september 2010 commerce

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  • 8/8/2019 September 2010 COMMERCE


  • 8/8/2019 September 2010 COMMERCE


    September 2010 | COMMERCE | Page 2 |

    Employees must almost always receive nal pay the day theiremployment ends. Most employers know this, providing a nalpaycheck on an employees last day o work. Some do not, however,

    while others all into one or more traps created by Caliorniasunique nal-pay requirements.

    Caliornia requires that all employees terminated by anemployer in other words, laid o or red receive all unpaidwages on their last day o work. Employees who voluntarilyterminate must receive all unpaid wages within 72 hours ater givingnotice or on their last day o work, whichever is later. Employersoten conuse this 72-hour rule, believing they have three daysater termination to provide nal pay. That is never true whenthe employer terminates an employee, and it does not apply i anemployee gives at least three days notice prior to resignation. Ineither case, the employee must be paid on the last day o work.

    Caliornia levies a signicant penalty or ailure to pay allwages due upon termination. Labor Code Section 203 adds a ull

    day o wages or each day an employees nal pay is late or up to30 days. Under Section 203, an employee who worked eight hoursa day at $12 an hour would receive a $96 penalty or thirty days almost $3000 i any wages remained unpaid. The waiting-timepenalty applies only to willul ailure to pay but, under Caliornialaw, almost all ailures are willul. Ignorance o the law is no excuse.

    Employers run into waiting-time penalties by making almostany mistake when calculating nal pay. Some o the most commonissues include:

    Failure to pay all accrued but unused vacation pay,including any personal days o;

    Deducting amounts due from an employee, such as wageadvances, without a written agreement or the actualamount deducted;

    Waiting until the next regular payday rather than providingall wages on the last day worked;

    Failure to pay commissions and incentive compensationthat is readily calculable at the time an employeeterminates;

    Forfeiting or reassigning commissions or incentivecompensation an employee would have received but orterminating; and

    Sending nal pay by mail to an employees home withoutthe employees written permission.

    These common mistakes oten result in waiting-timepenalties, as do more basic issues such as ailure to pay overtime,establishing unauthorized alternative workweeks, and misclassiyingemployees as exempt or independent contractors. Penalties areincreasingly enorced by the Labor Commissioner and in class-actionlawsuits, sometimes turning a one- or two-hour overtime claim into aseveral-thousand-dollar penalty.

    Employers should careully calculate all wages due on anemployees nal workday, cutting a separate check i necessary,providing a nal paycheck at the same location where the employeeusually is paid. This may create extra work or small employers, but itwill pay huge dividends by avoiding easy-money penalty claims. Andits the law!

    Richard Rybicki is an attorney with Rybicki & Associates| P.C., a management-side labor and employment law rm withclients ranging rom the Fortune 500 to local retail, manuacturing,healthcare and hospitality businesses.


    dont Wait! pay Emloyeespromtly Wen Tey Leave



    RSVP by September 8, 2010Register online at nap ac ha mb er. co m

    7 0 7 . 2 2 6 . 7 4 5 5

    Whats on the Horizon for 2011

    Dont miss this valuable workshop on what has happenedin Employment Law so ar this year and what is projectedor next year that will impact your business. A tougheconomy and changing times all signal signifcant changes

    in employment law and its enorcement. This workshop willocus on 2010 changes and likely developments in 2011 lawsaecting all employers, large and small.




    Thursday, September 9, 20102:00 - 4:00 p.m.

    Napa Chamber Board Room1556 First Street, Napa

    $50 Chamber members

    $65 non-members

    Ad SpACE IS FILLING up!in Naa valleys Most in demanCity Gie & bsiness directory

    CONTACT:dana JonsonCell: 707.322.3403Email: [email protected]

    Published to supportour local economyand encourage the useof member services;thousands of bookswill be distributedthroughout the County.

    The entire publicationis available online ANDnew this year, a VPSmartphone App forboth iPhone and Droidplatforms!


    dEAdLINE: SEpT 15!

  • 8/8/2019 September 2010 COMMERCE


    By Lisa Batto ACE,President/CEO

    CEOs FOCus

    Chairmans FOCus

    By Randy Martinsen,President & CEOo Accelerated

    Marketing Group

    2010 Napa Chamber oCommerce Chairman othe Board

    September 23 is our next All Mem-ber Brieng held at the Chamber in ourBoardroom. Our Business Builders com-mittee launched this brieng last year andit has been gaining momentum ever since.New members are denitely encouragedto attend, however, we think this is a greatbenet or you seasoned members out there.

    It has probably been a while or some oyou since youve heard all the new benetso your membership - see weve never taken

    beneFITs oF


    hOW, WhY ANd WhAT!

    benets away rom you weve only continuedto improve and add them to your membership!

    Some o the things we have been work-ing to improve your business opportunities:Search Engine Optimization we workedwith Napa Web Consultants to improve ourvisibility when youtype in Doing Businessin Napa, Napa or VisitNapa staying on top

    o this SEO process issomething that we arecommitted to providingour members! This isnta process that we com-plete just once its anongoing eort to keepon top o this technology! How you cantake advantage o this beneft? Check yourBusiness Directory listing on our website tomake sure you have a business descriptionthat contains all the key words that describewhat you do and i you have a website,

    we elt we didnt have enough inormationto make a good decision. LAC Chair, DebraDommen, asked two LAC members, KentKuhlmann and Paul Hicks, to conduct moreinterviews to understand the RFP processand the outcome. During this process, andbeore we could interview the County HealthDepartment - Director, Randy Snowden,made a public announcement to recommend

    to the Board O Supervisors (BOS) to rejectall RFP candidates. The Chamber ExecutiveCommittee met the aternoon beore the BOSmeeting to discuss the ndings o the inter-views, and orm an opinion to present to theBOS the ollowing morning. The decisionwas to read the ollowing letter:

    The Napa Chamber o Commerce isthe largest representative o businesses inNapa County, representing over a thou-sand businesses that employ over 27,000people. We support the recommendationo Health & Human Services Director,Randy Snowden, to set aside the results o

    The Chamber In aCTIon

    For our members

    the Countys prior Ambulance RFP andstart the process anew. We encourage theBoard o Supervisors to adopt this recom-mendation and suggest that it incorporatethe ollowing concepts within the newprocedure:

    First,TheNapaChamberhascollabo-rated with the County and supported

    the creation o a Local Preerence Or-dinance. The Napa Chamber stronglysupports promoting local businessesor the beneft o our community.

    Otentimes local businesses haveknowledge o the area that is neededto complete a service to satisaction.We believe businesses that supportour community deserve support romlocal governments when they remaincompetitive and qualifed to do the job

    within the guidelines requested. Second,webelievethenewRFP

    process should compare the businesbased on their track records andhow they will serve the community,not their fnancial promises that mabecome part o the fnal contract. It easy or non-local entities to use theieconomies o scale to make short-terpromises without guaranteeing longterm community investment.

    Finally,weaskthatinfrastructureimprovements not be part o theRFP process. I the County desiresthat bidding companies must agreeto support inrastructure improve-ment (such as, dispatch services, newequipment or training) negotiationsto und such improvements should bseparate rom the core RFP selectioprocess.We understand that this is not just a

    issue o choosing an out o state businessover a local business. This is an issue abothe health and welare o our community

    and receiving the best possible care. Webelieve that adding the above concepts whelp to create a transparent process thateveryone in the community can support.

    We are happy the BOS voted to ac-cept Director Snowdens recommendation,and will be watching the new RFP processclosely.

    I want to thank Paul, Kent, Debra, Lisand the Chamber Executive Committee orall o the extra work in making a good andtimely recommendation. I am proud to be amember o an organization that eectivelyadvocates or its members.

    make sure we have the address correctlylisted. These items will help us keep yourChamber Front Door open to your business

    ChamberCast keeps you updated withcurrent events, issues and programs o theChamber. Check out our latest Podcast you can easily nd it by looking under theBusiness Advocacy section o the website

    and click on ChamberPodcast or ollow this linhttp://www.napachambercom/podcast.html Why

    should you take ad-vantage o this beneft?Missing opportunities bynot being inormed couldmean that the opportunitmissed may never comeyour way again. An in-

    ormed person can pick their opportunitieOce Depot Savings The special d

    counts you receive through the course o tyear by buying paper, ink and other daily

    September 2010 | COMMERCE | Page 3 |

    Te Naa Camersorts te

    recommenationof healt & hmanSerices director,Rany Snowen, to

    set asie te resltsof te Contys riorAmlance RFp an

    start te rocess anew.

    how yo can takeaantage of tis

    enet? Wy solyo take aantageof tis enet? Wat

    oes tis enetmean to yo?

    continued rom page 1...

    SeeCEO / MEMBERSHIPon page

  • 8/8/2019 September 2010 COMMERCE


    September 2010 | COMMERCE | Page 4 |

    Marcs background includes ve years at PwC Sydney, three years in London with UBS and Credit Suisseand then Deutsche Bank Australia where he managed the origination and sales o equity derivative products. Heco-ounded his rst company at 29 in the nancial services industry and upon partial sale let to join Shirlawsin 1999 - its oundation year. During the economic recovery, Marc is passionate about helping companiesnavigate the right choices to thrive in the short term and long term.

    E3s valued event sponsors present the closing motivational speaker, Alan Deutschman, one o Americasmost provocative thinkers about leadership and change. He is the author oWalk the Walk: The #1 Rule or

    Real Leaders, which was named one o the best business books o 2009 by Strategy + Business. His pathbreaking earlier book, Change or Die, began as one o Fast Companys most talked-about cover stories.

    In a 22-year career as a journalist, Deutschman has been Fortunes Silicon Valley correspondent, GQs

    Prot Motive columnist, and a contributing editor at Vanity Fair and New York Magazine. Most recently,he was a senior writer or Fast Company.

    This conerence will provide you with relevant inormation to help you weather through what is hap-pening now and guide you into the uture. Registration o $85 per person including lunch is available onlineat through September 17th. Ater the 17th the price will increase to $95 per person. Both Members andProspective Members are welcome to attend.

    e3 ConFerenCe continued rom page 1...

    E3: Aitional featre

    seakers incle:Assembly Member Tom Torlakson,District 11, will speak on local leadershiptransorming education; dai Crane,Special Advisor to the Governor or Jobs and

    Economic Growth with current inormationon topical issues rom the State levelincluding pension reorm; and two soughtater speakers with extensive experiencein economic development, labor marketresearch, and strategic planning: JimCassio, Vice President o PathBuilder,Inc. and a workorce development analystor the Napa County Workorce InvestmentBoard; and Gary Craft, Principal oCrat Consulting Group.


    ANd SAvE $$!

    Now available...


    Napa Chamber of Commerce

    The Napa Chamber understands the trendingopportunities or marketing your business andwe want to make sure you have access to thesemarketing advantages by connecting your BusinessDirectory Listing to yourvideo and audio messaging.

    Go to or more inormation

    Yes, you can afford video/audio marketing

  • 8/8/2019 September 2010 COMMERCE


    Beauty Salons - Services & RetailYasmin Jacka at Headeathers Yasmin Jacka, (707) 364-06531330 Third St, Napa

    Bicycle Tours & RentalsHub Tours and Ped-Cab ServiceKeith Kimbrough, (707) 253-24532500 Jeerson St, NapaEmail: [email protected]

    Business ConsultantsSelwa Hamati -Lie & Business CoachSelwa Hamati, (707) 315-5320PO Box 10139, American CanyonEmail: [email protected] Website:

    Employment ServicesOfceTeam/AccountempsBrenda Jaye, (707) 422-0726

    5030 Business Center Dr Ste 250, FairfeldEmail: [email protected] Website:

    Event ServicesUpstage ProductionsTony Morales, (877) 824-3131PO Box 6207, NapaEmail: [email protected] Website:

    WElCOmE nEW mEmbErs!

    Individual MembersJudith MagnusonJudith Magnuson, (707) 253-8472Email: [email protected]

    MaryAnn FormosaMimi Formosa, (707) 226-2736Email: [email protected]

    JewelryManikri JewelryMargarita Hernandez, (707) 320-91882680 Jeerson St Ste 12-B, Napa Website:

    Marketing ConsultantsATTRACTAMichael Gordon, (707) 320-2049625 Imperial Way Ste 6, Napa Website:

    Leading Edge Marketing Solutions

    Tom Fancher, (707) 294-2666Email: [email protected]:

    Three Rock Wine Co.Andrew Healy, (707) 227-4273PO Box 10257, NapaEmail: [email protected] Website:

    Mortgage ServicesCaliornia Mortgage AdvisorsCheryl Woods, (707) 226-99841740 Elm St, Napa


    f a cmplete listig napa

    Chambermembes, updated daily, g t

    September 2010 | COMMERCE | Page 5 |

    To learn more benefts o membership, visit or phone us at 707.226.7455

    Connect with us...

    Photo Finishing & SuppliesDacor ImagingDave Courtney, (707) 226-51002407 Caliornia Blvd Ste 1, NapaEmail: [email protected] Website:

    Public Relations

    CB Public RelationsCatherine Boire, (707) 255-5997Email: [email protected] Website:

    RestaurantsDim Sum CharliesAndrew Siegel, (707) 252-7607728 First St, NapaEmail: [email protected] Website:

    TruckingC-Line Express

    Todd Walker, (707) 553-604175 Mezzetta Ct, American CanyonWebsite:

    Wine Tasting RoomsAntica Napa ValleyKim Wiss, (707) 257-87003700 Soda Canyon Rd, NapaEmail: [email protected] Website:

    WineriesTurnbull Wine CellarsLaura Brasfeld, (707) 963-58398210 St. Helena Hwy, Oakville

    Email: [email protected] Website:

    MeMber benefit bulletin

    reach new customersincrease sales

    Whats not for your customers to love? Free application and easy to download. Awareness of businesses they didnt know existed! No Clipping. Ease of use. They will never forget their coupons at home. They receive text notications on iPhone whenever

    a favorite merchant has a new offer. They are green and save money!

    Special Offer for Napa Chamber MembersExclusive GPS location-based, paperless coupons deliveredright to your customers Smartphone in real time, 24/7...anywhere they are. Contact your local Napa Valley

    representative directly:Walt Farl

    Area Sales ManagerCertied Qponomistp: (916) 416 - 3141

    e: [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 September 2010 COMMERCE


    Nearly 200 people attended the August Ater-Hours MIXER atthe Napa Fireghters Museum. Business leaders and their sta romall over the county networked and socialized with new members,Chamber Ambassadors, sta and Board Directors. The NapaFireghters cooked up a antastic east o spice-rub tri-tip steak, saladsand a crazy good chocolate, caramel popcorn! Wines were sponsoredby Robert Mondavi Winery and JV Wine and Spirits and beer sponsor,Presidents Circle member Markstein Beverage Co. Special perks rom

    Napa Valley Coee Roasting Company with the custom NFD coeeblend, and eco-riendly tableware was donated by NapaStyle.

    The guys from The HubTours and Pedi-Cab Service

    were on-hand to assist withparking shuttles!


    September 2010 | COMMERCE | Page 6 |

    A big THANKS to NapaFireghter Steve Becker(middle) and Fire ExplorersAustin Simpson andMadeleine Sexton!


    The large group enjoa warm August eveniof networking andsocializing.

    L-R: Bryan Reiff and LeighKrieger of Minuteman Press.

    L-R: Cathi SloaneWastal of Napa ValleyLife Magazine andTom Fancher fromLeading EdgeMarketing Solutions.

    L-R: Rita Burris of theNV Film Festival; Holly

    Krassner, MarketingConsultant; Rebecca fromthe NV Film Festival; LisaAdams Walter from AdamsWalter Communications;and Stacey McCall fromClinic Ole.


    Visit our FB pageor more photo

    albums o un!




    Camer Founation beneciaries Receive Cecks

    R- Kathleen Dreessen of NapaValley Community Housing

    R- Maureen Eckert andRhonda Slota from NapaValley Adult Education



    R- Lori Pesavento of FamilyService of the Napa Valley

    On behal o the Napa Chamber Foundation, Napa ChamberBoard Chairman, Randy Martinsen presents $1,000 checks toeach o the our beneciaries o this years very successul 14thAnnual Benet Gol Tournament held at Silverado Resort in July.

    Congratulations! s

    R- Craig Underhill fromJunior Achievement


    After-hours MIXER at Naa Firegters Museum

    pLAN AhEAd: dont miss tismonts Camer After-hors MIXER

    on Setemer 16t at teNaa historic Mill (Naa Rier Inn)!

  • 8/8/2019 September 2010 COMMERCE


    WE FOCus On businEss

    Infuence Internet is a web develop-ment and marketing company with abroad spectrum o tools to both design,build and customize websites and market-ing canpaigns or their clients. Infuenceset up shop in 2003 with principle, ChrisTempleton, at the helm. With the simplegoal o creating an environment in whichtheir team thrives, the expectation ensuedthat their product would speak or itsel,both in their clients newound presenceon the Web and in the power o satisedcustomers word o mouth reerrals. Theplan has worked well.

    Templeton brings over 20 years osales and marketing, computer program-ming and web development to the tableand is distinguished by a creative can-doapproach to solving his clients needs.In these sluggish economic times he hasturned his team to developing aordabletools or local businesses, such asInfu-ence Spotlights. Templeton elaborates;OurInfuence Spotlights product is a takeon bridging the gap between a podcast andlive action video. We recently did a pieceor The Playul Garden that we believehad a signicant impact in their recentBest Git Shop award rom SFGates

    Best o the Bay. This product is also oneo the oers used in the Napa Chamber oCommercesMember Spotlightprogram.

    It is very exciting to oer a low-cost, moreeective means o delivering a messageor our clients.

    When Templeton decided to start hisown web development business he waslucky to bring a large client with himrom his previous position, which helpedInfuence get o to a running start. Com-munity involvement is a big part o theInfuence business plan and a key strategyto their business development. Templetonshares: Immediately I joined the Cham-ber. I started on what is now the First

    Chamber Member Spotlight:

    Friday Business Lunch program and got myintroduction to the business community. Itwas an outstanding gateway to the mixers,which I was initially uncomortable withbut then ater FFBL, I was ar more com-ortable. I was also awarded a scholarshipby the Chamber Connection to LeadershipNapa Valley Class 19, another abulous wayto get to know the business community. Imstill involved with LNV and serve on thecommittee that is developing the MastersProgram. LNV is a leadership trainingprogram started by the Napa Chamber oCommerce in 1987. It is recognized as oneo the best leadership training experiencesin the country. More than 600 people havegraduated rom the program and have goneorward with a deeper commitment to mak-ing Napa Valley a better place to live, workand grow.

    Templeton seesthe biggest advantagebusiness-wise is thenumber o people hehas met and continuesto work with rom hiscommunity involve-ment activities. Asa result o all theseeorts Templeton isnow an integral parto the Napa commu-

    nity, which brings hisbusiness, InfuenceInternet, a signicantamount o exposure.For example, as aresult o working withLNV, Templeton wasbrought in as a guestand later as co-hostwith Bill Lockhart orthe Chambers weeklyradio show. WithLockharts retirement

    September 2010 | COMMERCE | Page 7 |

    rom the show two years ago Templetonnow hosts the show twice a month. Tem-pleton explains: The radio show is Todayin the Wine Country - Napa Chamber

    Edition. We have one primary goal whichis to highlight chamber member businesseon the show. My secondary ocus liesaround what a abulous environment wehave o collaboration among businesses inNapa. There is tremendous desire amongbusinesses to help each other out, especially in this economic environment and I lovtaking that message into the community torearm that it is actually happening!

    I you would like to explore Infu-ence Internets services visit them onlineat, or contact ChrisTempleton via email, [email protected], or phone, 707-204-9660 x701.

    Inuence Internet

    CEO / MEMbERShIpcontinued rom page 3...

    ce supplies will Save 15% to 25% annuallyon your total oce supply expenditures!Streamline your ordering with ree delivery(on orders o $50 or more) and 4 convenientways to shop: online, phone, ax, or in thestore. Sign up today and take advantage othis excellent program that is only availableto members o the Chamber! http://www. What doesthis beneft mean to you? This savingstypically adds up to the cost o your mem-bership! It really is no eort at all belongingto the Chamber when you know this benetsaves you time and money!

    These are only three things that are

    available through your Napa ChamberMembership imagine all the other benethat you should to learn about that can improve your business so consider comingthe All Member Brieng on September 23at 8:00am at the Napa Chamber. Ill serveyou a cup o coee or tea and have a ewtasty treats on hand!


  • 8/8/2019 September 2010 COMMERCE


    Upcoming Events... maximize your networking!

    For more information call707.226.7455 or visit our

    website and registerfor events online

    September 2010 | COMMERCE | Page 8 |

    napa Chamber 2010 oFFICers

    Randy Martinsen, Chairman of the Board .................... Accelerated Marketing Group

    Ryan Gregory, Chair-elect..................................... Riechers & Spence Associates, Inc.

    Debra Dommen, Vice-Chair Advocacy ..........................Winegrowers o Napa County

    Kent Kuhlmann, Vice-Chair Resources ........................ Kuhlmann Associates FinanciaRichard Rybicki, Vice Chair Membership ................................ Rybicki & Associates

    Cherie Knox, Treasurer..............................................................Redwood Credit Union

    Mike Silvas, Immediate Past-Chair....................................Wine Country Fine Properties

    m I s s I o nAs the membership organization forbusiness, we promote our communityseconomic vitality and quality of lifethrough leadership development,advocacy, facilitation and education.

    bENEFIT from eing amemer of te NaaCamer of Commerce

    f membeship imati call

    Sheell Hape at 707.257.4598

    rebecca Jhs at 707.254.1142

    Creating a Strong Local Economy

    Promoting the Community

    Providing Networking Opportunities

    Supporting a Sustainable Future

    Representing Business to Government Engaging in Political Action

    COMMERCEeditorial is exclusively produced bythe Napa Chamber o Commerce,

    1556 First Street, Napa, CA 94559. 707.226.7455

    EDITOR: Katherine ZimmerPlease email submissions [email protected]

    Lisa Batto, ACE, President/CEO, 707.226.7455, [email protected]

    Katherine Zimmer, VP Marketing & Communications, 707.254.1147, [email protected]

    Sherrell Harper, Membership, 707.257.4598, sher [email protected]

    Rebecca Johnson, Membership, 707.254.1142, [email protected]

    Jayson Johnson, Creative Manager, 707.254.1144, [email protected]

    Paula Wick, Customer Service, 707.226.7455, [email protected]

    Lynn Page, Sr. Administrator / Event Specialist, 707.254.1145, [email protected]

    Christine Sullivan,Administrative Assistant, 707.254.1143, [email protected]

    Caryl Chakerian, Communications, 707.738.6053, [email protected]

    napa Chamber boarD oF DIreCTors

    Dean Bowen, Net-Flow Corporation; John Cardinale, State Farm Insurance; LindaChampagne, Artesa Winery; Sandra Elles, Napa County Farm Bureau; Ken Frank,La Toque; Pamela Gleeson, Santen Inc.; Clay Gregory, The Napa Valley DestinationCouncil; Cathy DAngelo Holmes, Coldwell Banker Commercial; Stanton Lawson, SequoiaSenior Solutions; Bill Lockhart, Edward Jones; Kara Long, Tugboat, Inc.; Barry Martin,City o Napa; Kevin Massie, Napa Ford Lincoln Mercury; Sherry McKillop, Follow YourCompass; Shawn Milburn, Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa; Dennis Pedisich, NapaCommunity Bank; Jaime Penaherrera, Queen o the Valley Hospital Foundation; RichardRybicki, Rybicki & Associates; Don Shindle, Westin Verasa Napa; Brenda Speth, Napa

    Valley Register; Patrick Sweeney, Napa Valley Unifed School District; Kevin Teague,Holme Teague Roche Anglin LLP; Toni Renee Vierra, Vierra Environmental Consulting;Jay Williamson, Williamson and Company.HONORARY DIRECTOR: Julian Weidler, Retired.



    September 23, 2010

    All MemberBriefng

    Napa ChamberBoardroom

    1556 First Street, Napa

    8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.Please egiste

    October 21, 2010

    Joint Mixer withAmerican Canyon


    Holiday Inn Express& Suites

    5001 Main Street,American Canyon5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

    October 1, 2010

    First Friday BusinessDevelopment Lunch(Networking/Development)

    Compadres Rio Grill

    505 Lincoln Ave, Napa

    $30 Chamber members$35 Prospective members

    Register online HEREor call (707) 226-7455

    Register Now and SAVE!

    Register online at or call 707.226.7455

    8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    Silverado ResortLunch included

    $85 per person by September 17th!$95 per person thereafter.

    Members and Prospective Members Welcome


    October 18, 2010




    Financial Success

    Occurs WhenChange Is Involved





    Annual General Membership Meeting& Installation o Ofcers and Directors

    for the Napa Chambers

    FriayJanuary 21, 2011

    Te Meritage Resort & Spa875 Bordeaux Way, Napa