semanal krumm heller, propagandista...

r?oe t. Semanal Revolucionario. tntmd i» Beond CU» Mattftr, S»Dt 13 1C10, it Lo» Anri-len Tal. LOS ANGELES, CAL., SÁBADO 16 DE OCTUBRE DE 1915. Mensajes telegrafieos anuncian í bertad, basada en la independen" que en la conferencia celebrada] cia económica. Sise respeta el en Nueva York el sábado 9 de es-1 derecho de propiedad individual, te mas, entre los Embajadores de '• Argentina, Brasil y Chile, los Mi- nútrosdeBolivi«i, Uruguay y Gua- temala y el Secretario americano Estado, Lansing, quedo apro- bado que los representantes de las naciones mencionadas reco- mendarían a su3 respectivos go- biernos la necesidad de reconocer ' a Venustiario Carranza como eo- bernante de hecho de la nación maxicana. tendrán que ser protejidos Ios- hacendados que acaparan la tierra con perjuicio de la gran masa de la población rural; la tienda ck raya, barrida por la Revolución, volverá a abrir sus negras puerta? eomo otrss tantas bocas dispues- tas' a engullir el producto del es- fuerzo de los trabajadores; abri- rá nuevamente su oficina e' JHV Político rara defender los fueros- - del hívendndo y fti-lít-ar la ley Con esa recomendación, pue- fuga a! p-olotario descontento;'el 'de darse por hecho ei i econoci- tniento de Venusii ¡no y su ascensión a la Presidencia de [la "República Mexicana que, en (los momentos actuales es un po- ' der mas ilusorio que real por las mil fuerzas, tanto f sicas, como morales, que debilitan ti princi- pio de Autoridad. El encumbramiento de Carran- za es una garantía de libertad y de bienestar para el pueblo mexicano, como puede verse por presidió y el Ejercito volverán a ser la - p< sidilla del desheredado, y el lupanar el refugio' de la mu- jer desvalida. Ante este porvenir, bueno es que reflexionéis, trabajadores partidarios del principio de Auto- ridad. No dudéis de nuestras palabras. Recordad que siempre se hah cumplido nuestras predic- ciones, y se han cumplido no por- que seamos, adivinos, sino porque no dejándonos seducir por las a- "las promesas que ha halo ajponencias, analizamos, estudia- 'Woodrow Wilson para' que le de I moa los hechos y sacamos de ellos la mano y lo levante. Esas pro-¡conclusiones precisas. Si el de- 'rtiesasson las siguiente.-: l.-I,opjrecho de propiedad tiene que ser extranjeros serán protejidos en P u j i d o en México, quedaran feíwfcs jr propiedades; 2,*NÍK* ""»« DS8 lo* ,d<?spo¿r> s ¿le *ie*»i gimo sufrirá en su vida y en MI sufridos por comunidades e indi- V*- i propiedad con motivo de sus ideas políticas o religiosas; 3.-El gobierno de Carranza asume com- pleta responsabilidad de los da- nos y perjuicios producidos por ía Revolución. Ésas promesas fueron las que decidieron a los conferencistas a apoyar al farsante que, en Méxi- co, por medio de sus propagan- distas, pasa al pueblo la mano por el lomo hablandóle de libertad económica; pero que. en sus chan- chullos con los políticos y con los burgueses de todo el mundo, se muestra tal como es: reacciona- rio recalcitrante, protector deci- dido del privilegio y de la explo- tación. ¡Es natural! i El mismo es un negrero que cuenta con grandes extensiones territoriales en el Estado de Coahuila! • Las promesas que Venustiano Carranza ha hecho a los gobier- nos & ' <> 3 Capitalistas se redu- cen* garantizar a la burguesía impunidad completa para que continué explotando el trabajo del mexicano. Si por desgracia, Carranza lle- garan consolidar su gobierno, ¡na tiranía mas cruel que la que Be sufrió bajo la Dictadura de Porfirio Diaz, seria la ganancia de cinco anos de sacrificios. Los partidarios del principio de Autoridad deberían convecerse de una vez que es imposible es- perar la libertad de manes de ningún gobernante. El gobier- no, no puede dejar de hacer que serespeteel derecho de propiciad privada, porqne esta instituido precisamente para la salvaguar- dia de ese derecho, y mientras ere derecho subsista, subsistirán la miseria y la tirania. Esperabais que Carranza haría algo en beneficio deJ proletaria- do: pues, bien, el desengaño no ha tardado en llegar. Carranza ofrece reimplantar el bárbaro re- gimen gubernamental de Porfirio Díaz, Porque en México, enten- dadlo bien, por circunstancias especiales, no pueden existir mas que estas dos formas de agrupa- miento social; o la tiranía, basa- da en la supervivencia del dere- cho de propiedad privada o la li- viduos, despojos que redujeren al peonaje a la gran masa de la po- blación del pais y que constituyen una de las grandes causas de la Revolución. El compromiso de Carranza tiene como efecto asegurar el li- bre goce de sus rapiñas a los Cre- el, a los Terrazas, a los Noriega, a los Madero, a todos los grandes terratenientes mexicanos y e x - tranjeros, a todos los grandes concesionarios de toda nacionali- dad, a todos los piratas del co- mercio y de la industria, porque al derecho de propiedad no se le proteje a medias: se le respeta o se le viola; se le acepta de plano o se le rechaza; se le reconoce o se le desconoce. Para que un gobierno sea reco- nocido por las naciones extranje- ras, tiene que' comprometerse como lo ha hecho Carranza, como lo hizo Madero, como lo efectuó Porfirio Diaz, a protejer las vidas y las propiedades de los burgue- ses, protección que solamente puede ser cumplida teniendo en la miseria al proletariado mexica no, porque no se puede protejer al mismo tiempo al Capital y al Trabajo: se proteje a uno o al otro, y esto es asi, porque lo que aprovecha al Capital, perjudica al Trabajo, y viceversa. El Ca- pital tiene que extraer sus ganan- cias del Trabajo, y mientras mas se proteja al Capital, mas sufrirá el Trabajo; La Revolución resulta burlada con el compromiso de . Carranza pero esa burla es una lección sa- jú lable que no dejaran de aprove- char los partidarios del principio de Autoridad cambiando de ideas, adoptando las nuestras que son las únicas cuya realización garan- tiza la libertad. El reconocimiento del gobierno carrancista, implica, ,n rfundmen- te, la protección moral y materia] extendida a ésa facción por el go- bierno de los Estados Unidos. Carranza tendrá a su disposición el oro de banqueros americanos; el gobierno africano prohibirá la importación de armas a México para otra facción que no sea la re Enpllsh Section NUMERO 208. . Desengañados los trabajadores de que la acción política no puede redimir a la humanidad, se deciden a adoptar como programa de acción el Manifiesto de 23 de Septiembre de 1911. Con esa arma poderosa aplastan al sistema Capitalista. Cetros, coronas, escudos nacionales, banderas, tiaras, arreos militares, dinero ; . . . todo se confunde en una masa de cosas inservibles. ¡El privilegio, hecho añicos! Los dos gigantes representan al pueblo, a los trabajadores que sin j e fes, sin caudillos, llevan a cabo por si mismos la obra de su emancipación, poniendo en practica este sabio lema: la eman- cipación de los trabajadores debe ser obra de los trabajadores mismos. interés en que no muera el dere- cho de* propiedad privada, ayuda- ran a Carranza, y el deber del pro- letariado -es impedir que tal gobierno se robustezca, porque sil robustecimiento significa el aplazamiento por tiempo indefinido' de., las esperanzas de redención sonadas por Jos desheredados. Una-monos.todos los prole- tarios ante-el peligro- -que amenaza a nuestra clase, -y adoptemos los principios sal- vadores del Manifiesto de 2¡i. de. Septiembre de 1911. ., RICARDO FLORES MAGON. •-•-•— Toma, empeño, .compañero, en conseguir Menos subscriptores conocida; todos los que tienen a REGENERACIÓN, Hacia el Comunismo Anarquista Quiérase o no se quiera admitirlo, el movimiento mexicano marcha hacia el co- munismo anarquista," ' ' Tenemos a la vista un diaria carrancista, de la ciudad de México, llamado "El De- mócrata", de fecha Septiembre de este ano. En dicho periódico encontramos la crónica de una reunión que tuvo lugar en la "Casa del Obrero Mundial", de la ca_ pital mexicana, ante la cual hablo el doc- tor Krumm Heller, propagandista a sueldo de Venustiano Carranza. Habla el cro- nista: "Expreso (Krumm Heller) que la mas importante labor de la "Casa del O - brero Mundial", sera la de formar las nue- vas generaciones de obreros, educando la inteligencia y el carácter del niño, en la\Es* cuela Racionalista .... " \ Esta Escuela Racionalista debe haber inaugurado sus labores el día 3 de este mes, \Krumm Heller es un individuo que esta a según estaba anunciado. Continua el cronista: " el doc- tor Krumm Heller manifestó en fraacs muy elocuentes, que la "Casa del Obrero Mundial". mantenía los ideales mas avan- zados entre los obreros de la America toda, pues seria la primera agrupación en el Con- tinente que fundase la- Escuela Racionalis- ta, prescindiendo asi para la educación de los futuros obreros, no solo de las escuelas 1 clericales, sino también de las regidas por la ciencia oficial, por el Gobierno. ; "Este grupo—dijo el conferencista^—i- que nos escucha, es de conferencistas (sé referia a lo's miembros de la "Casa del Oí- brero Mundial"), que llevan ía ',bucnít nueva y encienden la antorcha del' ideal a todos los ámbitos de la Nación, y estaiá^' \bor suya repercutirá en el mundo. sueldo de Carranza, y por lo tanto, hace la. bbf carrancista. Su misión, como la de otros muchos propagandistas de la pobre caus» carrancista, es tratar de convencer a los traba jadores de que su amo, Carranza, se en- cuentra bien dispuesto a mejorar la condi- ción de los trabajadores, para que estos lo encumbren al poder. , Sigamos al cronista: "México—agrego—- se muestra digno de su pasado, pues asi como Juárez se puso, a la cabeza del pro- greso mundial, estableciendo, antes que na dije, la perfecta diyision entre el Estade y la Iglesia, el constitucionalismo, cuyo íriun-» fo es el de los obreros (adviértase esa men- ,ttra"calculada* para atraer adeptos al consti- "V 'ftfcionalismo), garantizara las mayores li- bertades para estos, lo que les permitirá es- tablecer la Escuela Racionalista, según los ideales del Mártir de Momjuicli." Hablo también Rosendo Salazar,'propa- gandista obrero. Dice asi el cronista:'"El obrero propagandista, señor SalazVr, 'mam-' festo cuales eran las avanzadas'tendencias de los obreros allí reunidos, que no soló ten. dian al socialismo, -sino al - comunismo in- temacional, que acabara con todas las ca- denas autoritarias que han pesado * «obre la humanidad." ""•'' Termina asi la crónica del periódicobur* gues: "Creemos indispensable declarar a nuestros lectores que esta crónica .splo re- fleja en débil síntesis, las ¡deas vertida»* por los oradores, pues bastaría el mas prevé de sus discursos para Henar doble numej-o de columnas que las dedicadas a este trabajo, hecho con el sincero deseo de comunicar una idea al pueblo en general,"si no com- pleta, si exacta de la actitud del obrero me- * xicano, revelada en las palabras de sus dig- nos representantes en la guerra y en los tra- bajos de propaganda.'.' ¿Que nos demuestra, todo e^to|| ( 'Es» nos prueba que nuestros idealesflo'tanen el ambiente dentro del cual actúan .loa hom- bres y las mujeres que componen el pueblo mexicano. Si el ideal anarquista'no fuera amado por una buena porción deí pueblo mexicano, Carranza no se preocuparía .por halagar a los que sustentan y propagan di- chos ideales, Por él contrario, los perse- guiría encarnizadamente'. - El cronista del periódico burgués ha dicho que escribió la crónica del mitin "con el sincero deseo de comunicar una idea al pueblo en general, si no completa, si exacta dé la actitud 3e\ •febrero fnextéaíto, revelada en las palabras de sus dign<w i .represen:antes en la guerra y cu 1os' trabajos de propaganda.'' ' ,„ ¡Adelante! Los hechos están demo/tran* do diariamente que no somos locos los t .gue nos empeñamos en que triunfé .en. México el comunismo anarquista. Campos exten- sos se encuentran en manos" de los que ayer eran desheredados, trabajándolos por su cuenta después de haber hecho hujr. al bur- gués; nuestros ideales, sentidos por las ma- sas populares, mejor que aprendido'» en lo» libros, alcanzan vuelos mayores impulsado por la propaganda de centenares de. ; pxopa- " gandistas valerosos, activos y sinceras:, el . , ' . * ; .*> Manifiesto de 25 ,de Septiembre de, 1911 triunfara. Conviene hacer una advertencia: Vertus- tiano Carranza no ama nuestros ideales, El viejo perverso no hace otra, cosa >qúe aprovecharse, como buen político, -de las simpatías que por las ¡deas anarquistas sien- te el pueblo, para ordenar a sus oradores, periodistas y propagandistas que halaguen el sentimiento popular hablando de'«lias con elogio. Los companeros de la ',Casa del Obrero Mundial" deben -ver- con' des- confianza la intromisión de los políticos en sus asuntos» RICARDO FLORES . M A Q O M ' '. US DOS BANDERAS. ^ í ATl^ñS.Hgrito colerfca'la *f]L -fr-9- bandera tricolor * cuando vio que se levantaba delante de ella, en la trinchera proletaria, la Bandera Roja de los oprimi- dos,—afras, trapo infame:,yo soy la bandera de ía patria!* La Bandera Roja ondulo graciosa, bajo el sol esplendi- do, como movida por uri soplo de gloria. - ,; ¡Atras;-repitio la bandera tri; coíor,~doblegate ante el emblema nacional! „','•' •• La Bandera Roja desplego sus ondas al viento con la gentileza de una muchacha que abandona a la brisa el encanto de su cabe- llera- Yo represento el honor nado- - nal; yo ... ,, ¡Basta! dijo la Bandera Roja. Lo que tu representas es la tira- nía y la explotación. Eres la ban- dera burguesa, inventada por los burgueses y por los tiranos par»

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Page 1: Semanal Krumm Heller, propagandista a sueldo de Venustiano Carranza. Habla el cro nista: "Expreso (Krumm Heller) que

roe t

Semanal Revolucionario tntmd iraquo Beond CUraquo Mattftr

SraquoDt 13 1C10 i t Loraquo Anri-len Tal LOS ANGELES CAL SAacuteBADO 16 DE OCTUBRE DE 1 9 1 5

Mensajes telegrafieos anuncian iacute bertad basada en la independen que en la conferencia celebrada] cia econoacutemica Sise respeta el en Nueva York el saacutebado 9 de es-1 derecho de propiedad individual te mas entre los Embajadores de

bull Argentina Brasil y Chile los Mi-bull nuacutetrosdeBolivilaquoi Uruguay y Guashytemala y el Secretario americano

bull deacute Estado Lansing quedo aproshybado que los representantes de las naciones mencionadas recoshymendariacutean a su3 respectivos goshybiernos la necesidad de reconocer

a Venustiario Carranza como eo-bernante de hecho de la nacioacuten maxicana

tendraacuten que ser protejidos Ios -hacendados que acaparan la tierra con perjuicio de la gran masa de la poblacioacuten rural la tienda ck raya barrida por la Revolucioacuten volveraacute a abrir sus negras puerta eomo otrss tantas bocas dispuesshytas a engullir el producto del esshyfuerzo de los trabajadores abrishyraacute nuevamente su oficina e JHV Poliacutetico rara defender los fueros--

del hiacutevendndo y fti-liacutet-ar la ley Con esa recomendacioacuten pue- fuga a p-olotario descontentoel

de darse por hecho ei i econoci-tniento de Venusii iexclno Carraiza y su ascensioacuten a la Presidencia de

[la Repuacuteblica Mexicana que en (los momentos actuales es un po- der mas ilusorio que real por las mil fuerzas tanto f sicas como morales que debilitan ti princishypio de Autoridad

El encumbramiento de Carranshyza nuacute es una garantiacutea de libertad y de bienestar para el pueblo mexicano como puede verse por

presidioacute y el Ejercito volveraacuten a ser la -plt sidilla del desheredado y el lupanar el refugio de la mushyjer desvalida

Ante este porvenir bueno es que reflexioneacuteis trabajadores partidarios del principio de Autoshyridad No dudeacuteis de nuestras palabras Recordad que siempre se hah cumplido nuestras predicshyciones y se han cumplido no porshyque seamos adivinos sino porque no dejaacutendonos seducir por las a-

las promesas que ha h a l o ajponencias analizamos estudia-Woodrow Wilson para que le de I moa los hechos y sacamos de ellos la mano y lo levante Esas pro-iexclconclusiones precisas Si el de-rtiesasson las siguiente- l-Iopjrecho de propiedad tiene que ser extranjeros seraacuten protejidos en P u j i d o en Meacutexico quedaran feiacutewfcs jr propiedades 2NIacuteK raquolaquo DS8 lo dltspoiquestrgts iquestle ieraquoi gimo sufriraacute en su vida y en MI sufridos por comunidades e indi-



propiedad con motivo de sus ideas poliacuteticas o religiosas 3-El gobierno de Carranza asume comshypleta responsabilidad de los dashynos y perjuicios producidos por iacutea Revolucioacuten

Eacutesas promesas fueron las que decidieron a los conferencistas a apoyar al farsante que en Meacutexishyco por medio de sus propaganshydistas pasa al pueblo la mano por el lomo hablandoacutele de libertad econoacutemica pero que en sus chanshychullos con los poliacuteticos y con los burgueses de todo el mundo se muestra tal como es reaccionashyrio recalcitrante protector decishydido del privilegio y de la exploshytacioacuten iexclEs natural i El mismo es un negrero que cuenta con grandes extensiones territoriales en el Estado de Coahuila bull Las promesas que Venustiano Carranza ha hecho a los gobiershynos ampltgt3 Capitalistas se redushycen garantizar a la burguesiacutea impunidad completa para que continueacute explotando el trabajo del mexicano

Si por desgracia Carranza lleshygaran consolidar su gobierno iexclna tiraniacutea mas cruel que la que

Be sufrioacute bajo la Dictadura de Porfirio Diaz seria la ganancia de cinco anos de sacrificios

Los partidarios del principio de Autoridad deberiacutean convecerse de una vez que es imposible esshyperar la libertad de manes de ninguacuten gobernante El gobiershyno no puede dejar de hacer que serespeteel derecho de propiciad privada porqne esta instituido precisamente para la salvaguarshydia de ese derecho y mientras ere derecho subsista subsistiraacuten la miseria y la tirania

Esperabais que Carranza hariacutea algo en beneficio deJ proletariashydo pues bien el desengantildeo no ha tardado en llegar Carranza ofrece reimplantar el baacuterbaro re-gimen gubernamental de Porfirio Diacuteaz Porque en Meacutexico entenshydadlo bien por circunstancias especiales no pueden existir mas que estas dos formas de agrupa-miento social o la tiraniacutea basashyda en la supervivencia del dereshycho de propiedad privada o la li-

viduos despojos que redujeren al peonaje a la gran masa de la poshyblacioacuten del pais y que constituyen una de las grandes causas de la Revolucioacuten

El compromiso de Carranza tiene como efecto asegurar el lishybre goce de sus rapintildeas a los Cre-el a los Terrazas a los Noriega a los Madero a todos los grandes terratenientes mexicanos y e x shytranjeros a todos los grandes concesionarios de toda nacionalishydad a todos los piratas del coshymercio y de la industria porque al derecho de propiedad no se le proteje a medias se le respeta o se le viola se le acepta de plano o se le rechaza se le reconoce o se le desconoce

Para que un gobierno sea recoshynocido por las naciones extranjeshyras tiene que comprometerse como lo ha hecho Carranza como lo hizo Madero como lo efectuoacute Porfirio Diaz a protejer las vidas y las propiedades de los burgueshyses proteccioacuten que solamente puede ser cumplida teniendo en la miseria al proletariado mexica no porque no se puede protejer al mismo tiempo al Capital y al Trabajo se proteje a uno o al otro y esto es asi porque lo que aprovecha al Capital perjudica al Trabajo y viceversa El Cashypital tiene que extraer sus gananshycias del Trabajo y mientras mas se proteja al Capital mas sufriraacute el Trabajo

La Revolucioacuten resulta burlada con el compromiso de Carranza pero esa burla es una leccioacuten sashyjuacute lable que no dejaran de aproveshychar los partidarios del principio de Autoridad cambiando de ideas adoptando las nuestras que son las uacutenicas cuya realizacioacuten garanshytiza la libertad

El reconocimiento del gobierno carrancista implica n rfundmen-te la proteccioacuten moral y materia] extendida a eacutesa faccioacuten por el goshybierno de los Estados Unidos Carranza tendraacute a su disposicioacuten el oro de banqueros americanos el gobierno a f r i cano prohibiraacute la importacioacuten de armas a Meacutexico para otra faccioacuten que no sea la re

Enpllsh Section

NUMERO 2 0 8

Desengantildeados los trabajadores de que la accioacuten poliacutetica no puede redimir a la humanidad se deciden a adoptar como programa de accioacuten el Manifiesto de 23 de Septiembre de 1911 Con esa arma poderosa aplastan al sistema Capitalista Cetros coronas escudos nacionales banderas tiaras arreos militares dinero todo se confunde en una masa

de cosas inservibles iexclEl privilegio hecho antildeicos Los dos gigantes representan al pueblo a los trabajadores que sin j e

fes sin caudillos llevan a cabo por si mismos la obra de su emancipacioacuten poniendo en practica este sabio lema la emanshycipacioacuten de los trabajadores debe ser obra de los trabajadores mismos

intereacutes en que no muera el d e r e shycho de propiedad privada ayudashyran a Carranza y el deber del proshyletariado -es impedir que tal gobierno se robustezca porque sil robustecimiento significa el aplazamiento por tiempo indefinido de las esperanzas de redencioacuten sonadas por Jos desheredados

Una-monostodos los proleshytarios an te-e l peligro- -que amenaza a nuestra clase -y adoptemos los principios salshyvadores del Manifiesto de 2iexcli de Septiembre de 1911

RICARDO FLORES MAGON bull - bull - bull mdash bull

Toma empentildeo compantildeero en conseguir Menos subscriptores

conocida todos los que tienen a REGENERACIOacuteN

Hacia el Comunismo Anarquista Quieacuterase o no se quiera admitirlo el

movimiento mexicano marcha hacia el coshymunismo anarquista

Tenemos a la vista un diaria carrancista de la ciudad de Meacutexico llamado El Deshymoacutecrata de fecha n de Septiembre de este ano En dicho perioacutedico encontramos la croacutenica de una reunioacuten que tuvo lugar en la Casa del Obrero Mundial de la ca_ pital mexicana ante la cual hablo el docshytor Krumm Heller propagandista a sueldo de Venustiano Carranza Habla el croshynista Expreso (Krumm Heller) que la mas importante labor de la Casa del O -brero Mundial sera la de formar las nueshyvas generaciones de obreros educando la inteligencia y el caraacutecter del nintildeo en laEs cuela Racionalista

Esta Escuela Racionalista debe haber inaugurado sus labores el diacutea 3 de este mes Krumm Heller es un individuo que esta a

seguacuten estaba anunciado Continua el cronista el docshy

tor Krumm Heller manifestoacute en fraacs muy elocuentes que la Casa del Obrero Mundial manteniacutea los ideales mas avanshyzados entre los obreros de la America toda pues seria la primera agrupacioacuten en el Conshytinente que fundase la- Escuela Racionalisshyta prescindiendo asi para la educacioacuten de los futuros obreros no solo de las escuelas1

clericales sino tambieacuten de las regidas por la ciencia oficial por el Gobierno bull

Este grupomdashdijo el conferencista mdashi-que nos escucha es de conferencistas (seacute referia a los miembros de la Casa del Oiacute-brero Mundial) que llevan iacutea bucniacutet nueva y encienden la antorcha del ideal a todos los aacutembitos de la Nacioacuten y estaiaacute^ bor suya repercutiraacute en el mundo

sueldo de Carranza y por lo tanto hace la

bbf carrancista Su misioacuten como la de otros

muchos propagandistas de la pobre causraquo

carrancista es tratar de convencer a los traba

jadores de que su amo Carranza se enshy

cuentra bien dispuesto a mejorar la condishy

cioacuten de los trabajadores para que estos lo

encumbren al poder

Sigamos al cronista Meacutexicomdashagreg omdash-

se muestra digno de su pasado pues asi

como Juaacuterez se puso a la cabeza del proshy

greso mundial estableciendo antes que na

dije la perfecta diyision entre el Estade y

la Iglesia el constitucionalismo cuyo iacuteriun-raquo

fo es el de los obreros (advieacutertase esa men-

ttracalculada para atraer adeptos al consti-V ftfcionalismo) garantizara las mayores lishybertades para estos lo que les permitiraacute esshytablecer la Escuela Racionalista seguacuten los

ideales del Maacutertir de Momjuicli

Hablo tambieacuten Rosendo Salazarpropashygandista obrero Dice asi el cronistaEl obrero propagandista sentildeor SalazVr mam- festo cuales eran las avanzadastendencias de los obreros alliacute reunidos que no soloacute ten dian al socialismo -sino al- comunismo in-temacional que acabara con todas las cashydenas autoritarias que han pesado laquoobre la humanidad bull

Termina asi la croacutenica del perioacutedicobur gues Creemos indispensable declarar a nuestros lectores que esta croacutenica splo reshyfleja en deacutebil siacutentesis las iexcldeas vertidaraquo por los oradores pues bastariacutea el mas preveacute de sus discursos para Henar doble numej-o de columnas que las dedicadas a este trabajo hecho con el sincero deseo de comunicar una idea al pueblo en generalsi no comshypleta si exacta de la actitud del obrero me- xicano revelada en las palabras de sus digshynos representantes en la guerra y en los trashybajos de propaganda

iquestQue nos demuestra todo e^to||(Esraquo nos prueba que nuestros ideales flotan en el ambiente dentro del cual actuacutean loa homshybres y las mujeres que componen el pueblo mexicano Si el ideal anarquistano fuera amado por una buena porcioacuten deiacute pueblo mexicano Carranza no se preocupariacutea por halagar a los que sustentan y propagan dishychos ideales Por eacutel contrario los perseshyguiriacutea encarnizadamente- El cronista del perioacutedico burgueacutes ha dicho que escribioacute la croacutenica del mitin con el sincero deseo de comunicar una idea al pueblo en general si no completa si exacta deacute la actitud 3e bullfebrero fnexteacuteaiacuteto revelada en las palabras de sus dignltwirepresenantes en la guerra y cu 1os trabajos de propaganda bdquo

iexclAdelante Los hechos estaacuten demotran do diariamente que no somos locos lostgue nos empentildeamos en que triunfeacute en Meacutexico el comunismo anarquista Campos extenshysos se encuentran en manos de los que ayer eran desheredados trabajaacutendolos por su cuenta despueacutes de haber hecho hujr al burshygueacutes nuestros ideales sentidos por las mashysas populares mejor que aprendidoraquo en loraquo libros alcanzan vuelos mayores impulsado por la propaganda de centenares depxopa-

gandistas valerosos activos y sinceras el bull bull bull gt

Manifiesto de 25 de Septiembre de 1911 triunfara

Conviene hacer una advertencia Vertus-tiano Carranza no ama nuestros ideales El viejo perverso no hace otra cosa gtquacutee aprovecharse como buen poliacutetico -de las simpatiacuteas que por las iexcldeas anarquistas sienshyte el pueblo para ordenar a sus oradores periodistas y propagandistas que halaguen el sentimiento popular hablando delaquolias con elogio Los companeros de la Casa del Obrero Mundial bull deben -ver- con desshyconfianza la intromisioacuten de los poliacuteticos en sus asuntosraquo


U S DOS BANDERAS ^ iacute ATl^ntildeSHgrito colerfcala f ]L -fr-9- bandera tricolor

cuando vio que se levantaba delante de ella en la trinchera proletaria la Bandera Roja de los oprimishydosmdash afras trapo infameyo soy la bandera de iacutea patria

La Bandera Roja ondulo graciosa bajo el sol esplendishy

do como movida por uri soplo de gloria -

iexclAtras-repitio la bandera tri coiacuteor~doblegate ante el emblema nacional bdquobull bullbull

La Bandera Roja desplego sus ondas al viento con la gentileza de una muchacha que abandona a la brisa el encanto de su cabeshyllera-

Yo represento el honor nado--

nal yo iexclBasta dijo la Bandera Roja

Lo que tu representas es la tirashyniacutea y la explotacioacuten Eres la banshydera burguesa inventada por los burgueses y por los tiranos parraquo

cilaquoMol8uumllaquo0raquoiibrgtlt)1o KiiGESBKACION fagina 2

queitl defenderla el pueblo 1S 1 9 1 f l p | P P K I ^ 1 7 I P I P T r t ^ do necesaria la dottrina de la a- UumlBIIIO y tu pur(atorio y til iacutewrai- Autoridad y el Capital Sin ti laquocuenta y aiuacutei no pam iquestugoidnr defienda eJIulaquo y a sus intere-ses t i L i V t a L a a W l J L s l laquoTi l l l L i I W V narqula y el rifle par destruir so porqne no puedes probarme esas dos instituciones caeriacutean por bolgManeiacute claquouido temiacutean-necesidad de su L iexcl1 n e d e r bdquo iacute o A m e r i c n a d e m M m t l 0 en Meacutexico la obra de la Ielesia de eientiuumlcamentc que existan esas tierra laquoplastadas por 1laquo justicU - auxiUo tu sombra medra el laquo r m i r c a n a u lt gt n - d e l mos poner f i n a esta c u a t r o c e n t u r i a s raquo M u mientras que yo te puedo popular pero ahiacute estas tu pata W aventurero de t X oVpmses y u^^T poundl T I t conspiracioacuten que por dos anos con- Y a e r a t iexcl e m p o d e Q l iacute e aV(ro s u p r o b a r q u e bdquo Jtaraquo l J e B e S S iacute ta laquo laquo t a p o p u l a r e s v h o r bdquoP drciiuirctu laquoc IUUUS luraquo pmMraquo Presidente- VVi son ttn documento secut vos ha inundado a Medico ltbull _ j r iacute v j laquo u i-t gtbull gt raquo laquobull laquolaquoraquolaquobullbull raquoraquoraquobulllaquobulllaquo Ahora preparaos para rcir sufre hambre y necesidad ciexcl me bdquo 7 A

l n u n deg a a o a metradedeg frieran los rcverendosfaldilludos derecho a ser Ubre y feliz sobre haciendo ereer qne el que m a s - o r m e pttaacuteiquest t A U-JL xtcano iacute e n r i lt B bdquo d a c c n deacutelo qlaquoe en anfrre derruido sus recursos p f r o u n a c o s a m e hiexcl1 ] l i i m a 0 1l T i bdquo r i l sufre en la tierra mas digno es S p0 ve^iacuteueh-ea miacuterate i

OJUiquest b b s W -gri to la ban- Id trade deg a c T m f ea l lt iacute s trade b r a lt i o e a t i s m 0 atencinn que lo tales padredllo d e que se leabran las puertasdel e pound o n 1 dera trfcokir-al defenderme los raquo r M t e gtraquo laquoltlaquogtbullbull Kndcho y In anarquaenuupashastaha-bdquo s o | ) a r t e n c o n r c s i ( n a c i o n t a fe c i e a iexcl E m b a u c a d o r iquest D o n d e ^ pound pound pound pound i f l T ^ t t mexicanos denuden su hmory ^ ^ ^ uacute ^ r ^ C ^ n ^verdad pa- raquo ^ raquo f laquo laquo lt bull bull deg raquo laquo des n l a r t i r i i la los s o s d e patria futura que ofreces S s t a - ^ b ^ S

U Band-raR^ avilantada bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo o n bdquo iquest a a s J n ) r s r u s e s y los mandarines no asi laquo C L H m a n ^ uuml X Ptrade0trade tlaquoertemelaquote 1 Pueblo laquo ^ V Z l ^ ^ T ^ e h ^ d h r f iacute 1 ^ por el sol materna su r no ner- ^ bull iquestb la resignacioacuten la mansedumbre ^ Q U b r iexcl a n e g 8 fe existencia del cielo el bdquo bdquo h o n r a d n s a I o s d e s u -- bull

0 c k gt t laquo W l d l e M raquo y era a pound ^ pound bdquo n^ E clrfenaGibbon cree que i Z ^ ^ ^ Z t ^ S M ^ a deg a f i aa laquo bull bull bull raquo raquo pound f T ^ Cdegdeg taM raquo raquo herido nnirse uuml c o m d P e p ^ avezcondensacum d f ansiasre- D ^ docunento debe atravesaacutersenos p iadosajn- nL ^ L e a

l I T n T a raquo laquoraquoraquobullraquoraquo 0 Z^A y COn e l f r a i l e d e a laquo I d a a laquo laquo -tojnl y promesa- libertad y de bdquo u p r e w a ^ i r e n e r a d o bdquo d e r e v 0 t e iacuteltm m e s p a ( l a i a

1 gt] a a I l e r a d e ^ ^ ^ e n d e d e el S ^ l e S Iacute K u e E s e P a r i d o q i e r e b a ) 1gtara P 0 o r d e raquo bull raquo laquo laquo

J lAacutetras e m b l e m iacute de la canalla iwinnarim ltraquo M e x i c ) P s t i l i m gt u i- doraacutersenos a fuego leu- ebdquo s u s c a r t a s t o r i e 8 p u e s laquo b a r con la propiedad privada ^ p a l s (el orden y paz burgueses bull ni IacuteI bull trade 0 e n r a e a trade n da de principios anticristianos v i o para mayor honra y gloria n r c d i l a n U l i a c iquest s a y t k a n y anupular vuestras instituciones bull laquoT basados e a la esclavitud dlaquo loraquo de

proyguio loca 41 ira u nanuua a t i e i p i r j l u iexcl i l e s Son eneinijfos del Sentildeor Dice asi Temo oUn gt poliacutet icas econoacutemicas sociales E Decididamente P e p i t o tiene a b iacute o a e s t o s hombres de buena tncolor de toda reliffion pero p r i n c i p a l - q u e la espada sea el uacutenico argu- por lo que veo ^ esos vivos por- morales y rel igiosas para inaugu- s e ( ] d e O t r o s o r b o deja vac ia la v o u n t a d se oponraquo f ieramente e l B dlaquo Ti bull l laquo iacute l mdash -s i raquo i e n f de la catoacutelica 15xtiexclrpiexclrla mentoacute de peso que tomaran en tadores de enatruas creen buena rar el reino de la anarquiacutea^ en la botel la reguumlelda ruidosamente P a r t i d o Liberal porqueacute bien sabe bull tu hTdMi iraquo 1 Cn t ^ l copy - l c l c r a z u ltlcl pueblo es un pro- consideracioacuten ( l o s revolucionarios l a resignacioacuten en otros no en e- nuc tan faacutecil seacute hace a los^invtr- como marrano sat i s fecho y con- q u c e l triunfo de loa araiCos del bull m^rariacutent al UumlJf i T iexcl o iquest P^ito capital Como no pueden mexicanos) y creo que tarde o Hos consideran como una virtud laquolaquoenzas apropiarse lo ajeno y tiacutenua escribiendo E l Part ido o r e n raquo - la derrota deacutelos queacute d^ndensu honmv iacuteii iexclib-riad c o n s e S u r l Por medios legiacutetimos temprano alguna forma de Iacutenter- ] a paciencia en los demaacutes y asi alaquor las cosas a su talante Liberal no quierequehaya pereo- h a n r l a d deg - degraquo Mexicanoraquo vuesr ~ v j recurren a la calumnia pari perse- vencioacuten se haraacute necesaria en a- por el estilo Kn efecto el Partido Libera ntildeas que posean y otros que nb po- trades l e n c s (Pepito bromea pofc

^ i n e i e s e e bull1 a (tmr a la iglesia en la pprsona de quel pais Uno de susj mandamientos ilesicao quiere acabar con todo seali asi los borrachos y l o s d i s - u e iacute o n r ) i e D e n e s cueacutentan-Iacuteoi ZPT i bull I bull i-- bulllaquobull v i a n s B l fmpros esperando que la 151 escritor clerical Raymond G dice no mataras peroe l lo s se eso que dice Pepito y que cens- pilfiiacuteriadores se hallaran e n la d e s 1 lt r e lt a d u s A no ser que fjp | h i V bull bull(bulllaquoltbull]bull- destruccioacuten de la clrecia l leve C-irroll con el caritativo proposi- l impian las narices con el tiuiye lo que se lam l sistema mismScondicion r u eacute ios hombres rc^liacutetTn a 1deg bienes dej l o s btxr-i leshnn-ados til li- bull crimen n s deg n destruccioacuten de toda re- to de que el pobre Wnodraw W i l - famoso mandamiento y le urgen capitalista o b u q u e s pero ven virtuosos y honrados q u e s e s a c r i - trests ^ vn e s e Sa s oraquo deg ba h a -d Bmtamanteacute profligaste abriiM) l i i f i o- son se embarque en la empresa de al profesorcillo Wuumlsoacuten que m a n - a c a pedazo de laquoIcnmcqiic y d i - f i e a n p a v i ahorrar un poco d e b i deg r deg iexcl o r P a r c d e l o s proletaraquo aSanta a bull Mtir uw Miramoacuten Os sacerdotes de los lugares exterminar religiosamente se de sus snldidosa matar al por me iquestcmno es que alguien pueda dinero y mejorar asi su condi- T IacutedegS 1gtdeg1lt5ue quitarlealjfo a raquo1-v Mraquo- - V r bull bull i - i iacute ini aullados por los rev gtlueionarios laquontiende a lraquos rebeldes mexica- mayof rebeldes inexicans eMo apropiarse lo ajeno en nns socie- cion sociaiacute gun burgueacutes no se le roba se eje-h i i o i n l n Ti o-) t gt ado~- ban sido expulsados en conjunto nolt pinta las tort iras de les es hombres que se sacrifican por d a d como la sociedad anarquista Losborrachos ylosdesnilfMrr- S2Iacute2-1mdashacto(eajusticia jaque lo to ntildeor emhbullbullraacuter Portrio Diai es s i n o r n l i l a l e u n a d juicio Pe ensotanadosde esta manera La el bienestar de la humanidad e n quC todo es de todos dores son los cleacuterigos iquestober^an- q n e ene e l r K u e s h a s d P P r 0 cfavizo -I ou- o a t u eombri bull l f s l l a rlgt^i de todo l o q u e p o - I g l e s i a de San Antonio de atre- No lo quelos cleacuterigos qnieren bull t e s y los burgueses Los prole- liuciio Vo l o s trabajadores 0 laquo s Madero traiciono la Revolucioacuten a r i a n - v a uchoy deellosselesha vida arquitectura que guarda una es que todos sean mansosparaque fe _ tantildeos no tienen ni para mal vivir deg r a ltie l a r a u r a l e z a gt h a P v i o 1raquo-en tu nombre Huerta te bendije laquoncerrlaquok enlraquoprWonlaquo Otros semejanza con la Catedral de San se dejen laquoplata y tiranizar sin bull iquestque pueden despilfarrar Les f 7 raquo t trade laquo P - laquo raquo - raquo raquo bull C m m b acbma iexclTu en v - gta laquo1 t-rtnrados A algunos Rasilio enMoscowhasulo trans-exhalar unaqu(Japerolas doc- ^ y ^ p b r e s no pueden darse b u ( n a 3 a ^ ^ l o - s e chancea p o r q u e e -bres el crimen la explotacioacuten y la 1ltM 1trade gtlaquoltlaquobullbull Hasta los o b s - (ormida por los l lamados cons - trinas que predtean no rezan con s raquo c o n | e n r ) l a n d o e y o d - v l d a iquest P deg r e a 0 bulllaquogtbull f lacos E n f l trade iacuteraquoraquoraquoraquo raquo laquo raquo laquo Urania poundSo eres tu la ensena de raquo n o a n esCIacute)a10 d e c s iacute a s --otrade^ u s a l deg laquoS-sla- ellos cuando el caso se presenta raquo raquo d e ) a s cambia los frailes los burgueses n s tradelaquotrade raquo laquoraquo l a laquoIdas-de IOS esbirros que proyectaba su laquogt-laquocobdquoes y cuantos caen en sus tivo De otras laquo esias han se- S fueran honrados esos bribones l a b r a 3

Pa m o r o s a 9 l e l e s o l t o a y los gobernantes revientan d e laquolaquo^v-ntos) han asedado cm-

sombra siniestra en los camposde m a n o tradeflaquotrade bullnd4 mddlaquo euestrado y quemado los archi- comenzariacutean por practicar lo que Praquo d e a r J iexcl gordos y lo que es peor sin laquo bull bullraquolaquobulllaquoltraquolaquo (rauninocentes ~~raquo_laquoibdquo i- 11 laquobull iexcl i ibdquo que se ven obligados a esconderse vos Hombres y mujeres en to- predicau raquo laquo raquo K I trade laquo bullraquo hacer nada uacutetil enrobdquombdquobdquojbdquo ibdquo s l o s burgueses los cleacuterigo S S l l l w t arJl f o a a laquo1laquolaquo P-iacutea- iquesto Meacutexico han sido lanzados de El proletariado religioso debe- ba al pasar junto a el por el jar- ^ ~ pound laquo ^ S a S f l v l o 3 laquoPlaquolaquotantes de la autori-rucatanr - luisie ei trajn en R ] t a r ( iexcl e n a l 0 C o w n e U i ltlp Bo S l o s c a U 8 t r o s y expulsados del pais riacutea tomar nota de los ctos de los am palabras que le quemaron ti - ~raquo a^aoorea uacute iacute i h

han perseguido a vuesro S 2 h ^ iexcl t ^ i o ^ L 5 S L Iacute tlaquof aboga tambieacuten con manse- sin permitirles llevar consigo ni sentildeores de sotana para emanci- rostro como M huberan formado ^ ciexclan ^ bemmlfl d e [ a iexcl wiacutetfiquest t I ^ L t Z IacuteM^ ltraquoiexclaraquoa Praquor 1 laquo laquo laquoa su ropa ni sus libros de oraciones par sus mentes de los errores que parte del alento deacutela boca de trade V ~ v u e s t r raquo niclJlepar eMtjrlal iccatomne ( t a s a j iacute a ] l ) s l n l x i c a r l o s H e s i e t e Arzobispos seis Obispos y les ha infundiacutedo la clerigalla bprno Slaquo ruboriza vuelvfe _ a l a borracho Pepito escribe estas No cabe duda elClero es bene-)^^1Jiquest^]TAgt1ZIacuteAlaquo aquiacute como se expresa ese pajaro cientos de sacerdotes y monjas Y basta por hoy de asuntos de afianzar la pluma y escnbe hbdquoeraquogt quieren supiulr el de- meacuterito He aquiacute sus obras piado-7tpoundiquest2iacutetoiquestiacuteniacuteST gtbullbull PW a raquo raquo laquo raquo dlaquo laquo a deg s i d c ignominiosamente arro- faldillones fo bull bull 0 laquo laquo raquo pues dernbarto- red de la pPbdquopiwJd privada Plttrade sas se opuso a la i n d e c e n c i a t IacuteiiquestpoundpoundteiacuteltpoundnZ iquestlaquotro honor publico como na- jados de Meacutexico Ha si- tauib raquo laquo MACOraquo do gobierno constitudo para que elaquobdquojd r exraquo i e a s de 1 eltrade laquora- de Meacutexico y fue el principal ver-do y bilaquoo mis pleguesse ag upan _^ raquo ___ ^ no haya orden quiere eliminar a lbdquoj(ror dugo de los insurUnteP exco-todos los trabadores mtebgen- -T^r-bull u ^ _ _ _ _ - g T T mdash A 1 ^ la Iglesia porque esU es enfreno A h ( r s nieacuten^nieqne Pepio bdquoo L i g o a Hia g o a M ^ e l o s ^ t laquo y valerosos Yo no retontildeo- ] V f | f f | f i i 2 r V t l G l O Vtrade^ Vtradetradeeiexcliexcl raquobull - - blaquotradeltdeg- bull H raquo I M ^ t ^ l f i ^ n Z S co raza ni solor todos los hom ^L ^ - V ^ T 1 ^ laquo L - B 1 raquo ^ euro _ A - bull - W m - ^ - a W ^ T d e o s fibrobres v iexcl c i o s o s a i a v e s laquo to0Urre tebdquo-r

H ^ deg deg deg s e bresobdquo i iuak S parami S oye l _ N q u e e s ofensora del d e r e c h o t a ^ r a bdquo A 1 ^ raquo ^ - ^ totKpentociacute f 2 ^ emWeraa deja jusUca y de la h- iquest w iexcl p w a 3 o s meros en cometer actos contrarios y a p o y 0 de los desheredados deacutela j mmdbdquo a n bdquo o J J i n v a 4 P

t bertad y cuando triunfe mi causa al patr otismoiquesty en pcfmitir que fortuiia bull bull piedraquod urivadn m ^ i J -uiiexclT bull adeg lt e laquo vasores a no habraacute n iacute d o e m s porque to- laquogt emoeiacuteonrio hasta los tue- ^ iquest iquest iquest c l lo

Ps d i c e bdquo - ( c l ^ - P e t oacute bull iquest ^ tch n S t S I 1 T ^ ^ iacute f ^

dos los sereshumanosseconsuacutek- tunos lamenta la penmiaque honor nacional Como ejemplo laquo E J T S d i L S E t a W raran hermanos los pobres sufren en Meacutexico y A 0 gt ^ n raquolaquobulllaquobull b laquo e n

lte 8 - tenemos al carraneismo esuu ac- ^ ^ 3 que lTL 0^Tiod trade u deg77 f ^ ^ T bull

bullp-l pcfniendn de Iniacute rnnneiacute v i tomago el reconoctmieto de Ca- tn - ( bdquo ^ bdquo bdquo bdquo ^ n n l na Dajo el Sistema tmrgues que ms narcos tono en iibdquoa palabra lamitraquoddel territorio naciona k h ^ k t a l t o h raquodevelatrataiKllaquode eneon- r r a n z a p o r l o s g o b i e r n o a e x t r a n ^ K a Iacute S ^ ^ ^ B

eltradajadorquetodolonroduee en pnderdelos tlaquobJlaquo J o l l W 1 u4bdquo iWoaMxico aUj-rcito fr-nees M U laquo amp ^ t a E bullgtbullraquoraquo raquolaquolraquoPHva alivar j e r o s ^ ^ ^ q u i e r e s e r ^ S iacute ^ ^ ntilde asuntos diexcl bull m Iacute 8 e r i a gt ^nudezj mien- y co qbdquoeacute ifniA pbdquodaacute eordbdquorlaquo y paseo bajo palio en las iglesias puta laquo r b a l d e l ^ bande as J a ^ ^ ^ ^ x U a n o g

Jp r e a iexcl d e n t iquest ^ e m j s ros se entrometan e bdquo a trade n t o s ^ t r a s e frai le holgazaacuten y el bur- expensas de e j w N d P e l t i t o o s a s e 5 iexcl n 0 9 d e l o B mJiquestwos

-llardo laquo o m J n M B K n iacute a m b ( ) ( w gt h a | o ver mo Q o r e g o n d iexcl c e e n g u r u d f l e n los macanos En^1 casode Ca- mfiexclzoso y e f u n c i o n a r i o estaacute borachol laquo ^ e n e l t r o n o a e M e s iexcl c 0 u n

laquo I l ntilde f t W ^ r ntilde ntilde n t i Afl todvla aqni entorne de sus K ^ yo perdi una pata (unade J ^ J O patrioacutetico hay iacute f laquo iexcl T v ^ ^ laquo ^ b a n d Iacute d o U s t r i raquo c lt iacute a c u y o ^ r v i iquest deg

K uuml E S T R O aacute P 8 Iacute S 0 S i i a r i e ^ - raquo laquo laquo ^ o ^ ^ i ^ e S e ^ ^ ~ - g iquest ^ - ^ - 1 - i v ^ ^ i g Oacute ^ S ^

Enfl pro ^ numero ^ ^ ^ 2 2 ^ trade laquo raquo gt - - - - - bull ZZuumlggZSigtZ Z^tt^tt^^^- T^ ^tlpound

1 8 raquo aaiOB r e iacute a i i v e s a j - 1 gt mieubrp sirve para encumbrarse de Meacutexico raquobdquoraquobdquontrndo v existen los l 8 traded ds a- bull laquo B P t l r l oacute d laquo B e ^ e l 7 0 0 l l l - M raquo w w n n t trade laquo n n laquo ^ laquo t e l o d e i h a a l aacute raquo i i d o iexclQue honra para los patriotas S i J ^ f c irfeHnatiacuteonesrriha e l d lm ^hriexcl ltlaquolaquod-3qe Uuml p s u e r o s v y de J o s eacute Aacute n g e l ha iqueste BU corazoacuten A Meacutexico I M c e a i u c s a pt rdiltfa d e l a v ( iexcl r ^ m a s depravadas- viblan nintildeos l l e g a P ra c n e r e o n A u iexcliexclo laquo - T Hernaacutendez y L u c i o Luna enviacutea trenca (-argados de c o - ^enza V corrompen mujeres y se entregan J a I o que Antonio I Vi l l - P e p i t o no s e resigna a empu-e n l a s o a r c e X e oacute d e l s a l - ni iacute f t ibW y para loraquo barrv- Moncaieario anda suelto Icui- entre si a placeres que la pluma ^ bdquodegtrade ^iacute0 dlaquo1-trade- ntildear el picoy lapalacoaqueten-v a g E s iacute a d o d e c e n a iraquotrade1raquo )laquo 6B laquoi^mayai de d a d o M M bull bdquo bdquo bdquo n o quiere describir iexclLa Iglesia ^ iquest J V trade^trade bullraquo laquo bull laquobulllaquobull laquolaquo laquo a laquo r raquologramos IPs a-

fiiacutetre t a n t o no o l v i - Mhiliia en las calles de Cbi- ^ defensora del derecho luz y a- bull iexcldeg ^ - bull deg n a r m s f hacer triunfare1siste-E n t r e t a n t o n o o l y i - fe poyo de los desheredados iexclQue ua al^raquolaquogtn prsdueuraquo bdquor U niacutea justiciero de la propiedad c 0 -

^rf^T^cSfAueiloS2l^iquestl^^)2 Pablo Gonzaacutelez uno de los g e - v d e L r o cuando el sacerdote y el - laquo - laquo laquo laquo I Coleacuteris hce reehi- n u n i e l u ere pue perdure el sis- bull o n n u e s t r o s m aacute r t i r e s y l111 peilaraquogt no |gtraquon fimo n e r a l i l l o s carrancistas dice que P e p t o a r a a B e c deg d e mantiacute- tirano han obrado siemprs de co- raquor 1laquo pluma sobre 1 pl estam tema actual para coniacutemuarvmen-q u e n e o e s i t a n de l a a y u - Ks ijue Wilson da el raquoloacuten y a f i e n e s iexcl e t e a e r o p i a u o s p a r a Pepi to es un afeminado de esos m u n a c a e r d o para oprimir y ex- Plnd tste iacutelaquoliexcl - haraquo de- o sin trabajar como lo hacen su d a d e t o d o raquo l o s t r a b a j a - [ara cernerse la pechuga a r o j a r u o r a b a s a los zapatistas q u e a b raquo n d a n e n I o s conventos y p o t a I a ) o a p n e b i o s iexcl clarado guerra RIU cuaril a la An- congeneres y declara que es im-d o r e s CCmaoientBB x ei sus madrigueras en sacristiacuteas pues bien sabido es- toridad y al Clero porqne enel-trade posible la realizacioacuten de nuestros

_ fe- Mucho g a s t o de dinero implica t a C i n 0 c s a O S p S S O n p r fe ven lesoliata-uloraquo maacutes pbdquoderosos a ideaes Dice asi f^ossocialistas j u 1 tidnrios de los vicios contra natu- fa miras anaacuterquicas (deberiacutea decir anarquistas) mejri-

JSS^SSSiiacuteiacute^SSSSfS^ Ka tfnerodeeste afo en un dis ^ l ^ ^ Z Z ^ ^ r t r a Pepito se rtsea la calabaza di- A ft(iexcllti a f e c t a n f a v o r e c e r bdquo e n a j e n a c i o n

S | ^ 9 i iexcl S Iacute ^ cunraquo laquo |raquoraquotradeDcraquoenIraquoaa i i po ^lado ^ r solo r e c o c e r oacuteuea P e p i t deg - d e s d e laquou laquomVenticulo golaeabeza De nn eajon saca muchachos v lus borrachos de la propiedad privada para que t^aiquestrDiacuteasiquestsTSiacuteIacuteA c7oxlaquoS HsWillaquon expresoacute snopinoraquo sobre f bdquo l T V i T e 1 T i de bas VegasNuevo Meacutexico se Una botella de Whtskey y sm u- j ^ y d d - E p M deg d ^ pueda servir aluso comuacuten del pue bull bull S S r S a S M f t r iacute J T V - ^ -W mtaemdejrallaquoBn1leaiio t l e r f a d e b e laquo d c l u e U r a b a5a- dispara contra el Maacutenifiestode 23 sar vaso se echa de unsorbo la p ^ X ^ j T en t Abdquobdquofiexcldad o de heehobien saben que esas S ^ T ^ ^ K ^ Iacute S ^ a f iacute C M S i S i 1- rrtjpoundlodesiis asuntos internos fe^ d e Septiembre de 1911 N o le mi tad del contenido tose encien- y el Clero veinoacutes los anaacuterquilaquotaacutes un s o ideas de imposible ejecucioacuten u iacuteKiiiacutetradeiacuterir^lwV1tV miacuteTIacuteJ Mas tariacutele en Junio se met ioacute a K n s t a e i Manifiesto y con amar- de u n buen puro comprado con igtst ft0bdquoiu uacutear bdquobdquobdquo bdquo u bdquo _ bdquo i J j I ldcas de imposible ejecucioacuten iacuteS tXiacute t irraquo l t iacute l i r tradeawlaquoiacutetrade k K ^bado y advirtioacute a los leaders Bernardo Loacutepez un individuo g o despecho exc lama SJexica- la l imosna que dio u n ppoundgtDre (tiacutea- jgt u (iilaferalflnlibreydichoiiraquo Por E s e ha sido el gr i to de todos loa degriacuteampiriacuterfitradeOacute Hd i t icoSuumleacute-Meacutexico que o arregl q u c vende bebistrajos e n Kansas nos Iraquoos ideales del Par t ido L i - b l o a l a Iglesia e n v raquo z d e c o r o - elgtn i a o hin 0 os eouira la Autoridad y lt iue omo e P i t 0 gt s e laquoPonen a que laquoiquestSSbeS oiacuteiacuteiraacuteLiiacuteiacute1trade Udegdeg deg IacuteKt pronto sus diferencias y forma City Missouri quiere que los me- beral Mexicano que esta causan- prarlesrpanasushijosy se pone B| oiero se realice un ptogresojque pone laquon O CBOOOOOOOOOOOO o b a u n goeacuteferno estable o la ten- xicauos de por aquellos rumbos lo do tantas discordias y revolucio- a eserbir con gran precipitacioacuten - peligro su posicioacuten privilegiada deg r MTT ir c - T diacuteiantibe pasar muy mal proine- reconozcan como Coacutensul de Bar- nes en vuestro hermoso pais son Capital Autoridad Cleao he yM Ese fue el grito deacute iacuteaacute noblesa o A LOS CcmPAHE-vOS D- iquest i ( l l d o e ) t V J i m l i o reconocer a los b a s dft chivo y parece seguacuten se enteramente socialistas es decir aqui las tres cosas que hicieron bdquo c u a n d o iexcl a burguesiacutea enaiacutebolo la e Por la presente baeeniM o qti- estuvieran de acuerdo con n o s informa que amenaza con quimeacutericos de Meacutexico una nacioacuten civil izada D- spechadu pnrjns triunfos que bdquo bdquo 1 n trade L j i laquo laquo - L tiacute r n u - ilaquo n i hraquoraacutelaquori i rilaquo o _bull laquori f bull bullbull n 11-1 j - ^ _ - _ i i i j i laquo bdquobdquo i D1 ijt J ounuera ue ios uerecnos ael Hom S SSSSi V deg L 5 f r SSSSinS S trade -verreuacuteoia Villa se apre- d c s p c h a r a Meacutexico a vez p a lt D i s t i n g a m o s P e p i o nuestros el 0 4 desaacuterrolltabto ta ri- que U Revouciduvslcnzando ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ Z S T Odlt Espantildea laquolaquo el compantildeero o swu a manifestar su buena dispo- ^ u e s iexcl r r a n d e s ( i 4 a d o s a su amo tdealca son realmente socialistas quezas naturales del pais la A- disprraquo de esta suerte Contra el t M C U bdquo n d o l a bandera reoubllcaria S L T amp S S S - I5T S K i a S fcioup^^ntrarentratadoscon a todos aqullos que no se dignen Cn cuanto negados el llamado de- laquotoridad h laquo - d o respetar las ^ laquo ^ ^ laquo laquo laquo l ^ ^ laquo t e ^ S 1 S iacute bull Espantildea lia quedado al frente le O laquobull leaderraquode otras facciones reconocerlo reacutecho de propiedad privada pero IW68 1raquo deMlaquogtaen la libertad partido tiene enarbolada laquou san iexcl exclamaron loa eon-o UumlBBScroHaSl iS laquoegiexcl6nEdeg=n o laquo m ^ bull i trade deg raquo n 0 r 1 0 S i N o h a y u e a s u s a r B e M e t i c a - ^m6 ai mismo tiempo negamos individual y nacional el iquestClero Krienabandegti laquo lo campo d J ^ o w cuando la Junta Or-iiacuteSSSSSi tamodl iacutea^Wribraquo O encargo es Carranza el que va n o s E s e Lopez no tiene ninguacuten e p r l c i p iode Autoridad y que- ensenando sentirmentoilaubl mes aceidu en Meacutexico Aprove- ^ X r del Partido Liberal 8 flfAff2S- J2poundTdegme0- poder p a r enviar a nadie a l a r e I M 0 9 q raquo e l a riqueza social sea d laquo P gt laquo d raquo a y a m o r a todos indi- a t a n t e adeana deestos mmwnto ^ ^ ^ d d e bdquo f O fcrdlaquoPJSa SpoundpoundConeacuteuiacute O Primero dijo Wilson que ro filas y si se preacutesenla con imper p r o p i e d a d c o m a n q t l e c a d q u i c n iquestlaquondouna patrgt futura mue^o de confBdn y zlaquoobra euando 1 iexcl iexcl pound raquo raquo 0 trade raquo ^ o laquorviriacuten laquotenderraquo en lo de o h a iacute ) i a q u e entrometerse e n los u- t inencias no teneacuteis otra cosa que trabaic seuun sus apt i tudes T laquoaraquo rica y hermoaa que vuestra-derecho oonnista en la fuerza brutal poundbdquobdquo bdquo f n _ _ d o laquo Araquo eacute O iilstantt laquoodoa rujjtros a-nigoraquo O traoaje seguacuten sns apiiiuuea y laquoraquo~ movtiraquotraquo da lnavaheeillu Ionriacuteraquobdquolrnbdquo^tbdquo gritan los tetrograaos anwei sol bull in ip tUdorbdquo iesidenKraquo en O siintraquo mexieanos despueacutes s e e r - hacer que darle un puntapieacute por consuma seguacuten sus necesidades P11 faerra mdeg5 t iacute e sraquo bdquo u i v i 0 n Iacute M esplendoroso del Mahiacutefieito de raquo bull aquel ptia _ g tromete pone como condicioacuten T V el trasero s i fuera9- h o n r a d o habrias d icho S e neces i ta haber ingerido la h a n a r r e s t a d o muchas t ierras tus d 8 e p t i ( m b n d e i m iexclLadrido bull O O O 0 6 C O 0 O O O O O O O reomocirtiento que se este deti- q t t e j o iexcl j e a t e s d e l Partido Libe- mi tad d e l c o n t e m d o d e una bo^e- eBlMmoi duentildeos para l ^ a A s _ l a l n i j raquo t ~

cnerdo con su poliacutetica y favorece raquo ral Mexicano son enteramente Ha de alcohol como lo hizo Pepito I raquo raquo n c u e n t a -gt JSvndo raquo)ltlaquobull iarc en avndar a | ^ ^ n 0 lo estuvo Los partidos autoritarios ha-anarquistas Estos ideales Pe- P laquo raquo atreverse a decir con bulltanta Lo que deplora Pepito y depio- -0(iexcl

I i tm l e e neoejaria pora rfraquoe ()ciexcldidamente los funcions- ilan mucho de patriotismo honor pito estaacuten basados en la ciencia frescura semejantesrnajadenas rentodelaquolopaniritwde ^ cnlsRa B fc enrfia no W q u laquo I e i ju tn- riacuteos puacuteblicos estaacuten fuera de su hiexcl- nac ioniacute l v no se que cosas mas y por lo mismo no pueden ser Como buen c l e n g o t ienes que sa- es eso p-eol raquoente qne los prole- Pep raquo laquo e n t e sed tes ta crudoe raquo j e n C laquo o l o a u n lt raquo p o r o bdquo bull ruedo de u n circo cono pero l legado el caso so los P r iexcl - quimeacuterico Quimera son tn in- Hrraquo la defensa de t u s h e r m a n o s l a toraquo laquo( laquojen ahora | l l e r r por miserable 1 V u e h e po lve trade

SaMK lftiacuteta Octubre de lal 5 Pagina 3 iMUuiitj ^raquoiexcllaquowiraquotCTMltr^flaquoltw i^iiir iMniiy^iiiEacuteragtai UI-UJU

Regeneracioacuten EDITOR Enrique Flores Mairaquoon OFICINAS 2325 Ivanhoe Ave Direccioacuten Postal P O Box 123(1 5gt bullbull LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA


Telefono Home 556003

de arr iba Penas de promesas extrac del inagotable cajoacuten o t r a ltbull J t n o r a n c j a 0 i nd i f e r enc i a a

MJtfvo icnrroR Tose Vaacutelele as riiiertlt- de rnHgt-iro quendo

otmipitiiraquo- AIIKIIID L Kiiiiicron Esto firme abnepado y sincero noraquo oiiigafl rxmhinr otro E-IPnr dltgt compantildeero de ideas se encuentra

bullbullbullmdash- A - | RKiacuteiliacuteN fUCIacuteON if-la l-ypov- preso en la caacutercel del Condado de bulln T r a b a j a d o r Ja vida poundbull-tai a-iacute h- quiere yinvqnraquo mmpuumlr esta ciudad En legitima defensa vde REGENERACIOacuteN esiacute con ella p n no perder el registro hirioacute a un individuo que se dice vjtan necesaria para ti cornoiquest lttlaquo laquoemuid viexclm penetro a su casa y agredioacute a su felpan en tu mesa v ii-raquo- pnlaquoadltgtqic iexclCritique sea familiacon un puntildeal REGENERACIOacuteN es un^ i lt i bdquobull_lt- bdquobdquobdquo tH n-trade en lo Ijdegs tramites lentos de los tri perioacutedico que sirve para e-fiexcl miee-iv- bunalcH son la causa de que el vducarte para hacerte verjr Toda cni-gt-eltpigt-ibmlt-iexcln d^i-m ner buen compantildeero se encuentre ^ que iacuteiiacutenes derecho con tu pound onvindi con elaquoia dirPltj1( HnrUpiraquo- preso todaviacutea familia a llevar una vida pior^ iagm p o-bW 1VG lltvraquo Bueno seria que loa compane-

Ciil ros que puedan hacerlo visiten _bdquobdquobdquobdquo a j 0 f i e ahora que seencuntra en-

bull que arrastras y que por tuff x ( gt K raquo K I K T tro las redes de la ley burguesa

^ gt ^ gt ^ ^ laquo ^ ^


Un laquontildeo $100~Seis meses 50csmdash Nuacutemero suelto Jes

paqueteros 2Y2c ejemplar

otra ves suspira roe alando las v verdaderamente humana y iacute AnB(MIacutegt caldeadas pa labrasc le lensotanndo ^ ^ e x i iexcl e n d a m j S e r a b e ^ B

f ^

3 $ 1

botella y de un Sorbo casi la va- iexcliquest i n t e r e s e s t iexcl e t u C lase ha-f I Jemes recibido al mi-rno

repente clava la vista en su mesa ^ m c movimieto que Se Uama^ tft (|Huuml trabaja piir crear on presoacute y tropieza con el clasico emu i - i R c v o | u c i o n Mexicana y esv fcspaiaunanbieuIacuteHlH raquoiexclv-nito rojo el Matnin-M ltilt- _bullbull -iquestpreciso que viva iste peno-- ^

Los diacuteas de visita son los martes y los viernes de di z a doce del

de Ja tarde a paneros

agresor esta agmlido esta

ntto rojo de 8laquopUtmM de lttl

por riacuteos


_ i i c u s u t m e viva i s i c raiexclu-i- + bull bdquo bdquobdquo i bull 0 k i d a iacutedico para que la sangre deiacuter a t a iacute u a l o s bull^laquolaquobull Hlaquoe -REGENERACIOacuteN

amo- Iacute-IM- t ^ k - s ^ w ^ tradelaquo K- laquobull luchan por su emancmaeion bull anormales

momento sus amdeg-iacutelos trabajadores que han In-liacute l u ( n a n frecuentes en iacutejehado y luchan nc Meacutexicoo oconomica

su emancipacioacuten bullase do ltgtlt s-das

ESRR m^ mmmmm m HEQEHBHflQlOH



bdquo DE CLASE-

iacuteggggiacuteaacuteft5=388gf r - ^ ^ ^

los cleacuterigos v escribe a las volan- iquestno sea aprovechada por losv lilnutades

Con iexclrrandes difiacutecnltades hornos podido publicar el presente n n -tnero de K K G E N E K A C I O N

dyrmdash -i egggaiexclf2ntildeB3iacute^

daS -Si bull qiwrcisHei ld o iexclambitJObOS que quleien em~lt Nbdquo 1HMOH recibido todaviacutea u H Hltrro do v u p l v a a bullifiliaos al P a r t i d o Libe- lipleOS publlCOS S n o p o r l1)4 bdquo bdquo bdquo f m r iwbdquoMnlt151 1 1 | - C1 P c l lltraquo r o ( R lt l l - ^ U ( ^ (t

nes I l d n - i 1 M l t n r i n iquest L laquo ^ laquo h r w r H 1 trade - i 0 P lt l ( J l u U s ( 0 ) l V - praquotilt1u-iilpM suspenderse el perioacutedico por ful-ivrlaquovigtTnriexcl s i por el cont iacutear io ios CiesneiCuauOS raquo r-

ral Mexicanoraquo si i iquest T | 1 L bdquo _ m _ t r u i - bull H los n uacute m e r o s O H iacute I v 1raquo ta de elementos pecuniarias oacute ltuT personas honradas lit- i i U UCOer c o m o naiacuteWjamdashbullbull bull r bull iquest

bull i T iacute u n T r a e l c o n todaraquo vues t ras iacuteu to r c o m o m i e m b r o d e l a lt i 0 laquo n p a t i e o c l ^ H v p e t h - Pedimos a nuest ros lectores chad contra tsilaquolt ^- i k o gt n bdquo bdquo bdquo i iexcl bdquo i i raquo ulaquo ^-claquogtlaquo t pnraquoiraquornlaquo s l

bullq U W W nTr7eiacutecoacutentoacuteltiacuteaacute 8 vues t ras iacute u l o r c o m O m i e m b ^ d e iacute a [ gt lt i o ^ n i a t i c o e o ^ y peltH- Pedimos a nuest ros lectores

bdquo Sgrar i Clase p r o d u c t o r a d e Ia t gtdeg^ p raquo i t i icd i (Mk-laquo8talaquol iacute i uumlasa ltlraquoe raquoe apresuren a enviarnos sil-luerasi laquolaquoiexclm raquo- cnr-iacuteal laquoc -svn lt gtv - v c n i - i laquouna ayuda para laquopie no vuelva

Yo rreo oue Pepito en su em- ^riqueza soual es ayUi ltu diexclr su Grupo Lditor uuo liacuteos ha- v o c a u i bull i nbdquo(-rio bullUIacuteltTiacuterMFRAr^AM mwlgt i bull a ocurrir qlte se suspenda la pu-

briagieuuml qu so decir lo contiano KM^HiUvtUUiN paiaf u-a a remesa lt e e os laquoersonas honradas vjque este perioacutedico continueacute blicacion dtiacute este perioacutedico uacutetil

sinuereisserpersonn raquo raquo bull mdash ^ ^ ^ iquest Z ^ ^ i c Z L deg S Ctraquoraquolraquolaquonerolaquo de toda Asi pues a contribuir todos iexcliiexclni i Partido Liberal Mcxi- ^nummanuumlO conciencias l i l i l iacute i bull afinaos araquo Iacutelt erfin ^rl-raquolaquoiacutert nr^nniacutevc tuiu-in aacute- a Amoncii (luedoseet) leer con algo

bulljano-Hiacute por el contrario querua ^piando corazonesraquo avivan- f r hdrones luchad confa el do enervas iacute I i iaVlM)lOAltngt4 deben -

Cou todas vueacutestr-B fueras iquestNo -J Contribuye a la vida dej pedirlo a Ricardo Flores Ma- A T E N C I 0 N ( TRABAJADORES

es asi Pepito iexclj CSte i penOdiacuteCO COJIJO qUCf g o n ]gt O Box I2iacutetgt L O S An- Todos los dominas a las 7 y Vi de miacutetines de propaganda

1 Centro de Estudios do en la calle de San

767mdashAsistid a apren-dejar de ser pobresmdashEn-

^puedas No compres losj g t iacute l e8 i Cajgt( ] agt A mompa- laquo che hay u pe r ioacuted icos d e la b u r g u e s iacute a lt bdquo ) bdquo bull i- gt en el Local de

apoya REGENERACIOacuteN- l a ft bU r 1 1 0 e iacute v a l r dJ ^ - - - - laquotraquo raquobullT ndeg q t l e ^oue es tu perodico es tuf l laquoub^-npcmn uuml$u buuml senes- j e trade ^ No a Kevoiuuon lt ) r t a v o z e s t u e s c U j 0 es tuff tro $ I -2U poruntildea anualidad trada gratis

i lltitrhltti (W iacuteiacute 1laquo llaquo iexclimita Kn maiton proletaria ilthniacuteiia tan eovriacutenicias oraquo potter de la buryutria taaobx-nt ifp RlfAuumlnn FlOKKK WAC10X

amp fraquo U Siacute


tu maestro Elf moneda americana _ dinero que gastas en pren-jiacute

Proacuteximo al com

re acHbar con la gritos y s -mberaaos v c feron- a ^ do d - e - t a m a n e r poco euca r s - M bdquo _

tica iexclarriba todos a p r o - ^ b u r g u e s a gt e s d i n e r o q u e ^

curar eacutel verdadero bien de n ^empleas en remachar tus ca-p tria a restabecer en eda el orden ^ Qm ^ ( | iexcl n e r o ^ x y U paz iMucra gta anarquial J Q pound n _ r e n s a | m r g u e s a p a

4os frailes la patria es el bull

IIPBittimtfT^^ t3^MaMgg8eg

Arte ll-dvoluoionario Con s te numero sifiacuteue la

serie de dibujos revolucionarios bull debidos a la p luma del intelig-en- iquest

Mz_viacutez vy^yiacute-vh -iacute viacute^iexclIacutexiacuteiacutesftr t iacutez h viacutev raquoiacuteraquoj-iacutes_tiacutezsiacuteiacute vfiacuterf


Juta Oroaoizaiacutelora I I P a i t i Liberal Hexkano

Patato fr-uesia pair - - v t ignorancia comprase - mdash mdash H - raquo - - enomago Asi es que puede tra- e s d ^ 5 t u d ^ ^ ^ te com r tneo Ncolas fiacuteevel iquest raquo laquo vociferacioacuten ltle la s- ^ rf iexclDe$piertaacutegt Cdeg ^ p ^ ^ l S ^ ^ I n t manera (h-y que tener + ^ ^ laquorasto-a -REGENEUACIOl piacuteient1 manera (h en taba fender el grito pueacutedese t aducido por i Muera laquoiexcl^ t u p pound 0 r e n f t m j g a

el trabajol

les ce le con


Camarada Si deseas que la vida de REGENE-

R A C I O N q u e d e a s e g u r a d a V Q U e e l n U - K C o i t r a e s t o s t r e s enemigos de la humanidad Gobierno Capital Clero 4-V laquolaquopondraacute las armas hasta que la tierra la maquinaria de produccioacuten

mero siguiente salga a tiempo apresura-- - - bull te a enviacuteairtu ayuda s raquobullraquo J

^ Los principios por los cuales lucha el Partido Liberal Mexicano estaacuten bullgt condensados en el Manifiesto que esta Junta expidioacute con fecha 23 de Sep-iquest tiembre de 1911 r1 Kl Partido Liberal Mexicano estaacute levantado en armaa en Meacutexico luchanuacuteo

7 no y los

Jiexcl laquotedios de transportacioacuten queden en las manos de todos y cada uno de los bullbull habitantes de Meacutexico hombres y mujeres y hasta que hayan desaparecido el

A|tirro burgueacutes el uacuteltimo representante de la Autoridad y laquo1 uacuteltimo sacerdiacuteiteraquo bulli bull gtbullraquo i T o d o hombre o toda mujer que desee pertenecer al Partido Liberal

^ - ^ ^ JV7Iacute4 -tji iquestrA iquest$iexcl-ty w i$~ gt$ zlaquo -zjx-7-STrjs-^v^jr7^v5f7^7vsr7iacute5 Mexicanono tendraacute otra cosa que hacer maacutes que firmar el cupoacuten que estaacute

abajo enviarlo a la Junta y remitir cada vez que pueda hacerlo la Cantidad que sus recursos le permitan erogar para los gastos del Partido

En las localidades donde haya varias compantildeeros y compantildeeras podraacute formarse un Grupo que no tenga maacutes funcionarios que un Secretario que se entienda con la correspondencia y enviacuteos de fondos a la Junta

Todo enviacuteo de correspondencia y dinero deberaacute hacerse con la siguiente bull RACIOacuteN a los paqueteros para qvie direccioacuten p o Box 1236 Los Angeles Cal

Al esfuer^ del gr i to quedo dormido Despcr

bargraquo i nqur to como ^ lgtHriolaquo I paldhfs quemadoras d e b a t iacute - O S j m ^ e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ in t roducido reproduciendo los di

ido REGENERACIOacuteN en ro de la celda de a r r i b a

f rusto la innovacioacuten que hemos j ~ a s t a t e n e r a i a uista un lago laquoo dejen de enviarnos un abono o Fi r f n a O ^ int roducido reproduciendo los di- T ^ i iacute o amiqne sea de lo que nos adeudan O bdquo deg

huios del comoanero Reveles Los jacales que se ven en el Dajio i raquo O Nombre completo O indo t r z o e s t o s ffarabatos bull bull bull J O O K ^ W B K A W U ^ e n - iquest m A r t c e s m e x V e l e n t e m e d i o iquestiquest son el taller de la impren ta y la para poder hacer frente laquobull todos O 0

Inrnito i u cbd ior la prospe- J Viacutealo a t u s a m i g o s r e s i d e n t e s ^ p r o p a iacute r a n d a oficina del perioacutedico los compromisos oue tenemos laquo ucupacon iquest o 0 deg r i d o p a i s lu^ Iacuteen MeXlCO ES preciSO querpound O Residente en O

^ Adminis -o Estadode o ridad de vuestro quei raquofr laquoW contra el Partido Liberal f ^ iquest iexcl ^ ^ pound [ PQY rCCaiacutegO de tobajO 00 W^CQ luuml SeCCiOll te

1 bajadores despiertos hayaJ taClOiacutel e s t a S e m a n a S t ^ H i llaquo mismo luchad ftras mayor numero distra-J

raquor sbirssi iacute S S r s s ^ ^ yioskuoc _ 3 miseria y la tiraniacutea flabdquodo y os tr b a j a U T e 3 sngt ^ J A famiHas laquo g a n - u f r i - n d o m i s e n a s - 4 ^

despre^oH por par te de raquolaquolaquo m - | j mos vrduios e iacuten ju s f c i a s mil ^ raquo laquo H F t

Numero O O Calle

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

pues a luchar con t ra lt1 Pnriido iacute a s aprecio a los que te di- h ff piwnimcnar luma bull- x-- lt exolota4ores ff

Catecismo IMasaiacuteor- Caitas a a Por Ramoacuten Verea

IDOS rechazarla para no caer en ella y causar un mal a nosotros Ia creacioacuten Adaacuten y Kva su caiacuteda el pecado original cl mismos y a la sociedad diluvio la Virgen Mariacutea Cristo la Trinidad la cruz el incienso

Por estas y otras muchas razones convendriacutea que todo el que el aRua bendita la Pascua las llaves de San Pedro la ininorta-pudiesc se casase y especialmente los cleacuterigos mientras la ilus- lidnd del alma al precepto de amar al proacutejimo como a siacute -mismo traeioacuten del pueblo nolos suprima por innecesarios costosos y el ayuno el rosario etc etc todas estas cosas son de origen


contra si misino jilucha contraiacutea tiraniacutea nun-^ jjca nos hemos vendido al po-^ |deroso hemos sufrido sin

EipWraquo Pepito se quedd di-finitiacute- queja martirios mil por de-pound twwmie dorando liacutei frraquoiie jjfender al oprimido Conf de la celda de arriba penetroacute de ^golo a b r i r n u e s t r o s labIacute0Sif pnntiiliwai laquopnwntoy ha traquo ^podernos cambiar nuestraff mm ^miserable y odiosa situacutea-

Ijcion poruntildea llena de dis-ff | tinciones y de riquezas yjj 2 entonces en vez de ser tus ff

^ bull j r laquo 7 u 7 i ^hermanos tus maestros y f produce Nuevo Meacuteiacuteiiso han IIPCIIO J - raquo ^ 1 i j t u s defeilSOreS Se r iacute amos tUSC Si ^ matrimonio es un sacramento de institucioacuten divina iquestpor

bulltiiiou laquo iquest ^u |j j a [giexcl c s j a p r iexcl v a de eacutel a sus ministros

Recibiacute amigo Juan 1u contestacioacuten a mis tres cartas anteno-

Los enHotHiiadoB dlaquo Las Vegup


unfolllaquotiU) titnlraquotlo Rt-spufistH laquo1 A

i T J laquo i I iexcl I L I T -J explotadores y verdugos Mraquomueiraquoio de Par ido Liberal 3 1 - VTT i ^ bull 1 s

D bdquo j No hagas aprecio a los que f xioauft escrita por Pepi to Al pie laquo5 i V

v nos llaman Vividores De-4

bull bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo raquo CARTA CUARTA K] Ciacuterupo 1-Mlltn- ilo ItTCtiacuteKMraA-

CHIN laquoo no tinco aollrtiivln do lraquo conven tos a u t o r l l u r l o g o IIIH-KIKPOS que nniiliin iMiPonti-BMc en es tn obra roraquo _bull ooiiKiiiiaotio uumloiiincntraquo la ltloi-uuml-lua r c s y comprendo perfectamente que no aciertes a explicarte el anlK-rilKloH eonteiU en olla ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ltiexcl ) ) a C B U g a d 0 i D k e s (bdquo1e f u eacute a l g uuml a s iacute como

una aurora despueacutes de liTta larga noche oscuraiexcl que principias a ver pero qne no puedes divisar bien los objetos porque aun

(Continua) bull queda una neblina delante de tus ojos bullJ- y es una necesidad social para la conservacioacuten de la familia Ksfi efecto lo esperaba yo y creo que poco a poco seffuacuten

Por lo que te dije al principio veraacutes que el matrimonio no vayas pensando iraacutes viendo maacutes claro fueacute institucioacuten ni de Dios ni de Jesucristo que no se casoacute fueacute necesidad que cl clero quiere monopolizar por cl dinero que le

pacano imitadas por los cristianos liacuten secundo lugar has de saber que en el mundo hay millones

y millones de hombres y mujeres que ni fueron bautizados ni bautizan sus hijos que no se confiesan ni se casan ante cleacuterigos catoacutelicos ni van a misa ni cumplen con los preceptos que tu Iglesia dice ser necesarios para saacutelvame lisas gentes viven y mueren tranquilas y son en su mayoriacutea maacutes honradas que los catoacutelicos porque no son tan pobres

En tercer lugar te advertireacute que de los catoacutelicos ilustrados son muy pocos los que cumplen co^ esos preceptos y muy contados los (pie creen pueda un hombre hacer Dioses-hombres ni perdonar los pecados

Si alguno de los preceptos catoacutelicos fuera necesario para salvarse Dios debiera habeacuterselo ensentildeado a todos y cada uno

En los primeros siglos los cleacuterigos eran casados y hasta con maacutes de una mujer despueacutes y con grandes esfuerzos los papas

k los obligaron a permanecer ceacutelibes para aislarlos de la sociedac iacute bulllt bull I

de la (laquonraacuteula viene esta relacioacuten J 1 0 raquo u w ~ v k los obligaron a permanecer ceacutelibes para aiacuteslanos ue la sociccini L u iacute gt bdquo j b e s e s t a r S e g u r o d e q u e SI 1 y poder movilizarlos maacutes faacutecilmente Al ordenarse hacen voto Iinoreiita do la lievista (Jatolioa bull - lt i v i r bull iuiHriiraquo lt- poundel l0S h u b i e r a n SUJO t e n t a d O S 1] de castidad y tuacute sabes muy bien como lo quebrantan iquestQue KICAUDO FLORES M A G Oacute N

_ bdquo mdash ~ j ] ^COn l a s rIacuteQUesaS laS dis t i t l - K c u r a J deg v e n conociste en todos esos alrededores que no tuviese

bullpound laquo laquo laquo v - -imn ene o-niiacuteT-ic ir ciiu sobrinos iquestA cuantas c mdash liciones y los honores confi s atradea- sus amisEf y bs

TI ntildene I--raquo vtgtviacuteiacuteraquo gttm raquo seducen a cuantas doncellas s no pierden

Me preguntas como podriacuteas pasar sin los sacramentos sin bautizar a tus hijos sin confesarte sin comulgar sin casarte de los hombres y el nuacutemero de los que se llaman catoacutelicos t or la Iflesia etc deg alcanza al diez por ciento de la poblacioacuten del mundo Este

Dices que laquoiexcl te guiaras por miacute seriacutea tal cl escaacutendalo (pie arma- hecho por siacute solo bastaraacute para demostrarte que tu religioacuten no riacutea el cura (pie no podriacuteas vivir ahiacute c s necesaria para salvarse a no ser que la llamada Justicia

Vomnrendo perfectamente tu posicioacuten porque yo naciacute en la Divina fuera la injusticia suma Ninguno de cuantos tiranos aldea como tuacute y seacute muy bien que los buitres de corona no sucl- gtbull Vahiacutedo en la tierra obligoacute a cumplir una ley no promulgada tan la presa sin defenderse como tigres iquestNo dio Dios a cada uno sus propios sentidos corporales su

El modo de salvar este obstaacuteculo es ilustrar a tus vecinos en inteligencia y lo necesario para vivir iquestCoacutemo entonces habriacutea estas materias convencerlos de que el cura no es el buen pastor de privarle del conocimiento de la verdadera religioacuten si esta es que da la vida por sus ovejas sino un tigre de sotana que chupa necesaria

asadas no a sangre de ovejas y carneros Lee a tus convecinos estas lige- Desde que hubo naciones ha habido guerras religiosas cada observaciones que a vuela pluma te hago y una vez que la s c c t a defendiacutea su Dios a sangre y fuego hoy sigue la lucha en 2iexcl i bull t jj sec iucen a c u a n t a s u o n c e n a s n o p i c i u e m

j j q u e Se nOS lia quer iUumlO COm-^ E l U ) s g i b e n p o r a c o l f e s i o n l iacute l s tentaciones de que es viacutectimamayoriacutea se convenza de que la religioacuten no es maacutes que una farsa d pulpito y la prensa no obstante Dios nunca dijo quieacuten teniacutea flniitf Viutaraquo-3^riacute ^ fo t~ iacute f tiAf ctr K nnriacutei Qjirnr Hintildeen n Iris iacuterrntps senei l l iacute is r o m o v o s o t r o s el cu ra m-z^n -gti n^ MIWA 1laquo ltTicfilv m iacute a Q q l l e p r u e b a (1UC 0 n o

ituporta nada lo que los

civilizadas dejan que cada raciones de su conciacuteenciai

i v v i Iacute ^ ltbull ----bullgt-- -mdash raquo-- -bull Aquiacute donde te escribo hay iglesias de casi todas las religiones

pondencia Mrva esto de diexclp ]]gendarme pueden conse-U a un hombre lo que a ellos no les revelariacutean tal vez y (pie sus Permite que te haga algunas observaciones acerca de los actuales En una se predica que Jesucristo cs Dios y en la del culpa con los compantildeeros a Jlguir

(juiones no liemos podido con- A Ayuda hermano testar aun sus cartas ^ - ^ AV-

$ hijas digan al confesor lo que luo diriacutean a sus mismas madres sacramentos por ejemplo ^ frente lo contrario El Gobierno deja que cada loco siga con su Las tentaciones naturales que respecto a uri hombre tenga la En primer lugar te direacute que los principales sacramentos y la tema Y en efecto es locura hacer creer a un hombre en lo que

iexclbullj- mujer o viceacute versa no son una ofensa a Diosmdashy si fuesen no mayorpiarte de las ceremonias catoacutelicas muchos ritos y algunos n o c r e e -iquestbullA 7 7$x-7pound podria perdonarlas un miserable impostormdashla tentacioacuten debe personajes^ son imitaciones de cultos antiguos (Continuaraacute)


Engliacutesh Section Edited by WM O OWEIV

SUBSCRIPTIacuteON RATES Singlo iupy 6c ts

Onedollara y e a r - 6 iruntlis fioc

No 2 0 8 Sa turday Oc tober 1 6 1 9 1 S

1 Scnd moiiey payable to ENKIQUK tFIlt0RJIacute8 MAGON

iexcl P O Box 1236 Los Angeles Cal


Carrutiuumli haraquo given lliexcle upeeial

dorso most cordially which runsgt as folio ws The revolution- in Meacutexico is not of a political n a -ture It isaneconomic revolution It means the industrial awaken-ing of Mftxico Duriug the days

rorrispomlentof TbeLos Angelen of Diaiexcl natural resources of the TUDOK a tstatainent whioh muy be country were by afewrich friends regarded as irioct feitiacutenifioant for iexclt 0f Diax who were given special marksalikB tlio lenglli to which the Mexican Ri-volulioii luis gone and (he dintimoH iexcli has wtlll lo traveiee A I ohill expliiin it h Ihu lraquot fitago thut will he IIIH Inmleet lor there tho defendereacute of lliii^s iraquofl lbey are llave piled chutadle on obstado and tiacutetere they will make tholr final stand

My ambition from tho begininir Hayraquo Carrantildeoacuten waa poace for Meacuteshyxico For that veiy toaron I toi-k tip tlifl hiinner of revolution againnt thedictator Huerta because I knew that we conld not havn peace laquoo long alaquo iexclijiiMIacutecieo were coininiltid In Uie namof liberty As a glt-n-eral rtaleiiiMit iliat is fino boii g H parnphraae of WVndell [hillipsi great liacuteaying ihut C d han givoi man oii and only one finido to raquoii-oeraquo8 Utter flnd ex ict Juptioe Tlmt he Iriacutea gurtmnleeil bull hall al-waim be expedioney II rutirv ron Id liacutebenme laquooiiviiood of lhnlpn-ciftl pflftflP would take the pNee Instantaneously and autoinatloaliy of the eveiyvihi-re-iacute-xiotiiig POCIacuteHIacute

war Ciminza then laquoInten that wluri

Huerta waa eliininatod he bogg-d

Villa to nvel hiin in Havitmi and thero come to an iwdoiftiiidinp but that Villa ooncidtrtd hlirie the HrongHi Hhd wa nnt pee-ldn penco He nddn tlmt he mudo cim-ilaJiacute approachca to Z-ipnln a d promwed to iftr-y out hi- agrmiii plan but unforlunaiely the pp f-iacuteonal niribitinnraquo of hiraquo seorotnriof were greater than the neoda of thiacutegt eonntry The referorfee is to I V lafox ond anotlier man whose namlt laquoScflpflraquo me As regantildeiacutes Palafox nono of us can cay wiexclth cortaintj what his porconal ambitions may havo been but it has alwaya booi underatood that he was a devout diiacuteoiacuteple of Kropotltin A ^ will ap-pear shortly mieh a man waa not

concessions Only thosc few d e -veloped the country Others- -Mexicans as well as foreigners r-Iiad no opportunity whateacutever Meacutexico was a latid of special p r i -vileges This conld not last for-ever and the result was the p r e shysent revolution

Note that phrase t h e natura l resources of the country and re-flect that it is always by induc-iug the law-makiacuteng power to give certain people special privishylegies in the natural resources of the country that economic in equality and economic dependence of the many on the few are brought about I t could not be othcrwise The stateinent can-not be denied unless one denies also the statement that th is earth is the treasure house from whKh we have to draw every ounce of our supplies

Carranza goes on to say tha t the wealth of Meacutexico while na-turally enonnous is at present merely potential He says Money and a great deal of it has to be invested before we can utilize the riches of our country We know this very well and for tha t reason we want foreigners to come and exploit our resources but they will come in the future underdifferent conditions Meacutexshyico will no longer be a land of a million opportunities It will be a country where all will be given an equal chance

the bondage of monopoly and put at the disposition of every human being

So far so good Meacutexico is no longer to be a land of Special pri-vileges but one in which all will be giveh an equal chance N o -t h i n g could be better and it is to be remarked as showing the r a -pidity wi th which t h o u g h t h a s ripened in Meacutexico dur ing t h e last iacuteive years of revolut ionary activi-ty t ha t no man of prominence in the United Sta tes or Europe has vfintured a s y e t to propose a pro-g r a m any th ing like as radical as th i s I t goes to t h e very roots for i when special privi lege shal l have been abolished and when all men and women sha l l have been given an equal chance t he millennium wfll have arrived and the revolut ionary movement will have done i t s work But juampt as in every walk of life t h o u -sands asseverate loudly t ha t they believe in equal opportuni ty for all and in the same brea th in-sist tha t vested legal r igh t s are sacred so does Carranza declare or a new deal and s iacutemultaneous-ly assure the publie t h a t p r iv i -leges acquired uuder the Diaz re-gime will be respected Here a re bis exact words

T h e y aecuse us of being con-fiscators A l i t t le reasoniacuteng will immediately show the fallacy of suacutech a thoacuteught Of w h a t valueacute could all the foreign proper ty be to us even if wed id confiacutescate i t Mines oil fields and o ther p r o p shyer ty are of no valueacute if they are not exploited To confiacutescate them would mean no th ing more than ge t t ing a white e lephant on our hands But when they a re ope-ra ted by their owners the govern-ment derives a revenue from such

Wlaquoolutiacuteonifltraquodrove hhn otit and oertaiuumlly juauy of his aciexcles afe tlow in the poeseacutelaquolaquojiuumln of tho peonculd-vato s Doacutees Carr^niacutesa prbpose to MtHloiv Ciribii ihna to Teacuterras s and iexclf so ivhgt re will the pfenn oome lu

Sjrely pne^need not dwell upon tib-urditieiacute so paiptble as th egt -iacuteur^iy evtry intelleotually-hooest man or woman must understatid that if A u to beacute reoonized as the soleacute proprietormdashas he was before the

inas mu h as men can have proshyper ty oaly in w h a t the i r labor produces and no man s labor proshyduc id the land H e t a u g h t t h a t

n i fes to because t h e one a n d a l lmdash i inpor tan t t h i u g is t h a t t he out -side world should u n d ^ r s t a n d t h a t Mexicans a re fighting for real iacute -

the g r a u t o f thlt exclusive nse of j t ies and a leader l ike C a r r a n z a a certain p ece of land was t he who declares t h a t t h i s is an eco-g ran t of a special pr iv i lege by iacutenomic a n d - n o t a poli t ical r e vo lu -thf cominuni ty to t h e user for which thlaquo user must pay to the commtini ty as be ing the only le-gi t iniate owner the full renta l

tiacuteon wil laquoot be al lowed to subs-t i tu te the -hdltgtw for the subs -tance F o r t u n a t l y as 1 bel ieve a m o n g C a r r a n z a s present follow-

VHIUV1 If for example t he user ers there a re manv w h o und mdash r--tmdash - bdquo bdquo v m gti iui claquolaquoui[iir un- uraquocraquo fia m e r e a re many w n o u n a e r -revolutionmdashBCD and all the res t o fa p i cceo fp rope r ty vvorth $1000stand t h a t c lear ly and on t h e m of the alphabet will be left empty handedand that for theni the revoshylution will have been fougbt in vain Surely that is self-evidnit Hurely iexcltil who plead for the restoration of the land to the people ruust reeog-nize that-this inevitabiacutey implies con riscation of what the monopolistca lishyma property YetCnrrrgtzn inuists that this is noti a political but an e-eonoinic revolution

The Single-Taxeis I believe and such man as Lincoln Stefiacuteenp to my oertain kiiowledge have been busily pleading Carranzns cau^e I know this because eome of them have made personal appeal to me They think we ehould drop what they are pleHsed to cali our pershysonal differencee and they morlaquo than hint that the Magons and their followers are irreuumloncileables whom |

and on o the r s w h o fiink wi th t h e m t h e fu ture of t h i s g r e a t s t r u g g l e res t s


a year pays a rental of only $500 he is enjoying t h e special and un-just privilege of g e t t i n g $600 a year presented to him as a gi f t Georgeadvoca ted the S ing le T a x as it is callee mdashand called most

l injudiciously in my opin ioacutenmdashas the eas ies tand most cer ta in me th -od of coniacute iscat ing t h e special pr i shyvilege the land monopolis t today enjoys and it was as the enemy of special pr ivi lege t h a t he deshyfended such confiscatton Today

Car ranza denounces special pri- iexclt8 Zenth and it is therefore time for the n i e g e and in the same brea th de- country to know the truth clrareraquo t h a t Ua vested i n t e r e s t s j The existing revolution did not make it-inust be protectect ielf for the parpoacutese ofsatisfying theiexclnterests

sto ta Meaacuteaiis Issued by Emiliano Zapata



The revolutionary movement lias attained

Does Car ranza in tend to t ax ou t of existerice the land m o n o shyp o l i s t a special pr ivi lege Of-course he does not Such taxa-tion would be equivalen to con-

nobody could eatisfy But how can jntildesoation which he carefully re-one be satiafied Take my olaquon 1 p U ( j i a t e s A s it appears to me

resource ainounts to uothing un-til it has been exploitcd by human labor and it should be self-evidcnt that all ought to have an equal opportunity of ex-ploiting natural resources re-gardless of the flag under which they happen to have been born

llkely tobe flathfied with what Ca- 0f the color of their skin or of

Tranza offerraquo Then oomeraquo the prophesy thut

both Villa and Z i p i t iacute will he eli-niinated within the nextiew monthf Ond Carranza giveraquo that as hiraquo roa-60n for thinking it nnneoepsary U parley with them in the peace con-ferennpB urged hy the United Straquotfgt and Iatin Itopublicc With th rnthlessnciacutes which is Blaquoid to l e 01 lt of bis tnain cliiractericties hi laquodd that our enetriioH min-t he vlaquoi qni-b-ed coinplitely or there will be ni lasting penee in Mexho and hlt comtneiitashrewdly FranoiRco I Madero paid with his life by oom-promieing with his enemiep llar1

he eliminated them Mexieo would perhnps by now beonjojing poaoi and thorwpcct of the natiors of thi world The Constitutionalists an not going to make the sume mis-takeraquo We are going lo benefit h the experienecs of the past

Pereonally Inpplaud that stand I oommend it to the attentlon of the Bryans and others of thaacuteChautaii-quau typc who dreaui that if

the creed they chance to hold No ifitelligent Mexican wants

to put a ring around his country and keep it as the sacred presershyve of Mexicana l i e wants the natural resources of the country exploited by those who can do it most eflicieiacuteitly producing the greatest result wiiacuteh the least ex-penditure of eiiacuteort What he does not want is the exploitation of Mexicans and tha t is an cn-tiacuterely different matter

What I have just wri t ten is I believe exceptionally true of Meacuteshyxico Many of mv friends have lived in Meacutexico workingon the land and not endeavoring to exshyploit the peoacuten Their lestimony has been unanimous abjolutely unanimous tha t in no country will you receive a wanner wel-come than in Meacutexico provided you convince the people that you are there to work and not to work them And this is most natural for the Mexican has a great capacity for enjoying

they could induce the Allics in the good th ings of life and an ICnrope to consent to peace they evengreater incapacity for un-would be benefiting huiuanity 1 derstancling tha t s t range phi la think they would inflict on us an injury from which it niight take us ceitturies to recover and 1

hold the happy opinioacuten thut En- c ln does not uuderstand at all and gland will not lay down her iiruis iacutelmyself conaiderit his greatest ta-iUiti lPru8SIacuteanmili tarisinhasbeen|lent From tliose who make a ground into the dust and un til Godof work wege t only a slaviacutesl the autocratically-invasive pililo-

T h a t statement also I applaud It is sclf^evident that a natural P ^ t i e laquond that xs what we

are af ter I h e r e follows an as-surance tha t f rom the outset of the revolution it was the in ten-tiacuteon the honest desire of the Consti tutionalists to reiacutemburse all those who suffered t h rough loss of property and va luables and Carranza adds tha t t h e question of foreign claims is xo be passed upon by a t r ibunal coni-posed of members from various countries and of Mex icans

Before considering the basic question of confiscation I cali a t tent ion to the extraordinary frankness of the extraordinary s ta tement contained above I cannot th ink of any other man high in office who has acknow-ledged boldly t ha t the reason for developinga country is t ha t the government may ext rac t revenue I liad supposed that the real ob-ject of work in theory a t any rato was to enrich and benefit the worker and not a t all t o p r o -vide incomes for officemdashholders But apparent ly it is C a r r a n z a s belief that society exists for the benefit of the pol i t ic ianand th is being so I can unders tand his concluding with these words W h a t Meacutexico needs is not a man on horseback but an honest energetic man of experience a man who unders tauds the needs of the country and the people one who can rule wisely and sym-pathet ical ly Natura l ly th is white blackbird is Carranisa

Not as a revolutionist but as one who wishes to applay the most er-dinary intelligence and common aense to the solution of a diffioult problem I ask mySflfmdash- What does Carranza roally mean I ask my-selfmdashCan two bodies oceupy the

sophy which teaches tha t work is an end in iacutetself and is itself lifes greatest blessing Tha t the Mexi -

philosophv of lile and one tha t same s p a c e a t the same time sophy it represents has becomo a leads s t ra ight back to despotism und is it possible to leave the broad loathing to all the world I takelTo the hwy who bate work o r t o land^of Me ico in the posesaion of that pemition toward the cutireacute those sufficiently intelligent to social war being convinced that iexclunderstand tha t i t iacute s better to use only when unjust iustitutions have been overthrown can peace become effecliacuteve and holding thu t laquo0 question is really settled unti l it has been settled Wght

Nxt tomes a statemeut I in-

ones brain than exhaust ones muscles we owe the gra t disco-veries and invenciots which dif-ierentiate us from thesavage and are destiued to emanciacutepate the race when themselves freed from

the speculators who haacuteve cjrneniacuted it and at the same time return it Jo Miacutee peopl Can you overthrow the pillars-of the oiacuted regimu and simultaneously leave the building intact Terrazas for example own ed the greater portion of the huge and rich State of Chihuahua Tbe

case as an illusiration I am iacutenter-ested in all movements that have as their motive the restauraron to man of what I fegard as his n a t u i -al lioiiiage the land becanse I con-sider monopoly of natural resources the tap-root of human slavery be-cause I look on the ambition to a c -quire territory and live on it at the expense of other people as being at least one of the great incentives to that barbarous anachronism known as war How oan I be content vvi h Carranzas stnoolh avowal that tln-M xiean revolution does not mean oonriscatioii bullbull

On the one hand Carranzi de shyclares that tho revo ution was int-vitable because J)iaz eXpiacuteoited Me-xioo by giving special eoucesniont 10 a tew iich friends In trutb they were ooncesBIacutediiIacutej worth lalking ab-cut for th j y amouiited to ihe gift oiacute principiJities As a celebrated En-glish pubiicist Williaro Archer who w-18 sencl by Me Clures to make a speunl inveirtigation remarked Diwz gave away his country as it he bad beh blowing soap-bubbleu 0gti the other hand Cuumlrranziassures the frightened iacuteoreign investor that ounfisoalion is not on the Mexican revokiliunary progiatu In other words he annuees that when he iquesthall be eeated in the pretddenlal obairand shall have restored order everylhii g will bemdashto far as the vested inleroste are coneernedmdashas it was before the revolution

I am not a ltth laquou-prioed that the [jos Angeles Times which is par exoellenoe the ehaiiip 011 of ipecitl privileiquestlt printed Carfanzie iacutetattmeiiacutet pluyitig it up as oonepi iiuously aa possible on itsiacuteVont page Ousand hissupporters wiliswallow with compiaueney all the denuuei--itioria of monopoly aud special prishyvilege in whioh Carranza may iexcln-dlge Their anxiacuteety is about what Carranza who now cLims that he has eevenmdash-eignihu of the country at his back proposes lo DO What they want is some guarantee that ihe iuutnense oonceusios they and other Americana got from Diacuteaz will not beconlisoated as the Magonp jor example assuredly would conshyfiacutescate them What they want is nuumlbstanliul assuranee that when things have quieted down fcueinesraquo will proceed laquos before the peoacuten do-iog the worliquest and they reaping the profits They have been anxious to hring Carranza to the point and he has comemdashto TIIEIU point

A s I unders tand it t he S i n g l e -Taxers and American Socialista are now booming Carranza as they formerly boomed Madero believing tha t he will tax land valuacutees and thus abolish lauacuted mo-gt nopoly Butlt unfur tunate ly Cashyrranza now declares t h a t the Constitutioti ists have no i n t e n shyt a n of d o i n g t h e very t h i u g Hen-ry George iusisted on as absolute-ly indispensable George t a u g h t tha t there should be no such t h i n g araquo priacutevate proper ty in laad

of any one personality of any one group or of any one pjrty The existing revolution recognizes that its origons lie deeperand that it is pursuing higlier finalitiea

The psasant was hungry was endurinraquo misery was suflering from exploitation and if he ros in arma it was to obtain the bread which the greed of the rich denied him to make himsjlf master of the land which tha egoistic knded preprietor kepl for himself to vindiacutecate the dignity which the slave-driver

Wi th t h a t wave he mus t swim iexcl n i q u i t o u s l y t r a m p e d o n d a iexcl l y n H e thrcw

and wi th i ts onward rushhe fflustjhimsclfint0 rcvolt not to conquer illnsory keep pace He does no t rea l lv p o l k i c a ] rightsgt w h iexcl c h ( l o n o t f e e d h i m gt b u t

t rus t t he wave for he is not hon-1 1 0 p r 0 C l i r e for himsdfthe pieceofland which est ly a pa r t of it H i s s e c r e t pray- j m u s t s u p p y h i m w i t h food a n d 1iexclber tygt t

er is t ha t it wi l subs ide as q u i c k - h a p p v fiexclre8itiacutec and a W e ofindependence

thvirofore t he S ing le T xers and S j c i a l i s t s a r e e n g a g e d once more in bui lding cas les iexcln the a i r aud Car ranza s own posit ion is th i s

and growth

They make a lamentable mjstake whosuppos

ly as possible af ter laf iding hiin in the pr s ident ia l cha i r Per-

haps he is r igh t inasinuch a s r e - j t h a t t j i e cjablidiment of a miliury govera-volutio a ry waves have a habiacuteraquo imOTtgt t h a t iexcls t 0 9aygt adespotic govemnwnr of subs id ing but in th is pa r t i c - j viexcl1 iexcl iexcl l su r e t h e p a c iexcl f iexcl c a t i o n of t h e c o u m r v ular case I doubt i t P e r h a p s t h H t cm bbdquo o b c a n e d m]y b y t h c r e a l Iacute 7 a t i o n

m n a w a y will l e 8 u M u d o n c e j o t h c d ( ) n b | e o p e r a t o n o f r e d u d n g t 0 iexcl i n more and driveii tamely back in to i o t e i H e t h e e l e n e n t 8 o i t ) e a n k n t r e g i r a C (

the Stable but I should not c a r e | n d ecuingnewinterestaHnkedinextriacutecablv to bet on i t Too many p r e v i o u s V t h t h c r e T O l u t iexcl o n gt 8 0 iexcl d a r i c w 5 t h i t j i n

dr ivers who calculated on t ha t r A ( n g e r a n d p r o s p e r o u 3 i f it b e c o m e s e s t a b have gdne to smash bull If a peopK-j l i s h e d a n d c o n 3 o l i d a t e d once becomes dead in earnes t t h e T h e ntildem mK UacuteM o f m a k i n g iexclt i m p o s s iexcl e x p e r i m e n t o f f e e d m g them words b k for t h e r e a c t iexcl o n a r y g r o u p t 0 b e

instead of bread becomes quite

d a n g e r o u s

No On y foolhardy quacks and s h o r t - s i g h t e d pol i t ic ians at-tempt t h e r isky business of run-ning w i th t h e ha reacute and h u n t i n g with the hounds Only l i t t le

group to be any longer a danger is carried out by two difshyferent methods by the exemplary punish-ment of the chiefs of the great criminaacuteis of the intellectual director and active ele ments of the conservative faction and by attacktng the pecuniary reacurces they em ploy to work up intrigues and prevoke

metiacute play double laquond Car ranza is i revolutions thaO is to say by the subdivi p lay ing double when h e assuresj6iexclo nofthe properties ofthe hacienda owners us wi th one coacuterner of h is mout h a n d politicians who have put themselves at t ha t Meacutexico under his rule will become a land of social equal i ty in which spec i l privi lege will exist 110 more whi le wi th t h e o ther coacuterner he insis ts t h a t vest-

the front of the organized resistance to the popular movement which began in 1910 and has attained its crowning point in 1914 after living through the gallowjgt of Ciudad Juaacuterez and the reaetionary crisis of

ed in te res t s will be p r o t e c t e d a n d t | i e Ciudadela the tragedy which the those who have suffered by the j Huerta dictatorship let looacutese revolut io- imdashninety-nine per cen t rn support of this subdivisioacuten there mi-i of t h e m h a v i n g been the holders t a t e s the circumstance that ihe greateriexcl of special p r i v i l e g e mdash b e recom-1 p a r t gt n o t t o say the whole of the cultiv-

able lands to be nationalized represents pensed T h i n g s are good or they are bad beneiicial or in jur ious desiacuterable or undes i rab le If land monopoly is g od it should be en-couraged and protec ted If it is bad it should be destroyed r u t h -lessly and a t once If special in-terest is r i g h t the more we have of it t h e bet ter If it is w r o n g away with it immedia te ly T h e r e is no middle ground

Observe also how profoundly reaet ionary is the economic t h o u g h t of t h i s al leged rovolu-t ionary leader He poin tes out the necessiacutety of deve lop ing Me-xicos na tu ra l resources ad forth-wi th assumes t h a t th i s wiexclll be possibe only wi th t h e help of the na t ive and foreign cap i ta l i s t accordfng to the methods now in vogue G r a n t t h a t and all revo-lut iacuteonay movements becomes ab-surd G r a n t t h a t and you are bound to seek t h e C a p i t a l i s t s a i d on snch te rms as the capi ta l i s t sees fit to g r antilde t But the neces-si ty for c r awl ing on o n c e s k n e e s to capitali-sm van t shes when nashytura 1 resgturces and the iacute n t e r -c h a n g e of credi ts based on labor applied to na tu ra l resources are set free when tne t e ign of s p e shycial pr ivi lege is abol ished

I devote unusua l space lo t h i s ana lys iacute s of Car ranza s l a tes t raa-

interests created underthe shil)v ot the Porfirio Diaz dictatorship to the grave injury to the rights of a multitude of natives srnall proprietors and victims of all kinds who were brutally sacrificed on the altars of the ambitions of the powerful

The second task that of creating powshyerful interest akin to the Revolution and in solidarity with it will be brought to a happy conclusioacuten when the natives individually and in their communities receive back the innumerable traets of land of which theyhave been despoiled by the great land owners and this great act of justice receives its comple-ment as regards those who have nothing and have had nothing in the proportiona repartition ofthe lands given to the dicta-torships accomplicea or expropriated from idiacutee proprietors who do no chosse to culti-1 vate their heritages Thus there will be satisfied both the human demand torland and the appetite for liberty which is making itself felt throughout the RepubJic as the formidable reply to that savagery oi the hashycienda owners which has maintained even in the twentieth century and_in the heart of free Ameacuterica a system which the most unfoJtunate serfs of the Middle Ages in Europe would hardly have endured

The Plan of Ayala which transiacuteales the peasants ideaacuteis satisFies both terms of the problem for while it treats the sworn enemies of the people as they deserve to be treated reducing them by expropriation to impotence aud imiocuousness it establishes

in laquortlcleraquo 6raquolaquod7tTieiacutetwo gtert prfiidfraquolraquo ofshythe return oCstoIcnlandi (iiacutenraquoctof iniper- rioua iexclHMIacutece WntildeHthe splking-upof thecjt-propinicd l-iiluacutevable- Undraquo I an act requlred alkc by iisIacutecciquestiinHcttxslietuy)

IVuk auacute-ay fniiii thc ciieiiiV themeans ofgtii-uig dtmtgc was ihc viii ticttivoiexclf-ihe rcloriiiiacuters of1857 gttdictiniiquest vhciitliey iquestl-iJIacuteLdjtlicrlcraquogy ciacute iis iiiiiicnscqwssesj- ipriilaquoIacuteiicliacute it laquoiquested iquestoacutelely for thc purpose ofplcflting ciiiiepiraKIacuteoraquo und kerping tlie claquoiilHrvin perpetualdiiacuteoacuterJcrilirouph those liiilitary iiprisings whicli licar KiacuteiacuteHnking raquo rcscnibluncf to ihe liiacutet V barrak outlircak H-liich abo was the fruit of laquon understand-ing bctwoen thc niiacutelkarv and the reactimiilaquos

As iacuteor thc rcconsiructivc workoiacute the^ Rcvolutwiti the formationiof a nuclotis oacutef imcrcjtJ w-hiciisfwll support thc new order (Vis Vm tictiisk ofthe French Revolution which ljr fruiiacuteful resulta has not liad its ct|iml up to thc present day for it dividid anuig tctis of tliouaands ofliiimblc peasants ihc vaMs esiiiic of thciioblcaHnd^clcrgy and midc thc nuilliludc ihus favored such viacutegorou ndlicrentraquo of ihc Revolution1 work iliat not even Napoleoacuten ivilh aiThii gciiius ntildeor thc Kourhons wiih their laquoriacuteatoacute-cralic inlransigence were over ableto rooacutet iexcltoutdftic l-rcuch naiions pliysical and

5t)iritiinl lile

It i certain that tne deludcd hrliacuteevc that ihe country iacutej liacuteoinuuml tu be contfntcJmdashai iacutet wgt mil ciinlenltc in 1JlOmdashwilli an electoral pan traquoii)itne frum whichlaquore to ariae newraquonjraquop_ parentlyhonCiacutet men who are to oceupy the cumie chairraquo bull raquo bull in the-UiJiuumllalure laquonj th

PreiJency raquo loiacutety throncihut they Mho juirlaquor thc matter thtlii laquoppear to ignore tlie tlaquoct tha tiis coiiniacuterT h- rrapeJ tiuririquest thecriaia of th e Ijst few gtearlaquo raquo harvciacutet of IcMone it can nsver forifet which u-ill not perrnit fttofope it rea And InJ acquired a rarofound uader-ittarJinfiacute of ihe caucel oi iIImdashIkeiraquo|f and the way traquo comhtt them

W e may henrelhiacuteit the country will no t

he atiacuteiacuteetl wi ih hlaquo timid reforma laquoLetchcJ rn inteniiouiacutely hy thelawyer D Isidro Fihela Mimjtcr of Rclaiiacuteonn in the Carranciata |foy-crnmrtit and a man ^vho is a revolutioiiacuteet imly-in mmc tinte he neilher underttand no r

ryinpnthiiacuteei with ihe Revolutionraquo idtali Tlif co-jntry willnot be contcnted with tln mere aholition oiacute plock-me vtoreii iexclfeaploit-niacuteiacutenn and fraud are -lo -ciraquot under other fumiacuten ir will not be fatuacutefied with mnnicipi Iiltric9 exceediniexcl]ly problematieal an they are rM liie the ha i of econonicindcpcndenclaquo ij iexclitill mXiacuteiexclniexcll and Vi l l Ieltraquo will it ha poiai-ble to whwilc iacutet willi a petly pri)iexclriirn of reornn tntbeacute lewjdealiniacute wiacuteliacute anjtaacutegteraquo when whir iitttiriiacuteiniiacute iacutea the neacuteictbtoacuteluacuteilion of the proLlem relatin^ to the cuttivalion cf ihi hinde

The country want laquoomethiacutenil more than thc va^ucnciacuteiacutecs cf Sr Cahela which theailence of Sr Carranza ii indoraiacuteniacute It wijhes -ttgt hrcilt laquonec and for allwith the feudal epoch^ which iraquo now an anachronism It wirhcf lo deiacutetroy wilti onc strole the rclaliorrhiacuteps of lord and ftcrf overiacutecer and flla^c which in thc matter of ipoundriexclculturc are thc only one which rule from Tamanlipaa to Chiapiraquo and from Sonora Yicalan

T h e counry p-opte ivish to l ivcthcli iacutec

of civiliz-iriacuteon to breath thc air oacutef economic

]iexclbrty wliicli as yet they have not krioivn aiid this they never can do whilethereacuteatill renuius afKgtt thc bullirauumliliohal lonl- of thc uumlcaflbld and ihc knife who diacutejjxjiacutecs raquol wliim ofthe pirsins of his lalmrcn an cxt-iriioner of wages who aiinjhuumlalcs them iacutetrith excwsiacutevc taskj brutaliexcl7cs them by

liitserviacute tnd ill reattnctitiquest dwarftand cha - bull -

MU his rtcc by thc sloiv ngony-ofilaVcry in i thcciiforccd vithcringof human beingj -viacutems stonuihs and empty hrainslrtcr hmiiacuteiacutery

F i r s iacute abull inili tay and t h e n a pntilder-l iamentary government1 w i t had -rutnistrat ive rrftjrinsiacute in order t h a t thc reorganiza t ion i m y endure m ideal p u r i t y i n the m a n a g e -nient of the publie fiinds ontildeicial respoacuteiisibiliacute t ies scruumlpulouslyex- -tcted l iberty o f t h e press fpr those who do not know how raquoo wr iacute te l iberty to vote for those towli0ni the candidntcp are pn-known the corrt-ct adthiacute i iacutes t rat iacuteon of j its tice for those who will^iiacuteeyr er employ a ]awyermdasha| l these deinocratic pre t tmesses -aiacutel these finewords in which our grariil1-fatbcrs and M h e r s took suclfde--l i gh t have lost today the i r magic aacute t t r c i t i on and siacutegnificance toihe people T h e people have seeacuten that wi th eleotioacutens and wi thod t t i iemwith suf f rageacute and gtvithbuacutet-it w i t l r t h eacute d ic ta to rsh ip oiacute P o r shyfirio Diaz aacutend the demperacy of Madero w-rth t h e press gajiacuteged andiacuteivith t he p re s s giveo the full e s t l i b e r t r a U v aacute y s a n d in aJl c iacute r cunstanciacuteaacuteSi-it h a s stilj to c h e w Uumlie c u d o f i t s b i t t e r lot tp endushyre i ts miser ies t o s w a l l oacute w h u m i l iat iona t h a t know no end F oacute r thtsreasongt and wi th abundantlj gocKl cause it fears thaacute t t J ieHbf t t a t o r s o f today may p r a v e t h e m shyselves like t h e leadcrs of y e s t e r daywho clipped t h e i j beatiful raacutedicaliacutesm a t GiuiladjJuumlafez aacutend iacutert t he N a iacute i b n a i P a l a c eacute f o r g p t a l l a b o u t theacuteirsscduacutectiye proajises -(To be cont inued till neapound week )

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Page 2: Semanal Krumm Heller, propagandista a sueldo de Venustiano Carranza. Habla el cro nista: "Expreso (Krumm Heller) que

cilaquoMol8uumllaquo0raquoiibrgtlt)1o KiiGESBKACION fagina 2

queitl defenderla el pueblo 1S 1 9 1 f l p | P P K I ^ 1 7 I P I P T r t ^ do necesaria la dottrina de la a- UumlBIIIO y tu pur(atorio y til iacutewrai- Autoridad y el Capital Sin ti laquocuenta y aiuacutei no pam iquestugoidnr defienda eJIulaquo y a sus intere-ses t i L i V t a L a a W l J L s l laquoTi l l l L i I W V narqula y el rifle par destruir so porqne no puedes probarme esas dos instituciones caeriacutean por bolgManeiacute claquouido temiacutean-necesidad de su L iexcl1 n e d e r bdquo iacute o A m e r i c n a d e m M m t l 0 en Meacutexico la obra de la Ielesia de eientiuumlcamentc que existan esas tierra laquoplastadas por 1laquo justicU - auxiUo tu sombra medra el laquo r m i r c a n a u lt gt n - d e l mos poner f i n a esta c u a t r o c e n t u r i a s raquo M u mientras que yo te puedo popular pero ahiacute estas tu pata W aventurero de t X oVpmses y u^^T poundl T I t conspiracioacuten que por dos anos con- Y a e r a t iexcl e m p o d e Q l iacute e aV(ro s u p r o b a r q u e bdquo Jtaraquo l J e B e S S iacute ta laquo laquo t a p o p u l a r e s v h o r bdquoP drciiuirctu laquoc IUUUS luraquo pmMraquo Presidente- VVi son ttn documento secut vos ha inundado a Medico ltbull _ j r iacute v j laquo u i-t gtbull gt raquo laquobull laquolaquoraquolaquobullbull raquoraquoraquobulllaquobulllaquo Ahora preparaos para rcir sufre hambre y necesidad ciexcl me bdquo 7 A

l n u n deg a a o a metradedeg frieran los rcverendosfaldilludos derecho a ser Ubre y feliz sobre haciendo ereer qne el que m a s - o r m e pttaacuteiquest t A U-JL xtcano iacute e n r i lt B bdquo d a c c n deacutelo qlaquoe en anfrre derruido sus recursos p f r o u n a c o s a m e hiexcl1 ] l i i m a 0 1l T i bdquo r i l sufre en la tierra mas digno es S p0 ve^iacuteueh-ea miacuterate i

OJUiquest b b s W -gri to la ban- Id trade deg a c T m f ea l lt iacute s trade b r a lt i o e a t i s m 0 atencinn que lo tales padredllo d e que se leabran las puertasdel e pound o n 1 dera trfcokir-al defenderme los raquo r M t e gtraquo laquoltlaquogtbullbull Kndcho y In anarquaenuupashastaha-bdquo s o | ) a r t e n c o n r c s i ( n a c i o n t a fe c i e a iexcl E m b a u c a d o r iquest D o n d e ^ pound pound pound pound i f l T ^ t t mexicanos denuden su hmory ^ ^ ^ uacute ^ r ^ C ^ n ^verdad pa- raquo ^ raquo f laquo laquo lt bull bull deg raquo laquo des n l a r t i r i i la los s o s d e patria futura que ofreces S s t a - ^ b ^ S

U Band-raR^ avilantada bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo o n bdquo iquest a a s J n ) r s r u s e s y los mandarines no asi laquo C L H m a n ^ uuml X Ptrade0trade tlaquoertemelaquote 1 Pueblo laquo ^ V Z l ^ ^ T ^ e h ^ d h r f iacute 1 ^ por el sol materna su r no ner- ^ bull iquestb la resignacioacuten la mansedumbre ^ Q U b r iexcl a n e g 8 fe existencia del cielo el bdquo bdquo h o n r a d n s a I o s d e s u -- bull

0 c k gt t laquo W l d l e M raquo y era a pound ^ pound bdquo n^ E clrfenaGibbon cree que i Z ^ ^ ^ Z t ^ S M ^ a deg a f i aa laquo bull bull bull raquo raquo pound f T ^ Cdegdeg taM raquo raquo herido nnirse uuml c o m d P e p ^ avezcondensacum d f ansiasre- D ^ docunento debe atravesaacutersenos p iadosajn- nL ^ L e a

l I T n T a raquo laquoraquoraquobullraquoraquo 0 Z^A y COn e l f r a i l e d e a laquo I d a a laquo laquo -tojnl y promesa- libertad y de bdquo u p r e w a ^ i r e n e r a d o bdquo d e r e v 0 t e iacuteltm m e s p a ( l a i a

1 gt] a a I l e r a d e ^ ^ ^ e n d e d e el S ^ l e S Iacute K u e E s e P a r i d o q i e r e b a ) 1gtara P 0 o r d e raquo bull raquo laquo laquo

J lAacutetras e m b l e m iacute de la canalla iwinnarim ltraquo M e x i c ) P s t i l i m gt u i- doraacutersenos a fuego leu- ebdquo s u s c a r t a s t o r i e 8 p u e s laquo b a r con la propiedad privada ^ p a l s (el orden y paz burgueses bull ni IacuteI bull trade 0 e n r a e a trade n da de principios anticristianos v i o para mayor honra y gloria n r c d i l a n U l i a c iquest s a y t k a n y anupular vuestras instituciones bull laquoT basados e a la esclavitud dlaquo loraquo de

proyguio loca 41 ira u nanuua a t i e i p i r j l u iexcl i l e s Son eneinijfos del Sentildeor Dice asi Temo oUn gt poliacutet icas econoacutemicas sociales E Decididamente P e p i t o tiene a b iacute o a e s t o s hombres de buena tncolor de toda reliffion pero p r i n c i p a l - q u e la espada sea el uacutenico argu- por lo que veo ^ esos vivos por- morales y rel igiosas para inaugu- s e ( ] d e O t r o s o r b o deja vac ia la v o u n t a d se oponraquo f ieramente e l B dlaquo Ti bull l laquo iacute l mdash -s i raquo i e n f de la catoacutelica 15xtiexclrpiexclrla mentoacute de peso que tomaran en tadores de enatruas creen buena rar el reino de la anarquiacutea^ en la botel la reguumlelda ruidosamente P a r t i d o Liberal porqueacute bien sabe bull tu hTdMi iraquo 1 Cn t ^ l copy - l c l c r a z u ltlcl pueblo es un pro- consideracioacuten ( l o s revolucionarios l a resignacioacuten en otros no en e- nuc tan faacutecil seacute hace a los^invtr- como marrano sat i s fecho y con- q u c e l triunfo de loa araiCos del bull m^rariacutent al UumlJf i T iexcl o iquest P^ito capital Como no pueden mexicanos) y creo que tarde o Hos consideran como una virtud laquolaquoenzas apropiarse lo ajeno y tiacutenua escribiendo E l Part ido o r e n raquo - la derrota deacutelos queacute d^ndensu honmv iacuteii iexclib-riad c o n s e S u r l Por medios legiacutetimos temprano alguna forma de Iacutenter- ] a paciencia en los demaacutes y asi alaquor las cosas a su talante Liberal no quierequehaya pereo- h a n r l a d deg - degraquo Mexicanoraquo vuesr ~ v j recurren a la calumnia pari perse- vencioacuten se haraacute necesaria en a- por el estilo Kn efecto el Partido Libera ntildeas que posean y otros que nb po- trades l e n c s (Pepito bromea pofc

^ i n e i e s e e bull1 a (tmr a la iglesia en la pprsona de quel pais Uno de susj mandamientos ilesicao quiere acabar con todo seali asi los borrachos y l o s d i s - u e iacute o n r ) i e D e n e s cueacutentan-Iacuteoi ZPT i bull I bull i-- bulllaquobull v i a n s B l fmpros esperando que la 151 escritor clerical Raymond G dice no mataras peroe l lo s se eso que dice Pepito y que cens- pilfiiacuteriadores se hallaran e n la d e s 1 lt r e lt a d u s A no ser que fjp | h i V bull bull(bulllaquoltbull]bull- destruccioacuten de la clrecia l leve C-irroll con el caritativo proposi- l impian las narices con el tiuiye lo que se lam l sistema mismScondicion r u eacute ios hombres rc^liacutetTn a 1deg bienes dej l o s btxr-i leshnn-ados til li- bull crimen n s deg n destruccioacuten de toda re- to de que el pobre Wnodraw W i l - famoso mandamiento y le urgen capitalista o b u q u e s pero ven virtuosos y honrados q u e s e s a c r i - trests ^ vn e s e Sa s oraquo deg ba h a -d Bmtamanteacute profligaste abriiM) l i i f i o- son se embarque en la empresa de al profesorcillo Wuumlsoacuten que m a n - a c a pedazo de laquoIcnmcqiic y d i - f i e a n p a v i ahorrar un poco d e b i deg r deg iexcl o r P a r c d e l o s proletaraquo aSanta a bull Mtir uw Miramoacuten Os sacerdotes de los lugares exterminar religiosamente se de sus snldidosa matar al por me iquestcmno es que alguien pueda dinero y mejorar asi su condi- T IacutedegS 1gtdeg1lt5ue quitarlealjfo a raquo1-v Mraquo- - V r bull bull i - i iacute ini aullados por los rev gtlueionarios laquontiende a lraquos rebeldes mexica- mayof rebeldes inexicans eMo apropiarse lo ajeno en nns socie- cion sociaiacute gun burgueacutes no se le roba se eje-h i i o i n l n Ti o-) t gt ado~- ban sido expulsados en conjunto nolt pinta las tort iras de les es hombres que se sacrifican por d a d como la sociedad anarquista Losborrachos ylosdesnilfMrr- S2Iacute2-1mdashacto(eajusticia jaque lo to ntildeor emhbullbullraacuter Portrio Diai es s i n o r n l i l a l e u n a d juicio Pe ensotanadosde esta manera La el bienestar de la humanidad e n quC todo es de todos dores son los cleacuterigos iquestober^an- q n e ene e l r K u e s h a s d P P r 0 cfavizo -I ou- o a t u eombri bull l f s l l a rlgt^i de todo l o q u e p o - I g l e s i a de San Antonio de atre- No lo quelos cleacuterigos qnieren bull t e s y los burgueses Los prole- liuciio Vo l o s trabajadores 0 laquo s Madero traiciono la Revolucioacuten a r i a n - v a uchoy deellosselesha vida arquitectura que guarda una es que todos sean mansosparaque fe _ tantildeos no tienen ni para mal vivir deg r a ltie l a r a u r a l e z a gt h a P v i o 1raquo-en tu nombre Huerta te bendije laquoncerrlaquok enlraquoprWonlaquo Otros semejanza con la Catedral de San se dejen laquoplata y tiranizar sin bull iquestque pueden despilfarrar Les f 7 raquo t trade laquo P - laquo raquo - raquo raquo bull C m m b acbma iexclTu en v - gta laquo1 t-rtnrados A algunos Rasilio enMoscowhasulo trans-exhalar unaqu(Japerolas doc- ^ y ^ p b r e s no pueden darse b u ( n a 3 a ^ ^ l o - s e chancea p o r q u e e -bres el crimen la explotacioacuten y la 1ltM 1trade gtlaquoltlaquobullbull Hasta los o b s - (ormida por los l lamados cons - trinas que predtean no rezan con s raquo c o n | e n r ) l a n d o e y o d - v l d a iquest P deg r e a 0 bulllaquogtbull f lacos E n f l trade iacuteraquoraquoraquoraquo raquo laquo raquo laquo Urania poundSo eres tu la ensena de raquo n o a n esCIacute)a10 d e c s iacute a s --otrade^ u s a l deg laquoS-sla- ellos cuando el caso se presenta raquo raquo d e ) a s cambia los frailes los burgueses n s tradelaquotrade raquo laquoraquo l a laquoIdas-de IOS esbirros que proyectaba su laquogt-laquocobdquoes y cuantos caen en sus tivo De otras laquo esias han se- S fueran honrados esos bribones l a b r a 3

Pa m o r o s a 9 l e l e s o l t o a y los gobernantes revientan d e laquolaquo^v-ntos) han asedado cm-

sombra siniestra en los camposde m a n o tradeflaquotrade bullnd4 mddlaquo euestrado y quemado los archi- comenzariacutean por practicar lo que Praquo d e a r J iexcl gordos y lo que es peor sin laquo bull bullraquolaquobulllaquoltraquolaquo (rauninocentes ~~raquo_laquoibdquo i- 11 laquobull iexcl i ibdquo que se ven obligados a esconderse vos Hombres y mujeres en to- predicau raquo laquo raquo K I trade laquo bullraquo hacer nada uacutetil enrobdquombdquobdquojbdquo ibdquo s l o s burgueses los cleacuterigo S S l l l w t arJl f o a a laquo1laquolaquo P-iacutea- iquesto Meacutexico han sido lanzados de El proletariado religioso debe- ba al pasar junto a el por el jar- ^ ~ pound laquo ^ S a S f l v l o 3 laquoPlaquolaquotantes de la autori-rucatanr - luisie ei trajn en R ] t a r ( iexcl e n a l 0 C o w n e U i ltlp Bo S l o s c a U 8 t r o s y expulsados del pais riacutea tomar nota de los ctos de los am palabras que le quemaron ti - ~raquo a^aoorea uacute iacute i h

han perseguido a vuesro S 2 h ^ iexcl t ^ i o ^ L 5 S L Iacute tlaquof aboga tambieacuten con manse- sin permitirles llevar consigo ni sentildeores de sotana para emanci- rostro como M huberan formado ^ ciexclan ^ bemmlfl d e [ a iexcl wiacutetfiquest t I ^ L t Z IacuteM^ ltraquoiexclaraquoa Praquor 1 laquo laquo laquoa su ropa ni sus libros de oraciones par sus mentes de los errores que parte del alento deacutela boca de trade V ~ v u e s t r raquo niclJlepar eMtjrlal iccatomne ( t a s a j iacute a ] l ) s l n l x i c a r l o s H e s i e t e Arzobispos seis Obispos y les ha infundiacutedo la clerigalla bprno Slaquo ruboriza vuelvfe _ a l a borracho Pepito escribe estas No cabe duda elClero es bene-)^^1Jiquest^]TAgt1ZIacuteAlaquo aquiacute como se expresa ese pajaro cientos de sacerdotes y monjas Y basta por hoy de asuntos de afianzar la pluma y escnbe hbdquoeraquogt quieren supiulr el de- meacuterito He aquiacute sus obras piado-7tpoundiquest2iacutetoiquestiacuteniacuteST gtbullbull PW a raquo raquo laquo raquo dlaquo laquo a deg s i d c ignominiosamente arro- faldillones fo bull bull 0 laquo laquo raquo pues dernbarto- red de la pPbdquopiwJd privada Plttrade sas se opuso a la i n d e c e n c i a t IacuteiiquestpoundpoundteiacuteltpoundnZ iquestlaquotro honor publico como na- jados de Meacutexico Ha si- tauib raquo laquo MACOraquo do gobierno constitudo para que elaquobdquojd r exraquo i e a s de 1 eltrade laquora- de Meacutexico y fue el principal ver-do y bilaquoo mis pleguesse ag upan _^ raquo ___ ^ no haya orden quiere eliminar a lbdquoj(ror dugo de los insurUnteP exco-todos los trabadores mtebgen- -T^r-bull u ^ _ _ _ _ - g T T mdash A 1 ^ la Iglesia porque esU es enfreno A h ( r s nieacuten^nieqne Pepio bdquoo L i g o a Hia g o a M ^ e l o s ^ t laquo y valerosos Yo no retontildeo- ] V f | f f | f i i 2 r V t l G l O Vtrade^ Vtradetradeeiexcliexcl raquobull - - blaquotradeltdeg- bull H raquo I M ^ t ^ l f i ^ n Z S co raza ni solor todos los hom ^L ^ - V ^ T 1 ^ laquo L - B 1 raquo ^ euro _ A - bull - W m - ^ - a W ^ T d e o s fibrobres v iexcl c i o s o s a i a v e s laquo to0Urre tebdquo-r

H ^ deg deg deg s e bresobdquo i iuak S parami S oye l _ N q u e e s ofensora del d e r e c h o t a ^ r a bdquo A 1 ^ raquo ^ - ^ totKpentociacute f 2 ^ emWeraa deja jusUca y de la h- iquest w iexcl p w a 3 o s meros en cometer actos contrarios y a p o y 0 de los desheredados deacutela j mmdbdquo a n bdquo o J J i n v a 4 P

t bertad y cuando triunfe mi causa al patr otismoiquesty en pcfmitir que fortuiia bull bull piedraquod urivadn m ^ i J -uiiexclT bull adeg lt e laquo vasores a no habraacute n iacute d o e m s porque to- laquogt emoeiacuteonrio hasta los tue- ^ iquest iquest iquest c l lo

Ps d i c e bdquo - ( c l ^ - P e t oacute bull iquest ^ tch n S t S I 1 T ^ ^ iacute f ^

dos los sereshumanosseconsuacutek- tunos lamenta la penmiaque honor nacional Como ejemplo laquo E J T S d i L S E t a W raran hermanos los pobres sufren en Meacutexico y A 0 gt ^ n raquolaquobulllaquobull b laquo e n

lte 8 - tenemos al carraneismo esuu ac- ^ ^ 3 que lTL 0^Tiod trade u deg77 f ^ ^ T bull

bullp-l pcfniendn de Iniacute rnnneiacute v i tomago el reconoctmieto de Ca- tn - ( bdquo ^ bdquo bdquo bdquo ^ n n l na Dajo el Sistema tmrgues que ms narcos tono en iibdquoa palabra lamitraquoddel territorio naciona k h ^ k t a l t o h raquodevelatrataiKllaquode eneon- r r a n z a p o r l o s g o b i e r n o a e x t r a n ^ K a Iacute S ^ ^ ^ B

eltradajadorquetodolonroduee en pnderdelos tlaquobJlaquo J o l l W 1 u4bdquo iWoaMxico aUj-rcito fr-nees M U laquo amp ^ t a E bullgtbullraquoraquo raquolaquolraquoPHva alivar j e r o s ^ ^ ^ q u i e r e s e r ^ S iacute ^ ^ ntilde asuntos diexcl bull m Iacute 8 e r i a gt ^nudezj mien- y co qbdquoeacute ifniA pbdquodaacute eordbdquorlaquo y paseo bajo palio en las iglesias puta laquo r b a l d e l ^ bande as J a ^ ^ ^ ^ x U a n o g

Jp r e a iexcl d e n t iquest ^ e m j s ros se entrometan e bdquo a trade n t o s ^ t r a s e frai le holgazaacuten y el bur- expensas de e j w N d P e l t i t o o s a s e 5 iexcl n 0 9 d e l o B mJiquestwos

-llardo laquo o m J n M B K n iacute a m b ( ) ( w gt h a | o ver mo Q o r e g o n d iexcl c e e n g u r u d f l e n los macanos En^1 casode Ca- mfiexclzoso y e f u n c i o n a r i o estaacute borachol laquo ^ e n e l t r o n o a e M e s iexcl c 0 u n

laquo I l ntilde f t W ^ r ntilde ntilde n t i Afl todvla aqni entorne de sus K ^ yo perdi una pata (unade J ^ J O patrioacutetico hay iacute f laquo iexcl T v ^ ^ laquo ^ b a n d Iacute d o U s t r i raquo c lt iacute a c u y o ^ r v i iquest deg

K uuml E S T R O aacute P 8 Iacute S 0 S i i a r i e ^ - raquo laquo laquo ^ o ^ ^ i ^ e S e ^ ^ ~ - g iquest ^ - ^ - 1 - i v ^ ^ i g Oacute ^ S ^

Enfl pro ^ numero ^ ^ ^ 2 2 ^ trade laquo raquo gt - - - - - bull ZZuumlggZSigtZ Z^tt^tt^^^- T^ ^tlpound

1 8 raquo aaiOB r e iacute a i i v e s a j - 1 gt mieubrp sirve para encumbrarse de Meacutexico raquobdquoraquobdquontrndo v existen los l 8 traded ds a- bull laquo B P t l r l oacute d laquo B e ^ e l 7 0 0 l l l - M raquo w w n n t trade laquo n n laquo ^ laquo t e l o d e i h a a l aacute raquo i i d o iexclQue honra para los patriotas S i J ^ f c irfeHnatiacuteonesrriha e l d lm ^hriexcl ltlaquolaquod-3qe Uuml p s u e r o s v y de J o s eacute Aacute n g e l ha iqueste BU corazoacuten A Meacutexico I M c e a i u c s a pt rdiltfa d e l a v ( iexcl r ^ m a s depravadas- viblan nintildeos l l e g a P ra c n e r e o n A u iexcliexclo laquo - T Hernaacutendez y L u c i o Luna enviacutea trenca (-argados de c o - ^enza V corrompen mujeres y se entregan J a I o que Antonio I Vi l l - P e p i t o no s e resigna a empu-e n l a s o a r c e X e oacute d e l s a l - ni iacute f t ibW y para loraquo barrv- Moncaieario anda suelto Icui- entre si a placeres que la pluma ^ bdquodegtrade ^iacute0 dlaquo1-trade- ntildear el picoy lapalacoaqueten-v a g E s iacute a d o d e c e n a iraquotrade1raquo )laquo 6B laquoi^mayai de d a d o M M bull bdquo bdquo bdquo n o quiere describir iexclLa Iglesia ^ iquest J V trade^trade bullraquo laquo bull laquobulllaquobull laquolaquo laquo a laquo r raquologramos IPs a-

fiiacutetre t a n t o no o l v i - Mhiliia en las calles de Cbi- ^ defensora del derecho luz y a- bull iexcldeg ^ - bull deg n a r m s f hacer triunfare1siste-E n t r e t a n t o n o o l y i - fe poyo de los desheredados iexclQue ua al^raquolaquogtn prsdueuraquo bdquor U niacutea justiciero de la propiedad c 0 -

^rf^T^cSfAueiloS2l^iquestl^^)2 Pablo Gonzaacutelez uno de los g e - v d e L r o cuando el sacerdote y el - laquo - laquo laquo laquo I Coleacuteris hce reehi- n u n i e l u ere pue perdure el sis- bull o n n u e s t r o s m aacute r t i r e s y l111 peilaraquogt no |gtraquon fimo n e r a l i l l o s carrancistas dice que P e p t o a r a a B e c deg d e mantiacute- tirano han obrado siemprs de co- raquor 1laquo pluma sobre 1 pl estam tema actual para coniacutemuarvmen-q u e n e o e s i t a n de l a a y u - Ks ijue Wilson da el raquoloacuten y a f i e n e s iexcl e t e a e r o p i a u o s p a r a Pepi to es un afeminado de esos m u n a c a e r d o para oprimir y ex- Plnd tste iacutelaquoliexcl - haraquo de- o sin trabajar como lo hacen su d a d e t o d o raquo l o s t r a b a j a - [ara cernerse la pechuga a r o j a r u o r a b a s a los zapatistas q u e a b raquo n d a n e n I o s conventos y p o t a I a ) o a p n e b i o s iexcl clarado guerra RIU cuaril a la An- congeneres y declara que es im-d o r e s CCmaoientBB x ei sus madrigueras en sacristiacuteas pues bien sabido es- toridad y al Clero porqne enel-trade posible la realizacioacuten de nuestros

_ fe- Mucho g a s t o de dinero implica t a C i n 0 c s a O S p S S O n p r fe ven lesoliata-uloraquo maacutes pbdquoderosos a ideaes Dice asi f^ossocialistas j u 1 tidnrios de los vicios contra natu- fa miras anaacuterquicas (deberiacutea decir anarquistas) mejri-

JSS^SSSiiacuteiacute^SSSSfS^ Ka tfnerodeeste afo en un dis ^ l ^ ^ Z Z ^ ^ r t r a Pepito se rtsea la calabaza di- A ft(iexcllti a f e c t a n f a v o r e c e r bdquo e n a j e n a c i o n

S | ^ 9 i iexcl S Iacute ^ cunraquo laquo |raquoraquotradeDcraquoenIraquoaa i i po ^lado ^ r solo r e c o c e r oacuteuea P e p i t deg - d e s d e laquou laquomVenticulo golaeabeza De nn eajon saca muchachos v lus borrachos de la propiedad privada para que t^aiquestrDiacuteasiquestsTSiacuteIacuteA c7oxlaquoS HsWillaquon expresoacute snopinoraquo sobre f bdquo l T V i T e 1 T i de bas VegasNuevo Meacutexico se Una botella de Whtskey y sm u- j ^ y d d - E p M deg d ^ pueda servir aluso comuacuten del pue bull bull S S r S a S M f t r iacute J T V - ^ -W mtaemdejrallaquoBn1leaiio t l e r f a d e b e laquo d c l u e U r a b a5a- dispara contra el Maacutenifiestode 23 sar vaso se echa de unsorbo la p ^ X ^ j T en t Abdquobdquofiexcldad o de heehobien saben que esas S ^ T ^ ^ K ^ Iacute S ^ a f iacute C M S i S i 1- rrtjpoundlodesiis asuntos internos fe^ d e Septiembre de 1911 N o le mi tad del contenido tose encien- y el Clero veinoacutes los anaacuterquilaquotaacutes un s o ideas de imposible ejecucioacuten u iacuteKiiiacutetradeiacuterir^lwV1tV miacuteTIacuteJ Mas tariacutele en Junio se met ioacute a K n s t a e i Manifiesto y con amar- de u n buen puro comprado con igtst ft0bdquoiu uacutear bdquobdquobdquo bdquo u bdquo _ bdquo i J j I ldcas de imposible ejecucioacuten iacuteS tXiacute t irraquo l t iacute l i r tradeawlaquoiacutetrade k K ^bado y advirtioacute a los leaders Bernardo Loacutepez un individuo g o despecho exc lama SJexica- la l imosna que dio u n ppoundgtDre (tiacutea- jgt u (iilaferalflnlibreydichoiiraquo Por E s e ha sido el gr i to de todos loa degriacuteampiriacuterfitradeOacute Hd i t icoSuumleacute-Meacutexico que o arregl q u c vende bebistrajos e n Kansas nos Iraquoos ideales del Par t ido L i - b l o a l a Iglesia e n v raquo z d e c o r o - elgtn i a o hin 0 os eouira la Autoridad y lt iue omo e P i t 0 gt s e laquoPonen a que laquoiquestSSbeS oiacuteiacuteiraacuteLiiacuteiacute1trade Udegdeg deg IacuteKt pronto sus diferencias y forma City Missouri quiere que los me- beral Mexicano que esta causan- prarlesrpanasushijosy se pone B| oiero se realice un ptogresojque pone laquon O CBOOOOOOOOOOOO o b a u n goeacuteferno estable o la ten- xicauos de por aquellos rumbos lo do tantas discordias y revolucio- a eserbir con gran precipitacioacuten - peligro su posicioacuten privilegiada deg r MTT ir c - T diacuteiantibe pasar muy mal proine- reconozcan como Coacutensul de Bar- nes en vuestro hermoso pais son Capital Autoridad Cleao he yM Ese fue el grito deacute iacuteaacute noblesa o A LOS CcmPAHE-vOS D- iquest i ( l l d o e ) t V J i m l i o reconocer a los b a s dft chivo y parece seguacuten se enteramente socialistas es decir aqui las tres cosas que hicieron bdquo c u a n d o iexcl a burguesiacutea enaiacutebolo la e Por la presente baeeniM o qti- estuvieran de acuerdo con n o s informa que amenaza con quimeacutericos de Meacutexico una nacioacuten civil izada D- spechadu pnrjns triunfos que bdquo bdquo 1 n trade L j i laquo laquo - L tiacute r n u - ilaquo n i hraquoraacutelaquori i rilaquo o _bull laquori f bull bullbull n 11-1 j - ^ _ - _ i i i j i laquo bdquobdquo i D1 ijt J ounuera ue ios uerecnos ael Hom S SSSSi V deg L 5 f r SSSSinS S trade -verreuacuteoia Villa se apre- d c s p c h a r a Meacutexico a vez p a lt D i s t i n g a m o s P e p i o nuestros el 0 4 desaacuterrolltabto ta ri- que U Revouciduvslcnzando ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ Z S T Odlt Espantildea laquolaquo el compantildeero o swu a manifestar su buena dispo- ^ u e s iexcl r r a n d e s ( i 4 a d o s a su amo tdealca son realmente socialistas quezas naturales del pais la A- disprraquo de esta suerte Contra el t M C U bdquo n d o l a bandera reoubllcaria S L T amp S S S - I5T S K i a S fcioup^^ntrarentratadoscon a todos aqullos que no se dignen Cn cuanto negados el llamado de- laquotoridad h laquo - d o respetar las ^ laquo ^ ^ laquo laquo laquo l ^ ^ laquo t e ^ S 1 S iacute bull Espantildea lia quedado al frente le O laquobull leaderraquode otras facciones reconocerlo reacutecho de propiedad privada pero IW68 1raquo deMlaquogtaen la libertad partido tiene enarbolada laquou san iexcl exclamaron loa eon-o UumlBBScroHaSl iS laquoegiexcl6nEdeg=n o laquo m ^ bull i trade deg raquo n 0 r 1 0 S i N o h a y u e a s u s a r B e M e t i c a - ^m6 ai mismo tiempo negamos individual y nacional el iquestClero Krienabandegti laquo lo campo d J ^ o w cuando la Junta Or-iiacuteSSSSSi tamodl iacutea^Wribraquo O encargo es Carranza el que va n o s E s e Lopez no tiene ninguacuten e p r l c i p iode Autoridad y que- ensenando sentirmentoilaubl mes aceidu en Meacutexico Aprove- ^ X r del Partido Liberal 8 flfAff2S- J2poundTdegme0- poder p a r enviar a nadie a l a r e I M 0 9 q raquo e l a riqueza social sea d laquo P gt laquo d raquo a y a m o r a todos indi- a t a n t e adeana deestos mmwnto ^ ^ ^ d d e bdquo f O fcrdlaquoPJSa SpoundpoundConeacuteuiacute O Primero dijo Wilson que ro filas y si se preacutesenla con imper p r o p i e d a d c o m a n q t l e c a d q u i c n iquestlaquondouna patrgt futura mue^o de confBdn y zlaquoobra euando 1 iexcl iexcl pound raquo raquo 0 trade raquo ^ o laquorviriacuten laquotenderraquo en lo de o h a iacute ) i a q u e entrometerse e n los u- t inencias no teneacuteis otra cosa que trabaic seuun sus apt i tudes T laquoaraquo rica y hermoaa que vuestra-derecho oonnista en la fuerza brutal poundbdquobdquo bdquo f n _ _ d o laquo Araquo eacute O iilstantt laquoodoa rujjtros a-nigoraquo O traoaje seguacuten sns apiiiuuea y laquoraquo~ movtiraquotraquo da lnavaheeillu Ionriacuteraquobdquolrnbdquo^tbdquo gritan los tetrograaos anwei sol bull in ip tUdorbdquo iesidenKraquo en O siintraquo mexieanos despueacutes s e e r - hacer que darle un puntapieacute por consuma seguacuten sus necesidades P11 faerra mdeg5 t iacute e sraquo bdquo u i v i 0 n Iacute M esplendoroso del Mahiacutefieito de raquo bull aquel ptia _ g tromete pone como condicioacuten T V el trasero s i fuera9- h o n r a d o habrias d icho S e neces i ta haber ingerido la h a n a r r e s t a d o muchas t ierras tus d 8 e p t i ( m b n d e i m iexclLadrido bull O O O 0 6 C O 0 O O O O O O O reomocirtiento que se este deti- q t t e j o iexcl j e a t e s d e l Partido Libe- mi tad d e l c o n t e m d o d e una bo^e- eBlMmoi duentildeos para l ^ a A s _ l a l n i j raquo t ~

cnerdo con su poliacutetica y favorece raquo ral Mexicano son enteramente Ha de alcohol como lo hizo Pepito I raquo raquo n c u e n t a -gt JSvndo raquo)ltlaquobull iarc en avndar a | ^ ^ n 0 lo estuvo Los partidos autoritarios ha-anarquistas Estos ideales Pe- P laquo raquo atreverse a decir con bulltanta Lo que deplora Pepito y depio- -0(iexcl

I i tm l e e neoejaria pora rfraquoe ()ciexcldidamente los funcions- ilan mucho de patriotismo honor pito estaacuten basados en la ciencia frescura semejantesrnajadenas rentodelaquolopaniritwde ^ cnlsRa B fc enrfia no W q u laquo I e i ju tn- riacuteos puacuteblicos estaacuten fuera de su hiexcl- nac ioniacute l v no se que cosas mas y por lo mismo no pueden ser Como buen c l e n g o t ienes que sa- es eso p-eol raquoente qne los prole- Pep raquo laquo e n t e sed tes ta crudoe raquo j e n C laquo o l o a u n lt raquo p o r o bdquo bull ruedo de u n circo cono pero l legado el caso so los P r iexcl - quimeacuterico Quimera son tn in- Hrraquo la defensa de t u s h e r m a n o s l a toraquo laquo( laquojen ahora | l l e r r por miserable 1 V u e h e po lve trade

SaMK lftiacuteta Octubre de lal 5 Pagina 3 iMUuiitj ^raquoiexcllaquowiraquotCTMltr^flaquoltw i^iiir iMniiy^iiiEacuteragtai UI-UJU

Regeneracioacuten EDITOR Enrique Flores Mairaquoon OFICINAS 2325 Ivanhoe Ave Direccioacuten Postal P O Box 123(1 5gt bullbull LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA


Telefono Home 556003

de arr iba Penas de promesas extrac del inagotable cajoacuten o t r a ltbull J t n o r a n c j a 0 i nd i f e r enc i a a

MJtfvo icnrroR Tose Vaacutelele as riiiertlt- de rnHgt-iro quendo

otmipitiiraquo- AIIKIIID L Kiiiiicron Esto firme abnepado y sincero noraquo oiiigafl rxmhinr otro E-IPnr dltgt compantildeero de ideas se encuentra

bullbullbullmdash- A - | RKiacuteiliacuteN fUCIacuteON if-la l-ypov- preso en la caacutercel del Condado de bulln T r a b a j a d o r Ja vida poundbull-tai a-iacute h- quiere yinvqnraquo mmpuumlr esta ciudad En legitima defensa vde REGENERACIOacuteN esiacute con ella p n no perder el registro hirioacute a un individuo que se dice vjtan necesaria para ti cornoiquest lttlaquo laquoemuid viexclm penetro a su casa y agredioacute a su felpan en tu mesa v ii-raquo- pnlaquoadltgtqic iexclCritique sea familiacon un puntildeal REGENERACIOacuteN es un^ i lt i bdquobull_lt- bdquobdquobdquo tH n-trade en lo Ijdegs tramites lentos de los tri perioacutedico que sirve para e-fiexcl miee-iv- bunalcH son la causa de que el vducarte para hacerte verjr Toda cni-gt-eltpigt-ibmlt-iexcln d^i-m ner buen compantildeero se encuentre ^ que iacuteiiacutenes derecho con tu pound onvindi con elaquoia dirPltj1( HnrUpiraquo- preso todaviacutea familia a llevar una vida pior^ iagm p o-bW 1VG lltvraquo Bueno seria que loa compane-

Ciil ros que puedan hacerlo visiten _bdquobdquobdquobdquo a j 0 f i e ahora que seencuntra en-

bull que arrastras y que por tuff x ( gt K raquo K I K T tro las redes de la ley burguesa

^ gt ^ gt ^ ^ laquo ^ ^


Un laquontildeo $100~Seis meses 50csmdash Nuacutemero suelto Jes

paqueteros 2Y2c ejemplar

otra ves suspira roe alando las v verdaderamente humana y iacute AnB(MIacutegt caldeadas pa labrasc le lensotanndo ^ ^ e x i iexcl e n d a m j S e r a b e ^ B

f ^

3 $ 1

botella y de un Sorbo casi la va- iexcliquest i n t e r e s e s t iexcl e t u C lase ha-f I Jemes recibido al mi-rno

repente clava la vista en su mesa ^ m c movimieto que Se Uama^ tft (|Huuml trabaja piir crear on presoacute y tropieza con el clasico emu i - i R c v o | u c i o n Mexicana y esv fcspaiaunanbieuIacuteHlH raquoiexclv-nito rojo el Matnin-M ltilt- _bullbull -iquestpreciso que viva iste peno-- ^

Los diacuteas de visita son los martes y los viernes de di z a doce del

de Ja tarde a paneros

agresor esta agmlido esta

ntto rojo de 8laquopUtmM de lttl

por riacuteos


_ i i c u s u t m e viva i s i c raiexclu-i- + bull bdquo bdquobdquo i bull 0 k i d a iacutedico para que la sangre deiacuter a t a iacute u a l o s bull^laquolaquobull Hlaquoe -REGENERACIOacuteN

amo- Iacute-IM- t ^ k - s ^ w ^ tradelaquo K- laquobull luchan por su emancmaeion bull anormales

momento sus amdeg-iacutelos trabajadores que han In-liacute l u ( n a n frecuentes en iacutejehado y luchan nc Meacutexicoo oconomica

su emancipacioacuten bullase do ltgtlt s-das

ESRR m^ mmmmm m HEQEHBHflQlOH



bdquo DE CLASE-

iacuteggggiacuteaacuteft5=388gf r - ^ ^ ^

los cleacuterigos v escribe a las volan- iquestno sea aprovechada por losv lilnutades

Con iexclrrandes difiacutecnltades hornos podido publicar el presente n n -tnero de K K G E N E K A C I O N

dyrmdash -i egggaiexclf2ntildeB3iacute^

daS -Si bull qiwrcisHei ld o iexclambitJObOS que quleien em~lt Nbdquo 1HMOH recibido todaviacutea u H Hltrro do v u p l v a a bullifiliaos al P a r t i d o Libe- lipleOS publlCOS S n o p o r l1)4 bdquo bdquo bdquo f m r iwbdquoMnlt151 1 1 | - C1 P c l lltraquo r o ( R lt l l - ^ U ( ^ (t

nes I l d n - i 1 M l t n r i n iquest L laquo ^ laquo h r w r H 1 trade - i 0 P lt l ( J l u U s ( 0 ) l V - praquotilt1u-iilpM suspenderse el perioacutedico por ful-ivrlaquovigtTnriexcl s i por el cont iacutear io ios CiesneiCuauOS raquo r-

ral Mexicanoraquo si i iquest T | 1 L bdquo _ m _ t r u i - bull H los n uacute m e r o s O H iacute I v 1raquo ta de elementos pecuniarias oacute ltuT personas honradas lit- i i U UCOer c o m o naiacuteWjamdashbullbull bull r bull iquest

bull i T iacute u n T r a e l c o n todaraquo vues t ras iacuteu to r c o m o m i e m b r o d e l a lt i 0 laquo n p a t i e o c l ^ H v p e t h - Pedimos a nuest ros lectores chad contra tsilaquolt ^- i k o gt n bdquo bdquo bdquo i iexcl bdquo i i raquo ulaquo ^-claquogtlaquo t pnraquoiraquornlaquo s l

bullq U W W nTr7eiacutecoacutentoacuteltiacuteaacute 8 vues t ras iacute u l o r c o m O m i e m b ^ d e iacute a [ gt lt i o ^ n i a t i c o e o ^ y peltH- Pedimos a nuest ros lectores

bdquo Sgrar i Clase p r o d u c t o r a d e Ia t gtdeg^ p raquo i t i icd i (Mk-laquo8talaquol iacute i uumlasa ltlraquoe raquoe apresuren a enviarnos sil-luerasi laquolaquoiexclm raquo- cnr-iacuteal laquoc -svn lt gtv - v c n i - i laquouna ayuda para laquopie no vuelva

Yo rreo oue Pepito en su em- ^riqueza soual es ayUi ltu diexclr su Grupo Lditor uuo liacuteos ha- v o c a u i bull i nbdquo(-rio bullUIacuteltTiacuterMFRAr^AM mwlgt i bull a ocurrir qlte se suspenda la pu-

briagieuuml qu so decir lo contiano KM^HiUvtUUiN paiaf u-a a remesa lt e e os laquoersonas honradas vjque este perioacutedico continueacute blicacion dtiacute este perioacutedico uacutetil

sinuereisserpersonn raquo raquo bull mdash ^ ^ ^ iquest Z ^ ^ i c Z L deg S Ctraquoraquolraquolaquonerolaquo de toda Asi pues a contribuir todos iexcliiexclni i Partido Liberal Mcxi- ^nummanuumlO conciencias l i l i l iacute i bull afinaos araquo Iacutelt erfin ^rl-raquolaquoiacutert nr^nniacutevc tuiu-in aacute- a Amoncii (luedoseet) leer con algo

bulljano-Hiacute por el contrario querua ^piando corazonesraquo avivan- f r hdrones luchad confa el do enervas iacute I i iaVlM)lOAltngt4 deben -

Cou todas vueacutestr-B fueras iquestNo -J Contribuye a la vida dej pedirlo a Ricardo Flores Ma- A T E N C I 0 N ( TRABAJADORES

es asi Pepito iexclj CSte i penOdiacuteCO COJIJO qUCf g o n ]gt O Box I2iacutetgt L O S An- Todos los dominas a las 7 y Vi de miacutetines de propaganda

1 Centro de Estudios do en la calle de San

767mdashAsistid a apren-dejar de ser pobresmdashEn-

^puedas No compres losj g t iacute l e8 i Cajgt( ] agt A mompa- laquo che hay u pe r ioacuted icos d e la b u r g u e s iacute a lt bdquo ) bdquo bull i- gt en el Local de

apoya REGENERACIOacuteN- l a ft bU r 1 1 0 e iacute v a l r dJ ^ - - - - laquotraquo raquobullT ndeg q t l e ^oue es tu perodico es tuf l laquoub^-npcmn uuml$u buuml senes- j e trade ^ No a Kevoiuuon lt ) r t a v o z e s t u e s c U j 0 es tuff tro $ I -2U poruntildea anualidad trada gratis

i lltitrhltti (W iacuteiacute 1laquo llaquo iexclimita Kn maiton proletaria ilthniacuteiia tan eovriacutenicias oraquo potter de la buryutria taaobx-nt ifp RlfAuumlnn FlOKKK WAC10X

amp fraquo U Siacute


tu maestro Elf moneda americana _ dinero que gastas en pren-jiacute

Proacuteximo al com

re acHbar con la gritos y s -mberaaos v c feron- a ^ do d - e - t a m a n e r poco euca r s - M bdquo _

tica iexclarriba todos a p r o - ^ b u r g u e s a gt e s d i n e r o q u e ^

curar eacutel verdadero bien de n ^empleas en remachar tus ca-p tria a restabecer en eda el orden ^ Qm ^ ( | iexcl n e r o ^ x y U paz iMucra gta anarquial J Q pound n _ r e n s a | m r g u e s a p a

4os frailes la patria es el bull

IIPBittimtfT^^ t3^MaMgg8eg

Arte ll-dvoluoionario Con s te numero sifiacuteue la

serie de dibujos revolucionarios bull debidos a la p luma del intelig-en- iquest

Mz_viacutez vy^yiacute-vh -iacute viacute^iexclIacutexiacuteiacutesftr t iacutez h viacutev raquoiacuteraquoj-iacutes_tiacutezsiacuteiacute vfiacuterf


Juta Oroaoizaiacutelora I I P a i t i Liberal Hexkano

Patato fr-uesia pair - - v t ignorancia comprase - mdash mdash H - raquo - - enomago Asi es que puede tra- e s d ^ 5 t u d ^ ^ ^ te com r tneo Ncolas fiacuteevel iquest raquo laquo vociferacioacuten ltle la s- ^ rf iexclDe$piertaacutegt Cdeg ^ p ^ ^ l S ^ ^ I n t manera (h-y que tener + ^ ^ laquorasto-a -REGENEUACIOl piacuteient1 manera (h en taba fender el grito pueacutedese t aducido por i Muera laquoiexcl^ t u p pound 0 r e n f t m j g a

el trabajol

les ce le con


Camarada Si deseas que la vida de REGENE-

R A C I O N q u e d e a s e g u r a d a V Q U e e l n U - K C o i t r a e s t o s t r e s enemigos de la humanidad Gobierno Capital Clero 4-V laquolaquopondraacute las armas hasta que la tierra la maquinaria de produccioacuten

mero siguiente salga a tiempo apresura-- - - bull te a enviacuteairtu ayuda s raquobullraquo J

^ Los principios por los cuales lucha el Partido Liberal Mexicano estaacuten bullgt condensados en el Manifiesto que esta Junta expidioacute con fecha 23 de Sep-iquest tiembre de 1911 r1 Kl Partido Liberal Mexicano estaacute levantado en armaa en Meacutexico luchanuacuteo

7 no y los

Jiexcl laquotedios de transportacioacuten queden en las manos de todos y cada uno de los bullbull habitantes de Meacutexico hombres y mujeres y hasta que hayan desaparecido el

A|tirro burgueacutes el uacuteltimo representante de la Autoridad y laquo1 uacuteltimo sacerdiacuteiteraquo bulli bull gtbullraquo i T o d o hombre o toda mujer que desee pertenecer al Partido Liberal

^ - ^ ^ JV7Iacute4 -tji iquestrA iquest$iexcl-ty w i$~ gt$ zlaquo -zjx-7-STrjs-^v^jr7^v5f7^7vsr7iacute5 Mexicanono tendraacute otra cosa que hacer maacutes que firmar el cupoacuten que estaacute

abajo enviarlo a la Junta y remitir cada vez que pueda hacerlo la Cantidad que sus recursos le permitan erogar para los gastos del Partido

En las localidades donde haya varias compantildeeros y compantildeeras podraacute formarse un Grupo que no tenga maacutes funcionarios que un Secretario que se entienda con la correspondencia y enviacuteos de fondos a la Junta

Todo enviacuteo de correspondencia y dinero deberaacute hacerse con la siguiente bull RACIOacuteN a los paqueteros para qvie direccioacuten p o Box 1236 Los Angeles Cal

Al esfuer^ del gr i to quedo dormido Despcr

bargraquo i nqur to como ^ lgtHriolaquo I paldhfs quemadoras d e b a t iacute - O S j m ^ e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ in t roducido reproduciendo los di

ido REGENERACIOacuteN en ro de la celda de a r r i b a

f rusto la innovacioacuten que hemos j ~ a s t a t e n e r a i a uista un lago laquoo dejen de enviarnos un abono o Fi r f n a O ^ int roducido reproduciendo los di- T ^ i iacute o amiqne sea de lo que nos adeudan O bdquo deg

huios del comoanero Reveles Los jacales que se ven en el Dajio i raquo O Nombre completo O indo t r z o e s t o s ffarabatos bull bull bull J O O K ^ W B K A W U ^ e n - iquest m A r t c e s m e x V e l e n t e m e d i o iquestiquest son el taller de la impren ta y la para poder hacer frente laquobull todos O 0

Inrnito i u cbd ior la prospe- J Viacutealo a t u s a m i g o s r e s i d e n t e s ^ p r o p a iacute r a n d a oficina del perioacutedico los compromisos oue tenemos laquo ucupacon iquest o 0 deg r i d o p a i s lu^ Iacuteen MeXlCO ES preciSO querpound O Residente en O

^ Adminis -o Estadode o ridad de vuestro quei raquofr laquoW contra el Partido Liberal f ^ iquest iexcl ^ ^ pound [ PQY rCCaiacutegO de tobajO 00 W^CQ luuml SeCCiOll te

1 bajadores despiertos hayaJ taClOiacutel e s t a S e m a n a S t ^ H i llaquo mismo luchad ftras mayor numero distra-J

raquor sbirssi iacute S S r s s ^ ^ yioskuoc _ 3 miseria y la tiraniacutea flabdquodo y os tr b a j a U T e 3 sngt ^ J A famiHas laquo g a n - u f r i - n d o m i s e n a s - 4 ^

despre^oH por par te de raquolaquolaquo m - | j mos vrduios e iacuten ju s f c i a s mil ^ raquo laquo H F t

Numero O O Calle

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

pues a luchar con t ra lt1 Pnriido iacute a s aprecio a los que te di- h ff piwnimcnar luma bull- x-- lt exolota4ores ff

Catecismo IMasaiacuteor- Caitas a a Por Ramoacuten Verea

IDOS rechazarla para no caer en ella y causar un mal a nosotros Ia creacioacuten Adaacuten y Kva su caiacuteda el pecado original cl mismos y a la sociedad diluvio la Virgen Mariacutea Cristo la Trinidad la cruz el incienso

Por estas y otras muchas razones convendriacutea que todo el que el aRua bendita la Pascua las llaves de San Pedro la ininorta-pudiesc se casase y especialmente los cleacuterigos mientras la ilus- lidnd del alma al precepto de amar al proacutejimo como a siacute -mismo traeioacuten del pueblo nolos suprima por innecesarios costosos y el ayuno el rosario etc etc todas estas cosas son de origen


contra si misino jilucha contraiacutea tiraniacutea nun-^ jjca nos hemos vendido al po-^ |deroso hemos sufrido sin

EipWraquo Pepito se quedd di-finitiacute- queja martirios mil por de-pound twwmie dorando liacutei frraquoiie jjfender al oprimido Conf de la celda de arriba penetroacute de ^golo a b r i r n u e s t r o s labIacute0Sif pnntiiliwai laquopnwntoy ha traquo ^podernos cambiar nuestraff mm ^miserable y odiosa situacutea-

Ijcion poruntildea llena de dis-ff | tinciones y de riquezas yjj 2 entonces en vez de ser tus ff

^ bull j r laquo 7 u 7 i ^hermanos tus maestros y f produce Nuevo Meacuteiacuteiiso han IIPCIIO J - raquo ^ 1 i j t u s defeilSOreS Se r iacute amos tUSC Si ^ matrimonio es un sacramento de institucioacuten divina iquestpor

bulltiiiou laquo iquest ^u |j j a [giexcl c s j a p r iexcl v a de eacutel a sus ministros

Recibiacute amigo Juan 1u contestacioacuten a mis tres cartas anteno-

Los enHotHiiadoB dlaquo Las Vegup


unfolllaquotiU) titnlraquotlo Rt-spufistH laquo1 A

i T J laquo i I iexcl I L I T -J explotadores y verdugos Mraquomueiraquoio de Par ido Liberal 3 1 - VTT i ^ bull 1 s

D bdquo j No hagas aprecio a los que f xioauft escrita por Pepi to Al pie laquo5 i V

v nos llaman Vividores De-4

bull bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo raquo CARTA CUARTA K] Ciacuterupo 1-Mlltn- ilo ItTCtiacuteKMraA-

CHIN laquoo no tinco aollrtiivln do lraquo conven tos a u t o r l l u r l o g o IIIH-KIKPOS que nniiliin iMiPonti-BMc en es tn obra roraquo _bull ooiiKiiiiaotio uumloiiincntraquo la ltloi-uuml-lua r c s y comprendo perfectamente que no aciertes a explicarte el anlK-rilKloH eonteiU en olla ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ltiexcl ) ) a C B U g a d 0 i D k e s (bdquo1e f u eacute a l g uuml a s iacute como

una aurora despueacutes de liTta larga noche oscuraiexcl que principias a ver pero qne no puedes divisar bien los objetos porque aun

(Continua) bull queda una neblina delante de tus ojos bullJ- y es una necesidad social para la conservacioacuten de la familia Ksfi efecto lo esperaba yo y creo que poco a poco seffuacuten

Por lo que te dije al principio veraacutes que el matrimonio no vayas pensando iraacutes viendo maacutes claro fueacute institucioacuten ni de Dios ni de Jesucristo que no se casoacute fueacute necesidad que cl clero quiere monopolizar por cl dinero que le

pacano imitadas por los cristianos liacuten secundo lugar has de saber que en el mundo hay millones

y millones de hombres y mujeres que ni fueron bautizados ni bautizan sus hijos que no se confiesan ni se casan ante cleacuterigos catoacutelicos ni van a misa ni cumplen con los preceptos que tu Iglesia dice ser necesarios para saacutelvame lisas gentes viven y mueren tranquilas y son en su mayoriacutea maacutes honradas que los catoacutelicos porque no son tan pobres

En tercer lugar te advertireacute que de los catoacutelicos ilustrados son muy pocos los que cumplen co^ esos preceptos y muy contados los (pie creen pueda un hombre hacer Dioses-hombres ni perdonar los pecados

Si alguno de los preceptos catoacutelicos fuera necesario para salvarse Dios debiera habeacuterselo ensentildeado a todos y cada uno

En los primeros siglos los cleacuterigos eran casados y hasta con maacutes de una mujer despueacutes y con grandes esfuerzos los papas

k los obligaron a permanecer ceacutelibes para aislarlos de la sociedac iacute bulllt bull I

de la (laquonraacuteula viene esta relacioacuten J 1 0 raquo u w ~ v k los obligaron a permanecer ceacutelibes para aiacuteslanos ue la sociccini L u iacute gt bdquo j b e s e s t a r S e g u r o d e q u e SI 1 y poder movilizarlos maacutes faacutecilmente Al ordenarse hacen voto Iinoreiita do la lievista (Jatolioa bull - lt i v i r bull iuiHriiraquo lt- poundel l0S h u b i e r a n SUJO t e n t a d O S 1] de castidad y tuacute sabes muy bien como lo quebrantan iquestQue KICAUDO FLORES M A G Oacute N

_ bdquo mdash ~ j ] ^COn l a s rIacuteQUesaS laS dis t i t l - K c u r a J deg v e n conociste en todos esos alrededores que no tuviese

bullpound laquo laquo laquo v - -imn ene o-niiacuteT-ic ir ciiu sobrinos iquestA cuantas c mdash liciones y los honores confi s atradea- sus amisEf y bs

TI ntildene I--raquo vtgtviacuteiacuteraquo gttm raquo seducen a cuantas doncellas s no pierden

Me preguntas como podriacuteas pasar sin los sacramentos sin bautizar a tus hijos sin confesarte sin comulgar sin casarte de los hombres y el nuacutemero de los que se llaman catoacutelicos t or la Iflesia etc deg alcanza al diez por ciento de la poblacioacuten del mundo Este

Dices que laquoiexcl te guiaras por miacute seriacutea tal cl escaacutendalo (pie arma- hecho por siacute solo bastaraacute para demostrarte que tu religioacuten no riacutea el cura (pie no podriacuteas vivir ahiacute c s necesaria para salvarse a no ser que la llamada Justicia

Vomnrendo perfectamente tu posicioacuten porque yo naciacute en la Divina fuera la injusticia suma Ninguno de cuantos tiranos aldea como tuacute y seacute muy bien que los buitres de corona no sucl- gtbull Vahiacutedo en la tierra obligoacute a cumplir una ley no promulgada tan la presa sin defenderse como tigres iquestNo dio Dios a cada uno sus propios sentidos corporales su

El modo de salvar este obstaacuteculo es ilustrar a tus vecinos en inteligencia y lo necesario para vivir iquestCoacutemo entonces habriacutea estas materias convencerlos de que el cura no es el buen pastor de privarle del conocimiento de la verdadera religioacuten si esta es que da la vida por sus ovejas sino un tigre de sotana que chupa necesaria

asadas no a sangre de ovejas y carneros Lee a tus convecinos estas lige- Desde que hubo naciones ha habido guerras religiosas cada observaciones que a vuela pluma te hago y una vez que la s c c t a defendiacutea su Dios a sangre y fuego hoy sigue la lucha en 2iexcl i bull t jj sec iucen a c u a n t a s u o n c e n a s n o p i c i u e m

j j q u e Se nOS lia quer iUumlO COm-^ E l U ) s g i b e n p o r a c o l f e s i o n l iacute l s tentaciones de que es viacutectimamayoriacutea se convenza de que la religioacuten no es maacutes que una farsa d pulpito y la prensa no obstante Dios nunca dijo quieacuten teniacutea flniitf Viutaraquo-3^riacute ^ fo t~ iacute f tiAf ctr K nnriacutei Qjirnr Hintildeen n Iris iacuterrntps senei l l iacute is r o m o v o s o t r o s el cu ra m-z^n -gti n^ MIWA 1laquo ltTicfilv m iacute a Q q l l e p r u e b a (1UC 0 n o

ituporta nada lo que los

civilizadas dejan que cada raciones de su conciacuteenciai

i v v i Iacute ^ ltbull ----bullgt-- -mdash raquo-- -bull Aquiacute donde te escribo hay iglesias de casi todas las religiones

pondencia Mrva esto de diexclp ]]gendarme pueden conse-U a un hombre lo que a ellos no les revelariacutean tal vez y (pie sus Permite que te haga algunas observaciones acerca de los actuales En una se predica que Jesucristo cs Dios y en la del culpa con los compantildeeros a Jlguir

(juiones no liemos podido con- A Ayuda hermano testar aun sus cartas ^ - ^ AV-

$ hijas digan al confesor lo que luo diriacutean a sus mismas madres sacramentos por ejemplo ^ frente lo contrario El Gobierno deja que cada loco siga con su Las tentaciones naturales que respecto a uri hombre tenga la En primer lugar te direacute que los principales sacramentos y la tema Y en efecto es locura hacer creer a un hombre en lo que

iexclbullj- mujer o viceacute versa no son una ofensa a Diosmdashy si fuesen no mayorpiarte de las ceremonias catoacutelicas muchos ritos y algunos n o c r e e -iquestbullA 7 7$x-7pound podria perdonarlas un miserable impostormdashla tentacioacuten debe personajes^ son imitaciones de cultos antiguos (Continuaraacute)


Engliacutesh Section Edited by WM O OWEIV

SUBSCRIPTIacuteON RATES Singlo iupy 6c ts

Onedollara y e a r - 6 iruntlis fioc

No 2 0 8 Sa turday Oc tober 1 6 1 9 1 S

1 Scnd moiiey payable to ENKIQUK tFIlt0RJIacute8 MAGON

iexcl P O Box 1236 Los Angeles Cal


Carrutiuumli haraquo given lliexcle upeeial

dorso most cordially which runsgt as folio ws The revolution- in Meacutexico is not of a political n a -ture It isaneconomic revolution It means the industrial awaken-ing of Mftxico Duriug the days

rorrispomlentof TbeLos Angelen of Diaiexcl natural resources of the TUDOK a tstatainent whioh muy be country were by afewrich friends regarded as irioct feitiacutenifioant for iexclt 0f Diax who were given special marksalikB tlio lenglli to which the Mexican Ri-volulioii luis gone and (he dintimoH iexcli has wtlll lo traveiee A I ohill expliiin it h Ihu lraquot fitago thut will he IIIH Inmleet lor there tho defendereacute of lliii^s iraquofl lbey are llave piled chutadle on obstado and tiacutetere they will make tholr final stand

My ambition from tho begininir Hayraquo Carrantildeoacuten waa poace for Meacuteshyxico For that veiy toaron I toi-k tip tlifl hiinner of revolution againnt thedictator Huerta because I knew that we conld not havn peace laquoo long alaquo iexclijiiMIacutecieo were coininiltid In Uie namof liberty As a glt-n-eral rtaleiiiMit iliat is fino boii g H parnphraae of WVndell [hillipsi great liacuteaying ihut C d han givoi man oii and only one finido to raquoii-oeraquo8 Utter flnd ex ict Juptioe Tlmt he Iriacutea gurtmnleeil bull hall al-waim be expedioney II rutirv ron Id liacutebenme laquooiiviiood of lhnlpn-ciftl pflftflP would take the pNee Instantaneously and autoinatloaliy of the eveiyvihi-re-iacute-xiotiiig POCIacuteHIacute

war Ciminza then laquoInten that wluri

Huerta waa eliininatod he bogg-d

Villa to nvel hiin in Havitmi and thero come to an iwdoiftiiidinp but that Villa ooncidtrtd hlirie the HrongHi Hhd wa nnt pee-ldn penco He nddn tlmt he mudo cim-ilaJiacute approachca to Z-ipnln a d promwed to iftr-y out hi- agrmiii plan but unforlunaiely the pp f-iacuteonal niribitinnraquo of hiraquo seorotnriof were greater than the neoda of thiacutegt eonntry The referorfee is to I V lafox ond anotlier man whose namlt laquoScflpflraquo me As regantildeiacutes Palafox nono of us can cay wiexclth cortaintj what his porconal ambitions may havo been but it has alwaya booi underatood that he was a devout diiacuteoiacuteple of Kropotltin A ^ will ap-pear shortly mieh a man waa not

concessions Only thosc few d e -veloped the country Others- -Mexicans as well as foreigners r-Iiad no opportunity whateacutever Meacutexico was a latid of special p r i -vileges This conld not last for-ever and the result was the p r e shysent revolution

Note that phrase t h e natura l resources of the country and re-flect that it is always by induc-iug the law-makiacuteng power to give certain people special privishylegies in the natural resources of the country that economic in equality and economic dependence of the many on the few are brought about I t could not be othcrwise The stateinent can-not be denied unless one denies also the statement that th is earth is the treasure house from whKh we have to draw every ounce of our supplies

Carranza goes on to say tha t the wealth of Meacutexico while na-turally enonnous is at present merely potential He says Money and a great deal of it has to be invested before we can utilize the riches of our country We know this very well and for tha t reason we want foreigners to come and exploit our resources but they will come in the future underdifferent conditions Meacutexshyico will no longer be a land of a million opportunities It will be a country where all will be given an equal chance

the bondage of monopoly and put at the disposition of every human being

So far so good Meacutexico is no longer to be a land of Special pri-vileges but one in which all will be giveh an equal chance N o -t h i n g could be better and it is to be remarked as showing the r a -pidity wi th which t h o u g h t h a s ripened in Meacutexico dur ing t h e last iacuteive years of revolut ionary activi-ty t ha t no man of prominence in the United Sta tes or Europe has vfintured a s y e t to propose a pro-g r a m any th ing like as radical as th i s I t goes to t h e very roots for i when special privi lege shal l have been abolished and when all men and women sha l l have been given an equal chance t he millennium wfll have arrived and the revolut ionary movement will have done i t s work But juampt as in every walk of life t h o u -sands asseverate loudly t ha t they believe in equal opportuni ty for all and in the same brea th in-sist tha t vested legal r igh t s are sacred so does Carranza declare or a new deal and s iacutemultaneous-ly assure the publie t h a t p r iv i -leges acquired uuder the Diaz re-gime will be respected Here a re bis exact words

T h e y aecuse us of being con-fiscators A l i t t le reasoniacuteng will immediately show the fallacy of suacutech a thoacuteught Of w h a t valueacute could all the foreign proper ty be to us even if wed id confiacutescate i t Mines oil fields and o ther p r o p shyer ty are of no valueacute if they are not exploited To confiacutescate them would mean no th ing more than ge t t ing a white e lephant on our hands But when they a re ope-ra ted by their owners the govern-ment derives a revenue from such

Wlaquoolutiacuteonifltraquodrove hhn otit and oertaiuumlly juauy of his aciexcles afe tlow in the poeseacutelaquolaquojiuumln of tho peonculd-vato s Doacutees Carr^niacutesa prbpose to MtHloiv Ciribii ihna to Teacuterras s and iexclf so ivhgt re will the pfenn oome lu

Sjrely pne^need not dwell upon tib-urditieiacute so paiptble as th egt -iacuteur^iy evtry intelleotually-hooest man or woman must understatid that if A u to beacute reoonized as the soleacute proprietormdashas he was before the

inas mu h as men can have proshyper ty oaly in w h a t the i r labor produces and no man s labor proshyduc id the land H e t a u g h t t h a t

n i fes to because t h e one a n d a l lmdash i inpor tan t t h i u g is t h a t t he out -side world should u n d ^ r s t a n d t h a t Mexicans a re fighting for real iacute -

the g r a u t o f thlt exclusive nse of j t ies and a leader l ike C a r r a n z a a certain p ece of land was t he who declares t h a t t h i s is an eco-g ran t of a special pr iv i lege by iacutenomic a n d - n o t a poli t ical r e vo lu -thf cominuni ty to t h e user for which thlaquo user must pay to the commtini ty as be ing the only le-gi t iniate owner the full renta l

tiacuteon wil laquoot be al lowed to subs-t i tu te the -hdltgtw for the subs -tance F o r t u n a t l y as 1 bel ieve a m o n g C a r r a n z a s present follow-

VHIUV1 If for example t he user ers there a re manv w h o und mdash r--tmdash - bdquo bdquo v m gti iui claquolaquoui[iir un- uraquocraquo fia m e r e a re many w n o u n a e r -revolutionmdashBCD and all the res t o fa p i cceo fp rope r ty vvorth $1000stand t h a t c lear ly and on t h e m of the alphabet will be left empty handedand that for theni the revoshylution will have been fougbt in vain Surely that is self-evidnit Hurely iexcltil who plead for the restoration of the land to the people ruust reeog-nize that-this inevitabiacutey implies con riscation of what the monopolistca lishyma property YetCnrrrgtzn inuists that this is noti a political but an e-eonoinic revolution

The Single-Taxeis I believe and such man as Lincoln Stefiacuteenp to my oertain kiiowledge have been busily pleading Carranzns cau^e I know this because eome of them have made personal appeal to me They think we ehould drop what they are pleHsed to cali our pershysonal differencee and they morlaquo than hint that the Magons and their followers are irreuumloncileables whom |

and on o the r s w h o fiink wi th t h e m t h e fu ture of t h i s g r e a t s t r u g g l e res t s


a year pays a rental of only $500 he is enjoying t h e special and un-just privilege of g e t t i n g $600 a year presented to him as a gi f t Georgeadvoca ted the S ing le T a x as it is callee mdashand called most

l injudiciously in my opin ioacutenmdashas the eas ies tand most cer ta in me th -od of coniacute iscat ing t h e special pr i shyvilege the land monopolis t today enjoys and it was as the enemy of special pr ivi lege t h a t he deshyfended such confiscatton Today

Car ranza denounces special pri- iexclt8 Zenth and it is therefore time for the n i e g e and in the same brea th de- country to know the truth clrareraquo t h a t Ua vested i n t e r e s t s j The existing revolution did not make it-inust be protectect ielf for the parpoacutese ofsatisfying theiexclnterests

sto ta Meaacuteaiis Issued by Emiliano Zapata



The revolutionary movement lias attained

Does Car ranza in tend to t ax ou t of existerice the land m o n o shyp o l i s t a special pr ivi lege Of-course he does not Such taxa-tion would be equivalen to con-

nobody could eatisfy But how can jntildesoation which he carefully re-one be satiafied Take my olaquon 1 p U ( j i a t e s A s it appears to me

resource ainounts to uothing un-til it has been exploitcd by human labor and it should be self-evidcnt that all ought to have an equal opportunity of ex-ploiting natural resources re-gardless of the flag under which they happen to have been born

llkely tobe flathfied with what Ca- 0f the color of their skin or of

Tranza offerraquo Then oomeraquo the prophesy thut

both Villa and Z i p i t iacute will he eli-niinated within the nextiew monthf Ond Carranza giveraquo that as hiraquo roa-60n for thinking it nnneoepsary U parley with them in the peace con-ferennpB urged hy the United Straquotfgt and Iatin Itopublicc With th rnthlessnciacutes which is Blaquoid to l e 01 lt of bis tnain cliiractericties hi laquodd that our enetriioH min-t he vlaquoi qni-b-ed coinplitely or there will be ni lasting penee in Mexho and hlt comtneiitashrewdly FranoiRco I Madero paid with his life by oom-promieing with his enemiep llar1

he eliminated them Mexieo would perhnps by now beonjojing poaoi and thorwpcct of the natiors of thi world The Constitutionalists an not going to make the sume mis-takeraquo We are going lo benefit h the experienecs of the past

Pereonally Inpplaud that stand I oommend it to the attentlon of the Bryans and others of thaacuteChautaii-quau typc who dreaui that if

the creed they chance to hold No ifitelligent Mexican wants

to put a ring around his country and keep it as the sacred presershyve of Mexicana l i e wants the natural resources of the country exploited by those who can do it most eflicieiacuteitly producing the greatest result wiiacuteh the least ex-penditure of eiiacuteort What he does not want is the exploitation of Mexicans and tha t is an cn-tiacuterely different matter

What I have just wri t ten is I believe exceptionally true of Meacuteshyxico Many of mv friends have lived in Meacutexico workingon the land and not endeavoring to exshyploit the peoacuten Their lestimony has been unanimous abjolutely unanimous tha t in no country will you receive a wanner wel-come than in Meacutexico provided you convince the people that you are there to work and not to work them And this is most natural for the Mexican has a great capacity for enjoying

they could induce the Allics in the good th ings of life and an ICnrope to consent to peace they evengreater incapacity for un-would be benefiting huiuanity 1 derstancling tha t s t range phi la think they would inflict on us an injury from which it niight take us ceitturies to recover and 1

hold the happy opinioacuten thut En- c ln does not uuderstand at all and gland will not lay down her iiruis iacutelmyself conaiderit his greatest ta-iUiti lPru8SIacuteanmili tarisinhasbeen|lent From tliose who make a ground into the dust and un til Godof work wege t only a slaviacutesl the autocratically-invasive pililo-

T h a t statement also I applaud It is sclf^evident that a natural P ^ t i e laquond that xs what we

are af ter I h e r e follows an as-surance tha t f rom the outset of the revolution it was the in ten-tiacuteon the honest desire of the Consti tutionalists to reiacutemburse all those who suffered t h rough loss of property and va luables and Carranza adds tha t t h e question of foreign claims is xo be passed upon by a t r ibunal coni-posed of members from various countries and of Mex icans

Before considering the basic question of confiscation I cali a t tent ion to the extraordinary frankness of the extraordinary s ta tement contained above I cannot th ink of any other man high in office who has acknow-ledged boldly t ha t the reason for developinga country is t ha t the government may ext rac t revenue I liad supposed that the real ob-ject of work in theory a t any rato was to enrich and benefit the worker and not a t all t o p r o -vide incomes for officemdashholders But apparent ly it is C a r r a n z a s belief that society exists for the benefit of the pol i t ic ianand th is being so I can unders tand his concluding with these words W h a t Meacutexico needs is not a man on horseback but an honest energetic man of experience a man who unders tauds the needs of the country and the people one who can rule wisely and sym-pathet ical ly Natura l ly th is white blackbird is Carranisa

Not as a revolutionist but as one who wishes to applay the most er-dinary intelligence and common aense to the solution of a diffioult problem I ask mySflfmdash- What does Carranza roally mean I ask my-selfmdashCan two bodies oceupy the

sophy which teaches tha t work is an end in iacutetself and is itself lifes greatest blessing Tha t the Mexi -

philosophv of lile and one tha t same s p a c e a t the same time sophy it represents has becomo a leads s t ra ight back to despotism und is it possible to leave the broad loathing to all the world I takelTo the hwy who bate work o r t o land^of Me ico in the posesaion of that pemition toward the cutireacute those sufficiently intelligent to social war being convinced that iexclunderstand tha t i t iacute s better to use only when unjust iustitutions have been overthrown can peace become effecliacuteve and holding thu t laquo0 question is really settled unti l it has been settled Wght

Nxt tomes a statemeut I in-

ones brain than exhaust ones muscles we owe the gra t disco-veries and invenciots which dif-ierentiate us from thesavage and are destiued to emanciacutepate the race when themselves freed from

the speculators who haacuteve cjrneniacuted it and at the same time return it Jo Miacutee peopl Can you overthrow the pillars-of the oiacuted regimu and simultaneously leave the building intact Terrazas for example own ed the greater portion of the huge and rich State of Chihuahua Tbe

case as an illusiration I am iacutenter-ested in all movements that have as their motive the restauraron to man of what I fegard as his n a t u i -al lioiiiage the land becanse I con-sider monopoly of natural resources the tap-root of human slavery be-cause I look on the ambition to a c -quire territory and live on it at the expense of other people as being at least one of the great incentives to that barbarous anachronism known as war How oan I be content vvi h Carranzas stnoolh avowal that tln-M xiean revolution does not mean oonriscatioii bullbull

On the one hand Carranzi de shyclares that tho revo ution was int-vitable because J)iaz eXpiacuteoited Me-xioo by giving special eoucesniont 10 a tew iich friends In trutb they were ooncesBIacutediiIacutej worth lalking ab-cut for th j y amouiited to ihe gift oiacute principiJities As a celebrated En-glish pubiicist Williaro Archer who w-18 sencl by Me Clures to make a speunl inveirtigation remarked Diwz gave away his country as it he bad beh blowing soap-bubbleu 0gti the other hand Cuumlrranziassures the frightened iacuteoreign investor that ounfisoalion is not on the Mexican revokiliunary progiatu In other words he annuees that when he iquesthall be eeated in the pretddenlal obairand shall have restored order everylhii g will bemdashto far as the vested inleroste are coneernedmdashas it was before the revolution

I am not a ltth laquou-prioed that the [jos Angeles Times which is par exoellenoe the ehaiiip 011 of ipecitl privileiquestlt printed Carfanzie iacutetattmeiiacutet pluyitig it up as oonepi iiuously aa possible on itsiacuteVont page Ousand hissupporters wiliswallow with compiaueney all the denuuei--itioria of monopoly aud special prishyvilege in whioh Carranza may iexcln-dlge Their anxiacuteety is about what Carranza who now cLims that he has eevenmdash-eignihu of the country at his back proposes lo DO What they want is some guarantee that ihe iuutnense oonceusios they and other Americana got from Diacuteaz will not beconlisoated as the Magonp jor example assuredly would conshyfiacutescate them What they want is nuumlbstanliul assuranee that when things have quieted down fcueinesraquo will proceed laquos before the peoacuten do-iog the worliquest and they reaping the profits They have been anxious to hring Carranza to the point and he has comemdashto TIIEIU point

A s I unders tand it t he S i n g l e -Taxers and American Socialista are now booming Carranza as they formerly boomed Madero believing tha t he will tax land valuacutees and thus abolish lauacuted mo-gt nopoly Butlt unfur tunate ly Cashyrranza now declares t h a t the Constitutioti ists have no i n t e n shyt a n of d o i n g t h e very t h i u g Hen-ry George iusisted on as absolute-ly indispensable George t a u g h t tha t there should be no such t h i n g araquo priacutevate proper ty in laad

of any one personality of any one group or of any one pjrty The existing revolution recognizes that its origons lie deeperand that it is pursuing higlier finalitiea

The psasant was hungry was endurinraquo misery was suflering from exploitation and if he ros in arma it was to obtain the bread which the greed of the rich denied him to make himsjlf master of the land which tha egoistic knded preprietor kepl for himself to vindiacutecate the dignity which the slave-driver

Wi th t h a t wave he mus t swim iexcl n i q u i t o u s l y t r a m p e d o n d a iexcl l y n H e thrcw

and wi th i ts onward rushhe fflustjhimsclfint0 rcvolt not to conquer illnsory keep pace He does no t rea l lv p o l k i c a ] rightsgt w h iexcl c h ( l o n o t f e e d h i m gt b u t

t rus t t he wave for he is not hon-1 1 0 p r 0 C l i r e for himsdfthe pieceofland which est ly a pa r t of it H i s s e c r e t pray- j m u s t s u p p y h i m w i t h food a n d 1iexclber tygt t

er is t ha t it wi l subs ide as q u i c k - h a p p v fiexclre8itiacutec and a W e ofindependence

thvirofore t he S ing le T xers and S j c i a l i s t s a r e e n g a g e d once more in bui lding cas les iexcln the a i r aud Car ranza s own posit ion is th i s

and growth

They make a lamentable mjstake whosuppos

ly as possible af ter laf iding hiin in the pr s ident ia l cha i r Per-

haps he is r igh t inasinuch a s r e - j t h a t t j i e cjablidiment of a miliury govera-volutio a ry waves have a habiacuteraquo imOTtgt t h a t iexcls t 0 9aygt adespotic govemnwnr of subs id ing but in th is pa r t i c - j viexcl1 iexcl iexcl l su r e t h e p a c iexcl f iexcl c a t i o n of t h e c o u m r v ular case I doubt i t P e r h a p s t h H t cm bbdquo o b c a n e d m]y b y t h c r e a l Iacute 7 a t i o n

m n a w a y will l e 8 u M u d o n c e j o t h c d ( ) n b | e o p e r a t o n o f r e d u d n g t 0 iexcl i n more and driveii tamely back in to i o t e i H e t h e e l e n e n t 8 o i t ) e a n k n t r e g i r a C (

the Stable but I should not c a r e | n d ecuingnewinterestaHnkedinextriacutecablv to bet on i t Too many p r e v i o u s V t h t h c r e T O l u t iexcl o n gt 8 0 iexcl d a r i c w 5 t h i t j i n

dr ivers who calculated on t ha t r A ( n g e r a n d p r o s p e r o u 3 i f it b e c o m e s e s t a b have gdne to smash bull If a peopK-j l i s h e d a n d c o n 3 o l i d a t e d once becomes dead in earnes t t h e T h e ntildem mK UacuteM o f m a k i n g iexclt i m p o s s iexcl e x p e r i m e n t o f f e e d m g them words b k for t h e r e a c t iexcl o n a r y g r o u p t 0 b e

instead of bread becomes quite

d a n g e r o u s

No On y foolhardy quacks and s h o r t - s i g h t e d pol i t ic ians at-tempt t h e r isky business of run-ning w i th t h e ha reacute and h u n t i n g with the hounds Only l i t t le

group to be any longer a danger is carried out by two difshyferent methods by the exemplary punish-ment of the chiefs of the great criminaacuteis of the intellectual director and active ele ments of the conservative faction and by attacktng the pecuniary reacurces they em ploy to work up intrigues and prevoke

metiacute play double laquond Car ranza is i revolutions thaO is to say by the subdivi p lay ing double when h e assuresj6iexclo nofthe properties ofthe hacienda owners us wi th one coacuterner of h is mout h a n d politicians who have put themselves at t ha t Meacutexico under his rule will become a land of social equal i ty in which spec i l privi lege will exist 110 more whi le wi th t h e o ther coacuterner he insis ts t h a t vest-

the front of the organized resistance to the popular movement which began in 1910 and has attained its crowning point in 1914 after living through the gallowjgt of Ciudad Juaacuterez and the reaetionary crisis of

ed in te res t s will be p r o t e c t e d a n d t | i e Ciudadela the tragedy which the those who have suffered by the j Huerta dictatorship let looacutese revolut io- imdashninety-nine per cen t rn support of this subdivisioacuten there mi-i of t h e m h a v i n g been the holders t a t e s the circumstance that ihe greateriexcl of special p r i v i l e g e mdash b e recom-1 p a r t gt n o t t o say the whole of the cultiv-

able lands to be nationalized represents pensed T h i n g s are good or they are bad beneiicial or in jur ious desiacuterable or undes i rab le If land monopoly is g od it should be en-couraged and protec ted If it is bad it should be destroyed r u t h -lessly and a t once If special in-terest is r i g h t the more we have of it t h e bet ter If it is w r o n g away with it immedia te ly T h e r e is no middle ground

Observe also how profoundly reaet ionary is the economic t h o u g h t of t h i s al leged rovolu-t ionary leader He poin tes out the necessiacutety of deve lop ing Me-xicos na tu ra l resources ad forth-wi th assumes t h a t th i s wiexclll be possibe only wi th t h e help of the na t ive and foreign cap i ta l i s t accordfng to the methods now in vogue G r a n t t h a t and all revo-lut iacuteonay movements becomes ab-surd G r a n t t h a t and you are bound to seek t h e C a p i t a l i s t s a i d on snch te rms as the capi ta l i s t sees fit to g r antilde t But the neces-si ty for c r awl ing on o n c e s k n e e s to capitali-sm van t shes when nashytura 1 resgturces and the iacute n t e r -c h a n g e of credi ts based on labor applied to na tu ra l resources are set free when tne t e ign of s p e shycial pr ivi lege is abol ished

I devote unusua l space lo t h i s ana lys iacute s of Car ranza s l a tes t raa-

interests created underthe shil)v ot the Porfirio Diaz dictatorship to the grave injury to the rights of a multitude of natives srnall proprietors and victims of all kinds who were brutally sacrificed on the altars of the ambitions of the powerful

The second task that of creating powshyerful interest akin to the Revolution and in solidarity with it will be brought to a happy conclusioacuten when the natives individually and in their communities receive back the innumerable traets of land of which theyhave been despoiled by the great land owners and this great act of justice receives its comple-ment as regards those who have nothing and have had nothing in the proportiona repartition ofthe lands given to the dicta-torships accomplicea or expropriated from idiacutee proprietors who do no chosse to culti-1 vate their heritages Thus there will be satisfied both the human demand torland and the appetite for liberty which is making itself felt throughout the RepubJic as the formidable reply to that savagery oi the hashycienda owners which has maintained even in the twentieth century and_in the heart of free Ameacuterica a system which the most unfoJtunate serfs of the Middle Ages in Europe would hardly have endured

The Plan of Ayala which transiacuteales the peasants ideaacuteis satisFies both terms of the problem for while it treats the sworn enemies of the people as they deserve to be treated reducing them by expropriation to impotence aud imiocuousness it establishes

in laquortlcleraquo 6raquolaquod7tTieiacutetwo gtert prfiidfraquolraquo ofshythe return oCstoIcnlandi (iiacutenraquoctof iniper- rioua iexclHMIacutece WntildeHthe splking-upof thecjt-propinicd l-iiluacutevable- Undraquo I an act requlred alkc by iisIacutecciquestiinHcttxslietuy)

IVuk auacute-ay fniiii thc ciieiiiV themeans ofgtii-uig dtmtgc was ihc viii ticttivoiexclf-ihe rcloriiiiacuters of1857 gttdictiniiquest vhciitliey iquestl-iJIacuteLdjtlicrlcraquogy ciacute iis iiiiiicnscqwssesj- ipriilaquoIacuteiicliacute it laquoiquested iquestoacutelely for thc purpose ofplcflting ciiiiepiraKIacuteoraquo und kerping tlie claquoiilHrvin perpetualdiiacuteoacuterJcrilirouph those liiilitary iiprisings whicli licar KiacuteiacuteHnking raquo rcscnibluncf to ihe liiacutet V barrak outlircak H-liich abo was the fruit of laquon understand-ing bctwoen thc niiacutelkarv and the reactimiilaquos

As iacuteor thc rcconsiructivc workoiacute the^ Rcvolutwiti the formationiof a nuclotis oacutef imcrcjtJ w-hiciisfwll support thc new order (Vis Vm tictiisk ofthe French Revolution which ljr fruiiacuteful resulta has not liad its ct|iml up to thc present day for it dividid anuig tctis of tliouaands ofliiimblc peasants ihc vaMs esiiiic of thciioblcaHnd^clcrgy and midc thc nuilliludc ihus favored such viacutegorou ndlicrentraquo of ihc Revolution1 work iliat not even Napoleoacuten ivilh aiThii gciiius ntildeor thc Kourhons wiih their laquoriacuteatoacute-cralic inlransigence were over ableto rooacutet iexcltoutdftic l-rcuch naiions pliysical and

5t)iritiinl lile

It i certain that tne deludcd hrliacuteevc that ihe country iacutej liacuteoinuuml tu be contfntcJmdashai iacutet wgt mil ciinlenltc in 1JlOmdashwilli an electoral pan traquoii)itne frum whichlaquore to ariae newraquonjraquop_ parentlyhonCiacutet men who are to oceupy the cumie chairraquo bull raquo bull in the-UiJiuumllalure laquonj th

PreiJency raquo loiacutety throncihut they Mho juirlaquor thc matter thtlii laquoppear to ignore tlie tlaquoct tha tiis coiiniacuterT h- rrapeJ tiuririquest thecriaia of th e Ijst few gtearlaquo raquo harvciacutet of IcMone it can nsver forifet which u-ill not perrnit fttofope it rea And InJ acquired a rarofound uader-ittarJinfiacute of ihe caucel oi iIImdashIkeiraquo|f and the way traquo comhtt them

W e may henrelhiacuteit the country will no t

he atiacuteiacuteetl wi ih hlaquo timid reforma laquoLetchcJ rn inteniiouiacutely hy thelawyer D Isidro Fihela Mimjtcr of Rclaiiacuteonn in the Carranciata |foy-crnmrtit and a man ^vho is a revolutioiiacuteet imly-in mmc tinte he neilher underttand no r

ryinpnthiiacuteei with ihe Revolutionraquo idtali Tlif co-jntry willnot be contcnted with tln mere aholition oiacute plock-me vtoreii iexclfeaploit-niacuteiacutenn and fraud are -lo -ciraquot under other fumiacuten ir will not be fatuacutefied with mnnicipi Iiltric9 exceediniexcl]ly problematieal an they are rM liie the ha i of econonicindcpcndenclaquo ij iexclitill mXiacuteiexclniexcll and Vi l l Ieltraquo will it ha poiai-ble to whwilc iacutet willi a petly pri)iexclriirn of reornn tntbeacute lewjdealiniacute wiacuteliacute anjtaacutegteraquo when whir iitttiriiacuteiniiacute iacutea the neacuteictbtoacuteluacuteilion of the proLlem relatin^ to the cuttivalion cf ihi hinde

The country want laquoomethiacutenil more than thc va^ucnciacuteiacutecs cf Sr Cahela which theailence of Sr Carranza ii indoraiacuteniacute It wijhes -ttgt hrcilt laquonec and for allwith the feudal epoch^ which iraquo now an anachronism It wirhcf lo deiacutetroy wilti onc strole the rclaliorrhiacuteps of lord and ftcrf overiacutecer and flla^c which in thc matter of ipoundriexclculturc are thc only one which rule from Tamanlipaa to Chiapiraquo and from Sonora Yicalan

T h e counry p-opte ivish to l ivcthcli iacutec

of civiliz-iriacuteon to breath thc air oacutef economic

]iexclbrty wliicli as yet they have not krioivn aiid this they never can do whilethereacuteatill renuius afKgtt thc bullirauumliliohal lonl- of thc uumlcaflbld and ihc knife who diacutejjxjiacutecs raquol wliim ofthe pirsins of his lalmrcn an cxt-iriioner of wages who aiinjhuumlalcs them iacutetrith excwsiacutevc taskj brutaliexcl7cs them by

liitserviacute tnd ill reattnctitiquest dwarftand cha - bull -

MU his rtcc by thc sloiv ngony-ofilaVcry in i thcciiforccd vithcringof human beingj -viacutems stonuihs and empty hrainslrtcr hmiiacuteiacutery

F i r s iacute abull inili tay and t h e n a pntilder-l iamentary government1 w i t had -rutnistrat ive rrftjrinsiacute in order t h a t thc reorganiza t ion i m y endure m ideal p u r i t y i n the m a n a g e -nient of the publie fiinds ontildeicial respoacuteiisibiliacute t ies scruumlpulouslyex- -tcted l iberty o f t h e press fpr those who do not know how raquoo wr iacute te l iberty to vote for those towli0ni the candidntcp are pn-known the corrt-ct adthiacute i iacutes t rat iacuteon of j its tice for those who will^iiacuteeyr er employ a ]awyermdasha| l these deinocratic pre t tmesses -aiacutel these finewords in which our grariil1-fatbcrs and M h e r s took suclfde--l i gh t have lost today the i r magic aacute t t r c i t i on and siacutegnificance toihe people T h e people have seeacuten that wi th eleotioacutens and wi thod t t i iemwith suf f rageacute and gtvithbuacutet-it w i t l r t h eacute d ic ta to rsh ip oiacute P o r shyfirio Diaz aacutend the demperacy of Madero w-rth t h e press gajiacuteged andiacuteivith t he p re s s giveo the full e s t l i b e r t r a U v aacute y s a n d in aJl c iacute r cunstanciacuteaacuteSi-it h a s stilj to c h e w Uumlie c u d o f i t s b i t t e r lot tp endushyre i ts miser ies t o s w a l l oacute w h u m i l iat iona t h a t know no end F oacute r thtsreasongt and wi th abundantlj gocKl cause it fears thaacute t t J ieHbf t t a t o r s o f today may p r a v e t h e m shyselves like t h e leadcrs of y e s t e r daywho clipped t h e i j beatiful raacutedicaliacutesm a t GiuiladjJuumlafez aacutend iacutert t he N a iacute i b n a i P a l a c eacute f o r g p t a l l a b o u t theacuteirsscduacutectiye proajises -(To be cont inued till neapound week )

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Page 3: Semanal Krumm Heller, propagandista a sueldo de Venustiano Carranza. Habla el cro nista: "Expreso (Krumm Heller) que

SaMK lftiacuteta Octubre de lal 5 Pagina 3 iMUuiitj ^raquoiexcllaquowiraquotCTMltr^flaquoltw i^iiir iMniiy^iiiEacuteragtai UI-UJU

Regeneracioacuten EDITOR Enrique Flores Mairaquoon OFICINAS 2325 Ivanhoe Ave Direccioacuten Postal P O Box 123(1 5gt bullbull LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA


Telefono Home 556003

de arr iba Penas de promesas extrac del inagotable cajoacuten o t r a ltbull J t n o r a n c j a 0 i nd i f e r enc i a a

MJtfvo icnrroR Tose Vaacutelele as riiiertlt- de rnHgt-iro quendo

otmipitiiraquo- AIIKIIID L Kiiiiicron Esto firme abnepado y sincero noraquo oiiigafl rxmhinr otro E-IPnr dltgt compantildeero de ideas se encuentra

bullbullbullmdash- A - | RKiacuteiliacuteN fUCIacuteON if-la l-ypov- preso en la caacutercel del Condado de bulln T r a b a j a d o r Ja vida poundbull-tai a-iacute h- quiere yinvqnraquo mmpuumlr esta ciudad En legitima defensa vde REGENERACIOacuteN esiacute con ella p n no perder el registro hirioacute a un individuo que se dice vjtan necesaria para ti cornoiquest lttlaquo laquoemuid viexclm penetro a su casa y agredioacute a su felpan en tu mesa v ii-raquo- pnlaquoadltgtqic iexclCritique sea familiacon un puntildeal REGENERACIOacuteN es un^ i lt i bdquobull_lt- bdquobdquobdquo tH n-trade en lo Ijdegs tramites lentos de los tri perioacutedico que sirve para e-fiexcl miee-iv- bunalcH son la causa de que el vducarte para hacerte verjr Toda cni-gt-eltpigt-ibmlt-iexcln d^i-m ner buen compantildeero se encuentre ^ que iacuteiiacutenes derecho con tu pound onvindi con elaquoia dirPltj1( HnrUpiraquo- preso todaviacutea familia a llevar una vida pior^ iagm p o-bW 1VG lltvraquo Bueno seria que loa compane-

Ciil ros que puedan hacerlo visiten _bdquobdquobdquobdquo a j 0 f i e ahora que seencuntra en-

bull que arrastras y que por tuff x ( gt K raquo K I K T tro las redes de la ley burguesa

^ gt ^ gt ^ ^ laquo ^ ^


Un laquontildeo $100~Seis meses 50csmdash Nuacutemero suelto Jes

paqueteros 2Y2c ejemplar

otra ves suspira roe alando las v verdaderamente humana y iacute AnB(MIacutegt caldeadas pa labrasc le lensotanndo ^ ^ e x i iexcl e n d a m j S e r a b e ^ B

f ^

3 $ 1

botella y de un Sorbo casi la va- iexcliquest i n t e r e s e s t iexcl e t u C lase ha-f I Jemes recibido al mi-rno

repente clava la vista en su mesa ^ m c movimieto que Se Uama^ tft (|Huuml trabaja piir crear on presoacute y tropieza con el clasico emu i - i R c v o | u c i o n Mexicana y esv fcspaiaunanbieuIacuteHlH raquoiexclv-nito rojo el Matnin-M ltilt- _bullbull -iquestpreciso que viva iste peno-- ^

Los diacuteas de visita son los martes y los viernes de di z a doce del

de Ja tarde a paneros

agresor esta agmlido esta

ntto rojo de 8laquopUtmM de lttl

por riacuteos


_ i i c u s u t m e viva i s i c raiexclu-i- + bull bdquo bdquobdquo i bull 0 k i d a iacutedico para que la sangre deiacuter a t a iacute u a l o s bull^laquolaquobull Hlaquoe -REGENERACIOacuteN

amo- Iacute-IM- t ^ k - s ^ w ^ tradelaquo K- laquobull luchan por su emancmaeion bull anormales

momento sus amdeg-iacutelos trabajadores que han In-liacute l u ( n a n frecuentes en iacutejehado y luchan nc Meacutexicoo oconomica

su emancipacioacuten bullase do ltgtlt s-das

ESRR m^ mmmmm m HEQEHBHflQlOH



bdquo DE CLASE-

iacuteggggiacuteaacuteft5=388gf r - ^ ^ ^

los cleacuterigos v escribe a las volan- iquestno sea aprovechada por losv lilnutades

Con iexclrrandes difiacutecnltades hornos podido publicar el presente n n -tnero de K K G E N E K A C I O N

dyrmdash -i egggaiexclf2ntildeB3iacute^

daS -Si bull qiwrcisHei ld o iexclambitJObOS que quleien em~lt Nbdquo 1HMOH recibido todaviacutea u H Hltrro do v u p l v a a bullifiliaos al P a r t i d o Libe- lipleOS publlCOS S n o p o r l1)4 bdquo bdquo bdquo f m r iwbdquoMnlt151 1 1 | - C1 P c l lltraquo r o ( R lt l l - ^ U ( ^ (t

nes I l d n - i 1 M l t n r i n iquest L laquo ^ laquo h r w r H 1 trade - i 0 P lt l ( J l u U s ( 0 ) l V - praquotilt1u-iilpM suspenderse el perioacutedico por ful-ivrlaquovigtTnriexcl s i por el cont iacutear io ios CiesneiCuauOS raquo r-

ral Mexicanoraquo si i iquest T | 1 L bdquo _ m _ t r u i - bull H los n uacute m e r o s O H iacute I v 1raquo ta de elementos pecuniarias oacute ltuT personas honradas lit- i i U UCOer c o m o naiacuteWjamdashbullbull bull r bull iquest

bull i T iacute u n T r a e l c o n todaraquo vues t ras iacuteu to r c o m o m i e m b r o d e l a lt i 0 laquo n p a t i e o c l ^ H v p e t h - Pedimos a nuest ros lectores chad contra tsilaquolt ^- i k o gt n bdquo bdquo bdquo i iexcl bdquo i i raquo ulaquo ^-claquogtlaquo t pnraquoiraquornlaquo s l

bullq U W W nTr7eiacutecoacutentoacuteltiacuteaacute 8 vues t ras iacute u l o r c o m O m i e m b ^ d e iacute a [ gt lt i o ^ n i a t i c o e o ^ y peltH- Pedimos a nuest ros lectores

bdquo Sgrar i Clase p r o d u c t o r a d e Ia t gtdeg^ p raquo i t i icd i (Mk-laquo8talaquol iacute i uumlasa ltlraquoe raquoe apresuren a enviarnos sil-luerasi laquolaquoiexclm raquo- cnr-iacuteal laquoc -svn lt gtv - v c n i - i laquouna ayuda para laquopie no vuelva

Yo rreo oue Pepito en su em- ^riqueza soual es ayUi ltu diexclr su Grupo Lditor uuo liacuteos ha- v o c a u i bull i nbdquo(-rio bullUIacuteltTiacuterMFRAr^AM mwlgt i bull a ocurrir qlte se suspenda la pu-

briagieuuml qu so decir lo contiano KM^HiUvtUUiN paiaf u-a a remesa lt e e os laquoersonas honradas vjque este perioacutedico continueacute blicacion dtiacute este perioacutedico uacutetil

sinuereisserpersonn raquo raquo bull mdash ^ ^ ^ iquest Z ^ ^ i c Z L deg S Ctraquoraquolraquolaquonerolaquo de toda Asi pues a contribuir todos iexcliiexclni i Partido Liberal Mcxi- ^nummanuumlO conciencias l i l i l iacute i bull afinaos araquo Iacutelt erfin ^rl-raquolaquoiacutert nr^nniacutevc tuiu-in aacute- a Amoncii (luedoseet) leer con algo

bulljano-Hiacute por el contrario querua ^piando corazonesraquo avivan- f r hdrones luchad confa el do enervas iacute I i iaVlM)lOAltngt4 deben -

Cou todas vueacutestr-B fueras iquestNo -J Contribuye a la vida dej pedirlo a Ricardo Flores Ma- A T E N C I 0 N ( TRABAJADORES

es asi Pepito iexclj CSte i penOdiacuteCO COJIJO qUCf g o n ]gt O Box I2iacutetgt L O S An- Todos los dominas a las 7 y Vi de miacutetines de propaganda

1 Centro de Estudios do en la calle de San

767mdashAsistid a apren-dejar de ser pobresmdashEn-

^puedas No compres losj g t iacute l e8 i Cajgt( ] agt A mompa- laquo che hay u pe r ioacuted icos d e la b u r g u e s iacute a lt bdquo ) bdquo bull i- gt en el Local de

apoya REGENERACIOacuteN- l a ft bU r 1 1 0 e iacute v a l r dJ ^ - - - - laquotraquo raquobullT ndeg q t l e ^oue es tu perodico es tuf l laquoub^-npcmn uuml$u buuml senes- j e trade ^ No a Kevoiuuon lt ) r t a v o z e s t u e s c U j 0 es tuff tro $ I -2U poruntildea anualidad trada gratis

i lltitrhltti (W iacuteiacute 1laquo llaquo iexclimita Kn maiton proletaria ilthniacuteiia tan eovriacutenicias oraquo potter de la buryutria taaobx-nt ifp RlfAuumlnn FlOKKK WAC10X

amp fraquo U Siacute


tu maestro Elf moneda americana _ dinero que gastas en pren-jiacute

Proacuteximo al com

re acHbar con la gritos y s -mberaaos v c feron- a ^ do d - e - t a m a n e r poco euca r s - M bdquo _

tica iexclarriba todos a p r o - ^ b u r g u e s a gt e s d i n e r o q u e ^

curar eacutel verdadero bien de n ^empleas en remachar tus ca-p tria a restabecer en eda el orden ^ Qm ^ ( | iexcl n e r o ^ x y U paz iMucra gta anarquial J Q pound n _ r e n s a | m r g u e s a p a

4os frailes la patria es el bull

IIPBittimtfT^^ t3^MaMgg8eg

Arte ll-dvoluoionario Con s te numero sifiacuteue la

serie de dibujos revolucionarios bull debidos a la p luma del intelig-en- iquest

Mz_viacutez vy^yiacute-vh -iacute viacute^iexclIacutexiacuteiacutesftr t iacutez h viacutev raquoiacuteraquoj-iacutes_tiacutezsiacuteiacute vfiacuterf


Juta Oroaoizaiacutelora I I P a i t i Liberal Hexkano

Patato fr-uesia pair - - v t ignorancia comprase - mdash mdash H - raquo - - enomago Asi es que puede tra- e s d ^ 5 t u d ^ ^ ^ te com r tneo Ncolas fiacuteevel iquest raquo laquo vociferacioacuten ltle la s- ^ rf iexclDe$piertaacutegt Cdeg ^ p ^ ^ l S ^ ^ I n t manera (h-y que tener + ^ ^ laquorasto-a -REGENEUACIOl piacuteient1 manera (h en taba fender el grito pueacutedese t aducido por i Muera laquoiexcl^ t u p pound 0 r e n f t m j g a

el trabajol

les ce le con


Camarada Si deseas que la vida de REGENE-

R A C I O N q u e d e a s e g u r a d a V Q U e e l n U - K C o i t r a e s t o s t r e s enemigos de la humanidad Gobierno Capital Clero 4-V laquolaquopondraacute las armas hasta que la tierra la maquinaria de produccioacuten

mero siguiente salga a tiempo apresura-- - - bull te a enviacuteairtu ayuda s raquobullraquo J

^ Los principios por los cuales lucha el Partido Liberal Mexicano estaacuten bullgt condensados en el Manifiesto que esta Junta expidioacute con fecha 23 de Sep-iquest tiembre de 1911 r1 Kl Partido Liberal Mexicano estaacute levantado en armaa en Meacutexico luchanuacuteo

7 no y los

Jiexcl laquotedios de transportacioacuten queden en las manos de todos y cada uno de los bullbull habitantes de Meacutexico hombres y mujeres y hasta que hayan desaparecido el

A|tirro burgueacutes el uacuteltimo representante de la Autoridad y laquo1 uacuteltimo sacerdiacuteiteraquo bulli bull gtbullraquo i T o d o hombre o toda mujer que desee pertenecer al Partido Liberal

^ - ^ ^ JV7Iacute4 -tji iquestrA iquest$iexcl-ty w i$~ gt$ zlaquo -zjx-7-STrjs-^v^jr7^v5f7^7vsr7iacute5 Mexicanono tendraacute otra cosa que hacer maacutes que firmar el cupoacuten que estaacute

abajo enviarlo a la Junta y remitir cada vez que pueda hacerlo la Cantidad que sus recursos le permitan erogar para los gastos del Partido

En las localidades donde haya varias compantildeeros y compantildeeras podraacute formarse un Grupo que no tenga maacutes funcionarios que un Secretario que se entienda con la correspondencia y enviacuteos de fondos a la Junta

Todo enviacuteo de correspondencia y dinero deberaacute hacerse con la siguiente bull RACIOacuteN a los paqueteros para qvie direccioacuten p o Box 1236 Los Angeles Cal

Al esfuer^ del gr i to quedo dormido Despcr

bargraquo i nqur to como ^ lgtHriolaquo I paldhfs quemadoras d e b a t iacute - O S j m ^ e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ in t roducido reproduciendo los di

ido REGENERACIOacuteN en ro de la celda de a r r i b a

f rusto la innovacioacuten que hemos j ~ a s t a t e n e r a i a uista un lago laquoo dejen de enviarnos un abono o Fi r f n a O ^ int roducido reproduciendo los di- T ^ i iacute o amiqne sea de lo que nos adeudan O bdquo deg

huios del comoanero Reveles Los jacales que se ven en el Dajio i raquo O Nombre completo O indo t r z o e s t o s ffarabatos bull bull bull J O O K ^ W B K A W U ^ e n - iquest m A r t c e s m e x V e l e n t e m e d i o iquestiquest son el taller de la impren ta y la para poder hacer frente laquobull todos O 0

Inrnito i u cbd ior la prospe- J Viacutealo a t u s a m i g o s r e s i d e n t e s ^ p r o p a iacute r a n d a oficina del perioacutedico los compromisos oue tenemos laquo ucupacon iquest o 0 deg r i d o p a i s lu^ Iacuteen MeXlCO ES preciSO querpound O Residente en O

^ Adminis -o Estadode o ridad de vuestro quei raquofr laquoW contra el Partido Liberal f ^ iquest iexcl ^ ^ pound [ PQY rCCaiacutegO de tobajO 00 W^CQ luuml SeCCiOll te

1 bajadores despiertos hayaJ taClOiacutel e s t a S e m a n a S t ^ H i llaquo mismo luchad ftras mayor numero distra-J

raquor sbirssi iacute S S r s s ^ ^ yioskuoc _ 3 miseria y la tiraniacutea flabdquodo y os tr b a j a U T e 3 sngt ^ J A famiHas laquo g a n - u f r i - n d o m i s e n a s - 4 ^

despre^oH por par te de raquolaquolaquo m - | j mos vrduios e iacuten ju s f c i a s mil ^ raquo laquo H F t

Numero O O Calle

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

pues a luchar con t ra lt1 Pnriido iacute a s aprecio a los que te di- h ff piwnimcnar luma bull- x-- lt exolota4ores ff

Catecismo IMasaiacuteor- Caitas a a Por Ramoacuten Verea

IDOS rechazarla para no caer en ella y causar un mal a nosotros Ia creacioacuten Adaacuten y Kva su caiacuteda el pecado original cl mismos y a la sociedad diluvio la Virgen Mariacutea Cristo la Trinidad la cruz el incienso

Por estas y otras muchas razones convendriacutea que todo el que el aRua bendita la Pascua las llaves de San Pedro la ininorta-pudiesc se casase y especialmente los cleacuterigos mientras la ilus- lidnd del alma al precepto de amar al proacutejimo como a siacute -mismo traeioacuten del pueblo nolos suprima por innecesarios costosos y el ayuno el rosario etc etc todas estas cosas son de origen


contra si misino jilucha contraiacutea tiraniacutea nun-^ jjca nos hemos vendido al po-^ |deroso hemos sufrido sin

EipWraquo Pepito se quedd di-finitiacute- queja martirios mil por de-pound twwmie dorando liacutei frraquoiie jjfender al oprimido Conf de la celda de arriba penetroacute de ^golo a b r i r n u e s t r o s labIacute0Sif pnntiiliwai laquopnwntoy ha traquo ^podernos cambiar nuestraff mm ^miserable y odiosa situacutea-

Ijcion poruntildea llena de dis-ff | tinciones y de riquezas yjj 2 entonces en vez de ser tus ff

^ bull j r laquo 7 u 7 i ^hermanos tus maestros y f produce Nuevo Meacuteiacuteiiso han IIPCIIO J - raquo ^ 1 i j t u s defeilSOreS Se r iacute amos tUSC Si ^ matrimonio es un sacramento de institucioacuten divina iquestpor

bulltiiiou laquo iquest ^u |j j a [giexcl c s j a p r iexcl v a de eacutel a sus ministros

Recibiacute amigo Juan 1u contestacioacuten a mis tres cartas anteno-

Los enHotHiiadoB dlaquo Las Vegup


unfolllaquotiU) titnlraquotlo Rt-spufistH laquo1 A

i T J laquo i I iexcl I L I T -J explotadores y verdugos Mraquomueiraquoio de Par ido Liberal 3 1 - VTT i ^ bull 1 s

D bdquo j No hagas aprecio a los que f xioauft escrita por Pepi to Al pie laquo5 i V

v nos llaman Vividores De-4

bull bdquo bdquo bdquo bdquo raquo CARTA CUARTA K] Ciacuterupo 1-Mlltn- ilo ItTCtiacuteKMraA-

CHIN laquoo no tinco aollrtiivln do lraquo conven tos a u t o r l l u r l o g o IIIH-KIKPOS que nniiliin iMiPonti-BMc en es tn obra roraquo _bull ooiiKiiiiaotio uumloiiincntraquo la ltloi-uuml-lua r c s y comprendo perfectamente que no aciertes a explicarte el anlK-rilKloH eonteiU en olla ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ltiexcl ) ) a C B U g a d 0 i D k e s (bdquo1e f u eacute a l g uuml a s iacute como

una aurora despueacutes de liTta larga noche oscuraiexcl que principias a ver pero qne no puedes divisar bien los objetos porque aun

(Continua) bull queda una neblina delante de tus ojos bullJ- y es una necesidad social para la conservacioacuten de la familia Ksfi efecto lo esperaba yo y creo que poco a poco seffuacuten

Por lo que te dije al principio veraacutes que el matrimonio no vayas pensando iraacutes viendo maacutes claro fueacute institucioacuten ni de Dios ni de Jesucristo que no se casoacute fueacute necesidad que cl clero quiere monopolizar por cl dinero que le

pacano imitadas por los cristianos liacuten secundo lugar has de saber que en el mundo hay millones

y millones de hombres y mujeres que ni fueron bautizados ni bautizan sus hijos que no se confiesan ni se casan ante cleacuterigos catoacutelicos ni van a misa ni cumplen con los preceptos que tu Iglesia dice ser necesarios para saacutelvame lisas gentes viven y mueren tranquilas y son en su mayoriacutea maacutes honradas que los catoacutelicos porque no son tan pobres

En tercer lugar te advertireacute que de los catoacutelicos ilustrados son muy pocos los que cumplen co^ esos preceptos y muy contados los (pie creen pueda un hombre hacer Dioses-hombres ni perdonar los pecados

Si alguno de los preceptos catoacutelicos fuera necesario para salvarse Dios debiera habeacuterselo ensentildeado a todos y cada uno

En los primeros siglos los cleacuterigos eran casados y hasta con maacutes de una mujer despueacutes y con grandes esfuerzos los papas

k los obligaron a permanecer ceacutelibes para aislarlos de la sociedac iacute bulllt bull I

de la (laquonraacuteula viene esta relacioacuten J 1 0 raquo u w ~ v k los obligaron a permanecer ceacutelibes para aiacuteslanos ue la sociccini L u iacute gt bdquo j b e s e s t a r S e g u r o d e q u e SI 1 y poder movilizarlos maacutes faacutecilmente Al ordenarse hacen voto Iinoreiita do la lievista (Jatolioa bull - lt i v i r bull iuiHriiraquo lt- poundel l0S h u b i e r a n SUJO t e n t a d O S 1] de castidad y tuacute sabes muy bien como lo quebrantan iquestQue KICAUDO FLORES M A G Oacute N

_ bdquo mdash ~ j ] ^COn l a s rIacuteQUesaS laS dis t i t l - K c u r a J deg v e n conociste en todos esos alrededores que no tuviese

bullpound laquo laquo laquo v - -imn ene o-niiacuteT-ic ir ciiu sobrinos iquestA cuantas c mdash liciones y los honores confi s atradea- sus amisEf y bs

TI ntildene I--raquo vtgtviacuteiacuteraquo gttm raquo seducen a cuantas doncellas s no pierden

Me preguntas como podriacuteas pasar sin los sacramentos sin bautizar a tus hijos sin confesarte sin comulgar sin casarte de los hombres y el nuacutemero de los que se llaman catoacutelicos t or la Iflesia etc deg alcanza al diez por ciento de la poblacioacuten del mundo Este

Dices que laquoiexcl te guiaras por miacute seriacutea tal cl escaacutendalo (pie arma- hecho por siacute solo bastaraacute para demostrarte que tu religioacuten no riacutea el cura (pie no podriacuteas vivir ahiacute c s necesaria para salvarse a no ser que la llamada Justicia

Vomnrendo perfectamente tu posicioacuten porque yo naciacute en la Divina fuera la injusticia suma Ninguno de cuantos tiranos aldea como tuacute y seacute muy bien que los buitres de corona no sucl- gtbull Vahiacutedo en la tierra obligoacute a cumplir una ley no promulgada tan la presa sin defenderse como tigres iquestNo dio Dios a cada uno sus propios sentidos corporales su

El modo de salvar este obstaacuteculo es ilustrar a tus vecinos en inteligencia y lo necesario para vivir iquestCoacutemo entonces habriacutea estas materias convencerlos de que el cura no es el buen pastor de privarle del conocimiento de la verdadera religioacuten si esta es que da la vida por sus ovejas sino un tigre de sotana que chupa necesaria

asadas no a sangre de ovejas y carneros Lee a tus convecinos estas lige- Desde que hubo naciones ha habido guerras religiosas cada observaciones que a vuela pluma te hago y una vez que la s c c t a defendiacutea su Dios a sangre y fuego hoy sigue la lucha en 2iexcl i bull t jj sec iucen a c u a n t a s u o n c e n a s n o p i c i u e m

j j q u e Se nOS lia quer iUumlO COm-^ E l U ) s g i b e n p o r a c o l f e s i o n l iacute l s tentaciones de que es viacutectimamayoriacutea se convenza de que la religioacuten no es maacutes que una farsa d pulpito y la prensa no obstante Dios nunca dijo quieacuten teniacutea flniitf Viutaraquo-3^riacute ^ fo t~ iacute f tiAf ctr K nnriacutei Qjirnr Hintildeen n Iris iacuterrntps senei l l iacute is r o m o v o s o t r o s el cu ra m-z^n -gti n^ MIWA 1laquo ltTicfilv m iacute a Q q l l e p r u e b a (1UC 0 n o

ituporta nada lo que los

civilizadas dejan que cada raciones de su conciacuteenciai

i v v i Iacute ^ ltbull ----bullgt-- -mdash raquo-- -bull Aquiacute donde te escribo hay iglesias de casi todas las religiones

pondencia Mrva esto de diexclp ]]gendarme pueden conse-U a un hombre lo que a ellos no les revelariacutean tal vez y (pie sus Permite que te haga algunas observaciones acerca de los actuales En una se predica que Jesucristo cs Dios y en la del culpa con los compantildeeros a Jlguir

(juiones no liemos podido con- A Ayuda hermano testar aun sus cartas ^ - ^ AV-

$ hijas digan al confesor lo que luo diriacutean a sus mismas madres sacramentos por ejemplo ^ frente lo contrario El Gobierno deja que cada loco siga con su Las tentaciones naturales que respecto a uri hombre tenga la En primer lugar te direacute que los principales sacramentos y la tema Y en efecto es locura hacer creer a un hombre en lo que

iexclbullj- mujer o viceacute versa no son una ofensa a Diosmdashy si fuesen no mayorpiarte de las ceremonias catoacutelicas muchos ritos y algunos n o c r e e -iquestbullA 7 7$x-7pound podria perdonarlas un miserable impostormdashla tentacioacuten debe personajes^ son imitaciones de cultos antiguos (Continuaraacute)


Engliacutesh Section Edited by WM O OWEIV

SUBSCRIPTIacuteON RATES Singlo iupy 6c ts

Onedollara y e a r - 6 iruntlis fioc

No 2 0 8 Sa turday Oc tober 1 6 1 9 1 S

1 Scnd moiiey payable to ENKIQUK tFIlt0RJIacute8 MAGON

iexcl P O Box 1236 Los Angeles Cal


Carrutiuumli haraquo given lliexcle upeeial

dorso most cordially which runsgt as folio ws The revolution- in Meacutexico is not of a political n a -ture It isaneconomic revolution It means the industrial awaken-ing of Mftxico Duriug the days

rorrispomlentof TbeLos Angelen of Diaiexcl natural resources of the TUDOK a tstatainent whioh muy be country were by afewrich friends regarded as irioct feitiacutenifioant for iexclt 0f Diax who were given special marksalikB tlio lenglli to which the Mexican Ri-volulioii luis gone and (he dintimoH iexcli has wtlll lo traveiee A I ohill expliiin it h Ihu lraquot fitago thut will he IIIH Inmleet lor there tho defendereacute of lliii^s iraquofl lbey are llave piled chutadle on obstado and tiacutetere they will make tholr final stand

My ambition from tho begininir Hayraquo Carrantildeoacuten waa poace for Meacuteshyxico For that veiy toaron I toi-k tip tlifl hiinner of revolution againnt thedictator Huerta because I knew that we conld not havn peace laquoo long alaquo iexclijiiMIacutecieo were coininiltid In Uie namof liberty As a glt-n-eral rtaleiiiMit iliat is fino boii g H parnphraae of WVndell [hillipsi great liacuteaying ihut C d han givoi man oii and only one finido to raquoii-oeraquo8 Utter flnd ex ict Juptioe Tlmt he Iriacutea gurtmnleeil bull hall al-waim be expedioney II rutirv ron Id liacutebenme laquooiiviiood of lhnlpn-ciftl pflftflP would take the pNee Instantaneously and autoinatloaliy of the eveiyvihi-re-iacute-xiotiiig POCIacuteHIacute

war Ciminza then laquoInten that wluri

Huerta waa eliininatod he bogg-d

Villa to nvel hiin in Havitmi and thero come to an iwdoiftiiidinp but that Villa ooncidtrtd hlirie the HrongHi Hhd wa nnt pee-ldn penco He nddn tlmt he mudo cim-ilaJiacute approachca to Z-ipnln a d promwed to iftr-y out hi- agrmiii plan but unforlunaiely the pp f-iacuteonal niribitinnraquo of hiraquo seorotnriof were greater than the neoda of thiacutegt eonntry The referorfee is to I V lafox ond anotlier man whose namlt laquoScflpflraquo me As regantildeiacutes Palafox nono of us can cay wiexclth cortaintj what his porconal ambitions may havo been but it has alwaya booi underatood that he was a devout diiacuteoiacuteple of Kropotltin A ^ will ap-pear shortly mieh a man waa not

concessions Only thosc few d e -veloped the country Others- -Mexicans as well as foreigners r-Iiad no opportunity whateacutever Meacutexico was a latid of special p r i -vileges This conld not last for-ever and the result was the p r e shysent revolution

Note that phrase t h e natura l resources of the country and re-flect that it is always by induc-iug the law-makiacuteng power to give certain people special privishylegies in the natural resources of the country that economic in equality and economic dependence of the many on the few are brought about I t could not be othcrwise The stateinent can-not be denied unless one denies also the statement that th is earth is the treasure house from whKh we have to draw every ounce of our supplies

Carranza goes on to say tha t the wealth of Meacutexico while na-turally enonnous is at present merely potential He says Money and a great deal of it has to be invested before we can utilize the riches of our country We know this very well and for tha t reason we want foreigners to come and exploit our resources but they will come in the future underdifferent conditions Meacutexshyico will no longer be a land of a million opportunities It will be a country where all will be given an equal chance

the bondage of monopoly and put at the disposition of every human being

So far so good Meacutexico is no longer to be a land of Special pri-vileges but one in which all will be giveh an equal chance N o -t h i n g could be better and it is to be remarked as showing the r a -pidity wi th which t h o u g h t h a s ripened in Meacutexico dur ing t h e last iacuteive years of revolut ionary activi-ty t ha t no man of prominence in the United Sta tes or Europe has vfintured a s y e t to propose a pro-g r a m any th ing like as radical as th i s I t goes to t h e very roots for i when special privi lege shal l have been abolished and when all men and women sha l l have been given an equal chance t he millennium wfll have arrived and the revolut ionary movement will have done i t s work But juampt as in every walk of life t h o u -sands asseverate loudly t ha t they believe in equal opportuni ty for all and in the same brea th in-sist tha t vested legal r igh t s are sacred so does Carranza declare or a new deal and s iacutemultaneous-ly assure the publie t h a t p r iv i -leges acquired uuder the Diaz re-gime will be respected Here a re bis exact words

T h e y aecuse us of being con-fiscators A l i t t le reasoniacuteng will immediately show the fallacy of suacutech a thoacuteught Of w h a t valueacute could all the foreign proper ty be to us even if wed id confiacutescate i t Mines oil fields and o ther p r o p shyer ty are of no valueacute if they are not exploited To confiacutescate them would mean no th ing more than ge t t ing a white e lephant on our hands But when they a re ope-ra ted by their owners the govern-ment derives a revenue from such

Wlaquoolutiacuteonifltraquodrove hhn otit and oertaiuumlly juauy of his aciexcles afe tlow in the poeseacutelaquolaquojiuumln of tho peonculd-vato s Doacutees Carr^niacutesa prbpose to MtHloiv Ciribii ihna to Teacuterras s and iexclf so ivhgt re will the pfenn oome lu

Sjrely pne^need not dwell upon tib-urditieiacute so paiptble as th egt -iacuteur^iy evtry intelleotually-hooest man or woman must understatid that if A u to beacute reoonized as the soleacute proprietormdashas he was before the

inas mu h as men can have proshyper ty oaly in w h a t the i r labor produces and no man s labor proshyduc id the land H e t a u g h t t h a t

n i fes to because t h e one a n d a l lmdash i inpor tan t t h i u g is t h a t t he out -side world should u n d ^ r s t a n d t h a t Mexicans a re fighting for real iacute -

the g r a u t o f thlt exclusive nse of j t ies and a leader l ike C a r r a n z a a certain p ece of land was t he who declares t h a t t h i s is an eco-g ran t of a special pr iv i lege by iacutenomic a n d - n o t a poli t ical r e vo lu -thf cominuni ty to t h e user for which thlaquo user must pay to the commtini ty as be ing the only le-gi t iniate owner the full renta l

tiacuteon wil laquoot be al lowed to subs-t i tu te the -hdltgtw for the subs -tance F o r t u n a t l y as 1 bel ieve a m o n g C a r r a n z a s present follow-

VHIUV1 If for example t he user ers there a re manv w h o und mdash r--tmdash - bdquo bdquo v m gti iui claquolaquoui[iir un- uraquocraquo fia m e r e a re many w n o u n a e r -revolutionmdashBCD and all the res t o fa p i cceo fp rope r ty vvorth $1000stand t h a t c lear ly and on t h e m of the alphabet will be left empty handedand that for theni the revoshylution will have been fougbt in vain Surely that is self-evidnit Hurely iexcltil who plead for the restoration of the land to the people ruust reeog-nize that-this inevitabiacutey implies con riscation of what the monopolistca lishyma property YetCnrrrgtzn inuists that this is noti a political but an e-eonoinic revolution

The Single-Taxeis I believe and such man as Lincoln Stefiacuteenp to my oertain kiiowledge have been busily pleading Carranzns cau^e I know this because eome of them have made personal appeal to me They think we ehould drop what they are pleHsed to cali our pershysonal differencee and they morlaquo than hint that the Magons and their followers are irreuumloncileables whom |

and on o the r s w h o fiink wi th t h e m t h e fu ture of t h i s g r e a t s t r u g g l e res t s


a year pays a rental of only $500 he is enjoying t h e special and un-just privilege of g e t t i n g $600 a year presented to him as a gi f t Georgeadvoca ted the S ing le T a x as it is callee mdashand called most

l injudiciously in my opin ioacutenmdashas the eas ies tand most cer ta in me th -od of coniacute iscat ing t h e special pr i shyvilege the land monopolis t today enjoys and it was as the enemy of special pr ivi lege t h a t he deshyfended such confiscatton Today

Car ranza denounces special pri- iexclt8 Zenth and it is therefore time for the n i e g e and in the same brea th de- country to know the truth clrareraquo t h a t Ua vested i n t e r e s t s j The existing revolution did not make it-inust be protectect ielf for the parpoacutese ofsatisfying theiexclnterests

sto ta Meaacuteaiis Issued by Emiliano Zapata



The revolutionary movement lias attained

Does Car ranza in tend to t ax ou t of existerice the land m o n o shyp o l i s t a special pr ivi lege Of-course he does not Such taxa-tion would be equivalen to con-

nobody could eatisfy But how can jntildesoation which he carefully re-one be satiafied Take my olaquon 1 p U ( j i a t e s A s it appears to me

resource ainounts to uothing un-til it has been exploitcd by human labor and it should be self-evidcnt that all ought to have an equal opportunity of ex-ploiting natural resources re-gardless of the flag under which they happen to have been born

llkely tobe flathfied with what Ca- 0f the color of their skin or of

Tranza offerraquo Then oomeraquo the prophesy thut

both Villa and Z i p i t iacute will he eli-niinated within the nextiew monthf Ond Carranza giveraquo that as hiraquo roa-60n for thinking it nnneoepsary U parley with them in the peace con-ferennpB urged hy the United Straquotfgt and Iatin Itopublicc With th rnthlessnciacutes which is Blaquoid to l e 01 lt of bis tnain cliiractericties hi laquodd that our enetriioH min-t he vlaquoi qni-b-ed coinplitely or there will be ni lasting penee in Mexho and hlt comtneiitashrewdly FranoiRco I Madero paid with his life by oom-promieing with his enemiep llar1

he eliminated them Mexieo would perhnps by now beonjojing poaoi and thorwpcct of the natiors of thi world The Constitutionalists an not going to make the sume mis-takeraquo We are going lo benefit h the experienecs of the past

Pereonally Inpplaud that stand I oommend it to the attentlon of the Bryans and others of thaacuteChautaii-quau typc who dreaui that if

the creed they chance to hold No ifitelligent Mexican wants

to put a ring around his country and keep it as the sacred presershyve of Mexicana l i e wants the natural resources of the country exploited by those who can do it most eflicieiacuteitly producing the greatest result wiiacuteh the least ex-penditure of eiiacuteort What he does not want is the exploitation of Mexicans and tha t is an cn-tiacuterely different matter

What I have just wri t ten is I believe exceptionally true of Meacuteshyxico Many of mv friends have lived in Meacutexico workingon the land and not endeavoring to exshyploit the peoacuten Their lestimony has been unanimous abjolutely unanimous tha t in no country will you receive a wanner wel-come than in Meacutexico provided you convince the people that you are there to work and not to work them And this is most natural for the Mexican has a great capacity for enjoying

they could induce the Allics in the good th ings of life and an ICnrope to consent to peace they evengreater incapacity for un-would be benefiting huiuanity 1 derstancling tha t s t range phi la think they would inflict on us an injury from which it niight take us ceitturies to recover and 1

hold the happy opinioacuten thut En- c ln does not uuderstand at all and gland will not lay down her iiruis iacutelmyself conaiderit his greatest ta-iUiti lPru8SIacuteanmili tarisinhasbeen|lent From tliose who make a ground into the dust and un til Godof work wege t only a slaviacutesl the autocratically-invasive pililo-

T h a t statement also I applaud It is sclf^evident that a natural P ^ t i e laquond that xs what we

are af ter I h e r e follows an as-surance tha t f rom the outset of the revolution it was the in ten-tiacuteon the honest desire of the Consti tutionalists to reiacutemburse all those who suffered t h rough loss of property and va luables and Carranza adds tha t t h e question of foreign claims is xo be passed upon by a t r ibunal coni-posed of members from various countries and of Mex icans

Before considering the basic question of confiscation I cali a t tent ion to the extraordinary frankness of the extraordinary s ta tement contained above I cannot th ink of any other man high in office who has acknow-ledged boldly t ha t the reason for developinga country is t ha t the government may ext rac t revenue I liad supposed that the real ob-ject of work in theory a t any rato was to enrich and benefit the worker and not a t all t o p r o -vide incomes for officemdashholders But apparent ly it is C a r r a n z a s belief that society exists for the benefit of the pol i t ic ianand th is being so I can unders tand his concluding with these words W h a t Meacutexico needs is not a man on horseback but an honest energetic man of experience a man who unders tauds the needs of the country and the people one who can rule wisely and sym-pathet ical ly Natura l ly th is white blackbird is Carranisa

Not as a revolutionist but as one who wishes to applay the most er-dinary intelligence and common aense to the solution of a diffioult problem I ask mySflfmdash- What does Carranza roally mean I ask my-selfmdashCan two bodies oceupy the

sophy which teaches tha t work is an end in iacutetself and is itself lifes greatest blessing Tha t the Mexi -

philosophv of lile and one tha t same s p a c e a t the same time sophy it represents has becomo a leads s t ra ight back to despotism und is it possible to leave the broad loathing to all the world I takelTo the hwy who bate work o r t o land^of Me ico in the posesaion of that pemition toward the cutireacute those sufficiently intelligent to social war being convinced that iexclunderstand tha t i t iacute s better to use only when unjust iustitutions have been overthrown can peace become effecliacuteve and holding thu t laquo0 question is really settled unti l it has been settled Wght

Nxt tomes a statemeut I in-

ones brain than exhaust ones muscles we owe the gra t disco-veries and invenciots which dif-ierentiate us from thesavage and are destiued to emanciacutepate the race when themselves freed from

the speculators who haacuteve cjrneniacuted it and at the same time return it Jo Miacutee peopl Can you overthrow the pillars-of the oiacuted regimu and simultaneously leave the building intact Terrazas for example own ed the greater portion of the huge and rich State of Chihuahua Tbe

case as an illusiration I am iacutenter-ested in all movements that have as their motive the restauraron to man of what I fegard as his n a t u i -al lioiiiage the land becanse I con-sider monopoly of natural resources the tap-root of human slavery be-cause I look on the ambition to a c -quire territory and live on it at the expense of other people as being at least one of the great incentives to that barbarous anachronism known as war How oan I be content vvi h Carranzas stnoolh avowal that tln-M xiean revolution does not mean oonriscatioii bullbull

On the one hand Carranzi de shyclares that tho revo ution was int-vitable because J)iaz eXpiacuteoited Me-xioo by giving special eoucesniont 10 a tew iich friends In trutb they were ooncesBIacutediiIacutej worth lalking ab-cut for th j y amouiited to ihe gift oiacute principiJities As a celebrated En-glish pubiicist Williaro Archer who w-18 sencl by Me Clures to make a speunl inveirtigation remarked Diwz gave away his country as it he bad beh blowing soap-bubbleu 0gti the other hand Cuumlrranziassures the frightened iacuteoreign investor that ounfisoalion is not on the Mexican revokiliunary progiatu In other words he annuees that when he iquesthall be eeated in the pretddenlal obairand shall have restored order everylhii g will bemdashto far as the vested inleroste are coneernedmdashas it was before the revolution

I am not a ltth laquou-prioed that the [jos Angeles Times which is par exoellenoe the ehaiiip 011 of ipecitl privileiquestlt printed Carfanzie iacutetattmeiiacutet pluyitig it up as oonepi iiuously aa possible on itsiacuteVont page Ousand hissupporters wiliswallow with compiaueney all the denuuei--itioria of monopoly aud special prishyvilege in whioh Carranza may iexcln-dlge Their anxiacuteety is about what Carranza who now cLims that he has eevenmdash-eignihu of the country at his back proposes lo DO What they want is some guarantee that ihe iuutnense oonceusios they and other Americana got from Diacuteaz will not beconlisoated as the Magonp jor example assuredly would conshyfiacutescate them What they want is nuumlbstanliul assuranee that when things have quieted down fcueinesraquo will proceed laquos before the peoacuten do-iog the worliquest and they reaping the profits They have been anxious to hring Carranza to the point and he has comemdashto TIIEIU point

A s I unders tand it t he S i n g l e -Taxers and American Socialista are now booming Carranza as they formerly boomed Madero believing tha t he will tax land valuacutees and thus abolish lauacuted mo-gt nopoly Butlt unfur tunate ly Cashyrranza now declares t h a t the Constitutioti ists have no i n t e n shyt a n of d o i n g t h e very t h i u g Hen-ry George iusisted on as absolute-ly indispensable George t a u g h t tha t there should be no such t h i n g araquo priacutevate proper ty in laad

of any one personality of any one group or of any one pjrty The existing revolution recognizes that its origons lie deeperand that it is pursuing higlier finalitiea

The psasant was hungry was endurinraquo misery was suflering from exploitation and if he ros in arma it was to obtain the bread which the greed of the rich denied him to make himsjlf master of the land which tha egoistic knded preprietor kepl for himself to vindiacutecate the dignity which the slave-driver

Wi th t h a t wave he mus t swim iexcl n i q u i t o u s l y t r a m p e d o n d a iexcl l y n H e thrcw

and wi th i ts onward rushhe fflustjhimsclfint0 rcvolt not to conquer illnsory keep pace He does no t rea l lv p o l k i c a ] rightsgt w h iexcl c h ( l o n o t f e e d h i m gt b u t

t rus t t he wave for he is not hon-1 1 0 p r 0 C l i r e for himsdfthe pieceofland which est ly a pa r t of it H i s s e c r e t pray- j m u s t s u p p y h i m w i t h food a n d 1iexclber tygt t

er is t ha t it wi l subs ide as q u i c k - h a p p v fiexclre8itiacutec and a W e ofindependence

thvirofore t he S ing le T xers and S j c i a l i s t s a r e e n g a g e d once more in bui lding cas les iexcln the a i r aud Car ranza s own posit ion is th i s

and growth

They make a lamentable mjstake whosuppos

ly as possible af ter laf iding hiin in the pr s ident ia l cha i r Per-

haps he is r igh t inasinuch a s r e - j t h a t t j i e cjablidiment of a miliury govera-volutio a ry waves have a habiacuteraquo imOTtgt t h a t iexcls t 0 9aygt adespotic govemnwnr of subs id ing but in th is pa r t i c - j viexcl1 iexcl iexcl l su r e t h e p a c iexcl f iexcl c a t i o n of t h e c o u m r v ular case I doubt i t P e r h a p s t h H t cm bbdquo o b c a n e d m]y b y t h c r e a l Iacute 7 a t i o n

m n a w a y will l e 8 u M u d o n c e j o t h c d ( ) n b | e o p e r a t o n o f r e d u d n g t 0 iexcl i n more and driveii tamely back in to i o t e i H e t h e e l e n e n t 8 o i t ) e a n k n t r e g i r a C (

the Stable but I should not c a r e | n d ecuingnewinterestaHnkedinextriacutecablv to bet on i t Too many p r e v i o u s V t h t h c r e T O l u t iexcl o n gt 8 0 iexcl d a r i c w 5 t h i t j i n

dr ivers who calculated on t ha t r A ( n g e r a n d p r o s p e r o u 3 i f it b e c o m e s e s t a b have gdne to smash bull If a peopK-j l i s h e d a n d c o n 3 o l i d a t e d once becomes dead in earnes t t h e T h e ntildem mK UacuteM o f m a k i n g iexclt i m p o s s iexcl e x p e r i m e n t o f f e e d m g them words b k for t h e r e a c t iexcl o n a r y g r o u p t 0 b e

instead of bread becomes quite

d a n g e r o u s

No On y foolhardy quacks and s h o r t - s i g h t e d pol i t ic ians at-tempt t h e r isky business of run-ning w i th t h e ha reacute and h u n t i n g with the hounds Only l i t t le

group to be any longer a danger is carried out by two difshyferent methods by the exemplary punish-ment of the chiefs of the great criminaacuteis of the intellectual director and active ele ments of the conservative faction and by attacktng the pecuniary reacurces they em ploy to work up intrigues and prevoke

metiacute play double laquond Car ranza is i revolutions thaO is to say by the subdivi p lay ing double when h e assuresj6iexclo nofthe properties ofthe hacienda owners us wi th one coacuterner of h is mout h a n d politicians who have put themselves at t ha t Meacutexico under his rule will become a land of social equal i ty in which spec i l privi lege will exist 110 more whi le wi th t h e o ther coacuterner he insis ts t h a t vest-

the front of the organized resistance to the popular movement which began in 1910 and has attained its crowning point in 1914 after living through the gallowjgt of Ciudad Juaacuterez and the reaetionary crisis of

ed in te res t s will be p r o t e c t e d a n d t | i e Ciudadela the tragedy which the those who have suffered by the j Huerta dictatorship let looacutese revolut io- imdashninety-nine per cen t rn support of this subdivisioacuten there mi-i of t h e m h a v i n g been the holders t a t e s the circumstance that ihe greateriexcl of special p r i v i l e g e mdash b e recom-1 p a r t gt n o t t o say the whole of the cultiv-

able lands to be nationalized represents pensed T h i n g s are good or they are bad beneiicial or in jur ious desiacuterable or undes i rab le If land monopoly is g od it should be en-couraged and protec ted If it is bad it should be destroyed r u t h -lessly and a t once If special in-terest is r i g h t the more we have of it t h e bet ter If it is w r o n g away with it immedia te ly T h e r e is no middle ground

Observe also how profoundly reaet ionary is the economic t h o u g h t of t h i s al leged rovolu-t ionary leader He poin tes out the necessiacutety of deve lop ing Me-xicos na tu ra l resources ad forth-wi th assumes t h a t th i s wiexclll be possibe only wi th t h e help of the na t ive and foreign cap i ta l i s t accordfng to the methods now in vogue G r a n t t h a t and all revo-lut iacuteonay movements becomes ab-surd G r a n t t h a t and you are bound to seek t h e C a p i t a l i s t s a i d on snch te rms as the capi ta l i s t sees fit to g r antilde t But the neces-si ty for c r awl ing on o n c e s k n e e s to capitali-sm van t shes when nashytura 1 resgturces and the iacute n t e r -c h a n g e of credi ts based on labor applied to na tu ra l resources are set free when tne t e ign of s p e shycial pr ivi lege is abol ished

I devote unusua l space lo t h i s ana lys iacute s of Car ranza s l a tes t raa-

interests created underthe shil)v ot the Porfirio Diaz dictatorship to the grave injury to the rights of a multitude of natives srnall proprietors and victims of all kinds who were brutally sacrificed on the altars of the ambitions of the powerful

The second task that of creating powshyerful interest akin to the Revolution and in solidarity with it will be brought to a happy conclusioacuten when the natives individually and in their communities receive back the innumerable traets of land of which theyhave been despoiled by the great land owners and this great act of justice receives its comple-ment as regards those who have nothing and have had nothing in the proportiona repartition ofthe lands given to the dicta-torships accomplicea or expropriated from idiacutee proprietors who do no chosse to culti-1 vate their heritages Thus there will be satisfied both the human demand torland and the appetite for liberty which is making itself felt throughout the RepubJic as the formidable reply to that savagery oi the hashycienda owners which has maintained even in the twentieth century and_in the heart of free Ameacuterica a system which the most unfoJtunate serfs of the Middle Ages in Europe would hardly have endured

The Plan of Ayala which transiacuteales the peasants ideaacuteis satisFies both terms of the problem for while it treats the sworn enemies of the people as they deserve to be treated reducing them by expropriation to impotence aud imiocuousness it establishes

in laquortlcleraquo 6raquolaquod7tTieiacutetwo gtert prfiidfraquolraquo ofshythe return oCstoIcnlandi (iiacutenraquoctof iniper- rioua iexclHMIacutece WntildeHthe splking-upof thecjt-propinicd l-iiluacutevable- Undraquo I an act requlred alkc by iisIacutecciquestiinHcttxslietuy)

IVuk auacute-ay fniiii thc ciieiiiV themeans ofgtii-uig dtmtgc was ihc viii ticttivoiexclf-ihe rcloriiiiacuters of1857 gttdictiniiquest vhciitliey iquestl-iJIacuteLdjtlicrlcraquogy ciacute iis iiiiiicnscqwssesj- ipriilaquoIacuteiicliacute it laquoiquested iquestoacutelely for thc purpose ofplcflting ciiiiepiraKIacuteoraquo und kerping tlie claquoiilHrvin perpetualdiiacuteoacuterJcrilirouph those liiilitary iiprisings whicli licar KiacuteiacuteHnking raquo rcscnibluncf to ihe liiacutet V barrak outlircak H-liich abo was the fruit of laquon understand-ing bctwoen thc niiacutelkarv and the reactimiilaquos

As iacuteor thc rcconsiructivc workoiacute the^ Rcvolutwiti the formationiof a nuclotis oacutef imcrcjtJ w-hiciisfwll support thc new order (Vis Vm tictiisk ofthe French Revolution which ljr fruiiacuteful resulta has not liad its ct|iml up to thc present day for it dividid anuig tctis of tliouaands ofliiimblc peasants ihc vaMs esiiiic of thciioblcaHnd^clcrgy and midc thc nuilliludc ihus favored such viacutegorou ndlicrentraquo of ihc Revolution1 work iliat not even Napoleoacuten ivilh aiThii gciiius ntildeor thc Kourhons wiih their laquoriacuteatoacute-cralic inlransigence were over ableto rooacutet iexcltoutdftic l-rcuch naiions pliysical and

5t)iritiinl lile

It i certain that tne deludcd hrliacuteevc that ihe country iacutej liacuteoinuuml tu be contfntcJmdashai iacutet wgt mil ciinlenltc in 1JlOmdashwilli an electoral pan traquoii)itne frum whichlaquore to ariae newraquonjraquop_ parentlyhonCiacutet men who are to oceupy the cumie chairraquo bull raquo bull in the-UiJiuumllalure laquonj th

PreiJency raquo loiacutety throncihut they Mho juirlaquor thc matter thtlii laquoppear to ignore tlie tlaquoct tha tiis coiiniacuterT h- rrapeJ tiuririquest thecriaia of th e Ijst few gtearlaquo raquo harvciacutet of IcMone it can nsver forifet which u-ill not perrnit fttofope it rea And InJ acquired a rarofound uader-ittarJinfiacute of ihe caucel oi iIImdashIkeiraquo|f and the way traquo comhtt them

W e may henrelhiacuteit the country will no t

he atiacuteiacuteetl wi ih hlaquo timid reforma laquoLetchcJ rn inteniiouiacutely hy thelawyer D Isidro Fihela Mimjtcr of Rclaiiacuteonn in the Carranciata |foy-crnmrtit and a man ^vho is a revolutioiiacuteet imly-in mmc tinte he neilher underttand no r

ryinpnthiiacuteei with ihe Revolutionraquo idtali Tlif co-jntry willnot be contcnted with tln mere aholition oiacute plock-me vtoreii iexclfeaploit-niacuteiacutenn and fraud are -lo -ciraquot under other fumiacuten ir will not be fatuacutefied with mnnicipi Iiltric9 exceediniexcl]ly problematieal an they are rM liie the ha i of econonicindcpcndenclaquo ij iexclitill mXiacuteiexclniexcll and Vi l l Ieltraquo will it ha poiai-ble to whwilc iacutet willi a petly pri)iexclriirn of reornn tntbeacute lewjdealiniacute wiacuteliacute anjtaacutegteraquo when whir iitttiriiacuteiniiacute iacutea the neacuteictbtoacuteluacuteilion of the proLlem relatin^ to the cuttivalion cf ihi hinde

The country want laquoomethiacutenil more than thc va^ucnciacuteiacutecs cf Sr Cahela which theailence of Sr Carranza ii indoraiacuteniacute It wijhes -ttgt hrcilt laquonec and for allwith the feudal epoch^ which iraquo now an anachronism It wirhcf lo deiacutetroy wilti onc strole the rclaliorrhiacuteps of lord and ftcrf overiacutecer and flla^c which in thc matter of ipoundriexclculturc are thc only one which rule from Tamanlipaa to Chiapiraquo and from Sonora Yicalan

T h e counry p-opte ivish to l ivcthcli iacutec

of civiliz-iriacuteon to breath thc air oacutef economic

]iexclbrty wliicli as yet they have not krioivn aiid this they never can do whilethereacuteatill renuius afKgtt thc bullirauumliliohal lonl- of thc uumlcaflbld and ihc knife who diacutejjxjiacutecs raquol wliim ofthe pirsins of his lalmrcn an cxt-iriioner of wages who aiinjhuumlalcs them iacutetrith excwsiacutevc taskj brutaliexcl7cs them by

liitserviacute tnd ill reattnctitiquest dwarftand cha - bull -

MU his rtcc by thc sloiv ngony-ofilaVcry in i thcciiforccd vithcringof human beingj -viacutems stonuihs and empty hrainslrtcr hmiiacuteiacutery

F i r s iacute abull inili tay and t h e n a pntilder-l iamentary government1 w i t had -rutnistrat ive rrftjrinsiacute in order t h a t thc reorganiza t ion i m y endure m ideal p u r i t y i n the m a n a g e -nient of the publie fiinds ontildeicial respoacuteiisibiliacute t ies scruumlpulouslyex- -tcted l iberty o f t h e press fpr those who do not know how raquoo wr iacute te l iberty to vote for those towli0ni the candidntcp are pn-known the corrt-ct adthiacute i iacutes t rat iacuteon of j its tice for those who will^iiacuteeyr er employ a ]awyermdasha| l these deinocratic pre t tmesses -aiacutel these finewords in which our grariil1-fatbcrs and M h e r s took suclfde--l i gh t have lost today the i r magic aacute t t r c i t i on and siacutegnificance toihe people T h e people have seeacuten that wi th eleotioacutens and wi thod t t i iemwith suf f rageacute and gtvithbuacutet-it w i t l r t h eacute d ic ta to rsh ip oiacute P o r shyfirio Diaz aacutend the demperacy of Madero w-rth t h e press gajiacuteged andiacuteivith t he p re s s giveo the full e s t l i b e r t r a U v aacute y s a n d in aJl c iacute r cunstanciacuteaacuteSi-it h a s stilj to c h e w Uumlie c u d o f i t s b i t t e r lot tp endushyre i ts miser ies t o s w a l l oacute w h u m i l iat iona t h a t know no end F oacute r thtsreasongt and wi th abundantlj gocKl cause it fears thaacute t t J ieHbf t t a t o r s o f today may p r a v e t h e m shyselves like t h e leadcrs of y e s t e r daywho clipped t h e i j beatiful raacutedicaliacutesm a t GiuiladjJuumlafez aacutend iacutert t he N a iacute i b n a i P a l a c eacute f o r g p t a l l a b o u t theacuteirsscduacutectiye proajises -(To be cont inued till neapound week )

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Page 4: Semanal Krumm Heller, propagandista a sueldo de Venustiano Carranza. Habla el cro nista: "Expreso (Krumm Heller) que

Engliacutesh Section Edited by WM O OWEIV

SUBSCRIPTIacuteON RATES Singlo iupy 6c ts

Onedollara y e a r - 6 iruntlis fioc

No 2 0 8 Sa turday Oc tober 1 6 1 9 1 S

1 Scnd moiiey payable to ENKIQUK tFIlt0RJIacute8 MAGON

iexcl P O Box 1236 Los Angeles Cal


Carrutiuumli haraquo given lliexcle upeeial

dorso most cordially which runsgt as folio ws The revolution- in Meacutexico is not of a political n a -ture It isaneconomic revolution It means the industrial awaken-ing of Mftxico Duriug the days

rorrispomlentof TbeLos Angelen of Diaiexcl natural resources of the TUDOK a tstatainent whioh muy be country were by afewrich friends regarded as irioct feitiacutenifioant for iexclt 0f Diax who were given special marksalikB tlio lenglli to which the Mexican Ri-volulioii luis gone and (he dintimoH iexcli has wtlll lo traveiee A I ohill expliiin it h Ihu lraquot fitago thut will he IIIH Inmleet lor there tho defendereacute of lliii^s iraquofl lbey are llave piled chutadle on obstado and tiacutetere they will make tholr final stand

My ambition from tho begininir Hayraquo Carrantildeoacuten waa poace for Meacuteshyxico For that veiy toaron I toi-k tip tlifl hiinner of revolution againnt thedictator Huerta because I knew that we conld not havn peace laquoo long alaquo iexclijiiMIacutecieo were coininiltid In Uie namof liberty As a glt-n-eral rtaleiiiMit iliat is fino boii g H parnphraae of WVndell [hillipsi great liacuteaying ihut C d han givoi man oii and only one finido to raquoii-oeraquo8 Utter flnd ex ict Juptioe Tlmt he Iriacutea gurtmnleeil bull hall al-waim be expedioney II rutirv ron Id liacutebenme laquooiiviiood of lhnlpn-ciftl pflftflP would take the pNee Instantaneously and autoinatloaliy of the eveiyvihi-re-iacute-xiotiiig POCIacuteHIacute

war Ciminza then laquoInten that wluri

Huerta waa eliininatod he bogg-d

Villa to nvel hiin in Havitmi and thero come to an iwdoiftiiidinp but that Villa ooncidtrtd hlirie the HrongHi Hhd wa nnt pee-ldn penco He nddn tlmt he mudo cim-ilaJiacute approachca to Z-ipnln a d promwed to iftr-y out hi- agrmiii plan but unforlunaiely the pp f-iacuteonal niribitinnraquo of hiraquo seorotnriof were greater than the neoda of thiacutegt eonntry The referorfee is to I V lafox ond anotlier man whose namlt laquoScflpflraquo me As regantildeiacutes Palafox nono of us can cay wiexclth cortaintj what his porconal ambitions may havo been but it has alwaya booi underatood that he was a devout diiacuteoiacuteple of Kropotltin A ^ will ap-pear shortly mieh a man waa not

concessions Only thosc few d e -veloped the country Others- -Mexicans as well as foreigners r-Iiad no opportunity whateacutever Meacutexico was a latid of special p r i -vileges This conld not last for-ever and the result was the p r e shysent revolution

Note that phrase t h e natura l resources of the country and re-flect that it is always by induc-iug the law-makiacuteng power to give certain people special privishylegies in the natural resources of the country that economic in equality and economic dependence of the many on the few are brought about I t could not be othcrwise The stateinent can-not be denied unless one denies also the statement that th is earth is the treasure house from whKh we have to draw every ounce of our supplies

Carranza goes on to say tha t the wealth of Meacutexico while na-turally enonnous is at present merely potential He says Money and a great deal of it has to be invested before we can utilize the riches of our country We know this very well and for tha t reason we want foreigners to come and exploit our resources but they will come in the future underdifferent conditions Meacutexshyico will no longer be a land of a million opportunities It will be a country where all will be given an equal chance

the bondage of monopoly and put at the disposition of every human being

So far so good Meacutexico is no longer to be a land of Special pri-vileges but one in which all will be giveh an equal chance N o -t h i n g could be better and it is to be remarked as showing the r a -pidity wi th which t h o u g h t h a s ripened in Meacutexico dur ing t h e last iacuteive years of revolut ionary activi-ty t ha t no man of prominence in the United Sta tes or Europe has vfintured a s y e t to propose a pro-g r a m any th ing like as radical as th i s I t goes to t h e very roots for i when special privi lege shal l have been abolished and when all men and women sha l l have been given an equal chance t he millennium wfll have arrived and the revolut ionary movement will have done i t s work But juampt as in every walk of life t h o u -sands asseverate loudly t ha t they believe in equal opportuni ty for all and in the same brea th in-sist tha t vested legal r igh t s are sacred so does Carranza declare or a new deal and s iacutemultaneous-ly assure the publie t h a t p r iv i -leges acquired uuder the Diaz re-gime will be respected Here a re bis exact words

T h e y aecuse us of being con-fiscators A l i t t le reasoniacuteng will immediately show the fallacy of suacutech a thoacuteught Of w h a t valueacute could all the foreign proper ty be to us even if wed id confiacutescate i t Mines oil fields and o ther p r o p shyer ty are of no valueacute if they are not exploited To confiacutescate them would mean no th ing more than ge t t ing a white e lephant on our hands But when they a re ope-ra ted by their owners the govern-ment derives a revenue from such

Wlaquoolutiacuteonifltraquodrove hhn otit and oertaiuumlly juauy of his aciexcles afe tlow in the poeseacutelaquolaquojiuumln of tho peonculd-vato s Doacutees Carr^niacutesa prbpose to MtHloiv Ciribii ihna to Teacuterras s and iexclf so ivhgt re will the pfenn oome lu

Sjrely pne^need not dwell upon tib-urditieiacute so paiptble as th egt -iacuteur^iy evtry intelleotually-hooest man or woman must understatid that if A u to beacute reoonized as the soleacute proprietormdashas he was before the

inas mu h as men can have proshyper ty oaly in w h a t the i r labor produces and no man s labor proshyduc id the land H e t a u g h t t h a t

n i fes to because t h e one a n d a l lmdash i inpor tan t t h i u g is t h a t t he out -side world should u n d ^ r s t a n d t h a t Mexicans a re fighting for real iacute -

the g r a u t o f thlt exclusive nse of j t ies and a leader l ike C a r r a n z a a certain p ece of land was t he who declares t h a t t h i s is an eco-g ran t of a special pr iv i lege by iacutenomic a n d - n o t a poli t ical r e vo lu -thf cominuni ty to t h e user for which thlaquo user must pay to the commtini ty as be ing the only le-gi t iniate owner the full renta l

tiacuteon wil laquoot be al lowed to subs-t i tu te the -hdltgtw for the subs -tance F o r t u n a t l y as 1 bel ieve a m o n g C a r r a n z a s present follow-

VHIUV1 If for example t he user ers there a re manv w h o und mdash r--tmdash - bdquo bdquo v m gti iui claquolaquoui[iir un- uraquocraquo fia m e r e a re many w n o u n a e r -revolutionmdashBCD and all the res t o fa p i cceo fp rope r ty vvorth $1000stand t h a t c lear ly and on t h e m of the alphabet will be left empty handedand that for theni the revoshylution will have been fougbt in vain Surely that is self-evidnit Hurely iexcltil who plead for the restoration of the land to the people ruust reeog-nize that-this inevitabiacutey implies con riscation of what the monopolistca lishyma property YetCnrrrgtzn inuists that this is noti a political but an e-eonoinic revolution

The Single-Taxeis I believe and such man as Lincoln Stefiacuteenp to my oertain kiiowledge have been busily pleading Carranzns cau^e I know this because eome of them have made personal appeal to me They think we ehould drop what they are pleHsed to cali our pershysonal differencee and they morlaquo than hint that the Magons and their followers are irreuumloncileables whom |

and on o the r s w h o fiink wi th t h e m t h e fu ture of t h i s g r e a t s t r u g g l e res t s


a year pays a rental of only $500 he is enjoying t h e special and un-just privilege of g e t t i n g $600 a year presented to him as a gi f t Georgeadvoca ted the S ing le T a x as it is callee mdashand called most

l injudiciously in my opin ioacutenmdashas the eas ies tand most cer ta in me th -od of coniacute iscat ing t h e special pr i shyvilege the land monopolis t today enjoys and it was as the enemy of special pr ivi lege t h a t he deshyfended such confiscatton Today

Car ranza denounces special pri- iexclt8 Zenth and it is therefore time for the n i e g e and in the same brea th de- country to know the truth clrareraquo t h a t Ua vested i n t e r e s t s j The existing revolution did not make it-inust be protectect ielf for the parpoacutese ofsatisfying theiexclnterests

sto ta Meaacuteaiis Issued by Emiliano Zapata



The revolutionary movement lias attained

Does Car ranza in tend to t ax ou t of existerice the land m o n o shyp o l i s t a special pr ivi lege Of-course he does not Such taxa-tion would be equivalen to con-

nobody could eatisfy But how can jntildesoation which he carefully re-one be satiafied Take my olaquon 1 p U ( j i a t e s A s it appears to me

resource ainounts to uothing un-til it has been exploitcd by human labor and it should be self-evidcnt that all ought to have an equal opportunity of ex-ploiting natural resources re-gardless of the flag under which they happen to have been born

llkely tobe flathfied with what Ca- 0f the color of their skin or of

Tranza offerraquo Then oomeraquo the prophesy thut

both Villa and Z i p i t iacute will he eli-niinated within the nextiew monthf Ond Carranza giveraquo that as hiraquo roa-60n for thinking it nnneoepsary U parley with them in the peace con-ferennpB urged hy the United Straquotfgt and Iatin Itopublicc With th rnthlessnciacutes which is Blaquoid to l e 01 lt of bis tnain cliiractericties hi laquodd that our enetriioH min-t he vlaquoi qni-b-ed coinplitely or there will be ni lasting penee in Mexho and hlt comtneiitashrewdly FranoiRco I Madero paid with his life by oom-promieing with his enemiep llar1

he eliminated them Mexieo would perhnps by now beonjojing poaoi and thorwpcct of the natiors of thi world The Constitutionalists an not going to make the sume mis-takeraquo We are going lo benefit h the experienecs of the past

Pereonally Inpplaud that stand I oommend it to the attentlon of the Bryans and others of thaacuteChautaii-quau typc who dreaui that if

the creed they chance to hold No ifitelligent Mexican wants

to put a ring around his country and keep it as the sacred presershyve of Mexicana l i e wants the natural resources of the country exploited by those who can do it most eflicieiacuteitly producing the greatest result wiiacuteh the least ex-penditure of eiiacuteort What he does not want is the exploitation of Mexicans and tha t is an cn-tiacuterely different matter

What I have just wri t ten is I believe exceptionally true of Meacuteshyxico Many of mv friends have lived in Meacutexico workingon the land and not endeavoring to exshyploit the peoacuten Their lestimony has been unanimous abjolutely unanimous tha t in no country will you receive a wanner wel-come than in Meacutexico provided you convince the people that you are there to work and not to work them And this is most natural for the Mexican has a great capacity for enjoying

they could induce the Allics in the good th ings of life and an ICnrope to consent to peace they evengreater incapacity for un-would be benefiting huiuanity 1 derstancling tha t s t range phi la think they would inflict on us an injury from which it niight take us ceitturies to recover and 1

hold the happy opinioacuten thut En- c ln does not uuderstand at all and gland will not lay down her iiruis iacutelmyself conaiderit his greatest ta-iUiti lPru8SIacuteanmili tarisinhasbeen|lent From tliose who make a ground into the dust and un til Godof work wege t only a slaviacutesl the autocratically-invasive pililo-

T h a t statement also I applaud It is sclf^evident that a natural P ^ t i e laquond that xs what we

are af ter I h e r e follows an as-surance tha t f rom the outset of the revolution it was the in ten-tiacuteon the honest desire of the Consti tutionalists to reiacutemburse all those who suffered t h rough loss of property and va luables and Carranza adds tha t t h e question of foreign claims is xo be passed upon by a t r ibunal coni-posed of members from various countries and of Mex icans

Before considering the basic question of confiscation I cali a t tent ion to the extraordinary frankness of the extraordinary s ta tement contained above I cannot th ink of any other man high in office who has acknow-ledged boldly t ha t the reason for developinga country is t ha t the government may ext rac t revenue I liad supposed that the real ob-ject of work in theory a t any rato was to enrich and benefit the worker and not a t all t o p r o -vide incomes for officemdashholders But apparent ly it is C a r r a n z a s belief that society exists for the benefit of the pol i t ic ianand th is being so I can unders tand his concluding with these words W h a t Meacutexico needs is not a man on horseback but an honest energetic man of experience a man who unders tauds the needs of the country and the people one who can rule wisely and sym-pathet ical ly Natura l ly th is white blackbird is Carranisa

Not as a revolutionist but as one who wishes to applay the most er-dinary intelligence and common aense to the solution of a diffioult problem I ask mySflfmdash- What does Carranza roally mean I ask my-selfmdashCan two bodies oceupy the

sophy which teaches tha t work is an end in iacutetself and is itself lifes greatest blessing Tha t the Mexi -

philosophv of lile and one tha t same s p a c e a t the same time sophy it represents has becomo a leads s t ra ight back to despotism und is it possible to leave the broad loathing to all the world I takelTo the hwy who bate work o r t o land^of Me ico in the posesaion of that pemition toward the cutireacute those sufficiently intelligent to social war being convinced that iexclunderstand tha t i t iacute s better to use only when unjust iustitutions have been overthrown can peace become effecliacuteve and holding thu t laquo0 question is really settled unti l it has been settled Wght

Nxt tomes a statemeut I in-

ones brain than exhaust ones muscles we owe the gra t disco-veries and invenciots which dif-ierentiate us from thesavage and are destiued to emanciacutepate the race when themselves freed from

the speculators who haacuteve cjrneniacuted it and at the same time return it Jo Miacutee peopl Can you overthrow the pillars-of the oiacuted regimu and simultaneously leave the building intact Terrazas for example own ed the greater portion of the huge and rich State of Chihuahua Tbe

case as an illusiration I am iacutenter-ested in all movements that have as their motive the restauraron to man of what I fegard as his n a t u i -al lioiiiage the land becanse I con-sider monopoly of natural resources the tap-root of human slavery be-cause I look on the ambition to a c -quire territory and live on it at the expense of other people as being at least one of the great incentives to that barbarous anachronism known as war How oan I be content vvi h Carranzas stnoolh avowal that tln-M xiean revolution does not mean oonriscatioii bullbull

On the one hand Carranzi de shyclares that tho revo ution was int-vitable because J)iaz eXpiacuteoited Me-xioo by giving special eoucesniont 10 a tew iich friends In trutb they were ooncesBIacutediiIacutej worth lalking ab-cut for th j y amouiited to ihe gift oiacute principiJities As a celebrated En-glish pubiicist Williaro Archer who w-18 sencl by Me Clures to make a speunl inveirtigation remarked Diwz gave away his country as it he bad beh blowing soap-bubbleu 0gti the other hand Cuumlrranziassures the frightened iacuteoreign investor that ounfisoalion is not on the Mexican revokiliunary progiatu In other words he annuees that when he iquesthall be eeated in the pretddenlal obairand shall have restored order everylhii g will bemdashto far as the vested inleroste are coneernedmdashas it was before the revolution

I am not a ltth laquou-prioed that the [jos Angeles Times which is par exoellenoe the ehaiiip 011 of ipecitl privileiquestlt printed Carfanzie iacutetattmeiiacutet pluyitig it up as oonepi iiuously aa possible on itsiacuteVont page Ousand hissupporters wiliswallow with compiaueney all the denuuei--itioria of monopoly aud special prishyvilege in whioh Carranza may iexcln-dlge Their anxiacuteety is about what Carranza who now cLims that he has eevenmdash-eignihu of the country at his back proposes lo DO What they want is some guarantee that ihe iuutnense oonceusios they and other Americana got from Diacuteaz will not beconlisoated as the Magonp jor example assuredly would conshyfiacutescate them What they want is nuumlbstanliul assuranee that when things have quieted down fcueinesraquo will proceed laquos before the peoacuten do-iog the worliquest and they reaping the profits They have been anxious to hring Carranza to the point and he has comemdashto TIIEIU point

A s I unders tand it t he S i n g l e -Taxers and American Socialista are now booming Carranza as they formerly boomed Madero believing tha t he will tax land valuacutees and thus abolish lauacuted mo-gt nopoly Butlt unfur tunate ly Cashyrranza now declares t h a t the Constitutioti ists have no i n t e n shyt a n of d o i n g t h e very t h i u g Hen-ry George iusisted on as absolute-ly indispensable George t a u g h t tha t there should be no such t h i n g araquo priacutevate proper ty in laad

of any one personality of any one group or of any one pjrty The existing revolution recognizes that its origons lie deeperand that it is pursuing higlier finalitiea

The psasant was hungry was endurinraquo misery was suflering from exploitation and if he ros in arma it was to obtain the bread which the greed of the rich denied him to make himsjlf master of the land which tha egoistic knded preprietor kepl for himself to vindiacutecate the dignity which the slave-driver

Wi th t h a t wave he mus t swim iexcl n i q u i t o u s l y t r a m p e d o n d a iexcl l y n H e thrcw

and wi th i ts onward rushhe fflustjhimsclfint0 rcvolt not to conquer illnsory keep pace He does no t rea l lv p o l k i c a ] rightsgt w h iexcl c h ( l o n o t f e e d h i m gt b u t

t rus t t he wave for he is not hon-1 1 0 p r 0 C l i r e for himsdfthe pieceofland which est ly a pa r t of it H i s s e c r e t pray- j m u s t s u p p y h i m w i t h food a n d 1iexclber tygt t

er is t ha t it wi l subs ide as q u i c k - h a p p v fiexclre8itiacutec and a W e ofindependence

thvirofore t he S ing le T xers and S j c i a l i s t s a r e e n g a g e d once more in bui lding cas les iexcln the a i r aud Car ranza s own posit ion is th i s

and growth

They make a lamentable mjstake whosuppos

ly as possible af ter laf iding hiin in the pr s ident ia l cha i r Per-

haps he is r igh t inasinuch a s r e - j t h a t t j i e cjablidiment of a miliury govera-volutio a ry waves have a habiacuteraquo imOTtgt t h a t iexcls t 0 9aygt adespotic govemnwnr of subs id ing but in th is pa r t i c - j viexcl1 iexcl iexcl l su r e t h e p a c iexcl f iexcl c a t i o n of t h e c o u m r v ular case I doubt i t P e r h a p s t h H t cm bbdquo o b c a n e d m]y b y t h c r e a l Iacute 7 a t i o n

m n a w a y will l e 8 u M u d o n c e j o t h c d ( ) n b | e o p e r a t o n o f r e d u d n g t 0 iexcl i n more and driveii tamely back in to i o t e i H e t h e e l e n e n t 8 o i t ) e a n k n t r e g i r a C (

the Stable but I should not c a r e | n d ecuingnewinterestaHnkedinextriacutecablv to bet on i t Too many p r e v i o u s V t h t h c r e T O l u t iexcl o n gt 8 0 iexcl d a r i c w 5 t h i t j i n

dr ivers who calculated on t ha t r A ( n g e r a n d p r o s p e r o u 3 i f it b e c o m e s e s t a b have gdne to smash bull If a peopK-j l i s h e d a n d c o n 3 o l i d a t e d once becomes dead in earnes t t h e T h e ntildem mK UacuteM o f m a k i n g iexclt i m p o s s iexcl e x p e r i m e n t o f f e e d m g them words b k for t h e r e a c t iexcl o n a r y g r o u p t 0 b e

instead of bread becomes quite

d a n g e r o u s

No On y foolhardy quacks and s h o r t - s i g h t e d pol i t ic ians at-tempt t h e r isky business of run-ning w i th t h e ha reacute and h u n t i n g with the hounds Only l i t t le

group to be any longer a danger is carried out by two difshyferent methods by the exemplary punish-ment of the chiefs of the great criminaacuteis of the intellectual director and active ele ments of the conservative faction and by attacktng the pecuniary reacurces they em ploy to work up intrigues and prevoke

metiacute play double laquond Car ranza is i revolutions thaO is to say by the subdivi p lay ing double when h e assuresj6iexclo nofthe properties ofthe hacienda owners us wi th one coacuterner of h is mout h a n d politicians who have put themselves at t ha t Meacutexico under his rule will become a land of social equal i ty in which spec i l privi lege will exist 110 more whi le wi th t h e o ther coacuterner he insis ts t h a t vest-

the front of the organized resistance to the popular movement which began in 1910 and has attained its crowning point in 1914 after living through the gallowjgt of Ciudad Juaacuterez and the reaetionary crisis of

ed in te res t s will be p r o t e c t e d a n d t | i e Ciudadela the tragedy which the those who have suffered by the j Huerta dictatorship let looacutese revolut io- imdashninety-nine per cen t rn support of this subdivisioacuten there mi-i of t h e m h a v i n g been the holders t a t e s the circumstance that ihe greateriexcl of special p r i v i l e g e mdash b e recom-1 p a r t gt n o t t o say the whole of the cultiv-

able lands to be nationalized represents pensed T h i n g s are good or they are bad beneiicial or in jur ious desiacuterable or undes i rab le If land monopoly is g od it should be en-couraged and protec ted If it is bad it should be destroyed r u t h -lessly and a t once If special in-terest is r i g h t the more we have of it t h e bet ter If it is w r o n g away with it immedia te ly T h e r e is no middle ground

Observe also how profoundly reaet ionary is the economic t h o u g h t of t h i s al leged rovolu-t ionary leader He poin tes out the necessiacutety of deve lop ing Me-xicos na tu ra l resources ad forth-wi th assumes t h a t th i s wiexclll be possibe only wi th t h e help of the na t ive and foreign cap i ta l i s t accordfng to the methods now in vogue G r a n t t h a t and all revo-lut iacuteonay movements becomes ab-surd G r a n t t h a t and you are bound to seek t h e C a p i t a l i s t s a i d on snch te rms as the capi ta l i s t sees fit to g r antilde t But the neces-si ty for c r awl ing on o n c e s k n e e s to capitali-sm van t shes when nashytura 1 resgturces and the iacute n t e r -c h a n g e of credi ts based on labor applied to na tu ra l resources are set free when tne t e ign of s p e shycial pr ivi lege is abol ished

I devote unusua l space lo t h i s ana lys iacute s of Car ranza s l a tes t raa-

interests created underthe shil)v ot the Porfirio Diaz dictatorship to the grave injury to the rights of a multitude of natives srnall proprietors and victims of all kinds who were brutally sacrificed on the altars of the ambitions of the powerful

The second task that of creating powshyerful interest akin to the Revolution and in solidarity with it will be brought to a happy conclusioacuten when the natives individually and in their communities receive back the innumerable traets of land of which theyhave been despoiled by the great land owners and this great act of justice receives its comple-ment as regards those who have nothing and have had nothing in the proportiona repartition ofthe lands given to the dicta-torships accomplicea or expropriated from idiacutee proprietors who do no chosse to culti-1 vate their heritages Thus there will be satisfied both the human demand torland and the appetite for liberty which is making itself felt throughout the RepubJic as the formidable reply to that savagery oi the hashycienda owners which has maintained even in the twentieth century and_in the heart of free Ameacuterica a system which the most unfoJtunate serfs of the Middle Ages in Europe would hardly have endured

The Plan of Ayala which transiacuteales the peasants ideaacuteis satisFies both terms of the problem for while it treats the sworn enemies of the people as they deserve to be treated reducing them by expropriation to impotence aud imiocuousness it establishes

in laquortlcleraquo 6raquolaquod7tTieiacutetwo gtert prfiidfraquolraquo ofshythe return oCstoIcnlandi (iiacutenraquoctof iniper- rioua iexclHMIacutece WntildeHthe splking-upof thecjt-propinicd l-iiluacutevable- Undraquo I an act requlred alkc by iisIacutecciquestiinHcttxslietuy)

IVuk auacute-ay fniiii thc ciieiiiV themeans ofgtii-uig dtmtgc was ihc viii ticttivoiexclf-ihe rcloriiiiacuters of1857 gttdictiniiquest vhciitliey iquestl-iJIacuteLdjtlicrlcraquogy ciacute iis iiiiiicnscqwssesj- ipriilaquoIacuteiicliacute it laquoiquested iquestoacutelely for thc purpose ofplcflting ciiiiepiraKIacuteoraquo und kerping tlie claquoiilHrvin perpetualdiiacuteoacuterJcrilirouph those liiilitary iiprisings whicli licar KiacuteiacuteHnking raquo rcscnibluncf to ihe liiacutet V barrak outlircak H-liich abo was the fruit of laquon understand-ing bctwoen thc niiacutelkarv and the reactimiilaquos

As iacuteor thc rcconsiructivc workoiacute the^ Rcvolutwiti the formationiof a nuclotis oacutef imcrcjtJ w-hiciisfwll support thc new order (Vis Vm tictiisk ofthe French Revolution which ljr fruiiacuteful resulta has not liad its ct|iml up to thc present day for it dividid anuig tctis of tliouaands ofliiimblc peasants ihc vaMs esiiiic of thciioblcaHnd^clcrgy and midc thc nuilliludc ihus favored such viacutegorou ndlicrentraquo of ihc Revolution1 work iliat not even Napoleoacuten ivilh aiThii gciiius ntildeor thc Kourhons wiih their laquoriacuteatoacute-cralic inlransigence were over ableto rooacutet iexcltoutdftic l-rcuch naiions pliysical and

5t)iritiinl lile

It i certain that tne deludcd hrliacuteevc that ihe country iacutej liacuteoinuuml tu be contfntcJmdashai iacutet wgt mil ciinlenltc in 1JlOmdashwilli an electoral pan traquoii)itne frum whichlaquore to ariae newraquonjraquop_ parentlyhonCiacutet men who are to oceupy the cumie chairraquo bull raquo bull in the-UiJiuumllalure laquonj th

PreiJency raquo loiacutety throncihut they Mho juirlaquor thc matter thtlii laquoppear to ignore tlie tlaquoct tha tiis coiiniacuterT h- rrapeJ tiuririquest thecriaia of th e Ijst few gtearlaquo raquo harvciacutet of IcMone it can nsver forifet which u-ill not perrnit fttofope it rea And InJ acquired a rarofound uader-ittarJinfiacute of ihe caucel oi iIImdashIkeiraquo|f and the way traquo comhtt them

W e may henrelhiacuteit the country will no t

he atiacuteiacuteetl wi ih hlaquo timid reforma laquoLetchcJ rn inteniiouiacutely hy thelawyer D Isidro Fihela Mimjtcr of Rclaiiacuteonn in the Carranciata |foy-crnmrtit and a man ^vho is a revolutioiiacuteet imly-in mmc tinte he neilher underttand no r

ryinpnthiiacuteei with ihe Revolutionraquo idtali Tlif co-jntry willnot be contcnted with tln mere aholition oiacute plock-me vtoreii iexclfeaploit-niacuteiacutenn and fraud are -lo -ciraquot under other fumiacuten ir will not be fatuacutefied with mnnicipi Iiltric9 exceediniexcl]ly problematieal an they are rM liie the ha i of econonicindcpcndenclaquo ij iexclitill mXiacuteiexclniexcll and Vi l l Ieltraquo will it ha poiai-ble to whwilc iacutet willi a petly pri)iexclriirn of reornn tntbeacute lewjdealiniacute wiacuteliacute anjtaacutegteraquo when whir iitttiriiacuteiniiacute iacutea the neacuteictbtoacuteluacuteilion of the proLlem relatin^ to the cuttivalion cf ihi hinde

The country want laquoomethiacutenil more than thc va^ucnciacuteiacutecs cf Sr Cahela which theailence of Sr Carranza ii indoraiacuteniacute It wijhes -ttgt hrcilt laquonec and for allwith the feudal epoch^ which iraquo now an anachronism It wirhcf lo deiacutetroy wilti onc strole the rclaliorrhiacuteps of lord and ftcrf overiacutecer and flla^c which in thc matter of ipoundriexclculturc are thc only one which rule from Tamanlipaa to Chiapiraquo and from Sonora Yicalan

T h e counry p-opte ivish to l ivcthcli iacutec

of civiliz-iriacuteon to breath thc air oacutef economic

]iexclbrty wliicli as yet they have not krioivn aiid this they never can do whilethereacuteatill renuius afKgtt thc bullirauumliliohal lonl- of thc uumlcaflbld and ihc knife who diacutejjxjiacutecs raquol wliim ofthe pirsins of his lalmrcn an cxt-iriioner of wages who aiinjhuumlalcs them iacutetrith excwsiacutevc taskj brutaliexcl7cs them by

liitserviacute tnd ill reattnctitiquest dwarftand cha - bull -

MU his rtcc by thc sloiv ngony-ofilaVcry in i thcciiforccd vithcringof human beingj -viacutems stonuihs and empty hrainslrtcr hmiiacuteiacutery

F i r s iacute abull inili tay and t h e n a pntilder-l iamentary government1 w i t had -rutnistrat ive rrftjrinsiacute in order t h a t thc reorganiza t ion i m y endure m ideal p u r i t y i n the m a n a g e -nient of the publie fiinds ontildeicial respoacuteiisibiliacute t ies scruumlpulouslyex- -tcted l iberty o f t h e press fpr those who do not know how raquoo wr iacute te l iberty to vote for those towli0ni the candidntcp are pn-known the corrt-ct adthiacute i iacutes t rat iacuteon of j its tice for those who will^iiacuteeyr er employ a ]awyermdasha| l these deinocratic pre t tmesses -aiacutel these finewords in which our grariil1-fatbcrs and M h e r s took suclfde--l i gh t have lost today the i r magic aacute t t r c i t i on and siacutegnificance toihe people T h e people have seeacuten that wi th eleotioacutens and wi thod t t i iemwith suf f rageacute and gtvithbuacutet-it w i t l r t h eacute d ic ta to rsh ip oiacute P o r shyfirio Diaz aacutend the demperacy of Madero w-rth t h e press gajiacuteged andiacuteivith t he p re s s giveo the full e s t l i b e r t r a U v aacute y s a n d in aJl c iacute r cunstanciacuteaacuteSi-it h a s stilj to c h e w Uumlie c u d o f i t s b i t t e r lot tp endushyre i ts miser ies t o s w a l l oacute w h u m i l iat iona t h a t know no end F oacute r thtsreasongt and wi th abundantlj gocKl cause it fears thaacute t t J ieHbf t t a t o r s o f today may p r a v e t h e m shyselves like t h e leadcrs of y e s t e r daywho clipped t h e i j beatiful raacutedicaliacutesm a t GiuiladjJuumlafez aacutend iacutert t he N a iacute i b n a i P a l a c eacute f o r g p t a l l a b o u t theacuteirsscduacutectiye proajises -(To be cont inued till neapound week )

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