selected works - jay hake


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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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architectural academic portfolio


Page 1: Selected Works - Jay Hake
Page 2: Selected Works - Jay Hake
Page 3: Selected Works - Jay Hake

eecte r ay d ae

Page 4: Selected Works - Jay Hake


graduategraduate larene s

pella ia

Page 5: Selected Works - Jay Hake


Artr //

Architecture //


Page 6: Selected Works - Jay Hake

entral ollegetui rt rect A A A A


e studio based art proets tat ompleted during my time at entral ollege establised te neessary undamentals to be able to tin reatiely ritially and as a problem soler ploring te realm o te isual arts troug a ariety o mediums design elements priniples and teniues enabled me to gain a onsious understanding o o te isual orld is ommuniated

roug te proess as able to build toards a general deinition o design tat ould urter inluene and sere as a primary tenet o personal grot and disoery as it applies to design as a isual epression

Page 7: Selected Works - Jay Hake

tiiegestural epressions o orm proportion perspetiegestural epressions o orm proportion perspetieuit hruit hruit hr isual representations o design elementsisual representations o design elements

ti retihipositienegatie spae symmetryasymmetry dept

cuturematerial manipulation repetition surae transitions


Page 8: Selected Works - Jay Hake


e intent o tis eerise as to deelop an understanding o proportion as it applies to line spae and perspetie series o ound obets ere irst arranged in arious orders tat progressiely beame more omple in orientation and detail ater ea suessie pase ome o te eerises ere to irst isually study te obet or seonds ten lose my eyes and redra it based on sensory pereption reating ompositions tat empasie relationsips beteen plaement and orm as te ey ous


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Page 10: Selected Works - Jay Hake


is proet eplored using arious paper mediums to reate a series o ollages tat ommuniate ertain onepts itin te isual arts e piees ere to be reated itout using any digital media so more onsious attention as paid to o te images artiulate and epress te onept being depited


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Page 12: Selected Works - Jay Hake

AA Amediumgrapite pen & paperis eerise as a study o reating ompositions orming spatial illusions tat oney dierent relationsips beteen a ariety o geometri sapes e primary ous as to gain a onsious understanding o o te use o positie and negatie spae aets te symmetrialasymmetrial balanes o ea piee reating dept on a dimensional plane as ell as o te images guide te ieers oal points


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Page 14: Selected Works - Jay Hake


mediumpoplar ood


e intention o tis piee as to reate a sulptural element tat manipulates a ertain material in a ay tat tests its limitations and strengt e inspiration omes rom a deep sea eels seletal struture one seen on te isoery annel e ends o ea poplar strip emulates te piering attributes o te eels ertebrae ile te tensile strutural assembly o te strips represents te leible and dynami nature o te eels spinal integrity


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mediumood loting pins

is piee eplored te use o a ound obet to be utilied in repetition aomplising rytm moement and isual interest not oterise depied in te obets temseles lotes pins ere glued in a series o strips tat ere ten tied togeter by a tin steel ire at a ommon onneting point is alloed te assembled strips to an out and reate a luid and dynami omposition tats uniuely dierent tan te lotes pins in teir singular indentity


is piee reuired a omposition tat utilies to all surae planes in any ay ne in ti steel strips ere ut to arious lengts and elded togeter to establis dierent triangular geometries is reated a series o ertial and oriontal transitions tat ties te loor and all planes togeter in a more elegant and dynami ay


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mediumgrapite penil

uheeic tiueA AA


aro rasari

n tis piee tree seleted images o te lo uilding addition to te elsontins useum o rt in ansas ity is ollaged to reate a single multioal image using te metod o analytiue to apture te eperiemental ualities o a seleted or o ariteture e intriguing aspet o teen olls design is o te uman eperiene o te displayed artor is inluened by ligt moement and a metiulous use o an elegant subtle material palettle

digital ersion on oer

Page 17: Selected Works - Jay Hake


e ti ueu rt ch uiie ti ueu rt ch uiisteen oll

Page 18: Selected Works - Jay Hake

Architecture //14

Page 19: Selected Works - Jay Hake


Page 20: Selected Works - Jay Hake

uet cu chuiA A

s siene sees to eplain te unierse est ampus oousing is born rom interseting lines o sientii inuiry at started as a teoretial approa to design based on te intangible interonnetedness o all modes o sientii resear on est ampus as deeloped into a site plan tat responds eually to te resear enter and te natural orld e radial design is bot as natural and innoent in its imitation o nature as it is menaing and oldly sientii in its repliation o maninds most rigtul inentions t is te ope tat est ampus oousing ill inspire strong and beneiial uman relationsips tat resonate as meaningully out o te ommunity as tey do itin it


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Page 22: Selected Works - Jay Hake

uie Are

ompilation o all te enironmental issues impating te site sos i areas ould be most adantageous or uture proets is map sos te impliations o noise irulation utilities topograpy egetation use groups solar studies drainage and istorial data on site

dditional ators may eist beyond te sope o te site analysis tat ontribute to te most and least buildable areas on site oeer based on tis site analysis as ell as te eisting inrastruture and uniersity regulations te most buildable loations are son on te map outlined in red

ost uildable

east uildable

uture ite ossibilities

AAn essential aspet o te proet as to ondut a toroug site analysis to determine te best buildable area or te proet based on enironmental and eonomi aors ile te ontet diagrams son are only a e eamples o te oerall analysis a ey element to te proet as to begin to deelop a onsious understanding o o site opportunities and onstraints aet design deisions



Page 23: Selected Works - Jay Hake


e egetation o s est ampus landsaping its in it te uniersitys oerall master plan but te nature o est ampus is distint rom te rest o ampus est ampus is broen up into tree egetation ommunity types a type taes adantage o te surrounding typograpy and limate e egetation is utilied dierently tan on main ampus beause o te oie parlie arateristis tat est ampus maintains esear is also te primary teme on est ampus i eosystems play a maor role in

e egetation ommunitites are broen into tree basi groups a rassland rugged plants or illtops and eposed loations a iory upland orest ommunity ound on eposed illtops and soutest aing slopes aple inden upland orest ommunity ound on nort and east aing slopes ere soil onditions are moist and te air is more ooler and umid

e ru

e breadon o te site based on time o day sos i areas ould be best suited or uture proets tat may ae dierent use patterns at dierent times o te day

oug te site is part o ampus tere are ery e lassroooms on te site any o te buildings on te souteast portion o te site are resear laboratories erormane spaes inlude te ied enter and band praties spae e sports ields are primarily or rereational and intramural use dditionally tere are maintenane related buildings it a e oies

ere are our dierent groups or determining te time o day and ee tat tis site is most ommonly used e oie and resear laboratory spaes are used during typial business ours but te resear laboratories are also used ell into te eening ours erormane and rereational uses are used primarily in te aternoon and on eeends












usiness ours egular

am to pm

usiness ours tended

am to pm

enings and eeends

ontinual se

a iory

a rassland

aple indenaple inden19

Page 24: Selected Works - Jay Hake

eause te proet is a oousing deelopment or ampus resear proessionals and aademis te loor plan proides leible and eiient spaes o ollaboration and atiity as ell as residential units tat enable originality

n relation to te site analysis o uses patterns natural ores et a radial loor plan it aes to te surrounding ontet as designed in order to reate a uniue yet sensible approa to te surrounding residential and ampus ommunitites loor plan


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r ee

aboratory lassroom ommunity ining reenouse iing aine ommunity iten ommunity iing elling luster typ

loor plan21

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AAsetion aAAsetion aAA

Asetion b setion



Page 27: Selected Works - Jay Hake

e tree and ater eature loated in te diret enter o te deelopment represents te inerent relationsip beteen nature and siene e ariteture in relation to te natural surroundings is meant to strie a balane beteen te metiulous artiulation o te uman mind in relation to te purity o te eisting natural orld

dditionally ardsape ersus sotsape regarding site aess and irulation as ell as reating diret and indiret ontetual onnetions as a maor ous e tree line ais establises a sot onnetion to te adaent residential neigborood to te est ile te ard more deined ais to te siene ommunity to te norteast anoledges te ontrolled and ariable aspets o sientii inuiry


Page 28: Selected Works - Jay Hake

urth rece eA A

ort arene alage as establised to proide residents and businesses an opportunity to embrae te modern age o ariteture not only on a loal sale but ould establis itsel itin te arene ommunity as an attratie ay to bring people in rom all oer eople ould be able to eperiene a range o aritetural elements rom around te orld tat are representatie o te innoation in materials building systems typologies and ome deor tat ere emerging in te early t entury e spar o tis era as a maor sit itin ariteture and sered as a atalyst or o te industry as eoled oer time


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Page 30: Selected Works - Jay Hake

ubism as been onsidered te most inluential art moement o te t entury ts inspiration in not only art but in literature musi politis ariteture et epanded te pereptions o te orld e lie in

s seen in ubist artors obets are analyed broen up and ressembled in an abstrat orm instead o depiting obets rom one iepoint te artist depits te subet rom a multitude o iepoints to represent te subet in a greater ontet sing tis pilosopy te spatial organiation o te proet as deried rom onduting a series o oerlays oer ablo iassos interpretations o residential and industrial identities during te ubist moement s a result it reates a dynami moement troug spae as people eplore arious aritetural elements being eibited





r ee

ners ie arge onereneonsulting iten ubli estrooms ent paeain isplay mall ale aade isplay arge ale aade isplay esidential isplay urniture isplay eanial estorationoading torage it

rr re

eneral irulation

ibition pae



atering pae

ent pae


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program breadon program breadon loor plan

program breadon program breadon loor plan


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e aesteti and onstrution o te aility is ambitious e eterior alls bearing te steel beams are reinored onrete ile nonbearing all treatments are patterned steel panels it glaed openings tat bring in a dynami uality o ligt into te eibit and eentmain display spaes eibit and eentmain display spaes


Page 33: Selected Works - Jay Hake


pysial setion model

Page 34: Selected Works - Jay Hake

utrt eri ceter AA or many deades roost enue as represented eonomi and soial ardsip itin te greater ansas ity ommunity e soial diide tat as stemmed rom eonomi stability to te est as reated a sense o rustration and neglet to te east e la o soial oesion itin te roost ommunity as resulted in disinestment and a loss o ommunal integrity at as one te most prosperous area in ansas itys illionaires o as tragially digressed into a pit o soial and eonomi alitions

s drugs rime poerty and prostitution ae taen a old on te identity o roost tis proet sees to brea te soial and eonomi diide beteen ite ollar and blue ollar ties by reating a oesie sared enironment e negatie onnotation assoiated it street lie ill instead be replaed it an energeti atie indoor and outdoor olletie enironment ere people an rediret and relearn te ualities o positie soial and eonomi onentions in a respetul supportie setting ile tis is ertainly not a proet tat an aomplis su goals oer nigt it an neerteless spar a ne beginning itin te ommunity oreoer te roost earning lae ill instead anor te ommunity as a plae o ope grot and opportunity


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Page 36: Selected Works - Jay Hake

e design approa o te proet ouses on proiding adeuate resoures opportunities and optimism as te ommunity puses to restore a sense o plae itin te ulture o ansas ity ere te eperienes gained and sared ill ailitate personal disoery and grot tat ill sere as a atalyst or soial eonomi and enironmental progression itin te roost enue ommunity


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uii eciic rrtic re

otal otal uilding iieny

nit ty otal rea ntrane estibule ie priate support onerene

ommunity all ommons

esoure enter

indsn small indsn medium indsn large

andsn medium andsn large nteratie iten

eneral torage

utdoor ubli laa

anitor eanial letrial estrooms men & omen irulation


e site o e roost earning enter is loated on te soutest orner o roost enue and rus ree ouleard ile te eisting onditions onsist o a parmay and its adaent paring lot te ne aility oupies te entire site ootprint it approimately o eisting deelopment spae to te east eause te eisting establisment is more identiied as an atie plae o drugs gangs and prostitution te aility ill instead anor te ommunity as a plae o ope grot and opportunity

isting ite roposed uilding ite roposed uture eelopment ite


Page 38: Selected Works - Jay Hake

rr ee

irulation & ubli ommons

utdoor ubli laa

ommunity all

esoure enter

indsn earning

andsn earning


erie eanial


A A eploded aon eploded aon

e program is dediated to proiding atie ollaboratie andson and mindson enironments or people to learn by tining reating and doing i is a ey ous o te design e la o aailable resoures or people to lie atie and ealty liestyles is a preailing issue itin te ommunity s a result te proet sees to sere as a beaon o ope by proiding series and enironments or people to relearn a ariety o sills tat allos tem to lie better lies dditionally te site is establised by an outdoor publi plaa it ampiteater style seating an indooroutdoor stage as ell as adeuate spae or dining ausual onersation or personal reletion e ersatile nature o te publi plaa is arateried by reating a relationsip beteen te ommunity all and learning enironments i enlose and deine te spae


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brush creek blvd.


t ave



t ave


plan30 35

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r ee

ntrane estibule ommunity all esoure enter utdoor ubli laa dministratie ie onerene oom ommunity iten oiler and iller oom andsn ome rts & rats andsn raing eelopment andsn ood op andsn ome onomis indsn eture indsn eial ill eelopment indsn roessional raining indsn omputer iene ab indsn eminar & arge eture ir andler an oom ubli ommonsatering pae

loor plan



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loor plan loor plan



Page 42: Selected Works - Jay Hake

A A eploded aonometri eploded aonometri

tructur te ee

ostentioned neay onrete oist lab trutural teel eams peneb teel oists trutural teel olumn trutural teel olumn trutural teel olumn

tructur te Ai

e strutural systems implemented into te design proide bot an aritetural epression o ertain untional spaes ile also responding to loading apaities a system is utilied to to loading apaities a system is utilied to to loading apaities a system is utilied to to loading apaities a system is utilied to not only ulill te strutural reuirements based not only ulill te strutural reuirements based not only ulill te strutural reuirements based on spatial oupany but also elps artiulate on spatial oupany but also elps artiulate on spatial oupany but also elps artiulate and spea to te untional attributes o arious and spea to te untional attributes o arious and spea to te untional attributes o arious spaes eause te building is a plae o learnspaes eause te building is a plae o learnspaes eause te building is a plae o learning and personal disoery eposing te struture ing and personal disoery eposing te struture ing and personal disoery eposing te struture bot subtly and epliitly elps deine te nature bot subtly and epliitly elps deine te nature bot subtly and epliitly elps deine te nature o spae and allos people to gain an undero spae and allos people to gain an undero spae and allos people to gain an understanding and amiliarty o te buildings integrity standing and amiliarty o te buildings integrity standing and amiliarty o te buildings integrity

eause ertain spaes all or a substantial oerall eause ertain spaes all or a substantial oerall eause ertain spaes all or a substantial oerall suare ootage tat is olumn ree tis system is a suare ootage tat is olumn ree tis system is a suare ootage tat is olumn ree tis system is a pratial and eiient solution is elps ensure a pratial and eiient solution is elps ensure a pratial and eiient solution is elps ensure a more dynami uality to tese speii spaes in ormore dynami uality to tese speii spaes in ormore dynami uality to tese speii spaes in order to maintain eiieny and untional ersatilityder to maintain eiieny and untional ersatilityder to maintain eiieny and untional ersatility

trutural teel beams are used in te main trutural teel beams are used in te main trutural teel beams are used in te main trutural teel beams are used in te main irulation orridor as ell as te meanial irulation orridor as ell as te meanial irulation orridor as ell as te meanial spaes tat sere te building in order to adaspaes tat sere te building in order to adaspaes tat sere te building in order to adauately support eaier irulation and euipuately support eaier irulation and euipuately support eaier irulation and euipment loads eam depts ary based on span ment loads eam depts ary based on span ment loads eam depts ary based on span

is nonombutible system is used in areas is nonombutible system is used in areas is nonombutible system is used in areas it ligt to medium loading ts an eonomiit ligt to medium loading ts an eonomiit ligt to medium loading ts an eonomial alternatie oter onentional strutural al alternatie oter onentional strutural al alternatie oter onentional strutural steel members or spans greater tan tsteel members or spans greater tan tsteel members or spans greater tan t

te rii

pan pan pan pan otal ept pan otal ept pan lab iness lab iness oist iness oist iness istribution ibs istribution ibs istribution ibs einored onrete olumn i einored onrete olumn i einored onrete olumn i ness ness

pan aries t t pan aries t t otal ept pan ominal otal ept pan ominal otal ept pan ominal ept ept

ype eries ype eries pan aries t t pan aries t t


Page 43: Selected Works - Jay Hake

Aeploded aonometrieploded aonometri Aeploded aonometri A

re ee

ommon at it tairay it isarge ubli ay ubli ay istane raeled to earest roteted rea

eer rii

upany roup usiness upant oading ator reuired eit stairays oupany prinlered ll tree leels ulill te maimum trael distane ll tree leels ulill te maimum trael distane o to te nearest ully proteted eit portion o to te nearest ully proteted eit portion o te egress system aimum ommon at rael istane aimum ommon at rael istane it aess orridors ontain our ire rating it aess orridors ontain our ire rating inimum engt o eadnd orridor inimum engt o eadnd orridor

it cure/ rririt cure/ rrir

ll eit aess irulation orridors and eit ll eit aess irulation orridors and eit stairay enlosures ulill te our ire rating stairay enlosures ulill te our ire rating or strutures less tan our stories tall elor strutures less tan our stories tall elenlosing doors opening into eit stairays enlosing doors opening into eit stairays meet te reuired our ire rating ll eit meet te reuired our ire rating ll eit doors opening to te eterior ae no ire rating doors opening to te eterior ae no ire rating

it tir cure

e eisting alley east o te building seres e eisting alley east o te building seres as te publi ay or it tairay i eas te publi ay or it tairay i eeeds te minimum idt per ode reuirement eeds te minimum idt per ode reuirement it tairay as a eit disarge to te alley it tairay as a eit disarge to te alley it tairay diretly disarges onto outdoor it tairay diretly disarges onto outdoor plaa adaent to rus ree ouleard and as plaa adaent to rus ree ouleard and as a eit disarge to sideal e apaity o a eit disarge to sideal e apaity o ea stairay is sied so tat te loss o any single ea stairay is sied so tat te loss o any single eit doesnt redue te remaining apaity o all eit doesnt redue te remaining apaity o all oter eits to less tan oneal o te total reuired oter eits to less tan oneal o te total reuired

tairay idts oor idt our euired ire esistane ating our euired ire esistane ating

re itce re

rael distanes are not restrited in eits or itin te eit disarge en eits or itin te eit disarge en loated at grade

otal upant oad upant oad eiling eigt ain orridor idt ain orridor idt oor idt ommon at rael istane ommon at rael istane

otal upant oad upant oad eiling eigt ain orridor idt ain orridor idt oor idt ommon at rael istane ommon at rael istane

ll ommon pat measurements ll ommon pat measurements are based on te orst ase senario are based on te orst ase senario on ea leel


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A eploded aonometri eploded aonometri

A ee

upply ir ut

eturn ir ut



ir andler

imney ta

ooling oer

eturn ir ut

rie Air ue te A

e meanial spaes ae an edge ore plaement loated on te nort side o te building is ment loated on te nort side o te building is enables eiient aess to te boiler and iller enables eiient aess to te boiler and iller room adaent to te eisting alley to te east as room adaent to te eisting alley to te east as ell as proides more larity o irulation doesnt ell as proides more larity o irulation doesnt interrupt open loor spae and allos more leibilinterrupt open loor spae and allos more leibility to atie spaes along roost and rus ree ity to atie spaes along roost and rus ree

ll return air it eeption o te ommunity ll return air it eeption o te ommunity all te andsn ome mproement and all te andsn ome mproement and indsn eminar rooms ae all return regindsn eminar rooms ae all return registers tat return te air to te main trun in te isters tat return te air to te main trun in te irulation orridor upply ir is diused along irulation orridor upply ir is diused along te building perimeter to maimie air moment te building perimeter to maimie air moment eiieny troug spae to te return registers eiieny troug spae to te return registers upply and return intae and outae grilles are upply and return intae and outae grilles are loated on te roo adaent to te ooling toer loated on te roo adaent to te ooling toer

e supply an is designed or te largest e supply an is designed or te largest blo load not te sum o te indiidual peas e blo load not te sum o te indiidual peas e air distribution system up to te boes ontains air distribution system up to te boes ontains medium pressure and is designed by using te stati medium pressure and is designed by using te stati regain metod onstream o te boes te regain metod onstream o te boes te system are lo and medium pressure onstrution system are lo and medium pressure onstrution and designed using te eual rition metod ound and designed using te eual rition metod ound lining is neessary to minimie disturbane to adalining is neessary to minimie disturbane to adaent spaes ll boes are aessible or mainent spaes ll boes are aessible or maintenane uted return is utilied at all loations tenane uted return is utilied at all loations


inimie operating osts inimie operating osts aimie ontrol o air eloity aimie ontrol o air eloity and air uality inimie system noise i is inimie system noise i is ritial at or meanial spaes ritial at or meanial spaes adaent to learning enironments adaent to learning enironments inimie isual obtrusieness inimie isual obtrusieness en neessary aimie leibility o rental aimie leibility o rental spaes espeially te ommunity spaes espeially te ommunity all aimie indiidual ontrol oer aimie indiidual ontrol oer temperature inimie system maintenane inimie system maintenane


Page 45: Selected Works - Jay Hake

AA Arainsreen & leeling systemAA Arainsreen & leeling systemAA A

rthc iht erie et e te

e toi leeling system allos or te use o up to o outboard insulation ile reuiring minimal breas in eterior insulation or maimum alue e system is able to aiee up to tie te true alue oer ontinuous ertial urring strips due to te patented selleeling all braets reduing loads dramatially

aterial luminum iness anels are ung rom oriontal rail on leeling system

icurte r uti

eommended alues per uilding ode alls rodut nsulation alue ange alls per in


Page 46: Selected Works - Jay Hake

plan setion eleation & details

loor plan portion

art o te proet as not only tenial systems integration but also to deelop a ompreensible set o onstrution doument eamples e olloing plan setion and details draings eibit a onsious approa to aritetural design in its entirety


publi gatering spae

Page 47: Selected Works - Jay Hake

A eleation43

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longitudinal portion43 44

andson ood sop

mindson seminar

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andson ood sop mindson seminar

Page 50: Selected Works - Jay Hake

eti ee

luminum ortlad anel typ oriontal teel ainsreen ail ertial teel ail teel all raet typ terior pray olyisoyanurate nsulation oo nsulation ater embrane terior lyood eating eoery oard teel annel tud raming typ etail eing teel eam teel olumn ypsum oard oo embrane luminum oping per olor pes luminum oping per olor pes luminum ont lasing leat reinised to at anel

A detail AA detail

45 46

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A model47

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u el doradoitercit tuiA AA oring in ollaboration it el dorado in based in ansas ity te studio spent te entire all semester eploring a dynami urban site immediately est o te nely onstruted auman enter or te erorming rts in donton ansas ity

e studio sougt to strie a balane beteen artentri grassroots neigborood deelopment strategies and largesale master deelopment plans eore beginning design or e identiied a group o staeolders rom te surrounding urban ommunities and taled to tem etensiely e uily ame to terms it te ide ariety o perspeties about te site and its relationsip to te ity as a ole e oies o te staeolders beame anoter important ore saping te site

s a inal doument te studio rigorously ored to reate a ebsite tat summaries te semester eaturing urban analysis interies ideos site inormation and design proposals

i n t e r i t y u e d u 48

Page 53: Selected Works - Jay Hake

i iiproblem & urban analysis design solution


Page 54: Selected Works - Jay Hake

i A AA


e preailing issue tat as inibited ansas ity rom beoming an identiiable urban enironment is te issue o density artiularly te la o residential ommunities donton and in te rossroads as unortunately led to a mass sit o people ommuting to and rom te ity s preious generations o residents ae let and te prospet o a ne youtul presene o proessionals tat lie and or in te ity as remained stagnant tis site is an opportunity to reate an atie enironment tat ill elp restore density itin te urban abri o ansas ity

ie a great minor league baseball stadium te site is saped by te pysial ores o its enironment o te est te estside a largely residential neigborood o te east te rossroads a mi o reatie businesses ligt industry and robust areouses onerted to lot spae o te sout te eaily disputed rossside istrit an unertain intersetion o te rossroads and estside neigborood o te nort onton it its igrise oies and enormous onention enter split abruptly rom te site by s ast and loud roaday e dynami urban site is loated immediately est o te nely onstruted auman enter or te erorming rts

49 50

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dway B



17th Street


auman enter or te perorming arts

sreenland teaters

ibrant ommunities


r eiti ite eeti

I - 35

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reen pae aessible & inaessible

aant aring ot

rce/tce ee

loser loo at te state o urban systems elps gie meaning to te itys urrent onditions eigborood limits sotsape s ardsape transportation and land alues are oerlayed giing a diagrammati glimpse o te itys urban abri


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ue ee in dollars

ed ine us top urple ine ie at nterstate its

uic rit ee

5 min w




nterstate its nterstate its nterstate its

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ii e program or te studio as ambitious and demanding er te ourse o te semester e proposed a series o igdensity mieduse strutures or tis blo area n tree design yles e eplored semes tat ored it te eisting strutures on te site and semes tat imagined te site as someting alltogeter ne dditionally ea design iteration as to be a uiire to ee design yle tat aptures te spirit o te site based on ertain programmati sits e solution on te olloing pages eibits te rigorous approa to te proet as ell as te oerall ision o o te site an spar a rebirt o ansas ity as an urban enironment


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A AA ligt landsape & moementligt landsape & moementA AA ligt landsape & moementA AA ts no seret tat ansas ity as been stu in a stagnant state o deelopment or many years s a result tis proet ertainly sees to eplore te realm o possibilities not only on te site but sees to eplore te realm o possibilities not only on te site but also its ontetual relationsip to te surrounding ommunities

e abundane o under utilied surae paring and aant lots drastie abundane o under utilied surae paring and aant lots drastially oerelms te presene o oupiable natural and deined green spae itin ansas ity e proet sees to bridge tat gap by reating a armonious relationsip beteen te built and natural enironments ile also establising dynami spaes or soial interation and ealty liing roug te inspiration o lar alto and ero aarinen moement ligt and landsape are te design ouses


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lar alto lar alto


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dwa y






iti ite ti teti ee

ndeined reen pae

isting urae aring

isting uildings to be emoed reenland to emain


iti ite iti

essie surae paring noupiable buer greenspae along interstate ndeined green spae ulturally establised entities reenland eaters

ite teti

eintrodue oupiable publi green spae or atie soial interation reate a armonious relationsip beteen te built and natural enironments epurpose asington t as a primary pedestrian green orridor troug site

reenland eaters reenland eaters

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eti/eturt eel ne estaurant estaurant eel o etail estaurant estaurant roery tore roery tore otal otal

ice otal otal

eieti edroom edroom nits nits edroom edroom nits nits edroom edroom nits nits

otal nits otal nits otal otal

utiue te rooms rooms eeption and ommons on round eel eeption and ommons on round eel ar & estaurant ar & estaurant utdoor errae utdoor errae

ri ultiay aring truture ultiay aring truture

otal talls otal talls

A A diagram59

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A diagram60

ite Acce ircuti eeite Acce ircuti ee

treetsape edestrian irulationtreetsape edestrian irulation

treet edestrian irulationtreet edestrian irulation

ite edestrian irulationite edestrian irulation

onergene & ess ointsonergene & ess oints

ain ay eiular irulationain ay eiular irulation ibits rai atterns ibits rai atterns

t treet





paring a


e ard linear edge ondition along roaday and t streets atiates te streetsape i is ten omplimented by a more elegant radial edge ondition tat enelops a green pedesradial edge ondition tat enelops a green pedestrian only ourtyard repurposing asington t trian only ourtyard repurposing asington t

n one and as people irulate along roadn one and as people irulate along roaday arious aess points soop people rom ay arious aess points soop people rom te sideal and lure tem into te atie retail te sideal and lure tem into te atie retail and restaurant enironments itin te deelopand restaurant enironments itin te deelopment n te oter and te radial edge rement n te oter and te radial edge reates a sensible and innoent relationsip to naates a sensible and innoent relationsip to nature as people ourney troug and oupy te ture as people ourney troug and oupy te pedestrian irulation ourtyard rom t treetpedestrian irulation ourtyard rom t treet

Page 65: Selected Works - Jay Hake

ite ee

etail estaurant roery tore estrooms erie & eanial reenland eaters eisting

Asite plan

u o altos or establises a strong relationsip beteen orm landsape and spatial organiation ile orm an epress a ormal language it its natural surroundings te interior untional spae is eiient and pragmmati is design sees to enompass su priniples espeially as te building edge ondition taes on dierent identities along te streetsape and pedestrian ourtyard spae at te sites interior

t treet






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stablising a armonious relationsip beteen te natural and built enironments is essential to te design igt annons and syligts tat emulate te ormal edge treatments not only enable day ligting but also reates a metaporial outdoor spae reating a onnetion to te natural surroundings u design intriaies and sensibilities ae te opportunity to reate more intimate sensory eperienes it spae


bartle all

auman enter or te perorming arts


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ie o boutiue otel lobby and publi plaa


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u el doradocrer tui AA AA


e arer an tudio is a ollaboration it te arer an nitiatie a smallsale artist resideny program and eibition spae tat ill be launed by maas emis enter or ontemporary rts iagobased artist easter ates and is nonproit ebuild oundation e proet sees to leerage ultural reinestment itin an underresoured ommunity as a atalyst or neigborood grot tat elebrates reatiity and te prodution o art as a rameor or urban design

easters ebuild oundation along it te emis enter launed an initiatie to reonstitute te istori arer an uilding as a ne ultural enter oated in disenranised and igly segregated ort maa te arer an uilding ill oster artbased atiities tat dra largely rom te surrounding neigborood

e studio eperiene too plae in a multitude o pases starting it trips to iago and maa a toroug urban analysis tree intense design yles a midreie presentation at emis in ront o staeolders ommunity residents and business oners as ell as a osen design iteration to be deeloped into a inal ompreensie proet

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problem & urban analysis design solution

i ii65

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e irst pase o te studio eperiene as a trip to iago in order to eplore easter ates metods and priniples o ommunity redeelopment ates raised in est iago and no a rising star in te international art orld as built is pratie around te reation o ne eonomies in bligted neigboroods in iago and t ouis ese ne eonomies assign eual alue to te eange o ultural and inanial urrenies

it one oot in te orld o ig art easter as te oter irmly plaed in te ebuild oundation a omple urban eperiment tat leerages artmaing to dissole longstanding boundaries beteen art rae and lass

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teaster saring is ision or te dorester ommunity in iago rebuild oundation in iago


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e seond pase o our ourney too us to maa and inluded a tour o te urrent eibition at emis enter or ontemporary rts an interie it tello eados diretor o ort an interie it im eatty diretor o te reat lains la istory useum isits it emis residents multiple isits to ort maa and a daystopping lun at ig amas inally e spent seeral ours doumenting te site surrounding te arer an uilding in ort maa

bemis enter or te ontemporary arts

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otello meados and im beatty

big mamasbemis enter artist resideny program


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maa lie many midestern ities ears te residue o polital eonomial and soial segregation on te sleee o its urban abri oles are easily ound in te ommunity inrastruture o ort maa

oring in a similar metod o artist atiist and urban planner easter ates te studio aimed to ind means o inesting bot eonomi and ultural alue into te ommunity o t and ae streets i lies itin te eart o disinestment in ort maa

ric eric


i A AA

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maro &

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ontetual ernaular

intimate green spae

establised ultural entities



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ii e goal o te semester long studio long proet as to eplore te possibilities o te blo surrounding te arer an building in ort maa e deelopment ould use te arts as a means to spar uture eonomi grot itin te ommunity ile also reating uniue ays or soial engagement to our

s part o te proets ollaboration it ebuild oundation and te emis enter or ontemporary rts te proet proposes artist residenes miedinome ousing and mied use ailities or te estern al o te blo surrounding te arer an

roug arious inluenes tat eplore te tat eplore te realm o soial and eonomi redeelopment itin an inested ultural ontet te studio proposed a series o intense ee iterations inestigating a multitude o solutions


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uie ce

teaster gates

nii s lee

daid ang

site onstraints

e site oers substantial leibility to

establis a ne miuse deelopment

itin te ort maa ommunity

ittle ode restritions and onstraints

proe tat tere is a need or someting

uniue and res tat ill sere as a at

alyst or uture grot and inestment

roug er potograpy ii ap

tures te essene o ommunity by

diretly immersing ersel into arious

utlures er proets propose ues

tions about identity and soial beaior

easters approa to melding art it

soial and eonomi publi onerns

reates interesting and sensible solu

tions to ommunity redeelopment

e tigtly onstrained yet intimate din

ing spaes o e angs restaurants

aptures te spirit o o ne deelop

ment an emerge itin te ommunity

is restaurants reate a total dining e

periene rom te preperation o te ood

to te soial engagement at te table


Page 80: Selected Works - Jay Hake


A AAurban ambiguityA AAurban ambiguityA AAis seme as te irst and most ambitious in a series o proposals deeloped oer toee inrements sing te arts as a stimulus or soial and eonomi grot reating enironments or people to interat and engage in ays tat are unpresribed or ambiguous is a ay to spar an atie and ibrant ommunity ulture ile te seme stries to dey normal deelopment onentions it neerteless sees to eplore te limits o o people rom dierent bagrounds alues etniities et an reate an atie and ealty ommunity striing or eonomi and soial prosperity

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78plan igure ground

& otal


round eel pper eel otal

round eel pper eel otal

& otal


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aerial & program



ett treet

nits round eel or spae sering iten & eibit round eel or spae sering iten & eibit eond eel liing small iten bedroom eond eel liing small iten bedroom otal otal

ibition pae ommunity iten leible lassroom entable ent pae leible lassroom entable ent pae leible lassroom entable ent pae ubli allery ubli allery otal otal

uture artist studio spae uture artist studio spae

aant or uture proposal aant or uture proposal aant or uture proposal


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79 8080 loor plan

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loe a

o u t d o o r perormaneeibit spae









et p


l i e o r tining garden

outdoor dining

publi gallery

l i e o r tining garden

ommunity i t e n e e n t s p a e

ommunity i t e n

m u s e u m e i b i t



s st











priate residential

priate residential

priate residential

priate residential








styles o e o l u t i o n









semipriate green spae

outdoor diningoutdoor dining

publi gallerypubli gallerypubli gallery

loor plan

loor plan

same speiiations

o u t d o o r

e driing onept it tis seme is te notion o reating atie enironments it uniltered soial interation e diagrams displays o people an be brougt togeter in unpresribed ays sparing a more engaging and dynami soial uality to te ommunity





y gr




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setion perspetie


museum eibit bedroom

eramis studio and iln


sared spae

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i gr




e multiple site setion perspetie is e multiple site setion perspetie is meant to so te ersatility o te dimeant to so te ersatility o te dierent uses o te site as ell as o erent uses o te site as ell as o people start to use and engage spae people start to use and engage spae

n addition te material palette o n addition te material palette o te deelopment emulates te surte deelopment emulates te surrounding ommunitys subtle aade rounding ommunitys subtle aade treatments by using loally relaimed treatments by using loally relaimed natural materials lso te strutural natural materials lso te strutural systems loor inises et oney te systems loor inises et oney te nature o ertain spaes as ell as nature o ertain spaes as ell as o uman eperiene and interation o uman eperiene and interation it su spaes an be inluened it su spaes an be inluened


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AA detail

Aall setion setion

event space community kitchen outdoor dining

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outdoor dining

all setionall setion

museum gallery spillout live-work studio


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85 464686ie r e t i it rtit reiec itrict

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e material palette or te lieor studios as inluened by easters use o relaimed materials as a ay to maintain a sensible but yet uniue ariteture s te eisting alley already as an atie uality ne deelopment is meant to sere and oeist it te ommerial entities along t treet s son ommunity eents art eibitions small estials et an enri te publi dynamis o te site ile also engaging te surrounding residenes


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