séminaire hubei - whibi & belgium welcome office

武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 Wuhan International Business Incubator (WHIBI) 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 Belgium Welcome Office

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Présentation du Belgium Welcome Office à Wuhan. Cet incubateur d'entreprises belges est installé dans un parc scientifique de notre partenaire WHIBI, à Wuhan, chef-lieu de la province du Hubei.


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武 汉 国 际 企 业 孵 化 器Wuhan International Business Incubator

(WHIBI) 比 利 时 企 业 服 务 中 心

Belgium Welcome Office

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1. 武汉东湖新技术创业中心 Wuhan East Lake Innovation Center (武汉国际企业孵化器 )Wuhan International Business Incubator

(1) 简介 Introduction 中华人民共和国武汉东湖新技术创业中心,又称武汉国际企业孵化器(以下简

称“ WHIBI” )成立于 1987 年,是中国第一家科技企业孵化器和最大的科技企业孵化园区之一,开启了中国第一个对孵化企业进行风险投资的孵化器、首创了中国第一家产权式孵化器。 服务范围包括 : 华中武汉、襄阳,华东苏州、昆山,华北燕郊、沧州,西南成都,华南广州的高新科技园区。

Wuhan East Lake Hi-Tech Innovation Center (P. R. China), also known as Wuhan International Business Incubator (hereinafter referred as WHIBI), is the first technology incubator in China. It was founded in 1987. It is one of the largest incubation park of Hi-Tech enterprises, the first shared business incubator in China and also the first incubator which opens to venture investment . The services of WHIBI are provided to Hi-tech parks in most parts of China like Wuhan and Xiangyang in the center, Suzhou and Kunshan in the east , Yanjiao and Cangzhou in the north, Chengdu and Guangzhou in the south.

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2010 年底,光谷创业街在孵企业 412 家,  毕业企业 741 家,累计孵化企业 1153 家;提供就业机会 70000多人次;孵化企业的行业分类为:电子信息类(软体为主)占 40% 、光电一体化类(硬体为主)占 25% 、新材料占 9% 、生物医药占 10% 、其他行业占16% 。

Chinese First technology innovation street

By the end of 2010, 1153 enterprises have been incubated in the innovation street, among which 412 enterprises are in incubator process and 741 enterprises have already graduated. The innovation street offers more than 70000 job opportunities. Its industrial distribution as follows: 40% of the entrepreneurial companies are in electronic information, 25% in optoelectronic integration,9% in new materials 10% in biomedical industry and 16% of the companies are in other industries

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光 谷 创 业 街 实 景 Scene of the Innovation Street

in Optical Valley

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(2) 国 际 化 服 务 优 势Advantages of WHIBI for internationalization.

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The guideline for network construction in WHIBI is to develop technology-oriented economy. Its objective is to promote industrial incubation and to assemble enterprises of the same industry .

(3) 开创了中国第一家网络孵化器模式

First network model

in Incubator

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Suzhou WHIBI Innovation Science Park

与苏州市吴中区木渎镇镇政府共同投资建设,占地 104亩,总建筑面积 16万平米,包括孵化(研发)服务基地、中试服务基地及相关配套服务设施,产业定位为创意设计。Cooperated with local government, the Suzhou scientific incubator park covers an area of 104 mu ( 700,000 ㎡) with 160,000 ㎡ construction area which including R&D base and other supporting facilities. It is oriented by creative design industry.

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苏州木渎镇企业存量厂房,建筑面积 2 万平方米, 08年金融危机后外企撤离,由镇政府从外企租赁后委托东湖创业中心管理。Located in Mudu, Suzhou, the factory building deserted during the economic crisis of 2008 covers a construction area of 20,000 ㎡ , the local government authorized WHIBI to take charge of it.

苏州金枫高新产业园Suzhou Jin Feng Hi-Tech Innovation Park

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占地 110亩 ,项目建成后,将聚合电子商务、检测传感、中医药企业,形成上百亿元规模产值。Chengdu WHIBI science park covers an area of 110 mu (about 73,000 ㎡) , it will produce billions of output value from E-commerce, detection sensor and pharmaceutical industries.


Chengdu WHIBI science park

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孵化一千家网店,培育一万名网商,交易一百亿网货 Incubating more than 1,000 online shops, training more than 100,000 online

businessmen and merchandising10 billions RMB worth of goods.

成都 SBI 网商创业园Chengdu SBI online business innovation park

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与东风集团设计研究院合资兴建,占地 300亩,总建筑面积 28万平方米,计划培育 50-100家拥有自主创新汽车技术的研发成长型企业,并致力于在电动汽车领域及相关汽车设计领域聚合资源,建立汽车科技创新中心。Cooperated with Dongfeng group, the incubator covers 300 mu (about 200,000㎡) with construction area of 280,000㎡ .We plan to bring in 50-100 enterprises focusing on electrical automobiles and other related designing fields to complete this innovation center.

武汉汽车专有技术孵化器Wuhan automobile incubator

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国家创业中心属下园区,由山西靖烨能源投资集团投资 1.7亿元建设,建筑面积 7 万平方米, 09年委托东湖创业中心管理。Branch park of the national innovation center, established by Jingye energy investment group out of 170 million RMB investment, the construction area of Jingye Innovation park is 70,000 ㎡ , it has been managed by WHIBI since 2009.

河北沧州创业中心靖烨科技园Jingye Innovation park, Cangzhou, Hebei province

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与武昌区政府合作建设创意产业孵化器,面积约 10000㎡,目前入驻企业的总数已达 48家,初步形成创意文化的特色孵化基地 ,2010 年获批国家级创业中心。Cooperated with Wuchang district government,the park covers an area of 10000㎡ with 48 enterprises in incubation. It is recognized in 2010 as a national innovation park.

武汉东创研发设计创意园Wuhan Eastlake innovation R&D method park

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武汉新材料科技企业孵化器Wuhan new materials technology incubator

2008年委托东湖创业中心托管,孵化面积 40000 ㎡ 其主要产业:新材料。WHIBI has been authorized to manage the park in 2008 . Its area of incubation: 40000 ㎡ . Its major industry is new materials.

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东湖创业中心自成立伊始就积极探索孵化器 + 风险投资特色的企业孵育模式,将风险投资和推动企业上市的各项工作有机结合。 24年来,共培育出六家上市公司,包括凯迪电力、三特索道、凡谷电子、凯迪水务、开目软件(华工科技子公司)、国测科技(美国 OTCBB)等,目前东湖创业中心孵化企业中已积聚了一批具备上市潜力的科技型企业,时代地智、兴图新科已经完成股改和新三版挂牌筹备工作,有望在东湖开发区新三版试点启动后,首批挂牌。

Since the establishment, WHIBI has been exploring a new service model which combines incubation

and venture capital for enterprises. During the last 24 years, 6 companies which are below on the left

side : Wuhan KaiDi Electric Power Co.Ltd, Wuhan Sante Cableway Group Co,Ltd, Wuhan Fingu Electronic

Technology Co.Ltd, Wuhan Kadi Water Service Co.Ltd, Kaimu software Co.Ltd and Guoce Technology

Co.Ltd (on US OTCBB) have been on stock already. The companies below on the right side are those in

IPO period. Besides, Shidaidizhi Co.Ltd and Xingtuxinke Co.Ltd have finished preparatory work for

listing. It is highly expected that these two companies will be on listing in near future.

上市公司 拟上市公司

(4) 开启了中国第一个对孵化企业进行风险投资的孵化器 First incubator who opens to venture investment


开目软件 日新科技

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2. 比利时企业服务中心简介

Introduction of Belgium Welcome Office

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(1) 比利时企业服务中心建立背景Background for establishing Belgium Welcome Office

比利时瓦隆地区拥有六大科技园区(其联合组织名为 SPoW ), 均位于大学城附近。他们为专注研发的高科技企业,以及同大学科研相关的工作提供服务。科技园不断发展,已经成为瓦隆经济中心。他们是孕育先进技术创新的肥沃土壤。

The Wallonia region has six Hi-tech scientific parks (gathered under the name of SPoW) which are open to high-tech companies focusing on R&D and work in conjunction with university researchers. The six parks are all located near university centers. Growing swiftly, SPoW has become economic center and provide fertile ground for the innovation of advanced technology.

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Based on same intention to promote cooperation in technology, products, markets and capital investment and to provide market accessing services for the enterprises of both sides, the two parties reached an agreement, under the sponsorship of China Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology and Wallonia Foreign Trade & Investment Agency, to carry out close collaboration.

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2009年 5 月 19日武汉国际企业孵化器与比利时瓦隆区六大科技园组织在湖北武汉签署了“中 -比 /比 -中市场接入服务”合作协议。根据协议内容,双方各自成立企业服务中心:比利时企业服务中心在武汉,中国企业服务中心在瓦隆区

On 19th May, 2009, WHIBI signed an agreement with SPoW for establishing service centers in both countries.

Belgium Welcome Office in Wuhan and China Welcome Office in Wallonia

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(2) 比利时企业服务中心的作用Roles for Belgium Welcome Office

1 、市场和技术信息的沟通渠道 The coordinator in marketing and technical information between

Belgian and Chinese enterprises.

2 、中 - 比企业建立商业关系的“媒婆”。 The mediator between Belgian and Chinese enterprises for

establishing commercial relationship.

3 、比利时来华企业的“第一服务人”。 The best choice for the Belgian enterprises who intend to settle

down in China

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(3) 比利时企业服务中心的服务内容Services provided by Belgium Welcome Office.

1 、搭建并推广“信物宝”电子商务平台 Establish and promote Trustworthy E-biz Platform.

2 、知识产权推广业务 Intellectual property promotion service.

3 、产品贸易相关支持服务 Products and market supporting service.

4 、提供多元化的商业信息来源 Information sources service.

5 、免费办公场地 Office rooms free of charge.

6 、专职工作人员提供相关服务 Professional teams who provide supporting services.

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谢谢!Thank You!