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A Compendium of Publications, Honours, Awards, Invited Lectures, Teaching Activities and Other Significant Accomplishments of Fellows, External Fellows, and members of

Senior College at the University of Toronto

Published by the Senior College Centre, University of Toronto

Formerly entitled RALUT Publications and Honours This compilation presents a sample of the ongoing scholarly activities of Fellows, External Fellows, and members of Senior College, which is comprised mainly of retired faculty, and librarians at the University of Toronto. Information was collected in 2017 by the Senior

College Centre under the guidance of Professor Daphne Maurer. Items are in alphabetical

order by surname, and date from January 1, 2016 to December, 31, 2016. The variety of citation styles reflects standard practice for each discipline. The document will remain available on the website of the Senior College Centre.

A Call for Submissions for the 2017 Senior Scholars Annual is expected to be issued early in 2018 for items dating January 1 to December 31, 2017.

Contact: [email protected]

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INDEX BY SURNAME ACKER, SANDRA ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

ARCHER, MICHAEL ................................................................................................................................................. 7

ASTER, SIDNEY ....................................................................................................................................................... 7

ATWOOD, HAROLD L. ............................................................................................................................................ 7

AUBERT, ROSEMARY .............................................................................................................................................. 8

BAINES, CORNELIA J. .............................................................................................................................................. 9

BALDUS, BERND ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

BARBEAU, EDWARD J. ........................................................................................................................................... 9

BIRD, RICHARD M. ................................................................................................................................................. 9

BLUTE, MARION ................................................................................................................................................... 10

BOGDAN, DEANNE ............................................................................................................................................... 11

BOURNE, LARRY S. ............................................................................................................................................... 11

BURTON, IAN ....................................................................................................................................................... 11

CHARLTON, MILTON P. ........................................................................................................................................ 13

CORMAN, LINDA .................................................................................................................................................. 13

DOSSA, SHIRAZ .................................................................................................................................................... 13

DOSTROVSKY, JONATHAN ................................................................................................................................... 13

DUFFY, DENNIS .................................................................................................................................................... 14

FALLS, J. BRUCE .................................................................................................................................................... 14

FRIEDLAND, JUDITH ............................................................................................................................................. 14

GRIMA, LINO ........................................................................................................................................................ 15

HEHNER, E.C.R. (RICK) .......................................................................................................................................... 16

HIDI, SUZANNE .................................................................................................................................................... 16

HUTCHEON, LINDA ............................................................................................................................................... 17

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HUTCHEON, MICHAEL .......................................................................................................................................... 18

JARDINE, ANDREW K. S. ..................................................................................................................................... 19

KEY, TONY ............................................................................................................................................................ 20

KLEIN, MARTIN .................................................................................................................................................... 20

LANG, DAN .......................................................................................................................................................... 20

LEDUC, LARRY ...................................................................................................................................................... 21

LENSKYJ, HELEN ................................................................................................................................................... 21

LEVERE, TREVOR .................................................................................................................................................. 22

LIVINGSTONE, D. W. ............................................................................................................................................ 22

MAURER, DAPHNE ............................................................................................................................................... 23

MCCLELLAND, JOHN ............................................................................................................................................. 25

MOHANTY, BIBHU ............................................................................................................................................... 25

MOLDOFSKY, HARVEY .......................................................................................................................................... 26

MURRAY, ALEXANDER CALLANDER ...................................................................................................................... 26

NAKAMURA, KEN ................................................................................................................................................. 27

NORWICH, KENNETH ........................................................................................................................................... 27

PERCY, JOHN ........................................................................................................................................................ 27

PILLIAR, RM ......................................................................................................................................................... 28

PIRAN, NIVA ........................................................................................................................................................ 28

PUGLIESSE, GUIDO ............................................................................................................................................... 30

PUGLIESSE, OLGA ................................................................................................................................................. 30

RUSSELL, PETER H. ............................................................................................................................................... 30

SADDLEMYER, ANN .............................................................................................................................................. 31

SANDORI, PAUL ................................................................................................................................................... 32

SEEMAN, MARY V. ............................................................................................................................................... 32

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SIGMON, BECKY ................................................................................................................................................... 34

SLATER, PETER ..................................................................................................................................................... 34

VRANIC, MLADEN ................................................................................................................................................ 35

WARKENTIN, GERMAINE ..................................................................................................................................... 35

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Acker, S., “Success and failure CVs: Academic accountability or smoke and mirrors?” University

Affairs 57(8) (2016).


Acker, S., Haque, E., & Webber, M. “The two faces of flexibility—careers and jobs in contemporary academe.” In G. Wisker, L. Marshall, S. Greener and J. Canning (eds.), Flexible futures (2016): 51-60. Falmer: University of Brighton Press.

Acker, S., & Webber, M. “Discipline and publish: The tenure review process in Ontario universities”. In L. Shultz & M. Viczko (Eds.), Assembling and governing the higher education institution (2016): 233-55. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Acker, S., & Webber, M. . “Uneasy academic subjectivities in the contemporary Ontario university”. In J. Smith, J. Rattray, T. Peseta, & D. Loads (Eds.), Identity work in the contemporary university (2016): 61-75. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense.

Acker, S., Webber, M., & Smyth, E. “Continuity or change? Gender, family, and academic work for junior faculty in Ontario universities”. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Journal About Women in Higher Education, 9(1) (2016): 1-38.

Conference Paper

Wagner, A. & Acker, S. “To seek funding or not? Leading social justice informed research in neo-

liberal times”. Paper presented at Consortium for the Study of Leadership and Ethics in

Education (CSLEE) Values & Leadership Conference, Western University, London, ON, October

20-22, 2016.

Invited Lecture

Acker, S. “Ontario academics responding to change: Do gender and career stage make a difference?” Presented at the Symposium on The Changing Professoriate at Ontario Colleges and Universities, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto. April, 2016.

Significant Accomplishments

Invited international partner, Searching for Good Academic Work at the Metric University, Proposal submitted to the Academy of Finland by PIs A. Jauhiainen, O.-H. Ylijoki & P. Atjonen.

Principal Investigator, with E. Haque, M.K. McGinn & A Wagner (Co-Applicants), L. Lucas, M. Vander Kloet, & O.-H. Ylijoki (Collaborators). Academic researchers in challenging times. Proposal submitted to Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant program, October, 2016.

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Reviewer, Palgrave Macmillan (book manuscript) and Taylor and Francis (book proposal)

Referee for Canadian Journal of Higher Education, Gender and Education, Higher Education Research and Development, Journal of Educational Administration and History, Studies in Higher Education.



Mullen, P.J., Yu, R., Longo, J., Archer, M.C., and Penn, L.Z. “The interplay between cell signaling and the mevalonate pathway in cancer”. Nature Reviews Cancer 16 (2016): 718-731.



“Power, Policy and Personality: The Life and Times of Lord Salter, 1881-1975”, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 8 2016)



Atwood, H. L., and Vranic, M. “Physiology: Our History,” (2016): 38 pages Department of Physiology, University of Toronto

Teaching Activities

Department of Physiology: PSL 374H1S, Advanced Physiology Laboratory: March 2 and March 9, 2016. (6 hours total)

Chair of Final Ph.D. Examinations, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto: March 10, 2016: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences September 22, 2016: Department of Psychology

Conference Papers

Canadian Association for Neuroscience, Synapse Symposium (25th Anniversary of the establishment of the Medical Research Council Group in Nerve Cells and Synapses by H. L. Atwood and 5 other members), May 28-29, 2016: Invited participant.

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Awards and Honours

The Royal Society of Canada Life Member. Kingston, Ontario, November 18, 2016

Significant Accomplishments

Vice-Principal, Administration, Senior College at the University of Toronto, (appointment June 2016)

Volunteer monitoring and trail maintenance for the East Coulson Wetland Nature Reserve, Couchiching Conservancy, Orillia.



Book: The Midnight Boat to Palermo and Other Stories. Short story anthology published

by Carrick Publishing December 2016.

Poem: “The Plague 1665-1666,” Grain magazine Vol. 43 No.2: p33.

Poem: “What the Shadows Say,” Queen’s Quarterly Summer 2016: p396

Introduction to book: The Keys of My Prison, by Francess Shelley Wees. Vehicule Press,


Invited Lectures

Gave 21 lectures, talks, workshops and presentations to groups in the Greater Toronto

Area, including at the Toronto Public Library, the Writers’ Club of Durham Region, the

Bootmakers of Toronto (Sherlock Holmes group) and private book clubs. Spoke on the

topic of being a mystery writer.

Teaching Activities

Conducted a series of workshops on writing the short story at the Arts and Letters Club

of Toronto, 14 Elm Street. November 2016.

Significant Accomplishments

Solo exhibition, Arts and Letters Club of Toronto, March 2016.

Exhibition of 9 works, 6 of which sold, various Arts and Letters Club exhibitions.

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Baines CJ, To T, Miller AB. “Revised estimates of overdiagnosis from the Canadian National Breast Screening Study”. Preventive Medicine (2016) http://dx.doi,org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.06.033

Jorgensen KJ, Kalager M, Barratt A, Baines CJ et al. “Overview of guidelines on breast screening: Why recommendations differ and what to do about it”. The Breast (2016).


Health: an engine for the journey to peace (CHL 7001H) invited lecturer 2011 – (Dalla Lana School of Public Health)

Significant accomplishments

Member, Task Force on Environmental Health for the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. 2016-

Reviewer for Lancet, British Medical Journal, Journal American Medical Association, Annals of Internal Medicine and others.



Bernd Baldus, Origins of Inequality in Human Societies. (Routledge. New York/Abington (UK), 2016), 249 pages



"University of Toronto Mathematics Competition (2001-2015)" Problem Books in Mathematics Series, Springer New York 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-28104-9 ISBN 978-3-319-28106-3 (eBooks)



“Below the Salt: Decentralizing Value-Added Taxes” In Ehtisham Ahmad and Giorgio

Brosio, eds., Handbook of Multilateral Finance (Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, 2016),


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“Decentralization in European and MENA Countries: Glue or Solvent?” In M. Mustafa

Erdoğlu and Bryan Christiansen, eds., Comparative Political and Economic Perspectives

on the MENA Region (Hershey PA: Information Science Reference, IGI Global, 2016), 1-

27. With François Vaillancourt.

“Tax Simplification in Canada – A Journey Not Yet Mapped” In Simon James, Adrian

Sawyer, and Tamer Budak, eds., The Complexity of Tax Simplification: Experiences from

Around the World. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 70-94. With François Vaillancourt.

“Transparency, Technology, and Taxation” In M. Mustafa Erdoğdu and Bryan

Christiansen, eds., Handbook of Research on Public Finance in Europe and the MENA

Region (Hershey PA: Information Science Reference, IGI Global, 2016), 11-29.

“Taxing Consumption in Canada: Rates, Revenues, and Redistribution,” Canadian Tax

Journal, 64 (2): 417-442. With Michael Smart.

“Reforming International Taxation: Is the Process the Real Product?” Hacienda Pública

Española/Review of Public Economics, 2/2016: 155-176.

“The Corporate Income Tax in Canada: Does Its Past Foretell Its Future?” SPP Research

Papers, Volume 9, Issue 38, December 2016. 34 pp. With Thomas A. Wilson.



Blute, Marion. “ Density-dependent Selection Revisited: Mechanisms Linking Explanantia and Explananda.” Biological Theory, 11(2) 2016: 113-121.

Blute, Marion. “Evolution and Learning: A Response to Watson and Szathmáry.” Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31(12) 2016: 891-892.

Significant Accomplishments

American Sociological Association, Denver. Organized open paper session of Evolution, Biology and Society section, August 2016.

The Royal Society, London, U.K. Participated in discussion meeting on “New trends in evolutionary biology: biological, philosophical and social scientific perspectives.” November 7-9, 2016.

Past Chair: Evolution, Biology and Society Section of the American Sociological Association.

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Biological Theory.

Member, Editorial Board, Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science.

Member, Student Travel Awards Committee, International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology.

Associate, Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

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Referee for Sociological Forum, Poetics, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Biological Theory.


Significant Accomplishments

Participating Pianist, Recital in support of the charitable trust, Canadians Concerned about Violence in Entertainment, Rosedale United Church, Toronto, Ontario, November 1, 2016, as a member of Master Class Players, an ensemble of six pianists who perform regularly in public libraries, Seniors’ residences, and to support charitable fundraisers.

Participating Pianist, Recital in support of The House of Compassion, Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, Toronto, Ontario, September 21, 2016, as a member of Master Class Players..

Participating Pianist, Annual Spring Recital of students in Boyanna Toyich’s Community Outreach Performance Master Class, Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building, University of Toronto, May 22, 2016.

Participating Pianist, Lecture-recital, “A Visit to Vienna,” Jubilee United Church, Toronto, Ontario, sponsored by Brookbanks for African Grannies and Old Orchard Blossoms, in support of the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, April 22, 2016, as a member of Master Class Players.

Participating Pianist, Recital, Russell Hill House Seniors Residence, Toronto, Ontario, April 21, 2016, as a member of Master Class Players.

Chair and Participating Pianist, Lecture-recital, “Vienna and Beethoven’s Spiritual Development,” Senior College, University of Toronto, Faculty Club, February 3, 2016, as a member of Master Class Players


Invited Lecture

“Toronto’s Growing Social-Spatial Divide: An Analysis of Changes in Levels of Income Inequality in Toronto, 1970-2012”. Annual lecture in Urban Studies at the University of Canterbury, Kent, England, September 27, 2016.



A. Oliver-Smith, I. Alcantara-Ayala, I. Burton, A Lavell. 2016, Forensic Investigations of Disasters (FORIN); a conceptual framework and guide to research. ( FORIN publication No. 2. Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, International Council for Science [ICSU] Beijing, pp. 56.

Oliver-Smith, A. Alcantara-Ayala., Burton, I. Lavell, A. 2016. Investigacion Forense de Desastres (FORIN); un marco conceptual y guia para la investigacion. Integrated

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Research on Disaster Risk, Instituto de Geographia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) pp.104

Anthony Oliver-Smith, Irasema Alcantara-Ayala, Ian Burton, Allan Lavell. “The social construction of disaster risk: seeking root causes”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2016): 1-6

Invited Lectures

Lectures and Panelist at meetings:

Marbella, Spain, 13, January. UNESCO Project Preparing for Extreme Events in Coastal Regions.

Edinburgh, Scotland. February 8. Radical Revisions of the Programme of the Climate Change Group, International Institute for Environment and Development.

Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. Proposals for a Centre of Excellence Network on climate change Adaptation. University of Waterloo.

Waterloo, Ontario. The Growth of Climate Change Adaptation. Retirement Celebration and Seminar for Linda Mortsch.

Ottawa, Canada. Adaptation Canada 2016. Panelist.

Rotterdam Netherlands. 10-13 May. International Conference on Adaptation Futures. Panelist.

Keeble College, Oxford. September 19-22 The social construction of disaster risk. Panelist.

Awards and Honours

Awarded Legion d’Honneur, International Geographical Congress, August 24, 2016, Beijing, China.

Teaching Activities

One PhD Committee at U of T Scarborough.

Significant Accomplishments

Visiting Fellow, International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK.

Elected Private Member, Canada National Advisory Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction, Public Safety Canada.

Advisory Committee Member, Collaborative Adaptation Research in Africa and Asia. International Development Research Centre and UK Department for International Development.

Advisory Committee Member, Climate Change Mitigation and Climate Change Adaptation Audits. Office of the Auditor General of Canada.

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Jalini S, Ye H, Tonkikh A A, Charlton M P, Carlen P L., “Raised Intracellular Calcium Contributes to Ischemia-Induced Depression of Evoked Synaptic Transmission.” PLoS One (2016): Mar 2; 11(3)


Awards and Honours

Honorary D.S.L. (Doctor of Sacred Letters) degree from Trinity College, May 2016.


Significant Accomplishments

Appointed Senior Research Professor in the Department of Political Science, St. Francis

Xavier University, NS, July, 2016

Teaching Activities

Advisor for two Honours students on two specific topics: Liberalism and Individualism and Foucault: Race, Power, Critique



Atsushi Yoshida, Takashi Fujio, Fumihiko Sato, Md Sams Sazzad Ali, Tahsinul Haque,

Haruka Ohara, Masayuki Moritani, Takafumi Kato, Jonathan O. Dostrovsky, Yoshihisa

Tachibana, "Orofacial proprioceptive thalamus of the rat," Brain Structure & Function,

accepted December 2016.

Weinberger M, Dostrovsky JO, “Motor Unit Synchronization”. In: Reference Module in

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, Elsevier 2016. (Updated version of entry

originally published in The Encyclopedia of Movement Disorders, Elsevier 2010)

Weinberger M, Dostrovsky JO, “The Motor Unit”. In: Reference Module in Neuroscience

and Biobehavioral Psychology, Elsevier 2016. (Updated version of entry originally

published in The Encyclopedia of Movement Disorders, Elsevier 2010).

Significant Accomplishments

Help run annual U of T Brain Bee competition for High School students.

Member, Audit Committee, International Association for the Study of Pain

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DUFFY, DENNIS Publications

“Historicist: Ernest Thompson Seton, Charles Sauriol, and Discipleship in the Don Valley”.

Torontoist May 21, 2016. Online publication: <>

“Historicist: How We Hyped the DVP”. Torontoist September 3, 2016. Online publication:


Invited lectures

“Diego Rivera’s Detroit Murals”. Deer Park Public Library. Jan. 28, 2016.

“The Shooting of Bill Alexander”. North York Central Library. March 23, 2016.

“Velazquez las meninas”. Deer Park Public Library. September 15, 2016.

“Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby”. Later Life Learning. October 18, 2016.


Awards and Honours

Membership in the Order of Canada (CM). The investiture took place at Rideau Hall on February 17, 2017



Peters, E., & Friedland, J., “Recognizing Risk and Vulnerability in Research Ethics: Imagining the ‘What ifs?” In Press: Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics.

Townsend, E., & Friedland, J., “19th & 20th century educational reforms arising in Europe, the United Kingdom and the Americas: Inspiration for occupational science?” Journal of Occupational Science (2016): on-line version,

Kirsh, B., Friedland, J., Webber, C., Salkovitch, M., Snider, K., Orfus, S., Gopalasuntharanathan, N., and Choi, S., “Experiences of university students who are living with mental health problems: Interrelations between the self, the social, and the school,” WORK: a Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation 53(2) (2016): 325-35. doi: 10.3233/WOR-152153.

Friedland, J., Book Review – “Please Write”, OT Now, Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy (2016): June 23, 20160008417416654930

Invited Lectures

Peters, E. and Friedland, J. Re-thinking Risk and Vulnerability, Joint Centre for Bioethics,

University of Toronto, Toronto, , Toronto, November 23, 2016.

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Peters, E. and Friedland, J. Re-thinking Risk and Vulnerability, Canadian Association of

Research Ethics Boards, Toronto, May 26, 2016.

Awards and Honours

Leadership Award, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, Banff, AB, April 20, 2016.

Teaching Activities

University of Toronto, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Foundations of Occupational Therapy, OCT 1111Y, September 20, 2016.

Significant Accomplishments

Chair of Ethics Review Board, Public Health Ontario


Awards and Honors

Raymond J Sherman International Award of the Sierra Club of the US, September 2016. This award honours extraordinary volunteer service toward international conservation.



“Access to Information the UN: The UN(certain) Depository Library System” (with James Church). ACUNS [Academic Council on the United Nations System] Newsletter 2016: 4, pp. 5-6.

Significant Accomplishments

Research Associate, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto.

Research Associate in Arts, Trinity College, University of Toronto, 2011-.

Senior College: Founding Fellow; member, Program Committee; interim Chair, Colloquium Committee

Member of and advisor to the G7 and G20 Research Groups

Participants in the project “Canadian National Security Archives”, Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary Canadian History

Advisor to the Graham Library, Trinity College, University of Toronto, on its collection of G7/G8/G20‐related documents, publications, and multimedia material

Pre-publication assessor and reviewer for Ashgate Publishing, for the journal Global Governance and for other publishers and publications

Member, Editorial Board, International Organizations Research Journal (Moscow, Higher School of Economics)

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E.C.R.Hehner, a Practical Theory of Programming (textbook), Springer, 2016 edition,

Invited Lectures

“Concurrency”, workshop on "Programming Logics, Models, Algorithms and Concurrency”, University of Texas at Austin, April 29, 2016.

"The Halting Problem", University of Toronto Math Union, December 2, 2016.

Teaching Activities

University of Toronto, Formal Methods of Software Design, CSC465 and CSC2104, September to December, 2016.

Supervisor, PhD student Lev Naiman

Examiner, PhD defense, Zachary Kincaid, University of Toronto, August 10, 2016.

Significant Accomplishments

Consulting for Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board, Province of Ontario, 2016



Renninger, K. A., & Hidi, S. E., The Power of Interest for Motivation and Engagement. New

York: Routledge, 2016

Renninger, K. A. & Hidi, S. E. (in press). “Interest Development as a Dynamic Process in

the Workplace”. In C. Nye. & J. Rounds (Eds.), Vocational Interests in the Workplace.

New York: Routledge.

Conference Presentations

Hidi, S. E. (2016, April). Value, Content, and the Development of Interest. Discussant,

Symposium, The Roles of Value and Interest in Promoting Learning. (K.A. Renninger, Chair).

American Educational Research Association's Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (discussant)

Hidi, S. E. (2016, April). How Do You Feel About STEM? Examining the Overlooked Role of

Emotions for Career Aspirations. (M. Bieg, Chair). American Educational Research Association's

Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. (discussant)

Significant accomplishments

Invited Co-Editor by Cambridge University Press of Handbook on Motivation and Learning.

Invited Reviewer: Educational Psychology Review. Contemporary Educational Psychology.

Interview, Big Think, New York City Home Page, February 11, 2016.

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“Jazz, Opera and the Ideologies of Race.” In Opera in a Multicultural World: Coloniality, Culture, Performance, Ed. Mary I. Ingraham, Joseph K. So, and Roy Moodley, 21-23. New York and London: Routledge, 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“Historicizing Late Style as a Discourse of Reception.” In Late Style and its Discontents: Essays in Art, Literature and Music, Ed. Gordon McMulland and Sam Smiles, 51-68. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“One Saint in Eight Tableaux: The Untimely Modernism of Olivier Messiaen’s Saint François d’Assise”. In Modernism and Opera. Ed. Richard Begam and Matthew Wilson Smith, 315-40. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

Invited Lectures

“Aging and Creativity”, Senior College, U of Toronto, January 2016; Don Mills Kiwanis, January 2016; Sprint Seniors, February 2016; University Women’s Club, April 2016; Senior Perspectives, April 2016; Timothy Eaton Memorial Church Seniors Group, April 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“Falstaff”, Western University Faculty of Music, January 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“Messiaen’s Last Works,” London Opera Guild, January 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“Operatic Puppetry”, Jackman Humanities Institute Working Group, February 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“Operatic Transformation: Translation, Adaptation, Transladaptation,” Plenary Address to “Trans” Conference, University of Toronto, March 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“Operatic Lessons in Living and Dying”, Senior College Symposium on Life and Death, April 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“Shakespeare and Verdi: Falstaff Two Ways”, Deer Park Library, April 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“Rocking Horse Winner: Story to Opera,” Tapestry Opera, May 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“Two in Tune: Verdi Celebrates Shakespeare,” Toronto Summer Music Festival, July 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“Puccini and Italian Nationalism”, Bard Festival on “Puccini and His World”, August 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

“Introducing: Jacques Offenbach”, Opera Spotlight, U of T Faculty of Music, October 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)

Awards and Honours

Lorne Pierce Medal of the Royal Society of Canada, awarded at Queen’s University at the annual Royal Society Meeting, November 2016.

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Significant Accomplishments

Interview: Great Composers Prove No Age Barrier, Aging Horizons (April 2016) (with Michael Hutcheon)

Interview on Four Last Songs”, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, February 2016. (with Michael Hutcheon)



“Jazz, Opera and the Ideologies of Race,” In Opera in a Multicultural World: Coloniality, Culture, Performance, Ed. Mary I. Ingraham, Joseph K. So, and Roy Moodley. New York and London: Routledge, (2016): 21-33. (with Linda Hutcheon)

“Historicizing Late Style as a Discourse of Reception,” In Late Style and its Discontents: Essays in Art, Literature and Music, ed. Gordon McMulland and Sam Smiles. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (2016): 51-68. (with Linda Hutcheon)

“One Saint in Eight Tableaux: The Untimely Modernism of Olivier Messiaen’s Saint François d’Assise ,” In Modernism and Opera, ed. Richard Begam and Matthew Wilson Smith. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, (2016): 315-40. (with Linda Hutcheon)

Invited Lectures

“Pulmonary Function for Thoracic Surgeons”, Thoracic Surgical Residents Teaching Rounds, Toronto General Hospital, January 2016

“Aging and Creativity”, Senior College, U of Toronto, January 2016; Don Mills Kiwanis, January 2016; Sprint Seniors, February 2016; University Women’s Club, April 2016; Senior Perspectives, April 2016; Timothy Eaton Memorial Church Seniors Group, April 2016 (with Linda Hutcheon)

“Falstaff”, Western University Faculty of Music, January 2016 (with Linda Hutcheon)

“Messiaen’s Last Works”, London Opera Guild, January 2016 (with Linda Hutcheon)

“Operatic Puppetry”, Jackman Humanities Institute Working Group, February 2016 (with Linda Hutcheon)

“Operatic Transformation: Translation, Adaptation, Transladaptation”, Plenary Address to “Trans” Conference, University of Toronto, March 2016 (with Linda Hutcheon)

“Operatic Lessons in Living and Dying”, Senior College Symposium on Life and Death, April 2016 (with LInda Hutcheon)

“Shakespeare and Verdi: Falstaff Two Ways”, Deer Park Library, April 2016 (with Linda Hutcheon)

“Rocking Horse Winner: Story to Opera”, Tapestry Opera, May 2016. (with Linda Hutcheon)

Two in Tune: Verdi Celebrates Shakespeare”, Toronto Summer Music Festival, July 2016. (with Linda Hutcheon)

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“Puccini and Italian Nationalism”, Bard Festival on “Puccini and His World”, August 2016 (with Linda Hutcheon)

“Introducing: Jacques Offenbach”, Opera Spotlight, U of T Faculty of Music, October 2016. (with Linda Hutcheon)

Significant Accomplishments

“Interview: Great Composers Prove No Age Barrier,” Aging Horizons (April 2016) (with Linda Hutcheon)

“Interview on Four Last Songs,” Australian Broadcasting Corporation, February 2016. (with Linda Hutcheon)



Sharifi. M, Kwon, R. H., and Jardine, A. K. S. “Valuation of performance-based contracts for

capital equipment: A stochastic programming approach”. The Engineering Economist, 61(1):1–

22 (2016)

Conference Presentations

Jardine, A K S., “Maintenance Decision Making & Reliability Engineering”, Master Class on Reliability and Maintenance Engineering, Puerto Rico, October 5-6, 2016

Jardine, A K S., “Optimal Repair versus Replace Decisions for Underground Pipes”, Conference on Infrastructure Asset Management, Canadian Institute, Toronto. October 26 – 27, 2016.

Teaching Activities

Taught a module on Maintenance Analysis and Optimization for the MSc program in Engineering Asset Management (EAM) at the University of the West Indies. March 6 & 7, then March 20 & 21, 2016.

Co-taught a five-day certificate granting course in Physical Asset Management, Dubai, UAE, April 10 - 14, Leoron, 2016.

Taught the graduate class MIE 1723: Engineering Asset Management, University of Toronto, September – December, 2016.

Co-taught a five-day certificate program in Physical Asset Management, University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, Delivered to Department of National Defence, Ottawa, September 26 - 30, 2016.

Co-taught an eight-day certificate program in Physical Asset Management, University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, Toronto, November 7-11, 14-16, 2016.

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Significant Accomplishments

2016 Distinguished Educator Award from the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Society, Detroit, September 24, 2016.

Appointed to the International Editorial Advisory Committee for the West Indian Journal of Engineering. The WIJE is an international journal with a focus on the Caribbean region. It is published twice yearly by the Faculty of Engineering at The University of the West Indies and the Council of Caribbean Engineering, February 25, 2016.



Woodsworth College Course, THE500, Teaching in Higher Education, January to April 2016. The course is intended for senior Ph.D. students who seek a career as academics.



African Voices on Slavery and the Slave Trade. Vol. 2. Edited with Alice Bellagamba and

Sandra Greene. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.

“Looking for Slavery in Colonial Africa: French Wester Africa,” in Alice Bellagamba,

Sandra Greene, and Martin Klein, eds., African Voices on Slavery and the Slave Trade,

Vol. 2, Essays on Sources and Methods Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2016):


“Introduction: Sources and Methods: writing about African slavery and the slave trade,”

with Alice Bellagamba and Sandra Greene in Alice Bellagamba, Sandra Greene, and

Martin Klein, eds., African Voices on Slavery and the Slave Trade Vol. 2, Essays on

Sources and Methods Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2016): 1-14.

“Global Slavery: Review Article,” Journal of Global Slavery I (2016): 325-340.



“Five Case Studies of Governance in Tertiary Education”, Canadian Journal of Higher Education 46 (3) (2016): 42-58.

“Incentive Funding Meets Incentive-based Budgeting”, Canadian Journal of Higher Education 46 (4) (2016): 1-22.

“Fiscal Incentives, Clark’s Triangle, and the Shape and Shaping of Higher Education Systems”, Policy Reviews in Higher Education, in press.

“Comparing Quality: The Quality Assurance and Enhancement Report for England and Northern Ireland and the Ontario Quality Assurance Framework”, Higher Education in Transition Symposium Proceedings, November, 2016.

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Invited Lectures

“From Government Regulation to Self-regulation in Quality Assurance,” keynote address, 2nd Annual Higher Education in Transition Symposium,” University of Ontario Institute of Technology, November 2, 2016.

Teaching Activities

Graduate Courses

LHA1809: Administration of Colleges and Universities

LHA2006: Educational Finance and Economics

Significant Accomplishments

Special Advisor on Funding Formula and Strategic Mandate Agreements, Government of Ontario, Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development.

LEDUC, LARRY Publications

"Dynasties and Interludes: Past and Present in Canadian Electoral Politics", second edition. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2016. (with Jon H. Pammett)

"Risk Aversion and the Referendum Vote", The Conversation, June 29, 2016.

Invited Lectures

Special Committee on Electoral Reform, House of Commons, Ottawa. July 27, 2016.

"Voice vs. Votes: Adapting the Institutions and Processes of Direct Democracy to Improve Citizen Engagement and Participation." Carleton University, March 11, 2016.

"Electoral Reform is Really, Really Hard, But It Can Happen" Evidence from Japan and New Zealand." Canadian Study of Parliament Group Conference on Electoral Reform, Ottawa, May 27, 2016.

"An Uncertain Future: Elections in the U.S. and Europe." Videoconference, University of Pittsburgh European Studies Center, October 20, 2016.

"Referendums and Democratic Politics." Samara, Toronto, November 24, 2016.

Teaching activities

University of Toronto, POL433F (Presidential Politics in America), Fall term, 2016.

Concordia University, Social Science Workshops, June 9-10, 2016.



“Sport mega-event legacies: from the beneficial to the destructive”. In Transparency International, Global Corruption Report: Sport. Abington: Routledge (2016): 218-22.

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“Sochi 2014 Olympics: Accommodation and resistance”. In J. Dart and S. Wagg Eds., Sport, Protest and Globalization. Houndmills, Hampshire: Palgrave (2016): 311-334

“Women’s Olympics: Protest, strategy, or both?” In J. Dart and S. Wagg Eds., Sport and Protest Houndmills, Hampshire: Palgrave (2016): 35-50.



Trevor Levere, Larry Stewart, and Hugh Torrens, The Enlightenment of Thomas Beddoes: Science, Medicine, and Reform (Abingdon: Routledge, 2016).

Teaching Activities

Supervision of one Ph.D. student.



``Family Binds and Glass Ceilings: Women Managers’ Promotion Limits in a ‘Knowledge Economy’``. Critical Sociology 42,1 (2016): 145–166. (with K. Pollock and M. Raykov).

``Reconnecting Class and Production Relations in an Advanced Capitalist 'Knowledge Economy': Changing Class Structure and Class Consciousness``. Capital & Class 40, 3 (2016): 469–493. (with A. Scholtz).

``The Growing Gap Between Post-Secondary Schooling and Further Education: Findings of 1998, 2004, 2010, and 2016 Surveys of the Employed Canadian Labour Force``. The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education 28, 2 (June 2016): 1-23. ISSN1925-993X (online) (with M. Raykov).

``Recent Surveys of Learning and Work in Canada and Potential Relevance for Argentina``. In Riquelme, G.C. (editora y directora) (2015) Educación y trabajo de jóvenes y adultos a lo largo de la vida: los alcances de una primera aplicación en el Área Metropolitana de Argentina, CONICET -Programa Educación, Economía y Trabajo, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Diciembre. ISBN 978-987-42-0806-4.

Invited Lectures

“Engineers’ and Nurses’ Current Perceptions of Career Opportunities: Exploring General Professional Concerns and Potential Class Differences”. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of Canadian Sociology Association, Calgary, May 30-June 3, 2016. (with Tracey Adams and Peter H. Sawchuk). Available at

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Significant Accomplishments

Co-editor, The Knowledge Economy and Education, Sense Publishers



Chen, Y.C., Shore, D.I., Lewis, T.L., & Maruer , D. (2016). “The development of the perception of audiovisual simultaneity”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 146: 17-33.

Hadad, B.S., Maurer, D., & Lewis, T.L. (2016). “The role of early visual input in the development of contour interpolation: the case of subjective contours”. Developmental Science an 6. doi: 10.1111/desc.12379. [Epub ahead of print]

Maurer, D. (2016) “How the baby learns to see”. Donald O Hebb lecture, Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, & Cognitive Science, Ottawa, June 2015. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 70:195-200..

Vingilis-Jaremko, L., Maurer, D., Rhodes, G., & Jeffery, L. (2016) “The influence of averageness on adults' perception of attractiveness: The effect of early visual deprivation”. Perception 45:1399-1411.

Gibson, L.C., & Maurer, D. (2016). “Development of SNARC and distance effects and their relation to mathematical and visuospatial abilities”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 150: 301-313. doi: 10.1016/j.jecp.2016.05.009. Epub 2016 Jul 1.

de Heering, A. , Dormal, G., Pellard, M., Lewis, T., Maurer, D., & Collignon, O. (2016). “A brief period of postnatal visual deprivation alters the balance between auditory and visual attention”. Current Biology 26: 3101-3105. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.10.014.

Invited Lectures

Maurer, D. Critical periods revisted: Evidence from Children treated for dense cataracts.

Lake Ontario Visual Establishment, February 2016.

Maurer, D. Critical periods revisted: Evidence from Children treated for dense cataracts.

Tri-university initiative (Duke, University of North Carolina, North Carolina State), April


Maurer, D. Critical periods re-visited: Evidence from Children treated for Dense

Cataracts. University of Chicago, April 2016.

Maurer, D. The influence of visual experience during infancy: Lessons from infants

treated for dense cataracts. Fall Vision Meeting, University of Rochester, October


Maurer, D. Critical periods re-examined: Evidence from Children Visually Deprived by

Cataracts, Western University, November 2016.

Maurer, D. The role of early visual input in perceptual development: Clues from

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crossmodal perception after early cataract. Birkbeck College, University of London,

November 2016.

Conference Presentations

Collignon, O., Dormal, G., de Heering, A., Lepore, F., Lewis, T., & Maurer, D. (2015). A short

period of visual deprivation at birth triggers long-lasting crossmodal reorganization of the

occipital cortex in humans. [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 15(12): 192-192. doi:


Lewis, T., Chen, Y.-C., Shore, D., Stanley, B., & Maurer,D. (2016). Early visual experience

is important for audiovisual but not for visuotactile integration. [Abstract]. Journal of

Vision. 2016; 16(12):1121-1121. doi: 10.1167/16.12.1121

de Heering, A., Dormal, G., Lewis, T., Maurer, D. & Collignon, O. (2016). Multisensory

redundancy gains for for audiovisual stimuli after early visual deprivation. [Abstract].

Journal of Vision. 2016; 16(12):140-140. doi: 10.1167/16.12.140

Gao, X., Collignon, O., de Heering, A., Lewis, T., Wilson, H., & Maurer, D. (2016). Brief

postnatal visual deprivation triggers longstanding structural reorganization of the visual

cortex. Abstract]. Journal of Vision. 2016; 16(12):60-60. doi: 10.1167/16.12.60


Co-supervisor of 2 Ph.D. students, one at McMaster and one at Toronto

Supervisor of 1 M.Sc. student at McMaster (completed fall 2016)

Member, 3 Ph.D. supervisory committees at McMaster and 1 Ph.D. supervisory committee at Toronto

Member, 1 M.Sc. supervisory committee at Toronto (completed fall 2016).

Significant Accomplishments

2015-2018. Canadian Institutes of Health Research & Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Collaborative Health Research Projects, Effective Vision Screening for Preschool Children. $631,000 over 3 years. (co-PI)

Steering Committee, Lasker/IRRF Initiative on Amblyopia

Associate Editor, Developmental Psychobiology

Past President, International Conference on Infant Studies

Vice Principal (Academic), Senior College at the University of Toronto

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"Sport and Scientific Thinking in the Sixteenth Century: Ruling Out Playfulness," Ludica,

annali di storia e civiltà del gioco, 19-20, 132-45.

Elisabeth Belmas, Jouer autrefois. Essai sur le jeu dans la France moderne, in Ludica,

annali di storia e civiltà del gioco, 19-20, 209-10.

Pontus de Tyard, Œuvres complètes. Tome III. Mantice, ou Discours de la verité de

Divination par Astrologie. Texte établi, introduit et annoté par Jean Céard. Paris :

Classiques Garnier, 2014, Renaissance and Reformation /Renaissance et Réforme 39, 1,


Invited Lectures

“The Complex Relations of Sport and Religion during the European Renaissance,”

Congreso internacional Cuerpo y Espíritu: Deporte y Cristianismo en la historia, Murcia

(Spain), October 18-21

Significant Accomplishments

Member,Scientific Committee, 20th Annual Conference of the European Committee for

Sports History, Leicester (England), 2016.

General Editor (with W. Vamplew and M. Dyreson), The Cultural History of Sport, 6 vols.,

London: Bloomsbury, to be published in 2020.

Adjudicator for the Premio Gaetano Cozzi [an essay competition sponsored by the

Fondazione Benetton for junior post-doctoral scholars]



Nariseti C, Mohanty B and Peterson K., “Crack visualization and mapping of cracks in rock samples due to impact loading of rock samples by Tungsten carbide bits”. J. of Blasting and Fragmentation v. 9 (2016): 125-138.

Huang, C., Mohanty, B. and Zhu, Z. (2016). “Strain Rate Effects on Dynamic Fractures in fine grained Granitic Rock”. Strain 52 (2016): 46-58.

Huang, S. and Mohanty B.,“A Laboratory Crushing Apparatus for Understanding Dynamic Rock Fragmentation”, Proceedings. 2nd Int. Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications (RocDyn-2) Suzhou, China

Huang S and Mohanty B.,“Impact-induced fragmentation of rock and size distribution analysis”, Proceedings. 42nd Ann. Conf. on Explosives and Blasting Tech., Int. Soc. Explosives Engrs USA. (2016): 324-335.

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Teaching and Research Activities

Ph.D. Thesis Supervision: Sheng Huang (completed),

R. Raghavaraju (in progress)

Ph.D. Examination Committee member.

Significant Accomplishments

Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur, India; 2012- present

Member Emeritus, International Society of Explosives Engineers

Member, International Organizing Committee for Rock Fragmentation Symposia (FIOC).

Member: Sub-Committee on Dynamic Tests Standards for Rocks; International Society of Rock Mechanics (ISRM).

Reviewer for Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Mining Sci.; Engineering Fracture Mech.; J. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering; Int. J. Mining, Reclamation and Environment; Canadian Geotechnical Journal; Int. J. of Impact Engineering.



Moldofsky H., “Nonrestorative Sleep, Musculoskeletal Pain, Fatigue in Rheumatic Disorders and

Allied Syndromes: A Historical Perspective” Chapter in Sleep Medicine: A Comprehensive Guide

to its Development, Clinical Milestones and Advances in Treatment. Eds. Chokroverty S., Billiard

M. (Springer, 2016).

Moldofsky H., Rothman L., Kleinman R., Rhind S.G., Richardson J.D., “Disturbed EEG Sleep,

Paranoid Cognition, and Somatic Symptoms Identify Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress

Disorder”. British Journal of Psychiatry Open November 2016, 359-365.


Significant Accomplishments

Honorary Membership, Canadian Sleep Society 2016



Editor. A Companion to Gregory of Tours. Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition 63. Leiden: Brill, (2016): Pp. xviii, 667.

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“The Composition of the Histories of Gregory of Tours and Its Bearing on the Political Narrative.” In A Companion to Gregory of Tours, ed. Alexander Callander Murray (as above). (2016): 63-101.

“The Merovingian State and Administration in the Times of Gregory of Tours.” In A Companion to Gregory of Tours, ed. Alexander Callander Murray (as above). (2016): 191-231

“Gregory of Tours (Hist. II 10) and Fredegar (Chron. III 9) on the Paganism of the Franks: The Relation of the Texts and What They Say.” In La Rigeur et la passion: Mélanges en l’honneur de Pascale Bourgain, ed. Cédric Giraud and Dominique Poirel. Turnhout: Brepols, (2016): 45-55.

NAKAMURA, KEN Publication

“Canada’s Captain”, to be found on, and in bookstores

Teaching Activities

Occasional teacher with the TDSB for 38 years

Honours and Awards

Five year pin from University of Toronto Senior Alumni Association



Norwich, K. H., “Boltzmann-Shannon entropy and the double-slit experiment.” Physica A 462,

(2016): 141–149, DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2016.06.087



Percy, J.R., “The (Variable) Stars belong to Everyone”, Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers 44 (2016): 1-2.

Percy, J.R., ''Book Review: Solar Science”, ibid. (2016): 78-79.

Percy, J.R., “The Publishing Landscape: It's the 'Wild West' Out There”, ibid. (2016): 85-86.

Amaral, A. and Percy, J.R., “An Undergraduate Research Experience on Studying Variable Stars”, ibid. (2016): 72-77.

Percy, J.R. and Deibert, E., “Studies of the Long Secondary Periods in Pulsating Red Giants”, ibid. (2016): 94-100.

Neilson, H.R., Percy, J.R., and Smith, H.A., “Period Changes and Evolution in Pulsating Variable Stars”, ibid. (2016): 179-195.

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Percy, J.R., Beta Cephei Stars: The Brightest Class of Stars that You Have Probably Never Heard Of”, Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 110 (2016): 88-90.

Percy, J.R., “Astronomy and the Arts”, ibid. (2016): 126-129.

Percy, J.R., In Praise of Librarians”, ibid. 163-(2016): 163-165.

Percy, J.R., “Archaeoastronomy: The Astronomy of Civilizations Past”, ibid. (2016): 212-214.

Percy, J.R., “The Little Campus that Grew”, ibid. (2016): 259-260.

Percy, J.R. and Leung, H., “Studies of the Long Secondary Periods in Pulsating Red Giants. II. Lower-Luminosity Stars”, on-line at: (2016).

Invited Lectures

“Low-Tech Astrophysics: Scientific Results from Visual Observations of Pulsating Red Giants”, Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto, March 16, 2016.

“Toronto's Astronomical Heritage”, University College, University of Toronto, Nov. 3, 2016.

Awards and Honours

Honorary President, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 2013-2017

Teaching Activities

Three lectures in the OISE/UT Master of Teaching courses in chemistry, and in physics, December 2016.

Significant Accomplishments

Gave 17 non-technical lectures to libraries (6), school or student groups (6), later-life learners groups (5), plus an astronomical heritage tour of the U of T campus.

Editor-in-Chief: Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers

Contributing Editor: Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Contributing Editor: Senior College Encyclopaedia

Expert reviewer for four Additional Qualification Course Guidelines for the Ontario College of Teachers, through the Science Teachers Association of Ontario.



Hu Y, Pilliar RM, Grynpas MD, Kandel RA, Werner-Zwanziger U, Filiaggi M, “Phase transformations during processing and in vitro degradation of porous calcium polyphosphates”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 27(7) (2016): 1-11



Piran, N. (2016). Embodiment and Well Being: The Embodied Journeys of Girls and Women. In T-A Roberts, N. Curtin, L. Cortina, & L.E. Duncan (Eds.), Best practices in feminist psychological science: Gender beyond difference (2016): 43-60) NY; Springer.

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Piran, N.,” Embodied possibilities and disruptions: The emergence of the Experience of Embodiment construct from qualitative studies with girls and women”. Body Image 18, (2016): 43-60. DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2016.04.007

Piran, N., “Embodied paths in aging: Body journeys towards enhanced agency and self-attunement”. Women & Therapy 39 (2016): 186-201. DOI: 10.1080/02703149.2016.1116853

Conference Papers

Piran, N. (July, 2016). Experience of Embodiment and well-being. International Conference of the Institute of Health and Aging of the Australian Catholic University, Palermo, Italy.

Piran, N. (June, 2016). Capturing the Quality of Embodied Lives among Girls, Younger, and Older Women: Core Emergent Dimensions, Measurement, Developmental Pathways, and Clinical Implications. Paper presented at the Appearance Matters 7 International Conference, Centre for Appearance Research of the University of the West of England, London.

Piran, N. (June, 2016). On the other side of adolescence: Older women shed light on embodied possibilities. Paper presented at the Appearance Matters 7 International Conference, Centre for Appearance,Research of the University of the West of

England, London.

Piran, N., & Teall, T.L. (May, 2016). The Construct of Embodiment and Its Measurement:

Implications to Prevention and Treatment. Paper presented at the International Conference on Eating Disorders of the Academy of Eating Disorders, San


Invited Lectures

Piran, N., “Carving paths towards future progress: Writing on the body and social justice”. Appearance Matters 7 International Conference, Centre for Appearance, Research of the University of the West of England, London, June 2016.

Teaching Activities

APD 3217Y Doctoral Practicum in Counseling Psychology, Applied Psychology and Human Development (September 2016-December 2016)

APD 1203Y Master’s Practicum in Counseling Psychology. Applied Psychology and Human Development (September 2016-December 2016)

Significant Accomplishments

Reviewer for Body Image Journal

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Publications (posthumous)

“A Project to Reduce Canadians’ Constitutional Illiteracy,” Constitutional Forum 25:3 (2016): 91-100.



“Antifascisti friulani in Canada negli anni Venti e Trenta,” Storia contemporanea in Friuli, vol. 45, n. 46 (2016): 57-89.

“The Study of Variants: The Digitized Transcription of the Early Manuscripts of Castiglione’s Il libro del cortegiano,” in Questioni filologiche: la critica testuale attraverso i secoli. Atti…., ed. Pamela Arancibia, Johnny L. Bertolio, Joanne Granata et al. Florence: Franco Cesati, 2016, pp. 137-148

Invited Lectures

“Antifascisti friulani in Canada negli anni Venti e Trenta,” Giornata di Studio, L’emigrazione antifascista dal Friuli tra le due guerre. Università degli studi di Udine, 18 March 2016 (INVITED – in absentia. Read by Prof. Em. Anna Pia De Luca of the Univ. of Udine)

“The 1966 Flood in Florence: A Personal Account”, Toronto Renaissance & Reformation Colloquium, 16 November 2016



“A Project to Reduce Canadians’ Constitutional Illiteracy,” Constitutional Forum 25:3 (2016): 91-100.

“Syrian Refugees and Canadian Identity,” Polis 3:1 (2016): 1-2.

Invited Lectures

“How We Got Here”, keynote address to Workshop on Electoral Reform, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, June 27, 2016.

“The Atlantic Charter and the Beginning of the United Nations”, Conference on the 75th Anniversary of the Atlantic Charter, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, August 13, 2106.

“Selecting Supreme Court Justices: Is Trudeau’s Way a Better Way?” 23rd Ivan C. Rand Memorial Lecture, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, October 20, 2016.

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Conference Papers

“Launching Pad of an Engaged Political Theorist: In Defence of Liberal Democracy”, Workshop

Honouring Rainer Knopff, University of Calgary, May 30, 2016

Significant Accomplishments

Submission to House of Commons Committee on Electoral Reform, July 26, 2016



Programme essay for Anton Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, Shaw Festival Theatre, May 2016

Invited Lecture

Celebrating Yeats at 150 exhibit at University of Victoria, closing discussion at library

exhibition, January 28, 2016

Awards and Honours

Appointed Life Member of the Royal Society of Canada

Significant Accomplishments

Panel discussant, Yeats family exhibition, University of Victoria, January 2016

Advisor and speaker on “Georgie’s Voices” RTE radio documentary for Lyric FM, Ireland,

September 2016

Member of and secretary to the nominating committee, Division III, Academy I, Royal

Society of Canada

Director, Colin Smythe Limited, Publishers

Director, Hedgerow Press

Member, Board, Canadian Theatre Museum Association

Corresponding Scholar, Academy of the Shaw Festival

Member, Editorial Board, The Correspondence of Bernard Shaw

Member, Editorial Board, Irish Studies Review

Member Editorial Board, Shaw Journal

Member, Advisory Board, Canadian Journal of Irish Studies

Member Advisory Board, Studi Irlandesi

Member, Advisory Board, Irish University Review

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“The Logic of Machines and Structures”, Dover Publications, Inc., 2016

Invited Lectures

“Eiffel’s Tower: a Triumph Made Possible by Two Engineers, an Architect – and Two

Carpenters”, Senior College, University of Toronto, March 9, 2016

“Whither Construction Law?”, Revay and Associates, Toronto, July 8, 2016

“Risk in Construction for the Architect, Owner and Builder”, Faculty of Architecture,

University of Toronto, October 26, 2016

“Construction is Risky Business”, lecture presented at the annual conference of Revay

and Associates, Toronto, November 18, 2016

Significant Accomplishments

Senior Consultant, Revay and Associates Limited, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary &


Expert opinion at two construction arbitrations (details confidential).

SEEMAN, MARY V. Publications

Borella, V.C.M., Seeman, M.V., Cordeiro, R.C., Santos, J.V. dos, Souza, M.R.M. de, Sousa Fernandes, E.N. de, Santos Monte, A., Vasconcelos, S.M.M., Quinn, J.P., de Lucena, D.F., Carvalho A.F., Macêdo, D. “Gender and estrous cycle influences on behavioral and neurochemical alterations in adult rats neonatally administered ketamine”. Developmental Neurobiology. 76(5) (2016): 519-532 doi: 10.1002/dneu.22329

Rochon-Terry, G., Gruneir, A., Seeman, M.V., Ray, J.G., Rochon, P., Dennis, C-L., Grigoriadis, S.,

Fung, K., Kurdyak, P.A., Vigod, S.N. “Hospitalizations and emergency department visits for

psychiatric illness during and after pregnancy among women with schizophrenia”. J. Clinical

Psychiatry 77(4) (2016): 541-547 doi: 10.4088/JCP.14m09697

Seeman, M.V.: “Gendering psychosis. The illness of Zelda Fitzgerald”. Medical Humanities. 42 (2016): 65-69. doi: 10.1136/medhum-2015-010734

Seeman, M.V.: “Erotomania and recommendations for treatment”. Psychiatric Quarterly. 87(2) (2016): 355-364. doi: 10.1007/s11126-015-9392-0

Seeman, M.V.: “Cadavers for dissection”. Hektoen International (Anatomy Section) 8:1 (2016).

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Seeman, M.V.: “Eating disorders and psychosis”. Psychiatric Times 33(4) (2016).

Seeman, M.V.: “Bilingualism and schizophrenia”. World J. Psychiatry 6(2) (2016): 192-198. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v6.i2.192

Seeman, M.V.: “Hierarchy and quality of health among psychiatric service users”. J. Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health 3(2) (2016): 53-60. doi: 10.1007/s40737-016-0054-9

Seeman, M.V.: “Obesity in schizophrenia”. Journal of Obesity Management 1(1) (2016): 10-24

Seeman, M.V.: “Earworms and hallucinations”. Journal of Schizophrenia Disorders and Therapy 1(1) (2016): 1-6.

Vigod, S.N., Rochon-Terry, G., Fung, K., Gruneir, A., Dennis, C.L., Grigoriadis, S., Kurdyak, P.A., Ray, J.G., Rochon, P., Seeman, M.V.: “Factors associated with postpartum psychiatric admission in a population-based cohort of women with schizophrenia”. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 134(4) (2016): 305-313. doi:10.1111/acps.12622

Seeman, N., Fogler S.G., Seeman, M.V.: “Mental health promotion through collection of global opinion data”. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Care 1(1) (2016): 23-36. doi:10.14302/issn.2474-3585.

Seeman, M.V.: “Travel with serious mental illness”. Psychiatric Times 33(8) (2016).

Seeman, M.V.: “Exercise and antipsychotic drugs”. J Patient Care 2(2) (2016): 114

González-Rodríguez, A., Catalán, R., Penadés, R., Ruiz Cortés, V.B.N., Torra, M., Seeman, M.V., Bernardo, M.: “Antipsychotic response worsens with postmenopausal duration in women with schizophrenia”. J. Clinical Psychopharmacology 36(6) (2016): 580-587. doi:10.1097/JCP.0000000000000571

Seeman, M.V.: “Travel risks for those with serious mental illness”. International Journal of Travel Medicine and Global Health 4(3) (2016): 76-81. doi: 10.20286/ijtmgh-040302

Seeman, M.V.: “Long-term non-catatonic mutism in schizophrenia: cultural influences”. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health 2016. doi:10.1080/17542863.2016.1246582

Seeman, M.V.: “Schizophrenia: Reaction to positive life events”. Psychiatric Quarterly doi: 10.1007/s11126-016-9478-3

Seeman, M.V.: “Words and deeds and interpretations”. C.M.A.J. 188 (17-18):E547-E548 (2016). doi: 10.1503/cmaj.160498

Seeman, M.V.: “Pathological jealousy: An interactive condition”. Psychiatry 79(4) (2016): 379-387. doi: 10.1080/00332747.2016.1175838

Seeman, M.V.: “Dress makes the doctor”. Hektoen International 2016.

Seeman, M.V.: “Solitude and schizophrenia”. Psychosis 2016. doi: 10.1080/17522439.2016.1264992

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Seeman, M.V.: “Schizophrenia and its sequelae. Beyond Assessment of Quality of Life in Schizophrenia”. Awad A.G. and Voruganti L.N.P. (eds.) Springer International Publishing Switzerland. Ch. 1. 2016. pp. 3-15. ISBN 978-3-319-30061-0 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-30061-0_1

Seeman, M.V.: “Schizophrenogenic Mother”. Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. Lebow, J., Chambers, A., Breunlin, D.C. (Eds.) Springer International Publishing AG. New Delhi, India. (2016). ISBN 978-3-319-15877-8 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_482-1

Seeman, M.V., Seeman, P.: “Comment on Heinz Edgar Lehmann”. International Network for the History of Neuropsychopharmacology. January 2016

Honours and Awards

President’s Book Award of the British Medical Association for Parental Psychiatric Disorder. 3rd Edition. 2016



Sigmon, Becky, 2018 (In Press). Black, Davidson in The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology, ed. Wenda Trevathan. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.


Jubilee Living and Learning Lecture Series, Spring Series: "What Evolution is and How Humans Evolved". Toronto, Five lectures were given, 4 in March and 1 in November, 2016:

“Evolution is an Explanation” "How Evolution Works" "Earliest Fossil Evidence of our Human Evolutionary Lineage" "Becoming Human and the Human Phenomenon" "Prehistoric Beginnings of Homo sapiens and the Human Phenomenon"

“Stories from a Time Travelling Anthropologist through Five Million Years of Human Evolution” presented at the Russell Hill Retirement Residence, Toronto, February, 2016.


Invited Lectures

Dialogical discourse in a changing world. Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard

University, Fall 2016. Panel discussing founding of the Center.

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LecLair E, Liggins RT, Peckett AJ, Teich T, Coy DC, Vranic M and Riddell MC. “Glucagon responses

to exercise-induced hypoglycemia are improved by somatostatin receptor type 2 antagonism in

a rat model of diabetes.” Diabetologia April 13, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s00215-016-3953-0.

Teaching Activities

Lectures on Hypoglycemia for PSL425, Department of Physiology, University of Toronto,

November 2016

Significant Accomplishments

Zucara Therapeutics Inc (June 2016). Company involved in the development of drug to prevent hypoglycemic episodes in people with diabetes. Research in type 1 diabetics to start at the end of 2017. This is supported by MaRS Innovation, York University, Tulane University and CDRD Vancouver.



“From Archive to Author: Exploring the Codex Canadensis,” in Unlocking the History of the Americas (Tulsa, Oklahoma: Helmerich Centre for American Research at the Gilcrease Museum, 2016), 100-19.

Review of Kate Loveman. Samuel Pepys and His Books: Reading, Newsgathering and Sociability 1660-1703. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Conference Paper

“Thinking Inside the Book: the case of the Cheyenne Letter”, Society for Textual Scholarship, Ottawa, April 15, 2016.



E.J. Janse van Rensburg and S.G. Whittington, “Self-avoiding walks subject to a force”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49, 11LT01 (2016)

E.J. Janse van Rensburg and S.G. Whittington, “Self-avoiding walks adsorbed at a surface and subject to a force”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49, 244001 (2016)

E. Orlandini and S.G. Whittington, “Statistical mechanics of polymers subject to a force”,J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49, 343001 (2016)

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Invited Lectures

“Adsorbed self-avoiding walks subject to a force”, Conference on Polymers with Spatial and Mechanical Constraints, Venice, Italy, July 2016.

“Self-entangled surfaces”, Conference on Knots and Links in Biological and Soft Matter Systems, Trieste, Italy, September 2016.

“Self-avoiding walks and related polymer models”, Conference on Random Media, EU- RANDOM, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, December 2016.