senkeng bike trail - beta 3


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Senkeng Bike Trail - Beta 3


Page 1: Senkeng Bike Trail - Beta 3
Page 2: Senkeng Bike Trail - Beta 3

Bike Trail

Hei-Bai-Shi got its interesting name for two reasons. Firstly, it contains two different sources of water: some clear water from Shih-men Dam and some turbid water from the nearby stream. Secondly, people used to wash vegetables, clothes, tools, etc.. here in early times. So the locals called it Hei-Bai-Shi. It is a very interesting because you can wash anything inside Hei-Bai-Shi. Here you got a chance to experience the good old time.

Page 3: Senkeng Bike Trail - Beta 3

Bike Trail

San-Keng Nature Ecology Park measured about four hectares, is a place where you can relax and enjoy the green with your family. It is also a good place for outdoor activities such as riding bicycles, playing freebies or flying kites. Near Da-Han-Si, it is now developed by some entrepreneurs to hold boating races. So don’t forget to visit San-Keng Nature Ecology Park on dragon boat festival to cheer for your favorite team.

Page 4: Senkeng Bike Trail - Beta 3

Bike Trail

Hey, do you feel the heat and energy during this bike riding? The breathtaking scenes can surly bring you out of those daily working routines, right. Forget about your boss, your duties and whatever occupies you recently. Look at those birds, and the valley. Take a deep breath. That’s right, take in as much fresh air as you can. You deserve it.

Page 5: Senkeng Bike Trail - Beta 3

Bike Trail

Visit San-Keng during April and May because Tung blossom here is so spectacular that you will never ever want to miss. The trail becomes so romantic because of the snowy white flowers. It’s like a journey to the wonderland.

The slope is a very fortunate and challenging encounter .Oops, here comes the greatest challenge of the whole trip. The upward ascent is very steep. My advice for the elders or youngsters is “If you cannot ride, just walk your bike.” Just kidding! This is definitely a very nice slope for bikers and after the sweating bike riding your will be ready for any challenges when you back to work.

Page 6: Senkeng Bike Trail - Beta 3

Bike Trail

Here comes to our next stop. Yong-Fu temple is center of faith for the locals. People worship Shan-San-Guo-Wang, Wen-Cheng-Di-Chun, San-Tai-Zhi and Bao-Jhong here. On August 2nd in the lunar calendar, villagers will gather at the hall of the temple and pray for peacefulness for the coming year. The traditional shows and ceremonies are precious relics and worth paying a visit.

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Bike Trail

Lords of the Three Mountains (Shan San Guo Wang )Lords of the Three Mountains is a folk belief dated from Sui Dynasty. The name “Three Mountains” actually refers to Mount Jin, Mount Ming, and Mount Du in Guangdong, China. It is said that they once helped emperor Zao Kuang-in of Song Dynasty vanquished the rebellion and were then conferred their title. The widespread of this faith from Guangdong to Taiwan is believed to be related to the rule of Qing Dynasty when more and more immigrants arrived from Guangdong and Fujian. Hundreds of years past, the Lord of the Three Mountains faith has developed along with the changes in Taiwan’s history and has birthed different characteristics in different regions.

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Bike TrailLord Emperor WenchangLord Emperor Wenchang was originally the patron god of Zitong County in Sichuan. The title was conferred in Yuan Dynasty and thereafter gradually became customary. Lord Emperor Wenchang is considered as god of the imperial examinations and is in charge of good fortune and reputation in literature. During the Qing Dynasty, the faith spread and later on became firmly rooted in Taiwan because of the large number of pavilions, and ancestral temples. The most significant form of worship for him was the ceremonial festival held on his birthday, the 3rd day of the lunar 2nd month. Nowadays, people of Taiwan will visit an ancestral temple of Wenchang on the god’s birthday and before examinations to pray for the advancement of their studies and that they may emerge successfully from the examination. Furthermore, devotees will provide some offerings to improve their fortunes, for example, offering green onions, celery, radishes and sweet osmanthus.

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Bike TrailYiminye (Heroes)Yimin used to refer to people who distinguished themselves in assisting to put down localized rebellions. After the rebellions, they were subsequently bestowed the title of Yiminye, meaning the Righteous Ones or Loyal fighters. The deification of the Yimin as figures of worship is a phenomenon unique to Taiwan. The first Yimin in Taiwan can be dated back to Qing Dynastye, and has to do with a popular uprising, the Lin Shuangwen incident. During the quelling of the rebellion, a lot of people died defending their hometowns, and when the fighting ceased, temples were built to worship the dead. As such, the worship of the Yiminye also contained an element of remembering friends and relatives lost in battle.

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Bike TrailOfferings (Turtle-shaped cakes)Qigu is a blessing activity held at temples in Taiwan and Penghu during the Lantern festival, (i.e.,Yuanxiao festival). At Yuanxiao festival, the temples will prepare turtle-shaped offerings called “migu” (in Taiwanese) or “miangui” (in Mandarin) made of glutinous rice or flour. The offerings are then placed in front of the temple--to be “qi”, meaning “begged for” by followers who add wishes and throw divine blocks on Yuanxiao festival day. If one gets the migu, he brings home the migu and shares it among the family members for peacefulness and safety (i.e., chia ping an in Taiwaness). During the Yuanxiao festival the following year, he needs to return a bigger migu to the temple, depending on whether his wishes are granted.

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Bike Trail

Are you hungry after the long journey? You must not miss the traditional cuisines on San-Keng Old Street. Ta-han stream was very deep in the early times. Business ships can collect and distribute goods in San-Keng. Therefore, as a transportation center, it was very prosperous and had the name of First Street of Tao-yuan. On San-Keng Old Street, don’t forget to buy traditional Hakka articles and try some delicate food.

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Bike Trail

Niu-Wen-Shui is a Hakka snack made also of rice. Served with brown sugar, ginger, peanut, sesame seeds or gravy, it is used to pray for good harvest in the coming year.

Nearby Yong-Fu Temple, there is a shop selling the delicious “tofu pudding”. This sweet comes in many flavors. You can add pearls, red beans and taro balls.

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Bike Trail

Hakka originally lived in Hua-Bei of China. They eat noodles mainly. When they moved south, because of the environment, they ate rice instead. They also used rice to make the vegetable buns. The vegetable bun looks like a pig cage, so it has another name called Zhu Long Ban.