sep ha rials astrology part 2 of 2

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  • 8/3/2019 Sep Ha Rials Astrology Part 2 of 2



    Loox to the I-lanet s \\ hich are in the znd House, andthe aspects t;l them, If any planet be therein, and wellaspected by others, the financial condition will be com-petent. If a benefic (Jupiter or Venus) be therein, andfree from evil aspects, the same effect will accrue. Butif the benefic in the end should have good aspects fromo:her planets, then there will be considerable wealth.

    Any planet in the and House, badly aspect ed, willproduce difficulty in acquiring money, and if it be amalefic planet which (ll"cupics the znd House underthese conditions, there will L~ times of stress and evenpoverty.

    Continual hardship and poverty is shown by maleficplanets in the md House, in evil aspect to the Moon orSun; while at the same time the planets in the znd Housewill be severely afflicted by others.

    Saturn in the Midheaven afflicting the Sun or Moon iaan indication of reversal of fortune, and such personausually attain considerable position in the world and arethen depleted of everything.

    Jupiter or Venus in the: loth House, and ncar the64

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    Financial Prospectsmeridian, are signs of good fortune and success in life;and the same results are due to their rising at birth.

    In a general manner the aspects to the Moon in a malehoroscope or the Sun in a female horoscope should beconsulted, and the planets in good aspect thereto wi l lshow the means of good fortune, while those in evilaspect wil l indicate the sources of loss and hurt, accord-ing to the Houses the affiicting or assisting planetsoccupy. Thus Jupiter in good aspect to the Moon fromthe rrth House shows gain by friends, advisers, andco-operative measures, because the rrth House rulesthese relationships and Jupiter is the index of increase.Similarly, Uranus in the 7th House would show gain bythe marriage partner if in good aspect to the Moon, orloss thereby if in evil aspect.

    Mars in the and House shows good earning capacity,because Mars is an ambitious and industrious planet(i. e . , it produces such effects in the person), and the andHouse is the domain of finance. But at the same timeit shows extravagance and inability to save money, forMars is impulsive and lacking thrift.

    The 6th House well occupied shows faithful andadvantageous servants and employes, such as will aug-ment the fortunes and do good work for the Subject.

    Neptune in the and shows complications and aninvolved state of finance, and frequently it shows loss byfraud and imposition j though in good aspect to otherplanets it shows gain by such nefarious means. Uranusindicates many ups and downs of fortune, sudden andunexpected r ises and falls.

    Th~ each planet is judged according to its nature and~e aspect it throws to the Moon or Sun, while the

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    Astrologyplanets in the and House arc judged by their own naturesand the aspects which they receive.

    Inheritance is shown by a benefic planet in the 5th orr r th House in good aspect to Saturn; but indirect in-heritance can be the result of Saturn in good aspect toJupiter from any part of the figure.

    Legacies are shown by good planets, or planets wellaspected, in the 8th House; or by Jupiter in good aspectto Uranus from any part of the heavens.

    Gain by marriage is shown by benefic planets in the8th House, because the 8th is 2nd from the 7th, and the7th House rules over the partner.

    The potential of each ho~ is capable of beingincreased by due attention to the sources of gain, asshown by the position and aspects of th e planets invarious parts of the heavens; but chiefly by associatingoneself with persons whose horoscopes are in harmonywith one's own. Thus it happens that individuals arelifted to position and atBuence through their associationwith persons whose horoscopes are in sympathy withtheirs. (See Chap. XI. of this Section.)

    The Sun and Moon being ingood aspect to one anotherwill prevent disaster, or will always provide a means ofrestoration of fortunes, because it is an index of generalgood fortune- and continual support. Such personsas have this aspect in their horoscopes need never fearmisfortune, for if they should fall into disasters in oneplace, they wil l always tum up in another with a com-plete adjustment of their position. But when theSun and Moon are in evil aspect , and particularly whenthe malefic planets are in elevation in the heavens,continual misfortune dogs the footsteps, and though there


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    Astrologythe Moon, and itself receiving a good aspect from eitherthe Sun, Jupiter, or Venus, it will indicate gain throughgovernmental bodies, authorities, and persons of highrank. If Uranus should be in the sign Cancer, it wouldpoint to matters associated with the ocean, marineaffairs, or those in which water is the element in chiefemploy; as in marine engineering, shipping, dock build-ing, &c. But if Uranus had been in the nth House,and in the sign Scorpio, then the source of gain wouldbe by means of companies, syndicates, and associationsof a collective nature, and the sign Scorpio would show itto be connected with naval defence (because Scorpio is amartial and watery sign) or the utilisation of wastematerials, inflammable oils, &c., or by systems of drain-age, which represent the excretory system of a town.By looking chiefly to the nature of the planet concerned,and that of the sign it occupies, a good artist will readilydescn'be the particular line which is to be pursued.

    But here, as in every other matter upon which judg-ment is made, attention must be paid to the characterand disposition of the Subject, his aptitudes and qualifica-tions, for it is obviously of little use recommending litera-ture or the law to one whose sole capabilities lie inunin-tellectual directions. Natural aptitude, supplemented bythe necessary training, are the first considerations, forwithout these success inany direction is but ill assured.

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    TIlE POSITION IN LIFETms is to be judged from the position of the majority ofthe planets, but principally from the Midheaven, theplanets therein and its aspects. Thus, if you find themajority of the planets rising, that is to say, in the loth,rrth, rath, 1St, and, and 3rd Houses the SUbject wil l bea candidate for responsibility, ambitious of honors andposition, and geJIerally independent. If these or themajority of them be well aspected he will become a manof position, employing others; or, if a woman, will holdan important position in her sphere of life, and be es-teemed in the socialworld.If the degree on the Midheaven receive good aspects

    from the major planets, the position will be honorableand secure.

    Venus or Jupiter, or the Sun well aspected, in theMidheaven, denotes a superior position, honors, anddistinction. The same will result if these be rising.

    When the majority of the planets are above the horizon,even though they be not rising, the Subject will haveresponsibilities thrust upon him, even though he shouldnot desire them. If the majority of these planets be


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    Astrologywell aspected, he will acquit himself creditably and at-tain to honors.Itis always fortunate for the position that there should

    be planets exactly on the cusps of either the and, 3:-d,6th, 8th, or I2tl1 Houses, for then there wil l be everyopportunity of securing fame and advancement in life.

    But when any of the malefic planets are found exactlyon or nearest to the meridian, whether above or belowthe horizon, there will be loss of position, reversal, asinister fame, or disgrace.

    The loth House represents the fame and honor of a.person, and the 4th House represents the end of life andthat which militates against the fame and honor. There-fore when there are good planets in these places, theSubject will meet with rewards and honors commensu-rate with hi s efforts; but when evil planets occupy themeridian, he wil l at best sustain his position in life withgreat difficulty.

    It is futile ior anyone to suppose that the position ofa benefic planet in the meridian of the horoscope wil lbring him to fame and elevate him in the world irre-spective of his own endeavors. The planets operate onhuman affairs in terms of human thought and action, andthat by fixed laws; never adventitiously. That "theGods help those who help themselves" to the extentthat natural laws permit, is a truth which astrology fullyprovides for. Fitness and fortune are as cause and effectto one another in respect of planetary action in humanlife.

    Many planets in cardinal signs will dispose a man toseek fame, and when the Midheaven of the horoscope iswell asperted or there be fortunate planets therein, he

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    The Position in Lifewill attain it. Cardinal signs on the angles of the horo-scope (the meridian and horizon), produce fame outlastingdeath. The same if either of the luminaries be exactlyon the equinoxes.

    Venus in the Midheaven gives social elevation andlifts a person above the sphere of birth. Good planetsin the I I th show patronage.

    But when the luminaries are heavily affiicted therewill be an inconstant fortune and many reverses, so thatposition gained will be lust again.

    Most of the planets under the horizon shows successand position in the latter part of life, while if they bebetween the 4th and 7th cusps, there will be advantagesalter marriageIor by means of partnerships.

    In judging of the means by which the position will besustained, respect must be had to the positions of thoseplanets which are il l good aspect to the Midheaven, orto benefic planets in the Midheaven, and if none be sosituated, then those which hold benefic aspect to eitherthe Sun or Moon at birth must be taken, and judgmentmade according to the nature of the planet and the s ignit occupies. Preference should always be given to thatplanet which has the strongest aspect for good, Thus iftwo planets were in trine, that which is in elevationshould be preferred, especially if it be strengthened bythe good aspects of other planets.


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    THx: enormous waste oi force and time entailed by theexperimental trip upon which most young men embarkat the outset of their career in life, might be greatlyreduced by a proper knowledge of individual aptitudeiu relation to circumstances, The average boy cannotreadily make up his mind as to what occupation he \\;Ufollow, because he docs not know either enough of hisown powers cr of the world in which he is called upon touse them Parents are in the same difficulty. Theymust needs wait to see how a boy will shape out. Theystudy his inclinations to the best of their ability, butwithout coming to a definite conclusion any sooner thanthe boy himself . Given a fair education, such as may fithim for almost anything, but which specialises him for,nothing in particular, he is put to some desk or bench'and there left to his own resources. By a fortunate'chance, he may find himself suited to his post. Morefrequently he is several years in finding out that he hasmissed his vocation, that his inclinations and his workare not in accord, that he has misapplied his energies forsome time, and that 1 1 c has made a false start. Fortu-


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    The Choice of Occupationnatcly circumstanced at birth he may have been equippedby higher education for some distinctive profession, towhich he gains access after the payment of large fees orpremiums. The man has a strong dramatic faculty andthe stage claims him after all. Here is both waste oftime and money. Astrology, as a reliable key to characterand inclination, deserves some recognition on the groundsof social economy.

    The inclinations of the Subject are judged from theposition of the majority of the planets, for if they shouldbe found in the aerial signs, Gemin i , Libra, or Aquarius,the inclination will be towards mental occupations,especially science and literature. In fiery signs there isa predisposition to a more robust and active life, such asis afforded by military service, travelling, prospecting,exploring, &c. In earthy signs the aptitude lies in thedirection of agriculture, experimental science, surveying,dealing in real estate, broking, &c. Inwatery signs thereis special inclination to pursuits connected with the water,such as sailors, watermen, and others; but frequentlyto other occupation in which fluids are predominant,such as publicans, wine and spirit merchants, chemists,and oil merchants.

    Each sign has its special tendency, and the exact occu-pation can often be decided thereby, when regard is hadto the planet in closest aspect to the Sun or Moon andthe sign it occupies. Thus Aries denotes soldiers andpioneers of movements; Taurus shows dealers in realestate, house agents and brokers; Gemini, literary menand writers of all sorts; Cancer, sailors and publicans;Leo, actors and artists; Virgo, clothes dealers and sellersof confectionary and bread; Libra, valuers, assayen,7 3

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    The Choice of Occupationsacrifice of some of the benefits of life. IITake wha tthou wilt, but pay the price!" is the Divine mandate.according to Emerson.

    But unquestionably, the science which enables a manto choose the line of least resistance, which preventsJ. youth of intellectual tendencies from wasting the bestyears of his life in drudgery at the desk or bench, isworth a little study. "Hitch your waggon to a star," iagood advice if only we hitch it to the right one.

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    MARRIAGE CIRCUl\1STAXCESTHE question as to how, when, and where marriage willtake place is an all-absorbing one to the majority of menand women, and no less important than interesting.Astrology has made it possible to answer these questionscategorically and with particular precision and verity.

    The conditions of connubial life are judged (in a malehoroscope) from the condition of the Moon and Venus,and (in a female horoscope) from that of the Sun andMars. The planet to which the luminary first forms anaspect after birth (that which it "applies" to) denotesthe marriage partner. If the aspect be good there will beagreement and the choice of a partner will be fortunate.But if the aspect be evil, there will be trouble aftermarriage. The nature of the planet to whichthe luminaryforms its aspect after birth ought also to be considered,for if it be that the luminary applies by a good aspect toa beneficplanet, or to one that iswell-placed and aspected,then there will be considerable happiness and fortune inmarriage. On the other hand, if both the aspect and


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    Marriage Circumstancesthe planet be evil-as if the Moon were applying to theopposition of Sa.turn or Uranus or Mars-then the fate inmarriage will be extremely unhappy and disagreementswill be frequent and even permanent.

    When the aspect and the nature of the planet are atvariance, as when the Moon has a good aspect to Saturn,or a bad aspect to Jupiter, there will be a mingled fortuneof good and ill in marriage. There is no better sign ofhappiness and harmony in marriage than a good aspectbetween the Sun and Moon.

    Moreover, it may happen that the Moon applies bygood aspect to a planet after birth, and that there is at thesame time a malefic body in the 7th House. This indi-cates that there will be agreement in the connubial life,but that bereavement wi l l soon follow.

    When the Moon applies to Neptune there wil l be somepeculiarity or touch of genius in the partner, according asNeptune may be aspected. Uranus shows eccentricityand sometimes wilfulness. Saturn shows steadiness,industry; or jealousy and coldness. Jupiter indicates agood nature, bountiful and honest, but may be given toexcess and extravagance. Mars induces industry andpracticality, but it gives a strong temper and consider-able Independence, The Sun shows dignity and loyalty,but may indicate ostentation and foolish pride. Venusdenotes peacefulness and a genial, refined nature, but itsperversion brings indifierence, neglect and disorderliness.Mercury denotes an active and energetic nature, but mayproduce a busybody and meddler. '

    Everything depends on the aspect which the significantluminary throws ~ the planet it applies to, for if theaspect be good it Mll indicate the better qualities of that

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    Astrologyplanet; but if evil, then there is frequently the unfortu-nate consequences of choosing a partner in whom theperverted qualities of the planet are predominant.

    Good planets in the 7th House indicate a good partner,but when at the same time the aspect of the luminaryis evil, it wil l denote a good marriage, followed by be-reavement,

    Marriage to a widow (or 'widower) occurs when Marsand Saturn are the planets concerned in the indications,as if Mars be in the jth House and in aspect to Saturn,or if the Moon apply to Mars when aspected by Saturn,or when one of them is in the 5th House and the other inthe 7th.

    Love affairs before marriage are indicated by the 5thHouse, the planets therein and their aspects, and in ageneral sense by Venus in a male horoscope and Mars ina female horoscope.

    Thus if Venus (or Mars) be afflicted by Saturn orUranus there will be disappointment in the early affec-tions. '.Uranus in aspect to Venus gives romantic attach-ments and much influence over the other sex. Neptunein aspect shows idealism, and when afflicting Venus itproduces chaos and entanglement, danger of seduction.Mars aftlicting Venus gives ardor and impulse.

    More than one Marriageis indicated when the luminary is in aspect to more thanone planet in a double-bodied sign, e. g., Gemini , Sagit-tarius, or Pisces. Or, if the luminary itself be in a doublesign and in aspect to any planet other than one whichmay be in the 7th House. Also a double sign being onthe cusp of the 7th House, and the luminary in a fruitful

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    Marriage Circumstancess ign, Cancer, Scorpio, or I!~es, or in aspect to planets Inthose signs. All these are s igns of more than one marriageduring life.

    Signs of separation or divorce are as folloWs: Theluminary applying to the ill aspect of a malefic planet,Venus affiicted, and Uranus in the 7th House or afflictingthe Moon or Venus. In female horoscopes change theSignificators, taking the Sun and Mars instead of theMoon and Venus, and judge the same.

    Where more than one marriage is shown, the ruler ofthe 7th House denotes the first partner, and the planetruling the sign it occupies is called its " dispositor"or "displacer." This dispositor represents the secondpartner.

    The planet to which the significant luminary applies isthat which is taken to describe the partner, according tothe sign it is in. But if this planet be retrograde, i, e .,going backwards in the zodiac by apparent motion, thenit only represents an attachment which will be broken off.Its dispositor then becomes the significator of the partner.But the ruler of the 7th House is taken for the conditionand fortunes of the partner, and if it be affl icted or badlyplaced and weak in the horoscope, then the marriage wil lbe ill-assorted, unfortunate, and full of dissatisfaction.The contrary is the case when the significant planet iswell placed and aspected.

    The place or circumstances under which the partnerwi l l be met m a y be known from the sign and houseoccupied by the planet to which the luminary first appliesafter birth. Thus if it be in the r r th House, the partnerwil l be met among friends, at the house of a friend, orintroduced by a friend. If in the 3rd House, then on a


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    Astrologyshort journey or in correspondence; in the 5th, at a placeof amusement; in the roth, in the course of business;and so on, judgment being made according to the placesand circumstances ruled by the House occupied by theplanet.

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    INDICATIONS OF PROGENYTHE Sth House, the planets therein and the positionand aspects of the Moon, have to be considered in this"atter.If the sth House be occupied by benefic planets, or

    planets wellaspected by others, then the progeny will be asource of satisfaction and credit to the Subject, and willbe reared to maturity. But the contrary is the case whenthe Sth House is occupied by malefic planets and such asmay be heavily aftlicted.

    The Moon represents the tendency in the male and thecapacity in the female, and when well aspected, or freefrom evil aspects and well placed, then there will be goodfortune in connection with the progeny.

    When Uranus afflicts a planet in the Sth House, therewill be some premature births, and generally it willbe observed that when planets are .opposed from therr th and Sth Houses, or malefic planets occupy thosehouses, there is trouble through the progeny, and usuallythe loss of one or more during infancy is to be feared.

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    AstrologyAs to the number of children, no empirical rules exist

    for the judgment of this matter, which necessarily is adifficult one owing to the fact that we have no means ofcomparing the horoscopes of man and wife, but the na-ture of the sign on the cusp of the 5th House is usuallyto be depended upon for an approximation. Thus Aries,Leo, and Capricomus give small families. Taurus,Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces give large families,and the other signs yield a moderate family. When theMoon is strong, angular, and not afRicted, the number isincreased. Twins are born from double-bodied signsoccupying the cusp of the 5th House, or planets in the5th in a double-bodied sign.The condition of each child is known in a generalmanner from the alternate Houses, commencing with the5th. Thus the first child is (in a male horoscope) ruledby the 5th House, and planets therein; the second childby the 7th House; the third by the 9th House, andso on. In a female horoscope the first child is ruled bythe 4th House; the second by the 6th House, and so on.

    Thus if it be found that there is probability of loss ofsome of the progeny, the children most liable to aftiictionmay be known by t h i S method; for the Houses whichcontain the malefic planets, or the aftiicted planets,correspond to the afRicted progeny.

    Dlustrious children are born to the Subject when theruler of the 5th House is in elevation and well aspected,and in a congenial sign. But if the ruler of the 5thHouse be badly placed and aspected and in a sign ofdebility, i.e., opposite to one over which it rules, then theprogeny are ill-equipped for the battle of life, eithermentally or morally. The particular qualities and


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    Indications of Progenyfortunes of the progeny can only be known from theirindividual horoscopes.

    When malefic planets hold the Izth House in a femalehoroscope, there will be danger in confinement; and thesame happens if either of the luminaries, but particularlythe Moon, be affiicted in the 5th House.

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    Voyages and Journeysthe 3rd there will be danger of collision, capsizing, &c.,according to the nature of the planet in the 3rd House.

    Long voyages are to be judged in exactly similar mannerfrom the, 9th House, the planets therein and their aspects.

    The 4th House indicates the place of birth, and if thisHouse hold a benefic planet, or either the Sun or Moon,well aspected, then there is fortune in the place of birth,and journeys should only be undertaken when they arewithout doubt fortunate in their issues and admit of areturn to the native place. When, however, the 4thHouse is occupied by evil planets or planets heavilyaffiicted, it will be advisable to remove from the placeof birth and seek fortune in more propitious localities.In this matter the choice is made by reference to that

    planet which holds the greatest power for good in thehoroscope of birth, and the quarter of the Heavenswhich it occupies will indicate the direction, as fromthe place of birth, to which the Subject should repair.

    Thus, if between the East horizon and the meridian,South-east; between the meridian and the West horizon,South-west; and so of the rest. The points of the com-pass follow the cardinal points of the Heavens, theMidheaven being South; the Nadir, North; the Ascen-dant, East; and the Descendant, West. If a maleficplanet is rising or setting at birth it is advisable to fixthe place of residence so much to the Eastward of thebirthplace as will suffice to bring the malefic planetsout of the angles of the horoscope. The same if maleficplanets occupy the roth or 4th Houses. O n the con-trary, if benefic planets are in the 3rd and 9th Housesthe Subject should move Westward so as to bring thebenefic influences into the loth and 4th Houses.


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    AstrologyWhen benefic planets or planets well aspccted occupy

    the angles.of the figure at birth the SUbject should nottravel far, nor reside long away from the place of birth.Indications of many voyages are as follows: Manyplanets in watery signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces,and also in the sign Virgo. When the majority of theplanets are in cardinal and flexed signs, Aries, Gemini ,Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricornus, andPisces, there will be many changes and journeys. Alsoif the Sun, Moon, Mars, and Mercury are in either the3rd, 9th, rath, or 6th Houses, there will be many journeysand long explorations in foreign countries.

    When planets are afflicted in watery signs there wi l lbe danger in voyages, and if the Moon or Sun be afilictedin Virgo there will be submersion due to wreck.

    Also, when there are planets, especially malefics, inScorpio, Leo, Taurus, and Aquarius, afflicted by theaspects of other planets, or themselves afilicting theSun or Moon, then there is danger of drowning.

    When the signs of voyaging are propitious, and espe-cially when the indications in the 4th House are notso, then removal from the place of birth to some otherpermanent centre of activity will be advisable. Butwhen good planets or planets well aspected are eitherrising or in the 4th House, the SUbject should remainin his native place, and in the end his patience will bejustified.

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    OF FRIENDS AND ENEMIESTHE general harmony of the horoscope consists in thepositions and aspects of the planets and their relationswith the luminaries. When this is conspicuous therewill be many friends and supporters, and the associa-tions of the SUbject will be pleasant and profitable.But when the horoscope is fraught with evil aspectsand angular positions of the malefics there will be muchstrife and many enmities.In a particular sense the friends and associations of

    the Subject are to be known from the r rth House andthe planets therein. For if there be a benefic planetin the rrth, especially if in good aspect to either of theluminaries, there will be many friends and adherents.

    Similarly, the enemies of the Subject are known fromthe 7th House, and secret enemies from the rzth. Maleficplanets therein, especially in evil aspect to the Sun orMoon, shows many opponents.

    Neptune in any malefic aspect to the Sun or Moonshows dange-r of deceit and treachery being practised

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    Astrologyupon the Subject, and if violent testimonies concurfrom the ill aspects of Mars or Ura.nus he will be indanger of an ambush. Saturn in the 7th or rath showslong feuds and implacable enmities. Uranus thereinshows litigation and heckling of creditors. Marstherein is an index of violence and passionate hatred.Mercury therein shows much scandal and many pettyannoyances.

    Now observe the places of the malefic planets and theHouses wherein they are situated. Take the date whenthe Sun is in the same longitude as any of these maleficplanets, which will be the same in.any year, and thiswill be the birthday of persons v..:~oare to be avoideda likely to bring mischief into the life. . Supposing,for instance, that Saturn is found at birth in theroth House, in the 13th degree of the sign Aquarius.Reference to the Ephemeris (Sect. II., chap. i.) willshow that the Sun is in Aquarius 13 on the rst andznd February. Hence it would be unfortunate for theSubject to serve any man who was born betweeitthe 28th January and the 3rd February ~ any year.Also, if Uranus were in L eo 23 in the 7th Househe should not go into partnership or marriage withanybody born on or near the 15th August in anyyear.

    Take now the places of the benefic planets, and alsothe place of the Moon, and find the corresponding Solardates, for these will be the birth dates of such personsas should be cultivated and drawn into close associati"nfor mutual benefit.

    Observe also the trines and sextiles of the beneficplanets and of the Moon, and the squares and opposi-88

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    Of Friends and Enemiestions of the malefics, for these will operate in a minordegree in a similar manner as already indicated.A comparison of the horoscopes of persons, whetherkings or plebeians, with those of others who have wroughtgreat good or evil in their lives, will immediately es -tablish this observation. Indeed there is nothing moredependable in the whole range of scientific observationthan this sympathy and antipathy of horoscopes andtheir corresponding results. It is an argument forthe claim of its advocates that Astrology should beregarded in the light of a science, for if the planets actnot at all upon the dispositions and tendencies of mentheir squares and oppositions in two separate horo-scopes would have no signification. Let those whoare unhappily mated compare their horoscopes andthey will find the signs of discord to which referencehas been made above. On the other band, let anyman who has been lifted to wealth, fame, or positionby the patronage of another compare his horoscope withthat of his benefactor, and it will be found that thebenefic planets in the latter hold the places of the Sun,Moon, Midheaven, or Ascendant in his own. Thisfrequently accounts for the fact that men with com-paratively unfortunate horoscopes are sometimes foundin positions of influence and in the enjoyment of con-siderable fortune. The complex fabric of life has itswarp and woof wherein many colored threads arewoven together for the completing of the grand design,and the great loom of life has its wheels within wheelswhich only the Great Artificer can understand andreguIate. We here below, subjects all of interplanetaryaction, must content ourselves with the design as re-

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    Astrologyvealed to us in the history of mankind, or we must seekto understand the purpose of life, its motif, the com-plex laws which operate to bring about the unfold-ment of the great plan, and thence to prognosticate thatwhich hereafter shall be revealed to the eommoaplaceobserver.

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    THE END OF LIFETHE end of life is judged from the planets occupyingthe 8th and 4th Houses, for the 8th denotes Death,and the 4th denotes the final resting-place of man.When benefic planets, or the Luminaries well aspectcd,occupy these Houses, you may judge that the end wil lbe peaceful, normal, and that death will take place inthe midst of congenial and even exceptionally agreeablesurroundings.

    When, however, the malefic planets hold these Houses,or afflict the luminaries therein, you may judge greaterstress and privation.

    Uranus in the 8th House denotes a sudden death, andthe same result is observed when the Luminaries thereinare afflicted by Uranus. Neptune in the 8th denotesdanger of trance, coma, and simulated death, and whenthis position is observed it is necessary that all the signsof mortification should be present before interment iseffected. Saturn produces death by privation and ob-\tructions, by chills and colds. Mars induces deathby fevers and inflammatory action, and frequently byhemorrhage.


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    AstrologyPlanets in Fixed signs in the 8th House show death

    from heart or throat affections, affections of the ex-cretory system and the blood. In Cardinal s igns, thehead, stomach, kidneys, or skin are the seats of thefatal disease. In Flexed signs, the lungs, bowels, andnervous system become fatally affected.

    Violent or unnatural deaths are shown when eitherof the luminaries is simultaneously aftlicted by the evilaspects of more than one of the malefic planets, or whenboth luminaries are separately aftlicted by the maleficaspects of malefic planets, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn,or Mars.

    When these testimonies occur, it will be found thatNeptune produces death by assassination, Uranus bysudden catastrophies, explosions, hurts by electricity andmachinery, Saturn by blows and falls, and Mars by cuts,bums, scalds, and effusionof blood. Particular judgmentis drawn from the nature of the signs in which the sig-nificant planets are placed. Thus Saturn in Waterysigns would produce drowning; in Taurus, strangling ordecapitation; in Aries by the blow of a truncheon, &c.Similarly, Uranus in Gemini would produce accidentson short journeys, railway collisions, bicycle or motoraccidents, and the like effects. It is impossible to citeall the effects due to the several planets in the differentsigns, but if the simple natures of the planets, signs andHouses are thoroughly understood, a combination oftheir significations will readily lead to an appreciationof exact effects. If I say that a certain fluid is H2SO.,anyone having a knowledge of elementary chemistrywill know that it is sulphuric acid, and similarly, if I saythat a certain horoscope contains Saturn in Cancer in


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    THE TIME-MEASURETm: planets, in their motions after birth, come intocertain relations with the planets in the horoscope ofbirth, and also form aspects among themselves owingto the diversities of their motions in the Zodiac . InAstrological science there are two separate means ofcalculating the time of events, but both methods con-sist of bringing the body of one planet to the body oraspect of another, which process is called "Directing,"and the arc described by the moving body is called anIIArc of Direction."

    The first of these methods is the discovery of ClaudiusPtolemy, the famous mathematician and geographer, theauthor of the Syntaxis, as set forth in his work theTeuabiblos, or Four Books on the influence of the Stars.This method had the support and confirmation of the


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    AstrologyBut the same and other planets may be directed to the

    horizon, by taking the Table of Houses for the latitude ofthe birthplace (Sect. I., chap. iii.) and finding therein underthe colm marked "Ascen." (Ascendant) the longitudeheld by any of the planets. Observe then what degree ison the Midheaven in the column marked 10 (roth House),and count the number of degrees between this Mid-heaven and the Midheaven at birth. The result willgive the age at which the effects of such planets will beexperienced.

    Thus, for a person born in or near Liverpool or in thesame latitude, suppose the Midheaven at birth to be inScorpio0, and Saturn to be in the 2nd House in Aquarius8 degrees. I wish to bring Saturn to the horizon. Inthe Table of Houses I find that Aquarius 8 is on theAscendant when Sagittarius 9 is on the Midheaven,and I therefore count from Scorpio 0 to Sagittarius 9.Th is gives the age of 39 years, and as Saturn is in theand House at birth, I say that at 39 years of age theSubject would experience financial disaster, and be-cause Saturn comes then to the Ascendant, I also saythere would be serious illness and depression of spiri ts .

    When planets are setting at birth they are brought tothe opposition of the Ascendant in a similar manner, onlythe opposite point of the zodiac must be found in theTables under the Ascendant. Thus, if Mars were in the7th House at birth in the r rth degree of Cancer, I findthe opposite point (Capricomus I I) under the column ofthe Ascendant, and I note that Scorpio 19 is then on theMidheaven, so that from Scorpio 0 to Scorpio 19 gives19 years, at which age the Subject would have a seriousillness due to inflammatory action in the stomach and


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    The Time-Measureprobably produced by overwork and worry, as indicatedby the sign Cancer, and the planet Mars, or if therebe indications of an accident, then an accident by scaldingwith hot water or acids would be predicted.

    Planets are brought to the opposition of the Midheavenby counting the degrees which intervene between thelongitude on the lower meridian at birth and that held bythe planet.

    In all such directions the conjunctions of beneficplanets are advantageous when directed to the Midheavenor Ascendant, and the conjunctions of the malefics areindicated of periods of bad fortune. The oppositions areuniformly evil, whether the planet involved in the direc-tion be a benefic or malefic. (Sect. I., chap. iv.)

    These are the directions of the planets to the twoSignificators, the Midheaven and Ascendant. The Mid-heaven appertains to honors and credit, while the Ascen-dant has relation to the personal and bodily welfare andthe general fortunes.

    To direct the Midheaven or Ascendant to the otheraspects of the planets, such as the sextile, trine, semi-square or square, it is only necessary to note the de-grees in which these aspects fall and bring them tothe Midheaven or Ascendant as if the body of the planetwere itself there, and in the manner already indicated.

    The Sun is directed after birth by its motion in thezodiac, which can be found in the Ephemeris for theyear of birth, and the aspects it forms to the planetsin the horoscope and in the daily progress should betabulated. In most Ephemerides they are already cal-culated, so that the labor is considerably lightened.Each day after birth wil l represent one year of life, the

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    Astrologymean motion of the Sun being about I degree per day.All that is necessary, therefore, is to count the number ofdays from birth to the date when the Sun forms anaspect, and that will give the age at which the planetaspected will produce its effects.

    ~ the Sun goes through the zodiac the other bodiesmake progress along with it, in which course they formaspects to the Midheaven, Ascendant, the Sun and Moonin the horoscope of birth. These are called "Secondary"directions, and in connection with the Sun's aspectsafter birth, constituted the system in use among theArabian astrologers.

    Minor periods of good and bad fortune, subsidiary tothe above periodic influences, are taken from the Moon'sprogress after birth, inwhich one day equals one year oflife, and two hours equal one month. These directions ofthe Moon afford a monthly prognosis of the course ofevents, and are useful in the conduct of minor affa i rsin life. When they are contrary to the general trendand import of the periodic directions made to the Mid-heaven, Ascendant, and Sun, they act indifferently, andfrequently produce only passing benefits or annoyances;but when they are in agreement with the Primary Direc-tions cited above, then they accentuate and define thenature and time of events. As if the Primaries begood and the Lunar directions evil, then there will be apredominance of good fortune with some current dis-turbances; but both being good there will be abundantsuccess and satisfaction; while if the Primaries be eviland the Lunar directions good, the latter will serve onlyto moderate the effects for the time being of the Primaryevil indications.

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    The Time-MeasureAn intelligent apercu of the principles cf directing will

    greatly enhance the value of any prognostications madefrom the horoscope of birth, as it will enable the studentto select those periods in the life when th e effects due toany planet are most likely to eventuate. Thus, if Saturnbe in the and House at birth, it may be said that therewould follow some periods of great financial stress, andthe rising of Saturn by direction after birth would showthe time when one, at all events, of such periods wouldbe experienced.

    And here is the great fact upon which astrologers theworld over are prepared to stand or fall. If the planetshave no effect in the lives of men, their directions to theangles of the horoscope can have no effect; but neverwas it found that a man had evil fortunes at the periodwhen the planet Jupiter was directed to the Midheavenor Ascendant, or anything but bad fortune when Saturnwas similarly directed. The fact is there, and we can-not get away from it. The only question is as to howfar w e can intelligently carry our investigations beyondthat point, and intelligibly convey our discoveries to theworld by their application to the affai rs of daily life.The reader may judge for himself from a perusal of thesepages.

    The directions being calculated and tabulated in orderof their occurrence, the time and general nature of theinfluences operating in successive periods of the life willstand revealed. The particular nature of the eventsindicated by the several directions may be known from(a ) the House in which the directed planet is situated;(b ) the Sign it occupies; and (c ) the aspect it forms,considered in relation to the nature of the planet. For


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    Astrologyexample: If Uranus at birth were in the 9~b}1vuse l11dthe sign Gemini, its direction to the Midheaven wouldbe the index of litigation in connection with writings,publications, or means of transit; because the 9th House,among other things, has relation to litigation and legalaffairs, and Gemini (the Jrd House sign) to communica-tions, writings, &c., while Uranus denotes sudden andunexpected events, ruptures, alienations, and com-plexities. ,.'

    So if Saturn were in the 6th House in the signAquarius,its direction to the opposition of the Ascendant wouldindicate chills to the blood, anemia, &c., constitutinga serious illness with probability of low fever; because the6th House rules sickness, and Aquarius rules the blood,while Saturn is the cause of chills, paucity, and impedi -ments.

    Thus the time and nature of events may be knownwith great certainty.

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    THE EFFECTS OF TRANSITSAKONG the number of important indicators to whichAstrologers refer in making a forecast of concurrentevents, there are the transits of the planets over theplaces of the Significators at birth, the positions ofEclipses, and those of the lunations.

    The first of these chronocrators depends upon therevolutions of the planets in their orbits. Each planethas a period in which it completes its revolution in theheavens, in the course of which it passes the places ofthe Sun, Moon, Midheaven, and Ascendant of the horo-scope. This passage over the radical Significators istechnically termed its "transit," and it will be foundthat such transits afford a very precise and reliablesource of prognostication, for the time of a planet'stransit is known in advance of its occurrence (see Sect.II., chap. iv.), and the effects of such transit are inexact terms of the nature of the planet concerned. Itis only necessary to add that the Midheaven and theSun have relation to the position and honor of the Sub-ject, while the Moon and Ascendant have relation tothe personal health and general fortunes. The Sun


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    Astrologyand Midhcaven abo signify the father, and the Moonhas general signification of the mother. Venus signif iesdomestic and love affairs, the affections and sent imen ts :while Mercury signifies the mental disposition. S;)Uranus in transit over the place of Venus will give alove affair, a romantic attachment. Mars over the placeof Venus will engender passionate love. Saturn overVenus will give disappointment or bereavement; andNeptune thereover will bring entanglements and com-plications, with danger of being led astray. Saturn overMercury will produce melancholy and many errors ofjudgment. Mars over the same planet will excite themind and tlispose to impulse and unreasoning anger,quarrels and disputation. Uranus over Mercury willrender the mind wayward and headstrong, disposed toerratic courses and egotistic methods. Neptune passingthe place of Mercury produces deceit s, treacheries, andapprehension of impending evil, a sense of espionageand ambush. It involves the mind in tortuous andcomplicated schemes, and disposes to secrecy andweariness.

    The transits of the major planets are of chief signi-ficance, and their effects are rendered more weightyand lasting when at the time of transit they are retro-grade in the zodiac; while their stationary positionson the places of the Significators have almost the samepower as Primary Directions.

    Of EclipsesAn Eclipse of the Sun or Moon falling on the place of

    any Significator in the horoscope of birth is of a sinisterimport, and cannot h(' too seriously considered, Falling


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    The Effects of Transitson the Ascendant or the Moon they affect the health andgeneral fortunes very seriously, and only a series ofsubsequent good directions can avail to restore theSubject to his normal condition. On the Midheaven orthe Sun, the honor and fortunes may both be affected,and in the same serious degree. The Eclipses falling onthe places of the other planets will produce effects inaccord with the nature of those planets and the Housesthey occupy. To have any appreciable effect, theEclipsesmust be within two degrees of any of the radicalpositions, or of their opposition aspects.

    Of LunatiODSThe Lunations recur in the same part of the Ecliptic

    every nineteen years. Considered in relation to thecurrent indications they afford the means of a monthlyforecast of events. Thus. if the lunation for the monthfalls on the place of Jupiter in the horoscope of birth, itwill produce good effects in that department of lifewhichis governed by the House in which Jupiter is situated;as if in the r rth, through friends; in the 4th, throughproperty or rental; in the oth, through servants andhealth; in the 8th, through a financial colleague,&c.

    The effects of Lunations are subsidiary to the currentlunar directions, and these in turn are subsidiary to thetransits, and the transits to the Primary Directions. Bythis it is not meant that they are inoperative, nor thatthey fail to indicate the events of the month, but theirpower and degree of influence is subject to the greaterinfluence of superior causes. And as a general observa-tion it may be affir!l~( the less frequently :lnycelestial position Ol:(UfS ill :1 horoscope, the greater is its


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    Astrologyinfluence. This fact gives to primary directions theirgreat intl.uencein the life, for they can only occur oncein a lifetime; and for the same reason Eclipses have amajor significance, for the same Eclipse only recursafter an interval of 649 years. The transits of Neptune,of Uranus, of Saturn and Jupiter and Mars follow intheir order of frequency. Neptune has a revolution ofabout 165 years, Uranus 84 years, Saturn 30 years,Jupiter 12 years, and Mars It years.

    Major effects must not therefore be referred to inferiorcauses, and minor effects must not be referred to superiorcauses. In universal or even national cataclysms, in-dividual fortunes are submerged.

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    HOW TO SUMMARISE A HOROSCOPEBUOD leaving the exposition of this subject, it may beof advantage to the reader if I give some idea of themethod to be pursued in the complete handling of ahoroscope.

    First, then, erect the figure of birth, taking care touse the Ephemeris of the year of birth, and also thecorrect Table of Houses for the latitude of the place ofbirth.

    Next proceed to attempt a description of the chiefpersonal traits of the Subject, following in successionwith a well-considered judgment on the constitution,hereditary tendencies, the health and pathological pre-dispositions, the mental traits and disposition, con-sidering these latter in relation to the state of healthindicated. Then pass to a consideration of the en-vironing conditions of life; the financial condition andoutlook; the position in lile; the occupa.tion; prospectsand conditions of marriage; of progeny. Judge nextconcerning voyages and journeys. Finish with a state.ment regarding the predominance of friends or enemies,and select dates by Solar positions, as already instructed.


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    AstrologyIn cases where it is not objected to, an approximationmay be made to the time and nature of death.

    Throughout the whole of this judgment, the periodswhen these predicted effects wil l come into force shouldbe made by reference to the rising, setting, andmeridian passage of the planets, the solar aspects, andtransits.

    Care should be taken to weigh justly and impartiallythe evidence set before you in the figure of the heavensfor birth. Major importance should be given to thoseplanets which are in angles, and those which are inelevation, for the nearer a planet may be to the Mid-heaven, the greater is its influence for good or ill, accord-ing to its nature and aspect.

    Read what you see, not what you imagine should bethe destiny of an individual. If you are in completeignorance of his person, position, and environment, somuch the better. If you follow carefully the variousrules which are contained in this book, you may at firstmake some errors of judgment, but as you becomefa.miliarwith the task, even these errors wil l become fewand far between, and in the end the language of thehoroscope will become so intelligible and clear that itwill interpret itself, and the whole trend and potentialityfor good or ill of any birth-figure will force itself uponyou in just the same way as when a man walks intoyour presence with his character clearly stamped uponhis face, so that you have only to look and know.

    Having become proficient in the judgment of birth-figures, you will do well to proceed to a closer study ofthe mathematics of astrology, making yourself proficientin the various methods of directing, so that you may at


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    How to Summarise a Horoscopeany time refine upon your general prognostics, and makepredictions which are clear, sharp, and to the point.Undoubtedly there is a modicum of intuitive percep-tion at work in the judgment of any horoscope, whichwill enable you to seize upon the small details and exactpointing of any matter, and this perhaps constitutes thewhole difference between the rule of thumb worker andthe inspirational reasoning of the intuitive worker. Theone exhausts the books and the other embellishes them.It is so with science in every department. The bookswill take you up to a certain point of proficiency, and astrict regard for the formulai will keep you within thebounds of safety. But if you are ever to make a dis-covery or become a recognised exponent of any science,you must be naturally gifted with what is called the"scientific imagination," another name for intuition.But at no point does true intuition part company withexact reasoning. There is no lesion. The one is anextension of the other. It is the higher reason, whichargues from the known to the unknown. And theAstrologer is in this respect as the poet, "born, notmade." But a moment's reflection will suffice to con-vince you that the more facile you may become withthe book-learning and technique of Astrology, the moreyou will leave the intuition free to act. When a ladis struggling with his multiplication tables, his apprecia-tion of the binomial theorem or the differential calculuscannot be said to amount to much. And, in the same way,a person who is stuffing down the Alphabet of Astrologycannot be expected to intuite anything concerning thepotential of the Sun's direction to the quadrature ofSaturn.


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    Astrologythe precautions which are necessary. He will knowwhom to cultivate a.nd whom to avoid, and in selectinga partner in business or a wife for his home, he willbe guided by a f ore kn ow le dg e of evils to be avoidedand of good things t be gained. He will choose hispath in life with the confidence that it is for him theline of least resistance and therefore that of greatestprogress, He \\ ill not become obsessed by ambitionsbeyond his power to achieve. He will learn the powerof adaptation to environment, and thereby effect hisw ork in the v..o rld with th e least possib le friction andwaste of force. He will kuow when to make provisionagainst sickness, accident, and death. He wil l notinvest capital where interest is 110t to be gained. Hewill se e the end from the beginning. It may not makehim a brilliant success in the world, but it will assuredlysave him from being a fa.ilure. He wil l find causes forinexplicable things, and his mind will rest content inthe knowledge that while he is working out the highestpotentia.lities of his own horoscope, the major problemsand intricacies of life are not of his making or needfulof his solving. And finally, when his time comes to"shuffle off this mortal coil," hc will be prepared, and"ill know that it is the will of Heaven, expressed anddetermined from the moment of his birth. Rightly em.ployed, Astrology cannot fail to improve the man whomakes of it a serious study, fitting him to be of grea.teruse to others and of higher service to the race at large.

    But to become a successful Astrologer he must studypatiently for several years, testing each statement that ismade in the books by reference to his own and severalo ther ho ro scopes, T It' must LI I : able tl' erect a figure o f


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    Astrologydeductive reasoner cannot ror('!'-l'~.and these art the pointsthat should lit' utilised by the Astrologer who s-eks toconvince others of the trut h (If his science. A mancannut reason from his doorstep to a street accident. Ifhe could he w ould a\"' . id it. A II m en arc not subject toaccidents, however. But almost all arc subject to be-reavements, 1

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    A Successful Astrologerlogical learning are hy no means in the saint' efficientstate as Genethliacal Astrology, to an outline of whichthis work is devoted. Anciently it was otherwise, and evenin the East at this day they hold some secrets of traditionalknowledge, concerning which they are unduly mysteriousand of which we have only the evidence afforded by moreexact prediction upon certain points.

    Prejudice and Ignorance are the twin giants which barthe path of the world's progress to-day, even as theyhave ever done. Step by step they have been beatenback, baffled by the light of Reason. harassed by thearrows of Truth. The world is redeeming its ancientheritage. All that is now required to establish theparamount truth of Astrology as a science is an im-partial and thorough investigation, preferably at thehands of scientific men, of its methods and principles.Not that the truth is to be ratified at the hands of modernscientists, seeing that their own teaching constitutes amere shifting orthodoxy, liable at any moment to undergoa fundamental change in theory by the discovery of asingle new fact-but that to such men rightly belongsthe duty of disproving the claims of Astrology to be con-sidered as a science, for it is a Iact to be regretted thatcertain members of their body have written against thesubject in a spirit of prejudice and without adducing anydata in support of their contention, which ill becomesany man of scientific pretensions and is above all thingsdetrimental to the cause of Truth.

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    IN order to summarise and illustrate the principles whichhave been enunciated in the course of this work, I shallavail myself of the horoscope of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain,who was born on the 8th of July, I836, at Highbury, thetime of birth being stated to have been at about 2.30 inthe morning. Calculations have since enabled us to fi xthe exact time of birth as at 2 h. 36 m. a.m. I subjointhe horoscopical figure for that time, the calculation ofwhich is as Iol lowsc=-

    H. Y. s.Midheaven in R.A. at Noon 7th July, I836 .. 7 I 58Add time elapsed since 14 36 0Equation for I4b. 33m. at rosecs, 2 2 5Midheaven in Right Ascension at Birth ..... 2I 40 23

    The ConstitutionBorn under the sign Gemini, with Mercury rising in

    the sign Cancer, the Sun near the conjunction withJupiter and in close sextile to the Moon, there is little


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    A Popular Illustration

    l I S

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    Astrologydoubt that the late Colonial Secretary is by nature giftedwith an excellent constitution. The sextile of the lumi-naries is a powerful co-ordinator, and whenever sicknesssupervenes there will be a speedy recovery. The semi-square aspect of Mars, while disposing to gouty affectionsof the hands and feet, will contribute vital energy andpower to throw off diseases, while at the same time pre-disposing to accidents and wounds to the right shoulderor clavicle.

    The rising sign gives nervous energy and enormouscapacity for work, which is due to high nervous tensionsupported by a sound vitality. The only hereditary pre-disposition is that indicated by Mars, which induces tofevers, and gouty affections due to acidity.,

    The HealthThe Moon is strong in the s ign Taurus, but not par-

    .ticularly wellplaced in the rsth House. It has, moreover,the square aspects of Neptune and Venus from fixeds igns . These indications point to functional disorders ofthe heart, throat, and excretory system. On the otherhand, there are the good aspects of the Sun, Jupiter, andUranus to counteract these adverse tendencies, and it iscertain that strong recuperative powers together with anormally good co-ordination of functions would inducea speedy recovery from any illness to which he may beliable. Considerable immunity from sickness of all sortsmay therefore be predicated.

    Character and DispositionThe majority of the planets being in Cardinal signs,

    with three planets (including the Moon) in Fixed signs,n6

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    A Popular Illustrationindicates a character tha.t is energetic, ambitious, active,sharp, ingenious, lively, and persevering; capable ofcutting out a line in life for himself and making headwayagainst obstacles; disposed to ride roughshod over theweaknesses and prejudices of those who oppose him;gifted with a pioneer spirit, incisive manner, and disposedat times to effect his ends regardless of the feelings andopinions 01 ethers, At the same time there is sufficientpatience, method, caution, and watchfulness to make thisextreme definition of purpose very effective. Laborious,firm (at times obstinate), systematic, and self-reliant, heis capable of waiting for opportunities. But finally hecarries his purpose with a tour de force.

    That which he lacks is adaptability, suavity, andability to enter into the feelings of others. He is tooambitious to be self-centred, but yet too intent to besympathetic.

    The rising of Mercury in trine a s pe c t to Saturn andUranus gives considerable mental capacity, a wide g raspof facts, a well-informed, apt and business-like mind;some originality, constructiveness, and power of marshall-ing facts and figures; patience, caution, and secrecy.There is not much imagination, and the sympathiesare not wide. His methods and actions are governedby literal fact and mathematical certainty. He is anomnivorous devourer of the accessible. He takes thesmall f ish by the handful and makes a meal of them;but he leaves the ponderous whales for those of greaterimagination and more leisurely habit.

    The quadrature of Mars to Uranus will induce mo-mentary outbursts of temper and some irritability ofnature, but the character I am delineating is not such


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    Astrologyas can easily be played upon, for it is remarkably lackingin emotional susceptibility. Nevertheless, the inspira-tional faculty is by no means absent, and the presenceof Neptune in the 9th House in trine to the rising Mer-cury, is an index of considerable inventive genius, ex-treme range of mental perception, and telescopic discern-ment of future events. Venus in the 3rd House showssome artistic tastes and fancies, considerable appreciationof art and culture, a fondness for flowers,bright lights, &c.But dominant above all are the two angular influences ofUranus and Mercury, which render the mind mathe-matical and precise, commercial, apt, business-like,energetic, and eminently magnetic.

    P iDanceThe position of the Sun in conjunction with Jupiter in

    the sign Cancer, in sextile to the Moon, is the index of ahigh fortune and means exceeding a competence. It ishere worthy of note that Cancer, which in this horoscopeholds the Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury, is the ruling sign ofSouth Africa, with which Colony Mr. Chamberlain'sfortunes have been for a longtime sointimately associated.It is also worthy of note that both Cecil Rhodes andBarney Barnato were born on the same day of the year,the Sth of July, with the Sun in the 14th degree of Cancer.In" the former case the Sun was conjoined with Moonand Venus, in sextile to Uranus and trine to Neptune,while in the latter case the Sun was in trine to Jupiter.In regard to Mr. Chamberlain's horoscope, it will beobserved that Jupiter, which holds such effective powerfor increase in the znd House, is also the ruler of the7th, and it is to be remembered that all partnerships,


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    A Popular Illustrationcommercial or social, which he has contracted have sofar proved highly satisfactory from a merely monetarypoint of view. Further, the Moon is affected with thegood aspect of the Sun in the and House, which is afurther indication that on a purely financial basis Mr.Chamberlain is a man worth going into partnershipwith.

    PositionAll the planets except Neptune and Saturn are rising,

    and this at once indicates a man ambitious of indepen-dence and honors, one who is confessedly a candidatefor responsibility.Uranus in the Midheaven and close to the meridianindicates that association with civic and governmentalbodies in which Mr. Chamberlain has rendered himselfso conspicuous a figure, and whereas the trine aspect ofMercury in the Ascendant to Uranus in the Midheavenand the seztile of the Moon to Uranus also are sureindications of a wide popularity, the square aspect ofMars to Uranus from the rath House, will not fail toengender many veiled enmities, machinations, andinimical plots, which have for their object the over-throw of Mr. Chamberlain's prestige, and which, failing,will find expression in vituperative abuse and bitteranimosity. But those who understand the virtue of theorientality of planets in a horoscope will retain theirconfidence in Mr. Chamberlain's ability to hold his ownagainst all opponents.

    It will be observed that the direction of the Ascendantto the place of Uranus in the horoscope coincides withthe age of Mr. Chamberlain at the outbreak of hostilitiesin South Africa, while the direction of Midheaven opposi-


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    Astrologytion Saturn coincides with the progress of the Boer War.Did space permit it would be possible to adduce a longlist of directional arcs coinciding with the time andnature of al1 the more important epochs in Mr. Chamber-lain's career. The student is invited to make some testof this matter by the aid of the rules already given inthese pages. Marriage

    M r. Chamberlain has been thrice married. Itwil l beobserved that not only is there a double-bodied sign onthe cusp of the 7th How-e, but the Moon also appliesto both the Sun and Jupiter in the sign Cancer. (SeeSect. II!., chap. 8.) The aspect of the Moon beingbenefic to both the Sun and Jupiter, the marital statewould be both harmonious and fortunate. It is, ofcourse, well known that Mr. Chamberlain has, from amerely worldly point of view, married most advan-tageously. This observation may be called "wise afterthe event," but Iwould observe that this geniture pre-ceded my judgment of it, and the rules from which Ijudge are to be found in the Tetrabiblos of Ptolemy,written in the second century, and since tested andfound reliable by successive astrologers during someseventeen centuries. Saturn's aspect to Jupiter, the rulerof the 7th House, and the Moon's quadrature to Venusmust be held accountable (or the successive bereavementswhich have disturbed the conjugal life in this case.

    ProgenyThe posi tkm of Saturn in the 5th House, and the

    affiiction of Venus by Neptune and the Moon, will serveto account, in connection with the marriage conditions,


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    A Popular Illustrationfor the small family which has been born to Mr. Chamber-lain, for observe that Venus is the ruler, jointly withMercury, of the 5th House, while Saturn is in the 5thand ruler of the 8th House. The same positions and as-pects threaten to curtail the succession.

    The position of Mercury, joint ruler of the 5th, in thesign Cancer, and just about to rise in the horoscope,promises honors and distinctions to the f i rs t -born.

    Travelling:The MOQnand Mars are cadent in the Horoscope, and

    Mercury, the "winged messenger" (symbol of thetrading-ship), is rising. These are indications of manyjourneys and changes and constant unrest. But fixedsigns being on the cusps of the .lrd and 9th Houses, andthe Moon also in a fixed sign, will suffice to account forthe fact that Mr. Chamberlain is not a great long-distancetraveller. Cancer and Leo holding the benefics and theSun also well aspected in Cancer, the Moon being inTaurus, shows at once that France, South Africa, Holland,Scotland, and Ireland are parts of the world in which theoperations of ~lr. Chamberlain would meet with success,if it be not superfluous to detail specific territories inface of the abundant evidence of general success whichthis horoscope affords.

    Friends and EnemiesIt was the boast of Bismarck that he was the "best-

    hated man in Europe," and it would be strange indeed ifMr. Chamberlain had passed through life and attained soprominent a position without incurring the enmity orarousing the envy and malice of a considerable number


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    Astrologyof individuals. Nevertheless, there are only two aspectsin this horoscope which seem to point to any sort oftrouble from such causes. The points are those of Nep-tune, which afilicts both the Moon and Venus, and ofMars which afilicts Uranus in the Midheaven and theSun in the and House.

    By referring these two points to the Ecliptic we findthey correspond to the Sun's position on or about the24th of May, and the 26th of January, and I shall leavethe reader to look up his Almanac and find the individuals(illustrious they must needs be to find chronicle in Whit-taker) who were capable of filling the requirements of thecase.& to friends, Mr. Chamberlain should lack nothing.

    With the Moon in sextile to the Sun and Jupiter, theruler of the rrth House, in the same benefic relationswith the Moon, he would always be able to count upona strong adherence, and the only adverse indication inthis matter is that Mars, part ruler of the rrth House,holds the rath House in square aspect to Uranus in theMidheaven. This would be interpreted to mean thatsome of his friends will be disposed to become his enemies,and to militate, although ineffectually, against hi s creditand position. Why ineffectually? Because Mercury,the ruler of the Ascendant and prime significator of Mr.Chamberlain, is angular and well aspected, while Marsis weak and aftlicted by Uranus which is in elevationabove it.

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    Astrologyand some journeys by water. It also indicates somederangement of the health due to nervous strain, andaffecting the stomach (ruled by Cancer). The Sun isdirected in similar manner to the 24th degree of the signVirgo, where it meets the sextile aspect of Jupiter in theand House, in the sign of its exaltation, Cancer. Thisgives access of good fortune, increase of honor and pres-tige, and as Jupiter rules the rrth House, many adherentsand supporters. But being also in semisquare to Venus,Mr. Chamberlain is in danger of losing a brother or othernear male relative. The Moon by the same measure iswithin 4 degrees of the place of Jupiter, again markingthe year 1908 as one of exceptional advantage, and in Julyof that year Jupiter passes over the Progressed Ascendant.

    During the year 1904 Saturn has been close to the Mid-heaven of the radical horoscope, being in Aquarius 21,and stationary therein, during the month of June. InMarch, and again in October, it transits the oppositionof the Progressed Ascendant in Aquarius 16, while inFebruary, June, and December Uranus is in transit overthe opposition of the radical Ascendant in Sagittarius2 8 1 6'.

    In 1905, Saturn will transit the Midheaven in thehoroscope of birth, and in the summer of the same yearMars will be Stationary in opposition to the place of theMoon at birth. Both these periods will be fraught withcares and anxieties, and the latter influence wil l actdetrimentally on the health, disposing to attacks of goutand inflammatory action in the system.

    But while the approaching and concurrent Primarydirections are of a highly benefic nature, there will be nohint of a breakdown either in health or reputation, and


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    A Popular Illustrationitn e e d s only the additional good. in8uence of a. transit. orSecondaly Lunar direction to ca r ry Mr. Chamberlain at.full sw ing ; to the summit of popular- esteem an d politicalpowec

    T he curious who . s ee k. f o r c oi nc id en ce s. will not be sur-prised: and. may be grat i f ied. to note that Mea; th e rootof the name of. Mercury, signifies trade, and. that thepJaDet Mercury is r i s i ng in this horoscope of Mr. Cham-berlain, w ho won great distinction for him self as Presi-dent of the Board of Trade. Those who in more earnestvein s e e k for causes will do well to trace th e transits ofthe major planets. th rough this horoscope over the placesof th e Signi.6ca.tors, the Sun, Moon, Midheaven, aodAscendant at all the impor tan t epochs in th e life of thelate Colonial Secretary. The working out of the moreimportant directional arcs for the same per iod. Ican .saftly leave to the reader whose desire to thoroughlytest the claims of Astrulogy ha s been sufficiently arousedby th e perusal of these pages, It is at all times easierto dispute than to disprove, and this apparently iI. thereason for so much that is said, and so little that is s1it;~against Astrology.A s to the modus op er and i. of plan eta ry i.n 1iu en ce I co n-ceive that the brain cells a re infil led with. a. nervous.pabulum. of sw:h delicate- nature as to be capable ofresponding to the f iner etheric vibrations instituted e planets; that the electrosta.tic condition of the earth'satmosphere at the moment of birth determines the par-ticular mode or modes of vibration to which. the individualbrain is . syntonically responsive; and I could, d i d . : spacepermit, immediately adduce hundreds of instances that whenever the same positions or planetary,

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    Astrologyaspects recur in the heavens as were in existence atthe moment of a birth, the individual immediatelyresponds to the excitation, and gives instant evidenceof such excitation by actions in agreement with thenature of the planets involved.
