senzor tlaka

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    ! # % &

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    !" # $% # & ' # () *+ ,- . "* / +

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    0 & 1 & & 1 23 1 1 3 & &

    , & 4 1 ).5 2 6.3 1).5 26. 1 728 2 . 9

    & 3 :; 3 & & 3 &4 9 L 5,3 > c T * L 25 8 nless other ise note P3 K P2,Deco plin circ it sho n in i re J re. ire to eet electrical speci ications,G

    &arac eris ic S m ol 1in ' 1aE 8ni

    Press re olta e (2G >9 4,75 5,3 5,J5 > c

    9 ppl) 8 rrent A o N H,0 30 * c

    Mini Press re 6 set O > 9 L 5,3 >olts (JG (0 to 75 !8G >o 0,3J 0,204 0,2C > c

    ll 9cale 6 tp t O > 9 L 5,3 >olts (4G (0 to 75 !8G >96 4,744 4, 0 4, H4 > c

    ll 9cale 9pan O > 9 L 5,3 >olts (5G (0 to 75 !8G >99 N 4,H05 N > c

    *cc rac) (CG (0 to 75 !8G N N N 3,4 %> 99

    9ensiti it) #>+#P N 37,7 N >+/Pa


    3, 3,0 /Pa (/iloPascalG e. als 0,345 psi,

    2, De ice is ratio etric ithin this speci ie e citation ran e,

    J, 6 set (> o G is e ine as the o tp t olta e at the ini rate press re,

    4, ll 9cale 6 tp t (> 96 G is e ine as the o tp t olta e at the a i or ll rate press re,

    5, ll 9cale 9pan (> 99 G is e ine as the al e-raic i erence -et een the o tp t olta e at ll rate press re an the o tp t olta e at theini rate press re,

    C, *cc rac) (error - etG consists o the ollo in Q

    1 Rinearit)Q 6 tp t e iation ro a straiht line relationship ith press re o er the speci ie press re rane,1 Te perat re ?)steresisQ 6 tp t e iation at an) te perat re ithin the operatin te perat re ran e a ter the te perat re is c)cle to

    an ro the ini or a i operatin te perat re points ith zero i erential press re applie ,1 Press re ?)steresisQ 6 tp t e iation at an) press re ithin the speci ie ran e hen this press re is c)cle to an ro the

    ini or a i rate press re at 25 !8,1 Tc9panQ 6 tp t e iation o er the te perat re ran e o 0 to 75 !8 relati e to 25 !8,1 Tc6 setQ 6 tp t e iation ith ini rate press re applie o er the te perat re rane o 0 to 75 !8 relati e to 25 !8,1 >ariation ro o inalQ The ariation ro no inal al es or 6 set or ll 9cale 9pan as a percent o > 99 at 25 !8,


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    $ - A! 1 8 $1 S !$ B!> !$

    Fluoro SiliconeDie Coat


    ire !ond

    "ead Frame

    Sealed Vacuum Reference

    Stainless Steeletal Co$er


    &po'y Case

    RTV Die !ond


    Fi ure 6. ross Sec ional ia ram (no o scale)

    () V

    Vout *utputVs


    1,- F -,-1 F GND ./- pF

    Fi ure :. ecommended o er Su''l ecou'lin and $u 'u Fil erin( or a itional o tp t ilterin please re er to *pplication ote * 35J5G












    Transfer Function

    Vout V

    s3 4-,--0563% ( -,-.7 8 &rror


    ),1 VdcTemperature - to 9):C



    Fi ure 5. $u 'u 4ersus solu e ressure

    i re 2 ill strates the i erential+ a e press re sensinchip in the -asic chip carrier (8ase 7CHG, * l orosilicone elisolates the ie s r ace an ire -on s ro the en iron enthile allo in the press re si nal to -e trans itte to thesensor iaphra ,

    The MPX4250D series press re sensor operatincharacteristics an internal relia-ilit) an . ali ication testsare -ase on se o r) air as the press re e ia, Me iaother than r) air a) ha e a erse e ects on sensor

    1 35670


    per or ance an lon ter relia-ilit), 8ontact the actor) or in or ation re ar in e ia co pati-ilit) in )o r application,

    i re J sho s the reco en e eco plin circ it orinter acin the o tp t o the inte rate sensor to the *+D inp t oa icroprocessor or icrocontroller,

    i re 4 sho s the sensor o tp t si nal relati e topress re inp t, T)pical ini an a i o tp tc r es are sho n or operation o er a te perat re ran e o0! to 75 !8 sin the eco plin circ it sho n in i re J , Theo tp t ill sat rate o tsi e o the speci ie press re ran e,

    9ensorsreescale 9e icon ctor

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    ransGer Func ion (1 35670 )

    ominal ransGer =alueH = ou I = S E (0.00:;< E + 0.05)J ( ressure rror E em'. Fac or E 0.00:;< E = S ) = S I7.2 0.67 =dc

    em'era ure rror >and


    Temp ultiplier0,- ?.- 0

    Temperature - to 9) 1&rror 2,- (12) 0


    -,-?.- ?2- - 2- .- 5- 9- 1-- 12- 1.-

    Temperature in :C

    6T Q The Te perat re M ltiplier is a linear response ro 0 8 to :40 8 an ro 75 8 to 325 8,

    ressure rror >and



    9ensorsreescale 9e icon ctor








    - 2) )- /) 1-- 12) 1)-


    1/) 2-- 22) 2)-

    %ressure &rror 4 a'7

    - to 2)- >%a 80,.) >%a

    1 35670


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    @ !1 S!$ S

    P* 3 6 2

    SS8 S! $ ( )S C;D>-05


    1 356709ensorsreescale 9e icon ctor H

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    @ !1 S!$ S

    P* 2 6 2

    SS8 S! $ ( )S C;D>-05


    1 356709ensors

    7 reescale 9e icon ctor

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    $ S

    1 356709ensorsreescale 9e icon ctor

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    Ao o eac& 8sH

    Aome a eH

    , reescale,co Le Su''or HhttpQ++ , reescale,co +s pport

    8S / uro'e or Boca ions o Bis edHreescale 9e icon ctor Anc,Technical An or ation 8enter R53C2300 ast lliot

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    Freescale Semiconduc orTechnical Data

    200 9#a $n-% i' em'era ure%om'ensa ed & %ali ra edSilicon #ressure Sensors

    The MPX2302+MPX>2302 series e ice is a silicon piezoresisti e press resensor pro i in a hi hl) acc rate an linear olta e o tp t irectl) proportional tothe applie press re, The sensor is a sin le onolithic silicon iaphra ith thestrain a e an a thin il resistor net or/ inte rate on chip, The chip is lasertri e or precise span an o set cali-ration an te perat re co pensation,

    Fea ures1 Te perat re 8o pensate 6 er 0 !8 to ; 75 !81 as) to @se 8hip 8arrier Pac/a e 6ptions1 * aila-le in *-sol te Di erential an a e 8on i rations1 olta e''lica ion Eam'les1 P p+Motor 8ontrollers1 2302 9 2302 P Tra)s MPX>2302

    MPX>2302DP Tra)s MPX>2302

    MPX2302* N MPX2302*MPX2302D MPX2302D

    MPX2302DP N MPX2302DP

    MPX2302*P N MPX2302*PMPX2302 P MPX2302 P

    MPX2302*9X N MPX2302*MPX2302 9X MPX2302D

    MPX2302 >P N MPX2302 >P

    8 !>$ ? @ S

    2 ;> 6@T C +8

    J > 9 H +8

    4 :> 6@T 7 +8

    3, Pin 3 in note -) the notch in the lea ,

    8 !>$ ? @ ! 81> S

    3 D (3G J > 9

    2 ;> 6@T 4 :> 6@T

    3, Pin 3 in note -) the notch in the lea ,

    1 36206 / 1 36206 / 1 36206 1 36206 = 1 36206 S3/ S3S :55-27 S :55>-02 S :55 -02 S :55 -02 S :55F-02

    I reescale 9e icon ctor Anc, 200C, *ll ri hts reser e ,

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka






    Thin FilmTemperature 2

    Compensationand .


    ( V*AT

    B V*AT

    Fi ure 2. em'era ure om'ensa ed ressure Sensor Sc&ema ic

    =$B $8 8 =S. B! !FF ! B SS8The i erential olta e o tp t o the sensor is irectl)

    proportional to the i erential press re applie ,The a-sol te sensor has a - ilt in re erence ac , The

    o tp t olta e ill ecrease as ac relati e to a -ientis ra n on the press re (P3G si e,

    The o tp t olta e o the i erential or a e sensorincreases ith increasin press re applie to the press re

    a le 2. 1aEimum a in s (2)

    a in

    Ma i Press re (P3 K P2G

    9tora e Te perat re

    6peratin Te perat re

    (P3G si e relati e to the ac (P2G si e, 9i ilarl) o tp tolta e increases as increasin ac is applie to theac (P2G si e relati e to the press re (P3G si e,

    i re 3 ill strates a -loc/ ia ra o the internal circ itr)on the stan alone press re sensor chip,

    S m ol =alue 8ni

    PM*X 400 /Pa

    T9T 40 to ;325 !8

    T * 40 to ;325 !8

    3, pos re -e)on the speci ie li its a) ca se per anent a a e or e ra ation to the e ice,

    1 36206

    9ensors2 reescale 9e icon ctor

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    B! ! ?

    Rinearit) re ers to ho ell a trans cer's o tp t ollo sthe e. ationQ > 6@T L > 6 ; sensiti it) P o er the operatinpress re ran e, There are t o -asic etho s or calc latinnonlinearit)Q (3G en point strai ht line it (see i re 2 G or (2G aleast s. ares -est line it, =hile a least s. ares it i es theW-est case linearit) error (lo er n erical al eG thecalc lations re. ire are - r enso e,

    8on ersel) an en point it ill i e the W orst case error

    (o ten ore esira-le in error - et calc lationsG an thecalc lations are ore strai ht or ar or the ser,reescaleYs speci ie press re sensor linearities are -ase onthe en point strai ht line etho eas re at the i ran epress re,

    "east S uares Fit"eastS uare

    &'aggerated De$iation%erformanceCur$e Straight "ine


    &nd %oint Straight"ine Fit


    - )- 1--%ressure 4 Fullscale7

    Fi ure 6. Bineari S'eciGica ion om'arison

    $ - A! 1 8 $1 S !$ B!> !$

    i re J sho s the o tp t characteristics o the MPX2302+MPX>2302 series at 25 !8, The o tp t is irectl)proportional to the i erential press re an is essentiall) astrai ht line,

    .- VS 1- V DC0) T< 2):C

    The e ects o te perat re on ll 9cale 9pan an 6 setare er) s all an are sho n n er 6peratin8haracteristics,

    %=21-20- %1 E %2 T;%2)

    2- %a -%S+

    Differential Gauge

    2) )- /) 1-- 4T;%70,52 /,2) 1-,99 1.,)

    Fi ure :. $u 'u 4s. ressure iGGeren ial

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    SS8 ( 2)/= 881 ( 6) S! ! !F! !$ >Breescale esi nates the t o si es o the press re sensor

    as the Press re (P3G si e an the >ac (P2G si e, ThePress re (P3G si e is the si e containin the silicone el

    a le :. ressure ( 2) Side elinea ion

    ase ressure ( 2) Sidehich isolates the ie, The i erential or a e sensor isesi ne to operate ith positi e i erential press reapplie P3 K P2, The a-sol te sensor is esi ne orac applie to P3 si e,

    The Press re (P3G si e a) -e i enti ie -) sin Ta-le J ,

    9ensorsreescale 9e icon ctor

    ar um er

    MPX2302* MPX2302D


    MPX2302*P MPX2302 P

    MPX2302 >P

    MPX2302*9X MPX2302 9X

    MPX2302 P


    'e !den iGier

    J44 9tainless 9teep 8ap

    J448 9i e ith Part Mar/in

    J44B 9i e ith Port *ttache

    J44D 9tainless 9teep 8ap

    J44 9i e ith Port Mar/in

    3JC 9i e ith Port *ttache

    3J53 9i e ith Part Mar/in

    1 36206


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    @ !1 S!$ S


    > - -


    ! 2 2 6 : 5 B

    - -S !B

    F 5 B

    0,3JC (0,005GM T * M

    9TER 3Q

    2 6 : 5



    1> !1 O$ HA!S !S ! B8L! A! !1. "F" C B

    9TER 2Q 9TER JQ

    6T 9Q3, DAM 9A6 A * D T6R 6@TJ, ; 9@PPRE J, >9

    4, 6@T

    S :55-27!SS8

    8 !>$ ? @

    - -

    8 B



    2 6 : 5! 2 @

    9 S


    5 B

    0,3J (0,005GM T 9 9 U 9

    S :55>-02!SS8 >

    8 !>$ ? @

    6T 9Q3, DAM 9A6 A * D T6R

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    @ !1 S!$ S

    - -


    $ #2$S! != - -SS8

    ( 2)


    1 36206



    ! 2

    0,25 (0,030GM T U M 5 : 6 2



    5 B

    0,3J (0,005GM T P 9 U 9

    S :55F-02!SS8 >

    8 !>$ ? @

    6T 9Q3,




    DAM 9A6 A * D T6R 9@PPRE4, > (#G 6@T

    9ensorsreescale 9e icon ctor

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    @ !1 S!$ S

    P* 3 6 2

    S 2:72-02!SS8

    S1 BB $8 B! @

    1 362069ensorsreescale 9e icon ctor

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    @ !1 S!$ S

    P* 2 6 2

    S 2:72-02!SS8

    S1 BB $8 B! @

    1 362069ensors

    30 reescale 9e icon ctor

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    @ !1 S!$ S

    P* 3 6 2

    S 2:;

    S1 BB $8 B! @

    1 362069ensorsreescale 9e icon ctor 33

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    $ S

    1 362069ensorsreescale 9e icon ctor 3J

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    Ao o eac& 8sH

    Aome a eH

    , reescale,co Le Su''or HhttpQ++ , reescale,co +s pport

    8S / uro'e or Boca ions o Bis edHreescale 9e icon ctor Anc,Technical An or ation 8enter R53C2300 ast lliot

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    ] */"11 4

    */"11 4

    #recision! S 81 + !$ +1#B!F!

    F + 8 S S% !# !$

    ! +225

    ^ B$L $FFS =$B H 70 = maE^ B$L !F H 0.67 =/ maE

    ^ B$L ! 8 >! S 8 H 6n maE ^ A! A $11$ -1$ K !$ H

    227d> min^ ! 8 $= -=$B $ !$ H

    50=^ L! S8 B? H 6.67 o 2C= ^B$L M8! S 8 H :m maE ^C- ! B S ! S$B-2;

    +##B!%+ !$ S^ > ! 1 B!F!^ A 1$ $8 B 1 B!F!^ S S$ 1 B!F!^ 1 ! B ! S 81 !$^ M8!S! !$

    : 2 6 er >olta e

    114 , > ?@>? >@A - A? B > BB > C @> D. E > -

    3- ? A? F F A G A H F B > F > B ?? .

    C > > > D B> A 1 10,000.> ?@ ?> F @? 40I@ F A .

    114 > > AAF B > E >D BB E(50 I), F> B (0.25 I/ $) F AA -A F> J (115F = 1000). ? > ? > @?? 2.25I, @ K >D? > F F 5I @?? D D A . L@ @>-> 3A A C A@A.

    114 E K 8-? ? F M -16@>B -A @ ? H . > ? B F B >

    -40$ +85 $ A? > @> > .


    H (3JG

    ! 225> A



    ; J 6 er >olta e> A

    (5G Protection

    25/ L 3 ; 50/ ;

    > ;A J C > 6

    ># 4 5 K >E ?> ? > F F ?> F@> @ F A .

    M% F A > B> A @K ? >B >A F > F A? F E B @> . O> > F > @ A D K A> @ ? K F A K @ E >D A ?> A >

    @ F @ F E A ?@K F? B .

    @ /$ ! ! F$ 1 !$

    @L! 1 8

    $ 8 @ 81> (2)

    A *334*P 7 Pin Plastic DAP 00C 40 8 to ;75 8A *334BP 7 Pin Plastic DAP 00C 40 8 to ;75 8A *334*@ 96R 3C 9 r ace Mo nt 233 40 8 to ;75 8A *334B@ 96R 3C 9 r ace Mo nt 233 40 8 to ;75 8

    6T Q (3G or etaile ra in an i ension ta-le please see en o atasheet or *ppen i 8 o B rr Bro n A8 Data Boo/,


    3 ! 225

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    ?#!%+B # F$ 1+ % %8 = S *t T * L ;25 8 > 9 L 35> nless other ise note ,

    *A s < U@ 8E340


    300 70

    30 C0



    030 300 3/ 30/ 300/ 3M 30

    re. enc) (?zG

    A P@T 86MM6 M6D >6RT* 6RT*

    35 340

    30 320

    86MM6 M6D < V 8TA6 s < U@ 8E

    L 300 3/

    L 30

    L 3/

    L 300

    L 30

    L 3

    300 3/ 30/ 300/ 3M

    re. enc) (?zG

    P69ATA> P6= < 9@PPRE < V 8TA6s < U@ 8E



    0 > 8M

    #5 * J # 6"tp"t9 in Ri it


    #35#35 #30 :5

    ; > 6


    (*n) ainG

    * J ; 6 tp t9 in Ri it

    0 5 30 35

    300 L 3000

    70 L 300

    C0 L 30

    L 340


    030 300 3/ 30/ 300/ 3M

    6 tp t >olta e (>G

    *TA> P6= < 9@PPRE < V 8TA6s < U@ 8E


    320 L 300

    re. enc) (?zG

    A P@T < 6RT*s < U@ 8E


    L 3000








    L 30 L 3

    300 3/ 30/ 300/

    re. enc) (?zG

    ! 225



    33M 3 30


    L 3

    L 30

    L 300 3000

    L 3000B= Ri it

    300 3/ 30/

    re. enc) (?zG

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    ?#!%+B # F$ 1+ % %8 = S (%$ ) *t T * L ;25 8 > 9 L 35> nless other ise note ,

    9 TTRA TAM s *A3200






    03 30 300 3000

    ain (>+>G

    A P@T BA*9 * D A P@T 6 9 T 8@olta e or alProtection 6peration























    6 9 T >6RT* =*olta e (>G

    M*XAM@M 6@TP@T 9=A s < U@ 8E

    L 3 30

    L 300

    L 3000




    6ne Anp t4

    Both Anp ts0

    45 J0 35 0 35 J0 45 30 300 3/ 30/ 300/ 3M

    8o on Mo e >olta e (>G re. enc) (?zG


    5 ! 225

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    ?#!%+B # F$ 1+ % %8 = S (%$ ) *t T * L ;25 8 > 9 L 35> nless other ise note ,

    9R = #34







    0#H5 #50


    > 9 L [33,4>

    > 9 L [2,25>

    #25 0 25 50 H5 300

    Te perat re ( 8G

    ! 225








    0#H5 #50 #25

    > 9 L [33,4>

    > 9 L [2,25>

    0 25 50 H5 300

    Te perat re ( 8G


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    ?#!%+B # F$ 1+ % %8 = S (%$ ) *t T * L ;25 8 > 9 L 35> nless other ise note ,

    R*< 9A *R < 9P6 9 L 3 9M*RR 9A *R < 9P6 9 L 3



    0 0

    #30> #200%>

    R*< 9A *R < 9P6 9 L 3000 9M*RR 9A *R < 9P6 9 L 3000

    ;30> ;200 >

    0 0

    30> 200 >

    A P@T < + i

    3 s+ i


    7 ! 225

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    > 6 L 1 (> A > A G

    > A

    > A

    +##B!%+ !$ ! F$ 1+ !$' @> 1 K > Q@ > F B > ? >B 114. ?? D > A? F

    ? > @?? A D > Q@ > F @? ? > F E ? .

    @ ?@ > B >> F @ ?@ > B > (R B) >A >A D > @ F F. A@ K - A? F

    @> F AA -A F > J . > - B 5 > R B ? @ D?

    F E F > F ??> C A D 80F $ R ( = 1).

    S ! A ! B "114 KD C >

    > >, R :

    = 1 + 50 H R (1)

    $ AA D @ F F > > E @ > ' @> 1.

    50H >A Q@ (1) A B> A @A B > B FK H > > . > - ? A B A

    > > > > > AA F @> K @ E -

    Pin n -ers areor DAP pac/a es,

    2 6 er >olta e

    @ . @> D F A? > @> BB B > > > @F F @> D F F> B ? B -

    B 114.

    K D F A? > @> F> B B C > > >, R , BB . R S > K@

    @> D F F> B K F > D B >> F B> A Q@ (1). > > E @ > Q@ > F B > A H > > A? > . M H FF >> > K@ FF >> > (? -

    K D @ K >> >) B ??> C A D 100 >> >.

    $!S F$ 1 114 ?> E F E >D A ?? .

    ' > F BB > @> A? F 1H , 103A D ?> E F > . > @> A? F > >

    50H , 111 ' - ?@ >@A A? -B > A D ?> E F > .

    B> Q@ D B 114 ??> C A D0.4I?-? A @> F B> A 0.1 10 G. ??> C A D

    - B T U ?? >- K G F A? -B > .




    ! 225> A



    S!! ( )

    3 o 8onnection2 50,00/5 32,50/30 5,55C/20 2,CJ2/50 3,02/300 505,3200 253,J500 300,23000 50,052000 25,035000 30,0030000 5,003

    ' PR 1. $ .


    ! 225




    66 er >olta e


    S 2% ()

    o 8onnection4 , /32,4/5,C2/2,C3/3,02/533243004 ,24,30



    ;25/ 25/

    L 3 ; 50/ 6


    25/ 25/

    4 0,3

    *lso ra n in sipli ie or Q>#


    < ! 225 > 6


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    > 8M 1 > D

    > 8M ; 1 > D

    @>> A K E >. ?@ > ?> F E B ? > @?? D E ?> .

    $8 8 =$B S S (S$B-2; 'ac9a e onl ) @>B -A @ E > B "114 ? >

    @ ?@ B FK H (? 12). O 12 A@ KF @ ?@ >A (? 11) B > ?> ? > ? > -

    . ( A F > D % O E >B 114.)


    6 er >olta eProtection


    > D

    @ ?@ K @ F @ ?@E F > D F B > K @> D. ' @> 5

    F> E F > @ > > > -. R A D F B FK H ? A D @ K -

    D. K > D K A F B> Q@ D B FK H ? > @ $ 1. ED F >

    K F> E KD K@BB > F B F- K H ? (' @> 6).


    ! 225

    25/ 25/ 2



    L 3 ; 50/ 6 L 1 >



    6 er >olta e> 8M Protection

    ' PR 4. I M B 1 F 2.

    9 r ace o nt pac/a eersion onl),

    6 tp t

    25/ 25/

    2 >#

    9 r ace o nt pac/a e

    ersion onl),

    > A:


    9ense 8 33000p

    ! 225

    A: 6 tp t9ense

    < ! 225


    $ ;::

    ARQ [300 *

    370< R

    ' PR 5. R A F F > @ F M .

    > A:

    ' PR 6. @BB > F @ ?@ B > ED F .

    > 622,3/

    > A; 22,3/

    9hiel is rien at theco on o e p otential, 300 or L 300

    533 ! 225

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    >; >;


    . al line resistance here creates 300 *a s all co on o e olta ehich is reSecte -) A *334,


    > 6A @? A? B > W $ F @ $ A? .


    11 ! 225

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka



    R* F > F@ > A? B >.

    > A

    ' PR 12. $-$ @? F >@A A? B >.

    >A < ! 225

    ; rror

    6P*3HH 3,5n*6P*C02 3p*6P*327 H5 *

    < 3 A6 L



    < 1


    ' PR 13. % BB > I - -$@>> $ E > >.


    ! 225 12

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    !1 $ $ !

    Te as Anstr ents an its s -si iaries (TAG reser e the ri ht to a/e chan es to their pro cts or to iscontin e an)pro ct or ser ice itho t notice an a ise c sto ers to o-tain the latest ersion o rele ant in or ation to eri )-e ore placin or ers that in or ation -ein relie on is c rrent an co plete, *ll pro cts are sol s -Sect to theter s an con itions o sale s pplie at the ti e o or er ac/no le ent incl in those pertainin to

    arrant) patent in rin e ent an li itation o lia-ilit),TA arrants per or ance o its se icon ctor pro cts to the speci ications applica-le at the ti e o sale inaccor ance ith TAYs stan ar arrant), Testin an other . alit) control techni. es are tilize to the e tent TAee s necessar) to s pport this arrant), 9peci ic testin o all para eters o each e ice is not necessaril)per or e e cept those an ate -) o ern ent re. ire ents,

    8 sto ers are responsi-le or their applications sin TA co ponents,

    An or!er to %ini%ize ris/s associate! 'ith the c"sto%erYs applications a!e."ate !esi&n an! operatin&sa$e&"ar!s %"st -e pro i!e! -) the c"sto%er to %ini%ize inherent or proce!"ral hazar!s,

    TA ass es no lia-ilit) or applications assistance or c sto er pro ct esi n, TA oes not arrant or representthat an) license either e press or i plie is rante n er an) patent ri ht cop)ri ht as/ or/ ri ht or otherintellect al propert) ri ht o TA co erin or relatin to an) co -ination achine or process in hich s chse icon ctor pro cts or ser ices i ht -e or are se , TAYs p -lication o in or ation re ar in an) thirpart)Ys pro cts or ser ices oes not constit te TAYs appro al arrant) or en orse ent thereo ,

    8op)ri ht 2000 Te as Anstr ents Ancorporate

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    e-r ar) 200J

    B1:ar is'la* ri4er

    eneral escri' ionThe RMJ 34 is a %onolithic inte&rate! circ"it that sensesanalo olta e le els an ri es 30 R Ds pro i in a linearanalo ispla), * sin le pin chan es the ispla) ro a%o in& !ot to a -ar &raph, 8"rrent !ri e to the R Ds isre late an pro ra a-le eli inatin the nee or resistors, This $eat"re is one that allo's operation o$ the 'holes)ste ro less than J>,The circ it contains its o n a S sta-le re erence an accrate 30 step olta e i i er, The lo -ias c rrent inp t- er accepts si nals o n to ro n or > b )et nee s noprotection a ainst inp ts o J5> a-o e or -elo ro n , The-"$$er !ri es 30 in!i i!"al co%parators re$erence! to theprecision !i i!er, An!ication non#linearit) can th"s -e hel!

    t)picall) to 3

    2% e en o er a i e te perat re ran e,>ersatilit) as esi ne into the RMJ 34 so that controlleris al alar an e pan e scale nctions are easil) a eon to the ispla) s)ste , The circ it can ri e R Ds o an)colors or lo c rrent incan escent la ps, Man) RMJ 34scan -e Wchaine to or ispla)s o 20 to o er 300 seents, Both en s o the olta e i i er are e ternall) a aila-le so that 2 ri ers can -e a e into a zero center eter,The RMJ 34 is er) eas) to appl) as an analo eter circ it,

    * 3,2> ll scale eter re. ires onl) 3 resistor an a sin leJ> to 35> s ppl) in a ition to the 30 ispla) R Ds, A the 3resistor is a pot it -eco es the R D -ri htness control, Thesi pli ie -loc/ ia ra ill strates this e tre el) si plee ternal circ itr),

    =hen in the ot o e there is a s all a o nt o o erlap orW a e (a-o t 3 >G -et een se ents, This ass res that atno ti%e 'ill all R Ds -e W6 an! th"s an) a%-i&"o"sispla) is a oi e , >ario s no el ispla)s are possi-le,

    I 2004 ational 9e icon ctor 8orporation D900H H0

    M"ch o$ the !ispla) $le i-ilit) !eri es $ro% the $act that allo tp ts are in i i al D8 re late c rrents, >ario s e ectscan -e achie e! -) %o!"latin& these c"rrents, The in!i#i al o tp ts can ri e a transistor as ell as a R D at thesa e ti e so controller nctions incl in Wsta in controlcan -e per or e , The RMJ 34 can also act as a pro raer or se. encer,The RMJ 34 is rate! $or operation $ro% 0 8 to ;H0 8, TheRMJ 34 3 is a aila-le in an 37 lea ol e ( G pac/a e,The $ollo'in& t)pical application ill"strates a!S"stin& o$ there$erence to a !esire! al"e an! proper &ro"n!in& $or ac#c rate operation an a oi in oscillations,

    Fea uresn Dri es R Ds R8Ds or ac l orescents n Bar orot ispla) o e e ternall) selecta-le -) ser npan a-le to ispla)s o 300 steps

    n Anternal olta e re erence ro 3,2> to 32> n6perates ith sin le s ppl) o less than J> nAnp ts operate o n to ro nn 6 tp t c rrent pro ra a-le ro 2 * to J0 *n o ltiple s itchin or interaction -et een o tp tsn Anp t ithstan s [ J5> itho t a a e or alse o tp tsn R D ri er o tp ts are c rrent re late

    open collectorsn 6 tp ts can inter ace ith TTR or 8M69 lo ic nThe internal 30 step i i er is loatin an can -e

    re erence to a i e ran e o olta es

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    solu e 1aEimum a in s ( ote 3G!G 1ili ar / eros'ace s'eciGied de4ices are reNuired,'lease con ac &e a ional Semiconduc or Sales $GGice/is ri u ors Gor a4aila ili and s'eciGica ions.

    Po er Dissipation ( ote CGMol e DAP ( G 3JC5 =

    9 ppl) >olta e 25>>olta e on 6 tp t Dri ers 25>Anp t 9i nal 6 er olta e ( ote 4G [ J5>Di i er >olta e b300 > to > ;

    olta e B er an *n) 6ther8o parator

    ain ( AR D +> A GAnp t Bias 8 rrent (at Pin 5GAnp t 9i nal 6 er olta e=$B - !=!

    Di i er olta e

    Rine olta e6 tp t Rea/a e ach 8ollector 6 tp t Rea/a e

    S8 B? 89tan -) 9 ppl) 8 rrent(*ll 6 tp ts 6 G

    ondi ions ( ote 2G

    0> >

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    'ical erGormance &arac eris icsSu''l urren 4s $'era in !n'u >ias

    em'era ure urren 4s em'era ure

    00H H002 00H H020

    eGerence =ol a e 4s eGerence dQus inem'era ure urren 4s em'era ure

    00H H023 00H H022

    B urren - e ula ion B ri4er Sa ura ionro'ou =ol a e

    00H H02J00H H024

    5 ,national,co
  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    'ical erGormance &arac eris ics (8ontin e G

    !n'u urren >e ond B urren 4sSi nal an e ( in 7) eGerence Boadin

    00H H025

    00H H02C

    B ri4er urren o al i4ider esis ance

    e ula ion 4s em'era ure

    00H H02H00H H027

    ommon-1ode Bimi s $u 'u &arac eris ics

    00H H0J000H H02

    ,national,co C
  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    >loc9 ia ram (9ho in 9i plest *pplicationG

    00H H00J

    H ,national,co
  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    Func ional escri' ionThe si pli e RMJ 34 -loc/ ia ra is to i e the enerali ea o the circ itYs operation, * hi h inp t i pe ance - eroperates ith si nals ro ro n to 32> an is protectea ainst re erse an o er olta e si nals, The si nal is thenapplie to a series o 30 co parators` each o hich is-iase to a i erent co parison le el -) the resistor strin ,An the e a ple ill strate the resistor strin is connecte tothe internal 3,25> re$erence olta&e, An this case $or each

    325%> that the inp"t si&nal increases a co%parator 'ills'itch on another in!icatin& R D, This resistor !i i!er can-e connecte! -et'een an) 2 olta&es pro i!in& that the)are 3,5> -elo > ; an no less than > b, A an e pan e scaleeter ispla) is esire the total i i er olta e can -e aslittle as 200%>, pan!e!#scale %eter !ispla)s are %oreacc rate an the se ents li ht ni or l) onl) i -ar o e isse , *t 50 > or ore per step ot o e is sa-le,

    ! B =$B FThe re erence is esi ne to -e a S sta-le an e elops ano inal 3,25> -et een the < 6@T (pin HG an < *DV(pin 7G ter inals, The re erence olta e is i presse acrosspro&ra% resistor R D G,

    1ode in Func ional escri' ionThis pin act all) per or s t o nctions, loc9 ia ram oG 1ode in escri' ion

    00H H005

    d?i h or -ar

    $ $ > 1$ S B !$The olta e at pin is sense -) co parator 83 no inall)re erence to (> ; b 300 >G, The chip is in -ar o e henpin is a-o e this le el` other'ise itYs in !ot %o!e, Theco parator is esi ne so that pin can -e le t open circ it

    or ot o e,Ta/in& into acco"nt co%parator &ain an! ariation in the300 > re erence le el pin sho l -e no ore than 20 >-elo > ; or -ar o e an ore than 200 > -elo > ; (oropen circ"itG $or !ot %o!e, An %ost applications pin iseither open ( ot o eG or tie to > ; (-ar o eG, An -ar o epin sho"l! -e connecte! !irectl) to pin J, Rar&e c"rrents!ra'n $ro% the po'er s"ppl) (R D c"rrent $or e a%pleGsho l not share this path so that lar e A< rops are a oi e ,
  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    1ode in Func ional escri' ion(8ontin e G

    $ 1$ ?An or!er $or the !ispla) to %a/e sense 'hen %"ltipleRMJ 34s are casca!e! in !ot %o!e special circ"itr) has-een incl e to sh t o R D o, 30 o the irst e ice henR D o, 3 o the secon e ice co es on, The connectionor casca in in ot o e has alrea ) -een escri-e an isepicte -elo ,

    *s lon as the inp t si nal olta e is -elo the threshol othe secon! RMJ 34 R D o, 33 is o$$, Pin o$ RMJ34o, 3 th"s sees e$$ecti el) an open circ"it so the chip is inot o e, *s soon as the inp t olta e reaches the threshol o R D o, 33 pin o RMJ 34 o, 3 is p lle an R Drop (3,5> or oreG -elo > R D , This con ition is sense -)co parator 82 re erence C00 > -elo > R D , This orcesthe o"tp"t o$ 82 lo' 'hich sh"ts o$$ o"tp"t transistor U2e tin ishin R D o, 30,> R D is sense ia the 20/ resistor connecte to pin 33, Theer) s%all c"rrent (less than 300 *G that is !i erte! $ro%R D o, oes not noticea-l) a ect its intensit),

    *n a iliar) c rrent so rce at pin 3 /eeps at least 300 *$lo'in& thro"&h R D o, 33 e en i$ the inp"t olta&e riseshi h eno h to e tin ish the R D, This ens res that pin oRMJ 34 o, 3 is hel! lo' eno"&h to $orce R D o, 30 o$$hen an hi her R D is ill inate , =hile 300 * oes notnor all) pro ce si ni icant R D ill ination it a) -enoticea-le hen sin hi h e icienc) R Ds in a ar/ en iron%ent, A$ this is -otherso%e the si%ple c"re is to sh"ntR D o, 33 ith a 30/ resistor, The 3> A< rop is ore thanthe 00%> 'orst case re."ire! to hol! o$$ R D o, 30 )ets all eno h that R D o, 33 oes not con ct si ni icantl),

    $ A =! A !S ! SThe RMJ 34 is relati el) lo po ere itsel an since an)n -er o R Ds can -e po ere ro a-o t J> it is a er)e$$icient !ispla) !ri er, T)pical stan!-) s"ppl) c"rrent (allR Ds 6 G is 3,C * (2,5 * a G, ?o e er an) re erenceloa!in& a!!s 4 ti%es that c"rrent !rain to the > ; (pin JGs ppl) inp t, or e a ple an RMJ 34 ith a 3 * re erencepin loa! (3,J/G 'o"l! s"ppl) al%ost 30%* to e er) RDhile ra in onl) 30 * ro its > ; pin s ppl), *t ll scalethe A8 is t)picall) ra in less than 30% o the c rrents pplie to the ispla),The ispla) ri er oes not ha e - ilt in h)steresis so thatthe ispla) oes not S p instantl) ro one R D to the ne t,@n er rapi l) chan in si nal con itions this c ts o nhi h re. enc) noise an o ten an anno)in lic/er, *n Wo erlap is -"ilt in so that at no ti%e -et'een se&%ents are allR Ds co%pletel) 6 in the !ot %o!e, enerall) 3 R D$a!es in 'hile the other $a!es o"t o er a %> or %ore o$ran&e ( ote JG, The chan&e %a) -e %"ch %ore rapi! -e#t een R D o, 30 o one e ice an R D o, 3 o a seconde ice Wchaine to the irst,The RMJ 34 eat res in i i all) c rrent re late R Dri er transistors, rther internal circ itr) etects hen an)ri er transistor oes into sat ration an pre ents othercirc itr) ro ra in e cess c rrent, This res lts in thea-ilit) o$ the RMJ 34 to !ri e an! re&"late R Ds po'ere!$ro% a p"lsatin& D8 po'er so"rce i,e, lar&el) "n$iltere!,(D"e to possi-le oscillations at lo' olta&es a no%inal -)#pass capacitor consistin o a 2,2 soli tantal connecte ro the p lsatin R D s ppl) to pin 2 o the RMJ 34is reco en e ,G This a-ilit) to operate ith lo or l ctatin olta es also allo s the ispla) ri er to inter ace ithlo ic circ itr) opto co ple soli state rela)s an loc rrent incan escent la ps,

    ascadin B1:

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    'ical ''lica ions

    Oero- en er 1e er, 60-Se men

    00H H00H

    ,national,co 30
  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    'ical ''lica ions (8ontin e G

    E'anded Scale 1e er, o or >ar

    00H H007

    dThis application ill strates that the R D s ppl) nee s practicall) no ilterinali ra ionH =ith a precision eter -et een pins 4 an C a S st D o 3,20>, *ppl) 4, 4> to pin 5 an a S st

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    'ical ''lica ions (8ontin e G

    R Eclama ion oin is'la

    00H H00

    R Ds li ht p as ill strate ith the pper lit R D in icatin the act al inp t olta e, The ispla) appears to increase resol tion an pro i es an analoin ication o o erran e,

    !ndica or and larm, Full-Scale &an es is'la Grom o o >ar

    00H H030dThe inp t to the Dot Bar 9 itch a) -e ta/en ro catho es o other R Ds, Displa) ill chan e to -ar as soon as the R D so selecte -e ins to li ht,

    ,national,co 32
  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    'ical ''lica ions (8ontin e G

    >ar is'la i & larm Flas&er

    00H H033ll scale ca ses the ll -ar ispla) to lash, A the S nction o ar 1ode $nl )

    00H H032

    ?)steresis is 0,5 > to 3 >

    3J ,national,co
  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    'ical ''lica ions (8ontin e G

    $'era in i & a Ai & =ol a e Su''l ( o 1ode $nl )

    00H H03JThe R D c rrents are appro i atel) 30 * an the RMJ 34 o tp ts operate in sat ration or ini issipation,

    dThis point is partiall) re late an ecreases in olta e ith te perat re, >olta e re. ire ents o the RMJ 34 also ecrease ith te perat re,

    ,national,co 34
  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    'ical ''lica ions (8ontin e G

    60-Se men 1e er i & 1ode S i c&

    00H H034dThe e act irin arran e ent o this sche atic sho s the nee or Mo e 9elect (pin G to sense the > ; olta e e actl) as it appears on pin J,

    Pro ra s R Ds to 30 *

    ''lica ion Ain sThree o the ost co onl) nee e preca tions or sinthe RMJ 34 are sho n in the irst t)pical application ra insho in a 0> 5> -ar raph eter, The ost i ic lt pro-le occ rs hen lar e R D c rrents are -ein ra n especiall) in -ar &raph %o!e, These c"rrents $lo'in& o"t o$ thero n pin ca se olta e rops in e ternal irin an th serrors an oscillations, Brin in the ret rn ires ro si nalso rces re erence ro n an -otto o the resistor strin(as ill"strate!G to a sin&le point er) near pin 2 is the -estsol tion,Ron& 'ires $ro% > R D to R D ano!e co%%on can ca"seoscillations, Depen!in& on the se erit) o$ the pro-le%0,05 to 2,2 eco plin capacitors ro R D ano eco%%on to pin 2 'ill !a%p the circ"it, A$ R D ano!e lineirin is inaccessi-le o ten si ilar eco plin ro pin 3 topin 2 ill -e s icient,A R D t rn 6 see s slo (-ar o eG or se eral R Ds li ht( ot o eG oscillation or e cessi e noise is s all) thepro-le , An cases here proper irin an -)passin ail tostop oscillations > ; olta&e at pin J is "s"all) -elo' s"este li its, pan e scale eter applications a) ha eone or -oth en s o the internal olta e i i er ter inate at


    relati el) hi h al e resistors, These hi h i pe ance en ssho l -e -)passe to pin 2 ith at least a 0,003 capacitor or p to 0,3 in nois) en iron ents,Po'er !issipation especiall) in -ar %o!e sho"l! -e &i enconsi eration, or e a ple ith a 5> s ppl) an all R Dspro ra e to 20 * the ri er ill issipate o er C00 =,An this case a H,5 resistor in series ith the R D s ppl) illc"t !e ice heatin& in hal$, The ne&ati e en! o$ the resistorsho l -e -)passe ith a 2,2 soli tantal capacitor topin 2 o the RMJ 34,T"rnin& 6 o$ %ost o$ the internal c"rrent so"rces is ac#co%plishe! -) p"llin& positi e on the re$erence 'ith a c"r#rent so rce or resistance s ppl)in 300 * or so, *lternatel)the inp t si nal can -e ate 6 ith a transistor s itch,6ther special $eat"res an! applications characteristics 'ill-e ill strate in the ollo in applications sche atics, otesha e -een a!!e! in %an) cases atte%ptin& to co er an)special proce res or n s al characteristics o these applications, * special section calle! W*pplication Tips $or theRMJ 34 * S sta-le

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    ''lica ion Ain s (8ontin e GB! !$ ! S F$ A B1:B


    rea l E'anded Scale (>ar 1ode $nl )Placin the RMJ 34 internal resistor i i er in parallel ith asection (,2J0 G o$ a sta-le lo' resistance !i i!er &reatl)re ces olta e chan es e to A8 resistor al e chan esith te perat re, >olta e > 3 sho l -e tri e to 3,3> irst-) se o 2 across the A8 i i er strincan -e a S ste to 200 > sin 3,R D c rrent ill -e appro i atel) 30 *,

    on-!n erac in dQus men s For E'anded Scale1e er (5.7= o 7=, >ar or o 1ode)This arran&e%ent allo's in!epen!ent a!S"st%ent o$ R D-ri htness re ar less o eter span an zero a S st ents,irst > 3 is a S ste to 5> sin

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    ''lica ion Ain s (8ontin e G

    on-!n erac in dQus men s Gor E'anded Scale 1e er (5.7= o 7=, >ar or o 1ode)

    00H H03C

    dQus in Bineari oG Se4eral S ac9ed i4iders

    00H H03H

    $ &er ''lica ions1 W9lo N a e -ar or ot ispla) ( o -les resol tionG1 20 step eter ith sin le pot -ri htness control1 30 step (or ltiplesG pro ra er 1 M lti step or Wsta in controller 1 8o -ine controller an process e iation eter 1Direction an rate in icator (to a to D>MsG 1 cla ation point ispla) or po er sa in


    1 ra!"ations can -e a!!e! to !ot !ispla)s, Di%l) li&hte er) other R D sin a resistor to ro n

    1 lectronic W eter rela) N ispla) co l -e circle or se icircle

    1 Mo in Whole ispla) N in icator R D is ar/ rest o -arlit

    1 Dri es ac l orescent an R8Ds sin a e passi e parts

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    onnec ion ia ramslas ic &i' arrier ac9a e

    00H H037

    o' =ie$rder um er B1:

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    B1:ar is'la ri4er

    00H H0J5

    ie Ba ou ( - S e')

    ie/LaGer &arac eris icsFa rica ion ri u es eneral ie !nGorma ion

    Ph)sical Die A enti ication J 34 Bon Pa 6penin 9ize ( inG 4 305Die 9tep D Bon Pa Metalization *R@MA @M

    & sical ri u es Passi ation >6M AT

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    & sical imensions inches ( illi etersGnless other ise note

    o eH @nless other ise speci ie ,

    3, 9tan ar Rea inishQ

    200 icroinches +5,07 icro eter ini

    lea +tin JH+CJ or 35+75 on allo) 42 or e. i alent or copper

    2, ariation *8 ate Ma) 3 J,

    ual-!n-Bine ac9a e ( )$rder um er B1:

  • 8/13/2019 Senzor Tlaka


    & sical imensions inches ( illi etersG nless other ise note (8ontin e G

    ual-!n-Bine ac9a e ( )$rder um er B1:u da e 26/60/