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  • Dark Machines for Dark Gods

    The acausal has a tendency to nexionically presence itself within structures which tend toward order, this order being of the fractal variety. A typical example is quartz-in particular

    a quartz tetrahedron. Another intrinsic element is coherency.

    Living organisms possess a remarkable degree of coherency, as do all purposely designed

    objects. The structural difference between ordinary, inert matter and living matter (matter

    infused with an acausal charge) is evident on all levels in a fractal manner, as well as in a

    coherent one.

    The purposeful creation of an acausal harnessing object, similar to the quartz tetrahedron

    should, in theory, lead to the object being capable of holding an acausal charge. Variables on

    this theory would include- what degree of complexity would be needed to generate an acausal

    charge noticeable to observers, with one noticeable example being the structural change by

    the acausal charge of the object to its environment (as seen in living systems daily, and

    generationally in the process of evolution). Another variable would be: how does a structural

    object develop acausal charge in the first place? All living systems bequeath an acausal

    charge via generation. Whether acausal charge is bequeathed via consumption also (as in

    animal predation) is open to debate.

    If all living systems have bequeathed a portion of undiminishing acausal charge to their

    offspring through time- from the earliest protozoa to modern Man, then we see in effect a

    closed system of acausal transference. If this is the case, harnessing acausal energy may

    prove difficult or even impossible.

    This unique type of acausal energy, Life energy may be a closed system, different to other

    types of acausal energy we see (such as in paranormal apparitions and circumstances) and

    as such would be unavailable to whoever wished to create an acausal machine. However, the

  • above two examples of acausal energy may simply be of the same type, in different forms.

    The observation of differing aspects of acausal phenomena certainly brings us closer to

    understanding the nature of the acausal, but these differing aspects may be purely borne out

    of a limited perspective on our part.

    Further development of the aims promulgated by the O9A and a continued interest in acausal

    science should lead to discoveries being made and new understanding being brought about by

    such discoveries.

    One such discovery would be the unique harnessing of acausal energy within the causal (s^

    s=*t). [1]

    The result would then be the construction of organic machines and equipment, following the

    invention of basic machines to generate, or produce, moving acausal charges.[2]

    With this technology, we would be capable of developing dark machines or Nekhalicons for

    which the Dark Gods could indwell and so guide us to the further reaches of the cosmos

    where new secrets and challenges await. Such machines, having their basis in either

    organismic material or some other, crystalline structure, would revolutionise the way we live

    our lives- indeed, it would bring about a defined paradigm shift and with it, an evolution of

    consciousness, a more ordered, more ektropically (k) organised individual. And from such

    order, a more acausal existence.

    Such machines, comprised of fractal geometry and other structures of crystalline or

    organismic substance, would be similar to beings Man has recorded in legend and myths

    since time immemorial- fiery deities comprised of wheels within wheels, of shifting

    geometric forms and transforming designs. One only has to read apocryphal texts of the

    worlds major religions to see these figures communicating with Man and sharing

    otherworldly knowledge-in essence, advancing our consciousness.

    It must be stressed, however, that such discoveries can only be made by

    increasing the number of adepts, and

    Individuals following the 7FW attaining adeptship and daring to pioneer new forms

    and ways of exploring the acausal

    Given the current mindset of the West, including both occult and mundane, it is likely that

    the pursuit of these aims, particularly that of the scientific route, will be continued in solitude.

    Mactoron awaits


  • [1] (s^ s=*t) describes simply the increase of the acausal within a region of causal

    space leading to a causal structure being possessed of the acausal faculty of Change, as

    evidenced in all living systems.

    [2] David W Myatt


    A crystal is a solid structure with a regular internal architecture. Quartz crystals contain a molecular makeup which comprises of silicon and oxygen. The silicon sits at the centre with

    4 oxygen atoms around the silicon. This creates a tetrahderon.

    These tetrahedral building blocks are arranged interestingly, in a helical pattern- a pattern we

    see in DNA. The helical pattern is not restricted to a vertical shape, however and quartz is

    thus not a fibrous material. This structure lead as to channels which run through the quartz.

    Could these channels act as acausal veins?

    I believe the use of quartz crystals, as explained in earlier writings by myself and Chloe, lies

    in the axiom that life is distinguished from non-life by an intrinsic property: coherence.

    Crystals are non-organic coherent structures. The use of a quartz tetrahedron continues this

    coherent pattern in a fractal manner, and as such its level of order is increased by yielding

    this shape in macroscopic scale. A flow of acausal energy through this from, via whatever

    method, creates a rudimentary living organism in the form of the crystal. This crystal

    functions the as a nexion and is entirely under the will of the operator.

    [Structural coherency of quartz]

    It is this mechanism which is required for an acausal mechanic to function; the artificial

    creation of a living organism in thrall to the operator, which can perform tasks and is not

    composed of inert, electronic parts. The crystal tetrahedron is the prototype, the primitive

    precursor to a unique technology.


    [The following essay was inspired by my observation, one spring day, upon a new born foal

    in a field with its mother. I mused on the variety of life, and the consequence this issue has

    for an acausal axiom. I was to re discover-wyrdly perhaps- an old essay by DM dealing with

    the essential nature of Time and the physis of living beings, the meaning of which had eluded

    until these recent musings upon the nature of Life.

    -Spring 2015]


    Time, as proposed by Myatt, is an emanation of the physis of Being. Change within matter is used to understand and convey time- entropy, which is mirrored as above so below within

    acausal matter in the form of ektropy.

    Time measures are inherently relative; the creation of clocks to measure the movement of the

    earth around the sun being one obvious example.

    As recounted in Time and The Separation of Otherness:

    In the philosophy of pathei-mathos, Time is considered to be an expression of the

    [physis] of beings, and thus, for living beings, is a variable emanation of [psyche],

    differing from being to being and representing how a living being can change or may change

    or has changed, which such change being a-causal.

    Thus, Time as conventionally understood and as measured/represented by a terran-calendar

    with durations marked hours, days, weeks, and years is regarded as an abstraction, and an

    abstraction which attempts to interpret living beings as functions of or as limited to a linear

    cause-and-effect described by separated moments progressing from a past to a present and

    thence to some future time. Such conventional measured causal time may therefore be said

    to contribute to the concealment of the nature of living beings. (David Myatt)

    It must be emphasised that humans are wont to think in terms of abstractions imposed upon

    phenomena, abstractions which can (and do) yield predictable results. Correlation however,

  • does not imply causation. What Myatt suggests in this essay is how the map is not the

    territory; simply calling something by a title does not make said phenomena that title.

    We have thus grown to treat Time as an actual concept, a law- something which is reliable

    and universal.

    Science in the past century- despite the obfuscations and confusions brought about by

    Einstein and his subsequent cult-like followers- has come to understand this basic idea of

    relativity. However, it is interpreted in the philosophy of pathei mathos as relative according

    to observation from a causal perspective:

    This causal time is a quantity; a measurement of the observed or the

    assumed/posited/predicted movement of things according to a given and a fixed pre-

    determined scale, and which measurement and fixed scale allows comparisons to be made

    regarding the movement or change in position of things.

    While this understanding of time, and of space, has provided a useful understanding of the

    external world and aided the construction of machines and the development of a modern

    technology and thus enabled humans to set foot on the Moon and send spacecraft to

    photograph the planets in our solar system it is nonetheless limited in respect of revealing

    and understanding the of beings and thus the relation between living beings. (Time

    and The Separation of Otherness, David Myatt)

    Acausal Dimensions of Life

    The inclusion of a 4th dimension can be invoked to help further understand the nature of the


    Spimes are theoretical structures which assume living systems (humans, trees, and so on)

    when viewed from the 4th dimension as one, continuous worm of matter changing through

    time. This video explains the concept perfectly and simply.

    I propose these spimes as ektropically ordered matter possessed of an acausal charge. The

    concept of spimes is touched upon, somewhat philosophically with echoes of the acausal, in

    the movie Donnie Darko. Further essays will attempt to understand how these spimes

    presence via morphic fields and archetypal energies.

    (A further dimension could be added to describe acausal Time, making this model 5


  • [4D spime and my subsequent modelling of emanation from the acausal]

    The supposed distinction and difference among the diverse developments of Life may often

    bring up the questions:

    1. How does acausal energy presence itself within the causal, and why does it manifest such


    2. What causes acausal energy to choose a particular morphic field (or other emergent

    quality which leads to form) for causal apprehension and presence?

    That is, what causes the variety of forms of life if all living systems can be reduced to the

    same basic formula: the coincidence of acausal energy within the causal realm?

    When viewed from a higher dimension (that of the 4th), one begins to see all divergent forms

    of life as natural consequences of primal acausal energy. Form is dictated within the causal

    by causal laws- evolution, adaptation, selection and so on. Thus, the difference between a dog

    and a horse is simply the causal constraints which have imposed certain forms upon those

    particular manifestations of acausal energy (when viewed from a linear, causal perspective).

    Both entities, as well as all living forms, can be viewed as branches along a great acausal

    tree, the trunk and roots of this tree being the essential intrusion or connexion of the acausal

    with the causal. Such a visualisation bears resemblance to that archetypal tool for

    apprehending and uniting with the primal acausal energies: the septenary Tree of Wyrd.

  • Closing Remarks

    As a finite emanation (or presencing) of , a living being is not, according to its , a

    separate being; as such, it cannot be known its nature cannot be understood by external

    causal observations or by measuring/describing it (in terms of space) in relation to other

    living beings or to things and/or by using such observations/observational-

    classifications/measurements/descriptions to formulate a theory to characterize a type (or

    genus or species) that such a living being is regarded as belonging to. For its is

    manifest known by its acausal relation to other living beingsand by the acausal

    interconnectivity of such beings. Such a knowing is numinous; that is, an awareness of living

    (and often dependant) connexions and of the unity of Life beyond the finite, mortal,

    emanation we, as an individual human being, are. (ibid)

    Further Reading


    I am not he; but while nobody comes forward to prepare the way for him, I do so. -Adolf


    Adolf Hitler is unique among men, both today and historically. His works, and those who knew him attest to an innate ability to apprehend the higher forces of the cosmos of which we

    are all aspects.

    Among men, Hitler stood out as an adept; not one who has progressed along the difficult path

    of mastery, but one born with the understanding only brought about by strict adherence to the

    path of the adept. In essence, Hitler came into this world as a nexion, one fully open and

    connected to the ultimate acausal reality which many throughout the ages have glimpsed and

    tried to understand, and which all who follow the Sinister Tradition strive to discover.

    The Ramana Maharshi, one of the greatest spiritual personalities of modern India, describes

    Hitler as a gnani- a sage, one who is fully conscious through personal experience of the

    eternal truths that express the Essence of the Universe.

    Savitri Devi writes at length of the unique Destiny of Adolf Hitler in her book The Lightning

    and The Sun. In Hitler, Savitri Devi found the Man Against Time combining idealism with

    force, both lightning and sun, waging war against the forces of the Age on a practical level;

    the Avatar of Kalki the Avenger who comes at the end of every Age. However, because

    Hitler was fighting against the cyclic tides of this Age his battle was foredoomed. Savitri

    Devi therefore believed it was the dharmic duty of Hitlerites to keep alive the flame of NS

    through the Kali Yuga as the basis for a New Order which Hitler had himself prophesied in

  • 1928, seeing himself as but a herald: I am not he; but while nobody comes forward to

    prepare the way for him, I do so.

    In this and other statements made by Hitler, it seems he had an intuitive understanding of

    certain higher Acausal forces, especially that of Vindex.

    He was often quoted by those close to him as a man possessed, as a conduit to higher,

    almighty forces which he himself understood as being the true voice behind the actions he

    manifested causally-

    We were alone, writes Kubizek. The town had sunk below us into the fog. As though he

    were moved by an invisible force, Adolf Hitler climbed to the top of the Freienberg. I now

    realized that we no longer stood in solitude and darkness, for above us shone the stars.

    Adolf stood before me. He took both my hands in his and held them tight a gesture that

    he had never yet made. I could feel from the pressure of his hands how moved he was. His

    eyes sparkled feverishly. The words did not pour from his lips with their usual easiness, but

    burst forth harsh and passionate. I noticed by his voice even more than by the way in which

    he held my hands how the episode he had lived (the performance of Rienzi) had shattered

    him to the depths.

    Gradually, he began to speak more freely. The words came with more speed. Never before

    and also never since have I heard Adolf Hitler speak like he did then, as we stood alone under

    the stars as though we had been the only two creatures on earth.

    It is impossible for me to repeat the words my friend uttered in that hour.

    Something quite remarkable, which I had not noticed before, even when he spoke to me

    with vehemence, struck me at that moment: it was as though another self spoke through him;

    another self, from the presence of which he was as moved as I was. In no way could one have

    said of him (as it sometimes happens, in the case of brilliant speakers) that he was intoxicated

    with his own words. On the contrary! I had the feeling that he experienced with amazement, I

    would say, that he was himself possessed by that which burst out of him with elemental

    power. I do not allow myself a comment on that observation. But it was a state of ecstasy, a

    state of complete trance, in which, without mentioning it or the instance involved in it, he

    projected his experience of the Rienzi performance into a glorious vision upon another plane,

    congenial to himself. More so: the impression he had received from that performance was

    merely the external Impulse that had prompted him to speak. Like a flood breaks through a

    dam which has burst, so rushed the words from his mouth. In sublime, irresistible images, he

    unfolded before me his own future and that of our people.

  • Till then I had been convinced that my friend wanted to become an artist, a painter, or an

    architect. In that hour there was no question of such a thing. He was concerned with

    something higher, which I could not yet understand He now spoke of a mission that he

    was one day to receive from our people, in order to guide them out of slavery, to the heights

    of freedom Many years were to pass before I could realize what that starry hour, separated

    from all earthly things, had meant to my friend. (The Young Hitler I knew (1955).


    As explained in the ONA MS, Mastery- Its Real Meaning and Significance;

    Mastery is one of the names given to the achievement, by an individual, of one of the

    advanced stages of the occult way or path. In the septenary tradition which the ONA

    regards as the authentic Western tradition in contradistinction to the Hebrew Qabalah

    this stage is the fifth of the seven that mark the quest, and those who reach it are often known

    by the titles Master of Temple or Mistress of Earth.

    It follows from the stage of Internal Adept, which is the stage of Adeptship [qv. the

    MSS Adeptship Its Real Meaning and Significance]. Between the two, lies an area often

    called The Abyss. Basically, an Internal Adept [or simply Adept for short: an Internal

    Adept is distinguished from an External Adept by virtue of the former having achieved an

    internal as well as an external insight/understanding and a skill in both internal and external

    magick] has discovered the nature of their unique Destiny in the real world. That is, they are

    aware of personal wyrd. Before they can venture into and beyond the Abyss, this Destiny has

    to be strived for the Adept has to make real, in the real world, this dream of Destiny.

    For every Adept, the Destiny is unique. But for all it means an interaction with the real world

    in effect transforming their inner vision and energies in a practical way and so in some way

    (often quite significant) changing the real world. All Adepts effect changes in others. Some do

    this in a directly magickal way for instance, by running a Temple/group and teaching

    esoteric traditions. Some do it via creativity for instance, music, Art, writing. Some do it via

    direct action which appears to non-Initiates as divorced from Occultism for instance,

    politics or business. Some combine elements of all of these. There are many other ways. What

    is important is that the Adept is using their skills and abilities, derived from achieving

    Adeptship, in a practical way their life has a vitality, a purpose, a dynamism which is

    beyond that of most others.

  • Fayen and Acausal Existence

    According to one, aural tradition, related to me by an individual who had been guided along

    the Seven Fold Way by a certain Lady Master, it was due to Hitlers unique Essence that

    upon his death, he entered into the Acausal as a unified consciousness- in effect, a Dark God.

    He thus is known by the name Fayen, and takes his place among those other entities revered

    in the Sinister Tradition as the Nekhala.

    Acausal existence the secret of true Immortality has been hinted at many times in certain

    esoteric writings connected with a particular LHP. In the past, a few Adepts of the LHP and

    the occasional notorious individual interested in dark sorcery tried to secure for themselves

    an acausal existence by dark rites of sacrifice, and as a result dark legends arose. But such

    means are not really necessary.

    Before describing what is necessary, a brief examination of such acausal existence will be in

    order. According to a sinister tradition we as individuals possessed of consciousness have

    both a causal and an acausal aspect to that consciousness. The acausal is latent (or mostly so)

    and magickal Initiation awakens it opening a gate or nexion to the acausal.

    This allows the acausal to be apprehended (usually via a symbolism such as the septenary

    Tree of Wyrd) and acausal energies to be used/directed (i.e. magick). The result is an

    expansion of consciousness. Progression by the Initiate to the higher grades of initiation is

    actually the expansion of the acausal in individual consciousness (or, viewed another way,

    the progression of the individual into the acausal) a balance of causal/acausal being

    achieved in the Abyss. Beyond this, because of the balance so attained, it is possible to

    transcend to the acausal to create an acausal existence when the causal ceases (ie. physical

    death). The acausal is not however, a dreamy realm or some kind of nirvana/heaven. It is

    rather, the very essence of Being beyond opposites, primal Chaos. Nirvana and such like

    are abstract moral forms ie. they are unbalanced since they lack darkness, the sinister, the

    negative.. [Nirvana and such like are usually described in terms only of light.] The

    acausal is the realm of the Dark Gods and these beings are not imaginative symbols for the

    titillation of consciousness, nor simply a part of the psyche, to be transcended or negated or

    whatever by forces of light. Rather, they exist independent of our consciousness [yet such is

    the nature of the acausal that they are also part of what is dormant within us] and while they

    may be accessed (or discovered) by consciousness and thus presenced in the causal (on

    Earth) their actual intrusion would totally disrupt sentient life in the causal like the meeting

    of matter and antimatter. Sinister magick (of the aeonic and internal kind) may be said to be

    like a machine or engine where containment of opposites is possible and controllable in

    certain amounts and under certain conditions. [in simple terms, sinister aeonic magick

    contains the flow of the acausal into a temporal form usually an Aeon and its associated

    civilization -via a nexion/magickal centre to thus over thousands of years increase the amount

  • of the acausal that is presenced, increasing thus evolution in individuals in accordance with

    sinister goals. Such is one of the forms of real Black Magick.]

    The nature of acausal existence may be apprehended by individuals by certain sinister rites

    such as those of the Nine Angles. To achieve an individual acausal existence the sinister path

    must be followed, from Initiate to Internal Adept to Master/Mistress and beyond because this

    following of such a path in the way indicated (qv. Naos and Black Book) creates acausal

    consciousness in the individual over causal time. The Grade Ritual of Grand Master/G.

    Mistress makes the Adept more acausal than causal. Beyond this, is a simple ritual (the solo

    Nine Angles rite done by the Grand Master/G.Mistress) when consciousness is transferred

    beyond the nexion opened/created by the previous Grade Ritual. Immortality the final stage

    of the way is then achieved, followed then or shortly thereafter by causal death, although

    consciousness can be transferred to inhabit another causal body, this is not usually done as

    wyrd is achieved. Simple, really, although this alchemical process takes about 25 years. By

    virtue of the nexion, the new Immortal alters the temporal structure of the world, usually for

    an Aeon.

    Now the secret has been revealed, the possibility is open to all. Bit it is doubtful if more than

    one or two a century will try, such is human weakness. Acausal Existence- The Secret

    Revealed(Anton Long, ONA)

    It is often written that the Dark Gods intrude upon the psyche of humans, as we are partly

    acausal, this part being our psyche our consciousness. And even today, 125 years since Adolf

    Hitler was born, not a day passes when he is not mentioned somewhere in the world. His

    spirit lingers in unstoppable, mythic-memetic fashion. He is spoken as if he lived inly

    yesterday, as if he still lives, even! Truly his Essence lingers at the threshold of the Abyss,

    watching and awaiting the Day of Wrath, the dawn of the New Aeon, Dies Irae.

    He Among Them

    Savitri Devi claims Adolf Hitler was foredoomed to fail, and it was his divine mission to do

    so; to create a moment, a mythos to uphold as a torch through the final ages of the Kali Yuga.

    As a Dark God, Hitler stands as an archetype, immortal, beyond criticism, beyond good and

    evil- a symbol to remember and to emulate.

    And when the Dark Gods return, will He be among Them?

  • Plasmavores- Intimations of Nekhala?

    Continuing from my studies on the nature of Life (greatly aided by the work of Kayla and WSA), I recently came across a compelling piece of video of the Helioviewer, which apeared

    to show something leeching plasma from the Suns surface. Telescope images captured of the

    sun on Monday (March 12) show what appears to be a planet-size shadowy object tethered to

    the sun by a dark filament. In the image sequence, a burst of brightly lit material can be seen

    erupting from the suns surface surrounding the dark object, after which the orb detaches

    from the sun and shoots out into space. The footage, a composite of images captured by the

    Solar Dynamics Observatory and processed by scientists at NASAs Goddard Space Flight

    Center, has quickly garnered attention on YouTube, where viewers are suggesting it shows

    a UFO spacecraft refueling by sucking up solar plasma, or at the very least, the birth of a new


    However, according to NASA scientists, the feature is actually a little-understood, but

    frequently observed, type of solar activity called a prominence, and the way it is situated

    beneath another solar feature gives it its otherworldy appearance. The thread extending from

    the lower left edge of the sun in the video is known as a prominence, a feature containing

    cooler, denser plasma than the surrounding 3.5-million-degree Fahrenheit corona, said

    Joseph Gurman, project scientist in the Solar Physics Laboratory at NASA Goddard. It isnt

    yet known exactly how prominences develop, but these dense plasma loops can extend from

    the suns surface thousands of miles into space. C. Alex Young, a solar astrophysicist at

    NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center who runs a website called The Sun Today, explained

    that the prominence is situated below a tunnel-shape feature called a filament channel. When

    you look at it from the edge of the sun, what you actually see is a spherical object. Youre

    actually looking down the tunnel. And this tunnel sits up top of the filament, Young

    explained at The Sun Today. He added that the development of these structures is quite


  • Not All Is As It Seems

    As is often the case, the current mainstream scientific Mafia is desperate not to look foolish,

    and instead attempt an ad hoc explanation of what is being viewed here. NASA, an

    organisation known for its cover ups, as well as being proven time and again as a

    governmental/military project, despites its claims as being a public body, is once again quick

    to give an explanation': The thread extending from the lower left edge of the sun in the

    video is known as a prominence, a feature containing cooler, denser plasma than the

    surrounding 3.5-million-degree Fahrenheit corona, said Joseph Gurman, project scientist in

    the Solar Physics Laboratory at NASA Goddard. It isnt yet known exactly how

    prominences develop, but these dense plasma loops can extend from the suns surface

    thousands of miles into space. The above explanation simply said that the filament is a

    process that has been observed before but is of unknown cause.which is not really an

    answer at all. If these prominences are well known, where is the other body of evidence and

    footage showing this supposedly common event? Other self styled debunkers have attempted

    to explain it as coronal activity. And while such activity does objectively look similar, there

    are stark differences. The coronal spherical effects are not round but elongated, like an egg

    and do not have the filaments attachments. We are led to believe we are looking down a

    plasmic tunnel and the entrance to the tunnel is the sphere. This does not explain why solar

    activity clearly warps around and is dispersed by the spherical object. It is also unusual, given

    both observer cameras, at different angles, supposedly both looked down this tunnel at the

    same time; a physical impossibility.

    The main argument of the debunkers is that this is prominence phenomena. They then explain

    how much is known about such phenomena, believing that addresses the matter. Given that

    these two instances are different, that is the same as calling an unknown species of cat a tiger

    because they look similar, then showing all the books we have on tigers as evidence. A

    logical fallacy if ever there was one. An interesting debate which addresses flaws in the

    proposed explanation on the subject can be found at:

    My Interpretation

    Continuing from what I had read in A Dreccian Cosmology, it was explained how plasma in

    this cosmology was regarded as the first state of matter. It also details how rudimentary life

    from, possessing less physicality than conventional life, would feed off plasma. The closest

    and largest supply of plasma in the universe is found in stars, and such life forms were

    theorised to attach themselves to, and indeed feed off of their host stars. Now, with this

    image, we have compelling evidence- if this is indeed genuine and unexplainable le by

    todays science- of these creatures; whether we call them aliens, plasmavores, Nekhala or

    whatever. Following the discovery of this, I found more evidence suggesting these entities

  • had been observed before. Any cursory search for UFOs being documented around the sun

    show this is a phenomena. While many of these may be down to laymen not understanding

    solar activity, some of it indeed shows behaviour characteristic of intelligent entities