 2414 6 in one year to be sold at publ f lie auction Feb 23 1904Hay l ing decided to quit the dairyc we will I sell on Tuesday Feb 23 1904 on pur premises lif miles north of Lebanon ICya on the Springfield pike our en iliie isting of 25milc h caws6 heift ers and 2 bulls Eyery cow i is ai i ne dairy type and the actual ash receipts or cream from thesecows for 1903 was 241496 we tt ink that cannot e beaten in Ke itucky This Is rare chance t buy fine cows W Tie bulls are worthy of being placed at the had of any herd Hazels Golden Exile 48532 i3a 62 iper cent dc uble l grandson of xile of St La bert 13657 who produced more t tested daughters than any bull living or dfde Nothing will b sold before the- o Terms made known on ay of sale Sale begins prompt ly attl oclock p m Capt T Dt English Actioneer l CRAWFORD BROS i La anon Ky r i i iR 0 Tills t a We offer One B undred Dollars Re ward for any C3S of Catarrh that can not be cared by b y HaWS Catarrh Cure c JI CHENEY CO Toleeo O We the tinders gned have known F J Cheiiev for the last 15 years ndbe- heve him perfectly honorable In alo business transacl ions and financially able to carry out any obligations inade by his firm AiDING KINNAN ARVlKf IWhol sal D uggiets Toledo 0 HaVls Catarrh Cure is taken fnteriis ally acting dirt My upon the bloed and mucous sur aces of the systemc TestimonlalBser t free Price 75 ctaII per bottle f3ptd by jail l druggists d liakeHallfsEamily1 rills for consti pation L Death t I fa Hercules George Sp ding who lived aiDregon duji l a few days ago He was posses sed of almost su- perhuman t stength and had many excent icities In his i prune he wi S considered the strongest ma44n the county and has been knosvtf to shoulder aj seven of salt and carry boat and bUSbelfarrel of whisky by the l it and take aI syfigoubpf the bunghole Al ¬ though he 1 ad been ferryman for about lift tyears and had al ways lived on theriver bank heI never learnea toswim and never went in bathing being very much afraid of the aqueous fluid So much did he Tear a watery grave that even when the river was frozen over to the thickness of twelve inchis he was > never known to walk across it saying that there w jre nd ralters undea it and h wciuld take no t frisk On two occasions i during his fifty years as ferrtyman he Jell aver board ja mid s ream and would go to the bottom and crawl on the bed of the river to the shore He was also very superstitious and believed in ghosts to such an extent that he often claimed to see heaflX688 men and women and would never leayfl his home at night and kepa1oaded mns ket within easy plftch in case these 1eadlf >i0SijkJts pursued himHarrodburHertlc1 The New Comt The bill creating he county of Beckham pased both CluseJast Friday a week ago 6ov Beck ham isT the ffifteenth Governr of Kentucky to bcr honorled i in the naming of the counties The l new county is to be forme from parts of thp countbs 6f Carter Elliott and Lewis lying along the northeastern borders of the State It has a territory of 4C8 square miles and a population of about 13000 people he largest portion of its territory Is to Jbe taken fromtne couuty cf Carter wbich qnder the census tjflQOO had population pf 2022B The new county draws about 1200 people from the county of Lewis and aboutGOO from thdcosQty of Elliott Politically the new cbun fy i is Republican but its forma ¬ ion makes the Countyof Carter always heretofore Republican Democratic Its countyc seat is Olive Hill which has a population of about 900 peop1ec and which before its formation was within the limits of Carter county though not the county seat The reasons for the for ation of the new county are setC forth in the law creating it in these wordst Inasmuch as thei i in people living in the territory J comprised b Beckham 111ive S seatsof their and counties are- ompelled ly to travel Jung t t4thusc and expensive journeys thereto is and as the expense of litigation nd other public duties and priv- eges ¬ is very heavy an emert tq ency does exist and therefore t d his act shall t take eflctand ber ljin proval by the Governor The Governor will appoint the new county officers whQ will serveA until the next regular1 elictiond 1iOOD i as 1ost r4Cures Grip Just Breath It Hyomei is natur J otO method for- urthg catarrhcolthughs and disttl ases of the resbiratoryi organs lf isb the dnly natural treatment fqcthecure f these troubles Breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit he air that passes into the throat add lully is identical with Jhal on theI i mountains where it is l 1ailen with heal ing and healthgiyini balsams It earches out and kills disease germs In the most remote and minute air t celts of the head throat and lungs it soothes and heals all irritation Qfthed mucous membrane Hyomei isprescribed by physicianss generally Many of them use i it them t selves to break up a cold and prevent I K pneumonia The complete Hyomei outfit consists i i a neat inhaler that is 8O smallandl l convenient that itcan be carried in the pocket or purse a tacdicipe drpI per and a bottle of Hyomei This costs but 31 and it will curej any ordinary aae of catarrh In coniciddeepe- ated conditions louger use is nec essary and extra bbtt s of Hyomei an be obtained for 50cj making it a p economical treatment lor this h V tWoud i confidence in the power of Hyomei to cure catarrh and other diseases of thei i throat and lungs that they sell it under their personal guarantee to refund the inone1toany purchaser i ih case it fails 1to the risk themselves anjt Hyomel costs m you absolutely nothing unless if does tJ you jjdbdL t t II DIstIIIqiAgIc Mr Geo Medley of Spring a field who severed his connection with th0 Matttngly Moor Did i i tillery Co at the expiration of the old year is now in partner I ship with Mr Meschendorf in the Bayiesff County Distillery of which thejatter was the I largest stockholder This firm does nott take p essionuntil September t t I wbeb probably they Will in- corporate i l under the old name The Pavess Couhty Distillery JDg Mr Medley is a cbnscien cious capabian4horough go jug business nan and under hst management the new concern j will be puslied forward vigor ously Nelson Record WANTEl SrzcxAL REPRESBNrWE ifl t3iisu coUntyand adjpinlng territorie to rep eabnt and advertise an old eMab cJIehe standing Salary 2I weekly llhII expeasejs paid each Monday by check e from Iheadquarters Erfiies ad vanced andIhoesfrnd bsgyi ii ed when necestsyryr fo ltiois perma nent 1 Address The ColiIai30 Mb1tOI Jjldfi CSicajco Ill >ll0t W I E l famaws sa t tof A JITJSAIIA1rEROEJJ > 11MoiI 1 L o j ft bWi fr TflV7Z ttarr4siic flici A very large ctowdmetftt the court house M9nday afternoon m the interest of the oldmMoned c01itryair and much enthusi detciJed l i Breck Bonta Glave God Jard1 sr Frank McGarvey Gloyer Kyl Jr and J G Pulliam became tie in corporators aria articles f in Icorpor I J Attorney W 1Alltnandjlacecj the hands ottbe c onntyclerk TJhecapiialstock isjtobc 15000 nd it is to bis 5pliat the af Le jof 10 per shai whjcb undoubted tv is within theireachtotJ5very itizen of Mercpi r cod itvr and it hoped that they will fom for wardi The stockhojdersj will meet orfSlturday Fruary 13i electofflcers aid a cli jtt9 1 ance is earnestIyreestha 41 a1y S obq hs been iubscrjW edrHarrodsbur Her ldj t i In E iv Biser srrohff liealtbyactive4onstkutin i largelypn tlIcidjtion of th- eveIiefainois little pHl known DeWitts Little JEarJf RlseVa not on cleanse the lyMem but they rengthen the action 2f thpiiv and the tissues supporting that qr gain ILfttffrF arly isTsrfar eksy <to act lbey nevcr gripe andet they ireJ absolutely certain to prodngs reanlts hat afesatisfactory Itf alfcasU Sold CJ Haydon if V 1roo fBScaDCd rJ n ilfTa1c Bt t Ur H HaggiDsoflMelbcurne Pis writes My doctor Jdma had Consumptioa and iiothibtf could bejdone fornnef T wii giv en up to die TbeofIer bfa free trial tiottle of pr Kfipg4 New Discpvery for pons4jmptpn f In uced me to try it Results were ing 1am tioontlu road torecDVdryaoeari tjo Dr < log Naw Disboery Itsurply saved ray life7 Thisgreat cureC Ruaranteea for gll throat andT lung diseases by d JHaycfou B s ruggist Piice 5 0 < 1O0 Trial Bodies t 1bI TkatIctrkladi I 1 The1 lotfatibnsupveyof tire pro > osed electric railways bstween ere mid 91umbiawis c mple Thursday of last week the A party reaching i her ithatj even ing Mr Azbltl hind Bisjassoci atesare welj tease3 with the M oute and Special efforts will be dErtsaxnplt the arrange entsto t build the roadTat an try date Theworlcwa under the direction bf engineers of tht ennis instruction CaofCtn ahtt they proncuaceit i most practical and ex aremely satisfactory route HerJs shop mtt that WQ5withb glnbefal againLebanon i r iJStmaus CiItnutnt Onewhpa1e aIeiflW z4d the other fresb aid fb1ffhuco ho diffrence5She who is bias V ogr with tieaitfesel Dr Kinxi Now LifePiMs to ma tiin iu By gentlaaonsIogtheIazy or gins They compilt goddisstiao i iind head off aooPtiRatMn Try them pnlj 2ct t Q L faY i ijrugl t tI Ji tr 1 tto WkSR YA JiriiiC +M Tht first action 1jfrhcn yokr kye a cold htouldke t to reliite l tjhe lUllS is bestcopIishdby the fre se of1hamberlams OoUg4flemcd This Remedy Iiqucfis1thtjigli m1cO us and tt s I s ontl 9 tle i ir deIl he1ugs pro1uces 1 irtu- xpectoiti i AadojtHl t secr cffaiiT MleiJri Ytte in less tiMe tiian OUMt vsatmcitI- and lUtt tbsyst1 j1tt aatar4- aig l taHy o4oE- pr Itterad l t1o atI1 tPfi druf tQi > 1Iijnpt8fue beo J ls

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arIty in stock all kinds of Funera

Buripliep PHONE 53


pRINQFIELDi county seat of

VK shingtbn County 52 mijles sduth

east ot ixingtou 59 mijes from

Lo lisyilte oa Bacdstown branch ol

I o liiville and Nashville railroad in

a t arming and agricultural district

TV o Banks telegraph and telephone

Hn s express office flour niillsJumberya As Popcatioti 1100 population of

eoi nty 150001leprescntative in Congress HoriD

f Smith Hodgenyille Ky jiepresentative in Kentucky Legis

la ure Hon W D Claybrooketeprescntative in State Senate Hon

H try Lancaster Lebanon Ky

JCounty Directory

CIRCUT COURTircutt Court begins on the fourtk

MJmday in February Mayan Octobot V

a E Pattescn JudgeJ L Durham Commonwealth At

I tTneyM Campbell Clerk4JEVG Ieachma faster Commiss


QUARTERLY COURTsuarferly Court iisi held on the thi dJndayin each montht t

LV Litsey Judgett

I COUNTY COURTCuurt meets on the fourth4Countyonday in cchmotith

> BL Litsey JudgeWF Booker County Clerk-

SI T Mayes County AttorneyfGeorge Catlett JailerByron Croake Sheriff

v< Richard Ishamv tt

Sidney OsborneRH Mullican Depu lea i

MastersEdJames F Moore County Surveyor

Jjl Royalty Assessor

T P OBryan DeputyCRobert Noe Treasurer t

r J M Montgomery Coroner

3sw Bush Supt of Commoni

tfoboo1B I 0 Springfield


7tJa es RNoe Police Judge

Jo ha G M s M irsa xlo

WvF Grigsby City Attorney

J JUSTICE COURT jJustice Eourts are hrfd in January t

April July andOctobei i

t > Church Directory


Rev S J Cannon Pastor Ser

Aices every Sunday at II am and 700t pm Sunday School at 900 Prayer

Meeting ori Wednesday night at 700



Rev J Dl Ward Pastor Services

on the First andThird SuudaV8 In each t

mouth at 11 a m and 730 p m Sun

day School every Sunday at 10 a m

Prayer meeting v Wednesdaynight j


Rev P F H nesS av Pastor Ser

vices every Sunday at 8 and 10 oclockI fam Scrvices at StRose same hours


oi Refr Felix Pastor Service

Jiecox3d and fourth Sunday in each



t Rev T D Latimer PastorPre lobln5f every Sunday at 11 amhind nt1pmrSunday school every

unflay at 10 nm Prayer meetIng

itevov Thursday evening at 7 oclock1

J d

Fraternal Ordeas

LCICL E1ringfcii oigeNo Si meets seecnd Mouday io each

inonthVashinJo a R O Chapter No 57I

Tnsiaa every third Monday

Springfield Council flo52 meets on

even tourth MondayKNipHisIof THEMACABEKS Meet

fnt Vluictttv incacbnron

IeI JrL t



e f TRUSS m



I tliuiskt 1



41tby C J HaythJ


WW e H Otf tffii 1rri A OUNpOf TALK 4I la c44 MMIIn f he Clufches

Oh rosy side of life returnAnd greQt uwifh a smile

For now Ibekiqkj of discontentAre us for a while

Oar household noises do not soundLike lute or AngelasjpTb

By dtj we nuiec the cornered humpBy night we snOrt and cough i

Si hoping that the followingaWillBut oh the goading llttleimpsAre sure to set usbaclr

And day by day and n ghtb nightThey hold us tb the rack

4And solemnly the doctpr notes jr

The working of the bugsAnd wisely the prescription writes

AmToff we go for drugsMid boxes hero acdnmnlatc

And bottles by the scoreOn which the parasites regale

As Iqstly as before

Whcnefybu hail your fellowmanWho grapples with the grip

Waste not on his devoted HeadYurjovja fellowship

And shotfjd some sudden look declareHu reason aJl astray


o IMPROVE They say thatZ the management of theSpringfield Water Electric LightLo contemplates puttirpf insome improvements this springwhich will add greatly to thealue of the plant and tho com

fart arid convenience of the pdroos A serious drawback t-

Dtbeuse of the tater from thecompanys hydrants ring thesummer months las heretoforebeen the bad odor which itpossesses rendering it unfitfit almost for use except forsprinkling purposes This defectitJe company purposes to remedyhis S ear if possible by putting

in a filtration an aeration plantat the reservoir by hicbJisexpected to put the water in acondition of purity which willmake it available for any useThis contemplated improvement

one wtfich in justice to the

campa13Y1itselpossiblewould certainly prove aprofilablerie Many citizens of the town

have refused to use thejwaterluring the summer months on

he grounds that it was full ofImpurities and consequently uniiealthful for general use

l<Ii> IG CONTESTThentest

O over the honorable positionof Justice or the Peace fOr the

i11h burg Norh- MagisterialSistrict of Washington countypromises to rival in importancethe famous Go bel Taylor contest for the Governship of fenucky although We trust tho re

suits there trom will not be sodisastrous At the last election

Nimrod Hendren the Republicanbeat his rival candidate R6bertRiley Democrat 19 votes On theface of the returns at the twoprecinctS Willisburg arid NorthAt the former place Hen rensmajority wasi 25 while Riley re ¬

ceived at North precinct sixvotes more than his opponentAfter the election was all overRi ey through his attorneys files

suit in which he seeks to throwout entirely tbe vote of liVillis

burgon the technical groundsthat votes were cast at that pollsafter the time required by law

for the closing thereof Foiiseveral weeks the taking of proofby deposition has been goingonand half the votersjmore or lessin tthatehdof the county havebeen caljed on to testify in thecase The cost of the contestwill doubtless amount to severalJ

hundred dollars or more thanthe office is worth should onehave it for an average office

holders hi9tirne


CLAssThere is stillBiFTti deal of interest ex¬

pressed over the classification ofthe town of Springfield andthose who have become especialjy iinterested in the matter areawaiting more or less impatientlY the action of the Legislaturein the matter RepresentativeClay brooke introduced the necessary bill to have the twnputinto the fifth class several days

lago bat in the slow grind iri

such Legislative matters action


on it may be deferred until it i


in tne ayalanch ofmeasures which cccurs at theclose of the session t

A protestfrom a good many citizens of ihetown taawbaare satisfied tohave matters stand as they arehas been sent up and it may possibly have some effect on the action The friends of the fifthclas movement it is safd haveenlisted the aid of State St natorLancaster in the inaUer butwith what result remains to be


E LNEW1The high pricesg and good demand for mulesare making tbd owners for thoseungraceful but useful beasts of

burden feelll iiri good spirits andmany are taking advantage ofthe market to let go some oftheir stock at good pricesTraders bd a few upto datefarmers understand the causesof higher prices for mules whicn t

are enumerated as beinsjthe high t

price jif cotton the Panamacanal building and the prospect t

of war ini Europe The uptodate farmer and the wiley professional stock buyer are nat bysany means however the only fpeople who keep posted as oneof their dumber discovered oneday recently while looking for a

good tbig in a mule trade on-

otie strWis of Springfield A

oiiop ovejrgrown chip Qrm oneof the Jack deestricts of theThcountywith a rojpe in hand to one end

of which was attached one ofthose longeared quadrupedsnow under dissussion Thewould be purchaser approachedthe owner and asked the priceofhis property The animal was

only abutthree feet tall anddidnt look as if it could mOveawheel borrow load of dirt on

tflown hill pull but it was a mule t

just the ame I want sevcntY fj

five dollars for this here mule l

said the owner confidently The t

trader remarked something1about being ableto buy aboutthree such animals for thatamount and was about to giveSour ruraf friend the laugh butthe young fellow was indead hardearnest Thats allrightbesaid you fellers think youre t

smart but theres olliei peoplewhat know a few things Dot f

I know that they air goin tobuild that there Panamer canaland that mules is gain upaY-


he shook the rope andstartejpoKtwith his treasure He wasnt tobe ooed He knew


DO It TODAYThe timeworn ii n jju n c t iion

NeAer put pff till tomorrow l

what you cain lo todayis nowgenerally presented in this form

Do it today That is the lterse adviccwe want to give you

but that hacking cough or demoralizing cold with which youhave been struggling for severalldays perhaps wpeks Take some l

reliable remedy for it TODAY iand let that remedy be Dr Baschees GermariSyrup which hasbeen in use for over thirtyfiveyears A few doses of it will

undoubtedly relieve your coughor cold arid its continued usefor a few days will cure you cornpletely No matter how deepiiseated your cough even if dreadconsumption has attacked yourrungs German Syrup will surelyeffect a cureas it has done be¬ t

fore in thousands of apparentlyhopeless cues of lung troubleNew trial bottles 25c regularsize 75c At 0 J HaydouSdrugstore

Menu One Minute

One Minute Cough Cure gives relief inone minute becaasec it kills the microbe which tickles the raucous membrane causing the cough aud and atjlhe same time clears the phlegm drawsout the inflamation and heals andsoothes the affected parts One MinuteCough Cure strengthens the lungsyards of pneumonia and is aharmlesaand never falling cure In all curablecases of Coughs Colds and CroupOne Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to

take harmless and good alike foryoung nndoJd Sold by C J Haydon

Wlrat Arc They

Ohamberlain4KStbmch and Live

Tablets A new ramedyfor stomachtroubles billiousness and constipa

tion and a good one Price 25 cents

For aile at C J Huydond drug storeI

ISister JosephineThe Courier Journal one day

last week contained a sketch oftthe life of Sister Josephine aiaccount of whose death was published in our last issue Among

other things the article saysSister Josephine had been an

iqvalid for thirty years but iin

spite of her physicalf conditionhad never been idle She hadbeen at theSt Catherine Academy seven years buying beenransferrodto that convent from

St Agnes convent in Memphiswhere she spent many 3 cars cfher life and where she becameknown as a woman of brilliantintellect possessed of a keenphiiosoplji and literary mind

During liar life in St Agnesconvent she contributed manyarticles to Catholic publicationsThey were widely read and commented on by the Catholic peopleThe writer of these brilliant literary contributions was nevergenerally kriown Sister Josephine choosing to keep herself inIbackground She was alwaysretired and reticent especiallyas to her life prior to assumingthe veil of a nun but had talkedto some of her iutimata frieudsat St Catherine Academy abouther early life before coming toAmerica and from these conversations if was learned thathe was the daughter of an En

glish nobleman said tor have beenILord Beck The story was thatafter Sister Josephine the firstchild was born her mother became a Catholic against the will

f her husband and that whenshe refused to renounce her newfaith at his demandhe disowned

er Mother and daughter d

sought refuge in America and i

were first heard of in ColullibuSiI0 while Sister Josephine wasstill a young girl She enteredSt Marys Academy at thatlplace and completedthe novitiateand after taking the veil soonbegan to wield an influence forgood that distinguished her allthrough her life which for morehanlialf a century had beW f

given to Christian work Herlife had been closely allied withthe history and progress of theDominican orfcr i n Americasince he joined it in her rlyIgirlhood


Gbodspirits ant alfcome fromjKentucky Their main source isthe liceranall the fine spiritsever made in the Blue GrassState could not remedy a badlivor or the huhdridandono ill

effects it produces You canthave good spirits aridd bad liverI

t the same time Your livermust be in fine condition it youwould feel buoyant happy andhopeful bright of eye light ofstep vigorous and successfulyour pursuits You can put yourJliverin fine condition by usingGreens August Flower rt n gIgreatest of all medicines for theliver and stomach and a certaincure for dyspepsia or indigestionIt has been a favorite lliousenoldremedy for over thirty tire yearsAugust Flower will male yourliver healthy apd active and thusinsure you a liberal supply of

good spirits Trial size 25c

regular bottles 75c At C JIHay dons drugstore

Anotht r Casc of Rheumatism Cu

red by Chamberlains Pain Halm

The efficacy of Chamberlains pain

Balm in the relief of rheumatism is

is being demonstrated daily ParkerTriplett of Grigsby Va says thatChamberlains Pain Balni gave himI

lulltheand he would not be

se by C J Haydon

Public SaleHaving sold my farm i1 wi 1on

the premises one mile and a halffrom Sprmgfied o n TuesdayFebruary 16 1904 beginning at

1pIn1 sell the following personal property Three Yearlingtylules two Yearling Steers fourHeifers three Calves three nicoBrood Sows two Milk Cows one

stack of Hay Binder MowerRake and a lot of other FarmingImplements TERMSAll sums

10 and over 12 months

time with interest from date negotiable and payable at FirstNational Bank Sums under icash 4


Ccl Tt E Whayne Auctioneer




Sweeps over Washingtonand Mercer Counties

Sunday l2btA small siz d tornado arouseq

Itbe sleeping inhabitants of th I

Itown and fame porticns of thecounty here Sunday night an4although no great amount artdamage was done in this immewarquitpart of Vththington and in Moijij

cr couny Tie tobacco burpon Mr Taylor Spaldfngs fartiiabout two miles north of Springfield was blown down and treesfencing andvhay Stacks suffered

The cyclone proper started atCornisnville which iis about 2b

miles north of here and continued on its destructive coursed iitian easterly direction passingover to Harrodsburg and on dtiito Burgin At Cornishville thChristian church was blowndown and completely torn topieces The large coveredbridge which spans Salt river iat that point was lifted from itaresting place and carried somedistance Seven other houses at JCornish ville were blown downand torn to fragments It is saidthat hardly a fence in that 7sec9tionIn the course of the stofm l

from that place to Harrodsburg jbat

roofed and many of them tOrn I

1otnpIetelyof Wes Cardwell a large tobaccobarn which was full of farm ma t

chinery was twisted into kindling siwood and most of the machineryfiemolishedings in Harrodsburg wereunCroofed

R ports from Bur iu say thatmany houses and arnsin ttsection were removed from their afourdatipiis During the stormlightning struck the stock barn I

of Scott McClare near UOeJJ

Pill andlit was entirely destroyed together with several head of E

horsEs andmules rII


A Core For Eczema

My baby had Eczemaso bad that itsdhead was a solid mass of scabs andhair all came out I tried many reme ¬ l

dies but nane seznedto doanyjpermamint goodut til f used DeWitts WitchHazel Salve The Eczema is cured thescabs are gone and toe little onesSjCalp is perfectly clean and healthyand its Piis is grm ipff beautifullyalain I cannot givctod much praiseto DeWiltrs With Hazel fealve FrankFarmer Bluff City Ky In buyingWitch Hazel Salve look ont tor counterfeits DeWitts Js the orignal andthe only one containing sure WitchHazel The name R C DaWitt CoIs on eyery box Sold by CJ Haydon i

tMiirder and Robbery

A pedal from Danville datedFeb 4 aystW B Ruckernight telegraph operator andticket agent at the Queen anilCrescent Depofi in this city wasfound dead on a telegraph tablewith a bullet hole in his head at1120 oclock tonight by passenJgers who had come to board thetrain for the Smith

The ticket office drawer wasbroken open and all the money1was missing Rocker had somechange in his pocket and it is

evident that the robbers paid poattention to his Valuables

He was shot through the win-

doviwhile lymg asleep on tbeItable This jis shown by a bullethot through one of the windowpanes It is not known whoshot Mr Rucker or how muchmoney was secured froni theticket office draper

Ther iis evidently an organ

AjJersTake cqld easily Throattender Lungs weak Anyrelatives have consumptionThen a cough means t great


deal to you Follow yourdoctors advice and takeAyers Cherry Pectoral Itheals strengthens preventstltFor years hie depended oaAyeraCnerrr Pectoral for coughs an1 coldsknow It rreatiyttremtthil lunji-

MBS P A Mamsov S lne Hleh

Se 5OcSitO J n 00Alic1ro iufdr Lowell May

Weak LungsAysrPHS ncrs the ctlvltyftM liver arel tsu sid recovery

ized gang of robbers at worklire Within tae past week atCI

tempts have bet nmade torob the


Mr Rocker was about twentyfivc years of age He wasCiJarned about a y dr ago td MissDaisy Boyd oi DerrvvKy Hecame here from Paint Lick

r Hae Yon Iiiii eston

If jou havjp indigc lion Ko ol Dys ¬

pepsia Cure will ct re you It has cured thousands liiii curinp people everylayevtry ho f Y6u owe it tcybfirsclf to iye iit a trial You Will

co inne to suffer ur til yu tjo try itThere is no other Combination of diIgetantfl that dige t and rebuild at thesametiratf Kudol does both KodolSoLdbyHaydonff

ClimterlaWs s tomcChan dLiY crlablelS

UnepalleJ fgi Collst1poll1sMr A R Kane prominent drug

gist of Baxter Springs Kansas saysChamberlains Stomach and Liver

Tablets are in my judgement themqst superior prep ration of anythingin use today for c nstipation They

re sure in action i nd with no tenden ¬

cy to nnu ate or g ripe For sale at 1JmHaydona drdg toreDbfBig Jer ey Sale

25 Cows that produced 24146 in one year to be sold at publf

lie auction Feb 23 1904Hay l

ing decided to quit the dairycwe willI sell on Tuesday

Feb 23 1904 on pur premiseslif miles north of Lebanon ICyaon the Springfield pike our eniliieisting of 25milc h caws6 heifters and 2 bulls Eyery cow iis aii

ne dairy type and the actualash receipts or cream from

thesecows for 1903 was 241496we tt ink that cannot

e beaten in Ke itucky This Israre chance t buy fine cows W

Tie bulls are worthy of beingplaced at the had of any herdHazels Golden Exile 48532 i3a62 iper cent dc ublel grandson of

xile of St La bert 13657 whoproduced more ttested daughtersthan any bull living or dfdeNothing will b sold before the-

oTerms made known on

ay of sale Sale begins promptly attl oclock p m Capt T DtEnglish Actioneer l



iR 0 Tills

t aWe offer One B undred Dollars Re

ward for any C3S of Catarrh that cannot be cared by b y HaWS Catarrh Cure

c JI CHENEY CO Toleeo OWe the tinders gned have known F

J Cheiiev for the last 15 years ndbe-heve him perfectly honorable In alobusiness transacl ions and financially

able to carry out any obligations inadeby his firm AiDING KINNAN


IWhol sal D uggiets Toledo 0HaVls Catarrh Cure is taken fnteriis

ally acting dirt My upon the bloedand mucous sur aces of the systemcTestimonlalBser t free Price 75 ctaIIper bottle f3ptd by jaill druggists d

liakeHallfsEamily1 rills for constipation L

Deatht Ifa Hercules

George Sp ding who livedaiDregon dujil a few days agoHe was posses sed of almost su-



stength and hadmany excent icities In hisiprune he wi S considered thestrongest ma44n the county andhas been knosvtf to shoulder ajseven of salt andcarry boat and

bUSbelfarrelof whisky

by the l it and take aIsyfigoubpf the bunghole Al¬

though he 1 ad been ferrymanfor about lifttyears and had al

ways lived on theriver bank heInever learnea toswim and neverwent in bathing being very muchafraid of the aqueous fluid Somuch did he Tear a watery gravethat even when the river wasfrozen over to the thickness oftwelve inchis he was > neverknown to walk across it sayingthat there w jre nd ralters undeait and h wciuld take no tfriskOn two occasionsi during his fiftyyears as ferrtyman he Jell averboard ja mid s ream and wouldgo to the bottom and crawl onthe bed of the river to the shoreHe was also very superstitiousand believed in ghosts to such anextent that he often claimed tosee heaflX688 men and women

and would never leayfl his home

at night and kepa1oaded mns

ket within easy plftch in case

these 1eadlf >i0SijkJts pursuedhimHarrodburHertlc1

The New Comt

The bill creating he county ofBeckham pased both CluseJastFriday a week ago 6ov Beckham isT the ffifteenth Governr ofKentucky to bcr honorled iin thenaming of the counties The l

new county is to be forme fromparts of thp countbs 6f CarterElliott and Lewis lying alongthe northeastern borders of theState It has a territory of 4C8square miles and a population ofabout 13000 people he largestportion of its territory Is to Jbetaken fromtne couuty cf Carterwbich qnder the census tjflQOO

had population pf 2022B Thenew county draws about 1200people from the county of Lewisand aboutGOO from thdcosQty ofElliott Politically the new cbunfy iis Republican but its forma ¬ion makes the Countyof Carter

always heretofore RepublicanDemocratic Its countyc

seat is Olive Hill which has a

population of about 900 peop1ecand which before its formationwas within the limits of Cartercounty though not the countyseat The reasons for the for

ation of the new county are setCforth in the law creating it inthese wordstInasmuch as theiiinpeople living in the territory J

comprised b Beckham111iveSseatsof their andcounties are-


to travel Jung tt4thuscand expensive journeys thereto isand as the expense of litigation

nd other public duties and priv-


is very heavy an emerttqency does exist and thereforet d

his act shall ttake eflctand berljinproval by the Governor TheGovernor will appoint the newcounty officers whQ will serveAuntil the next regular1 elictiond

1iOODias1ostr4CuresGrip Just Breath It

Hyomei is natur J otO method for-

urthg catarrhcolthughs and disttlases of the resbiratoryi organs lf isb

the dnly natural treatment fqcthecuref these troublesBreathed through the neat pocket

inhaler that comes with every outfithe air that passes into the throat add

lully is identical with Jhal on theIimountains where it is l1ailen with healing and healthgiyini balsams Itearches out and kills disease germsIn the most remote and minute air t

celts of the head throat and lungs itsoothes and heals all iirritation Qfthed

mucous membraneHyomei isprescribed by physicianss

generally Many of them use iit them t

selves to break up a cold and prevent IKpneumonia

The complete Hyomei outfit consists iia neat inhaler that is 8O smallandllconvenient that itcan be carried in

the pocket or purse a tacdicipe drpIper and a bottle of Hyomei This costsbut 31 and it will curej any ordinaryaae of catarrh In coniciddeepe-ated conditions louger use is nec

essary and extra bbtt s of Hyomeian be obtained for 50cj making it a p

economical treatment lor this hVtWoud i

confidence in the power of Hyomei tocure catarrh and other diseases of theii

throat and lungs that they sell it undertheir personal guarantee to refund theinone1toany purchaser iih case it fails1tothe risk themselves anjt Hyomel costs m

you absolutely nothing unless if does tJ

you jjdbdL ttII DIstIIIqiAgIc

Mr Geo Medley of Spring afield who severed his connectionwith th0 Matttngly Moor Didi itillery Co at the expiration ofthe old year is now in partner Iship with Mr Meschendorf in

the Bayiesff County Distillery ofwhich thejatter was the Ilargeststockholder This firm does notttake p essionuntil September ttI wbeb probably they Will in-


under the old nameThe Pavess Couhty DistilleryJDg Mr Medleyis a cbnsciencious capabian4horough gojug business nan and under hstmanagement the new concern j

will be puslied forward vigorously Nelson Record

WANTElSrzcxAL REPRESBNrWE ifl t3iisucoUntyand adjpinlng territorie torep eabnt and advertise an old eMabcJIehestanding Salary 2I weekly llhIIexpeasejs paid each Monday by check e

from Iheadquarters Erfiies advanced andIhoesfrnd bsgyiiied when necestsyryr fo ltiois perma

nent 1Address The ColiIai30 Mb1tOIJjldfi CSicajco Ill >ll0t

W I E lfamaws sa




11MoiI 1

L o

j ftbWifr


ttarr4siic fliciA very large ctowdmetftt the

court house M9nday afternoon mthe interest of the oldmMonedc01itryair and much enthusi


iBreck Bonta Glave God Jard1 sr

Frank McGarvey Gloyer KylJrand J G Pulliam became tie incorporators aria articles f inIcorporI

JAttorney W 1Alltnandjlacecj

the hands ottbe conntyclerkTJhecapiialstock isjtobc 15000nd it is to bis 5pliat the afLe jof10 per shai whjcb undoubted tv

is within theireachtotJ5veryitizen of Mercpi r cod itvr and it

hoped that they will fom forwardi The stockhojdersj willmeet orfSlturday Fruary 13i

electofflcers aid a cli jtt9 1ance is earnestIyreestha 41a1y S obq hs been iubscrjW

edrHarrodsbur Her ldj t

iIn Eiv Biser

srrohff liealtbyactive4onstkutinilargelypn tlIcidjtion of th-

eveIiefainois little pHl knownDeWitts Little JEarJf RlseVa not oncleanse the lyMem but they

rengthen the action 2fthpiiv andthe tissues supporting that qr

gain ILfttffrF arly isTsrfar eksy <toact lbey nevcr gripe andet they ireJabsolutely certain to prodngs reanltshat afesatisfactory Itf alfcasU Sold

CJ Haydon if V 1roo


rJnilfTa1cBt t

Ur H HaggiDsoflMelbcurnePis writes My doctor Jdma

had Consumptioa and iiothibtfcould bejdone fornnef T wii given up to die TbeofIer bfa freetrial tiottle of pr Kfipg4 NewDiscpvery for pons4jmptpnf In

uced me to try it Results wereing 1am tioontlu road

torecDVdryaoeari tjo Dr<log Naw Disboery Itsurply

saved ray life7 Thisgreat cureCRuaranteea for gll throat andT

lung diseases by d JHaycfou Bsruggist Piice 5 0< 1O0

Trial Bodiest 1bITkatIctrkladiI 1

The1 lotfatibnsupveyof tire pro >osed electric railways bstweenere mid 91umbiawis c mple

Thursday of last week the Aparty reachingi her ithatj evening Mr Azbltl hind Bisjassociatesare welj tease3 with the M

oute and Special efforts will bedErtsaxnplt the arrange

entstot build the roadTat antry date Theworlcwa under

the direction bf engineers of thtennis instruction CaofCtn

ahtt they proncuaceitimost practical and ex aremely

satisfactory route HerJs shop

mttthat WQ5withb glnbefal

againLebanoni r

iJStmaus CiItnutntOnewhpa1e aIeiflW z4d

the other fresb aid fb1ffhucoho diffrence5She who is bias Vogr with tieaitfesel Dr Kinxi

Now LifePiMs to ma tiin iuBy gentlaaonsIogtheIazy orgins They compilt goddisstiaoi

iind head off aooPtiRatMn Trythem pnlj 2ctt Q L

faY iijrugl ttI Ji tr 1 ttoWkSR YA JiriiiC +M

Tht first action 1jfrhcn yokr kye acold htouldket to reliitel tjhe lUllS

is bestcopIishdby the frese of1hamberlams OoUg4flemcd

This Remedy Iiqucfis1thtjigli m1cOus and tt s I s ontl 9 tleiir deIl he1ugs pro1uces 1 irtu-xpectoiti i AadojtHl t secr

cffaiiT MleiJriYtte

in less tiMe tiian OUMt vsatmcitI-and lUtttbsyst1 j1tt aatar4-aig ltaHy o4oE-


lt1oatI1 tPfi druf tQi>

1Iijnpt8fue beo J ls