seo - 8 link building tips - 2014

SEO – 8 Links Tips – 2014 Tips and hints on building strong link profiles September 2014

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Here you'll find some of the link building tips that I use daily. They help you evolve form being just another website to becoming a thought leader in your league. More to come...


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SEO – 8 Links Tips – 2014Tips and hints on building strong link profilesSeptember 2014

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• Build a link profile

• Use Wikipedia broken links

• Find link prospects on Delicious

• Find Link prospects on Alltop

• Add internal links to page 2-3 keywords

• Be a hub of helpful content

• Find link prospects with ‘best of’ lists

• Use expert roundup

8 Link profile tips

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In the beginning there was the website

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Your website is your online shop window display.

Its function is to drive business.

This is why we help your website work harder for you.

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Find out how you are doing

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Build link profile with OSE

Gain an overview of link profile performance vs. competitors

• Use the formatted link profile chart on G drive

• Run a Link Analysis on Open Site Explorer

• Download CSV file for Linking Domains

• Copy content of ‘Domain Authority’ into OSE importer tab

• Repeat for all websites

• Graphs draw automatically

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Find Link Prospects

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Access authoritative backlinks

• Find broken links in your topics of interests on Wikipedia

• Recreate content from dead link site on your own website

• Find websites that use the dead link using a link analysis tool

• Get in touch with them about their dead link

Use broken links on Wikipedia

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Find prospect links

• Run a topical search for content similar to yours

• Check content with most bookmarks in a topical search

• Check bookmarker profiles for a website

• Get in touch with website owner to inform them about your



Use bookmarked content on Delicious

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Find top bloggers to get in touch with

• Run a keyword search on Alltop

• Choose the relevant category

• Pick list of top blogs and bloggers


Use top blogs on Alltop

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Boost your pages 2-3

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Repurpose popular pages

• Use Webmaster Tool to find popular keywords who rank on pages


• Check Search queries

• Sort results by avg. position (position 11 to 30)

• Choose keywords receiving clicks (and their landing page)

• Use OSE to find top pages of your website (pages with highest


• Insert internal links from high PA pages to LP on page 2-3

Send link juice to pages on page 2-3

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Be a hub of helpful content

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Show Google you know authoritative sources

• Showing useful content is a strong ranking factor for Google

• But you can use existing content

• Add 3-5 links to authoritative websites per piece of content

• Establish your website as a hub of content and knowledge

A hub of helpful content

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Build list of expert content to link to

• Use ‘best of’ + topic in Google search

• You will find ‘best 10 xxx’ and similar results

• Establish a list of relevant prospects

• Share the list on your website

• Get in touch to share your own content with the prospects

Use ‘Best of’ search

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Use expert knowledge and social sharability

• Get in touch with your identified topical experts

• Group expert bloggers to answer one simple question

• Compile their answers (with their profile and link to their


• Publish the article on your website

• Inform bloggers of the URL

Create expert roundups