sensory evaluation of khoa

5/13/2012 1

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� Khoa occupies a place of prominence among traditional

Indian milk products. About 7% of the total milk

production is utilized for the manufacture of khoa

� It is a heat coagulated milk product prepared by partial

dehydration of cow, buffalo or mixed whole milk not

containing any ingredient foreign to milk.

� Used as a base material in the preparation of a variety

of popular sweet meats viz, burfi, peda, gulabjamun,

kalakand, milkcake etc.

� Buffalo milk is usually preferred for the manufacture of

khoa since it gives a better product with characteristic

body and textural qualities.



According to the FSSR (2011)

KHOA/KHOYA by whatever variety of names it is sold such asPindi, Danedar, Dhap, Mawa or kava means the productobtained from cow or buffalo or goat or sheep milk or milksolids or a combination there of by rapid drying. The milk fatcontent shall not be less than 30 per cent on dry weight basis offinished product. It may contain citric acid not more than 0.1per cent by weight. It shall be free from added starch, addedsugar and added colouring matter.



� PINDI: marketed as a circular ball or a hemispherical pat with smooth homogenous body and texture. The product should be free from burnt particles as well as any browning defects. It should have characteristic cooked flavor and free from objectionable odour and sour (acidic) taste.

� DANEDAR: It is characterized by its granular texture and uneven body. The size of grains depends upon amount of coagulant added used. This type of khoa is used as a base for the preparation of kalakand, milkcake & doda burfi.

� DHAP: It is characterized by loose and sticky body and smooth texture. Contains higher moisture content than Pindi and Danedar. Preferred for the preparation of Gulabjamun as it forms uniform balls with desired rheological qualities after frying and soaking in sugar syrup.



� Good quality khoa should have either a light yellow (if made from cow milk) or a dull white colour if made from buffalo milk)

� Slightly heated flavour, but free from oiliness and acidic taste, smooth body and a compact mass of very small uniformly sized grains.

� It should not have visible water droplets or show sign of oozing of fat.

� When fresh should be able to produce a smooth homogenous paste on working, which indicates that it is suitable for sweet making.

� Fresh milk is usually preferred for production of good quality khoa suitable for making sweets.

Characteristics of Good Quality of Khoa



Score Card for Khoa

Score Card

Attribute Perfect Score

Flavour 45

Body & Texture 35

Colour & Appearance 15

Package 05

Total 100



Technique for Sensory Evaluation of Khoa

i. Tempering: Khoa should be kept at room temp for judging

purpose. Tempering to 30°C for proper judging is necessary.

ii. Sampling: A uniform sample of 50g for each judge is

collected from bulk khoa. Triers could also be used.

iii. Sequence of observation:

a) First step is examination of packaging material – should

be neat & clean

b) Immediately after drawing the sample it should be

brought under the nose & odour should be inhaled

c) Examine the colour & appearance of khoa for uniformity

of colour & presence of burnt particles, if any.

d) Texture of khoa is evaluated by observing the nature of

plug for smoothness, cohesiveness & weather it sticks to

the trier or not



Technique for Sensory Evaluation of Khoa

iii. Sequence of observation:

e) Pressing & rolling small piece of khoa in between the

fore finger & the thumb, note the presence of free fat,


f) Spread small amount of khoa on the palm with the

thumb & examine the uniformity, size & toughness of


g) Take sufficient amount in the mouth & chew between the

teeth, note the tactual & taste sensation. Expectorate the

sample & note if nay after-taste is present.



Physical quality of cow and buffalo

milk khoa

Particulars Cow Milk Khoa Buffalo Milk Khoa

Colour Straw/ Pale yellow with a tinge of brown

Whitish (dull/light greenish white) with a tinge of brown

Appearance Dry surface Slightly oily / greasy surface

Body Slightly hard Soft

Texture Slightly sandy Smooth, granules

Smell Slightly nutty Rich nutty

Taste Slightly salted Slightly sweet



Defects Causes Prevention

a) Flavour

Smoky Smoky fire used for

boiling and

dehydration of milk

Using non-smoky fire for

boiling and dehydration of milk

Sour/ Acid Excessively high

acidity in milk used

Using fresh sweet milk

Rancid Fat hydrolysis due to

lipase action in khoa

during storage (at

room temperature and


Storage of khoa at low

temperature (5-10°C)

Stale Excessively long

period of storage of

khoa at low

temperature (5-10°C)

Early disposal/ marketing of


Defects in Khoa, Causes & Prevention



Defects Causes Prevention

b) Body and texture

Hard body i) Excessively low fat

content of milk used

ii) Excessively low

moisture content of

khoa, due to faulty

production technique

i) Using milk of optimum

fat content

ii) Optimum moisture

content of khoa by

adopting correct

production technique

Coarse texture i) Excessively high

acidity in milk used

ii) Excessively low fat

content of milk used

iii) Excessively high

temperature of

dehydration, especially

in the last stages

iv) Excessively low speed

when stirring milk/


i) Using fresh sweet milk

ii) Using milk of optimum

fat content

iii) Optimum temperature

of dehydration,

especially in the last


iv) Optimum speed when

stirring milk/ pan-


Defects in Khoa, Causes & Prevention



Defects in Khoa, Causes & Prevention

c) Colour and appearance of dry surface

Visible Dent/ foreign


Excessively low fat content of milk


i) Incorrect or no straining of milk


ii) Heating-pan and/or stirrer not


iii) Dirty/windy surroundings

during manufacture and/or

handling of khoa

Using milk of optimum fat content

i) Correct straining of milk

ii) Heating-pan and/or stirrer well


iii) Clean surroundings during

manufacture and/ or handling of


iv) Transport of properly packed


Browning/ Burnt


i) Excessively high heating-

temperature, especially in the

last stages

ii) Excessively low speed when

stirring-cum-scraping pan


i) Optimum heating temperature,

especially in the Last stages

ii) Optimum speed when stirring-

cum-scraping pan-contents.

Mouldy surface i) Excessively high moisture

content of khoa in storage

ii) Excessively high humidity

of storage room

iii) Air-leaky packaging of


i) Optimum moisture content of

khoa in storage.

ii) Optimum humidity of storage


iii) Air-tight packaging of khoa

Fat and/ or water


Incorrect method of manufacture of


Correct method of manufacture of
