september 11

The Effects of September 11 th 2001 on America. I think that everyone would agree that the events that occurred on 9/11/2001 were very cruel. A review of the events are as follows: Middle Easterners from different Arab countries took pilot lessons in America for the purpose of using American air crafts as weapons to blow up and bring the World Trade Towers in New York City down. They achieved their very evil goals and killed 3,000 Americans in the process. The events that followed 9/11 weren’t thought out well by our then president Bush because he started a war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the war ended up costing America approximately 85 billion dollars. The war also caused thousands of our service men and women to die, become handicapped, or develop mental deficits. Perhaps the war in Afghanistan was more justified because the Taliban and Al- Qaeda were discovered. The war in Iraq was started because President Bush and his administration claimed that Saddam Hussein who was the prime minister of Iraq at that time was hiding weapons of mass destruction. This was a lie and the result was to cause America to have poor foreign relations in the Arab world. I can understand that President Bush wanted to hold someone accountable for 9/11 but it doesn’t make a good political climate if a random country is selected to get justice. His actions made us look like we didn’t care who we killed just as long as someone paid. These events made a lot of Americans retaliate against Muslims in America. Many Muslims began to be racially profiled based on their names or clothing. Muslims were killed on 9/11 also and because of what happened on 9/11 the building of the Mosque at ground

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Page 1: September 11

The Effects of September 11 th 2001 on America.

I think that everyone would agree that the events that occurred on 9/11/2001 were very cruel. A

review of the events are as follows: Middle Easterners from different Arab countries took pilot lessons in

America for the purpose of using American air crafts as weapons to blow up and bring the World Trade

Towers in New York City down. They achieved their very evil goals and killed 3,000 Americans in the

process. The events that followed 9/11 weren’t thought out well by our then president Bush because he

started a war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the war ended up costing America approximately 85 billion

dollars. The war also caused thousands of our service men and women to die, become handicapped, or

develop mental deficits. Perhaps the war in Afghanistan was more justified because the Taliban and Al-

Qaeda were discovered. The war in Iraq was started because President Bush and his administration

claimed that Saddam Hussein who was the prime minister of Iraq at that time was hiding weapons of

mass destruction. This was a lie and the result was to cause America to have poor foreign relations in

the Arab world. I can understand that President Bush wanted to hold someone accountable for 9/11 but

it doesn’t make a good political climate if a random country is selected to get justice. His actions made

us look like we didn’t care who we killed just as long as someone paid. These events made a lot of

Americans retaliate against Muslims in America. Many Muslims began to be racially profiled based on

their names or clothing. Muslims were killed on 9/11 also and because of what happened on 9/11 the

building of the Mosque at ground Zero has become a building of fear and suspension by people who are

not Muslim.

Americans are afraid of Muslims at the airports, subways, bus stations, etc. If some Americans

see a person dressed up in Islamic attire I think that their minds automatically think of 9/11. Sometimes

people stare if they think that a person has Middle Eastern background. After 9/11 Arabs were beaten

and some East Indians were beaten and killed because they were mistaken for Arabs. Before 9/11

people were able to board an airplane without much suspension perhaps the policies were not strict

enough. Although 9/11 was a terrible crime against humanity I would like to think that we are safer now

as Americans because more security is available to us at airports. People also feel much safer in New

York City in the subways because there is a heavy police presence in the subways and the police use

guard dogs. Some of the major train stations like Penn Station in New York City are very well protected.

Page 2: September 11

On the holidays an orange or red alert is usually placed on New York City this heightens security. In New

York City at Times Square the police presence is always very high and this type of security certainly helps

New Yorkers feel safer. I hope that the entire country are taking safety precautions because it is

important to remember that 9/11 was a crime against America not New York City.