sendgrid new features 2016

New Features

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Post on 08-Jan-2017




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New Features

Scott Kawai Senior Product Support Engineer

SendGrid, Inc.

▪ With SendGrid for 3 years ▪  Support product design and new

features ▪ Help train people on using


IP Access Management

▪  SendGrid is used to send a lot of important email.

Account information emails

Forgot password emails.

▪  SendGrid is always looking for ways to help you protect your

account and emails (i.e. 2FA and API Keys).

Account Security

▪ Allows you to specify specific IP addresses that can access your


▪ All other IPs will be denied access, even if they have the correct


▪ Restricts access to the website, SMTP, and API calls.

IP Access Management

IP Access Management

▪ Provides a list of recent access attempts.

▪  Email alerts when an unauthorized IP attempts to login.

Historical Log

▪ Only whitelist “static” IP addresses that are yours.

i.e. Do not whitelist the IP address of a hotel you’re staying at.

▪ Be sure to whitelist all the IP addresses you access your account

from (including apps that are sending through SMTP or API).

▪  The feature can be disabled, but you have to log in to the account

from a whitelisted IP first.


API V3 Mail Send

Sending Email Through SendGrid SMTP API

●  Email Standard

●  Easily integrates with many solutions

●  “Chatty”

○  There is a lot of back and forth

communication between servers

●  Not a standard

●  Uses HTTP requests

●  Faster

▪  Sent billions of emails.

▪ Multiple libraries available for multiple languages.

▪ Uses SendGrid’s “X-SMTPAPI” feature.

Web API V2

▪  Standardize (RESTful)

▪ Upfront validation

▪ Optimized for developers

Web API V3

# POST /api/mail.send.json + Request (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) + Body api_user=username&api_key=password&

V2 Example

# POST /v3/mail/send/beta + Request (application/json) + Headers Authorization: Bearer SG.API_KEY + Body { "from": {"name": "Scott", "email": "[email protected]"}, "subject": "Hello World", "personalization": [ { "to": [ {"name": "Test", "email": "[email protected]"} ] } ], "content": [ {"type": "text/plain", "value": "Hello World"}, {"type": "text/html", "value": "<h1>Hello World</h1>"} ] }

V3 Example

▪  Set up shared properties of an email.

▪ Add personalizations for individual recipients.

▪  Subject, From, CC, BCC, and headers can be personalized.


{ "from": {"email": "[email protected]"}, "personalization": [{ "to": [{"email": "[email protected]"}], "substitutions": { "%name%": "John" }, "subject": "Hello John" }, { "to": [{"email": "[email protected]"}], "substitutions": { "%name%": "Steve" }, "subject": "Hello Steve" }], "content": [{ "type": "text/plain", "value": "Hello %name%" }, { "type": "text/html", "value": "<h1>Hello %name%</h1>" }] }

Personalization Example

▪  Supports plain text and HTML emails

▪ Allows multipart MIME content (for example, ICS content for

calendar invites).


{ … "content": [{ "type": "text/plain", "value": "You’re Invited!" }, { "type": "text/html", "value": "<h1>You’re Invited!</h1>" }, { "type": "text/calendar", "value": "BEGIN:VEVENT\nSUMMARY:SendGrid Night\nUID:5248\nDESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Hello World\nDTSTART;TZID=/US/Eastern:20131109T100000\nDTEND;TZID=/US/Eastern:20131109T113000END:VEVENT" }] }

Content Example

▪  Easily add attachments within the JSON body.

▪ Base64 encode that attachment’s data.

▪  Supports inline image attachments (CID).


{ … "attachments": [{ "content": "YWJjMTIzIT8kKiYoKSctPUB+", "type": "application/pdf", "filename": "document.pdf", "disposition": "attachment" }] }

Attachment Example

▪ V3 is currently in beta.

▪ Not recommended for production use.

▪ General availability in the coming months.

Public Beta

Marketing Campaigns Coming Soon

▪ Better contact management with list segmentation.

▪ Responsive drag and drop editor.

▪  Subscriber management.


▪ Allows you to create a dynamic list based

off of search criteria.

▪  For instance, you can create a segment

for only recipients that have opened your

email in the past.

List Segmentation

▪ Drag and drop editor.

▪ Custom code editor.

▪ Drag and drop designs are automatically responsive for mobile


Campaign Editor

Responsive Design

▪  Split testing.

▪ Detailed analytics.

▪ Premade templates.

▪ Custom fields for contacts.

Other Features