semester-i · semester-i 1 pgdca 4(a) ... sound in multimedia, importance of sound in multimedia,...

NCEC INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, BHOPAL, 9893803508, 7771013508 Semester-I 1 PGDCA 4(A) FUNDAMENTALS OF MULTIMEDIA (ELECTI VE-II) UNIT-I Introduction to multimedia, multimedia definition and concept, Need of multimedia, areas of use, Development platforms for multimedia, Identifying multimedia elements text, Images , Sound, Animation and video, Multimedia Hardware and Software requirement. Making simple multimedia with power point Text as a component of multimedia, Concepts of plain & formatted text, RTF & HTML texts, object Linking and Embedding concept, Fonts-Need & types. Unit-II Sound in multimedia, Importance of sound in multimedia, Sound and it Attributes tone, intensity, frequency, wavelength, pitch etc. memo V/C Stereo sound, Sound channels, Effects in sound, Analog V/C Digital sound, Overview of various Sound file formats on PC WAN,MP3, Concept of MIDI, Software for sound editing and mixing, 3D sound. Unit III Graphics in multimedia, Importance of Graphics in multimedia, Vector and Raster Graphics, Image Capturing methods Scanner, Digital Camera Etc. Various Attributes of images- Size, color, Bit Depth, Resolution etc. Various Image File Format BMP, DIB, EPS, PIC and TIF format their features and limitations. Unit IV Video and Animation in multimedia, Impact of Video in multimedia, Basics of Video Analog and Digital Video, How to use Video on PC, Brief note on Various Video standards PAL, STSC, Different file formats and their use in multimedia, MPEG, AVI, MJPG, Name of Video editing software, Basics of Animation, Types of Animation and use of Animation, Software for Creating Animations. Unit V Application-of multimedia and its Future, Application of multimedia in different industries- Education, Entertainment, Journalism etc., Future of multimedia, Caret in multimedia production, Virtual Reality as new technology in multimedia, Application of VR, Introduction to HMD, Boom cave, Introduction to various type, Authoring Tool.

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Introduction to multimedia, multimedia definition and concept, Need of multimedia, areas of use, Development platforms for multimedia, Identifying multimedia elements text, Images , Sound,

Animation and video, Multimedia Hardware and Software requirement. Making simple multimedia

with power point Text as a component of multimedia, Concepts of plain & formatted text, RTF &

HTML texts, object Linking and Embedding concept, Fonts-Need & types.


Sound in multimedia, Importance of sound in multimedia, Sound and it Attributes – tone, intensity,

frequency, wavelength, pitch etc. memo V/C Stereo sound, Sound channels, Effects in sound, Analog

V/C Digital sound, Overview of various Sound file formats on PC WAN,MP3, Concept of MIDI,

Software for sound editing and mixing, 3D sound.

Unit –III

Graphics in multimedia, Importance of Graphics in multimedia, Vector and Raster Graphics, Image

Capturing methods Scanner, Digital Camera Etc. Various Attributes of images- Size, color, Bit Depth,

Resolution etc. Various Image File Format BMP, DIB, EPS, PIC and TIF format their features and


Unit – IV

Video and Animation in multimedia, Impact of Video in multimedia, Basics of Video Analog and

Digital Video, How to use Video on PC, Brief note on Various Video standards PAL, STSC, Different

file formats and their use in multimedia, MPEG, AVI, MJPG, Name of Video editing software, Basics

of Animation, Types of Animation and use of Animation, Software for Creating Animations.

Unit – V

Application-of multimedia and its Future, Application of multimedia in different industries-

Education, Entertainment, Journalism etc., Future of multimedia, Caret in multimedia production,

Virtual Reality as new technology in multimedia, Application of VR, Introduction to HMD, Boom

cave, Introduction to various type, Authoring Tool.



Introduction to multimedia

Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer controlled integration of text,

graphics, drawings, still and moving images (Video), animation, audio, and any other

media where every type of information can be represented, stored, transmitted and

processed digitally.

Multimedia definition and concept



Multimedia has been used in many aspects in our lives, for example in the field of

business, entertainment and the sciences. “Multimedia” comes from the word “multi”

and “media”. “Multi” means various. “Media” refers to any hardware or software used

for communicating.

The usage of text, audio, graphic, video and animation are all involved in describing

media. So, multimedia is the presentation of information by using a combination of text,

audio, graphic, video and animation.


In the field of Information and Communication Technology, multimedia means more

than the use of the various media. A computer user interacts with the computer to

perform tasks such as finding information or play games to develop a skill.

There are five main elements in a complete multimedia system.

Text, Graphic, Audio, Video, Animation



In business, multimedia applications are used in advertising products. In art, artists use

multimedia elements by combining drawing and animation.

In medicine, doctors can practice or be trained in performing high-risk surgery by using

virtual surgery.

In engineering, Computer-Aided Design or CAD is used. By using this application,

engineers can view the design from many aspects and improve on it before production.

Need of multimedia

Multimedia is everywhere whether you are at a railway station looking at the schedule

screens or watching your Television or using your mobile. It has changed everything

from manufacturing to the advertising and education to healthcare industry. It has

revolutionized everything everywhere not only in India but also the entire world.

1. Advertising Advertising has changed a lot over the past couple of decades, and this is mainly due to

the increased use of the internet in business. Multimedia plays a great and a vital role in

the field of advertising. As whatever it is whether print or electronic advertisement, they

first are prepared on the computer by using professionals' software's and then it is

brought in front of the target audiences. Some of different types of advertising are:

• Print advertising

• Radio (audio) advertising

• Television (video) advertising

• Digital advertising o Display Ads o Remarketing o Video o Social o Search

• Mobile advertising

2. Education

In the area of education too, the multimedia has a great importance. Talking

particularly about the schools, their usage has a significant role to play for

children also. It is broadly used in the field of education and training. We used audio for imparting education even in traditional method, where charts,

models etc. were used.

Nowadays the classroom need is not limited to that traditional method rather

it needs audio and visual media. With the use of multimedia everything can

be integrated into one system. As an education aid the PC contains a high-


quality display with mic option. This all has promoted the development of a

wide range of computer-based training.

3. Mass Media

It is used in the field of mass media i.e. journalism, in various magazines and

newspapers that are published periodically. The use of multimedia plays a

vital role in a publishing house as there are many works of newspaper designing and other stuff also.

Nowadays it's not only the text that we can see in the newspaper, but we can

also see photographs in newspaper, this not only makes newspaper a perfect example but will also explain the worthiness of hypermedia. 4. Gaming

Industry One of the most exciting applications of multimedia is games. Nowadays the live

internet is used to play gaming with multiple players has become popular.

In fact, the first application of multimedia system was in the field of

entertainment and that too in the video game industry. The integrated audio

and video effects make various types of games more entertaining.

5. Science and Technology

Multimedia had a wide application in the field of science and technology. It

is capable of transferring audio, sending message and formatted multimedia

documents. At the same time that it also helps in live interaction through

audio messages and it is only possible with the hypermedia. It reduces the

time and cost can be arranged at any moment even in emergencies.

At the same time, it is useful for surgeons as they can use images created

from imaging scans of human body to practice complicated procedures such as brain removal and reconstructive surgery. The plans can be made in a

better way to reduce the costs and complications.

6. Pre-Production Pre-Production comprises of everything you do before you start recording of audio or

video. This phase of your project is extremely important. Everything you do in

preproduction will save time and aggravation during production and post-production.

The techniques shown will include: how to design storyboards, including how to show

correct camera angles for the scene, writing your story, and how to use video transitions

can be done with the help of multimedia.


7. Post Production It is the final step of production involves editing scenes, adding various transition

effects, addition of voice to characters, background score, dubbing and much more can

be done using multimedia technologies.

8. Fine Arts In fine arts, there are multimedia artists, who blend techniques using different media

that in some way incorporates interaction with the viewer. One of the famous artist is

Peter Greenaway who is blending cinema with opera with the help of all sorts of digital


9. Engineering Software engineers often use multimedia in computer simulations for anything such as

military or industrial training. It is also used for software interfaces which are done as

collaboration between creative professionals and software engineers.

10. Research In the area of mathematical and scientific research, multimedia is primarily used for

modeling and simulation. For example, looking at a molecular model by a scientist of a

particular substance and manipulate it to arrive at a new substance.

Areas of use/multimedia


The entertainment industry has used this technology the most to create real life like

games. Several developers have used graphics, sound, animation of multimedia to

create variety of games. The special technologies such as virtual reality have

made this game just like experiences of real life. Our example is flight simulator which

creates a real-life imaging.

Many multimedia games are now available on computers. The children can enjoy these

experiences, for example, they can drive cars of different variety, fly aircraft play any

musical instrument, play golf etc.


Edutainment is nothing but educational entertainment. Many computer games with

focus on education are now available. A simple example, in this case is an educational

game which plays various rhymes for little kids. In addition to playing rhymes, the child

can paint the pictures, increase reduce size of various objects etc. Similarly many other

edutainment packages which provide a lot of detailed information to kids are available.


Microsoft has produced many such CD- based multimedia such as Sierra, Knowledge

Adventure etc. which in addition to play provide some sort of learning component. The

latest in this series is a package which teaches about the computer using games playing.


Multimedia is a very powerful tool for enhancing the quality of business

communications. The business communications such as employee related

communications, product promotions, customer information and reports for investors

can be presented in multimedia form. All these business communications are required

to be structured such that a formal level of content structure exists in the


Other common business application involving multimedia requires access to database

of multimedia information about a company. The multimedia technology of today can

easily support this application as natural language inquiry systems do exist for making



This kind of application involves transmission of a piece of information with the

maximum impact, that is, the transfer of information in such a fashion that it facilitates

the retention. This application is meant for academia and business both.

In academies, the knowledge transfer is used as the building block, whereas, in business

it is the effective transfer of information which might be essential for the survival of a

business. Multimedia based teaching is gaining momentum and will become a powerful

teaching aid in the near future. Multimedia is one of the best ways to provide short term

training to the workers in a business house. It gives lot of flexibility in providing


Public Access is an area of application where many multimedia applications will soon

be available. One such application may be the tourist information system, where a

person who wants to go for a sightseeing trip may have the glimpse of places he has

selected for visiting. Using Multimedia Many such applications may he developed

providing a repository of information. For example, for very simple public information,

that is, the Railway Time table inquiry, a multimedia based system may not only display

the trains and time but also the route map of the destination from the source you have



Identifying multimedia elements text, Images, Sound,

Animation and video

If we break the word multimedia into its component parts, we get multi -meaning

more than one, and media-meaning form of communication. Those types of media



Audio Sound…….

Static Graphics Images…….

Animation ……

Full-Motion Video ……..

Let's looks at each of these components in more detail.

1. Text

Whether or not they have used a computer, most people are familiar with text. Text is

the basis for word processing programs and is still the fundamental information used

in many multimedia programs.

In fact, many multimedia applications are based on the conversion of a book to a

computerized form. This conversion gives the user immediate access to the text and lets

him or her display pop-up windows, which give definitions of certain words.

Multimedia applications also enable the user to instantly display information related to

a certain topic that is being viewed. Most powerfully, the computerized form of a book

allows the user to look up information quickly (without referring to the index or table

of contents).

2. Audio Sound

The integration of audio sound into a multimedia application can provide the user with

information not possible through any other method of communication .Some types of

information can't be conveyed effectively without using sound. It is nearly impossible,

for example, to provide an accurate textual description of the bear of a heart or the sound

of the ocean.

3. Static Graphics images

When you imagine graphics images you probably think of "still" images-that is, images

such as those in a photograph or drawing. There is no movement in these types of


picture. Static graphics images are an important part of multimedia because humans are

visually oriented. As the old Chinese proverb goes,"A picture is worth a thousand

words."Windows is also a visual environment. This makes displaying graphics images

easier than it would be in a DOS-based environment.

4. Animation

Animation refers to moving graphics images. The movement of somebody giving CPR

makes it much easier to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation, rather than just viewing a

static picture. Just as a static graphics image is a powerful form of communication, such

is the case with animation. Animation is especially useful for illustrating concepts that

involve movement.

5. Full-Motion Video

Full-motion video, such as the images portrayed in a television, can add even more to a

multimedia application. Although full-motion video may sound like an ideal way to add

a powerful message to a multimedia application, it is nowhere near the quality you

would expect after watching television. Full-motion video is still in its beginning stages

on PCs, and it is limited in resolution and size. Even with advanced methods of data

compression, full-motion video can suck up hard disk space faster than waterfalls when

poured out of a bucket.

6. All of the Above

You can see that multimedia is by no means just one of the preceding technologies.

Because of what hardware can and cannot do, it is often a trade-off between a certain

number of static graphics images, audio sound, full-motion video and text. As you may

guess, textual information takes the least amount of space to store.

Multimedia Hardware and Software requirement



Central Processing Unit (CPU) is an essential part in any computer. It is considered as the brain of computer, where processing and synchronization of all activities takes place. The efficiency of a computer is judged by the speed of the CPU in processing of

data. For a multimedia computer a Pentium processor is preferred because of higher efficiency.



The monitor is used to see the computer output. Generally, it displays 25 rows and 80 columns of text. The text or graphics in a monitor is created as a result of an arrangement

of tiny dots, called pixels. Resolution is the amount of details the monitor can render. Resolution is defined in terms of horizontal and vertical pixel (picture elements) displayed on the screen.

Video Grabbing Card

We need to convert the analog video signal to digital signal for processing in a computer. Normal computer will not be able to do it alone. It requires special equipment called

video grabbing card and software to this conversion process. This card translates the analog signal it receives from conventional sources such as a VCR or a video camera, and converts them into digital format.

Sound Card

Today’s computers are capable of creating the professional multimedia needs. Not only you can use computer to compose your own music, but it can also be used for

recognition of speech and synthesis. It can even read back the entire document for you. But before all this happens, we need to convert the conventional sound signal to computer understandable digital signals. This is done using a special component added to the system called sound card.

CD-Rom CD-ROM is a magnetic disk of 4.7 inches diameter and it can contain data up to 680 Megabytes. It has become a standard by itself basically for its massive storage capacity, faster data transfer rate. To access CD-ROM a very special d1rive is required and it is known as CD-ROM drive.


For the creation of multimedia on the PC there are hundreds of software packages that are available from manufacturers all over the world.

These software packages can cost anything from being absolutely free (normally this software is called freeware or shareware) to anything upwards of £500.

Here is a summary of just a few of these programs.

Adobe CS4


Adobe CS4 is a collection of graphic design, video editing, and web development

applications made by Adobe Systems many of which are the industry standard that includes

Adobe Dreamweaver

Although a hybrid WYSIWYG and code-based web design and development application, Dreamweaver’s WYSIWYG mode can hide the HTML code details of

pages from the user, making it possible for non-coders to create web pages and sites, WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) web development software that allows users to create websites without using Html, everything can be done visually.

Adobe Fireworks

A graphics package that allows users to create bitmap and vector graphics editor with features such as: slices, the ability to add hotspots etc.) for rapidly creating website prototypes and application interfaces.


Is an alternative to Photoshop and cheaper but not quite as good

Google Sketch up

Sketch Up is a 3D modeling program designed for architects, civil engineers,

filmmakers, game developers, and related professions.

Microsoft FrontPage

As a WYSIWYG editor, FrontPage is designed to hide the details of pages’ HTML code

from the user, making it possible for novices to easily create web pages and sites.

Apple QuickTime

QuickTime is an extensible proprietary framework developed by Apple, capable of

handling various formats of digital video, 3D models, sound,

text, animation, music, panoramic images, and interactivity.

Photoshop Pro

Adobe Photoshop, or simply Photoshop, is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems. It is the current market leader for commercial bitmap and image manipulation software, and is the


flagship product of Adobe Systems. It has been described as “an industry standard for graphics professionals”

Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint Presentations are generally made up of slides may contain text, graphics, movies, and other objects, which may be arranged freely on the slide.

Adobe Flash Player

Adobe Flash (formerly Macromedia Flash) is a multimedia platform that is popular for

adding animation and interactivity to web pages. Originally acquired by Macromedia, Flash was introduced in 1996, and is currently developed and distributed by Adobe Systems.

Flash is commonly used to create animation, advertisements, and various web page

Flash components, to integrate video into web pages, and more recently, to develop rich Internet applications.

Adobe Shockwave

Adobe Shockwave (formerly Macromedia Shockwave) is multimedia program, first developed by Macromedia, acquired by Adobe Systems in 2005. It allows Adobe Director Applications to be published on the Internet and viewed in a web browser on any computer which has the Shockwave plug-in installed.

Making simple multimedia with power point Text as a

component of multimedia

The radio uses a combination of sounds and speech. Newspapers use a combination of text and images. Television combines all these elements with the aim of enhancing communication and understanding. This combination of visual and audio media for the purpose of communicating is referred to as multimedia.

Studies have shown that multimedia presentations, using Microsoft PowerPoint for example, are an effective tool for encouraging retention of information. Educators often make use of presentations to teach students new concepts. In the business environment,

presentations are often used as a sales tool. However, it is essential that multimedia technology is used appropriately to ensure successful outcomes. Let us consider some of the ways of using multimedia in a PowerPoint presentation.

Adding Movies and Sound


Advanced level training will cover options for playing sounds and movies during a

PowerPoint presentation. Possibilities include playing sounds and movies continuously throughout the slide show, across several sequential slides and only when clicking on a sound or movie image.

Clip Art

The term clip art refers to pictures or images that can be imported into a document, such as a PowerPoint presentation. Graphics can be used more effectively to deliver a particular message than text alone.

Clip art is available in two different file formats: bitmap or vector graphics. Bitmap file formats describe images, such as scanned photographs, that are made up of a grid of multicolored or black and white pixels. These images are limited in quality by their resolution. Vector file formats describe an image as a series of points, lines, curves and

polygons using geometric modeling. A crisp image is generated which is usually superior in resolution when compared to bitmap graphics. By understanding the difference between file formats, clip art users can select the appropriate image file to achieve the desired result.

When using clip art, it is important to be aware of copyright and usage rights so that an image is used in a legal way. Clip art can be added to a PowerPoint presentation in a number of ways. By receiving advanced level training, the user can learn to use the software in the most effective way.

Using animations

In the context of Microsoft PowerPoint, animations refer to the movement of text boxes,

bullet points or images onto a slide during a slide show. When used sparingly in PowerPoint presentations, animations can effectively add emphasis to a particular point. Users of PowerPoint can choose between using Preset Animation Schemes or Custom Animations. Advanced level PowerPoint training will teach users how to use animation schemes to maximum effect.

Using scanned images

When using scanned images in PowerPoint presentations, it is important to remember that the greater the image size, the longer it takes to load and display the image. Advanced level training will cover procedures for selecting the appropriate resolution for a scanned image and appropriate file formats.


Incorporating multimedia technology appropriately into presentations has been shown

to achieve beneficial outcomes. By attending PowerPoint advanced courses, it is possible for the user to learn how to maximize the multimedia capabilities of the software.

Concepts of plain & formatted text

RTF & HTML texts


RTF (Rich Text Format) and HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) are two similar

formats because of their use of tags in order to format the documents properly. Despite

being similar to each other, there are a number of distinct differences between the two

formats. The primary difference between RTF and HTML is their use. While HTML is

used for transmitting content across the Internet, RTF was primarily used as a format

for storing typed documents. RTF was developed in the early days of Microsoft Word

but has since been replaced by the DOC and DOCX formats.

Both RTF and HTML have provisions on formatting text and modifying how it looks

with different fonts, sizes, as well as different typefaces like bold and italics. You also

have the ability to include pictures with both; there’s just a minor difference in how they

go about doing this. With RTF, the image you’re including gets embedded into the file.

This increases the file size but ensures that you will always see the image when you

open the file. In comparison, HTML does not have the ability to embed images; what it

will do is store a link to where the image is stored. This keeps the size of HTML files

down, but you run a risk of the image not being there when you open the HTML file.

This was also done to reduce the size of files; since it is common for the same image to

be used by multiple pages, keeping a single copy of the file makes more sense.

There is also a difference between the types of files that you can put into RTF and

HTML files. Starting with images, HTML can load most types including animated

GIFs. In contrast, RTF cannot include animated files, and even still images are limited

to a few formats only. When you paste an image into the RTF file, it will automatically

convert it to the accepted format. When it comes to other media, like audio and video,

this is pretty simple with HTML while absolutely non-existent with RTF.

The differences between HTML and RTF are closely related to what they are meant to

do. HTML is a versatile format for delivering all sorts of content. This is very different

from what RTF is meant to do, which is the storage of typed documents.



1. RTF is used for storing documents while HTML is used for transmitting content

across the Internet.

2. RTF embeds the images into the files while HTML just links to them.

3. HTML supports a lot more image types than RTF.

4. HTML can embed videos and audio while RTF cannot.

Object Linking and Embedding concept

Definition - What does object Linking and Embedding (OLE) mean?

Object linking and embedding (OLE) is a Microsoft technology that facilitates the sharing of application data and objects written in different formats from multiple sources. Linking establishes a connection between two objects, and embedding

facilitates application data insertion.

OLE is used for compound document management, as well as application data transfer via drag-and-drop and clipboard operations.

Techopedia explains Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)

An OLE object may display as an icon. Double clicking the icon opens the associated object application or asks the user to select an application for object editing.

Alternatively, an OLE object may display as actual contents, such as a graph or chart. For example, an external application chart, such as an Excel spreadsheet, may be inserted into a Word application. When the chart is activated in the Word document, the

chart's user interface loads, and the user is able to manipulate the external chart's data inside the Word document.

OLE-supported software applications include:

• Microsoft Windows applications, such as Excel, Word and PowerPoint

• Corel WordPerfect

• Adobe Acrobat

• AutoCAD


• Multimedia applications, like photos, audio/video clips and PowerPoint


OLE has certain disadvantages, as follows:

• Embedded objects increase the host document file size, resulting in potential storage or loading difficulties.

• Linked objects can break when a host document is moved to a location that does not have the original object application.

• Interoperability is limited. If the embedded or linked object application is unavailable, the object cannot be manipulated or edited.

Fonts-Need & types

If you’re dipping a toe into the wide world of typography, it probably seems a bit

overwhelming. More than almost any other design element, fonts deliver both message

and feeling to your viewer almost instantaneously, so it’s really important to pick the

right type of font.

There are now thousands upon thousands of fonts in a diverse range of styles that are

easily available at the click of your mouse. But it’s harder than ever to know if you’re

choosing the right font type for your project or composition. Read on to learn how to

make the right selection by understanding the different types of fonts and what kinds of

projects they suit best.

The anatomy of fonts

Before we delve into the world of font’s types and font styles, it can be helpful to

understand a few things about the anatomy of type. All fonts sit on an invisible plane

called a baseline—think of it as the blue lines on your loose leaf paper—and have an

invisible center line called a mean line.

Slab serif fonts

Slab serifs are the fonts with the most impressive, large serifs. They are the louder

cousins of the classic, quiet serifs, that rose to prominence in the billboards, posters, and

pamphlets of the 19th century, designed to yell their message from a good distance.

Later they evolved into some more genteel forms like the ever-popular Clarendon that

could work for longer paragraphs of text.

Tips for combining types of fonts


Peanut butter and jelly the internet and cats. Some things are just meant to go together.

Fonts are no different. A quick search brings up a myriad of specific suggestions for

combining different types of fonts, using easy to find fonts that are already on your

computer as well as ones you may have to seek out. Some general guidelines: like in all

facets of design, contrast is key; you can’t beat an all-caps sans serif and an italic serif.

The lightness of the italic balances the heavy, dark weight of the sans, Sometimes it’s

not even an issue of pairing fonts from different families—most sans serif families have

a range of weights and spacing’s so one font can be used in a variety of different ways

in the same design. Condensed and heavy for a headline, regular light for body copy,

never underestimates how versatile a single type of font can be.


Sound in multimedia

If a tree falls in the forest and no living creature is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

The answer is no. Sound is a perceptual phenomenon only. When a tree falls, a person

speaks, or a violin string vibrates, the surrounding air is disturbed causing changes in

air pressure that are called sound waves. When sound waves arrive at our ears they

cause small bones in our ears to vibrate. These vibrations then cause nerve impulses to

be sent to the brain where they are interpreted as sound.

Importance of sound in multimedia

Audio is used in computers in order to enhance the multimedia applications in various

ways. Nowadays, there are endless applications and programmers that are designed to

educate people using the internet. Well, when you look at the internet and education,

you will see that they need to have audio help because then the education is much easier.

People who want to learn something using the power of the internet, they will much


rather watch an educational video where someone explains everything, then to read an

article because the audio part makes everything much easier.

Helping Tool

If we need to describe audio, the best way would be to say that it is a helping tool that

has multifunctional purposes. You don’t even realize how important audio in

multimedia is until you lose it. However, there are some people who do appreciate and

realize the importance of audio. These people usually have some type of visual issue

and for them reading or watching something isn’t an option. The only thing that they

have is the audio from these multimedia things such as videos. Audio gives the chance

these people to learn without the ability to see anything because they can follow the

audio instructions and hear about the thing they want to learn.

Music The biggest influence or use of the audio, people have when listening to music because

everyone does it and they never think about the science that is behind all of it. Well,

sometimes, you just have to

appreciate the invention of audio because without it we wouldn’t be able to listen to any

music at all. Without music, the world that we know would be completely

different; we cannot even imagine the significance and how greatly it

improved our lives. The best thing about

music is that it is universal, there is music for everyone and it is all a form of art that

people or instruments are performing.

Look at yourself, you will not find a single person who doesn’t like to listen to music,

not everyone might like the same genre of music, but at least we can somehow connect

through it because it is so powerful. Art is all around us and we have to embrace it,

especially when it is fine art such as music that everyone can relate to. Not everyone

might like paintings or other types of art, but music, music is a completely unique thing

that is able to pull out deep emotions form people.

Sound and it Attributes – tone, intensity, frequency,

wavelength, pitch etc


Sound has intensity. Intensity refers to the force with which it is perceived, which

depends on the amplitude of the oscillatory movement. Subjectively, we say that a

sound is strong or weak. When we raise the volume of the radio, what we do is increase

the intensity of the sound. The intensity is measured in decibels.



The waveform representation converts the pressure variations of sound waves into a

pictorial graph which is easier to understand. A sound wave is made of areas of high

pressure alternated by an area of low pressure. The high-pressure areas are represented

as the peaks of the graph. The low-pressure areas are depicted in the Valleys. The

physical distance between two consecutive peaks or valleys in a sound wave is referred

to as the Wavelength of the sound wave. It is labeled in the image above.

Frequency/ Pitch of the Sound Waves

Frequency in a sound wave refers to the rate of the vibration of the sound traveling

through the air. This parameter decides whether a sound is perceived as high pitched or

low pitched. In sound, the frequency is also known as Pitch. The frequency of the

vibrating source of sound is calculated in cycles per second.

The SI Unit for Frequency being hertz and its definition being ‘1/T’ where T refers to

the time period of the wave, The time period is the time required for the wave to

complete one cycle. Wavelength and frequency of a sound wave are related

mathematically as:

The velocity of Sound = Frequency * Wavelength

The below graphs can be used for understanding more about sound. The first graph

represents a sound wave from a drum while the second graph represents the sound wave

from a whistle. You probably already know the difference in the sounds but have a look

at the difference in their frequencies.

Memo V/S Stereo sound

Mono Sound

While stereo is the most commonly used audio system, there are some distinct

advantages to mono sound in certain situations. For example, musicians such as the

Beatles would focus on the mono mixes of their songs rather than the stereo mixes, as

AM radio stations preferred the sound of mono for hit singles. Stereo was considered a

new technology and was thus generally ignored by many great early rock musicians.

Since performers intended for their music to be heard in mono, earlier recordings can

sound more powerful and dynamic in mono. Additionally, mono is a better format for

public speeches, where the clarity of a single amplified voice is the focus of the sound


Stereo Sound


Since stereo became the standard format for recorded music in the late 1960s, the

majority of home audio systems and headphones use stereo amplification. Stereo is also

standard for most PA systems in concert halls, due to its ability to replicate the physical

separation of instruments onstage. According to Wayne Wad ham’s "A Short History

of the Multitask

Recording Studio," FM radio is broadcast in stereo, and nearly every song recorded

since the early '70s has been recorded and mixed with stereo sound in mind.

Sound channels

6 types of sound channels

Mono (Monaural or monophonic sound reproduction)

Mono has audio in a single channel, which is a

more primitive form of sound reproduction. It is intended to be heard as if it were a


channel of sound perceived as coming from one position. From the perspective of

nowadays, it may be considered as outdated since it uses a recording method lacking

of sense of location, but it is already a quite advanced technology when the audio card

just began to appear.

Monaural sound has been replaced by stereo sound in most entertainment applications.

However, it remains the standard for radiotelephone communications, telephone

networks, and audio induction loops for use with hearing aids. A few FM radio stations

particularly talk radio shows; choose to broadcast in mono, as a monaural signal has a

slight advantage in signal strength over a stereophonic signal of the same power.

Stereo (or Stereophonic sound)

Stereo is the reproduction of sound using two or more independent audio channels in a

way that creates the impression of sound heard from various directions, as in natural

hearing. Stereo sound is particularly useful in music appreciation, as the audience can

clearly distinguish the direction from which a variety of musical instruments play, thus

making the music more imaginative and feeling personally on the scene. After the

appearing of Sound Blaster Pro, the stereo technology is widely used in lots of following

audio cards. It has become a far-reaching audio standard. Up to now, stereo is still a

technical standard abide by lots of products.

Stereo sound is preferred for listening to music, in theaters, radio stations dedicated to

music, FM broadcasting and Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB).

Prospective stereo


The basic concept of prospective stereo audio card is that adopting mono when

recording sound, but what is reproducing can be stereo and mono sometimes. The audio

card with this technology has also been popular in the market for some time, but now

has disappeared.

4.0 surround sound

Also called quadraphonic sound, it uses four channels in which speakers are positioned

at the four corners of the listening space, reproducing signals that are (wholly or in part)

independent of one another. It includes four points of articulation: left on the front, right

on the front, left on the back, and right on the back, while the audience is surrounded

by the sound.

It is suggested to add a subwoofer to enhance the playback processing of lowfrequency


As far as the whole is concerned, the four-channel system can bring the surround sound

from different directions, allowing you to get immersed in a variety of auditory

experience in different environments. Now 4.0 surround sound technologies have been

widely integrated into the design of all kinds of high-end sound card, becoming the

mainstream trend of future development.

5.1 surround sound

A 5.1 surround sound system uses 6 channels (5 standard + 1 subwoofers) to create

surround sound. It includes a center speaker, subwoofer (for low frequency effects, such

as explosions), left and right front speakers, and left and right rear speakers. In the

system, ‘.1 sound channel‘is a specially designed subwoofer channel, which has a

frequency ranging from 20Hz to 120Hz. As it has a smaller number of speakers and is

the industry standard, it is simpler to set up, cheaper and suitable for small or

mediumsized rooms.

5.1 surround sound is achieved with AC-3 (Dolby Digital) or DTS. DTS uses less

compression but is also less common than Dolby Digital.

5.1 is the industry standard and is used by most DVDs and Blue-ray disks, as well as

by HDTV and video games. It is also the most common sound system in commercial


7.1 surround sound

7.1 surround sound systems use 8 channels (7 standard + 1 subwoofers). It uses the same

6 speakers as above, plus an extra two side speakers. The extra two speakers add more

depth to the surround sound experience. As it uses more speakers, 7.1 surround sounds

is more expensive and is only suitable for large rooms.


7.1 surround sounds can be achieved using Dolby Trued or DTS-HD Master audio.

These are considered lossless audio, identical to the movie studio’s original.

Most Blue-ray players support 7.1 sounds, as does the PS3. Most DVDs, Blue-ray disks

and games are still produced using only 5.1 audio, but an increasing number of Blue-

ray disks are being released with 7.1 sounds as well.

Effects in sound

You've come to the right place to find an answer this question. At Sound Ideas, we

record, design and publish thousands of different single isolated sounds, special sound

effects, Foley sounds and background ambiences. Together, these different types of

sound effects create the Sound Ideas Sound Effects Library.

Isolated Sounds

Isolated sounds include the sounds of everyday items like doorbells, car horns and

telephone rings. These are the real and specific sounds that you hear such as dogs

barking, guns firing, doors slamming and car tires screeching during a car chase.

Specialty Effects

Specialty effects include sounds that are designed to be used for objects and places that

exist only in our imaginations. You might use special effects in cartoon, fantasy and

science fiction productions. They would enhance the production by creating a special

sound for a space transporter, the magic of a genie's brass lamp, or for gigantic purple

people eater cartoon animals.

Foley Sounds

Foley sounds are synchronized with the visuals in a motion picture or television

program. This synchronization process is also called audio sound replacement. The

magic of Foley places footsteps into a film soundtrack – recreates the rattle of a coffee

cup being put down on a table – provides the realistic rustle of clothing and the ever

popular punch in the face. These and many other sounds must be dubbed during post

production on the film's soundtrack in order to be heard by the audience. They are

named after Jack Foley – a pioneer in the sound replacement field.

Background Ambiences

Background ambience tracks provide the basic environment for a production. They

provide the entire subtle atmosphere that makes the film-gore or radio listener really

feel like he is in a courtroom, a church, a train station, a thunderstorm or a jungle.


All of this different royalty free sound effects types are available from Sound Ideas -

on CD, DVD and Hard Drive – and as individual file download.

Analog V/S Digital sound

Analog sound

Sound itself is a continuous wave; it is an analog signal. This means that one cannot

detect the precise moment the pitch changes. Capturing this continuous wave in its

entirety requires an analog recording system; what the microphone receives is exactly

what's written onto the vinyl disk or cassette. Analog is believed to be the true

representation of the sound at the moment it was recorded.

Digital sound

Digital sound is not a recording of the actual sound, but rather a combination of binary

code, the utmost simplest machine language of zeros and ones, representing the sound's

intensity and pitch at precise intervals with relative accuracy. The binary code is

arranged in a specific pattern informing the computer how to recreate the sound itself.

It is not a single wave the way analog sound is, but rather a composite of multiple

segments representing consecutive moments of intensity and pitch. Where an analog

recording is similar to the fluency of film, a digital recording is stop motion


Overview of various Sound file formats on PC WAN, MP3


PC WAV stands for Waveform Audio File Format (also called Audio for Windows at

some point but not anymore). It’s a standard that was developed by Microsoft and IBM

back in 1991.

A lot of people assume that all PC WAV files are uncompressed audio files, but that’s

not exactly true. WAV is actually just a Windows container for audio formats. This

means that a WAV file can contain compressed audio, but it’s rarely used for that.

Most PC WAV files contain uncompressed audio in PCM format. The PC WAV file is

just a wrapper for the PCM encoding, making it more suitable for use on Windows

systems. However, Mac systems can usually open PC WAV files without any issues.



MP3 stands for MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3. It was released back in 1993 and quickly

exploded in popularity, eventually becoming the most popular audio format in the world

for music files. There’s a reason why we have “MP3 players” but not “OGG players”…

The main pursuit of MP3 is to cut out all of the sound data that exists beyond the hearing

range of most normal people and to reduce the quality of sounds that aren’t as easy to

hear, and then to compress all other audio data as efficiently as possible.

Nearly every digital device in the world with audio playback can read and play MP3

files, whether we’re talking about PCs, Macs, Androids, phones, Smart TVs, or

whatever else. When you need universal, MP3 will never let you down.

Concept of MIDI

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) is a technical protocol that governs the

interaction of digital instruments with computers and with each other. Instead of a direct

musical sound representation, MIDI provides the information on how a musical sound

is made with the help of MIDI commands. The protocol not only provides compactness

but also provides ease in manipulation and modification of notes, along with a flexible

choice of instruments.

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)

MIDI contains information about the pitch, velocity, notation and control signals for

different musical parameters such as vibration, volume, etc. It also contains information

for an instrument to start and stop a specific note. This information is used by the

wavetable of the receiving musical device to produce the sound waves. As a result,

MIDI is more concise than similar technologies and is asynchronous. The byte is the

basic unit of communication for the protocol, which uses 8-bit serial

transmission, with one start and one stop bit. Each MIDI command has its own unique

sequence of bytes.

One of the most common applications of MIDI is in sequencers, which allow a computer

to store, modify, record and play MIDI data. Sequencers use the MIDI format for files

because of their smaller size compared to those produced by other popular data formats.

MIDI files, however, can only be used with MIDI-compatible software or hardware.

Software for sound editing and mixing

1. Adobe Audition


Adobe’s Audition is quite easily one of the best audio editing software you can get. The

app comes with some incredible features that have been honed with the many years of

experience Adobe’s team has in creating powerful applications for professional users.

Audition comes with features like multi-track editing and mixing which will definitely

make your audio editing experience much easier and efficient. The software also comes

with a feature called ‘Auto Ducking’ which uses Adobe’s proprietary AI based ‘Adobe

Sensei’ technology to figure out places where you may want to lower the volume of a

background track in order to make the vocals, speech, etc sound clearer, making your

job much easier to do. Audition also has some powerful clip editing features including

things like mirrored fades, the ability to maintain layer stacks when moving a single

piece of the stack, and a lot more.

2. Logic Pro X

Obviously, an article about creative applications will mention Apple in one way or

another. Logic Pro X, which is Apple’s DAW for systems running macOS would’ve

been my choice for the best audio editing software, but since it’s only available on

macOS, it brings its accessibility down by quite a bit (not every artist uses a Mac, after

all). That said, Logic Pro X brings some incredibly awesome features into the fold that

make it an amazing audio editing app for both beginning editors, and professional users.

Logic Pro X comes with all the basic features you’ll ever need in an audio editor, and

also brings extremely advanced features including the ability to automatically match the

timing of different tracks in a project using ‘Smart Tempo.’

3. Audacity

I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of Audacity. The free and open-source software is

mentioned on almost every single audio editing thread out there, and for good reason.

Like I said, Audacity is free, like completely free, and that makes it the most easily

accessible software to anyone looking to get started with audio editing. Plus, it’s no

slouch when it comes to the features either. It has almost all the features you’ll need.

There are a lot of effects including things like bass, treble, distortion, noise removal and

more. Along with that Audacity also comes with analysis tools such as beat finder,

silence finder, sound finder, and more.

4. Reaper

Reaper is yet audio editing software that’s incredibly powerful and feature rich while

also being comparatively more affordable than some of the other options on this list.

For starters, Reaper comes with support for multiple tracks, and has a remarkable


multichannel support with 64 channels in each track. It also brings the ability to directly

record audio to mono, stereo, or even multichannel audio files, along with the ability to

record to multiple disks at the same time for data redundancy if that’s something you


5. FL Studio

If you’re looking to be the next big name in EDM (or even if you’re just looking for

remarkable audio editing software) you should definitely give FL Studio a look-see.

Used by artists like Martin Garrick, Porter Robinson and others, FL Studio is definitely

a top-notch software for audio editing files. Similar to other top notch DAWs, FL Studio

also supports multi-track recording, time stretching, and pitch shifting. It comes with a

mixer that brings features like effects chains, automation, delay compensation and


6. Able to Live

Able to Live is also a name that’s synonymous with music production and that’s pretty

obvious considering the incredibly large number of features it brings. For starters, Able

to Live supports unlimited audio and MIDI tracks so you can stuff as many layers of

tracks into your project as you need. There’s also support for MIDI capture, 256 mono

input channels and 256 mono output channels. Along with that, you get up to 70GB of

pre-recorded sounds you can use in your projects, up to 15 software instruments, and

up to 46 audio effects.

7. Cubage

Cubage, from Steinberg, is audio editing software that you might want to take a look at.

The DAW comes with a legacy of major artists having used it including the likes of

Zed, Junkie XL and more. As far as features are concerned, Cubage brings forth quite

a bit of these as well. There’s a frequency equalizer that lets you perform immensely

delicate frequency edits to your tracks, an Auto-Pan feature that lets you quickly play

around with your tracks.

8. Personas Studio One

Another audio editing software you might want to take a look at, the Personas Studio

One 4 is a versatile DAW that comes with a bunch of cool and useful features. There’s


support for multiple tracks, and with Studio One’s Chord Track feature, you can easily

make a quick prototype of songs and get an idea of what they sound like. Chord Track

brings features like key modulation, chord substitution and more for easy prototyping.

Studio One can automatically identify the chords from your audio track, and you can

even drag a part to the Chord Track to make a reference.

9. Hindenburg Pro

Hindenburg Pro is also audio editing software that’s worth mentioning. It’s

crossplatform and works with both Windows and macOS. Plus, it comes with

nondestructive, multitask recording. Hindenburg Pro can also import 24-bit audio files

and even work in 24-bit sessions. Other than that, the DAW brings in a large number of

effects including compressors, EQs, loudness meters, and support for third party

plugging so you can expand your effects-set to the extent of your imagination. With the

automatic EQ feature in Hindenburg Pro, you can let the software automatically set up

your preferred voice profile without having to tweak things too much, and once you’re

done editing your audio, Hindenburg will let you export the project to a variety of

formats including mp3, AIFF, and even Apple Lossless.

10. Ardor

Last but not the least, Ardor is also a pretty powerful audio editing software that’s made

better by the fact that not only does it work on Windows and macOS, it also fully

supports Linux, so you can basically run it on almost any computer you want. Ardor

brings you almost every feature in the book when it comes to audio editing starting from

making recordings easier with micas and MIDI devices, to editing thanks to easily

usable editing features like cuts, cross fades, transposition, swing and more.

3D sound

As for 3D sound, what is it, exactly? Well, to put it simply, it's what you're hearing this

very moment. 3D sound, also known as spatial sound, is sound as we hear it naturally,

and the technology behind recreating it is quite amazing.

Sounds come from all directions and distances, and we're able to distinguish them by

their pitch, tone, loudness, and location. Let’s say a flock of geese are flying over your

house. You can hear them passing by, even though they're up in the air and outside your

house. You know this just from the sounds they make. A car door was shut across the

street, but you don't need to stand up and look down from your apartment window to

know that. If someone is coughing behind you in the elevator, you know which direction

the sound is coming from without turning your head.


All of these are examples of 3D sound. The spatial location of a sound is what gives it

its three-dimensional aspect.

Unit –III

Graphics in multimedia

Graphics Designing in Multimedia

Graphics design is the art of visual communication, or we can say that the visual

representation of ideas which is essential for any business. To generate leads or drive

growth one need to present the company or business in such a way which can be

understood by the audience or potential client.

Conveying the information through content, phrases or words isn’t sufficient you have

several other ways too which can express the ideas more clearly and viewers can remind

it for a long time. One such remarkable way is visual means which imprint the

information in the viewer’s mind that remains unfading in the viewer’s memory. It is

the time when a graphics design plays a significant role in conveying the information

with the spirit of imagination and innovation.

There is a lot of importance of Graphics Designing because it is used in numerous fields

like education, applications, entertainment, videos etc.

1. You can communicate the ideas easily and effectively which is useful in creating

a strong impression.

2. It supports in brand recognition which is essential for a business. It helps you to

stand out from the competitors and aids any business in having their own identity.

3. It is important to establish a story for business which can interest prospects to buy any product

or take your services.

4. We are living in a digital world where everything single thing can be accessed online. You

won’t be able to convey your business objective to your potential audience if you are working

on a badly made interactive design. Recognize the right and well-designed graphic which can


be understood by the target audience. Take this as an opportunity which can build consumer

confidence and trust.

5. It also plays an important role in business, marketing etc. For example if a graphic

designer works for a company then the graphic designs will help for building the

company’s branding, it will create a strong impact to the audience,

it will help to give the message to the people, it will capture people’s attention

and also create the trust.

Importance of Graphics in multimedia

Importance of Graphics

1. You can communicate the ideas easily and effectively which is useful in creating

a strong impression.

2. It supports in brand recognition which is essential for a business. It helps you to

stand out from the competitors and aids any business in having their own identity.

3. It is important to establish a story for business which can interest prospects to buy any product

or take your services.

4. We are living in a digital world where everything single thing can be accessed online. You

won’t be able to convey your business objective to your potential audience if you are working

on a badly made interactive design. Recognize the right and well-designed graphic which can

be understood by the target audience. Take this as an opportunity which can build consumer

confidence and trust.

5. It also plays an important role in business, marketing etc. For example if a graphic

designer works for a company then the graphic designs will help for building the

company’s branding, it will create a strong impact to the audience, it will help to

give the message to the people, it will capture people’s attention and also create

the trust.

• 3D computer graphics has many applications in the entertainment industry, most

importantly video games and visual effects in movie production.

• In medicine, computer graphics is used to visualize data obtained from medical

imaging, such as CT scans.

• Computer-aided design relies on computer graphics for modeling and visualizing

products, buildings, cars, etc.

• The same modeling techniques are used for creating 3D-printed objects.

• Digital design for printed media and web makes use of 2D computer graphics.

• 2D and 3D computer graphics are used by television broadcasters for live

graphics, e.g. in news and sports shows.


Vector and Raster Graphics

Vector and raster

The first factors that will help you define whether a certain image is in vector or raster

format is

scalability. Vector images don’t lose their sharpness and clarity, no matter to what

extend or how many times you change their size.

In contrast, raster (or bitmap) images get blurry and pixilated once you examine them

from a close-up. Let’s illustrate it for you, so you can better see the difference. In the

following illustration you will see a raster image which loses quality when enlarged. In

comparison to it, a vector version of the same monster illustrated next to the raster

doesn’t change its quality no matter the size:

Image Capturing Methods Scanner Digital Camera Etc


An image scanner is able to scan and capture text, imagery and objects and then turn

them into a digital image, the most common scanners are flatbeds, this involves the

object or document being placed on a horizontal glass surface whilst a bright light

illuminates the surface and subsequently the object on the scanner is then converted to

a digital image that can be seen and edited via the connected computer.

Digital Cameras

Digital Cameras like scanners are capable of image capture, except a digital camera is

more transportable making them the preferable choice; this is also down to the fact that

a Digital Camera is able to capture images of everyday life compared to the Scanner

which requires invariably a flat document. Digital Cameras capture the image and then

immediately present the image on the camera, the majority of modern cameras allow

you to edit or filter images that have been stored.

Various Attributes of images- Size, color, Bit Depth, Resolution


Image size


Image size is always dimensioned in pixels, for example 6000x4000 pixels, or 24


Data size is dimensioned in bytes, for example, 12 megabytes.

For a 6x4 inch image printed at 300 dpi, the image size is calculated as:

(6 inches × 300 dpi) × (4 inches × 300 dpi) = 1800 × 1200 pixels 1800 ×

1200 pixels is 1800×1200 = 2,160,000 pixels (2 megapixels).

The memory cost for this RGB color image is:

1800 × 1200 × 3 = 6.48 million bytes

The last "× 3" is for 3 bytes of RGB color information per pixel for 24 bit color (3 RGB

values per pixel, one 8-bit byte for each RGB value, which totals 24 bit color).

The compressed JPG file will be smaller (maybe 10% of that size), selected by our

choice for JPG Quality, but the smaller it is, the worse the image quality. The larger it

is, the better the image quality. If uncompressed, it is three bytes per pixel.

Different color modes have different size data values, as shown.

Color depth

Color depth is used to describe the maximum number of colors that are used in the

image. The higher the number of colors then the more realistic the image will appear.

Once again, with bitmap images, the chosen color depth will affect the final file size.

Let's look at how these color models work, although these examples refer to pixels, the

same applies to dots in a printed image.

Monochrome (e.g. Black & White)

This has the lowest storage requirement, because we only need to know whether the

pixel should be on or off, the information for each pixel can be stored in a Bit, or put

another way, we can store the information for eight pixels in one Byte of storage space.

Grayscale (256 shades of Grey)


Because a Byte can be one of 256 values, then each pixel requires one Byte of storage


256 Colors (Palliated)

This format allows each pixel to be one of 256 colors stored in a Color Look up Table

(CLUT), more commonly referred to as the palette. The palette is also saved with the

file so this adds slightly to the file size, but the information for each pixel is stored in

one Byte of storage space.

Note. The GIF format, is a variation of the above, in that it allows you to decide upon

the size of the palette stored with the image, this allows you to reduce the overall file

size, if your image does not use many colors. Generally 256 color formats store the

whole 256 color palette, whether the image uses them or not.

16 Bit Color (High Color)

Though not quite as common now as a few years ago, this format uses two Bytes to

store the information, one Byte for the color and one Byte for the shade of the color.

This gave a total of 65,536 colors (256x256). So each pixel requires two Bytes of

storage space.

24 Bit Color

This format stores the Red, Green and Blue value for each pixel. Each of these can be

one of 256 values, giving a total of 16,777,216 colors (256x256x256). Using 16 million

colors allows for very photorealistic images, but increases the storage space

requirements to three Bytes for each pixel.

32 Bit Color (True Color)

This format uses the same format as above for the Red, Green and Blue colors but also

stores transparency information for each pixel. This allows each pixel to be one of 256

values from fully opaque to fully transparent. Because of the extra transparency

information, the storage space for each pixel now requires four Bytes.


The resolution of an image is determined by the number of individually addressable

points that make up the image, whether it is the number of pixels that make up a screen

image, or the number of dots that make up a printed image.

The more dots that are used to create an image, then the more detail the image can

resolve and the sharper it appears when viewed.


When using bitmap graphics, whatever resolution is chosen, information needs to be

stored for each pixel or printer dot. This means the higher the resolution, the more

information needs to be stored for an image of any given size.

This does not apply when using vector graphics, as the decision about resolution, only

needs to be made when the image is printed, or exported as a bitmap.

Various Image File Format BMP, DIB, EPS, PIC and TIFF

format their features and limitations



Can be recognized by the ".bmp" extension, it was developed by Microsoft Corporation,

and provides a simple, efficient means of storing a wide variety of graphical data. BMP

is the standard MS-Windows raster format (BMP files can be created with Windows'

Paintbrush and used as "wallpaper" for the background when running Windows.)

Transferring an image to the BMP format may result in some color shifts when BMP

files are imported into Windows applications.

BMP-Windows-RGB format supports 1, 4, 8, 24 bits per pixel - not compressed.


Microsoft has defined a particular representation of color bitmaps of different color

depths, as an aid to exchanging bitmaps between devices and applications with a variety

of internal representations. They called these device-independent bitmaps or DIBs, and

the file format for them is called DIB file format or BMP image file format.

According to Microsoft support [4]

A device-independent bitmap (DIB) is a format used to define device-independent

bitmaps in various color resolutions. The main purpose of DIBs is to allow bitmaps to

be moved from one device to another (hence, the device-independent part of the name).

A DIB is an external format, in contrast to a device-dependent bitmap, which appears

in the system as a bitmap object (created by an application...). A DIB is normally

transported in metafiles (usually using the Stretch DIB its () function), BMP files, and

the Clipboard (CF_DIB data format).

The following sections discuss the data stored in the BMP file or DIB in detail. This is

the standard BMP file format. [4] Some applications create bitmap image files which

are not compliant with the Microsoft documentation. Also, not all fields are used; a

value of 0 will be found in these unused fields.



(Encapsulated PostScript)

Uses a "EPS" extension and was also created by Adobe Systems. The Encapsulated

PostScript file (EPS) format is supported by most illustration and page layout programs,

and in most cases is the preferred format for these applications. Note that this is also the

only file format that supports transparent whites in Bitmap mode. EPS is a very complex

interpreted language.



PIC format files are generated and used by PICTOR, PC-Paint and GRASP and is the

standard image file format for the Apple Macintosh.


(Tagged-Image files Format)

Can be recognized by the ".TIFF" or ".tiff" extension, was designed to be powerful and

flexible. It stores a very large amount of information about an image, and works well as

an intermediary file format between scanners or paint programs and desktop publishing

programs. One would scan or paint an image, save it as a TIFF file, import it into a

desktop publishing program, and save it as another format. This actually works very

well. The use of TIFF has been limited, however, since it is very complex. TIFF was

developed in 1988 by Aldus Corporation, in cooperation with Microsoft Corporation.

The Tagged Image File Format was primarily designed to become the standard format.

In order to become the standard, the format was designed to handle just about any

possibility. The result of this design provided the flexibility of an infinite number of

possibilities of how a TIFF image can be saved.

As a result, no application at all can claim to support all TIFF variations. Some

professional applications support many TIFF variations, but there will always be an

obscure variation that will cause a problem for some application.

The TIFF format uses 6 different encoding routines. The TIFF format supports LZW

method compression for image types. (This is the same compression used by the GIF

format for indexed color) TIP: If an application is having a problem reading compressed

TIFF files, try re-saving the file without compression.


Unit – IV

Video and Animation in Multimedia

Video Animation

1. Multimedia Elements: Sound, Animation, and Video.

2. Objectives w describe the sound, animation, and video elements that make up

multimedia w specify the tradeoffs involved in using these elements w Specify

the advantages and disadvantages of using these elements w describe the

programs used with these elements.

3. Multimedia Elements: Sound, Animation, and Video 3 Chapter Outline w Sound

Sampling MIDI w Animation w Video Digitizing Compression.

4. Multimedia Elements: Sound, Animation, and Video 4 Sound w Volume: height

of peak w Frequency: distance between peaks, measured in hertz (Hz) Volume


5. Multimedia Elements: Sound, Animation, and Video 5 Sampling w a digital

representation of a portion of the sound is made every fraction of a second. W

Sample rate: how often is the digital representation made? W Sample size: how

large (# of bits) is each digital representation? Number of bits used for each

sample or, the number of quantization levels.

6. Multimedia Elements: Sound, Animation, and Video 6 Sample Rate w Common

sample rates 11.025 kHz 22.05 kHz 44.1 kHz w the more samples, the more

accurately the sound is represented w the more samples, the larger the file size.


7. Multimedia Elements: Sound, Animation, and Video 7 Sample Size w Common

sample sizes 8 bit: 256 possible values 16 bit: 65,536 possible values w the larger

the sample size, the more accurately the sound is represented w the larger the

sample size, the larger the file size.

8. Multimedia Elements: Sound, Animation, and Video 8 File Size w 1 second =

sample rate x bit value / 8 w Stereo doubles the size w CD quality: 44.1 kHz 16

bit sample w Stereo CD-quality files size: 176,400 bytes per second.

9. Multimedia Elements: Sound, Animation, and Video 9 Sound Card w Used to

digitize sound w Accepts analog input from audio source w Samples according

to specified sample rate and sample size w produces digital representation of the

audio signal.

10. Multimedia Elements: Sound, Animation, and Video 10 Sound Editing Programs

w Digital representations can be easily manipulated w Cut and paste w Sound

effects (echo, fade-in, fade-out, etc.).

Impact of Video in multimedia

Impact of Video

The purpose of this study is to find out the impact of using multimedia on students’ academic

achievement in the College of Education at King Saud University. This study’s effort is to answer the

following questions:

What is the impact of using multimedia on students’ academic achievement in the

“computer & its use in education” curriculum?

Are there any statistically-significant differences between the average marks of the

experimental group & that of the control group in the pre & post measurements of

students’ academic achievement in the school of Education?

To this end, an experiment of two equivalent groups was designed, one of the groups is

experimental & the other is control; each of them consists of 20 female students. The

lecture was given to the first group using a computer presentation program which uses

multimedia treated as an experimental group, while the second group was given the

same lecture using the traditional method which uses the dialog & discussion technique

treated as a control group. Both groups were subjected to pre & post tests in the subject

tackled by the lecture. The analysis result of the pre test showed no statistically-

significant differences, which in turn proves the equivalence of the two groups.

Meanwhile, the analysis result of the post test showed the following: There are

statistically-significant differences between the experimental group and the control

group at a significance level of 0.05 for the interest of the experimental group.


Both groups were subjected to pre & post tests in the subject tackled by the lecture. The

analysis result of the pre test showed no statistically-significant differences, which in

turn proves the equivalence of the two groups. Meanwhile, the analysis result of the

post test showed the following: There are statistically-significant differences between

the experimental group and the control group at a significance level of 0.05 for the

interest of the experimental group.

Basics of Video Analog and Digital Video

Analog video

Analog video is a video signal transferred by an analog signal. When combined in to

one channel, it is called composite video as is the case, among others with NTSC, PAL

and SECAM.

Analog video may be carried in separate channels, as in two channel S - Video (YC)

and multi - channel component video formats.

Analog video is used in both consumer and professional television production

applications. However, digital video signal formats with higher quality have been

adopted, including serial digital interface (SDI), Fire wire (IEEE 1394), Digital Visual

Interface (DVI) and High - Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI).

Most TV is still sent and received as an analog signal. Once the electrical signal is

received, we may assume that brightness is at least a monotonic function of voltage, if

not necessarily linear, because of gamma correction.

An analog signal f(t) samples a time - varying image. So - called progressive scanning

traces through a complete picture (a frame) row - wise for each time interval. A high -

resolution computer monitor typically uses a time interval of 1/72 second.

In TV and in some monitors and multimedia standards, another system, interlaced

scanning, is used. Here, the odd - numbered lines are traced first, then the even -

numbered lines. This results in "odd" and "even" fields — two fields make up one frame.

In fact, the odd lines (starting from 1) end up at the middle of a line at the end of the

odd field, and the even scan starts at a half - way point. The following figure shows the

scheme used. First the solid (odd) lines are traced— P to Q, then R to S, and so on,

ending at T — then the even field starts at U and ends at V. The scan fines are not


horizontal because a small voltage is applied, moving the electron beam down over


Digital video

Digital video is an electronic representation of moving visual images (video) in the form

of encoded digital data. This is in contrast to analog video, which represents moving

visual images with analog signals. Digital video comprises a series of digital images

displayed in rapid succession.

Digital video was first introduced commercially in 1986 with the Sony D1 format

[citation needed], which recorded an uncompressed standard definition component

video signal in digital form. In addition to uncompressed formats, popular compressed

digital video formats today include H.264 and MPEG-4. Modern interconnect standards

for digital video include HDMI, Display Port, Digital Visual Interface (DVI) and serial

digital interface (SDI).

Digital video can be copied with no degradation in quality. In contrast, when analog

sources are copied, they experience generation. Digital video can be stored on digital

media such as Blue-ray Disc, on computer data storage or streamed over the Internet to

end users who watch content on a desktop computer screen or a digital smart TV. In

everyday practice, digital video content such as TV shows and movies also includes a

digital audio soundtrack.

How to use Video on PC

Screen casting is more and more important in today’s digital world. With the help of

video capture tools, you can preserve Skype calls, webinars and more - directly from

your desktop. To make this process easier, we recommend you try Mojave Screen

Capture Studio - a powerful and easy-to-use capture tool.

In this article, you will learn how to capture video with different apps.

If you want to know how to capture video on PC or laptop, read the following


Step 1.Download and Install Movavi Screen Capture Studio

Download the program from our website. Run the downloaded file, follow the

instructions on the screen and install the video capturing software.

Step 2.Capture a Video


Open the program. To capture video, select Record Screen in the launch window.

Choose from the Capture Area presets or select the area for recording by drawing a

frame on the screen. Click there button; the recording will start after a 3-second

countdown. To control the process, use the Pause, Stop, and Cancel buttons.

Step 3.Edit the Recording (optional)

Movavi Screen Capture Studio includes a full-featured video editor so you can perfect

your recording after capture. Click the Open in Editor Button and the recording will be

added to the Timeline. Use the Scissors to cut footage from the recording and Clip

Properties to correct brightness, saturation, contrast, and other parameters. You can also

add Filters, Titles, and Transitions to make your video clearer and more understandable

to the viewer.

Step 4.Save Your Video

The resulting file will be automatically saved to the folder you specify. If you want to

change to a different folder, select Save As and choose a different destination.

Brief note on Various Video standards PAL, NTSC


Phase Alternating Line (PAL) is a color encoding system for analogue television used

in broadcast television systems in most countries broadcasting at 625-line / 50 field (25

frame) per second (576i). Other common color encoding systems are NTSC and


All the countries using PAL are currently in process of conversion or have already

converted standards to DVB, ISDB or DTMB.

This page primarily discusses the PAL color encoding system. The articles on broadcast

television systems and analogue television further describe frame rates, image

resolution and audio modulation.



NTSC, named after the National Television System Committee,[1] is the analog

television color system that was used in North America from 1954 and until digital

conversion, was used in most of the Americas

(except Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and French Guiana);Myanmar; South

Korea; Taiwan; Philippines, Japan;[2] and some Pacific island nations and territories

(see map).

The first NTSC standard was developed in 1941 and had no provision for color. In 1953

a second NTSC standard was adopted, which allowed for color

television broadcasting which was compatible with the existing stock of black-

andwhite receivers. NTSC was the first widely adopted broadcast color system and

remained dominant until the 2000s, when it started to be replaced with different digital

standards such as ATSC and others.

Most countries using the NTSC standard, as well as those using other analog television

standards, have switched to, or are in process of switching to newer digital television

standards, there being at least four different standards in use around the world. North

America, parts of Central America, and South Korea are adopting or have adopted the

ATSC standards, while other countries (such as Japan) are adopting or have adopted

other standards instead of ATSC. After nearly 70 years, the majority of over-the-air

NTSC transmissions in the United States ceased on January 1, 2010,[3] and by August

31, 2011[4] in Canada and most other NTSC markets.[5] The majority of NTSC

transmissions ended in Japan on July 24, 2011, with the Japanese prefectures of Iwate,

Miyagi, and Fukushima ending the next year.[4] After a pilot program in 2013, most

full-power analog stations in Mexico left the air on ten dates in 2015, with some 500

low-power and repeater stations allowed to remain in analog until the end of 2016.

Digital broadcasting allows higher-resolution television, but digital standard definition

television continues to use the frame rate and number of lines of resolution established

by the analog NTSC standard.

Different file formats and their use in multimedia, MPEG,




The Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is a working group of authorities that was formed by ISO

and IEC to set standards for audio and video compression and transmission.[1] It was established in

1988 by the initiative of Hiroshi Yasuda (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) and Leonardo

Chiariglione [2] group Chair since its inception. The first MPEG meeting was in May 1988 in Ottawa,

Canada.[3][4][5] As of late 2005, MPEG has grown to include approximately 350 members per

meeting from various industries, universities, and research institutions.[needs update] MPEG's official

designation is ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 – Coding of moving pictures and audio (ISO/IEC Joint

Technical Committee 1, Subcommittee 29, Working Group


Audio Video Interleave (also Audio Video Interleaved), known by its initials AVI, is a

multimedia container format introduced by Microsoft in November 1992 as part of its

Video for Windows software. AVI files can contain both audio and video data in a file

container that allows synchronous audio-with-video playback. Like the DVD video

format, AVI files support multiple streaming audio and video, although these features

are seldom used. Most AVI files also use the file format extensions developed by the

Matrix Open DML group in February 1996. These files are supported by Microsoft, and

are unofficially called "AVI 2.0".


This is a fork of with added support for

the Raspberry Pi camera via the input rasp cam plug-in.

MJPG-streamer is a command line application that copies JPEG frames from one or

more input plugging to multiple output plugging. It can be used to stream JPEG files

over an IP-based network from a webcam to various types of viewers such as Chrome,

Firefox, Bamboozle, VLC, player, and other software capable of receiving MJPG


It was originally written for embedded devices with very limited resources in terms of

RAM and CPU. Its predecessor UVC streamer" was created because Linux-UVC

compatible cameras directly produce JPEG-data, allowing fast and perfuming MJPEG

streams even from an embedded device running Open WRT. The input module

"" captures such JPG frames from a connected webcam. Mjpg-streamer

now supports a variety of different input devices.

Name of Video editing software


1. Windows Movie Maker

Windows Movie Maker is a free video editing tool for Windows and users can

make home movies by simple drag-anddrop. It contains features such as video

effects, video transitions, adding titles/credits, audio track, timeline narration,

and Auto Movie. What's more, new effects and transitions can be added and

existing ones can be modified using XML code.

2. Virtual Dub

Virtual Dub is a powerful free video editing software for Windows with many

amazing features, such as compression, video splitting, and the addition of audio

tracks. As free movie editing software, it has batch-processing capabilities for dealing

with large numbers of files and can be extended with third-party video filters.

3. Wax

Wax is a high performance and flexible video editing program which is good for both

home users and professionals. It can be used as a stand-alone application, or as a plug-

in to other video editors. However, its video editing functions are quite limited. If you

want more advanced video editing features like Mosaic, Jump Cut, Flash hold, or need

more transitional effects, picture-in-picture, titles, sound effects, you can turn to

Wonder share Fillmore (originally Wonder share Video Editor) software, which make

your video go to the next level.

4. ZS4 Video Editor

ZS4 Video Editor is another great free video editing and compositing software that

provides media experts with a facility to combine photos, videos and audio files into

one or more output files.

5. Lightworks Light works is a great free video editor featured with many video

effects. It can edit up to 256 video, audio, and still image clips. But the user

interface is very technical so many people find it hard to use. Basics of



In Animation Basics, you’ll go beyond software to learn how to realistically convey

weight, motion and follow through – critical skills on your journey to become a

character animator. You’ll start the course by learning how to animate a bouncing ball,

and then evolve that bouncing ball through the creation of both “vanilla” and

“personality” walk cycles.

Learn How to:

• Understand critical principles of animation like weight and overlapping action

• Convey emotions like joy, devastation and concern through sketchbook and

posing exercises with our Stu rig

• Go beyond the bouncing ball by learning to express different weights

• Understand overlapping action by animating motion and follow through using

Squirrels, Monster Ball or Bird Ball

• Animate a simple and straightforward “vanilla” walk cycle

• Create a stylized walk cycle to showcase personality and emotion

Why it’s right for you: • Learn from Animation Mentor’s proven, trusted Character Animation curriculum

– the same curriculum taught to top animators working at studios like Disney

Animation Studios, Pixar Animation Studios, Industrial Light & Magic, WETA

Digital and Blue Sky Studios

• Learn from the best mentors, at the world’s first and most respected online

animation school

• Level up basic 3D animation software experience, and go beyond software

tutorials to truly understand the art and craft of animation

• Work with industry-quality characters and assets

• Create a kick-ass demo reel full of your best animation and prepare yourself to

apply for a job as a character animator

What You Get:

• A 3-year active student license to Autodesk Maya – including Mud box, 3D

Studio Max, and more

• Access to the Animation Mentor community of over 5,500 students and alumni

in more than 105 countries around the world

• Instruction from top-quality mentors from the world’s leading animation studios


• Over 12 hours of pre-recorded lecture material, made available to watch

ondemand each week

• A weekly critique of your assignment from your mentor

• A weekly live Q&A with your mentor and classmates

• Access to the Animation Mentor resource library with guest lectures, additional

Q&As, and weekly video news

• Ongoing access to all characters and rigs from this course, including Tailor,

Billie, Stu, Squirrels, Monster Ball, Bird Ball and the pendulum


• Apply and be accepted into Animation Mentor. Apply Now! • Be 18 years of age or older upon the first day of this course • Meet the minimum system requirements • Have intermediate computer software skills. This course requires a basic knowledge of 3D

software. If you have little to no experience using 3D animation software like Maya, Blender or 3DS Max, we strongly recommend our Maya Workshop: Animation Basics

• Have a good understanding of the English language

Types of Animation and use of Animation

The 5 Types of Animation

The purpose of this guide is to take you through the intricacies of the different types of

animation styles and techniques.

It also shows you what path you should take, and what does that path entails, in order

to become an animator based on the type you choose.

This guide is not about learning how to animate, but instead it breaks down the five

different types (or genres) of animation available to you, and what you’ll need to start

animating. Best software, best schools, and more.

Styles covered:

1. Traditional animation

2. 2D Vector-based animation

3. 3D computer animation

4. Motion graphics

5. Stop motion


I hope that reading this will push you to take your first step to pursuing your dream of

making animation.

No more excuses. All you need to know is right here.

Software for Creating Animations

1. Go Animate

Obviously, ease of use is the biggest advantage of this animated video software. As

listed on the site, the eLearning industry is definitely a field where such a tool could

find good use.

2. Crazy Talk

This is one of the most entertaining animated video software mainly focusing on facial

animation for both Windows and Mac. Lots of great features including 3D head creation


3. iClone

If you want quality animated video software that’s been used by highly acclaimed

organizations and companies such as the FBI, Ford and Microsoft then you’ve found

your solution.

4. Toon Boom Harmony This animated video software focuses on providing the tools for compelling storytelling

in eLearning. Well-known companies like Universal, Fox and DreamWorks can verify

that as dedicated clients.

5. After Effects

After Effects is the most sophisticated and dependable solution when it comes to

animated video software. Adobe’s After Effects boasts unique features like the

Character Animator that make it stand out from all competition.


6. PowToon

When you see companies such as Coca Cola, Pfizer, eBay and Starbucks on this video

animated software’s client list you know that something good is up. PowToon has

applications in industries such as Marketing, IT, HR and Training in general.

Unit – V

Application-of Multimedia and its Future

Multimedia in Education:

Multimedia combines several media in a one obviously it has more sources of

information. So it is extensively used in the field of education and training. Even in

conventional method we use audio visual for imparting education, where charts, models

etc. were used. Now a day the classroom need is not limited to that conventional method

rather it needs audio and visual media.

Multimedia in Training:

There various systems and intelligent tutoring systems available to train the students in

many areas starting from the mathematics of a primary sudden to a difficult surgical

process for a medical student. As there enough audio clips added t these tutorials and

an action can be seen from all perspective and repeatedly so obviously as far as practical

skills is concerned it gives a lot of far that.

Science and Technology:

Multimedia had a wide application in the field of science and technology. Whether it is

an industry or the case of sciences all are benefited by its use. The multimedia


application and beneficial for researchers as well as over the world. The multimedia

system is capable of transferring audio, and clips in addition to the regular text. It is

even capable of sending message and formatted multimedia documents. At the same

time the multimedia also helps in live which are a live interaction through audio

messages and it is only possible with the multimedia.

Multimedia in Business: The business application of multimedia includes, product demos, instant messaging.

One the excellent applications are voice and live conferencing. A multimedia can make

a audience come live. It is widely used in programs. Such a program can be used by a

mechanic and peoples. There are a number of easy to use authoring programs and tools

that can even let workers to create their own program. There are a number of

applications available that slow to run more smoothly and effectively.

Multimedia in Games:

One of the most exciting applications of multimedia is games. Now a day the live

internet pay to play gaming with multiple players has become popular. Actually the first

application of multimedia system was in the field of entertainment and that too in the

video game industry. The integrated audio and video effects make various types of

games more entertaining. Generally most of the video games need joystick play.

Future of multimedia

In the coming years, the majority of multimedia Internet traffic will be transmitted

wirelessly. Quality issues will become increasingly important as user expectations rise.

To address these and other demands from an application perspective, intelligent apps

and APIs must reduce complexities for developers and designers. Multimedia standards

must also allow for basic interoperability.

The articles in Computing Now’s November 2016 issue highlight the following

technologies and considerations related to multimedia on the Internet and discuss how

they might look in the future:

• media formats, such as ultra-high-definition (UHD), high frame rate (HFR), and

high dynamic range (HDR);

• media processing within the cloud;

• architectures, specifically with respect to information-centric networking (ICN);


• devices and interaction possibilities; Quality of Experience (QoE); and

Security and privacy.

Application of multimedia in different industries Multimedia

in Education:

Multimedia is a combination of text, graphic, animation, audio, and video which are

everything we can see and hear in our daily life. Multimedia also refers to the uses of

computer technology to create, store and experience multimedia content. Multimedia

applications play a crucial role in education which range from preschool education to

postgraduate students and corporate training packages.

Multimedia applications can be defined as an application that uses a combination of

many media sources such as texts, graphics, audios, videos and animations. It is often

use to deliver information which is more powerful than printed learning resources such

as printed text book. It also allows users to interact with the information quickly and

accurately. Educational multimedia applications enable students to get information in

various formats. Examples of multimedia applications are World Wide Web,

courseware, interactive TV, computer games, and virtual reality.

Multimedia in Entertainment:

Multimedia is used a massive amount in entertainment and art by audio, video, and


Special Effects and 3D Animation

Multimedia takes up an important role in entertainment one specific way it is used in

special effects. In special effects multimedia is in charge of VFX and 3D animation. In

VFX or visual effects in other words is integration of live action footage and involve

imaginary environments that appear to be realistic but would be impossible or too

expensive and dangerous to capture on film. During VFX tools such as graphic design,

modeling, and animation are used at full effect. A visual effect supervisor is involved

from an early stage and works up closely with production and film director’s design to

come up with the desired effects. In 3D animation is referred pictures that move. In

multimedia 3D animation is used by programmers. These programmers use shapes,

surface textures, lighting, perspective, depth of field and anti-aliasing to make 3D

animation effects as realistic as possible.



In audio multimedia is used to enhance multimedia applications. For example, audio

can be used to deliver audio lectures over the web. Music is used to add interest and

emotion to a presentation. The simplest way why we use audio in multimedia is to

provide an interface for visually disabled users. This is not the only reason why though,

another reason why it is use is to offer an extra advantage like add a sense of realism or

give the effect of 3D sound.

Multimedia in Journalism:

Multimedia journalism involves the use of text, images, sound, video clips, graphics to

tell stories in an engaging way. Professionals who work in multimedia journalism

leverage digital tools and social media platforms to share their stories with a particular

audience online. The purpose of these stories is to inform, educate or entertain that

specific audience.

Multimedia journalism also requires using research skills to find newsworthy stories

and to learn more about niche markets. Once their stories have been live for some time,

multimedia journalists use analysis skills and tools to measure their content’s success.

Career in multimedia production

Multimedia is a vast and expanding field that deals with delivering content and

entertainment to the public using combined mediums. A degree in the subject may lead

to a career in the fine arts, marketing or entertainment industries.

Careers in Multimedia Marketing

According to a report published by the International News media Marketing

Association, multimedia advertising is becoming the mainstream. Advertising agencies,

public relations firms, Internet marketing companies and other media companies,

including newspapers and magazines, are employing multimedia as a major strategy for


improving service and gaining an edge over the competition. Following is a sampling

of career opportunities available in the realm of multimedia marketing:

• Advertising manager

• Creative director

• Media director

• Marketing or promotions manager

• Product development manager

• Market research manager

• Public relations manager

• Media analyst or strategist

• Multimedia Careers in the Entertainment Industry

In filmmaking, multimedia technology is changing the way movies are created, as well

as how they are distributed. In the world of video gaming, visual effects are reaching

extraordinary levels thanks to advancements in animation and other multimedia

technologies. If you have an undergraduate degree in multimedia and would like to

work in the entertainment industry, then consider the following careers:

• Digital camera operator

• Sound engineering technician

• Multimedia artist

• Film and video editor

• Dubbing editor

• Sound effects editor

• Audio recording engineer

• Game designer

• Animator

• Game Programmer

• Game Tester

Multimedia Fine Arts Careers

Even the fine arts have been influenced by multimedia technology. According to the

School of the Art Institute of Chicago, artists are using multimedia to explore cultural

issues created by these emerging technologies. Photography, printmaking and graphic

arts have all been touched by multimedia advancements as well. If you have the talent

to pursue a career in the fine arts, here are career options to consider:

• Photographer

• Graphic designer

• Multimedia designer


• Installation artist

Other Emerging Multimedia Careers

Advances in technology are opening up a host of other career options for individuals

with undergraduate degrees in multimedia. Engineers are needed to improve existing

technologies and to develop new ones. Technicians are needed to install and service the

devices used in multimedia applications. As multimedia continues to infiltrate our

culture and work its way into our everyday lives, the future may hold even more

unknown opportunities.

Virtual Reality as new technology in multimedia

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality (VR) is an interactive computer-generated experience taking place within

a simulated environment, that incorporates mainly auditory and visual, but also other

types of sensory feedback like hap tic. This immersive environment can be similar to

the real world or it can be fantastical, creating an experience that is not possible in

ordinary physical reality. Augmented reality systems may also be considered a form of

VR that layers virtual information over a live camera feed into a headset or through a

Smartphone or tablet device giving the user the ability to view three-dimensional


Current VR technology most commonly uses virtual reality headsets or multiprojected

environments, sometimes in combination with physical environments or props, to

generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that simulate a user's physical

presence in a virtual or imaginary environment. A person using virtual reality equipment

is able to "look around" the artificial world, move around in it, and interact with virtual

features or items. The effect is commonly created by VR headsets consisting of a head-

mounted display with a small screen in front of the eyes, but can also be created through

specially designed rooms with multiple large screens.

VR systems that include transmission of vibrations and other sensations to the user

through a game controller or other devices are known as hap tic systems. This tactile

information is generally known as force feedback in medical, gaming and military

training applications

Application of VR


Virtual reality is one of the offshoots of mobile technology and it has impacted on

human lives in so many ways. This is why virtual reality app development has become

one of the most successful aspects of apps development.

There are several applications of virtual reality technology in human lives.

Application in the military

One of the fields where virtual reality has been adopted is in the military. It has been

adopted by all the three military services – air force, navy and army. VR is being put to

different uses in the military. It is used to train soldiers in a simulated battlefield. This

gives soldiers the opportunity to learn without the risk of being killed or injured.

They can simulate many kinds of battle field scenarios. All the scenarios include flight

simulation, medical administration in the battlefield, virtual boot camps and several

other scenarios. Virtual reality can also be used to treat post-traumatic stress. The

triggers of the crisis will be simulated for the purpose of the treatment. When the

patients are exposed to the triggers often, they will gradually get over the trauma.

Application in real estate

VR is used to view the plan of a building. This gives a 3 dimensional image. What

architects and developers do is to upload all the virtual versions of the proposed

buildings on their virtual reality database and their prospective clients can view the

structures from there. It is just like viewing structures that are yet to be built. This is

why there are two main categories of architects now – the ones that have adopted virtual

reality and the ones that being run out of business.

Application in cinemas

A lot of cinemas have adopted VR technology now. They distribute head mounted

display units to all viewers for each movie. When the effect of this unit is combined

with powerful speakers that have been scattered all over the hall or theatre, it gives

serious immersion. You will be engaged and fully immersed in the movie. In fact, you

will feel like you are a part of the movie. This is why movies are six times as interesting

when viewed through VR head mounted display units. And horror movies are twenty

times more real and scarier when watched on virtual reality platform.

Application in automobile manufacturing

Ford, a popular automobile giant has already embraced virtual reality in the process of

manufacturing vehicles. Prototypes of any proposed vehicle will be uploaded on the

virtual reality platform where several engineers can view and make necessary

recommendations before the actual vehicle is manufactured. This saves a lot of money,


time and effort. The vehicle is only produced when all the engineers are satisfied with

the virtual prototype. Plans are already in top gear to incorporate virtual reality

technology into Toyota’s manufacturing process. Application in the medical field

Surgeons now make use of virtual reality to figure out all the positions of unwanted

tumors in the body of their patients. This will enable them determine the best incision

positions to be able to remove the tumors without any form of complications. It presents

every part of human body as clearly as possible. Virtual reality has been adopted in the

treatment of phobia by exposing the patient to relevant simulated phobia. Virtual reality

is now used for robotic surgery where robots perform surgeries under the control of

surgeons. This increases speed, accuracy and effectiveness of surgery processes and it

also gives the surgeon some form of convenience as they won’t be the one to perform

the task. Another kind of surgery is telesurgery. This is a ground-breaking innovation

where a surgeon performs surgery on a patient in another location. Virtual reality is also

used for training process. The effect of the application of different drugs can be


Application in aviation

VR is being used to simulate a flying experience to train and test trainee pilots. Every

pilot has to pass the simulation tests several times before he can fly a real plane. The

simulation feels like flying a plane in the air. This is one of the oldest applications of

virtual reality.

Application in museums The images of the collection of items in several museums are being uploaded on virtual

reality platforms by app developers. When this is concluded, viewers will have access

to those museums. They will be able to view different museums with their virtual reality

head mounted display units from the comfort of their location. They will be able to view

the items in different museums located in different continents right from one spot. This

is nothing but convenience.

Application in education

VR has been adopted in education too. It improves teaching and learning. With virtual

reality, a large group of students can interact with one another within a 3 dimensional

environment. Instead of going on excursion to witness certain industrial processes, it

can be simulated on virtual reality platforms. This enhances understanding and also

makes learning fun for students.

Application in business


Virtual reality has also been adopted in business. It is now being used for virtual tours

of a business environment, training of new employees and this also gives new

employees a 360 degree view of every product.

Introduction to HMD

Short for head-mounted display, a headset used with virtual reality systems. An HMD

can be a pair of goggles or a full helmet. In front of each eye is a tiny monitor. Because

there are two monitors, images appear as three-dimensional. In addition, most HMDs

include a head tracker so that the system can respond to head movements. For example,

if you move your head left, the images in the monitors will change to make it seem as

if you're actually looking at a different part of the virtual reality.A typical HMD has one

or two small displays, with lenses and semi-transparent mirrors embedded in eyeglasses

(also termed data glasses), a visor, or a helmet. The display units are miniaturized and

may include cathode ray tubes (CRT), liquid crystal displays (LCDs), liquid crystal on

silicon (LCos), or organic light-emitting diodes (OLED). Some vendors employ

multiple micro-displays to increase total resolution and field of view.

HMDs differ in whether they can display only computer-generated imagery (CGI), or

only live imagery from the physical world, or combination. Most HMDs can display

only a computer-generated image, sometimes referred to as virtual image. Some HMDs

can allow a CGI to be superimposed on real-world view. This is sometimes referred to

as augmented reality or mixed reality. Combining real-world view with CGI can be

done by projecting the CGI through a partially reflective mirror and viewing the real

world directly. This method is often called optical see-through. Combining real-world

view with CGI can also be done electronically by accepting video from a camera and

mixing it electronically with CGI. This method is often called video see-through.

Boom cave

A cave automatic virtual environment (better known by the recursive acronym (CAVE)

is an immersive virtual reality environment where projectors are directed to between

three and six of the walls of a roomsized cube. The name is also a reference to the

allegory of the Cave in Plato's Republic in which a philosopher contemplates

perception, reality and illusion.

CAVE is a virtual reality environment consisting of a cube-shaped VR room in which

the walls, floors and ceilings are projection screens. The user typically wears a VR

headset or head-up display (HUD) and interacts through input devices such as wands,

joysticks or data gloves.


The CAVE is contained within a larger room that must be absolutely dark when the

CAVE is in use. Three-dimensional (3-D) images within the cave appear to float in mid-

air. The viewer, whose headgear is synchronized with the projectors, can walk around

an image to study it from all angles. Sensors within the room track the viewer's position

to align the perspective correctly.

Because the word "Cave" itself appears in the name, CAVE is what is called a recursive

acronym. The name itself alludes to Plato's allegory in which prisoners confined to a

cave interpreted external events from the shadows and echoes experienced within the

cave. Most interpretations of the allegory center on the idea that our perception of reality

is, similarly, not reality itself but a construct of reality created by our minds.

VR rooms are one way to enable a virtual reality experience. A newer technology, room-

scale VR, is the use of hardware and software to enable a virtual reality experience

within a cleared area.

Introduction to various types of Authoring Tool

Multimedia Authoring Tools are also known as Author ware. It is a program that helps

the author [user/programmer] write hyper text (or) multimedia application. Authoring

tools usually enable a user to create a final application merely linking together. Objects

such as paragraph of text, illustration (or) song can be embedded in a web page with the

help of authoring tools. Multimedia authoring tools provide the frame work for

organizing and editing the elements of multimedia projects. Authoring software

provides an integrated element for combining the content and the functions of the

project. It enables the developer to combine text, graphics, audio, video and animation

into an interactive presentation. Authoring system includes editing tools to create, edit

and convert multimedia elements such as animation and video clips. The process for

multimedia involves story boarding and flow chart development. Visual flow chart (or)

over viewing facility illustrates project structure at a macro level. In macro media flash,

flash is used for delivering rich multimedia content to the web. It allows the creation

simple; static HTML pages with the flash player Plug-in.

Features of Authoring Tools

• Basic features

• Editing and organizing features

• Programming features

• Interactivity features

• Performance timing and playback features

• Cross-platform and internet features



There are 3 types of authoring tools and they are as follows:

1. Card and page based tools

2. Icon based- event driven tools

3. Time based tools

Now let us discuss these three authoring tools in details along with their required

software, their corresponding advantages and disadvantages.

Card and page based tools:

This tool provides a simple and easily understandable metaphor for organizing

multimedia elements. It contains media objects such as buttons, text files and graphic

objects. It provides facilities for linking objects to pages (or) cards. The software

required is hyper card and Linked card tool box. Advantages:

• Easy to understand

• Easy to use

• Easy to link metaphor1=screen1=card1= page1

• It consumes very less time for developing an application.


• Few applications run only on one platform.

• Card and page tools are not powerful as unique stand alone.

Icon based- event driven tools:

Icons (or) object based tools are the simplest event driven authoring object. Its provision

of simple branching has the ability to go to another section of multimedia production.

Multimedia elements and interaction are organized in the flowchart. A flow chart can

be build by dragging appropriate icons from a library and then dropping them in the

required field finally adding multimedia elements to it. The software required is Icon

Author and Author ware.


• It has a clear structure [appropriately designed flow charts].

• Easy to edit and update the elements.


• Learning process is very difficult. Very expensive in nature


Time based tools:

Time based tools are best suited for a message with a beginning and an end so that a

message can be passed within a stipulated time period. Few time based tools facilitate

navigation and interactive control. It has the branching technique so that different loops

can be formed for different multimedia applications and time period can be set for these

individual applications. The software required is Adobe’s Directors.


• These tools are good for creating animation.

• Branching, user control interactivity


• Steep learning curve for advance features.

• Music and sound files embedded in Flash movies increases the file size and

increases the download time. Very expensive