sérgio martinho infrastructure product marketing manager microsoft corporation

Alinhar a tecnologia ao negócio Sérgio Martinho Infrastructure Product Marketing Manager Microsoft Corporation

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Alinhar a tecnologia ao negócio

Sérgio MartinhoInfrastructure Product Marketing Manager Microsoft Corporation

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Como ter a informação sempre disponível para todos e sem risco

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Agenda14:30 Boas Vindas

14:45 Recuperação eficaz da informação quando os desastres acontecem

- Continuous Data Protection for Windows Applications and File Servers

- Advanced Technology for Enterprise for all sizes

15:15 Intervalo

15:30 Acesso remoto seguro – Informação disponível quando e onde necessário

- Why is IAG different from VPN Access- Optimized productivity- Testemunho de parceiros

17:15 Encerramento

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Vamos contar uma história…Era uma vez uma empresa, a Ideias Doces.É uma multinacional cuja área de actividade é o fabrico e comercialização de pasteis de nata.Tem a sede em Lisboa, delegações em Espanha, Inglaterra e Brasil.

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As personagens:

Manuel MoraisCEO

José CarmoCTO

Maria SilvaSales Manager

Roque SanteiroParceiro

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A Arquitectura SI:

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Continuous Data Protection for Windows Applications and File Servers

Advanced Technology for Enterprise for all sizes

Joana PicqPartner Account Manager Microsoft Corporation

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Backup – Para quê?

Conformidade?Desastres?Incidentes?Probleminhas chatos do dia a dia….?


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Desastre – Assalto à filial BrasileiraA informação está a salvo? Qual a perca de dados?

Roque Santeiro pode passar a perna por falta de continuidade dos dados?

Tape local ou em Portugal?Qual a frequência de backup?

Quanto tempo para a retoma do negócio?Recuperação em tape?Recuperação en disco? A que distância?Recuperação centralizada das aplicações?

Qual a perca financeira?Recursos Humanos – tempo de José Carmo e filial BrasileiraVendas até à recuperação do negócio com os revendedores


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DPM v2



File ServersExchange Servers

SQL ServersSharePoint Servers

including clusters

with Tape LibraryDPM Servers

Up to 512 Snapshots

Disk-based Recovery

Offline tape

Tape-based Archive

DPM v2

Continuous Data Protection for Windows Application and File ServersRapid & Reliable Recovery from disk instead of tapeAdvanced Technology for enterprises of all sizes


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Incidente – Servidor Exchange corrompido

Como identificar o problema? Tem-se um histórico?Sabemos o que tem ocorrido desde então para identificar

padrões?Quando ao certo começou o problema?

Uma vez identificado o problema, como assegurar a integridade dos dados?

Podemos voltar no tempo? A que data?Com que rapidez e facilidade?

Qual a perca financeira?Recursos Humanos – tempo de equipa de IT e confusão dos

funcionáriosImagem junto aos clientes e parceiros


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DPM v2



File ServersExchange Servers

SQL ServersSharePoint Servers

including clusters

with Tape LibraryDPM Servers

Up to 512 SnapshotsDisk-based Recovery

Offline tape

Tape-based Archive

DPM v2

Continuous Data Protection for Windows Application and File ServersRapid & Reliable Recovery from disk instead of tapeAdvanced Technology for enterprises of all sizes


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Probleminha chato – Cadê o meu arquivo?

Sumiu o powerpoint!!Sumiu o contrato do Roque Santeiro!!!Salvei por cima da minha folha de cálculo do mês


Para quem eu ligo?José Carmo?Equipa de IT?


Do it yourself

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Recovery Experience

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DemonstrationDPM v2

Protecting SQL & Exchange


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DemonstrationDPM v2

Recovering Application Data


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Resources/Tools for DPM

Website www.microsoft.com/DPM

Blog blogs.technet.com/DPM

Email [email protected]

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Why is IAG different from VPN Access

Optimized productivity

Andrew LintellIAG Business Manager EMEAMicrosoft Corporation

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• New product launch happening simultaneously across all 4 regions.

• Ideias Doces utilizes Sharepoint as its internal marketing, sales and ordering system.

• Largest release of product in company history

• Competitors reducing their time to market

• Wide collaboration/co-ordination required

• Need for secure and flexible access to product launch Sharepoint

Ideias Doces ScenarioIdeias Doces Scenario

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• Manuel Morais, CEO, and Jose Carmo, CTO require full visibility of performance during launch and subsequent period

Ideias Doces ChallengesIdeias Doces Challenges

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• Maria Silva needs her Regional Managers to have real time access to Sharepoint systems – often from the local distributors site…

Ideias Doces ChallengesIdeias Doces Challenges

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• Regional distributors have stand alone systems – no commonality per country

• Limited collaboration technology between Portugal and supply chain

• Regional distributors need access to ordering and marketing system from unmanaged devices

Ideias Doces ChallengesIdeias Doces Challenges

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• “Externalise” internal Sharepoint Marketing and Ordering system via Intelligent Application Gateway 2007, providing -

• Secure access to Sharepoint application

• From ANY device – managed or unmanaged

• Contextual based model

• Full control of user capabilities based on policy

• Zero disruption to existing “live” Sharepoint application

Ideias Doces SolutionIdeias Doces Solution

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How? .....Simplify Access

Business driven application access –empower business efficiency.

Give users the freedom and mobility they need for efficient, flexible and secure work.

IT Support



Executive Board


IT Support Portal


Executive Portal

Username:Password: Token:

Partner Portal


Distributor Portal





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Manuel Morais (CEO)


Maria (Sales Manager)

Region Wide

Local Retail Branches

Rogue (Retail

Partner) Brazil


Home PC

Unmanaged Partner



Full Intranet

Payroll & HR

Legacy Apps

Custom Financials

Supply Chain

File Access

Webmail Next Day Demand App

Limited Webmail:

no attachments

Limited Intranet

Provide employees, branches and partners with policy-based access to data and applications

from any managed or unmanaged device

Understand the “Access Audience”

Understand the “Access Audience”

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Context-Based Access Matrix

Who (Identity)

Where (endpoint)





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Minimise disruption to Infrastructure

Client High-Availability, Management, Logging, Reporting, Multiple Portals



User Experience



Applications Knowledge

CenterOWA …………...


SharePoint. ………....

Devices Knowledge



Windows. ………...


Specific Applications



Browser Embedded

Exchange/ Outlook




Generic Applications




SSL VPN Gateway

•Application Aware Platform •Application Definition Syntax/Language•Application Modules

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Ensure the integrity and safety of network and application

infrastructure by blocking malicious traffic and attacks

Comprehensive policy

enforcement helps drive compliance

with legal and business

guidelines for using sensitive


The IAG provides SSL-based application access and protection with endpoint security management, enabling granular access control and deep content inspection from a broad range of devices and locations to line-of-business, intranet, and client/server resources.

Control Access Safeguard InformationProtect Assets

Secure, browser-based access to

corporate applications and data from more

locations and more devices

Intelligent Application Gateway 2007

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Technology BenefitsBuilt-in Application

IntelligenceDeep understanding and analysis of core line of business applications.Built-in security policies for over 60 applications with enhanced functionality and security.Ongoing commitment to core applications and platforms.Robust tools and features to create comprehensive policies for proprietary and home-grown applications.

Pick and chose configurations for most common applications.Easily configure proprietary/home-grown applications.Wizard driven configuration of complex security policies that enhance productivity and security.Simple and straight-forward user experience including single-sign-on and customized dialogues.Unparalleled protection of application and data.More functionality from more locations limiting the need and use of tunneling agents.

Built-in End Point DetectionSupport for most all common variants of Antivirus, Antispyware, personal firewall and over 50 other variables.Easy to use and highly flexible engine to allow support for any OS variable not previously included.

No 3rd party software required.Includes integrated security policies that cross between end-point and application variables to enhance security and functionality of common applications.

Platform FlexibilityEasy and functional out-of-the-box user and administrator experiences.Unparalleled flexibility and customization options in user experience and functionality.Makes use of popular technologies such as ASP /.NET and XML for customization.

Allows for easy customization of user experience and/or functionality resulting in better user adoption, minimized helpdesk and increased ROI.Easily integrates into most all customer environments.Increased value by allowing IAG to be used as a platform for more applications and usage scenarios.

Core Differentiators

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Who’s using it already?

Healthcare & Education


Manufacturing & General


Financial &Insurance

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Thank You!


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Acesso remoto seguro – Informação disponível quando e onde necessário

Testemunho de Parceiros

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© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.

The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after