self healing

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Self healing



Pranic-Nourishment _ Self Healing.February 1996:

One of the greatest gifts that you can give yourself is complete mastery over the molecular structure and all of your energy fields. Mastery is about being empowered to exist in a state of pure health, constant regeneration, and freedom from dis-ease on all levels of our being. One of the first things that we may learn is to tune ourselves, realign dysfunctional energy patterns and then create perfect health within the physical body. Apart from conscious programming and indulging in quality thinking, quality feeling, and quality feeding (either from pranic nourishment or live food), there are also various practical exercises one can do daily to strengthen our energy fields and create radiant health especially prior to attempting to undergo the 21-day process.This article elaborates on an exercise given to me by the Ascended Ones that allows us to do just that. Due to our busy lifestyles you may wish to incorporate this exercise in the shower, or as part of your meditation routine and also just as a stretching/exercise routine as an act of kindness to the body. We will be using our muscles, our minds, our intention and will, and working through the mental body to download programs into the physical body.When one is in synchronistic alignment with the divine blueprint and has no internal sabotage programs running, the following is guaranteed to work. For those interested in becoming aligned to both the timing and the unfoldment of the greater plan and realigning the internal saboteur, please refer to the "Mind Power Beyond Psychology" chapter in the book In Resonance.Firstly, understand that all is energy and that there are electromagnetic grid lines also called meridians that surround the Earth and that move through all matter, space and time; and that our energy meridians in our physical bodies mirror these as above, so below.

The healing power comes from our intentionally hooking into these energy grid lines by visualizing and imagining that the energy lines in our bodies can connect to the grid lines and energy matrixes in higher dimensions. For example, when you are in the shower, rather than thinking you are being washed by water, you can imagine that what is coming out of the shower nozzle is pure liquid light, grid lines of energy that are like spaghetti, and are flowing in through the top of your head (your crown chakra), to be eagerly absorbed by your inner meridian lines.Simplistically on one level, how physical form is created with each new embodiment is from an etheric blueprint or pattern which magnetizes to, and forms around grid lines or these energy matrixes. Through repeated embodiments, the cells, which are memories clothed in matter, densify and become heavy basically through toxic thinking and toxic feeling before we were practicing limitless being. As the molecular and atomic structure magnetizes into the etheric blueprint, through life experiences, the meridians that have become the inner energy lines, often atrophy or dim under the weight of what we collect in life. Therefore, by increasing the lightness in our cells and our light quotient, we are not only taking command over our molecular structure once more but we are activating fully the energy matrix of our light bodies.


So the visual imagery may be that you are stepping into a special chamber where golden/white emanations from the Great Central Sun (this is the source of power esoterically for this universe), begin to stream in through your crown chakra when the connection has been made. The connection is made by your visualization and intention it is that simple. So the meditation/exercise begins as follows: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Ask your God Self/I AM Presence that you absorb into yourself the perfect voltage of electromagnetic/life-force energy from the highest and purest source that is perfect for your attunement NOW. Next visualize matching your inner meridians with the etheric grid lines they may appear to be fine or heavier lines. Command, intend and visualize that once the connection is made, pure life-force healing energy begins to flow into your body, right down to the finger tips and the tips of your toes. Visualize and command that you are pumping up the volume like turning a switch on a dial until you have pure streams of golden white light energy running throughout the energy matrix in your body. You might like to visualize that these streams of light move out through your fingertips, through the hand chakras, through the soles of your feet and toes, hooking you into planet Earth, and allowing this pure energy force to use you as a facilitator so that it not only cleans and tunes your meridians, but the energy empoweringly moves through you and then aids in the healing of the Earth. You may visualize that as this energy pours into your body, it is beginning to spin like a vortex, widening the meridians and then spinning off streams of light into all the supporting cells, organs, blood stream, and bones in your body. Once you are hooked in and you have consciously widened the energy flow and have commanded pure life force energy to begin the healing/realignment process, you may begin further conscious programming. The mantra for the first aspect of healing is for forgiveness. It is not as if we are less than perfection, it is just that we carry cellular memory from other timeframes where we may have believed we were. So the first mantra while you are watching these energies flow through you is to open your heart and to say to the universe, "I forgive and I am forgiven". Keep visualizing the energy moving through you, breathe in deeply, and on the out-breath, repeat the mantra, "I forgive and I am forgiven" until the Inner One guides you to stop. Trust your intuition on this. The next healing mantra is, "I now release all discordant energies from all my energy fields".This may be shortened to the word "release". Visualize that as the light floods in through your crown chakra pumping up the meridians, that it is coming through with such force that it is expelling from all your cells through the pores of your skin, all discordant energies. You may wish to imagine that as the light flows into your body and fills every cell, that it floods out through the top of your head, like champagne being poured into a glass overflowing, and begins to create an electromagnetic bubble of light around you. Visualize that it extends as far as your outstretched hands and at least six inches out again. This electromagnetic bubble and force-field that you create, you can intend to be completely impenetrable to all energies but those that are for your highest good. If you keep this bubble permanently placed around you and filled with pure God force energy, then all energies around the planet from sources known and unknown will either be rejected or absorbed and transmuted without actually touching your core. So as you do your release, and visualize these discordant energies moving through the pores of your skin, when they connect with the light around you, know that they too are automatically transmuted and realigned and therefore have no detrimental effect energetically to your environment. The next step after you have been intuitively guided to stop using the "release" command is the "heal" command. Again, the power of this is in your intention and the belief that you have the power to heal all discordant energies and dis-ease in your fields. Visualize that as the energy floods in through your crown chakra and is pumping up the volume and power of life-force within, that this energy as it floods into every cell begins to transform your cells from shriveled up sultanas to round, luscious, light-filled grapes (or whatever imagery that will create the effect of your cells healing, regenerating then renewing into perfect health). The next command is "renew". The visual imagery is similar to the above.You may then begin to use the mantra:"Release, forgive, forgive, release, heal, renew, renew, heal, heal to perfection as divinely intended NOW". Once you have done this you may visualize that your hand chakras have been fully activated into their healing power, are plugged directly into the purest healing power of the universal life force. As you sit in meditation, you may wish to place them on any particular part of your body that may need healing and command and visualize that this is done. A good way to test this and measure your abilities as they grow in self-healing, is to pick one aspect of your body that you would like healed, concentrate on it daily until physical change is witnessed. For example, a vein on your leg, or a mole on your hand, or a small scar. As you sit in meditation having plugged into the grid lines and tuned yourself as previously recommended, while your hands are laid on your own body you may command on the outbreath:"Heal body NOW" or "heal veins NOW". The visual imagery is that you are attracting to your hand chakra pure and powerful forces of healing energy that are moving through your hand chakra and being absorbed into the part of the body that needs healing, and you visualize the cells like sponges absorbing the light, transmuting toxic energies, and healing itself into perfection. Next, (for those who wish to do physical exercises with this) visualize yourself plugged in to the energy matrixes of the pure healing forces, that you have pumped up the volume, and the energy is flowing through you now like a wide fast-flowing river. You may begin to intuitively move, either like you are doing a sacred dance or more isometric exercises. You may use this to go through a whole series of stretching exercises as well as yogic postures and exercises. The benefits will not only be increased suppleness and grace, but also the healing and realignment of your energy fields. When you do your dancing or stretching extend your muscles to their maximum capacity by contracting them and then releasing them in a pulsating rhythm, stretching further and further as you progress. All the time you are visualizing that flooding in through your hands and feet and crown chakra and also through all your other chakras, is pure healing force energy that you are magnetizing into your body, by your command and intention. The visual imagery then becomes that you are interconnected with the energy streams of all creation and hooked into a river of oneness. You may then also focus your mind on a particular organ or area of your body that you intuit may need healing or extra attention, as you move. Daily practice of the above techniques will ensure a strong vehicle, especially when coupled with pure feeding, pure thinking, and pure feeling, and whatever other exercise program you are intuitively guided to do. The Ascended Ones say that the stronger the physical vehicle, the more intense light energy we can carry and can emanate through us, changing the pulse of, and transmission from, our electromagnetic fields. As we consciously realign our energy fields we will attract to us levels of reality that reflect our own expanding consciousness. The above techniques will also ensure the full activation of our etheric energy matrixes termed our light bodies and will prepare for conscious future teleportation.

March 2006:

Other Self Healing tools and methodologies are covered in my e-Book Harmonious Healing and the Immortals Way released in 2005.Regarding exercise and the prana program over the last decade, I have noticed so many people who post-conversion look undernourished and underweight. I cannot stress enough the need to treat the body as a temple and to exercise it lovingly. Find or develop a cross training program that suits you, that you enjoy so you do it and that will build muscle mass.