section one, eight pages battles tons of new … herald...

t , , ' r I Section One, Eight Pages / NUMBER THIRTY-NINE Battles Tons of New Snow Set Up County Group to Act In Emergency Equipment Unable Ski· Eqju,pped ", C h'" k Plane on the 1. 0 ope It 1 as Go Constantly Reserve of Men Ready to Work Whenever Needed The ''layne area this \\"{'ck is buried in an uncnumg drift of snow and icc follr)\.\ ing lhe \\ most furious blizzard which siru(:k 1'-1l-1t Thursday and dumped CIJUlltlCSS tUll8 of new snow over the alreau.\, hCClvil,Y ('()\'crcd area. As yet there has been little acute suffering in this part of Nebraska. But sc\'eral an:-;en which demanded JlrrHnpt action, And condltions arc SHturdClY t.('t up a nlicf illg on mally (if \', hich Hre I ()\\' 011 livestock tion to hiJndJc any ('mt'rgC1lCY feed and othr.:r Some ,tl'(: ,..,() c(\mpldch' i:.;olatcd that it is impossible to ship !Jut marketable ji\:(!st·otk. ro,ld condItions. The HLW snow, added to snow \'. hich lIever' had the llltkr \ .... m1er has removed, pl'olJahly will keep hUlldrl'cis (d· mile . .; oj" C(Juntry caused m;.J/lY harci<;]llfJ.'i .lTld some I roads blocked until spring-. Available f-;tllJ\\' removal equip- menl is unable tf.) c.ope -with th(' job of opening up " parnllckd thC' dlsastu staluE V.hlCh travel lanes. Dnf.tlllg" occur;; alm();;t dUll.\'. 11 eXIsts [<lIther Wl..'sl. EMIL F. MEYER, fir;;t district commi;-;;..;i(HlCr, Tuc-;day Wayne Fliers Make Several Hospital Trips Em(TI.:('ncy fllghl!';, few of WlllCh v,rorf' of an urgent naturE', ha\'· kC'pt th(' Wayne Air Service's .... kl- (''llllppr:d plrtnC!- busy SlnC(' the la»1 LII//2rd hlf)ckcd roads throughout 011'; ared Pilots n. c. Fuelberth and Bill Podr,]l have' flo ..... n snowbound PC()- pip to 1heir fRrms. made tnps. !aken ilrro<Id to isolated com- munltl('S and aid('d th(' REA in ilnro trnubl('s; The day-by- day record [olnows: THE LO('AL t'nwrgl'ney ()rgani- nig-ht told The )lcrald that the l:fJUllt.'. no\\" "reali.\" iK Llock- Frklay_ ed in," .He said practically all u)untry road;; are impass- Flew Wayne County Rural Pub- h('lp {Jut whcre\'(r manpower IS able, wlWth: northern and w{'stern parts of the county lie Power Djstrict men to the sub- necded to take carc 01 any sltua- the hardest hit. countY::;l1o'\\'p10\v, The mountaino4s drift, typical County snowpJu\\'S [Ire making almost imperceptible electrical supplles from Colombus. red about a mile and a half \\'est of Wayne near the of Ihe county that It v.ill Immed- progresl-i. Meyer said tltat a caterpillar type plov,.' worked Saturday- iatll:,. nldkc available a sno\\plow all night Monda,''''' in his district and traveled only a mile Returned to Wl.Ilside to get the +_____ _ _____ ._ .. _______ .______ . to I,l'ep the road open to till..' air- and a half. On J.\1onday r{Jad patrols etJ.uippcd for plowing REA men. R1 0tes y for +-----. liee Men ln' 'l·ulied m('ct- to\'ered 0111y miles, and were una hie to m(jVc at all UI1- F1LW to SIOUX CIty and returnrd '-r Her hi ing Wf'll' SherIff IJans TH:tgen, less men were there to scOOp the snow. $ Libr CUllnty (,In), {' A Ddrd, H. D. THE HIGH COST of battling mountain1)US drifts is now i-Ire at the home of her brotlJ- Emma . ,j rapidly uepleting county reported. Asked to cr, Lloyd Morns. Mrs. Van lJyllnh V' Till' t-I'('raiJd ('alls thj aUt·n· Z a T; k C h the Chamber of Commerce, Wal- eHtimate the cost per mile, Meyer said the t!xpense would came to SIOUX City from Montami. k: fiull uf it!>. an artkh' i n 'flr rue t'"flS lace Buck and Heru l5uJlmorgcn of vary' 'widel,\' from mile to mile, depending on the amount of Took R. D. Slagle, manager 01 'Funeral \\ill be held sec.HUIl,:!' on th(' I - , ", the SOIl e<nlsel·Vu.tlOn Sl:,J'VIC(', Tom HnQ\Y encountered. But he added that he knew of one in- th£' Wd.yne County Rural Publlc ____ ____ stance where the cosL ran into hundreds of dollars for one Sievcrs, '19: died of a I ginn efor('" i('){'al Rogge, Natlonal Guard Command- mile of road clearing work. was un highway 35 where I'-lew REA men on nne patrul ,,,oanJta',;,,,' IS: Salvation Army er Hobert Nclr;on, County Agent the state engaged a bulldozer tu burk the SIlOW at $12 an south of Wayne. ' Caill. . . to a l;yonr who and CommiSSIOner hour, he said. Sunday- Mrs. Sn'vcrs \'a3 an early resi- of t,(' IIhrary'!'I r, .;. '-'. '" D ° B . Only main roadt-. are open, and one-way traffic is a ne- Took :YIrs. BaSIl Osburn to her dent of t.he cou 11/l-', 11' ving come illh·r4'!'.lpd in bill'. rive eglns! THE ORG.lNIZATIO:'" \vjll keep ·o\"er IOllg stretches. Highway between vVake- farm huml' n<-ar Wayne. Mrs. Os- here m lH94. IInlu'rl Kilti!' and hIS son of : 51atc headquart('rs in Lmeoln ,w· burn Wilt. sm ...... uound In Wayne af4 Rev. S. K de -reese will be in '-_+ __ "'-_+-___ -' K'arn,lI \\'{'\"I' commg soulh on I: formed of conditIOns eXisting h('rc. field antI \VaYlle \\<ts upened :'\Ionday night uy rotary ler returnIng from a 4-H mc('tlnh charge 01 the allbearers '[lhlgll\\(a Y 1.1 about a mile south of Thc drive for monetary contri- It has requested that heavy eqUIp- equipment sent from Iowa. Highway 33 is aho open'to In Lincoln. arc' eIght gra dsons: Al f r cd, thE' Concmd spur, wh('n they met but lOllS to the Waync'servi(:e unit ment be sent 10 Ihls area. It abo Within a mile of \,,"inside; then motorists must detour south Flew Luuberstedt to Wak(;· Verne, l?aul and Roy ievers, Al- lhe truck lj('ad-on!ll a cuI. Blowing of the Salvation Anny is ptogres- has asked for mllltary "weasels" before cutting back into !\o. 15 is open from .:so. flcld. vin. and LeslIe. eiman ! .Eugene l"inm\ lh(' \lsJOn of botn of 275 to 1\0. 20. No work has ueen done on highway 98 west Flew to Carroll on hospltal tnp. car "as demolished, ters have been sent to local resi- Bard, Kyl, Warner alld Meyer from Wayne, reporledly huve been was b 1rn Jan. 24, II owed t6 SIOUX Cily and the car have included payment of hpsp.it8.1 ).f men. Although the state has been asked to send bulld.ozers Took Stanley to hIS faun 18 0, in Barb". Holstein, ]\'Vas brought to Wayne. bills for a high school boy thiCmSef'klflg tf) pre-venl undue suUer... a' nd ot"her heavy e(llllpment to \Vay-ile', rione had arrived' on' of\Vayne. J " h' f d' f ' mg among alrt'arl) hard-pn'ssf'd '-1 T Gdmany. She to merlca in I Herberl Kittle was the...- most farm famj.II('." in the e.\·enl anoth('r Tuesday. l\1eanwhile, county officials are puzzling over Clllljic foz: a; local a mcssage received l\londay from Brig. Gen. Guy Hen- Rmeharts haYe becn snowbound , Rflipids. Neb. ,. !and young Kitlh', who WiiS driving A 1 thiS IS done wlt.h i20 per emrorgenroy r{'\J('[ (In;,wizntJOn yros- ning-er, state director of "Operation Snowbound." [IVC weeks. ,:;' In 1891, the came tOI were rrkased ,,[kr treat- cent of, the amount contrIouted by lerday offerrcl the rollowing sug- Drawing their conclusions from lhe wording of the Harald and Homer Harmer "'""I' I # gcsltOns message, local COUIll) officials are inclined to belieH that to' crs., John T. Seddon Oma- .1. Bdore the "torJ1l, try tn Hpring tha¥may accomplish the jot> of opening up snow- \Vjnsjdc. Kr$g had e Mr. SiCVCI'S died Sept 10, 1928. n'[l4 Wayne ha. Nebraska, commander lof thc Jlsh some 1'l';,(']"\C' OH'iltl::, of heat If parked before since last ·Thursday: Since that tunei! M s. Sievers Cross needs. , Salvation Army. you nuw U:o;(' juc'l Oll. tion Snowbound" can get un- ing from the Sioux estock had bccn living with h r children, . !,Site of rr" 0 '49 The Wayne servicc unit tis ask- If )()II havp nf'ighhnr ... \\hn ar(' H' h R t market. ; , recently 10 California. ' " lng for money and not for'uSed ar- old or Ill, ("heck on them. dcr way in area. 19 ,vay epor I Flew REA on line patrol south g th" .. " .. m of Winsidc, HerIYJun, illiam an I lIt I local solicitatIOn will be by mail, ::!flX-W in Wayne. A plane \\ III bf' 1'0110\\,:;: So. 35 oppDrd frflm stuck about 6 miles cast on high- ,I except ncar thC'" end of thb dnve s('nt, If posslhl('. It roads can be "You have probably hrnrd from way lie landed alongside and ,.. ,contest Ihl" yC'ar. when those who have not opcn('(l, a plow WIll be m;Hle aVril d h . th .. the snowplow crew (sent from 10- . r contesl " orhcdulcd t'!!:; n,e Sie\'('1's of ayne. She 1also ! or ill'l'l. ::It the e()lkgf'. ThIs drive will be thc only suppprt the. in the cvent of an enH'rg('ncy. source." of fpderal govL'l"nnH'nt .. tilclr predicament. The second , f)f local unit receives. 4. If Y01l ha .... e lUi and shall hI,' thrown into Ih(' hattie A rotary is on :"'0. 35 plow speedily came to the rescue. Berth '1'1 'e f aync and ' and radIO spcakmg Besides Jeffrey membcrs, of the c:-J.nnot ,phonf', the usual 'Igainst thc emergency slluatlOn \\( .. (If Win"hlp.. Monday- Mrs. 0 0 [, oncstecl. S, The musIC" cnnle"t will he held Wayne arc L. W. nal on <the snow aW::Iy from your ;'he U.S, army wjll sub- I\'n, 98 is blo(·ked. but a hull- Although no race with the stork D. , hen' Apr!l Rand 9. Natt. chairman, Dr. DonIvan R. ar(,<1 office With <In [)f- d07.f'r i.. l'llst from was inVolved., the stork entered 1Il- cnd a daughle n h Sl t v,rayne may also h€' thro seene of termlne in what ways th local ThC' local enwrg:C'ncy l:OJnmittroe of Ihe county or "late as the casc town to sec his new baby, born la COIl i a 1'1lf' dl.'..;tricl C,and D basket- fund#will be used. ! has a .... outsIde' ::Igenclf'S for all I' '''III he some Report from Boar'd f r Two Cars Collide: ' tIme Mmy can sldc and Carroll Bread trucks had I ; II Names of Ihe lournlI'Y citi£'s have Ii' rqulpmf'Jlt hds I-")el'n and set up their org,Hl"lZallOn and h<I\( Carroll Area I UCCf\ unablq to get to Cither com- Nor'th Nehra 'ka I nol yet h(','n n'I""oeri by 1he NC'- In Narrow Cut, I Will I" k, pJ In <uperv"ors and r('present,llI'" Carroll All roads," tl,,' ('.,rrol) t"o 0 i Sch(lOl Mt"ltie, a,- u[ Help .. [ I d . 'j', I -It \&'",',kc[)eld mel I'n a narl"w cut " I mront \-\111 not obligation I (Jual-e for the task. arC' In WInSide state ;ur repr s0nlmg ' L I I "b' vv 'l' PI N 31':: f th t of any cqUlpment I .. tI N b k I oca ,A rarlan on about four and a half miles north ow on O. II or e opera JOn (oncrontrated on of¥,nmg passag{'s Took T P Roberts to her s S f W M' h 11::: T' unlil area £'ngmeers or their rcp- through flClds find .pasture" so home ncar ICarroll. Mrs Roberts attendmg tile ,annual meeting of ' tate Committee ult ne on 19' way ;) last ucs- fh('1 (!'; no denYIng people are lesentalJ\es have had an oppor- that farmers Ci-In get to town for \-\as marooned In Wayne after rc· county' fair board anagcrs In MFA d afh a t II k th anxIOUS to get I'dug out" to arnve 10 tthro f suppli('s and WIth theIr produce turning [rom a 4-H rncetmg In Lin· Lincoln. Irs. . l\Ill ner has received, V,hcn dJotdry plOW started cast Many places ar{' Impassable to cOin so that the rear struck tfle front the operation th('rcof. Plth('r or tractorf'>, ('vron two Drought bonald Glassmeyer. 18, as SCl)I, 1 ', 1"», 16 nd 17, "The of the !';ebraska Library of the Hank car. road oul WIth their shovels "County officials and rcpr{'s('n- Wtayne t, tOThWeaYnyeOufOtirl '1 t10n IIer dut Ih· . age was done to both vll!hic1es . . f thO ff" t 1"" ., me Ica men. s I will 'to in- will be nceded ill this tcrritor:r led feT 0: I ()[L[o,'e"d 1 dates and it was imp )ssible to I certificale. B St II I d I' it· in order that thc statf' may in h U ," . cure any ('nIL'rlainme t. I The aPilOllltment was made by US a s on 1 [Jors an 11 )lg group was wad In h g" businesslike manner make proper having- brought.!n. There' als to the Mer'l Glassmeyer fann. The The county fair boa dis worldlJl! J n CSt E t f W or the plow when It crosse t e !,ayment for the obligation it J"'!as IS a l .• mlted supply of coal and airport waslnotified of the accident now to get thr? dates for the 'as 0 ayne: brAidjgel:he ,'oj')I'lc£I' heir) and lhe' assumcd and collect from indivld- fu('l 011. through office set up sJt prior to the st tc fair. f th .. 11 1I. I 1"' I bd··· f th I The railroad snowplow came at thc Cha ber of Conunercc. , $f 0 received The Sioux City to NO;Olk bus CI"('W of the snow plow \Vera ip- Su.nday. night, I'lew to ayne Anderson farm r.rante'.:I Sem sier \tvord that 0 hcr children's was stalled for four h rs last vltrd in at the Laurence Hansen reimburse the em£'rgency fund. Al- spendlllg SIX hours clearmg on,e to brmg 6 baby in for U " st· "La PI Thursday afternoon tw miles home to have cake and rolls. so removal equipment to Just .west of, Carroll. Rail medlcal c took him home. went 1., I eave of, Abs n,ce Ptcd e nort.e, and a half mile' east of a giw'n area will continue enroute srrvlee ,",:,Ill the fuel back for hi"fU Tuesday. the iss40 of Jack and Wayne Wago Needed to and be placed in opC'QUion as soon If the hne can 'be kept Took JOJf<:e Morris and Maurice i Arlene Oberhelma , .:fill, chllqten . As the bus approaChedl the hill n,. as Forms are being mail- opon. Sandahl tOICarroll. {t'.;s # Reach HospItal ed to you today whICh should be S Harold »lester leavc of abse lce on advite Local J ohlt Deere hill, making it necessary! for the Breaks Ankle in Took , groceries and fuel to willI serve Program Postponed Tumble on lee Eiin,r Lar on Carm, [or remalnder<lf a Take uel Oil # I to be called. lumber wago a half mile the hqur of the army enginecr con- fell on Main street last Thursday. To Towns 'T W If. I In the meantime, Dr. Roy Mat- trac ",here la tram met tract. .'-ihe is in a local hosvital-and will i wo a J ne OUDj'.y son passed the stalled busland took them. She is 'n a Wakefield hos- "Your outstanding cooperation 'be able to return home when road Special tshipmentS of fuel oil Youths Indu ted i a lady with two chi,ld,'rcn into pital. has been appreciated." conditions improve, went to Monday :and to S WenagYenres' sThtayeectreWmlathinitnhge P, as- Hoskins Thesday. The Plainview ,Merle,D. Ring of akefi Id a d 1)1 supply wasJpracticaUy gone and.all Rlch.ard D .. Fclrran e w nt An Land L Auto Co .• wrecker R ' St k L · C t attempt to reach the Sunday to ?;IOUX CltylJan. 2 to be indu t- used a wmch to pull the bus to the e qe osses In oun y was futile A Langemelcr trans- cd mto the army. Th 'y fill he Jrn- top of the hill. port from Wayne and two others uary serv ce qu ta or Only _three passengers were en- managed t get there Monday by Wayne county. ' yne and lIvest i ek ) . . going to ndolph, on 81 and: ;I; I Fc\V death 10ssI di- ClCnt shed room for all hiS cattle, Other fanners are drl.vmg llve- through eree. # rectlyl attrlb table to the last and the 16 calves lost were all out- stock to the farms of neighbors The sup ly at Hoskins was dan- Railro d' PI blIzzatd and J continumg vere Side. . \vho have extra feed on hand. gerously ow Tuesday when a . a ow weatlier con tlOns have beein re- WARNER SAID that feed is get- BELl EVE S the transport rom here got through Nears Magnet ported 10 1 thiS area, but therel have ttng short on many farms, and nortliwest part of Wayne county by way of Stanton, The snowplow, I I I i been sO"1e 10 es caused he hiClS had numerous calls for is the hit. Many roads made it hrougl,l I A ,snQ.wploW 'has gone by the sqo'Y 4. acqordtng to help., In most cases there is ho have not been open in that area for a!ld waite to that ,the oil car- I and onl Wednes- Coun6y 4ge I1op. Warner. way to get feed to the distressed several weeks. \ rler . d 1 ct I east of Magnet. Hertb Weht r,j hvmg of and Warner has been One farmer Hving northwest of Stlrtz 0 I.Co. transpQ: eada II reach iRandolph Wayne. repor ed one of the heav- vising those marketl'!-ble Wayne reports that he has lost of Oll to in that town lest losses. Si teen fcedqr lvesl to dt'lVC It to the hlgh- $3,000 on cattle WhICh should have to fly eo over.or., t to Norfolk lias owned by W hrer dIed'i waYs wherever poSSible and have been taken to market some time bul'- the r ad U was op th m :f I '''''/', "l""<U' saId, Wehrer dId not hfve I suffi- It rUled to market by trucil, ago, He, too, is out of feed, to take an 0 trans roug , , " ,I '11,1'11:

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Section One, Eight Pages /


Battles Tons of New Snow Set Up County Group to Act In Emergency

Equipment Unable Ski· Eqju,pped ", C W· h'" k Plane on the 1. 0 ope It 1 as Go Constantly

Reserve of Men Ready to Work Whenever Needed

The ''layne area this \\"{'ck is buried in an uncnumg drift of snow and icc follr)\.\ ing lhe \\ illt~!..!r's most furious blizzard which siru(:k 1'-1l-1t Thursday and dumped CIJUlltlCSS

tUll8 of new snow over the alreau.\, hCClvil,Y ('()\'crcd area. As yet there has been little acute suffering in this part

of Nebraska. But sc\'eral l'm~gl'ncjes han~ an:-;en which va~C~;:ll~r~~na\~~~~~~\(~~~~y ~~~'t demanded JlrrHnpt action, And condltions arc dr~tcri()l'at­SHturdClY t.('t up a nlicf {Jr~ani2a- illg on farm~, mally (if \', hich Hre runnin~ I ()\\' 011 livestock tion to hiJndJc any ('mt'rgC1lCY feed and othr.:r ~upplie~. Some ,tl'(: ,..,() c(\mpldch' i:.;olatcd

~~~:~S(~~)71~\I~~~;~~()jJv.I(~a/t;~~ a~~~ that it is impossible to ship !Jut marketable ji\:(!st·otk. ro,ld condItions. The HLW snow, added to snow \'. hich lIever' had lJL.:~'11

Allhuur~h the llltkr \ .... m1er has removed, pl'olJahly will keep hUlldrl'cis (d· mile . .; oj" C(Juntry caused m;.J/lY harci<;]llfJ.'i .lTld some I roads blocked until spring-. Available f-;tllJ\\' removal equip­

f~cnCl~I~'~n~17~~:~~'~~~~,~, \~ I~l~ a~~aay menl is unable tf.) c.ope -with th(' gigal1ti~', job of opening up " parnllckd thC' dlsastu staluE V.hlCh travel lanes. Dnf.tlllg" occur;; alm();;t dUll.\'.

11 eXIsts [<lIther Wl..'sl. EMIL F. MEYER, fir;;t district commi;-;;..;i(HlCr, Tuc-;day

Wayne Fliers Make Several Hospital Trips

Em(TI.:('ncy fllghl!';, few of WlllCh

v,rorf' of an urgent naturE', ha\'· kC'pt th(' Wayne Air Service's .... kl­(''llllppr:d plrtnC!- busy SlnC(' the la»1 LII//2rd hlf)ckcd roads throughout 011'; ared

Pilots n. c. Fuelberth and Bill Podr,]l have' flo ..... n snowbound PC()­

pip to 1heir fRrms. made ho~pi\al tnps. !aken ilrro<Id to isolated com­munltl('S and aid('d th(' REA in lo~

catlTJ~ ilnro trnubl('s; The day-by­day record [olnows:

THE LO('AL t'nwrgl'ney ()rgani- nig-ht told The )lcrald that the l:fJUllt.'. no\\" "reali.\" iK Llock- Frklay_

~~~:~)~ aW~~~se~~~ ~¥ ~lr:I~C~~)~~:;\\':lfl ed in," .He said practically all u)untry road;; are impass- Flew Wayne County Rural Pub-h('lp {Jut whcre\'(r manpower IS able, wlWth: northern and w{'stern parts of the county lie Power Djstrict men to the sub-necded to take carc 01 any sltua- the hardest hit. :~~~~~n an~f~~~""~~!~e o~ro~~tSidl~

countY::;l1o'\\'p10\v, The mountaino4s drift, typical ~i~~iz~':ll~~ ~~~h~e~~~~~or~s~~~~:~ County snowpJu\\'S [Ire making almost imperceptible electrical supplles from Colombus. red about a mile and a half \\'est of Wayne near the of Ihe county that It v.ill Immed- progresl-i. Meyer said tltat a caterpillar type plov,.' worked Saturday-

iatll:,. nldkc available a sno\\plow all night Monda,''''' in his district and traveled only a mile Returned to Wl.Ilside to get the +_____ _ _____ ._ .. _______ . ______ . to I,l'ep the road open to till..' air- and a half. On J.\1onday r{Jad patrols etJ.uippcd for plowing REA men.

R10tes T~da' y for ,---~-~--;, +-----. '11!~n liee Men ln' 'l·ulied po~tn~~~; t(;~~~~~\r:~~d:~~~~~r m('ct- to\'ered 0111y 21/~ miles, and were una hie to m(jVc at all UI1- F1LW to SIOUX CIty and returnrd '-r Her hi ing Wf'll' SherIff IJans TH:tgen, less men were there to scOOp the snow. ~~~h ~~!~n~~l~g~:nl~~~ns, ~~::

$ Libr tia~'s T~lk CUllnty (,In), {' A Ddrd, H. D. THE HIGH COST of battling th~ mountain1)US drifts is now i-Ire at the home of her brotlJ-

Emma . IOe"~ers ,j ~~\7111~ Y;o~~'~:r ~:;;~I(~·r(~\~~I~'Krr;~r:~~ rapidly uepleting county fund~, ~Jeyer reported. Asked to cr, Lloyd Morns. Mrs. Van lJyllnh • V' Till' t-I'('raiJd ('alls thj aUt·n· Z a T; k C h the Chamber of Commerce, Wal- eHtimate the cost per mile, Meyer said the t!xpense would came to SIOUX City from Montami.

k: fiull uf it!>. rk~a(krs t(~ an artkh' i n 'flr rue t'"flS lace Buck and Heru l5uJlmorgcn of vary' 'widel,\' from mile to mile, depending on the amount of Took R. D. Slagle, manager 01 'Funeral sCrviC~'i \\ill be held sec.HUIl,:!' on th(' I U· - , ", the SOIl e<nlsel·Vu.tlOn Sl:,J'VIC(', Tom HnQ\Y encountered. But he added that he knew of one in- th£' Wd.yne County Rural Publlc

~~~m~~teL~~}~~r~n ~~~SI?C~)fo~tI\~~~: ('on~~~~n." ~~(' ~hr~ ~ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ~r~~a~fo~~~cl~:'lI~~mc~hl~' ~~~l stance where the cosL ran into hundreds of dollars for one ~~~)~~r~~~t~rit~a~~~~dh:lrh:ee:.e Sievcrs, '19: Wh~ died of a I ginn efor('" i('){'al Rogge, Natlonal Guard Command- mile of road clearing work. Thi~ was un highway 35 where I'-lew REA men on nne patrul

~~~~~ o~ll)~~nS~JIl!~~t~~~l~ LaO~ l'~~: ,,,oanJta',;,,,' IS: 1I~~aria~~' I~",,~i '10';L:lr'~~0S~1~-; <!'~~'~"~~{)O~o~~;:~~~~~~~ Salvation Army er Hobert Nclr;on, County Agent the state engaged a bulldozer tu burk the SIlOW at $12 an south of Wayne. ' ge~es, Caill. . . to a l;yonr who ~'~"maeeSi,d"oeunv,t, i(n")'toyIV:~)~(jaa[nru.~tuttorumcok_ g~~1 iX~;~;r and CommiSSIOner hour, he said. Sunday-

Mrs. Sn'vcrs \'a3 an early resi- of t,(' IIhrary'!'I r, .;. '-'. '" D ° B . Only main roadt-. are open, and one-way traffic is a ne- Took :YIrs. BaSIl Osburn to her dent of t.he cou 11/l-', 11' ving come illh·r4'!'.lpd in th~ bill'. rive eglns! THE ORG.lNIZATIO:'" \vjll keep ces~ity ·o\"er IOllg stretches. Highway ;~5 between vVake- farm huml' n<-ar Wayne. Mrs. Os-here m lH94. IInlu'rl Kilti!' and hIS son of : 51atc headquart('rs in Lmeoln ,w· burn Wilt. sm ...... uound In Wayne af4

Rev. S. K de -reese will be in '-_+ __ "'-_+-___ -' K'arn,lI \\'{'\"I' commg soulh on I: formed of conditIOns eXisting h('rc. field antI \VaYlle \\<ts upened :'\Ionday night uy rotary ler returnIng from a 4-H mc('tlnh charge 01 the ~'tcs. allbearers '[lhlgll\\(aY 1.1 about a mile south of Thc drive for monetary contri- It has requested that heavy eqUIp- equipment sent from Iowa. Highway 33 is aho open'to In Lincoln. arc' eIght gra dsons: Al f r cd, thE' Concmd spur, wh('n they met but lOllS to the Waync'servi(:e unit ment be sent 10 Ihls area. It abo Within a mile of \,,"inside; then motorists must detour south Flew ~\lrs. Luuberstedt to Wak(;· Verne, l?aul and Roy ievers, Al- lhe truck lj('ad-on!ll a cuI. Blowing of the Salvation Anny is ptogres- has asked for mllltary "weasels" before cutting back into \\Tin~ide. !\o. 15 is open from .:so. flcld. vin. and LeslIe. eiman ! .Eugene l"inm\ ()b~cuI('d lh(' \lsJOn of botn ~i~1r~ayv,~~:~;~'r:rc~r~~negu~~t,ALedOt~ ~~i~~o~~n~r~~~~o~~~v~hl~H~~ of 275 to 1\0. 20. No work has ueen done on highway 98 west Flew to Carroll on hospltal tnp.

~~~~ml~U~~~ ia~der~ rr::c~:ya:~ idr~I~':,s'K,tllc car "as demolished, ters have been sent to local resi- Bard, Kyl, Warner alld Meyer from Wayne, i'!~~~)~~rr;';'ia~;a,:~u~~e~tW~yt~,~ ~1~I¥ZSin'~li~;!lt:~j~ f~:t!£;"a~ i:;~:~t~1r::~a~;;~:J~~:{~~:~hIF~{~ ~~;~~~~:~;!./~~~~~::~~:~~~i~~: ~:~~I~:~f~ie~S :~e~~~f~1i£~7~ enc~u~~~~~ ~nPt~O J~s~:eE~c1~i~~~ reporledly huve been f~r~~~~ l~mt:~~~e ~oas g~~lt~l~ $IHI\IA!PEET~ was b 1rn Jan. 24, II owed t6 SIOUX Cily and the car have included payment of hpsp.it8.1 ).f the:;~ men. Although the state has been asked to send bulld.ozers Took B~I? Stanley to hIS faun

18 0, in Barb". S~hleswj Holstein, ]\'Vas brought to Wayne. bills for a high school boy thiCmSef'klflg tf) pre-venl undue suUer... a' nd ot"her heavy e(llllpment to \Vay-ile', rione had arrived' on' s'oUlh~eSl of\Vayne. J " h' f d' f ' mg among alrt'arl) hard-pn'ssf'd '-1 T

Gdmany. She c~mc to merlca in I Herberl Kittle was the...- most ~~~ :~d °co~t~~b~~iO~rs at~hCdf~no~ farm famj.II('." in the e.\·enl anoth('r Tuesday. l\1eanwhile, county officials are puzzling over RJn~~:rfi~°I';:e~~a:oW~~~lde~I~~~ ~~~iieadn~O ap~\l~:\b;~~e sl~~e~e~:~: 1~~~~lu~~~s~~ii~redTrl~d t~"u~I~llld~~e~ f~r Clllljic trea~ments foz: a; local ~,~~r;e ~:I;~~~I;\l('m~~~~'n~n~oou~~~ a mcssage received l\londay from Brig. Gen. Guy ~. Hen- Rmeharts haYe becn snowbound , Rflipids. Neb. ,. !and young Kitlh', who WiiS driving ~Irl. A 1 thiS IS done wlt.h i20 per emrorgenroy r{'\J('[ (In;,wizntJOn yros- ning-er, state director of "Operation Snowbound." [IVC weeks. ~ ,:;'

In 1891, the Sj(>ver~: came tOI i:~;n~~I" were rrkased ,,[kr treat- cent of, the amount contrIouted by lerday offerrcl the rollowing sug- Drawing their conclusions from lhe wording of the ~ew Harald and Homer Harmer "'""I' "~;x.n;",~o~~~~Pi~adb:iil~lrednsiev_' I # ;:;:~;,;n~/~~~e~~~;O~~1 ~~:~a'tid~ gcsltOns message, local COUIll) officials are inclined to belieH that to'i-o~kroi;lc:KrUger to' ~1f',~ crs., ~T) ~hrough John T. Seddon o~ Oma- .1. Bdore the "torJ1l, try tn f'!>.tlll~- Hpring tha¥may accomplish the jot> of opening up snow- \Vjnsjdc. Kr$g had e

Mr. SiCVCI'S died Sept 10, 1928. ~' n'[l4 ~ ~anle Wayne ~s ha. Nebraska, commander lof thc Jlsh some 1'l';,(']"\C' OH'iltl::, of heat If parked ro6.d~ before "Opera-i>-~-' -~-~-----. since last ·Thursday: Since that tunei! M s. Sievers Cross needs. , Salvation Army. you nuw U:o;(' juc'l Oll. tion Snowbound" can get un- ing from the Sioux estock had bccn living with h r children, . ohlhth"er",lcl~)kdc' !,Site of rr" 0 '49 The Wayne servicc unit tis ask- '~. If )()II havp nf'ighhnr ... \\hn ar(' H' h R t market. ; , recently 10 California. ' " lng for money and not for'uSed ar- old or Ill, ("heck on them. dcr way in thi~ area. 19 ,vay epor I Flew REA on line patrol south

dr~~~~~~.r~l~~. ~lr~.RO~ g ~~~;:~~l~- ~U::)ICISII:~: l,iD,!:~::i,~~~ ~,:~:~~~:,~~o th" f~e~fi£~eil~~f!;'~fn~~~~~~~l:i~~ ~~%~:i~'itfi~~\I~~~i~~;~;fr:d'~~~~~ clir~~~::~~h:R~zt>~i~e~l~\rr;:: 'O;;;~; t~: ~~, 'i~c~ .. ~~m " .. m [~:;fflrf:ij(~:;g an~~~a:;u~~~:,;~~~; of Winsidc, HerIYJun, illiam an I lIt I local solicitatIOn will be by mail, ::!flX-W in Wayne. A plane \\ III bf' 1'0110\\,:;: So. 35 \\a~ oppDrd frflm stuck about 6 miles cast on high-~J~~~r~k~~~, ~~~~.l,e~rs~ ~~oL:~lot ,I ~'~~:~'~I, s~:~I:lc \~:,n{ di~~1~~~Ct ml~l:i~ except ncar thC'" end of thb dnve s('nt, If posslhl('. It roads can be "You have probably hrnrd from ~~'!y~~H~:' ~·I~~~~I~I:IO~I (~=~;. way ~O. lie landed alongside and

,.. ,contest Ihl" yC'ar. when those who have not r~spond- opcn('(l, a plow WIll be m;Hle aVril I· d h . th .. the snowplow crew (sent from 10-

~;<;~\~flli'~~l~~ll\;;-;;~~' ~~~\J~~~ . r T~~ sr~'~u contesl " orhcdulcd ~~ \~\ ~eers~t.ea~~j];e~~l~:l ~1 t'!!:; ;;:'r';:'~~~JC~~"I~hl~ar~: s~~g;,h';~o~~ ~~~::de~td)~a;'n (hr~~t~:;"):~; n,e :;";.~:,,~e::;"~~~J~:;~ ~;;~ ~~,~l~'; ~:llpr~~~e~t\~;\'.:mf:~t~~~ifba~~~t~; l~. Sie\'('1's of ayne. She 1also ! or ill'l'l. ::It the e()lkgf'. ThIs drive will be thc only suppprt the. in the cvent of an enH'rg('ncy. source." of fpderal govL'l"nnH'nt ~~:I~~i;~;ru::~~fI~:~ r;;(~~N~i-;: .. h;:~~ tilclr predicament. The second ~:a~cdcl~~d~~~I~ ~il~oe is;~rs:M~~~ , mOlh~r. f)f I~~<~~l ~~:~~:ll~:~(~~, ~)~~;,t;~~ l~~~~~~~ local unit receives. 4. If Y01l ha .... e lUi f'nH~r~l'fH'Y and shall hI,' thrown into Ih(' hattie A rotary is ('omin~ on :"'0. 35 plow speedily came to the rescue. Berth '1'1 'e f aync and ' and radIO spcakmg dlvl~ion.s. Besides Jeffrey membcrs, of the c:-J.nnot ,phonf', ma~e the usual ~lg~ 'Igainst thc emergency slluatlOn \\( .. ~t (If Win"hlp.. Monday-Mrs. ~lIS~Olr~ttig 0

0[, oncstecl. S, The musIC" cnnle"t will he held Wayne committe~ arc L. W. Mc~ nal on <the snow aW::Iy from your ;'he U.S, army wjll cslal~lJsh sub- I\'n, 98 is blo(·ked. but a hull- Although no race with the stork

D. , hen' Apr!l Rand 9. Natt. chairman, Dr. DonIvan R. ~<-~~l~~)~~. ottl;~~~~\I~~~ltl,-:~em~'~~ ar(,<1 office With <In {'m('r~('nry [)f- d07.f'r i.. ('omin~ l'llst from was inVolved., the stork entered 1Il-

[a~r cnd a daughle ~7~;~;r~r~:r:::~(~~l;E't~1rr~r~~n~~: ~{~~~f~~~:~~~;~~~~~:1f ~l~~~~ ~r>[~:;n0~r1~~E;,r;;IY[O~ [~;f ,:,,~;; fl~~Ir!££~~~:~~~r;:::;i£tr~;{~ ~i:i~~:~~::' h:~"~rn:;d;'do:'~'r ~:~ ~;i.0~£~~~f:~,,;:~:;~rfnFf?'~ n h Sl t v,rayne may also h€' thro seene of termlne in what ways th local ThC' local enwrg:C'ncy l:OJnmittroe of Ihe county or "late as the casc town to sec his new baby, born la COIl i a 1'1lf' dl.'..;tricl cJH.~S C,and D basket- fund#will be used. ! has a .... l~cr! outsIde' ::Igenclf'S for all m~'YNeb,Cc's,"rllY I' '''III he some Report from l1~¥~~~a~lae;l~~n;;Ofbread to\Vjn~ l~"air Boar'd f r ~ll~~l ~loa~~n~rsl(~~~~:~;ntn~L~~~n9~ Two Cars Collide: ' ~~lt~~\r~I;~~~I'I~~~~ b~~pr:c:~ !~~)~ tIme hef~;e Mmy ~nglD{'('rs can sldc and Carroll Bread trucks had

I ; ~ II Names of Ihe lournlI'Y citi£'s have Ii' rt'mOVH1~ rqulpmf'Jlt hds I-")el'n and set up their org,Hl"lZallOn and h<I\( Carroll Area I UCCf\ unablq to get to Cither com-Nor'th Nehra 'ka I nol yet h(','n n'I""oeri by 1he NC'- In Narrow Cut, I Will I" k, pJ In consta~l o~crdllOn <uperv"ors and r('present,llI'" Carroll All roads," tl,,' ('.,rrol) m~';~t~ l,\~ ~lt J~~::d!~d t"o

,o~~I~'~~,7;~;~~fe~~ 0 a~~~d'i;~~~ i ~~~~~':o~h"h Sch(lOl Mt"ltie, a,- u[ Cr~u~;te~n~)Y E~~~~in ~~~~rJ~~ Fa~rners Help ~:~;~~du~r~,) l~~~gt;~:rdll~e",:~~: :';'~llp';;;'~1 h::~::I~no~d ):v':~~~~." ~t:~~:~~ 'ih~~~e:~ ~ .. ;;nsn~~~~u~J [ I d

. 'j', I -It \&'",',kc[)eld mel I'n a narl"w cut " Imront \-\111 not <ls~um~ obligation I (Jual-e for the task. I:~fforh arC' In WInSide state ;ur IO~lr. repr s0nlmg ~L ' L I I "b' vv 'l' PI N 31':: f th t of any cqUlpment I .. tI N b k I oca ,A rarlan on about four and a half miles north ow on O. II or e opera JOn (oncrontrated on of¥,nmg passag{'s Took M~ T P Roberts to her 13~~~~tJ~'~el/tsf.'~;~II:all~~ s 1<~str~~eck S f W M' h 11::: T' unlil area £'ngmeers or their rcp- through flClds find .pasture" so home ncar ICarroll. Mrs Roberts attendmg tile ,annual meeting of ' tate Committee ~ ultne on 19' way ;) last ucs- fh('1 (!'; no denYIng people are lesentalJ\es have had an oppor- that farmers Ci-In get to town for \-\as marooned In Wayne after rc· county' fair board anagcrs In MFA d afha c~noon'k t II k th anxIOUS to get I'dug out" t~lllit to arnve 10 tthro f flcl~. ~~nt suppli('s and WIth theIr produce turning [rom a 4-H rncetmg In Lin· Lincoln. Irs. . l\Ill ner has received, snoweban~vz~~aw~:~orsc~~caroun~ V,hcn dJotdry plOW started cast ~ln~ cn~c~a~~~~sf~dn~r!IOco('nirict f~rl Many places ar{' Impassable to cOin

th~a;~,~:O~a~hcel~~;%n~~i~~~~&f:~~ 1~~.~gr~;~t~1~I~t\ so that the rear struck tfle front ~~o~oalt\~~ ~~~~~~.l~l~I~~~n~~~ the operation th('rcof. Plth('r tCiim~ or tractorf'>, ('vron two Drought bonald Glassmeyer. 18,

as SCl)I, 1', 1"», 16 nd 17, "The of the !';ebraska Library assocJa~ of the Hank car. Considerab~cdam· road v.'er~ oul WIth their shovels "County officials and rcpr{'s('n- ~~~~;~ tIlro~v~;g~~Jurp~~nt~lrrpi~~~~ soudlhWleSlt~f Wtaynet , tOThWeaYnyeOufOtirl '1 t10n IIer dut Ih· . age was done to both vll!hic1es . . f thO ff" t 1"" ., me Ica ~ea men.

~~~~~I~~~i~~~ir~e~:t s r~~~'ctfai~~ I will b~ 'to eU:I~:>c!na~d ~Srg~aj~~~~~ ve~~~~~~d~~eC~~~7d~~t,Mathew in- ~~?wr~;~;, :~"I;~;~;/~h~~e~h~fpjC:,z i~l~~~~i~ue ~~e~i~~e:;~c~~d~ei'ch~ t21~p~~t~z )~~;;'s~' will be nceded ~;;I~r'Ic~i~i~ga ,;~rd ~~~c~~?;~a~~ ill this tcrritor:r ~chcd led feT tho~e ~~~~ 0: ~ltl~~~,talfb~~I~ua~~~~:~~~~~ I ~;:~~~I: ~;, SI~~,~J('g<~I~~~~~'~I{I(~~ ~nejl~?l~ ~ee~:t:~n t~~i:a;e~p~~~~~('o~n~~~l~~ ()[L[o,'e"d

1 j,il'n'edst~!lkc. ffme(I~~~i~~fi~y\a~ ~lrSol[haelrh,cr~, :::e'IIl,{'wGerlaeS~~~rg' ~~dy dates and it was imp )ssible to S~M I certificale. B St II H"I~ I d I' it· in order that thc statf' may in h U ," . cure any ('nIL'rlainme t. I The aPilOllltment was made by US a s on 1 [Jors an 11 )lg group was wad In

hg" businesslike manner make proper having- a~y brought.!n. There' als to the Mer'l Glassmeyer fann. The

The county fair boa dis worldlJl! J n CSt E t f W or the plow when It crosse t e !,ayment for the obligation it J"'!as IS a l .• mlted supply of coal and airport waslnotified of the accident now to get thr? dates for the 19~O p~t)~c iih~a~I~,n~a!t~~;fa~h,~r~s7~~~~ 'as 0 ayne: brAidjgel:he ,'oj')I'lc£I' heir) and lhe' assumcd and collect from indivld- fu('l 011. through a~mergencY office set up ~air sJt prior to the st tc fair. f th .. 11 1I. I 1"' I bd··· f th I The railroad snowplow came at thc Cha ber of Conunercc. , $f 0 Mr~. ~~l~~:~lh~~ ~also received The Sioux City to NO;Olk bus CI"('W of the snow plow \Vera ip- ~~l~e o~~~ 1~~~Ul~ h~v~~~~~t~d t~ Ihrou~h C~rroll Su.nday. night, I'lew to ayne Anderson farm r.rante'.:I Sem sier \tvord that ano~hcr 0 hcr children's was stalled for four h rs last vltrd in at the Laurence Hansen reimburse the em£'rgency fund. Al- spendlllg SIX hours clearmg on,e to brmg 6 month~old baby in for U " st· "La PI Thursday afternoon tw miles home to have ~offee, cake and rolls. so removal equipment a~signerl to drlf~ Just .west of, Carroll. Rail medlcal c • took him home. went 1., I eave of, Abs n,ce ~a~rlg~'cn ac~ Ptcde ~~n~Ut!;il~:~,i~~ nort.e, and a half mile' east of ~ a giw'n area will continue enroute srrvlee ,",:,Ill all~vlate the fuel back for hi"fU Tuesday. i~ the ~l'bru,ary iss40 of Jack and Wayne Wago Needed to and be placed in opC'QUion as soon shor~agc If the hne can 'be kept Took JOJf<:e Morris and Maurice i Arlene Oberhelma , supervis~r .:fill, chllqten srmaga~ine, . As the bus approaChedl the hill n,. as pos~ible. Forms are being mail- opon. Sandahl tOICarroll.

{t'.;s ~~flO~~~Oh~~ r,~~~e ~~n\~11 ~a~: # ~u~~a~~~ol~f t~~~kC~!;;,~ed;w~a~~~, Reach HospItal ed to you today whICh should be S MJ:~,~: [ar;:.h~~~; C~~r';l~e Harold »lester leavc of abse lce on advite Local J ohlt Deere hill, making it necessary! for the ~~i~~!.no~~~~pi~~~7~/~~?[sct~~~ ~~~~ Breaks Ankle in Took fe~' , groceries and fuel to

Of,~;~, P~~;~:;iI~geIhJrt willI serve Program Postponed ~~~ i~r~:~\~Og';;~' i~?o ds~'::.~ ~~c~~ ~~:~~j~l~~sl~{~~~:~eYil~~;~: ~~~ aft~i~at~~e;~~n~~Y"?~~ds f'1~ Tumble on lee Eiin,r Lar on Carm,

l~~~~Z~~i~~~~ [or th~ remalnder<lf ~".:'tS~~~~~~ ~~~;~~~a~{~fe~e';." ;~J lr,~as S~!~~~:lry ,:,gr~~~~ h~~ i~e~ f~~i~;t~a~r ~~n\~~~;;rns~i~/o;e e~~~ a 7:;,s~t~~~dsl~%ar:~r;~ld~~~~e~~ Take uel Oil # I ~ to be called. lumber wago a half mile t~ the hqur of the army enginecr con- fell on Main street last Thursday. To T~rlPe Towns

'T W ~7 If. I In the meantime, Dr. Roy Mat- ra~lro~d trac ",here la tram met tract. .'-ihe is in a local hosvital-and will i wo aJ

ne OUDj'.y son passed the stalled busland took them. She is 'n a Wakefield hos- "Your outstanding cooperation 'be able to return home when road Special tshipmentS of fuel oil Youths Indu ted ~ i a lady with two chi,ld,'rcn into pital. has been appreciated." conditions improve, went to PI~lnview Monday :and to

~ SWenagYenres' sThtayeectreWmlathinitnhge elus'g~,t P, as- Hoskins Thesday. The Plainview

,Merle,D. Ring of akefi Id a d 1)1 supply wasJpracticaUy gone and.all Rlch.ard D .. Fclrran O~Winsi e w nt An Land L Auto Co .• wrecker R ' St k L · C t attempt to reach the to~ Sunday to ?;IOUX CltylJan. 2 to be indu t- used a wmch to pull the bus to the e qe osses In oun y was futile A Langemelcr trans-cd mto the army. Th 'y fill he Jrn- top of the hill. port from Wayne and two others uary selecti~e serv ce qu ta or Only _three passengers were en- managed t get there Monday by Wayne county. ' sttOop~pOeidntas.tbtehYeonhdotWej", yne and lIvest i

ek) . . going to ndolph, bac~ on 81 and: ;I; I Fc\V death 10ssI di- ClCnt shed room for all hiS cattle, Other fanners are drl.vmg llve- through eree.

# rectlyl attrlb table to the last and the 16 calves lost were all out- stock to the farms of neighbors The sup ly at Hoskins was dan-Railro d' PI blIzzatd and J continumg vere Side. . \vho have extra feed on hand. gerously ow Tuesday when a

. a ow weatlier con tlOns have beein re- WARNER SAID that feed is get- IWAR~~R BELl EVE S the transport rom here got through Nears Magnet ported 10


thiS area, but therel have ttng short on many farms, and nortliwest part of Wayne county by way of Stanton, The snowplow, I I I i been sO"1e 10 es indirect~y caused he hiClS had numerous calls for is the hard~st hit. Many roads made it hrougl,l t~at .aft~rnoon I

A ,snQ.wploW 'has gone by the sqo'Y 4. ~old, acqordtng to help., In most cases there is ho have not been open in that area for a!ld waite to se~ that ,the oil car- I and onl Wednes- Coun6y 4ge I1op. Warner. way to get feed to the distressed several weeks. \ rler ~mve . d 1 ct I

east of Magnet. Hertb Weht r,j hvmg iSOU~ of farm~rs, and Warner has been ~d- One farmer Hving northwest of Stlrtz 0 I.Co. transpQ: eada 1~~- II reach iRandolph Wayne. repor ed one of the heav- vising those w~o h~ve marketl'!-ble Wayne reports that he has lost of Oll to hru51~e. Th~t eces~ary

in that town lest losses. Si teen fcedqr lvesl hv~stock to dt'lVC It to the hlgh- $3,000 on cattle WhICh should have n~d to fly eo over.or., d· t ~ to Norfolk lias owned by W hrer dIed'i ~arher waYs wherever poSSible and have been taken to market some time bul'- the r adU was op th m :f I

'''''/', "l""<U' saId, Wehrer dId not hfve I suffi- It rUled to market by trucil, ago, He, too, is out of feed, to take an 0 trans roug ,

, " ,I '11,1'11:

I The prOgram I will begin at 6:~0

when thC.PHge.r!Seco. nd team me~ts the Wayhc City high school _~e­serve' sqWHI. .Fo lowmg the game',. a March of DimC'$1 \vill be staged, atd th.c W. ayne highl first stringers th n will taliC the ll~)or against the P'l-

ge~!~~~~t~~~i~es of the seco~d game, hIgh sC'lnool baton twirlers WIJl1?ivc an CX'lbition. This will bc

~~~~~~t ;e\eC~liff~~~~~ the tWirl~rs ~t~X1' evcntlof thc evening will

he til(' btmcfit huctionolSevcral ar­ticles which were not sold at tlhe auction on J;l1~' 26 because of the smull crowd a tending will be bf~ fered by ALlct.J neer Tom Hugh~s. ThC' pl'ogl'am c oses with a baskj:'t­ball gaol(' be ween Stirtz Bukk ano PilgC'r 10\\')1 team.

Rt'porting orJ.the pt'Ogl'CSs of the

~'~;;J~a jl~~~e}11 t!~u~'i ~ :l~C~lO ~:id a6~~ ~ :31,600. a sum W!llCh falls hc'low last y(l:ll':-; tl)tal al'llhis time.

The ,sports l'Vl'llt "ponso],f'd by collr'gC' 8111\('11(' lll'sociation 'on

,',1 1 ::f r;~~~,1 (]~1)~~'~;j·f):;~'nc:,7j~ ~~~~ lIOn totaled ~J!jR

t''';-~~OI~:I~:l' J~(t~~l ~~~:~S~~(! U[toDjrr~~ 5 d I LOl.lnly·;.. rural,n)·C'a. and only abflut

- .. un I ay :lO() ha\t' ]wen.returned, Mrs. Tjet~ - 6 I gcn >':llli. j{,"porls from._ rural

F EAT U ~ E I ~~~~~O~~l ~~l~!r~~l~~i~e~'~~ S;~~~IY'"r~~~ .• I II and \\'l,jlllH'r Icondltlons arc rc-! Corn! '-,)lul1 ... -I))I(, /tIl' the lardmcss. I

I Tilt' ('plllpaijrn has b(,Ol1 f'xtrntJcd

tb./alugh F(,hruary and. said :\iII'S. l'l9\gC'n, "wr fcc I sure that b('~ore I that t.llne (''.('II"Y man, \\ol":1an pnd

cll!ld I" \\',lynl' ("ounly will' hlavc Ill,i{[l' a \'t'fy llheral ('ont ributlOn IIi 11l'ljJlin I!lCj fight against p.~io."

IShl' l"l']lorls that an C'x{'ellcntl rc­.... ]POll>.l' I\(].'-; ]"('.'-,\1111'(\ irum the hO\ls('-IIl-IHH1SI' C,Ul\'a~s In \Vaync.

T~;l I ~~~ ry~~i;~~1(~~1 ~)lll j~~~~il~ ~e\ei th ~IJ".~ En\ 111 Illrwll as III r('('\ or, will

liI f/l .~}.l/;O((:(~~~i~li7o~:·

IMembers of the M thodist church congregati@n ar busy mak_ ing plans for a huge h est fcsti~ val scheduled for next ctober.

The event will be a miniature county fair, to be he d at the Wayne· chy auditoriu . Booths, auction sales and refres ments will be handled by the vario s organiza_ tions of the church. A dinner wi11 be served from 5:00 t 7:00 that evening fat the public, ,

beP~~~~e1~r f~~~de~hjm~~~i~!~~~ and expansion in tnc Sunday

SC~~8. V. P. MOREY ~s chairman of the genetal committee in charge, Others jn thc group I ar~ Lettie Scott, Mrs. Edward Seymour, Mrs. Raymond. Ellis, Mrs. Yale Kessler and Mrs. Eugene Gol~y. :'vIrs. S, A. Lutgen is in chargr Pf publicity.

The men's group will handle the auction salC', the youth fellowship is ·in charge of refreshment.!>, the intermedlatC' department will havE' surprise gift bagS and the women's society will supf'rvise 1 he bazaar booth~ and thf' dinnf'r.

{,IIAIRMEN in cllHrgr of booths arc: Mrs. L. W. McNatt, doll clothes; ivT,·s. James 1Ii"Ilf'r, aprons; Mrs. Kenneth niels, fanry work; Mrs. Willard WillS£>, children's gar­mrnts; Mrs. O. K. Hrnndst{'tt£>r. cannrd goods und jelly; ::'I/lr's. V. A. SC'nlf'r and ~Irs_ Ralph Clrh<l.rt, candy; :\lrs. Willard \\'oll('nhaupt and Mrs. Jame" All('/l, IWl'g-ain booth; and Mrs. Lou r~an'ik(" din­ner.

# Winter Weather ProveI'; No Barrier To T. T. Jone~'

Dr. and l\lrs. T. T. Jones rct urn· C'd lnte Sunday af1('moon fn,m a six-wf'pJ.cj visil in California ,",:jth their daughters, Mrs. R. M. BJ10wn of CampIon and Mrs. H. G. FiSher of :\1iJlllt·.1C, and their famil!C''f;.

ThC'y also werc guests of :VII'. and Mrs. Gil Day and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fear of San I R. Ane and; Mr. ami Mrs. Cikn jkcmcr of Los. An­g:t'le~. Mrs. Day \Va" formerly May BcckenhaucI' and L\lrs." Faar: was Arline McLf'nnon. Many former Wayne pcople were on tlleic list of calls. ,

Although the Jones' passed many cars stalled in the snow on the mountains betwcen San Diego and Yuma, they had no trouble. The day after they went through, the highway was closed because of weather conait-ions. In the Fort

~~y[t!;ta;;;X~ig~·!C~ft1tl~h~ree¢::~~ created by' the rccent ice and sleet storm. The travelers remarked that the trip from Norfolk to Wayne Sunday was the wotst they had encountered ~m the way to or from Cali.fornia. '

They abo commented thalt t}1(' snow rt:'moval job from the. of ,,\layne wao; I he completC'st they had 1'\'C'r seen in any cities in the storm arpa through w)JJch they had passrd. ______ _

Wheel your ForJ this way fOf expert Ford Serfice, with ••• J. ford-trained Mechanics 2. Faclory_app~ved Meihod. 3. Special Ford quipment 4. Genuine Fo Parts

Deale' Know Rrds1Best!

3. lOW,

r ment, '" Fauchet; :'Mardi Gras in llyn Gamble, Wayne; Darrell Hart, Sachtjin, Madison: New Orleans," DcRubertis; "The ·Wayne; Patsy Hook, Wayne; Ade- Wayne; Janet Wait. Three Tumpeters," Agostini; "Ok- Jyn Johnson, Wakefield; Elmer lahoma Selection," Rogers; and Johnson, Wausa; Wil1!S Johnson.

"'I"#].~,o I "Caribbean Fantasy," Morri!'iscy. I Concord; Charl{'~ Kay, \\laync: .

w~~~c ~~~~e:: ~~d~~~~~~e~ t ~t p~~~ I ~~~~l t~;~~~Cnd~: R~I:t~ad;j~'S, i~: ~ Proceeds of the annual r"tunt I Eldon L.orem;('n, \Vcst Pomt: Bob At

night are added to the college loan Lutt, \\'lsncr; Beverly McPher~on, R fund. Otganizations vie for prizes \Vf'st Point. with originAl. rollicking ;.;ketches Marylon !\IpYf'f, Scribnpr; Duane of campus life and personalities. I :\1I1Jer, Stflnlon; Dorothy Mullen. t

Robert Jacobson is gcncyal chai)'- I \Vaync: PhilIp. ;Ylurphy, Wisner: venl Sydu\\ man of the program v...hlle Robert Ahln :\elherda, ::--';]obrara; Harold II and wPnt jit~l Wr-d.llC'sdaj.

re- Ansnes 'will be master-of (erC' Osbon Stanton LOUIse Osimrn and (,' ]r[t Saturdny. PIU- monlCS Both sludents ale from \Va~nt, Leon ParCntl \Va}nc. ~ s Soulh SlOUX City V( rnun PrH]ochI, \\"('~t Pomt Au- W J_ H

I MEMBERS of the symphony hrl'" Proetl Wayne James Rath, ayne Boy as band mcltldc Hooper, ~lary Rehberg Colome Slee' · S' k

Darlene Anden;on, WaYne; "!"\'an-I~: D.: Donna R?C'!. S~uth pIng Ie ness cy Antiao[:ly,' Brunswick; Joyce SIO.UX lily; James Round:::. ~IJes, Donald S('hulz. 11-YNH-old son i Bartak, West Point; Robert Bath- OhiO. o.f Mrl and ~Irs. lI<:l.rry SchulL \\h.o ke, \Vayne; Robert Bichel, Wake- Miriam Scranton. PlainvieW; ll\'e S,outh of \\'ityn('", rplurn,'d fiC'ld; Eleanor Brady, !vlonaamin, Cell(' Schumacher. Osmond; Joyce hom~~ fu('sday from a ;;;l(JIJX ~:it)

~~ha~~i~~~p~tt~\t~~~~e;\~alb~~ ~~~~~~;.to~:<JI('n;~·~(~:l'f~~~:rle~ ~~~ ~~~~l riX \~::;~tcr~~gh1~)r:~C(~7(,{~:)~~·~.'. Clement, Dodgp: Paul Cooner, Oak- Valm, V:akdi(·ld. John \-f}ndr?C'Ek. I slckntPss HIS fHt]Wl" h.Hj be'en Jll dale; Betty Connnr, \Vakf'fif'ld; I ':f'rdigrC'; .Fu.!:;pne Watson. Wake.- I the City \\ lth him. Patty Denesia, \V<clyne; Dolores f)f'ld; J'lnws \\'ilhf'('. Orchard; I jt ,

. DC'nnison, Jeffer<;oJl. Ruth ;\1]\·Jn. \Vrlynp; EI..,ie Brauf'r. \\'ilkin<; i", ill Clarice Frevert, \\·<l.US:l: Mati- -!olph; In mg Hoflbau('f, Bral- at mJl'~mg hom .. m


FFEE FAVORITES Some like i~ rich and full-bodied. Some like it mild and mel­low. Some like it vigorous and hearty. So we offer a wide assortment of coffees t<Y please every taste. Whatever kind you' choose, you can be sure it will be at its full, fresh best.

olger's -COFFEE. re,gular or drip

l-lb. , ,Can

l-lb. ,Can

f-D---------- ______ . ____ ~ • • • a • • • •

b's in tile Bag! You can serve the fineSt ct coffee, yet keep an eye on the budget, too. Get acquainted with \\;,hole-bean, bag coftees at Safeway. The whole bean locks in freshness; keeps it in till coffeq Is ground at time of' purchase. Result: inex­pensive packaging is pqssible; you make a sub­stantia! saving every time you select a bag of coffee at Safev,,-ay. . '

_",r.,lIIIIr-Nul Re~~-~~Tp l-lb. . ,Can

51c 55e 55e 55e

But don't let the lower prices mislead y.ou. These are the world's! choico coffees, selected, blended and roasted 'by coffee experts. Fre­quent deliveries to yo~r Safeway assure fresh~ ness always,

1;~ 45e ... ~~~ d.27

{ I I I I I I I

You can get a blend to'please the tast~ of every member of your family. One that's hearty and \'igorous or one that's mild and mello\v. You can get the right grind for your coffee maker, too. Modern precision mills are instantly ad· justable to grind coffee exactly right for your method of preparing it~

I Yes, extra coffee sa\""lngs are "in the bag" !.t I Safeway.

Instant 4 oz 41 C Coffee product Ja;

I I I • L __________ ~------------. ~

One of the Top Buys To­day in Canned Fruits!'

Apl"i~ols v ALLEY 'GOLD

BRAND Choice qualily

• - in heavy syrup



VlEGET411LES :J __ priced by the pound. for accurat,e value every time ,

~ I e. White Ige - 6c 8-lh, ~9c Um'ape 1'0111 size . Lb. r ~Iesh Bag .,

~ bL"'ge Fine quality. white. Lb 5,c ..,,(,)1 U_ Northern-grown '

• iii 17-oz. ".119'" &i1 Cans ~ ~


WHOLE: . UNP~E.LED APEICOTS ~ No.21:, AO & Cans· ~7fC

Pascal ~1I!ery ~~,;cal Carro~s ~~l~~~~~~~~'ed 3

Lb. Ilc Lb,,25c

Apples ~~~:'~"U\Y.2 Lb, 270 Vellow Onions ~~si Lb, 50



Ch~cQiales .PI<g 29c Sugars

Such:J.rJ, At;·;'.·lr:J Squares or Milka Squares

Rii1S0 F:ntrr ~('v~r Dro::!.

"L;:;l b,'-0 zc' contest

Powd~red Sugar j;[h, 12q Cane Sugar GC3uuinl,d, t::'" 490 Beet $ugar :;~I~~ated .. 1~~hg 89~

. I Oren, ., .. , ... , ... l';~ 29c

Makes dishes Shin~ without I wlpill~;; le3.vcs \VOo cns soft.

Sups!' Suds ..... , .2:::, 31 e De\i<f;ous and . Come Safeh-ay for plump, tender frank .. furters and flavorful sauerkraut

Yields floods of suds for c;:::;hcs or duds.

Trophy brand. A 2-lb. g.oz. package costs $1.64, It contains, one average-siz~ (approx, 3-lb,) ri-yer, cut up, all ready to fr-;l.

frankfurters Skinl,." ' ,. Lb. 49c Frankfurters ~~~f;:y top Lo, 49t Sauerkraut sh;'dd,d2 N~~,;,;" 25c

Safeway Meats Trimmed ot EXCESSIVE fat

. and bone BEFOR& weighed

Guaranteed to please you or your money refund~d

Picnics s6~gka~fb!!:ee~~b~~~:.~:~:, ....... Lb. 3ge Pork Chop~ Cen'" loIn 'uts,., .•••. ,Lb. 5Se Pork Roast B;;'on Butteuti! , ..•. ,.,L~, 42c Spareribs' I'M, [mho po,k, .. ,Lb. 3ge Sirlo{n I u. S. G,~ded IBeef, ••. ,Lb. 1~C

kEADY-TO-COOK I~ I . Ch- k Grade-A 6ge ~I~wi .. g .~ eDS .......... ,.Lb.

Grour.' d ct'''''lbeeL ....... ··· .Lb. "'1C

Stew ng Bonel",", •••••••••••• ,Lb. 5ge I-1b 5~ , Sliced Good quaUty. layer. ,Pkg: II c

~~aSli~9 ~h.ekeDS Cello-wrapped .••• , .Lb. ~ C

I I.


1 ;

';'i· 1,

wete at thc

, . Ji'ot\4ist. Bendin '':isit- ,Trinity Lu heran Aid will meet

cd Thursday' at the Har- Wednesday, eb. 9. ~he aid will ob-ry Drcvscn home. I serve their 2~th 3'1niversary with

Mr. and Mrs. EIJWin Ulrich apd a program and gUC$t day. sons, and Darwirb. PuIs visitled Ncighborin~ 'Cirr1e will meet Tu('sday evening ajt the Ra~ wilh Mr~. N~rman Deck Thur~day,

~I~i~~ al~~n~rs. RC]bcn Voecks a d t~~tJiela°cie~:rs'l H('~an KoJi wlll be family were Sunda a.fternoon ~~B- .--- 1

ilors at the Gerha dt Gnirk hoJ;'e. Has Emprge~cy Odern.tion August Mcicrhc ry called at (he ::vIary, 12-~ear-oidI daughter of

Henry Hollne,~{l.' h me Sunday _~[_I Mr. and Mf:~ Hanr; Carsten~, u~·

tC~~~~;n feil aJd Evelyn P~eil' the ~adyar~7d~~~~~~y ~~~~~~!~n ~~ }VCrL' sun1 y cveJjling visitors 'at Norfolk Fri ay aqernoon. Due to the Hcn.·;1Deck home. road conditions, Mary was taken

1lr". and Mrs. .faul Deck TId to Norfolk hy airplanc. Dr. D. O. daughters visited $un~ aL he Craig and Mr~. Carstens accompa-

~~;I~~Je~'~r t~e~~ek ~r~~~~ f~~~I~.1 e-, Di('s in (~1Llif()l'nia ].,fl' and Mrs. Er 'm Ulrkh, Gene, Cat! Swvcrs i"c('[>ived word Sat-

and \'c["l1e visited' t the Carl Hinz-! .. that His mother. lvirs Emma

\Villmm Brogr~n ~me. jVIrs. D cki ,nied, h('r., Hn (',~mdltion Saturday came horne atter spending ~he Was I'croded si1tlsI1actory.

man home Sunday afternoon. ' ~Jet'lz Sll'VeeS dletS<lturday, Jan.

. 8P~;1~' fr~~~~ sl\~~dat.N~~nl :C(d~~e;~! §Y('~'~rstl~~ tf~n~n~~'l:'~~l'c~tm'. (~!~~ Ann and pickl~! 111'. al1d ' day at the Reu en Fall< hom I body Wl.1l b(' 'bI'OUg~lt to \Vayne, (f('-

mi~n Upll'r, Ihlly and !'Jam'}", ,where they were S owbound. . c: compan,lPd ify 1\11'. and .\1r's. H('r-?\tIl'. and AIrs. Glen l,il'Jnk, I?OlllltL I ;\.lanlyn Krueger W' s . ~ man Si('\"t'I'Cj or .LclJs Angeles. Fun-l~ae, .':\,lilrdl~ll(' and .LVl~d('ne \ I~Jt('d I day and Friday ~.('rn~ght .. i ('ral S(']"\'IC,etwl,1l be Thursday at Salurd,;y nIght a! thl:llans A:"mus I at the SaTTl Ulrk home. !, Rcd(,pm('r uth('l;an church in home. 1 he l \'cnlng ~ as spent at L;cn-l.ld Rruggc nan and Herb Vo.'Hyrl(', \\"ltl~ Hp\·. S. I";:. upFrec;,l' C',~rd~. ,l::1~1cl.l h;·Ul.:g~ll '!I),y Iht'. ~1I~'~\: Kleensang arc Snr\!bOUnd in Nor-: I in ('hal gc.

, WUS,stt\(d ell ,lie c!os~ ot tne l\e I folk. They arc sta' ing at the M n:' "I ---. - i

nll~~:ory~l~ Amfnde fl:om, N(~;\I .. A:n~cr~Or~.hI~ ~~;y Asmus and: BI~)tt:~i~1 I:~I~~lll~~':' ljIaughtC'r of Mr. the ~.osjJtlal by Andy :~l.sSel" S IlldHe, ! Ronnl(' \'jsitpd Wfdnf's(,I<lY aftcr- and :\1l-s. H\'ll:'Y Papstcin 01 Car­to Ius IlIHlH' un :'I,lon,dd). . I noon at the Hans ~smus home. rol!, WetS b<l )tlJ;{'d ut the hOlm' of

:'lIt. and ;'I.11S, E. ~·'·.rottl'l". LOUlS I Lyle .:Ylarolz lef~WednCSdilY af, her grandp,!trcnts. 2\.11". and Mrs. Gamt's and .:\[~s. (,us,1\1ar~('n and, tt'l'lloon lor N('w ark cil to at..J Gus Hank, t·m. 12., by R('v. 1-1. G. }\lall(Jlt.' \\1.'1'(' ~lIn~ay rallt'ro> at the I l l'l1d th(' national EA ulll~'C'ntionll Knaub S)l(! SOl'~ \\"('1'(' Mr. :lnd J\1~·s ... \llr.l,ll](' l:t~IUSl' l?,llnl'. LJeioris Millcr :ipl'nt Ill(' past ;\'ll"s. IIarrJl": Iloft'lelt (If Carroll.

( lUIS. b,1I11 l,ltllll \\t·" week at the J. E. pingel home.

~f~e~~.J~!~1Sl~'nl;:~~C':t tl c ~. " I : (l~~~¥fjtt~t:~I~~~b~~I~~~~~lr) . _\lL-h·1ll .:Ylclt'1"hl.'Ilt'y ,alled at 111e \\H\\H . , I, C'hoir pro. 'tlC(' Friday evening at

I::d 51 r cttl home on "lvtndUY :'I.lembers of th~ HosklllS Evan-l th hi' ~ hiS :'1.11 Gild j\IIS Ld Sl ate and De- gelll:dl Lntted nthr(n church e (' ure 1. SatUluay s(' 00, at-

lOllS \ Jsited 1< nddY l enmg at the ~C't cit the Fre Jochens homd ur~~~ld~~;,~'1'~~2 ~~ 1:~~day school W F L.tngbnbelg ho e rhursd.ty aftcrnoon "\\]th MrR, at lO:O(). Serviccs over WJAG,

:'I-lrs Manley \\'llso was a dJh- Clyde WJ!son as htstess Mrs. Fred Norfolk, will be a't l1:{)O. ncr gllc::;t <1t thc C ,;de WIIst!m Jochcns I('d th de\otlOn. the home theme bemg Chm I 111 toda} s ASia I :\1{.~IHldist ClllIrC'lI

.:'II<mlt y \\ dson I from Mrs LI~lI1 Gll'luh gaV(' the 1c~~ (Re\', l\I(,rtll' Clute, pastor)

~~~I~!~~U~nlJl ,json ~~~~.ll \ ~1~~o~~ Sunday, :Feb. 6, Sunday school

be was M~lttle Mrs. Ras atJ~;~!P~es at 11;00. 'Mrs. R3Y

ne.sday everting chs home'l

)..11'. and Ml'S. ~;~. J~'n ~i~~~te:;~u~daan:~7~: ner guests at the I. F. Gaebkr home.

sp~~' SUa~~y ~~:;Jin~7tiStheVv~~i~~ K~~.ho~n~il· Mrs. Julius Eckcrt spent Sunday e\,ening at the Leo

N~~~a~g~f;·s. Robt'rt Grapf ~p('nt Sunday ('venmg with ..\11'. and Mrs. Russell Baird.

-Mr. artd Mr.s. P. C. J('nsen nnd Jimmie' spent .Sunday ewning at the Chestcr WylIe home.

Mr. und Mrs. LOUIe \VillPrs, Mr,

'IUII .... lCH.IF .llIn~II~'I-II----+- I ~~;jl ~\ll~~~' I~~~rp~d k~~~~l~ ~~ng c~;:~ II (1JtJ II. 1= r I ~l;(,~ h~·e~~0J~~~.d~;;:n\~~C~1i~~('vlsitors

OUR CAR: l Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H,,;gsiadt : and childr911 spf'r'I1 Thursday eve-

Bringinyourcorforadou le-a~tionMortex! I ning at tht' Delmer Krt'mpke home. job. You'll be amazed at the results II .# Sprayed to everything 0 the underbody: ! r.,OCALS except the chassis, Mo ex immediatelyi Mrs. T. S. Hodk, who was tak-kills vibration noises ra les rumbles' otl en seriousljy ill last week, is rc-th ' • '. 'h' ported imfGVingJ nicely

e sarnO .tlme .protects I gOlnst weal er,! Mr. and rs. Jdhn Brudigam and rust, rood chemIcals and olt. Eleanor:vI' e were Thursd?y dinner

~~~!~ at. the f-ugust Brudigam

--+t1,..;....., ... L.B'-!.IIt..il1lill Mr. and 'Mrs. Brudigam WNe at the Pf'\e Fri-day night jlor Mr. . day.

L~~i~~;~!I\e~~~tt~en R~~~ P ~;~~~: son home Sunday evening.

Deanna,! Mor)te and Janey Schram 11(~d theilr tonsils removed

j at a Juca! last Saturday.


bou d? 41 f) We ¢a.n ~elp You!

I i

168 O~~~~::time I ~ 2!45-~ at Night I ! ~

folr Airpl~ne S"rvice Jroceries to I * W e'll f~y you to town

and hack.

* We'll fly you !iny place ypu need to·go.

. I. ' ()t)~ RA:TE~ 'AR~. ~I'EAJONABLE

, '" . I

I. I 1

3. uun

! S~preme Co.urt ".IlI!!I!!I!!!!!1!!!!II Reverses Ruling

The Nebraska Supremc court last Friday reversed a district court rulmg in the ejection suit, Viola Bastian \,8. William Weber, and -ruled in favor of the plaintiff.

19¥J~~aga~~;ii~~r ~lZ~r~~~t h~~~~~: William Weber, seeking pORsession of property. On May 1, District Judge Fay Pollock, ruled for the deff'w1anl and declared that he could occupy 1 he property and col­lect rent from any part he was nut occupy mg.

The plaintiff appealed to the supreme court \vher(' the decision was revcrFC'd.

Budd Bornhoft of Wayne and Mark Ryan of South Sioux City were allul"ncyS for the plaintiff,

nR, hun- ~nd H. D. Addis~ for the defend­

was diR-j <lnt. ~ waR I' BIRTH RECORD

T the new I .Jan. :26 --Born to Mr. and Mrs. Nebraska. J. 1. Pedersen of Laurol, a son

9 ItJs., 4 OZ., James Frederick: ' Jan. 27 Bon to :VIr. Clod :Vlrs.

~ ___ , ___ '--____ ---,---,_: __ :'::':+':"":'=:'::':'::":::':"_ Herbert Nif'mann of Carroll. a daughter, 7 Ibs., 3 oz. Claudia

were overni Monday at Elaine. ' the Pete . home in Jan. 29- norn to 1Ir. and Mr~. J. Wayne.) P. Vandf'rJwidf'n of Laurel, a s(,n,

.J. i\~ Glrror~ I~ IIJ 'I' lhSi J oz. '

Mrs. Cliff P nn is in Omaha Ui£'<; in Sioux City h,~lping care f r her [nUher, J A. Tom Wyant. br(1ther of Mrs. An­GJfford, 8:5. wh is ill. Shortly he-I na Add\son .. of \Vaync, d, it'd of i1 :r~,re Mrs. ~enl(l left tflrl'e .wcC'ks, st rok(' m SIOUX City last Thurs-0",,0, Mr .. Glffo~d broke a nil am!' day, H. D. Addison and hIS mother, oncumo,nm con~PII~al Ions dp\"clnp_1 Mrs. Addison, went to thro CllY cd. Hl' IS also he 1H..thcr of Dallas II Sunday and a, tt~ndrd the funeral GIfford of Men }mOnle, Wis., forn1- l n Monday. Th('y returned horne e~~ of \Vaync. __ ~~~::~_:llld~_c\"('ning.


SEED OATS I\IAiIuo~ - (LL,,\'TO:-'; - l\lI~·DO - CIIEROKEE


DOf1~le Duty FEEDS

~E=;~~I====~~ FAR M


Baller Heads Legion Contest

i ~U~~tlO~:l~;! l~~~\:~d O~o;;c~y~i ~or"I""ti~~r . appolrltmf'nt as di.slrict chair- co,,,Utution will

ma~ fO, I' th(' Amprican ~,egion ora-I sary ] torlcal (,onll'st. The district ('on- it: '

t~!~~J!i~ea~~I~~o~et~~~~t;;~~~ Injure~ in Crash Tpachtrs ('ollege. D . j BI· . Local conl.f'sts will ~f" held carly ,~rlng Izzard In ::\'Tarch wllh the winners going .;'1;11'<;. Charles Kraemer of Hyan-

i~ t~li~t~~~~ttr~~.lin~~~!PSi~ ~~~e~-;t~l~: dalt:~~er~fo;~f Waany~e,~:s will competr' in tlw X('bra~ka Iniured last WPf'k Saturday. \vhen -"tate ('ontpst. Th .. state thE:' car in WhIch she was riding col~ WIll allpnri thf' nntlonal9col1tpQ lidcd with 'another during a bliz­~"jrsl pri"" in lh(' nationul Contesl ;t.ard nCnl' ~lli:J.nce. She suffered a IS (l $4.()O(J <;('holarship brukpn Wrist and cUts and bruises.

TopiC for the orAtJOn- i<; "The j , ConstitutIon o~. thp t'n,it"rl Stat('s." ('hild rnd('~1 gOP .. Opf'ratlon ' C:0nte.stants v. III prf'parf' a 10 to Ronald artels,~, grandson of 1~ mmute oratIon on somE' topic Mr. alld M s. J. O. Owen is quite related. to the' consllfutJOn, WI.I h I ill. after undergoing a ma'jor' Oper­emphas~~~~~?_ ~~~~~~~_I~~~_~r:~a a~d City hospital

Give 'em a goo~ start! It's a wise choice when you make Pillsbury's BES!I' feeds a part of your chick management program: Good birds-proper care-and a good wholesome ration.; . There's the secret of success with poultry!

sold by

fitch feed & Produce 115 East Third



Telephone 193.~


, CVCJyth~ about tl feilr yOlt thir ~ .. "M· ct~¥ Borman Holstein Is High Producet·

Braltlf'llOreJ, VI i\mbng the registered HOlslPin-F,l'ic£'ian cows in Nebraska whosf' f('ce tly com­plctf'd productJOI1 rc(,ord \"icrc re­corded by the hf'ni 1m rov('ment re~i.')try department of ,~h(' Hol­stcin-Fricsmn association was Sun-' ny Roxana, 4 years, 8 m nths old, producing 640 pounds of bu I ter-

~~~/~~\~i~~fnct;s 1a[f;J~hi; ~~~~ is owned by Ivan. BDrm~n.

Charl('~ nj('~sing, 74, of Dakota Ci1y, died tn a Sioux City hospital Sa t urday from iniuriP'l"-ft'('ci\,pd In <.In nc('iddnt last Wcdnestlay.

The accidcn t which occurred on highw;lY ,~() just \v(,st of Soulh Sioux CJ1:y. involvcd J1]f'ssing'g,.tar and a stork truck driven hy Floyd Park of WaKf'firld. According to ,T. J. Kon'tos, state highway patrol­man, the car w('nt out of control on icy pavement and colJided with t he truck.

Pioneer Resident Of Wakefield Dies

Mrs. George Johnson, pionf'cr Wakefield resident, died Monday

home of her son, Elmer, between Pender and, £m-


(j- de most /Jcou(#itl ]]3lJJM 5(lff

You'll find tl!at now more tllan ever belore Chev­rolet merits the title of being "first for qqality at lowest cost"; alia that it is, indeed, the molt bedutiful buy af all, in all these features I!Jld in

1 all these ways .. I Chevrolet is the anly caT lninging you all the •• : fi ne·car adfJantages at lO1l)~'t coati Completely new

Bodies by Fisher. New, ultra-fine color har­'" monies, fixtures and fabrics:. New Super·Si~e

Interiors with (fFive.F~o~ Seats" • New Pano­ramic Visibility with wider 'curved windshield

5tylettlfe De luxe 2-000r Sedan

and 80% more glass area all arou~~ • ~ ew Ce~ter.Point Design w~th Center:Poi~~ Steeri~!, ":+,, Lower Cenrer ?f GravIty. Cent~r.Poiilt Seatmg • ; i. :'i,' an4, C~nter1Pomt ~ear SuspensIOn ., I mpro::ed,' -~ Valve-m.H~ engme- for pow:", ac~eleratlO~' '1

s~thnessr,nd economy. CcrtJ~ale'Hydraulic _ . Br kes witlN ew Braking Ratios. Extra·Strong F' er Unis eel Body Construction. !Improved Knee.Actio Ride witlinew Airplane-T~pe Shock A~Ibers , The Car that "Breathes" for New AU· Comlort (Heater and defrbster units optional 'ilf ~"tra cost)


LIII !Firstfor QZAtal~tUY,~t' ;oLo:pcOlny' . ",,1), It, ~ ••• '-

ND:ST.· i • WAYNE. NEjBR. : ' . TELEPHONE 1~ I' I'

I '

1 .


I :C·

'ii' iii II I,


I· , ;.


I t

. j

.1 "

SO(bETY Social Foreca..'It

We Fu club which was to have met Thursday evening (Jan. ',27) with UO Jord~n has 'been post­poned indefinitely.-

WSCS meets 'Wednesday, Feb. 2. There. will be no hostesses.

Mr .. <;, John Rcthwisch will cnt('r­tc"lin Pinochle olub Friday, Feb. 4, weather permitting. ~gion Auxiliary meets Feb. 2 at

LegiOll. rooms, Mrs. Elma Havener, hostess.

For H.urt RdhwbC'h Mrs. John RclhwlS("h enlt'daincd

the primary 1"(.10111 Tucsday after­noon at. hel' home Jar Klirt Rcth­wiseh's sC\"enfh birt.hday. T11e group ('njoyC'd gumes and lunch.

BirUulll,y rarty Mrs. P_ J. Church was honorcd

for het" 7llth lJirthday by a 5urprrse

~~,~:~~! tl:~.rt~ uC:,~ 1 ~l' ~\,~:~~m~h~a, h~~~~~ Nelsop, Carl Janssen and Dot Ral­slon families, !vL'. and Mrs, Walt Wecket', Mrs. TC1m Church and

~~V~d~;;~J ~1;'s~m~u~;s's~';~il S~~d chihln n. PI'izf's wcnl tu Walt \V(1ckl'!' and Millard Ralston,

with Genuine May tag


stl Folks ... .ha. t "mm ,,,. ""k kept u, ;,om di,p'aY;ng that

I New 1949 pbntiac

I~~r}~.. . . . I Now...

ee Po~t~ads New Look for 1949 • I· . I .




W'" YNEj NiE:BR~$'KA


IIoward J~.

;'~~~~~:I~~.~·e :1';'

~tudy Cf'nlf'l' pr()gr:m1 /in tel' <1.t~(j "pring (I.

I c();ldltions. Th('

I '.'jd(' 13 SP'.'CiHI c:)I]r".r ~ 1:1 1 J I

easl£'rn ~\('\)l'(;t .. J.' ("II'" .. A tur'.,'y rd n,,· ( .... I,·i1, I"i' r

lng>: (if \\':I(r,'- ~: Ii! durin!.~ 111f' (1)1 I ~I

~~~"rJr~);~:·';":j(L . gJ('n('l, rS}(·l,r~I,,:..'"

SIC, ~r1 :lnr! i:t,,:: cent rs I!l 17 n( I I~" I;, :,\, :.J' ka citil':O ,mel I:: coursc~


l Mrs. Lawren<:c W)lg" :

Plltns European Trip I deluxe Pontiac sedan in the Stream1ine serie~. Forward thrust. has been

the hood. Body contour is in the modern m~ner and yet unm\stakeably safety is compounded by reduced pillars and a curved windshield Nhose

been increased nearly six inches. Both Pontiac Streamliner and Pontiac a 120 inch wheelbase aO'd Hydra-Matic transmissions optional at extra,cost.

I -

'ami she hud a 1 tlH"I", Lot :~ot"ris, ~lnd br?ther.s, 1 SHOLES which followed I tl~~~ ~~fy E~~r~'~'lJa~('Y a<JI~J1V~c~~ ! Charley a~d Ly(" Pl'tors spent

if} charge of tJ~c I flt.v·:n frain there to the 1\1orr,15 I' W,Cdn.CSdCtY ,al.l ('rnoon at. the Utt ~ rs, Ellen Houins I ~~:~.I~'~c~atulday uy the \Vayne Air P~~f;;:; (:~~~n\·lrs. fby ~chm V:,,>;I- Local Khvaniar. s

. left. ~flL ~ #' ~tL~~~d~(~'~~~~Y C\"CrJln;.,; at the utt l->ostpone ['art' 'I! I" t 11 SL~~::; SOUTHWEST WAYNE I jMarooncr! \\/cddlng guc';ts at thf' I ..

)([ a Ul1ll n 1 II IdOl' Kuhl h( mr \\-crC' Mr dnd I J ),) , Mr. ar1d Mrs lLlrvcy RClhold 11 'S Lf'stcr V(Jll~ Joy Hinkle 111s

V.C!'1' SUfJIwr 6"\1(''''S at the Walter Lud Kuhl and \1111 of 1'l . I Bt']Hll")" 110q1e lust Tuesday cveDlIlg 1 [LUd Kuhl. ILllph P.;l:'f't", F:lnH r Clwl'lcs Wllltlll'Y Jur .Vll" Ie's' hlrth(l;.y. lockf' .• \1an·m \'an1<lrk a,d B:lI

. 'J~hursda:y dmnc'r :\:lr ;mll :\lrs. J .. ~U:-'S('l! .Pryor d.nd: Co"ml.1l \\'(r(' ;-:;al'Jrd.rlY

dmner Gemme! s. falllliy W~ 1'1' <11 the AlVIn Carh;0n: g ('..;ls at !sld()r l..::uhl's I h',-,

<;:IHllr.lll'hI re- h01ll1.' \Vrdr,cscta)- c':cnu-:g. 'I Kcnncth Kl'llnv J;lnws Grcgt(s Juhm;un home' E;mcr and Lavel na \Vac.kc~· and and Ol!vcr Hinkl-' \\Tl'(' Thursday'

KI'nn('lh \VdgrH'I' Were last fu{C!:>~ o\'ernjghl gU(S:<; cit Ihl (!lallcy day suppcr gUtSlS at thl' Don Carl~ Sohn hrJl1w I

on hr.;n1C I Emry<; Sdr.1Uf'ls( 11 sp('r,t Thurs-MIS Arnold Vahlkamp \Vas ~a)- dt tlw Ch,uk. sow home

sn()v bound at the home of her par- Btll \Llttlllgly· arr: cd home I (Ills 1\11 unct Mrs John BaKer, WcdncsdClY [10m ()jddh md. \\herc ftom SunddY unt,] y.,cdncsday Mr'lhe IS empJoHd ,1S d lO In a rail-

JOhn\\~~Il'~ 1~(:~11;~1 ~3(;~~rh\~/~~:~~n~.1~~~~~y and \Valk- rp~1r~0m[a-l\\ Durnh;Jm <1 rn\ Pd

Run,tld Kul2nhcnn ;\ir dnu Mrs I~d.\ard DOl'scherl&fme [rom V .. mnrr S D \\hcrc t ... llld Sunday of Cr,ncOl d \\r'rc \Vcdncsday dll1- s c harl !)CCtl \ ISltlng :-'It and :'1--11 S I

hOlll\ I flU gUlstS ilt the O~car Ho('mann i JlhS Burnh,tnl and familyrU' I md~O;~lCS aYll1g homr' ~

!sum stdycd ;\1t and ;\It s \\ ilhs 7\-lryer amI John IknJdnlm .II d Ddrlr tlC \ lS- I <it the Ed Traut- DId-riC spcnt lasL Friday cvcnmg I (d dt th( f I Ink Lals( 11 hume SaL-

! at the Oscar Hocmann home, rday cHnm;:::- !

S}~~~l~~l~~~ 1,.._""" ...... """""" ... _____ ;... _____ ...; ______ ...;. ____ ....... __ ... ., urday. .

. and Terry I ' aL the

. lIenrickson I guests at I

.spent SrUunby r Dale Franzen at j

, . \Vu(lds' guests at H.I(..' I

. Church, :lvlrs. and Ronnie

guest's at everiing at

('ItICES FOR }'EB. 4TH & 5irH

~ AP!PLES-noml~ UI~allly or ~pitz;enhllr~, 2 Ib~ •


.,; ," .'. ; J ',. " r ;·1 . . , Hot meals lor cold wintery cifaY5!

r ••• Ind •• d. for building ,tu,dy young bodiu, Ir..CPin~ th. ICI9'Jy fT.' £tom , coldl, fun 01 ,,"lrgy and raring 10 gol Starr th. d~y ith 1:1 hOI! brt'Olr.Ia,t

and plenty of 'rvit. S .. that lunch il lub"onlial and the CYetltn!iil meal naf I only a,petilillg, but rIch in"~ ... itam;n, and min.rah. W. COlI h.dp

yo", pial!, With oal wid. van.tJl af tap quality fOQd) _ . ."eIL J;~~!,', PANCAKE FLOU~ _ .-___ ~'h·~·:g35c PANTRY PRIDE SYRUP -----.. ~;~::~ 25c

COUNCIL OAK COFF;E .. -.--_._. l·;i~' 39~ HEINZ TOMATO SOU .... __ . __ 1I:;. 12~ HElNZ PORK & BEA S ________ 1';":. 15~

CHILI CON CARNE --~--___ l~:::.O~ 31 F rmhR NOODLE SOUP MIX _._ 1'". 12b ELBOW MACARONI ..... - ___ . __ .·I!.o;:"~~:~.15b

! ..... ~. I I-

I MEALY BEANS - --+-_____ c,u~:r";;~~ lie IlL ' I C~OOA, Nestle's. Eye~Rea~y _ .. _l:r"~~~ 471:

25c, CRACKERS, Eyeryda~ I,l~::~~ ~:~~ 21 c Ikd Delkiuus, Golden D('lil'ious, ROBR·ROSS HONEY ..B;.J~:" 9ge Rell \\'ine,saps.! 35c' . .! lhs, for I

GRAPEFRUIT-ll'xa~ WHite ~el'tl­l~'ss. 10 for 39c 3ge





.~ I



~OCIAL FO~ECAS~ Th~lr"day, Feb. 3 :

Baptist Social IserViCO Mq. Matt Westberg. •

B;1'jct~e duo wilh 1\'lrs,

.ft11~~i·ee of nonol·. SCS with Mrs. lIcrbert Koll­

morgen. BooJ~ Review cIuo witt1 L\!Ia

Way <'(lu1 'lVII'S, Elizaucth Would-ridge. " n,c~~~7~~~~~~~id postponed; until

. Ct'ntrui ,socitil circle with .:'Ill'S. • I J. IV1. ,M,o.nieY.

Cameo with Mrs. Allun Jl'f­fl'cr·

l~'rulklY. F(·b. ·1 Ball~t ~rVlo\hl'rs at :.! .• JU WIth

~1rf'. C, C. SUrl/., ctoJdellrod \Vllll .7Ilrs. Uun


M:tsi'!~;~aS'~~~~~(:t>I~11l::~1;~:I:,~ \\::~ 10 bl'lng un i'll':\.Pt:,.si\c valcn­tim".

. ~at.~~r,!ay\ ,h'b. 5 ~ake snlc ut

firC', sponsol'(>d by l\If,dday, Feb. 7

(fl\~~l~!~~,~~'ll h

nl)glll, VI', jll\!Jg:t'tlfll.

lJ, 1), wilh J\:[I'S, ]1. .T, ForLnightly wdll ?III'S. A

Mlldnel'-Crcdti\'(.' Arts gruup uf

\\' til Lenure ~blll:.;l\y at 1),)1'" \Noud 'assis!s.

'j'II('~,tlaYt Ft'b. 8 Rvdc( me!' Lu1h('l';;rt Aiel. 1 '(, ,[­

pOlled 1rom ThuI'SOilY, 13PW pot lllck dinncr I1IH! \ al~

('nt ine party. Conlract.


,$OCIE'rlY Acme C[Iub I

h, r-.', I'al'ke wut£JhosP {' ,., Ar'!l1c (Jub :'vlo~day ~fteI'l r\{){ill ,'lIp" I':r»l Bf'ckqnhauer le-

\ {'I "'ij' 11 artJ('lc on !h(~ lmpor!­,llH'(' (11 hi' J1G!ll'Y becf and what \\[I,j!d h Ipp(~n if all of !hcm wc.rc kLlll'li ot t Mrs, R J, IBranctstct-1, I ('lIt I Feh, 11. when L,': 11(' ~ ('til t the program

AnnOil~c(:; E,.g.lg"rPent ~1i'


fit the fa~il~ • I I

for the Entire FaIT\ily

at W AGNtR'S I I

a: line of wori{ rhoes

t1J~"J:>J'U'p ~AU"CNt ,o:j:::

t' .


Erh BC'ckenhauer pre­a paper on the Congrcs­l!Jrary for benefit of PEO

Tuesday. They met at Childs home. Mrs, V. wssisted Mrs. Childs.

Lcl~l>rates Birthday Mrs, Alison Bahe en­at dinner Saturday honor of 111eir daugh­

, Lou's first hirthday. wCtle her grandparents,

'\I!'.: ,Inri II,-I1'.o;, Albert Bahe and .\lr+ E. n, Love.

LaPiorte Itu~bands of LaPorte m('ml)crs

\\'CJje guests at a dinn,cr Jan. 12. TeI1 couples were there in spite of ~)'ld weather. The dinner was at lhe John Luschen home and

tld'tsa~~~~~t a~;f;t~d~r ,and Mrs.

UDiclub ";'what's New" was,the topic of

dis¢ussion for U. D. members whrn they met Mlilnday with Mr~. R \V. Ley, Each member read an article on something n~*,. Mrs. H. J. Folber is the ho~tess next week.

GQC Cb,b MD;·;"Ray S'urber

to the GQC club Venice Bressler and,. Mrs. Carl was c{'khratf'U. ,w{'rc won by 1\4rs. Mcyel' and Mrs. John 'I'll£' I<~eh, 22 mbeting wil Mrs, Art Lynch. Mrs. lC'ader, and it Iwill be old Quinn's birthday

Women of thc Paul's Lutheran afternoon in the Devotions were Shiery, The "How Christian was given 'by 'Mrs. The leader presen esting discussion 'on How Christian was drop the atomic bomb What is stronger than the bomb? Hostesses were

·Charles Heikes, Mrs. Peterson and Mrs, Harry c,.

,.Ii (

of the uridegl'wm. wH.o sang, "1 ~,::c: 111CC" allll "The iforct's }'ray-

The bride, given in marriage by bride's home, her father, wore a chcircbal grey

cercmofI' silk crepe dress with navy blue ac- Miss Joyce ~cAuliffe, d~ughtcr

be at v.~eo~~n~nt~Pfa~~ I ~~~~~!~S"o~~1nka~~ad w~HeC~~rn~:~ of Mr. and 1\Irs, Walter McAuliffe,' 6 J • ~~.I~~~oJj~~~;;~,s~Il Ofof~aya~~.

, of Emer~I'~' I tlO;I~$S Dorothy Larson, bridesmaid were married ~anJ' 25 at 2 o'clock Margaret Larson~ and I for her sister, wore a royaJ blue at St. Paul's utheran church by C '1 b ~.. I sdk crepe dress with gray acces- Rev. J. H. M. hiery, ..

I eel J aco sen 1:11 ry , sories, She carried a colonial bOll,. Th!! bride wo e an aqua blue suit At Afternoon Setvice Duet of yellow jonquils and white with a white orsage. Mrs. Pete

The Zion Luthernn church in AI-I ca~nhaetiO~:idcgroom and his best ~~~se~h~cra a~~~rt~a~~~~o:: a i~~: ~}o~i;saM~~Cg!~~~t~~'st(~;, ~la~~~~~~ ~<:~~ ~~d ~g~~~P~~;~~~rc,~a~~u~;~: Je~~cen ~~~~fg l~i1?e~~~a~~ apart. of Mr, and Mrs, Albert Larsen, and nicres. Vean Larson. brother ot the ment at the Leo Zapp home, Both

I Cecil I-1. Jasobspn, son of Mr. and ur,de, and Dean Broberg. cousin arc employed ait Wayne Poultry & Mrs, 'Mart;n Jacobson, on Sunday, of the bridegroom, servea as ush- Egg Co. Jan. 23, at 2 o'clocl<. Rev. J, H. ers. :It

I ~eckmann performed the double Following the Ceremony, a re- ,:\11 and :'vII'S Frank Larsen spent ring ceremony, . cepUon was held in the church par- Thursday \\ lth Mr and Mrs Glenn

'Mrs. J. II. Beckmann played the lars. The white tiered w('ddmg I Granquist and managed to get back nuptial musi~ and also accompa- cake was deeor,ated in pink and: home he fore roads became blocked.

,nied ~rs. Wlllia~ Keeshan, sister ~~hl!~'dM~~~SU~I/;fc~~~f~\~~\~;d I the cake. i ",, ___ XH~ .... ___ ,,"~

Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens, (' Jug. Minnie the Mermaid, and fi\'(~ Harris tunes

~ __ _ Anniversary Song; Avalon a~d ~ly Gal; When I Kav(' the World There's a Jolson album 1 today. too __

Me Call You Sweethcart; Vhere the Blue Night. And four different Bing albums

in today-Going My Way, Valcntme, Star­and his Stephen Fostf'r album,

Grcf'n Cockatoo; Bl<ime It On the Samba we havo Ethel'~ album, too,

'.' Nola; Thcl'(,'1l Be Some C'hClngrs Made Red Rose'S for a Blue Lady {a good n('\\' on(');

",,,"",,,,11',0'0 You Go ; WhC'n Day Is Done ".

i Capers; Back lIolllf' In Il!mol~; ", .-Love, Your Magic Spell Is E\cl'ywhcrc;

the Things You Are " Honky Tonk Train; Rockin' in Rhythm

Tonk by Bob Crosby's Orch., lool I

... " .. "". """ .. "",Wabash Blues; Hlgh Society "" .. ",,,,, .. ,,. SD In Lovc; A Ro;,ewooc! SPlIlct

Rambling Rosr; Hair 01 G!Jld f>i('d, _,.' r\'1)' Happmess; IIiphway to L?vc DeltlJl~, ,,,, ,..", Phil thc Fluter'!" Bali; Danny Boy . 'j iClancy Lowered the Boom stil,l hasn't arrlyed.! Jo Stafford ." , ""' .... " ... "CongratulntJOQs; Here I 11 ~tay

Funny Little Money Man; Best Years of Our Ll\'es Stan Kento __ " ,,, .. ,,. Fie Was a Good Man; How Am I to KnO\v

Unison Riff; I Told Ya I Love Ya' .

PotU I W('stol 'A~'d' a;~"alb~~Por~g~~~n!s?:~~ ;.~auv~~g:St~~I~ ~~i~ orchestra was voted tops by the critics last year.

nt'an MarOtt." ,Tarra Ta Llura Ta Lar; Once in, Lovc,wlth Amy 'I (You're probahly going to be heanng thIS wonder­

ful singer on thc Sunday night NBC showl Uttle: Jlwi{ ."HoJd Me (here you are, you collectors of old

• ings)' reverse: Geo, Olsen's Bye Bye Blackbird ""."~',,, .. In My Drf.'ams; Chocolate Chao Choo

" .. ". It's Whatcha Do with Whatcha Got; to My Heart : Arizona Sundown

Gene Krupa's Watcha Do, also) Is Oniy a Picture; Just a Little Lovin'

a I was; Any Time - A Heart Full of Then I Turned and Slowly Wcilked Away

........... ~ ... .-..• Etude in C Minor and G Flat Black Key), Thesc arc

Miss Caryl! LarSon was in rou,J .•• ~~~ii' t~~lift~ ~~I~~~s g~~~~t~~\~I~~ ~1t~~ I Se¢ giftS, ,

The bride's mother wore a brown I Dt'ug silk drrss with brown decessories,

~~~~ri~~9r~~;t~~ ~~~;CJn:~~~~r\~'it~ I O<><H:><H:>r:><I-_~_:III hlack accessorr('", Both, \V( fl' ,) d-I mw jonqud and white carnation " I . corsages. 1 ya entme

'Mrs, Jacohsen was gradunled l n ~ from PelCrsburg high school and ~ ~. has recently been emplc,ycd (is - .. , ~. cashier and accountant [0" Con.: <'7 ~. .' • sumcrs Public Power. I·" J

Mr. Ja2(·bscn, a senior at \\'aync : State Teachers co~lcgc, formerly I attended the UniversHy of Nt braS-I' S . kaThe couple WIll make thclr home uggestlo'ns in Wayne.

Out-ot-town gucsts \',:ere; James Calloway of Randolph, Roger H,al1, .,; -e.' {, d- ~:7 :~{;

UOI~~~C~~~' Jr~n M~SN~jPs'aIlDl~~ I ,,' ~ f:,' ,~ .. ~"~; i';~:' \Vayne, Mr, and l\1rs. Jer'ry Jacob- ~~, (j .. e.~ins{Ca,~d~; ~~~, a;g, ~;~ ~I~~ ~~\~Z~~c~fb~~ . •. ~t~tioniry ,~: ':'_:; ~~~g,C~~~h~ao~;,C~~b~~l1~~~~d~' ,. 'iCo.meUCf ' Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Johnson and Denny and Alva all of

~rt~man G',~vc, Mr 0,· Griess Rexall Store of


B Wuse.oj-the·mon th

Three cheers

for three pretty tiers •••

~ be~ ~e ' Comes Spring ••• y()u wont a

like this delightful Debcraft.

... r~unt a flower .... jewel

pins: •• ,or ivs! wear i.t for i, •. Beaulifully Debcrof:dilored in

.crepe ••• white, or




B~~USES •.• at "' .... v'U,.v

Sw I

~pparet f~r l\len and I

as seen in

Madomol ... lI.


To lUnh:e ~uropea.h Trip Mrs. Gertrude Winther will be

one of thel group of IWebraska wo- , men who will make a tour of Euro­

sut,en'isc",s, I1I!iW\l~I,ph:y, pean countries late this month, The

~~ura \~i~~~ ~~~~br~~k~haf:l~~~~

Mr, Bl1d Mrs. },i-rank !Schulk ob­served th~ir golden v .. Tdding ianni­versary t day, ~b. 3. BecClt*,e of Mr. ,Scl~ul; heal . no IDpen ~ouse 0,1' formal celebra ion WIOS jwld.

MI1. and Mrs. J. P. Gailll'lma will observe hair 50th annivc sary Sunday, Flb. 13, with open ou~c at the ho : e of theil' SOil, J, If Ga-belman. i

MI:,I' ~.l1dIMrS, Rudolph Lonbr \viJI lopen


house Fch. 8 in bS('r­of heir golden annivc :,,-H'Y­

are arents of H<~rry i-iongc, I fWisnC'f. !


l\f.MI Dies Hahl, Wisner resident who

had bC'cn scrivusly III [or some ~~m~~'f~~,i~dol~l~Sl. Thursday. lIe was

Mr. and Jerry, Oscflr Heinemann

nlrth~ ~~r~~ M. Bol'll ,to' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mrs.

~~~I~/t~{1e, l~~n 2~ alb:' 'i~~! ~~~nt ~=eha wi Bbm to 1\lr and Mrs Clifford Ge~rgc

Ob,ermcyet. Jrn 26 v:1t the West Dodge, La .. POlllt husl/Jtc~~ .<1. son. !) Ills., S OZ., hGme Jlttle nan1(lci Jul~n ~Jlftord. I been slaying

B0rn to NIr, and Mrs. Henry, ents :'o1r 'mel Wenge of Leiid\ tHe, Colo, a daugh-I ::\lellm 'and teL # I

High School Names '"erc

Gradulltion Speakers I Th,~;~~=? clPctr~s Peterson former state Saturday

senator l!bm Lincoln, WIll dell\cr the Albu t

~.;';~~~~~~'. l~i~}~ ~~.lOOI graduation ex- r_~~I/~:~ ~lr~:l):~\'i: the commcnCf'nJ('nt <lddrc~o at the I K('rn ~ brothr r.

llacci\laureat~ speaker on Sun- npt· gUt'siS <It Carl BurrresO'; of day,. May 15, will bc ~tl'V. A. Van- 11iIl;w

haw' adopte{i .. ; bbv G, FlenschotPl1. past~)r.of the FIl'sl chal j(OC, Sen!! 1 '

, and havc jlanlecl j;im 'Bap~lst ~hUl'Ch.oj \Vayn~:. at <l h;!nl, Burg('s~ i:: the II AIJHmg St'lLl0/, aCll\ltlCS an· Thursday.

Alfson of 1" nounccd by SUJl\. Slual'! Baller will Ardith.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~iijiiiiiliiiiiiiii~iiii~~~','~ be~hc st·nior class play, May 6·lwere

j The play will iJe directed by Huth tile . ! Ross. :\lay 10 will be the annual, . home economics style show. The Jack

girls \vill model drcssC'i'i made dur­ing the year for an aUdience parents and friends. The junior­senior dance i,,, scheduled for ~lay 13,

i Former Wayne y Juth Graduates

I M~~rt~rf~s~!~~~~~~~c~'~f };~?~~:~n~ 1 ;;~~~e~;';t~ I fQr~rly o[ Wayne. Jan~~9 from the College

.1 nfCl'mg and Ar['h:tc('tUrr' of I' i' Unlvf't'sity of NdH'ils],a with the at degree of ))adl('lol' of thc art of wer£' arcbilcctul'f'. ()r'l Frb. 1 110 assumC'd 1111" ;~~;.~·~~c,~~ ~~1 ;::~~~W~;~l~'r~n ~~e ~~; ~~ll~r~~ll~r UniVl'lSlly, t l' a chI n g ';tructUri~l may nnaJY!"'ls. ~1(,SJgll and \vorking draw- I Ul(:!il' :ng!:i. The Gay

if: 'Monday to OrlltlHldanghtf'r R(~covers

1bry Ann .Johmon, granddaugh­leT ()r ;1'11'. i.lild Mrs. G,.ucgc' Noakes" an~ hl'!-ll1utlll'r . .:vlrs. (;t'OIge John­"on W,'I,(' <tIde tu leave Sunday for their honw III llorni('k, la., aftrr :\Tary Ami had been ill following a lumir1cclllmy. Th('y havc been vis­it:ng I!Prf' 1111'('[' wprks. Mr. fohn­:'{ n camp Saturday for them.

I L(''J,'''c for Florirh

I Mr. and :vIr-s. L. W. Mc~att left

Wc'cirH'",cJuy for Florida where they will vio;il t h(' It. L. Lar!>on family In Be Petersburg [or two or three \.",ceks.

~ rIDjlTHWE3TW AKEFIELD - ~l". a~u Mrs. Ivan Nixson lett WednE'sday fat' I3t.'lleville. Kan., to

~~J~~~~j~1e;~1IM~~~:~a;~r S~~n{:; ;:mi- with the Nixson children and

for the farmstead,

were overnight D['~(sia home.

Mrs. GilI)('rt and Mrs. Pl'tr' :VIrs. }1af\'in J

--'1~ I

'" "

( I' !

when M~. Wyant ran a garage and I lht' [(I;!\ls )r.) 111(' 11 mjll,' ~nf.~:l;l black5r~llth shop. II 0P{'ll r()l'.th"";c IJlI":II!~:'i~ ...

Frlday, Feb. 4, 8 p. m., Young • B R E N N A' , ~'Vangl'lical Fr~e ('hureh - I I

People's mecting, Orchestra rc- C' 1 1 H I were I day_ They were marooned by the hearsal immediately following. . I

. T~lei. ·~~~:.m and hag. to stay until Satur- Sunday. Feb. 6, 10 a.m., Sunday by ,;,

. . Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Anderson and ~~~~~o!~ef'~'~'r'c~~ShiP service; ~ I ' .. Staff CorresPolJIgcnt

of last ~~~~~~~ ~~~~ts Su~~aYth~ft~~~~~ Wedn~sday, Feb. 9, 8 p.m., pray~ S:)1lln]RY f'n'ni!l>-; .:\If'.~ I', <Itl- t) , homc~ Lentz home. cr fTIectmg. 9 p.m., choir rehearsal. : (,,11; ~ll'ljj.CJ... Il'-;:n .. , I • I' \11'.;

Clark, Mrs,' Fr tz ~-'- I ).11" l'I:HI~: LlIld,..<J,\' ;In,[ I;OIIl:

r Vernon ~('lson a d Open Emergency Concordia Luthf'ran Church I. '\[r :,n',] ~vlr.;; hll',:;I'll Lin 1~<I. E~~~~lahJreTJ~~s;~ (Rev. J. E. Lorimer, pastor) I~',~~:;;~:j;l:' ':;;:, ~;\:IJ~~. l.l;'(~~"'~, 1,1' honor oJ, her blrth- 'Road' on Railway SUl1day, F.e~. 6: .Sun~ay sc~ool, .11rs. .\1 ().l, ~:.l;U d 1f1 ")!'

Wh d t d d 10 a.m., mornmg \\OrShlp, 11 a.m.] \\pd.'ll'sfiii.\ I!'rn''''ll '11 I:,' \ t ~n'da ~~ or wai nee e in Sermon t"heme, "Mine EYES Ha\'c :dn'\Y" CrcHHllllo..t h',,;);.' ~ .. 1,-bwn n ay e snowp ow was !In-! Seen Thy Salvation." TIlt" f"!(.rj Hurd \1 (t(

a Ie to get through the snowdnfts l Dorcas society meets Thursday !nd"''r" n ,'. II I weljot of tG.wn and instead detoured Feb. 3, at the church. ' Ch~;lt i~·'·.( ';'1 '.1

~i~i.he laJI~~~~e}r~~~t~~ :~:n c~~; Voting on a permanent pastor indsa; \~ Jt/,II . I J<

able to drive his car nearly a half- :tiJJ1~3~e:,~.c~tO~sS~~~:~' &~~. ~fi ;i~~pd~~n mt~~ ::;~~eJ? n~oa~~ a~ our members will come for the night Friday 10 clear a road to the morning wor!'hip at 11 a.m. Elnng main hlgh\\fay. ~h~~\~~;d)~~11~ini:(~O~~al;t:3~:;t~

ing. Carlson IDles in Sioux City i Sunday. Feb. 13: Holy cornmun-

Linn were "~ord has been received here of I ion wlll be celehratcd at 11 a.m. in 'Laurel for t~e de~th of Thomas W:yan~ in I Pastqr Wibpr~ will be here to con­

I ~JOux City. The \Vyant family lived duct .the sernce and the extra was a sUPp,cr I m _~oncord about~~~ meetmg' at 1.30. Hope and pray. n('" <t.

George ::VIagnuson --- -~ -----

\.vnlJa('(' Magnu~on '" . at Ibl' FI'itz

iliZtl'! ~ ~ · · D ~ · · " ~ .

Gei: Plus Results

From Ames In-I '

Cross 301 Chicks

rebred lineR an excepti~nal

of intensive select­i ing -of the besF strains for , inbreeding anld crossing

goes into the i prodoot of Ames In~Cro8S.

Goqn CllICKS 'PAY <>FF!

....... I II ;

Raise More' Chicks for Bigger' Gheck~ .

"I , I this looks like the big year to cash it} on more chicl,s.

Feed is cheaper, more plentiful. Poultry and eg-gs prom­ise to be hi'gh in pri~e andlhl,mand. 1lan now to sti:rt more chicks, and profit from this yearrs o~ortunity.


Fi:~~""~~~~~",~~~~~".~ ~~""" om ow",,"", ""l weeks later than we have in th~ past, but due \L weather conditions w~ have not been able to get the eggs. As a everY(lne.wili want th('i~' chicks AT THE SAME TIME, so please ND~', We wi!! hay!' White Ro~ks. White Wyandottes, New 1 Reds, Australn)'Pi, WHite Leghorns, Austra-Whiles and Ham "'')TIPS :;1))

In-bred chicks,

Bu), Early Chicks Start your chicks early and hit the top market, friers, command bi*""ummer prices. You get priced fall eggs, Early chicks have less Order now, to b:e sure of the kind and quantity

Feed Balanced Ratio Your profits per bird are greater if you follow program, Be sure to feed a quality starting arrive, Feed them a balanced ration w vitamins and minerals needed for a fast strong, fast start is your best insurance frir recommend WAYNE FEEDS and keep a times. Have us work out a,Wayne feeding


'aL,i,l11 ! ~,(

Ii. 1 I.


rder. Now Early chicks make "al.,III­

layers, ~oo, for hi~'} -; make fast01' g<li~' ..



balanced ration fee-d;.u1 from the clay the Chi~~S

all the protejns, d vigordt1~ health" ~ , profitable ·finish. ~"

ply on l\tand at a I with yoh. -

• . I . .

rVlce 'I: :,r

I II ry '_ !I'!n'

;'1 ',~'i:""Ir,T'~,,;

• • · • • · B • " · " · · • • " o c

" ~ ~ g c • = · " n

" • · D • n • · m

" • · · · · · • · • B · · • • • • • a' B • • • 0' o

1 ~.

i i ! Savings up to 3~% for

, Nebraska drir~r.


,;Wes,Pflueger i

"layne, Sch.


• II • • •

Sou1h M<1in



Will sell 40 head of thO ice bred gilts and 6 h ad of outst:1nding fall bo;: ,rs.

\Vrite [OJ.' ca1alog to I

Albcrt Stuthrj1an WiSher, Nel)!'. i j27t


FOn. SALE: Choice f"jual1ty reg' tcn~d Spotted Poland q1ina br glits suitable for club rork. so se .... eral good Bois tCih m cows. V'/. :1. Kieper. I j:2

FOR SA r1 E:


~--~.---------SA L,E ~ \'1 ,\ >,r

\V;:]~ rot> (·(JUt"11~·. (";1111tlo::; nil tri'rlr :\t;'flu,,;n1anc(' U:lrl b,wkgrnLond 11"1:)1111. (';,)" Sfll'\,. )'(';(I';tl IJ\lll'i \\ IllI:

whil!.' in l:rOlining. \VI"i1r: Man;q~C'r. I 1(12 S\'::!nSO'1 SIOU.": Cil.~ l'{ la.

Cdmplctc Scrvice 011

Electric l\'Iotors

From a minor repair to a complelC' reiJuild

Rackrcl by Oilr onc-yc3r


LESTER ELECTRIC \Vayne, NebraSika f3tf

I'lELP WAI\lED: Inquire in pcr-, s"mp:1thy extended to us at 1hc son Rt Bfn Franklm Store, j20tf I (hlth (If o'lr h('j(,Yeo hushand ami -----~--------.- IlathcT . .:'I'lrs. Frclnk Webpr and lam-

MISCELLANEOUS- - i >Iy, _ _ _ _ __~ __ , __ 13 , • I, ( :.trd of Th::n~(: I,

WILL PUMP cesspools and septic I A Inank .you tn <Ill who: tanks. First class equipmf'nl i 01(' \",lth c~rds. and Have been out of the state and i t ay lnlJlr:L' will Inkc' cnr(' cf. jobs prcviou:-ly i can ;;' ~ I I "

guarantf'ed. Eddie I\1ason, phone: l.~ nI" kilid :l1L<\ 11,.· .~(':d of 112. Randolph. f3tf, Card of .TI1:lnl."I ,II,.", 'I Lli \1.1'" ~''Iil day r.,[

SIN G E R i ~:~~~;~'~i;~:;,~!,~~.r:~~~sf,~~~~~~'i~~~ :;;' " 1'" ":·,,,:,~":;'i~::j~'~ Se\ving l\'1achine CO. I (If "111' b<:>!"e,nf'l)1l "I, L ILl tl:Il<l:lIlIil.llE::lZlilbl2:.a:r:iOiiIiilUIIIIl ......

iYouJl~ family. _.. . 0 ' : I :

A comp<1ny rcprps('ntatin' (Singer sign on truck) will go through Wayne and vi­cinilY ('\'pry I\Ionday. If any of the followJng serv~ icC'<; arf' nerded, write or call w, at Norfolk: Rcpilirs On all makes machinp . ..; and \ iH.:uum cleaners, or If you want to havc an oJd t l'ead1c com'crtrd to a modf'rn clrc~

I C:~-;:;Jd Tha~';,-~~~-~ ;: Far... : , \\'C wish to Ihank ~ M t g 1\: . shr)\plf'ri "now and all • or gao es • : pos<;iblc 10 ~('t • • I p!1al. dud fDr !: Business Properties :

f('("f'!\'erl \\ h:lf' I. . lric machine we hm'p f-,q)(\~

rat (' mot ors and C<tbinc.I', on hane1.

Card of Thanl{" We wi;;;h to thank our neighbors

and fnenris for hripmg us get our imhy 10 the doctor. :\Ir. and ::'¥Irs. Ernest Junek.! __ ._ .. __ ~:P

CarLI of 'l'hanl.<; ! I ,!Ill deeply grLJtcful Clnd wish I ('xprrss my lhank" to 111<' men

I ~:.1~0 ~~~;~lO~~';<lI?~~;C' 1~~~;<;r~~h~J;~~~ I could get my wile to <.lnu from' the hospital. G(T,qld Coenen. 1:1 '

Card or Thank.. I fo:1f~:i;f?/~~ ~~~~<;k~~~ [~~er{.;~?t: I ing me in the hospital ilnd at home. I I also ..... :ant to thank tho~e who! )wlpf'd gc<t me to the hospltal. :VIr<;. Hans Asmu". n

Ed ~('h;{ff('r. !I F arm a~d fHA Loans II

------- --I i Term" and ParnlPnts .to Fit 5 • thf' Individual Case .' • B : Kloke {nvestment Co. :

r~~~~~: i i Omaha 2, ~('IJra!'l;'~1eow : 11 ~~~.mmma.m~S~g~~E.~m ••••


.fj.(i\ - OCSIGn &. ~ _

~' In' mATERIAL Wt HIRE: • CRAfT5mfllSHlP / 00 RG£nn

'''OT( WnLTH€R monumenT CD, fOR mFO""'RTlon



Satisfaction Guarantee~ "~

Phone 4166 \Visner, N~b. nWe'

• '. .J ': New Modern Shck •. \ 5 I-Iouse I

Auction of No.2 to be held at 2 p.!!1. on the premises, across the road -from the first :'f.arm. It is known as the hOjl'le place of the late J. C. Hall. This has a large.: house with good basemept. Buildings consist of a large barnl, double, corn crib and granary, large cattle 'shed and hog barn, good ch.icken house. Deep well with windmill and cistern. REA avail­able but are not wi~ed. All

lays well. Elev· Balance all

land •.

• i : 75-ft lot, 3 bedrooms, ~'itn C'xtra · :.:.partmcnt. in basemcnt.j qas fur~ ~ nace, laundry tubs, hot ~atl:'r heat~ ~; II cr, modern in every way. Tile bath~ ~' : room. Two~car all bri k garage ' = ta..full basement Wit, gas and' • ~ piped in, also chi ney. Well E worth the money. ! • • m 519 West First! SL

Phone 48~W !



Lgwer Slo1:lovi

vad~ Wayne


I ,

'These ~en from land *erpetual Winter admit our bran ~f winter muc~ superior to theJ ~ranc,. of winter but claim we, a pnly cold flash in the pan ~nd wi I $ometime get hot again. Lower S~ObOVians think we are CRAZY 0 ladve~tise tractors, 2 ,.and 3 bot o~ plows, side delivery takes, ~re~ders, refrigerators (WOW), IDuotherm stoves {now there 1.S o~ethi , 12'" and 15~ discs, elev t9tS, w~g~ ons, harrows, Surge rn lk.~rs, stalk cutters, grinders, ha 'ichoppers, etc., and, (imagine it) c rh pickers! DO Y<DU? Came and ~ I us .. Ted Bathke has just shovel the' snow

~f;t~~?Qt,airregi \ ",

Bicktrt 1,<;arIll rn~e . ,~\lwer ~~ob 1/' 'I (';remporarily, at ., yne) f3

!t .. '~I"fl~;' :~:\L' :A~:';"~;': ~~ :~~\~:A:t;: .. ~~~: j

• aIDl to 1 tnakethe Illostbeer;

only the,best G. HEILEMAN' BREWING·CO.'"

, I


St~lt l£agtr 's Quality Beer Ior 99 Years i '

\ . I', ' '''. . .. 1.' 'to" co. • Ph?ne ~221 ~

anr~h~e1:c~~eh~i t~~C~~~ I ~10\~~~ third qua~tcl' stood at 29·12, In the last qual' ~r -the Bulldog's fast breakIng ,offense ~tarted to click but the.}', started their rally; too late in 'the game ~o ov~rcome }'rcp's a~vantagc.

. th~~:ott~ ~~~ test~~~dBa,heev.~n~~ TPornpson paced Prep with 12 pOints apiece while for Beemer, Hascnkamp, Licrmen undl Kir:g cach garnered 6 points.

In th~ curtain raiser th!c 'Prep reserves outscol'ed ,Beemerito the of··28--17. Kilpatrick n tted 10 for Prep whHc Burkc pepp d Bee· n~er 6 pOintf'

'Box score:' , -"~ayne Prep fg ft £If Fredrickson 5 1 3

f:~~on 5 5 ~ Thompson 0 0 Samue}son 0 0 Grambcrg 0 0 B~(lSon 0 0

, ,To~als

!Beemer (24) Hascnkamp . ,Oswald ....... . Beerbohm . Martin .... Li.ermen~ King ; ...


.......... "'1


Baseball Group Named1for 1949

Although thimonth of January 1949 has done n thing to encourage enthusiasm for asehall, the Wayne Chamber of C mmerce is going ahead with plans for this city's forthcoming Pi~n€er Nite lcague baseball progr&m

Meeting M~nday night, the

;~~~r;~b~~';!n~Ofrr tO~e d:)~~~~~~ndi~f Ihf' team and ,wpomled a baseball committeE' to serve during the league season.

THl<:: CHAl\tRER bas worked

~~::~~~ t~~/):~~~rjd~~~:u~h~n~gc~;~~ the local franchise, believing the baseball progr~m 10 be of general lt1kl'l'St to the t'ommunity, asked

~1~~d~~\dJ~l~~i~(;C S{;~ ~::ga~~z~!~~d manage the te!llm.~The Chamber accepfed 1 his r~.;;!1o ibility and has appointed such a e mmittee each year. .

Act ing on f'xperience gained o\"er the past t\\lO seasons. the Chamber will seel{ to improve me· thad;:; of op~ratmg the local club.

APPOIiN"TEJ) TO serVe on the

Box score: "':lym' (3;) Fishl'l', I Ball('r, j

Meyc!', 1 TlCtgl'l1, C HohlJf, c Dion, g ElliS. g Cramer, g Berry, g

Meet Soon

w~O~;hsf~t~ ~~~~ ~~~;Sk~a~~~ wa d for a second intersectional collegiate boxing card as the WlId­cat meet DePaul university' in Chi ago. '

ittle is known of the Chicago. an~ strength except that they rcgJ larly tangle with Big Nine sc ols.

mety will have a well·balanced sq ad to take to Chicago. Retu,"n of he Jensen brothers, Chris and

~~fp:e~rn~~~mJ~~~~'e~tdofth~ig~~ Ci~' in the 135·pou'rld cJass has bol" tered Wildcat stock. . :

OXERS MAKING the Chicago t,ip are:

~~g=Efi~~n~o~eor~~~~,L~~~!i. 135 -·Ray Hartnett, Sioux City. H5-Keith Baughn, Randolph. l5."5-J ohn Sherlock, Emerson,

I. Wl L BbyU __ R-'.---I. '":-_--. St .• 11 CorresDOndent

IHenry Schroc er was an over~ ni~hl guest at ~e Herbert Thun home Thursday, He was unable to gqt home b9cause of the stenn.

IRobert Thun walked over to Visit t~e Luther'MiIlikens Sunday eve~ mng.

K~~T~nes~~~~~~ ~en!o~e?lj~~~ wIth the naval reserve.

h~~;/[~f~o~~65~c~1 j~r~~ t~e~tYI-7~ is' getting along nicely.

t;~:T:_.~J ~~~-_~~~~l/J~~~~~~\J~~~br~~~~ Mrs. Walter Herman and 1£-

, hut the ~leavyw('ight--Art Jensen, }~~dl<!~~;rw~r~~t ¥e~.,Wteoeka~~~~a~ Was L)Jg Lo I mME~a~~l~ take his squad on cattle show.

turn last week 'tuesday: from a Sioux City hospital where he had ~een thr~e weeks. after undergo­ing a maJor operation.

Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. McMillan Sunday last'week


Winter ·Driving

Depend on

D-X pOints, led th(' a Ilhrce-match western barnstonn- Mr. and Mrs. WaHcr Brrssler'l

s{"Ol'lng dl'Pdrt.! ing trip latcr in Fphruary. Tho 51'., visited Mr. and ..'\tIrs Roy Pler-,I ter Jur Suuth schedule pits the "Vavne hoxers i"un Thursday e\'~nJllg. ,. I:

J fur tllS <1p1inst Idahn S,tate at Pccatcllo on The Virgil Kardoll family called II !. ph. 14, Idaho reachers. at ~ll)lOn at the Harold Gunnarson home in : on Feb. 15 and the UTlIvcrsllY of qmcord Wednesday afternoon.

, f~ ft pf N;~!~~~:t f~~~o",~~ ~~~. t]ho; Wdd- M.r. and Mrs. Lester Hofcldt and

SERVICE 1 () 0 ('at:; tangle with SuperIOr (Wi!';.) I family were supper guests at ~hc

U ~ Teachers on Feh. 2f:i In the ,"Vaync I ~bhn Mohr homr Sunday ('venmg U :2 city audifDrlum. Last year ""thf' lotst week. 3 1 Wildcats hcstcd the \ViSCODsln 1 Ro<;aicc Juhlin spent the v.cek-:2 1 team, 5 to 3. ehd with her unele and aunt, Mr.

U U 1 # I ahd 1\'lrs. I larry McMillan.

• D-X gazoIine, oils· and

greases are manufactured

for quick starts and a

smoothly runnine- car on cold

days. Try service.

Jimmy Fbx Wins In Glove~ Meet

~'~:~~rigk~~,:ttt~i a~~ith, WUY:I7: ~~t ~~~~ll~r;, if~f~~b d ~~t~~:~. ~~~~~ Bc:rgt Ed BaQP, ViII jam Pfeil. II. ,.; 1 r('m and John yI.

Totals ... . Sub~ 1'11'11,

South SimI\. (13 Btack, [ Jor;:::cnson, 1 . Snllth, C

. ~ iii ~ad the Wa,,-~~~_~~ _ J:l."rn~n:-'~,:=-".":c_-",---,",:

.. ~'~';I· BASKEtBALL I: Complete Brake Flom thiS group an executive commIttee \\'11,1 he namrd 10 as­Sume lhe prirtnary responsibility [or o;cralion qf the team.

LOCALS' il-Iajol"s, g Hanlon, g

Dcratd Johnson spent the week- Totals cnd at tl1r' Fr-dl Ruscr home,

Mrc;. Ella JIprcter was a Sunday dropped tllelr gd dinner gw'st at the Julius IflOnc- Sioux CIty flchsJ"lomc. tl SlOuxmcl1 w('nl

1\11' and :\1rs. WdY!1l' ;'I.1;Il'sh \ quarter j('ad, \\ in <;t!:rnond 1<1:-1, Sunday vIsIting . at Ilalf-tlnw anci und 1YI,rs. Clyd~~ Moore. They were vantage at the snov.:bound there until Tuesday, qu:~~cr\Vaym'.

Mr. and Mrt. R II. IIans('n and points BIrdsell

f ~ r York College, vs. I· llJ 5 J

Wayne State T e~chers College



friday, feb. 4 Merchant Oil Co. "ONE STOP DOES IT"

Mrs. ~nna Mau wcrl::' In \~!l.s~('r :2. and'Skeahan Game Time, 8:15 City Auditorium last Vi- cdnesday afternoon vlsltmg il reserve Phone 99 Wayne

M~ and M~. Bu~('tle IIanscn. J2n~s~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ............ .

~ ~~ '--A /;f'-.. 4-~C. BLONP QAK BEDROOM ~UITE

oak. A quality suite. Only $169.50 _~' t?t II Bed, chest, vanily and bench. All solid


. '.: ~~(h~~~i~~\ji~~an~ .. b~~~~:.... ............... $159.50 '

R' f INNERSPRING MATTRESS : e riger'ofor ~yCOilS: Hea~y ticking.


F~r Your Money ~o~~~~t,ed COFFEE TABU~

"eUAt'·s" I

04. 1,915 • •

: ,~ 3.13 ~r we.1I I:'ayable monthly

• Lorge.Gorden-Fresh Crisper

• Porcelain Cold Chest Holds 8 lb ••

• SeamJess Porcelbin Interior

• Built-I" Light and Thermometer

• Inst.a~t Floor L.eveler A~ius~m.ent • Th"ft"'aster SIlent-Sealed Ul;llt


Sol'id hardwob.d. Walnut and blpnucs

WELCH BABY CARRIAGE Grey leather. Folding type ...

TABLE LAMPS I Ne~ models.

Only .......... ' ....... .

BAny CRIBS Sturdy hardwood. St~ndard size

DINETTE SUITE Chrome. Pla,tic top.

STUDIO COUCH Hard wood frame. A ;real value _ ............ __ .. .

LIVING ROOM SUITE Boucle covering in wine. S~ecial, only ...

WOOL RUGS All wool. 91< 12


.......... $3.95 to $8.95

... $16,95


... $4.95


.. $77.50



... $64.50 up

Exd~in91YI styled far Y&an ta COnto

I The ~~c~~~,:5i~a_ FREE'

DEIrIVE~Y G~ Th. Friendly Stcn

Ask About Our New Venetian


lures 0 Ihe "~uper" PLUS 1 EXTRAS you'd expect to find

only in r,frig~ratofS ,e!lit+g for ! much. m~ch m~rl!j. ,

,<,' 1 I

I . . r II ' I, :1 :


' ity i!LibniJia . IsJues Appeal ,,!#~ 'Y1X~~oru .. !!,ER "-P.,~.w. 'Ii', IF. fl· e:l,nds ,'0' fll LIe I,., f' 311'liy' Or.1 gantez' a uable assets of greater happi~ess, binding and supplies $200, ThiSI tha-t I -wasn-'t p-IaYin-g ca-rds -and -:-, W--+-· -H-' h-comfor~ and pr?gress of the peo- Item,of bmdmg and suppiJes means tn,cd to explain to her what I was ayne Ity Ig

pie. l,t IS your fmancial suppont of the money necessary to care for dOing I b th' 1 ed


the ltbrar)l that I want to s~rcss the books. So the total spent on I,but !. thOU:~~~~ ~~SCl~rt~~rOV~ry Names onor"Roll . i .j I j ~ ~ at thIS time. 'reading ma:tter runs between $1150 few adults WQuid koow much more

Te' lis Ne hSSI"'ty .' -.--~- -~'. "-····--I--~·· - - --- - -" ---- - -- -~-----, .--.~ ------; WIIO PAYr-; for the upkeep of I!tnd. $1200 i~ an average year', The than that litt}e child about what I For Fir ,t Term .'~' "~' ~.;[~~~i~f ~~r~tf~~~sl~l~/~;~~~~ ~~it, ~~~ ~~cinf;~'~a~~eb~~I/~~J::?d. ~~ ~cJao:rt~~!di~Onot ~~~ J~.~;:~;/o~~ :~~o~~~~haftili~~: ~~~~~0~~~~1$~~,$~~~'tt~~31el:~3°i~~ ~~n;t N~e.~]b~~7 fi~~~iad:Y~u~~ ..

'10f' More n° ods not ~or. l.'self., I)ut fa the Wayne leav bff lhc s.Jgnaturc'; it is t.o ing of books for on each dollar. 2. Non~residents of suranCf! $:L5, stand sweetly and smile when , public It lal"Y, I bud a house WJthout a rdof; it JS cess to shelv~s, Wayne who usr' the library' arc 'There shOUld be a place in ev~ someone s~ys "It must be .fun to

.~ I An~l'etv Q,l!pegie h IS said "The t~. ':,I~('. t}H: .. ('roo ~nd neglect the rooms. homelike . charged $1 per year fot their cb.rds ~ry budgdt for repairs and up~ work in a lIhrary. It is so qUlet and Dwayne A ins, Billie Benthack, (Editors not,(~:Whe following f!los-t Jm~ ratlye duty or the state hill'ic!:i~, 1t IS unthlnl{a!)le. r~oms for i~~~~li,~~;:n·s.~:;:;· on wh:ch ~he whole family can keep but ~here never has he.en a you get a chance to read all these Ro?ert car~rt, Phyllis Foster,

I -article, on til,. c(t dition of Ole is lhro n vershl 'cdu alion cf the l1'E I(;ANNOT abandon our edu~ With the check out IpookB. 3, Non~prop;erty place on ours so we just wnte a good books," DalSY Lee elson, <....1eo Shufelt : Jmbllc library in, ayne; is u' tall' m,lsse5, 0 rrjoncy ,vl·.hlc~ I.:iin, be c~t~'lon at the s.choolhouse door. longer . Owners pay nothjn:;?;. 'questIOn mark there and rob Peter IT ]S TRUE we have quiet times and Clair Si ennan, t.:); D~nna

~"hlch hus bf'(',n '''en ht nu~et- I,1srfully ent ror ~h]Slltildlsp( 11 '>1 hl.o "".? haJve to.keep It UJ1.thfOUg.h.l]f~. useful. Hc\\{ much monf'Y docs this brmg to pay PaUl when It is necessary to at the library and then we tpar Day, Don D~ghU' ~oan Grimm, Ings of M~VI~rl\I~~cal organiza- end shot I beX<,nled'tputJliC ,>entl~ e publIC library is Anll'rJcas extensIOn ,. In? About $JOOO a year m a ~ood f;pend any money on the building into the hack office work to make Li p, ShI~ley Maben, tloll~ by l\lr:-.. I''.~' l\Iildncr, city m£;,nt sh Id n, th~ ont.r.'}ry, ap~ c()n~muat!on SCIi.ool. It. iiS the Imvst stems, coo r I nat Jon " year \\ hf n the taxes are paId Less Because books arc the: main thing up for thC' times when the place Faunell Pa ,cr, Shirley Pinkel-librarian. l)robl1 y only a. Hrnall prow' tI~ doc· r!n.e t at thp mure Id.('nJ,o<.:lratlc o~ AmerlC~tn q:luca- t~rouh lecturcs and • than $2HOO' when they are jnot. in a lIbrary the robbmg of Peter becomes a madhouse. I am very man, Bob S 1th, Jerry Stirtz and l)ortfon of tho n lIy individuals that carl (" jilidlCIOU~lY sperlt, the tiorlal institutH.jn.s , . " It is fi:ee films, story hours, music, I About $300 is taken in in fl)nes, to pay Paul has usuaJJy come out ~ure that no on(' would think, for Joann ~ert, ,25; Dick B.alle~, 14; Who avail tht'1tl In's of the 11- better fl/)l the countll Thel'e is no Lo levery peh~n who wishe~ to the .J.h~u~and, and one l'~ renlal fco", and r('gistration 'fees of the salaries. 1 am sorry to get instance, tha~ lfJO children at story P~ul Emun!?" Rosalyft EllIS, \\,alte1'

small nmount of t.;toney allocated the enli~ Itenrj1cnt 0~1 the.,pcopl(',:' If l~c ~cho~ls WIll ynl).! tea.<.'j1 the brary from its more prec makes a total, w. hlch varies f. rom. necessary item of .salaries., whIch h.ttle d.O t hey know,. hat th,c only H6fddt, Na. me ,Lage, HClllZ UUt', for opcrati~ anfl"P'iet'l' of the Now Anp 'cw ttarneg¥ bC'llt'ved Ihis reapulg habIt, the library Will cdu- cessor. ; year to }Pi.ll' of around $3,300' dol- must go IOtO the hudget. The total tmlC 1 /lav(' to read t~('sc same l£roy Schul LOlS May Spahr, Lt.) " llbrnry, and of t ltl ma.ny prob~ to suchL deqret' thlll he It'ft his CRt the \\odd, for th¢ public 11- TilE CITIZEN has duty liars. Many O1lsmform('d pe~s(.'ns amount paJ(l out iO salaries has books IS after I ~fJ hr me at 9:00 at ~eland an Derelea Woods, 1.3. If'Uh facing {be I hrarian in her vast fo. tUrIf'. to th:\ founding-. of br ry of AmeriCa is frce to ,ev~ry toward the lIhrary, Fit.,t all he have long b('('n Iwder the imprcs- never ex~('eded $1700 for mlOc and night, most or the t Ime do~ tired BH.rhara artels, Joan Beck( 1;-

brll.ry·~ S('.r\'lct~s Jip~ .aware of the of nationsJ so cheap as re<t~,. and ..... VlJU. IS WJllir.lg to rcad,' that dlstm!?U1sh the ~~ .charged non-re . .,idcnt readers. 'This personal but there is of ~ourse the h.our was qUiCt and pC'aceful. And Ilbert. Loll. HendriCkso~, \ ]\'1iln

Cfff)l1:S to 'I;;(>('t- 'tfOlnS'. The ar~ publiC lit ranes all O\fer the~, ne J', Jdea, fre<; to .every I fresh pOint shoul~ .encourage a 06P~ sion 1 hat Andrew Carneglt" gavC', ~y assIstants and most of the from a Ion!=! day, But thf'. hooks I h'tuer. A 1,1 1: Benth~ck, Dorot hy

(Ii tlcle ha~ Iuds ; lid figures, to We hav1c one: of thofc ldl!'llrles 10 ?f ! ... :JeW; nolhmg I:'> barred .bacause p~iatlOn oJ funds, not only tlJe bu.Jlding: to us but the time . has run far u~der lhat- must t)(' read or I I.:annot wtelh~ I Blbon, Char otte Bnndley, Joann_,'

I»ro1'c the- lihrl,lfin 's contt'ntions. Wqynp." It Is nrw or radleal u~, cllfrerent. pare iJelng tu money fur mallltenancc, In 191:2 sometnTlCS as low aSJ1200. So you gently handle tlwm. clth('r to get ~amm('. B rbara Debus, Rohf': r 'I'hf', HI·rald t:om ('nds the ar- .. \ I'lll LI(] librar) is H l1e("('s- Till' jJut~1 IC I.JI)~ary is frw(' fror/:l par~ \ ca he:1! arc I mont y Wi:lS obtallled from th~ Car~ can. readily sec that one docs not them onto t he sl]('lv~s 10 tife flr.'>t r ,??le, Dav](::t Meyer, Darlene Rei II' tiel!! to 1"'('IJ'un. intf"re,">tl'd in :-,aly 't'l! t of th~i eriUCdt'lOnal ly, )clilics; It JS fn'e frq)m l"clllglOUS and rtamly OUI'. ' nf'~1(' fu.u .. ndutlo.n. for thc buildi~g, ~o mtu ,llbrary \~'?rk to ~,Tet nch, nlace or to g,l't thrm mto th. e hand.'> I v. .. I~.('h, Ronl~aT.S6rens('n, Marga,I.'.:' _he fl!tUfl' of tlH'i\·aY.".le Ii~rary'). I ('<juipm' 1""0. f ~W'rv 1itY. I. t IS more lllt.)l.e.,ran('~: ,and P~~(.'.JU,dJI.:.t'S' T~,e fa:ls sh.ort .Of .1){'I,n g whl{'h wa~ constructed accovdlOg In a ~mdll town in Nebraska e'l- of tlw proper readers. Sy,mney, UN_,.!.a Woods and :tl.l-'"'

I; i I . I I

, I



People <U'C fun y. They hate to' than a I.: IllcctlOn Of~hUOkS; it IS a P.ll )J]C IliJl ell Y pro\ ld[~s mfornld- brdry, I to specd If'd plans rf)l1sidered ade- peciH.!Jy. .. Soml' of 1 he work JS act ual phy: JOe Nelson" l. 'J i Don!1a Baler, L.;,( haw" fads an.d hgures qut.ted ,to I ",)('1<11. \"Ihzing, m( raJjLlng fOl'ce. tlO:O on all Sides of c\"ertY Impbrtant PublIC Iibrari('S qua Ie i-It thp t I ~"'he people of IT GOES wilhout saylOg that :'Ic;d work. lJld you e\('r 1 ry to i~~~ Dor~;;h, .r red F el~man, Ja{ k

I them but dcar.IY It,VC t.o glve them [It is l( t a, lJ ild.i,n g , nOJ", a !J U.Pt,IO!1. so, 1<:11'. as ItS., ~un~h; ~\'III sehools..."ue thmgs YV.,'''.YflC f.U!~nISh( ,fh.· lot and ~oted t.he costs of books ha::; mcrea;,L'd I Juggle largc ,arm loads of maga- HIS :-r'd ~~ l..., Goshorn, G.lOgcr 1:1.:.'111, I to the other [ello-... . colledl f. of dl'uct arid dllsty books" al,lp\\. SO r All A~ IfIo? F tJNDS and for the people, H. tax which was ('onsidered SUf~ and that thclr quality is pOCfer m Zlfle<;. Vic kerp them back for 1fJ D~~a~ II e~eman, Richard Jelo:-,ell,

I am reminded )/" tht'. lurl I,e who but a J 'lOg active I agent of sc~-' \\ r. LL ALLOW., 1 ~at IS what I should ue supported by 1lc]('nt 11)1' the UPkeep.. t~e last. few Yc.'ars, When a 1.'OOk I ycar:" ~tunng thell1 around the ' 0 morgC'n, M~rdelJe I.....,'lL"Cll: . . pulls hiS, head ,under hiS shell for vice - r should be.llf~ IS not It wqnt to talk ~o }ou abrput. . pIC'. HOW IS TIUS money spent: CIrculates 4U times Without ha ..... mg iurniiCC m it dlrly room Whid1 is ~i1:lr Lc°rflrd, ShIrley Lmd::'d;'

protection whenl-- hp get into is nol 1 lfilhng 11'S I pose. lJ'he modNn library IS very dlf~ E\'cry dollar Wl'lI is an C'stlnliited bud- to have repaifs v...e thmk 1t has cl'ld in the wJnter and the ram 0) )Ie Milken, Fern Mohr, DOll-'trouble, In this r)ositlOn he can- Th.l' II brary help y keep on ff'~ent frc'nl our nlrst llbrarlCs brary purposes get ' of course has to vary done good serVice. Then we elther leHks in in the ::,ummer so lh8.t the ~e S~('ahi-J~, };:ye Vahlkamp dn.j

,n\olltort';,a'~.alnlSOtl'rhoCdld{,ofebs~l.nt::-garttuarntYlc·lls~al[rnalsnlil.l,l,Og gaoD,e. tyoO'uC IIIOVO!, with y[}ut~ V.1)3hOike~.: ~\n'l:;er~u(,{s);da.o, pol"r' C{P'C:hO",kp,eeaP cS~mr"lmy 0lnnildYo' 11,',r'" from Yl'ar to year depending .upon have to have that book febound floor oft en ha~ a couple of Inches ~;:a I ~~n 'L~ c c c· ... ;.; '"- V '" c \..! .,.:> U L , .~ , " ' .-.. ti1(' amount or taxes w~ich come at the bindery at a cost of 75 centsl of water' on it', There IS hook keep- . B

Of:, lint (" " d

so I am going t~ck my neck' out· To l1fve compu sory educat_~_~~your v. ~~ct. a now'l, the mure pCm1f1 I~r-ol:;'S $HOO, magazines 150, to a dollar and a quarter, depend- j Ing to do, reports to make, .diiily, ~\~~~e tas hi.~a~, ous I ing upun the type of bindmg ....... e nwnlhly, and ye'arly, to the library WH.$ held s t r1 ay, no

I' thmk the contents of the buok board to the city councJi the state Y T '! ff

~ I ~ warrants, or mend it ourselves. The audll~r the state library commls~ r -hf'en c~ )met 0llc~'rs met ..I.dn . t cost of mending a book right in slon a~d so on. And every mer- .) w en pr gram pans were ,maue

. I ~'1~l(j'~n~"!lJ.' ~1fJ -Ie the ilbrary run" to ahollt f!fly chant knows that hiS ~oods do not f,?r t~c .rentJ~mder Df lhe Yf:'al', A , ' "',,' ., c('nts countmg the cost of the time automatically h () P () n t 0 the ('Cindy, ~dl(' Js 10 be held "oo.n, The

... " / ~ .. ' .'.:/ , 'pent. Theog'cl, who lire taught to shelVe., and that the work of the ,;;;~~~~r J,~~~(,;sl mpe~I'ji, "as het:i help. at the library Jearn book clerk in !-.clllng 1hem JS n~l t~e fest wc~~ lnd~ded ~~ Ith ' '; SO~}~­!)]ndlng fimong other thll1gs. We only work that goe.s on in hIS, e C\enlO,.,"


5, 'ti'DE, EASy· ... CESS D10RS





~"~:"HIIDI" 95

pa~ th~sc girls 35. cents an hour. "tore, Neither do we order books, ~~~~r~~:. " S -in which lS not profitable f.or them unpack them and just put them on ' M)' ~~r,· uno g . . ' unless.they take into con;,ldcratlOn a shelf There is a little. mailer of tak~; leo s ~OTl}en;:.akIng (ld:-s I..

the thmg-s th~~y will learn ,:vorklllg catal~)g'lng, We 'have a httlo Vf'rse, <;PO~'>~J't~ b~r~~el~oc~~~..e~u~~i:;~: at thc library. If money IS their we ilbranal"!s, ahout that work-It (h;JOlrr. Donna Witt a ;;twknt . :-~Ill' I~tt-rest they ....,,.JlJ uu bdter I-:;WS like thl~<. Wi:i~nr' State TeCic-h~rs 'collc"'" haby slUmg. Cilti:ilq:~lng, v,e rldOllt 1I1e m'>truc'tor [th ' f-.

w(' have' had so little mon- Is v...ork. that IS extoJ!(:ct ~)y n(Jne hrds hf'mg usedOart ~o~~~~(by ('y upkef'p (If th!' bUIlding I I3l'~aus:. ),nu. n~Vl'r ~ot1((' It" '\-lcCulloug~l. The cla:-s would h;i\'(' personally waxed, varn~shl'd Lnlcss It 1,,11.1 IJcm~ done. to cxprc"s ,appreciatiOn for and scrubb~'d fluors. I have palTlted }'()RTL'~ATELY, thc IJhrarlrtn ser\'lce, furniture and done all SUfts of docs not ha\'e to carry the full rc~ thing::, to make the place look t}Ct· sponsibihlily of ordering: lhe OOoks, tlc'r. i have not done these thmgs allhou.l.;"h she IS m a POSltlC11 to t)('caUse the lIbrary hoard wanted know ltle wanls of her reading mr too. Thry certainly do not hUT puhllC" hetter than the l11 .. embcrs of me to do thrm, hut there was no 11\(' hook commlltef' of the library othl'r way to get them done. I am hoard who help her. People who nol telltng about them nov.' be~ ilre not always pleascd hy c\'ery cause'I Wfwt any thank" for do- ilo1rk which they (lnd In thc hhrary ing lhem, 1 did not expect lt when must remember that what appeals I (lid 1t. My family t('11 me there to one may be offensive to another is a name for peoplc wh{J do thll1gs and VI('(' versa. ilke that and have sometImes ('\'en The modern fIction, for instance, called me that name. shocks some whIte others find

I AM ONLY teUmg about it now thll1gs of Interest in those same because I feel that it is a case just books ncver noticing the things like the house....-ife who patiently which shockf'd the others. We try darns her husbands socks. As long to be discreet in our selections hut as he can go to the bureau draw- we can only buy what IS heing pub~ er and find a pair that lo~ks all lished and the people arc read~ng right and- his tocs don't stIck out all over the dountry, Our function the end he won't think about buy- is not to set ourselves up as judges ing neW ones, But let he!' neglect as to what the pcc-ple shall read them and the first time he finds: but with' the limited funds at our

! h1<; to('S showing he wdl say, "By dh:posal to satisfy as many people George, I need some new socks and as we can, Certainly the non-fictJo.n go town and buy them." So of today needs n-o defense and is

, 1 have decided that maybe 1 have lhe most worthwhile reading. The . been making a mistal{('. cDvering main amount of our boak. fund lli

up With hard work, with pamt and spent on non-fiction. varnish, fIxing a new hullptm Slncr' our tax money is inade-board here to draw the eYl' away qUCile what can \\e do: from the worn linoleum there, put- FIrst \\-'(' can fisk ourselv!'s. do ti~. tables over th. e rot ten _ boards Wf' \ .... ant a ilhrary m. Wayne'? The. In t Ie hasement floor, etc, Now I only way left for thiS present one a goJllg to start callmg- your at- under the pre'>cnt set up to go is tentlOn to these thmgs hecause aft~ backwards Surely .... ve don't want er ali if you didn't know ahuut th('lt to happen, them yuu COUldn't be expected to IS WI~ a steJ\(' law was passed du anything about lhcm. wilJ('h ga\'p us thIS mdl and one-

No, you .sre the money w(' get half tax. At 11lat tmw our kg-Isla­is not. only madequate to k('cp our tors \\ef" v('ry short "I~ht.ed for library operating tH~t I.:crtamly whlle tiley gavp us the Illlil and not enough to modernize It m anYone-half they <IJrtn't take mto ('on­way. "idcration that the lihrarie~ would

We have ten t]mps the origmal ever grOw and sO thpy limIted the number of l)(.oJ<s which \\e had In amc'Unt to a rTIll] and one-half. ;-Jow 191:l. If you had a four room house ]t wouldn't matter how much mon­for two people in 191:l would you ey was in our city treasury the li­think ~ou had adequate housing bra.ry buard. could not touch one for a family of ten today, especially penny more than that allowed if no repairs hut the absolute mini~ them by law. mum had been made on it in the So of cOUI'se this lav: must be meanwhile? changr'd. But weTull know how

\VJ~ HAVE double lhl' numlJer hard it IS U:chal'lgc a state law and of readers and our cll'culation is also that it takes a lot of spade some 24,000 books a year III eom- war!, such as bringlllg the matter parison with some :2.400 in 191:2, . to the Dcople. That is one of the

, li~~~~~dad~~~at~~~s~~~'r t~~~e~I~~ ~~d:~~Siv~~t~~D~~tin~a~hi~etod;~~ place of business thil:t you had in hut it is going to lake thr work,of 1912? The library is still strug~ a lot of pe<?ple and ~hey must he gling along with the same lighting peoplc outSIde the .lJbrary work. fixtures and needs them in the They must demand It of theIr state daytime as well as the night, es~ legislaturs,· In the meanwhile the pedally in the children's dcpart~ n(',-,ds"Of our library i-IrC' so many ment which is in the basement. Can and so great that other measures you t)link of a building m town will bc necessary.

tOCALS gU~;~~ a(7f

d ~~~~~de~~a~~~ ~~ Sund'lY fot" dinner and luncheon.

Gf'rald Beckner had to stay in Wausa frum Thursday until the middle of thc weck uf lh~ "now. RayrrTiond Kling was sn(J\\­buund thrij'p mIles west of P]ll;'-'f from Thutay until Sunday.

Mr. an :-'-lrs. Kenneth Be\ ('kr and baby 'cre at the F. E. EC}'l'h r home Sun~ay for dinner and :sup­per.

GUe"ls ~al the Willard Bll'ckf' home las weck l\londay wer'e Mr nd Mrs \Vaync The Lc;..t f' Lutt family was Tuesday .... ("mng-.

sn~\~:~:~tc~ t~d f~;~ ~~~~~r~~l~\":',I; Wayne ftom Thursday untll I he

fl~ir ~fa~~e ~~'~.k. Charles 11cDerc

mot t exwctcd to mo .... e Tuesday

~n~~ b~i~t 1~~~~~SE~~W~~r~~~i streets. , "I

Mr. an4 Mrs. R. H:' Hanson alJ.!1 ~lrs. An~a Mau were dinner a t the If ns Hansen home SundCl v in obse nee of their 42nd wed­ding ann .... ersary.

rn:-;ria~Jb¥~e~daa~ert~f s~:~~'e;o~~: timp herd With the J, H. Bruggers

~~~~.I~ tI~t. f~~~~e~~~:~~ ~;~~~~:~~ here \\'ith the Bruggers tlH' post monlh, IQft Sunday for h('r ilOme In

1-:1 Seg"ul1do, Calif. Sunda~ e,"ening guests at the Ed

Larson home were Mr, and ).[n,. Jc.e Smalskl, Mr. and I\Irs. Floyd Conger, ; Mr. and Mrs, Norbert -Brugger'and JanC't Ramsey,

w~;:'di~~~r ~~S~ts ~a~~d~O!~~~';~~ at ~~~.EJ~~~:t~~~e~o~:nt to Oma-ha Sat~rday to join a g.roup of John DIr.e dealers who will make a tour 0 Iowa and Ininois. He wl11 return rlday,

Mrs. red Ruser and Norma Ir­win we e at the Emil Backstrom home S nday aftemoon.

an~i1k!f.ll~e o~otf~~c1of an~_ar~~)\i were T 'ursday guests at th~ T. C. Collms lome, The Lee Collim': wefC enroute home from a vacatIOn III

Texas a d Mexico. Mr, nd Mrs. BUIT Davis. Jim

and Sa dra, were e"ening dinner guests f the Walden Felbers.

which necds good lights more than MY PROPOSAL is that

a ii?!'t~t termites were e<ft'ing at ~ayrhr~r~and~:j~~a~~ }f~~e a~~~! For no neican measure their pow-the foundation of your home will mcet with me and the lib!'ary er 0 teach. wuuldn't you thmk 1ha t you should hoard and we will disl.:uss the prob­do something about it? Wc have lem and make suggest IOns, These Ihem at the library and arc very suggcsti~ns can be ta~en back to conCCTned but there is not any the vartOUS organizallons and at money to do anythmg about it. that time they can take such ac~

In- boo . we find folk-lore, mythol~ og hoary,

TIle nr n'-els of science, and man­ki d's own story.

NO'V, MORE books mean more lions as they see fit. ]n this way circulation and more circulation everyone in town wlll become U- In boo s we may find food for means more WO'l'k for the librarian. brary conscious and aware .of the Ia ghter and mirth. The only way the library board needs of the Jib-rary. We Will call In boo s we may speedily girdle could pay me a salary of more than this group The Friends of the L.h th earth;

$80 a month was to do away with br~~ poem cxpre~scs the way I In boo s men have slor<:d all the ~~setat'tt.r~~a~a~! (Jl ~~~r~e~~;~i~~~ fell about- books: It rning of sages; • aftell'J oon and evening with just A book in the hand is \.vorth ten on In boo s lies imbedded· the wealth, the help of two school girls who the shelf,- of .thc ages. I I

~~d~se~~n ~~d~f;ht f?i~h:~~e~}~~ You ~a:OcU~~ff~ you rcad. in it part th! yo ~E rx:,YeR~e nh~~ryW~~ II to h~IP at the desks, Smce we have cause feel, as I know you do air I two:desks, one on each floor, it is A book in the home is worth sever- so, th t we want Wayne to be the a pHysical impossibility to be two al score, kInd f a commuruty where tHe pIa~~. This is not a good arran~~- That you can just look at while peopl know and value books Any ment but it had to be because It down in the store. such mmumty IS a good place 10 wasl impossible to' get anyone to . lIVe, 1 can have a~y small P; work at the library, who had the A home without books ,js no place in ral mg ·a generatIOn of you g necessary qualific~ions who would for our youth, ' folks ho grow up t~ like to co e find' it worth theIr while for the Whose minds arc cxp~nding and to th library, to think books aie sma~l amount the assistant would seeking for truth. i>: unpor ant, to kno~ the value _'rf ~et.,But as the situation exists if I ~ a hbr ry, then I will feel that my would get sick or fall and break a A truly· good book is the very best work as been '!- :ouccess., ' leg the library would have to Ciose'r:' friend. Fo thun I '!Ill ~mO\V that· ~

What do you do when. Iyou work f read from the title page, through h~ve ,generati0!l. of ~le, r' 0 in ~ library? A little girl once to the end_ will hlnk the lJbii.rY .Illnpor[a. came in and watched me putting enou a part of the;ll' lives t~ gl, e cards in alphabetical order pre- A home full iof books is the best it th ir full support. I know th~l par~tory to filing them in the place to pc,' ,you .1 want to help me to do thlp. cat log, She watched me for some No matter hO •. W old you are-runety That 15 W,hy. ' I fee~lhat there a.l •. tiql and then asked, "Wouldn't or three.i enou h frIends of. We lipratr .~, it ~e..,be .tun to play c~~$' W e to ge~ be~~ this prOJ! witljt those if they had pitchen; on Good books s~ould surr0!lnd ~. be and ut. our.: h):1rat'Y on a sound . them?" I laughingly explained 'kept within reach. nanc baslS. I

° ,Ir .. ! , ,i 'I • ,I • I -, 'I '. i' I ,', 'I,


nI"de to galjg­the es~ablishm4nt

manr of wlHih recei~ed funds Ieft by ~be late A.n· Now, of cout$e, these li­

by taxes,~hich in ~iS costs do not f· ovide gU fi­

maintain tile ty e of libr ry by a large and be er

nublic than the ]j aries were designed to serve, ' is no hetter example of the dut·

today than the 'i'lle in Wayne st,'tem"nts is in no way a criti­ibrarian~ who shf4res this view

fa large portion of the readjng MfR, Mildner poi~t$ out in an has given before'locaL orgini.

no longer ~ajse enoJigh for the cosl of new bobks r~.pair~ (highe~, of cour$e), hhrarlan and er asslst~nts

is small), heat, t lephone and (all higher than' 'a few years

;1' multitude cif other costs, ~'",:h"o"':on cites figure's'showing lhat

when taxes lare paid the abc>ut $3,(\QQ, a year" In

Ya'.m'8rlle yearg tlt~ taxes bting boo\< rentals and

fees bring in abollt $300, for a of app·roximatelY $3,300 in a

of $3,000(a year will comrort. a family not to extravagant

it is an imp ssibly s/nall on ,which to op ate any which ser~es as ~ e a

the population ~s the lib ary liI¥:l'J:Y, you knew,,! is. not fpr a

of people. It i~ fotyotl,jYO'u and your Childr]' Yet it must on starvation, unas, anid it

do this much if it wer~ not that the, Iibrari . n has ref,bBed

seemingly unsur/nountahle ob·

realizing that the' library dnn~t if additionljl funds ar~ not the W ayn~ librarian has

fer the ~o~matoln 1of a or!!!anizll-tion, This

. . lilhl'ary f~ater.

wit~ the ,make su ges·

0l!,~,; ... )llj:tioln$ to' the n lI)er~

wil! 'get in Cast il1l the Swamp,

and I~'a~~~son a~h~~Sr~I~,o~lU~~~~ SUSPl'llISC and t~~tb~li~ds l~'i i~~8P~~~O~;:gI~~

carries, you into: 1111' lH'ill"t of the couhtry his plot. is laid.

30 Years ~go

Feb. 6, 19~9-.Toe EhJ~ is rC'cf>:i"ing; cnr'e at a lo­cal hospital ~or pnf'umonia .. Sc.hool is 10 session

~a~~~~i~~c~ts~a~~~~~~~/I~e~::~p~~(]'~rC ~i~~e~~~ Brown will n10ve to Ch¢yenne county J1('Xt week ... The pavilion ~ale in Warn~ Saturday Was the biggest

:;~17!rO~!~~ !~~n~h7~~~Jt~~~~e:;~~0' ta'i{CL~IU~~x~:~ehk course as wirjdow deCOI' lor ... Simon Strate of Hos­kim;, local ctk'iegale. a tended th(' anti-horse thipf meeting helc~ in r-,'orfol FrldClY aftl'rnoon ... The Carl Lentz f.$.rm of 16 uc]"('s wag sold last week to Henry Bul;zr:(w.n for '5,000. . Hut.h Bartels has been aSSIsting at the' arrol! post office this week · .• W, A H1S('OX: kft :\1 nday I'or Omaha to attend a hardware dp~!ers meet ng .. , Fritz Lerner, son of Mr. and Mr$. Anton mer, i1rriW'd home Friday from service: overseas . Henry Ley, C. A. Chace, R, H. Skiles, J:1erman undberg and Rollie \V. "f,.Ry were elected:dll'ectOrs f the State National bani(; at the annual nhc('ting Mdnday.

25 Years Ago

Feb. 7, 1824-Fire jut th(' ~ohn Barnes home in

~~e. s~~~h~1rta~a~:tsofJ~~~~ ~,~~t~Y~ ~~ig~:x?~~:;'~ ~~t~t~;yt~~rce O~t~~ha~~~f'e~r~~~~eh~)~~~l~d~l;~~i~~ ~.e l~)~:'n~~ ~h/~ ;~~i1:, ~~I~~ea~~:~~~:r~[~t[~~~~~oro~: ~ visit at the iJohn Ha er home. . The building m which the }~okamp ca e has been housed in Carroll and the [jx~ures will I e sold at [jucUon next Satur­day ... Fred Ffeiff r, sr., purchased the Damme house in the east pa -t of \Vi{l!'idc and ('xpects to leave the f<'linn this sp ing . , , :YIISS Skavlan, ('ol2nty nurse, is milking phy leal examinations among the Winside pu~ils this eek ... Kid Ray of Wayne

:!?ci~~~~~~~g ~~~~:? O~;;;'~~f~I~~~~S~~:~~:~~~~ man won the decisio ... Judge A.. A. Welch and Reporter W. R. Ellis were in l\ladison yesterday to hold a :-ocssion of dist ict court ... Former president Woodrow Wilson died in Washington Sunday.

i< i!

20 Year~ Ago

Feb. 7" 1929···\\'j1m('r Ellis, six-year.-old son of Mt. and l\-1i"s. L. W. BIlls, sustamed a fracutred skull and mino~ injuries to hIS chest, when he was thrown agtIinst the umper of a car while sledding · .. Meta (Frevert a d Herbert Thtm were married Wednesday afternoo ... Sophie Damme, Wayne high school student, placed in the hIghest one per cent of p~rticipants in a scholarship contest spon­sored by RHnsas St te Teachers college . , . The \Vakefje~d bNatiOnal ank, newly organized instHu-

g~e~~a~~ e aOtJnWi li~~i~~c~~%\~im~o~~d' 1heT~ h~\\~e~~t !d6~~it~V rfo~h:frr; !~O;~c' ~Oll~g~,h~~! formally qpened Fe . 1 ... John :kemp represents Wayne sc(jJuts next aturday at thle program to be broadcast i over Nor olk ... Fire started in the

~~~mb~f J!s t~:t~~~ ::~d T~~f~~~lclJn::~~a~O~: ~~I~ done.

1< ic 15 Year~ Aio

Feb. 8i. 1934--M . and Mrs. W. F. \Vright ob­served their golden edding anniversary Monday ... Mr. and Mrs. D. , Noakes wert:' wakened early Monday morning t find th('ir house on fire. Con­siderable !damage as done to tile whole interior · .. WaY/1e city co nCil, at a special meeting Fri­day, filed; appJicati n for government aid in estab-

~~d~in;ad1~~~~O~~~1 rj~ hi$~fi~~n h~~g~:~k~~ ~~: di!y whe~ blasting ee trunks at his farm .. , Dale

r~~~~~c~~~ ~~~~l ~ ~~ill~~t~Jdn~~~~lii~ iaRani-brecht, h41d his righ arm broken Friday when he fell off his tricycle ... Rev. 11. F. Krohn and family

~~~ ~e.~~~~~~o~o; t~/t:~[ t~~~ilnd~~~~~ i~ti~; interm(>d~ate grade at carrolf sch(t)ol, were awarded to M~g~n Hiller, Melvin Flarmeier, Alva Bonta and b¢rt Franci ... Pt}te Pet~r$on'$ car, taken from p lr:king at hi residence las~ week, was found the next; morning ear the city dulmp ... L. W. Ellis wa~ na l1led pr sident of the country club.

, it i 1<

, 10 Y.~r. Ago I

Feb. 19, \ 1939~ . o. Stratton ~s elected presi­dent of itJ1e Nebra ka Hotel assot;:i!ition at a two­day me~ting in 0 aha... c. II Madden was re­elected' ead of th I Wakefie~d schools for a. three­year t~ m ... Jess ~ Boyce ~U:ffeted a sprained an­kle 'F~~sday last e'ek when J sne ,slipped Qff the snQwYLrlInning boa of he~.r~ .. The:, sale ~f the John J' ei estate ~perty as a t~ded 'by a


croWd,: d the off fling brou ht e rl~]ent pric s •••

~~~~~ afl~t1~~~e "~~s a~i~b~ ii I ~~~r; ~ . n.r;; Gries. ~ i ling statio i. in Randti>lph WI Js entered', y in­trude~s who prie off a stbrm I window 'and took

, . , . ~,. . -.1' . ,', •••.••.. I • ~ L .. :::: ,'" " ~':/:"':.':::.':,'~': -''':: :~.::: :.\' :.' .. '.o:: /: :',:,.":';,'~'::""~:'~':':-:::-:"'" .. '' .. '' .. 'T.~~~~~'''''''''''''''''''''

are Leon Janet Wait, 1£"11(' Andl'rson, and Tum Bahe. 1'1'IlS -of DAnmark I

Dervie Hall spoke to the grade geography I class at Wayne Prep Wednesday, Jan. L6. Mr. Hall gave an interesting talk concerning the educational, geographical and living ('ondition in his homeland, Denmark.

He showed sou\ienirs to the class. Among them wer~ a pair of wooden slippers which his! daughter used to \vear, a linen t*lecloth made in 181e, ,WhiCh belo ged to his grand­moth('l'. a numbe of Danish coins and \ he Danish flIag. Work on MagazltJ.e

The ':\luses' Wastebasket is the name of the magazine, being pro4

~~:~~ ~rl s\~~e~~~if~ h1~~r~~~~ I

~I~~ ~~~o:z~:h ~: C;~~!~~~n~rl~ i . stories, editor-

i 1'1

, ~iians and exercised a great deal of Influence among them.

As I,m old man, he told a story which in many respects summed up his work. When he arrived, he rela ted, he saw a man ri~ng horsejlack, with his wife walkmg and carrying a load. Fifty years later. he saw "the wife on the horse and the man walking.

I pneumonia after the operation tnd Was in a very serious condition lor a time.

Joint Club l\1'eet1ng The America First.. and Victory

clubs met together at the high school in the home economics rooms the past week. Both clubs

=========:--- ~~~~ d~rc~;:d bi~si~e5:ou~~e~~g~ b~ IAMIS C. OLSON, Superin~tndent Randolph N form, undulent fever. Mrs. James '/&'1'1: _"'10a.CAL .OCU'I1I' ' ews Callaway, the home economics Ohe of the b€:st known and ~ost by Mrs, Ross Louthan teacher and both her first and sec-

universally respected men in Ne- and classes were invited guests. A bra&ka territory was Rev. William lunch was served with two host-Hamilton, the Presbyterian mis- Jan. 27 esses, Mrs. J. N. Dennis for Ameri- RR-ad thp ""ant Ads. sioniary at Bellevue. r;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::t;;::;:~~:::;;~::::";:::.;;..~

Father Hamilton, as he general· Farmer Injured ~~~s ;;ge~;r-;'v~sd b~~n J~lic~~~s~~ In Tractor Mishap J~ne 6, 1893, having been sent t ere by the Presbyterian board of feign missions to take charge of the Otoe and' Omaha mission.

The new missionary at Bellevue no novice when he a.rrived.

15 years he had served in the 'ty of preacher and teacher

the 10\\a and Sac Indians was well acquaintpd with both Indians and t he Indian coun~

At the time T\'l'hra~kR. territory was created in lR54, the Presby­terian mission was th£' only dwell­ing of any size In Bellf'vuf', the territory's princ.ip<ll s€'111ement. Cdnsequently, Rev. and Mrs. Ham­ilton entertam('d a wide variety of guests under their hospil"blc roof.

Most notablc'of th{'se gUf'sl" was Francis Burt of South Carolma, who had been apPOinted the fIrst governor of Nebra~ka territory by PI"P . ..;ident Franklin PJrrcl'. His vif;it was not a happy one, how­ever. The long jourm'y to Ncbr<1S­ka had so exhausted thf' governor that he W('nt to h0C1 at the mH;sion a~ :ioon as h .. arrivC'd· a bed from which he neV('f arosf'.

Paul Paulsen, a farmer living about six miles northwest ot Ran­dolph, suffered injuries and expos­u:-e, when his tractor upset, pin­nmg him beneath. Neighbors found hirq about an hour after the acci­dent, after his wife summbned

heife :~a('sn t~~e~~on~i;Ce~lu~YSician for treatment. His condition is re­ported to be satisfactory.

Sellons Celebrate 56th Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs. William A" Sellon celebrated their 56th weddlng an­niversary Sunday, when a group of relatives came in with a dinner. Many of the relatives were unabJe to be present due to weather ana road conditions.

Those present wer.e two sons and their families, Mr. and Mrs, A. H. ~ellon and Mr. aFld Mrs. Claude Sellon and a grandson, Dean, jr., of Sioux City, and a son, :vir. and Mrs. Lee Sellon and Marian of Ran­dolph. Another son, Glen, \\/ho ilves in 11issoula, :Y1onL, \vas flat pres­ent.

The Sellons were married 56 years ago, Jan. 24, in Charles City, la. They moved to the Randolph VIcinity in 1906 where they have resided since. They havc four sons, 10 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. 1'v;o daughtcrs are deceased.

I~ IS/)7 ill health causpct Rev. In :Sorlolk Ho~pltal Hamilton to ff'tire from the work I E. E. Benson underwent a major of the mission. A rlecacl!' latf'f, operation in a Norfolk hospital though, he returned to thf' ml""ion the past week. Mrs. Benson has arnd spent the H'St of his life ~ unt il spent IT!uch of the time there with }$91) among hiS Indians frl('ncts. him. HIS condition is satisfactory He was highly rf'spectPd by thf' In- at pres(>nt but he had contraeteti

Time for the , , \


Grind 'Up' Grind and replace those valves. Clean out carbon. Adjust valve tappets.

Adjust 'Up' Adjust'rod and main bearings.




Save You Money! Since Jan.. 1 st the rate on an $85.00 pO$tal money order has been increased to 35c while the cost of a bank money order remains aIt lOco Substantial savings o~ other amounts, too.

First: Nat:ional Bank


D~pend on,

u1, too, to

il 'Up' Clean out sludge from oil pan and pump.

Check 'Up' Inspect hydraulic system for leaks. Install and fref-up brake cables.

.' Reline brakes.

Save 'Up' By:a motor overhaul (rings and pins).

Ring 'Up' 68 , For the best of automotive service.


car up ••. and;

G ... ~-.. - .... ~



, ,propert¥ valued at $18" , • Erner~onl voters at a spe' Ci. al c ."I'tion, vote , in· favot of, ~., uing $lMO() in bonds for • 'new Ilditoo:iunj, 'f h",rles Roe has

.. I ~; f:e U~!~~1uJ!~~ Q j~t~~u~g, at

~~n cIt . 20v.:




~b f~~ie!Pfe:~j t:, ~;~%~~ l/:'I!!I~!!!~~~,lL.~~"'~+""'~--+------------"'.II!III-'.'---"'~"" ..... ~!!!~I111~ .. ~~!I!II;~_, tweeri ixan and <>ncord were i I.Jncoln Fnday.

! I ' I ,. !!

er For.te j ementof

Basketball nIL!'; , I'~,wayne Slat~'·s Wildcats rer: )n~ I

co at hume the past \\"l'cl"c' i as .-floor road condit iohs !ll'l'v( nted

them from tl'<.tvcIJng to Hastings

I~ ,:Ul~ri~C:~1 :~~~hgtn~\~~:'\Vlldcats ';,w,rc I 'to haye tlu> J1a~ting~ cagel'S in


a clash 1 ha t would ha \'l~ d!'cidcd

I b~!~~,t~S~OI~~~l' l;f,~'~~IC(j~ \~~))~l~:~),(~~;:~' . I ~tanding or \,'av!)!"s lC.-It.S \\oul(\ M~cy I clambel (I(bel to Ih!.' ledglll' lc;Jd~ 11 )t"j )) 1- ,I

IU" Pc,", I,m, ~o IS j' I F nH I


I ~Al pll'~(nt lLlslm"s hI" n sclw~I' the Maey ., 01 thClt gdllFs dnli"lor>l .!, :; I 1\( ;-'\ll11 d V,1n Tuesday

I \Vaync It'l11 Iil1S U1 ~l(unc.l ~jJ()l Free Thro,"v ss nrgld Jill ttt till Emerson

I <1 \\lI1s ,weI ..: lu,s(" t ;.';vm,ldSlllln

CUd h h.vl S J'tIU\J!ln B(Jb(disl DO,",,'lls W ter ury BI1,(mlt rll l ( up a total of 18 spellt d ljt\J(\ \\llkl1ll1 d \, 11)llI'I\ dtllll

11() (dlllLI1- pOJl1js to of/ topslonnghon

\V.IYllC \\d:. lh,11 IJ/( 1II1111l ~IH \\S to 1\\ It(,lbtll:"-.[(JIS 11 01 lill \\lTHl(IS \\hIle Clime of forlhc\',~l..k !\11I I \\I'ilC[~llclglFrJdaY,Jan \1'1!(~I1Ilgllpl')t<lllJ(s ed lcagU! 1r'l(I(Io.;hlp 10.; C[)\ch "n(,ll~ b'l"k(t('(l~ ~]n till c\c.'flmgs curt~Jln raiser, and nu los,,(" I (lll( ()~ 1 atlprnpt(d fill r nH'lson )CS(,I\.('s dlopp(d Macys

Gdllh'S \\1111 lIa"tmgs dlld 1'(IUI go d(v"n tOldeicdt hdOlel:'lCOPd "qu,ld IS to 16 \'111 be le"ch({iuhd lUI the lattcr 37 t 3) L(Jgdll vdllr,Y s tournament IS palt ot l~('bru,u:; 01 ("lily l\LlI(h I of WatC'lbUl:(:};1altcd und<!'l\\dY cit the plescnt time With

Coa(,h Dun,lltl ~1, t'k 1M" Uc.ln \\J'h us Dn (s collfc~cd 9 Lnl(JISOn tanglmg \\1111 Walthill I rea.dymg the Way-nc netmen fOl pOlnts JOnets In U1e first round of play theu' next cnoountl'r/thls Flldcty Pone,1 IS ost t WatCl bury j; I mght when YOlk coll¢ge JIl\adcs Tu(:~dgv Feb . 1)1"':(10 Squel'z('S by Conco-rd the Wildcat s dPl'naln a.t the Wu}one jf: D;Jxon An overtime penoo was Clty audltonuIf1 I E!t"Ii''I :-O;oar tl V~ct() r : nCIC¢ssary 1uI' Dixon s cagers to

York IS eUll'Plltly drmn (he Jac!- ·l\Ht'll! Alltns rat's ('keu. {lut ()VCJ((lI1W the flght10g Concord d£>r 10 (.'onfotencl' pl,~y \~Itll d :3 121 t)~..! O\l t linc' w n O\U Coach 1{IHrll :29 10 L) on Ddcon s floor loss, 1 \J(tmy (dnchng _ (.I/illn)" Del Old ely 11"\(' 1I1" rJlddynlgll( ']o111.!l

#. S(1l11 "toOlI t! ..!2 (II ,tS the flndli:.!) aJl dnel DIxon s nelmen came St }'rane s Rolls nu;)!"I!'l' I'lldt'd.! il.nd tjll' Eagl .. C's (":)I~ I (hlyll~h 1.;1 the pll1ch to drop In 4 ]>. B Id 11"·, ·l~·(·tl'(l ,I Ill' ex. t l a lJ,I~1 el nt'l'ckd lUI; ~(~')j~~:~';'('s;~ hll(' huldlng Cuncord >Y eel Ive, ' I ill'll' \\ 1[1. .. " '., , St illgl"y J)i:\.on pIa ed an \ltandt>lph . t l·~r."n~c~s ,\111 IId:J!I\hl;lJ i;I~~~I~~!~ln~~; I()\ltslandi~lg f..l am / hold~

utl one mOl"" \l(.'tOIY ,l'lHI.iIY . I )_. • Il1g (;orrion a{'c center ,l:im .. :.!l, (IS, 1.'l'ld. n',,, qUlllll,t tl.l~ \\('('~, ConCUI·d to two froc throws 'bC'fOl"l' tIll' ,-";1, Fl"IIllC('S It I#:' . :n \(' :.!I, In lil.q' {'!:Ish at RI'"('lwdul,, (anli' 1 " '. '

Korth coll('drri :..; lWIIlls PO:-il[lO l'~ 111,11 ,ll·~I.l, (.aln!' I O .... tJH):I~'(~ . winn'::'rs ilnd <.::ilol(\'n!Jcrg W,l~ \\'('I'l' 11) Friday' ~ .1,\111 !<~'l!'('rs with 10 pOlnlsl tt'" n!'ldcll. l1l~ht. J,lll . high! :1:;~11\(:1.;11 ~,rld~!y, ,J~rL ~8,

Hescl'\'n; o[ ~hI' t,,\() 11',111lS Illl'! 11'.l\·l,I)('('n (II IllghldS.li1I'\{tlll; tg 1\\dUS'C \~as post~ .s('["lJais Il('stJl1"iscillltJl i) totra\'- PO~)('(. ,(,'>Cleoliing () t1(' gan:t e

,1101:,\ .'" i ~;;l~lu, 'j :)(,(,11 \"l'~ I ~~~'~;:'U<J;\:Jlit\nn~)~~'nt~.~et/~~c~ I.~~ I ~l'l Feh. 11, at I [ounel. ;1('('\11-&1\)..'; to Pnnclpa!1 MII~ I lOr:! Hassel of Can!pus hlgt.1 scho.oJ.

Prep b l'ntt'l'ed 111 WlOsldc's m~ \'i!alionaJ: tournament that is bc~

f I iii! I~eld ~('xt week.

, I Pil~d :-O;c!('on(Js :o.;('or(' i\'i~l "iPIlgPI,j'Pi'/gl'!"'S jurlior varsity


".".'.~l'('l(,(,r." "c()ol{'d. hy ClarksQ~'s I: n'~l')'\ ("';. 11 to ~(), In an easy VIC­le)"), Frlll:ty !l1g11l, .Ja>1. :.!1. Half-

i:! ;i;~(~ 1~'~?Wy~ 1 O'I~~t t J g1nH'. ~W, .Smldt· i '


Ptlg-er s(,onng \\ Ih '

C;;;";;;;;;;;~;;"'-+':"""", _____ ;" ___ ...,j~~ ... .,... ____ .. t~.';lr:':~~(:~'S~~~';li~lJ~~ " ~ ,; ~ ,

I Tr~~~~1:~f;·7Im_~;~::~~j~U~~~\'n bas~ I kq'kol"~ ,,;'Iiled til a G3 10 31 win

I ~~I..'~~(~;~~O~~u;;~~l~~d~~ a n~~;ltj~['n~ ! :tl,~. ! I

!LOCALS I ,J()(') Cdlr'sple came home Satl1r~ 'r~Y. to be \\'Ith hiS pal."enl~, Or, and

I ~~rd :.1rs. J. T. GillesfllC, until Wed~

T~:~~~;'I' and Bi('hd'l w('rc

I \\)('l'k('1)(1 g.u. csts .lIt Joh.n, Lut t h!lJ11C. ,

, 'I \\'I'ilm',,(1ay allern()on callers at t lL' Fn'd Huser' home werj:' Mrs.

~~;\ ~'~'\~ (:{lo~~~~(~nivI r~: l~~ read nt., ot;~~:


I-leith Goodman and Lloyd Wolter. " ;, ! E~l,Jl .J:ack.':'tro. m was in Omaha

I . Mrs. Emerson Eller



~~~~~~~~~:-:"'~~~~~~:j:=:=i~~~::::~'..:c'J1 tu Plercc.

NEW in ~ooking capacity! Two True-Temp Ovens­extra-large and utility,

NEW in timesaving con· ven iencbs I More auto~ matic features built in.


JJirthday P.urty

__ .'_M,I. ,:,,_"ce_not of lis~~r~na~:~~~4J~~~~ tc~~:~~~ Mr. and Mrs.' Willard Maas, Mad· lYn, Landreth and Mark were Sat· urday evening guests at the Wil­liam Maas home to help Mr. Maas celebrate his birthday. The evening was sp~nt socially.


tore an ankle bone out when she and a gruup DC women were tobog­ganing 0n Monday night. She was a Norfolk hospital where the injured limb was bandaged. She .returned on Wedhesday and is getting around on crutches.

Arland Schmitt of called at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Schmitt on Friday,

For Mary Ann Plng('l iC:=~d Rngb~;S\~~~ea~~~s~p~~nf~~ Mary Ann Pingel celebrated her Edwin Kollath home Sunday Cve-

hO~~st~ir;rd~~rSa~~~~ay ,;')::grn~~~~ fling for a potato pancake supper.


Prau~, Sharon Clark, Marlene Donald and Jeannette Meicrhen­Gutzman Phyllis Maas Irma J.can ry, ,DenniS and Darwin Pul~ spent Strate, Norma :F'lc.y Nielsen. Mir- last week at the Carl HlIlzman

~~~ ~sO~~~h'D~;~!C~acL~:I~t :-~d hO~:rrel PuIs spent last \'.'eek at VISitors at Sandra As~us, the Ernest Puis home home •

--- tg~~lhs~nd~~og:~nth\~a~a~l d~~~~ :vIr and r-.trs Herman Marlen Marilyn Krueger was)l.11 OVcr-~ home Jr and Art Krause were Saturday

night guest at the Sam UlIIch AI von Krueger strl~ed several evenmg vlsltbr::. at the Reuben home I days \\Ilh Jilck PlOgd \\hen the Btlss home I

day until Saturduy at the J E Delores and VJrglnla ;\1111cr arc Sal Angeline of Tilden ale sno\\~ Anon Krueger spent from Tue-s~ lOads v.ere blocked Irene p('n~co of Norfolk and

Pmgel home I staYlOg at the J E Pmgel home I bound In Ho klOs Vlrgmla. Miller spent M-onday I Mrs Gus Schmidt \ ISlted Friday Bcrnece H ffman of r\orfolk and

and Tuesday at the John Klause c\en)ng at the Ernest Puis home I Billy Hoff an of WlOslde are home LoiS Galmat and John ThlC'tJe sno\\bound 10 HoskinS

Dick Heberer spent se\erul\st3YCd al the W G Volker home Don,lId Asmus and Gkn Wagner nights at the H C r~ulk home ~!. and Mrs, Nonnan Deck and spent ~e\era~ days at the E. .U.

Bob ThoQilas has spent the past daughter were \Vednesday evening Behmer hom~, week at thCl'A.'gem~n home, visitors at the Paul Deek home. \lr and ~lrs. Emil PI' "

Nancy Wagner IS ~taYlng at the .~ .:vIr. and 1'.!rs. Paul Deck.. Dar- v..l~drit'sday \"isito~sSat~~~ home of her grandparents .• vIr, and lenc iind Ardyc.~(' and .\lrs. Wilham Ed ScJH'llrrcl

MI~;·r.G~~r:e~:,grr:~nard Marten \ ~ft~'~~~~nanv~:}f~~~y a~"C;~e ~i?;~eas~! :\lr nnd :. r:-. Ray \\'Ittler were visited last Sunday afternoon a1.1 Eck('rt home in Stanton. I S~nday dmn r guests at the Arnold the Babe KJug borne. ::\oIL and .:vIrs. Chris Maas of' \\ It tier hom.

Carolyn Jurgensen is staying at I Potter, Mr. and .:'-.lrs. Ed .:vlaas I .:vIr. and Irs. Jess Sohl were the Leonard Marten home. and daughter werc Monday vislt~ Su.nday dliln r guests at the George

Mrs. Mattie Voss visited at the ors at the Paul Deek home. Watler hom. Mrs. Gus S'chmidt home Tuesday Mrs. Ii a r I a n Herbolsheimer, Mr. and 1- rs. Reinhart Hank of afternoon. I Jeanette and Diane have been :'\J"orfolk a Dale \Vendt were

Mr. and .Mrs. J. E. Pingel were snowbound at the Ed Schellen~ snowbound t the Clyde Wilson Monday evening visitors at the berg home the past week. home. Glen Frink home. Mrs. r"red Jochem; called at the Lyle Rok r slipped and fell on

':Mr, and Mrs. Herman Bronzy.n.\ Hans Asmus home Friday after- the icc Th ~day night and tore ~ki were Wednesday afternoon \'Is· noon. the ankle bo c out. He has the an-

ito~Jsr a~~~eM~~.YdL~~~~~r~ h~~~:ten OV~t~~rgel~t B~~~~r ~·~s t~/;a~uor~ea!t ~~~t~~~~~ge and gets around with were Wednesday evening visitors' Nurnberg home, She was a dmner ::\Ir. and Mrs. Myron \-Valker

at ~~~ :~~a~~,,!at:O~aT;Y~ich and gU~;, ::\1rs. Ot to I ~~~~ed in ~o ~~~ f;ida~I.aft':r~~~~~ family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kleen- Wuockman and Darlcile, Mr. and I ::\1r. and ~~s, Clarence Schroeder sang and family, Mr. and :;VIrs. Wil~ :Ylrs. Gilbert Krau"e and ::\1r. and I viSited Sun y afternoon at the liam Wesoly and family and Arlene .:'I-1rs. Hcrbert Schwindt and DOro~ I LoUIe Brogr n home. Marquadt \'..,ere ~ucsts at an oyster thea of Sta.nton were viSitors at ~lyron Dc k spent Monday night

~~r~daa~ ~~~n~Vllham R1ggcrt home ~t.~d~~~~a~iOnje Kraus~ home on.1, a t ri~~n::a~~ :\~~ier~e~o~~;tZkC and

Duane Riggert camc home Tucs~ Paul Rohrke \\'as a caller TI!urs-1 Shirley Wit ler spent last week at day to spend several day~ at the day afternoon at the 1\1rs. ::\1mme I the Frrd Jo hens home.

~\?{J~~a~~ ~~~:ear~~nts, :-'lr. and Mrs. Kr;I~~~ ~~~~larten and BlanChe! fr~~;I~111?' h ~~i~a7C;~f~~nJ~~~rnl(;~ Irenr Pcntlco .of Norfolk and SaIl were Saturday. afternoon vl~lIors had pneum nia. He is staying at

Angeline of Tild.en \'v'cre snOW-IRt the Mrs. :'.lmnJr Krause h(~me. the home () his grandparents, Mr. bound at the Gus Marten home :Vir. and :'11'5. Raymond :Vliller and l\lrs. E Behmer, sr. ' from Sunday untli TuesdCiy. of Wf'st POlOt mov('d to their

lVIr. and Mrs. E. E. Potter, Mr. home 10 HosklOS on TuC'sday which a.:'d Mrs. Ernest PuIs. Mrs tht'y recently purchased from Er- I . n.\(' ,Bruc~kne~, Darrell PuIs and I nil Krausl'. New Bus SerVIce E. E. Pfe1l VIsited Monday even 109 :V1r. and Mrs. \Ve~ley Soh!. San~

at rii~f ~;~pp~tUS a~~h~:r~.ho~~ar I ~l~~~ ~~e. ~?n~. ~~~r~o~~~rday at! ! Daily Newman, and Larry visited last I Myron Deck spent the PR. 5t work; ,,J Saturday afternoon at the Lloyd at the Ed Kollath home. \Vard I Lea\e ... '.luyne ... 10:00 a.JJL Larsen home. Johnson spent FridRY night there. Winloilk .. )0:20 a..m.

ca~~~ aat~h~\1;:"s~n~~a~}~bl~f~i~~~ I da~~ht~~~ s~~r;t S~~~~/~~'~~in;~~ I I,oskins " • 10:40 a.m.

Sa~~I;da:~d Mrs. Harry Schwede I H%~a~n~~~~~\;erhart Gnirk and I Arrh'd ~or[olk , • 11:00 n.m. and Harry, Darrel and Jerry Leel Martha were Wednesday evenlng Connqctions at N( rfolk

~~~ t~f~r~n~is~e~'atEt~:iEd S~~~~~ rnuel~~i~~t~~e ~dh:n~t;e~fb~I: ~i~~~~ \ 'fith all buses

ha~~~.h~~\f.a~:~~Yca~~~~rn~tont·hC I ~1~~'~eT~~~ ~'~e;~ t~~;r~.i:~tt ~~es:~ 11 Bu,> DOlJOt - Felber Drug Wesley Sohl home Tuesday after~ i Omaha Thursday and returned noon. . i home ThuNday evonmg. I Inter City Bus Lines to;~I'siig:~~~~~n i:·~~I~'y k~~~[l~'~~: SO~~r~I~;,II~~I~~~C~rOen~;\nn~('I~f~~~ J ,

FOR X60-acre Farm

Located six miles north of Wayne - I



Well improved. On REA. Good weI\.

Gently rolling land in a high state

productivity. Five acres alfalfa.

pasture. No bindweed. Possession

be given March 1st if desired.

Price: SX8S.

~artin L., , ., I W

Easterq.Star Lodge Installs New Officers ofl~:r;as~~~d~~ar ~~~~fn~~s t~~:

Mr. and ::'Ill's. Alvin Bargstadt and ~ons spent Saturday afternoon a t the 1\Ilonro(' Magdanz home in NorfoJk.

Mr. and MFs. Frank Bright and entertained i Mrs. Earl Wade were Saturday

Ann: Ma- f'vcning .':i,upper gu('sts of Mrs. . Guests: were Mildred Witte.

daughters, Eddie Petersen and Frank Bright Chester Wy- wcre in Wayne Tuesday.

Mae. and Mi". and Mrs. Russell Baird. were

Maude V. Misfeldt was installing officer, Mrs. Wilma Hicks instal~ ling marshalll, and Mrs. Julia Gaeb~ Je'r, chaplain. jVlr'~, 'car"!"elc,ner

Those installed were: Mrs. Ad~ line Malmberg, worthy matro-':l:

Sunday dinner guests at the Julius Eckert home.

Walter Ga$ler, worthy patron; Mrs. Mami!t Jensen, associate ma­tron; Dr. R. E. Gormley associate patron;- Mrs. Wilma Hicks, secre~ tary; Mrs. lfrix Prince, treasurer; Mrs. Elva' Farran, condu~tress; Mrs. Julia P.aebler, chaplain, Mrs. Etta Lewjs~ marshall; Mrs. I. F. Gaebler, o~anist; Mrs. Maude V. Misfeld~. far t h a; Mrs. Lola Warde, en IneI.

Elect qffic:,.ers wha were not present will be installed at a spe­

, cial meeting_

•• Society I

;For Ladalsy Mann

Janet Koch was a Thursday overnight gu~st i.Jf Virginia Jack­son at the Kent Jackson home.

Mr. arui MJis. Wilfred Miller and sbn and Bernice Hoffman of Nor­folk were Sunday dinner guests at the Gus Hoffman home.

Mr. and MIs .. Alfred Miller and sons and Mr. and Mrs, Otto Car­stens and .Jud.1· were Sunday dinner gu('sts at the Carl Nieman home.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Weible spent Sunday evening at the L. W. Kahl home.

.:vIr.;;. Rosemary Mintz of Stanton spent tht:' weekend with her moth­er, Mrs. J. G. Nrciy andt her son, l\1ylcn Jon.

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Witte were Wayne visitors Saturday after­noon.

M:~ h1~da~ ~~~Y':n~~~~~~:d I~;;i;~t;'~~!!~:s~ tt~d~t'safrO~hOO%i:t~~~:.ChZf~e~~~

Charles Jackson of Sioux City

;~~"t ~~~ H~~C~~~ ~~~~ J!~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Mc}vin Nydahi

spent Wednesday evening at the Ot~ Carstens horne.

w.ere school classma·tes. Games were playe4 and lun~h was served. Ladaisy received many gifts. Mon­day evening Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boulting an;d Mr. and Mrs. George Darnell were guests a t the Mann

. home.

Observes 97fh! Blrtllday ~ August Dangberg, pioneer' farm~ . er living ~ast lof Wipside. observed i his 97th birthday Thursday, Jan. '

20. when 're~atives and friends gathered at his home to spend the evening witJhJlim. The evening was

Sunday dinner guests at the Louie Willers home were Mr. and )'lrs. Chris Weible and Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Werner Janke and sons, and Mrs. Frank Dangberg .

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Andersen and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ander­sen and childrcn were Sunday af­ternOOn and luncheon guests at the Elmer .Nielsen home in honor of Mrs. Nielsen's birthday.

.!. spentl SOCia~~ and a I -: 1 uncheon wjas served. • ... , .. ,' __ ~"~.''".>''

Mr. ami Mrs. Gurney Hanson had Saturday dinner with Mr. Hanson's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. :H. c. Han­son.

Mary and Sally :\\:,itte sP~J,lt urday. afternoon wlth' theIr Mrs. F. J. Djmm~l.


A(!"B~t 1,


vyeFi~ ,I

j Smash a fendet '

:but it's good I~Ck I, , from new. We,

Gilbert and Norma Cary, i.q. . Winside


........ ~JI~ ..... :NEW That's. ba:d luck ...


we can fix it so yOU can't tell it Ii'

in hollow spots, re- : fOJ! u~whethel' I


, 1949


I ra~ily, Mrs. Ruby Stanfield, Vir-

Former Resident fl~~~ S~~f~l~~nr!i~. ~~ ~~. ~t~~ Dies in ~avjd City W:f~ra~e~~;;i7~d ~~it,n~ndM~~:

Funeral services were held in and Mrs. Dot Ralston and family.

Jan. 27

g::~111~i~~, J!~~/~i~~r ~r~~;h~~~ Bridal Sbower Jan. 16. She had been in HI health Mildred Kenny was honored at a

were last weekend guests of the Ted Wintersteins. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morris and Joyce spent this past weekend with Wintersteins and were snqwbound there by Sunday's storm.

Sheryl Henrickson was a house guest of June Gaye Wagner Sat­urday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Per:ry Johnson and for several years. miscellaneous bridal shower Sat-The Gaskills are former resi- urday aHernoon at the Joe Duffy

dents of the Belden and Randolph home. Mrs. Duffy, Mrs. Maurice vicinity and in 1936, they moved Ahern, and Mrs. Ray Hanneier to C~roll where they operated a were hostesses to about 30 guests. dairy in connection with their The afternoon was spent in games, farming. prizes beir~ gIven to the honoree,

family visited at the Robert John- mmlD>!.al •. wo.

ne~~ };a4;iJ~i~:a~~t~n f~; mr~v~ ~~2s~~t~~~i~~~~;i bOe~~;a~~~ into town. were in the bride's COIOTS of blue

She is survived by her husband, and ~h.u-e and lunch was served.

~~ ~~ufr~~~r~, ~~~ ~~~~h Efe~;; SCHdo!. NOTES Shannon of Seward, a son, John, of There were 20 absences in high David Cilty, seven grandchildren, school last Monday due to weather three sisters and two brothers. conditions.

son home Sunday evening. , Dorothy Hurlbert and Arlene

HalIeen spent the weekend at their home,' returning to Wayne Sunday afteroon.

SaYi~\~~~ ~?i o~~\~ 1Y~a~;~ and :-.Jancy Ferris was a Sunday vis­

itor at Tom Church·s. Evening I guests at the Church home were Ilene Isorn, Clarice Nelson and Imogene Isom. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Church also called Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eddie \vere Monday evening guests at the

SOCIETY S(}('lal For('£Mt

BaRketbalJ games with Crofton and Magnet last week were can­('cllf'd because of weatheFl.

'The biology class IS s..ludying a unit. on flowers. Their structure !lnd funct ions will be developed.

John Rethwisch hoIfle. fliii ...... . Mr .and Mrs. Perry Johnson and family spent Friday evening in Laurel at the JuliUS Knudsen home.

Loyal Neighbors m('C't with Mrs. Frank, Bright, Feb. 3.

Pinochle Club :;VIr. and Mrs. John Grier, jr.,

cntcrla'ined Pmochle club Jan. 14. Mrs. John Rethwisch and Mrs.·Ray Kelley won ladies prizes and men's prize'S wcnt to Leonard Hal­leen and Charll'S Whitney.

C3rd Club Card club met with Mr. and

Mrs. Clyde Perrin Sunday eve­ning. Mrs. Walam and Mr and Mrs. Maurice Ahern and Bill were guests. Plizes 'were won by Mrs. George Hansen, Mrs. Gus Johnson, W. R. Scribner and Gus PaulS€n. The next meeting will be with Mr . and Mrs. Elmer Phillips, Feb. 6.

Birthday Party

Ratst~~r~hadsa~elgs~rur~Oary ~~l~!~ at the Harold Nelson home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Church, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Church and

Ted Leapley attended the exten· sion club demonstration in Ran­dolph Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lackas, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gifford and daughters and Mrs. Harry Gifford were Wednesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Smith.

Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Ald~or.l and Larry were Saturday overnight guests at the William Alde~son home in Randolph .

Darla Seyl was a Wednesday overnight gucst of Norma J.¢an Lange.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert AlderSon

an~l U"""""<''''.I~~~d~~tw~hee go:~~neat D~~l~~~ home. . Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bring and

were Sunday dinner guests and Mrs, John Mitchell.

Gifford and daugh· afternoon at

I Boys outnumber girls in Carroll high schGol by a ratio 1.6 to 1. The sophomore class is all boys.

Duane and Eugene Hupp have withdrawn from school. They will transfer to Norfolk. high. Gl'Rmmar Room News

Shirley Hampton and John Bow· ers will compete in the finals of the singles pmg;pong tournament.

Plans arc being made for a val­entine party. Valentine decorations arc helng made for the room.

Duane Heetz and June Gaye Wagner have bcen neither absent nor tardy durmg the first semes­ter of school. Richard Carlson has not been absent and was tardy on­ly once during the first semester.

Grammar school cheer leaders \vill be chosen thiS week..

Mrs. Perry Johnson was visitor in our room one afte last wl'ek. Primary Room

Jackie Hansen has a reader caUed "Hello David."

The third st\ldy-about

J pupils learning adqHion comb4nations.

praders are drilling on subtraction combinations.

Report cards were given out last week, thereby closing the first sc­mester.

"reDdell Eddie III Wendell Eddie became suddenlY

ill while in town Thursday after­noon. He was rushed to the Wayne hospital for x-rays and medical treatment and was enough. im­proved to leave the hospital Sun~ day morning and return to the home of his sister, Mrs. John Grier, jr., in Carroll. Mrs. Eddie and family are still snowbound, Mr. Ed­die having come in with a team and trailer Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Grier took him to thelhospital and also hrought him home Sunday.

CARROLL LOCALS Joan Volwiler and Doris Bowers

were Sunday afternoon visitors at Leonard Hallecn's.

Clyde Perrin \vas snowbound in Sioux City by Sunday's storm.

)'lost of ihe out-of·town students came to Carroll Sunday afternoon before roads were completely blocked again.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rethwisch and family of Wayne spent Sun­day afternoon at the George Stoltz home.

Mollie Mac and Ronald Lage spent the weekend in the Art Lage home. Betty Hodenstedt. also stay­ed over the weekend

. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cunningham were 10 Randolph Sunday at the

One-half ton or


Bob Eddie is helping at the Wen­dell Eddie farm during the absence of Wendell, who has been hospita-

Mr. and ¥rs, Jess Hendrickson and family spent Friday evening at the Barton Bailey home.

Hartington D~ll.U';;& 'Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Morris


Wayne Co ......

Monday, Fe I

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The N~rtheaat Quarter (NE (28), Township Twenty.five (2$), North, Range Five Wayne County, Nebraska.

This i. an excellent farm, conn,cted with REA, and i. i and eight and one.half milea e"at of Wayne. Pend~, Nebra~a.

W~ invite you to inspect,thi. f-1" prior t~ the date of

TERMS OF SALE: Property ialoffered to approval of'Probat_e Court of W:yne County. N.,b.·aa~. at lea,t one hour, and the hi,lheat bid.ter wiD be and balance upon confirmation. j A 'reasonable amount

cure a loan if desired. An AI"~' act of Till.'" showing delivered. r

For Forthe Particuftlrs See '"1. .",'

Mi_nnie '.5 or' Executrix




7, Z P. M, ) of Section T~enty.eig~t ). Ea.t of the 6th P.M .• 'n

I seven miles soulh

or seven miles west. tf

I· I


, I

"C.E. HOUSE PARTY" 2:3'0 p.m'l

Monday thru Frld,!Y with I , * Art Linkletter, IM.c. * Famous Gue+ts * Quiz Funl

brought ICHoa b1I Jour GENERAl ElE~Rlt


i Business Professio



(Est~ 1910

! Nenroenlometer ~er't'Jl!e 112 En",t 4t1l 1.

Pbone 40 \\' l)ne, Nebr.

I De1Jti8~8 ,


' DR~·CEO:'H. ~OBURSC" I Dent"t, r I

'I X-RAY I' : St,ntt' XnH"JIUI na~k ~'P.'.~.J

. I i I"hone J9:I-W Wayne. Nt-br.

DR. D. R. WALTERS i Dentist I : I

, O"'FIVE D.~IJ .- I • 'I' I Mondn,. - 'rut'Mdll), - ,\Vedne.dJ..,. : Otflee Over lUlneli Jewelry r

I'HONES j, I Otflt'e 4Z'I-"l\, Jlou8e 424J-R

Real E8t~teJ I Insurance i

':AVANAUCfi l ... aurance 4Dd

Real iatate Phone 84

'I '-------,.--I--fI :.----------1-"""

CEO. w. DERR~ . Real Estate. Insurance

I l~nrru AIIIlrnhl8l11, 4% Far~ LORD,IIII

416 Main St., 'Vayni~


~ I'~~~'~',~' .. :"~· 7n. Bf'Wf'r pJpe

• ffillX, depth . Sin, ."lewt'r pille

max. depth Manholf'.~

. L-:,r:~hl~l.ei " In . J Each ),lunhul .. C<;YI!I &

Hlng $ 3,BJ2.!'J!1

Enginpf'ring, lpga! amI printing 384.2!l

Lnteral No.3 65(1 L.F. 8 In. sewer vlpe

5 ft. Max. depth G V.I", Manholes 8 V.I". Lamphole>! 3 Each Y'/j S. in. x 4 in. 1 Bach ::\lanhuit; CQvcr

nnll RIllg

; ~,2~7.1!i

$ 1,! (j l.~O Englnepl'lng, i('gai antI IIl"mUng 1.J6.1fi

Lnterlll N"o . .4 $1,607.6;:;

JOO I~.F. II In, sew;>r pipe 7 Ct. max. deptb

10 V.F. Lllmpho]ps :! Each Y'.s II Ln. It 4 in,

Englnr:ering, legal and' printing ~

Lateral 1\'0. 5 .$ 7G8,~O

1 ;)8 L.P. 8 In Rewer pipe 8 ft. .:'.Inx. d~pth

10 V.F. Lamphoif'1'I 1 Each Y's l! in. x 4. in.

$ 393.30 Engineering, legal and prlntin/;' 39.33

Lateral NO.6 3!!ij L.F. 8 in. IH~wpr pip"

8 ft. mfl't. ,1'1" 10 V]·' '.'1 L

I :.", ... , j", A I Ill.

.$ 432.G3

Ellg;jIW(~T Illg, legal Ilnd $ prlntlllK




I ! • . ,

'to rent a farm, I will sell th~ following propert~ at public auction and 2 iniles north of Winside; 7 miles west of W~yne on No. 98

,,~uth and 2 miles east of Ca"':ol1.


ONDAY. FEB. :7 , SALE STARTS AT 1:00 P. M. .

d Cattle .. 6 Brood .Sows To. farrow the first of April

4 Head Ho Team, sorrel ancl!Jay.,gelding, 8 and 9

A good feed team, gentle. Black saddle mare, 5 years old, well Sorrel colt with white

2 years old •


MiACHINERY Househpld F-30 tractorf on rubber, in

conditioq. A-l John Deere No. 999 corn planter

, I

Tractor cUlttvator. Little Genilll' 3.bbttom plow, on

rubber. .


terer with baneI.

with 160 rods of wrie. Two' wagons, complete. Wagon with Horn flare box. Hay rack with all steel auto·

turn gear. Two scoop boards . Bang boards. Flare boards. John Deere endgate seeder . E & B manure spreader. Hay rake.

McCormick-Deering No.2 cream separator with eleftric motor.

DeLaval cream separator.

8-gal. cream can.

Milk pails.

Chicken feeders.

Hoof trimmer.

Tools, wrenches and other small articles too numerous to mention.

ov~u~~~~ g

Rocker. I Buck circulating Library table. Dining room Buffet Copper Clad Ice box. Other articles.

/ I .

1930 Model dood tires and

l' I


sell· Mimbe

Ii I


there they Carmel, Calif., and at the Edward Falk

viSited .with Mr. and Mrs~ La:rs Petersen of Pilger, who al;e·spending several months with ~heir son-in-law and daughter. En­rou~e to Long Beach they were overnighl guests at the hQme of Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Hyland. They also visited in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, . At J,.ong Beach they met Mrs. Str~dtho1fs' mother, Mrs. Fritz Wo.~hler of Pilger, who had been there two weeks visiting a sister and brother. Mrs. Woehler accom­panied them home. The only rood

~g:~J~~iJ~~i~i~;~Uf~cy wfosundl~fi~ I B<)eek<jrrhaue~ roatls good from Texas but wcre asked by the state patrol in New Mexico to put on their chains due to the icy highways.

Mrs. Carl Julke ('ntel'tained the U Bid 'Um -dull Thursday aftel'~ noon with ~-:-: Earl 'Pulley. win­ning high _ score, Mrs~ ·.:P.awin~ , Tiedtkc, sec nd, Mrs. Paul 'Siegert,

\ third and Mrs. Henry Asch fourth.

'; I

Sunday evening a number of neighbors and friends went to the

I Eatf~~~#e¥'I~o~e".t9 sl:1rprise -\i,+lI~~tYIH~!~!lcr:!l qn Pullc~ In honor ,of}us birthday a

n.ivcrsary. The evening was sp~nt plaving~ cards. and lunch was served.

Saturday supper guests at the Pete Christensen home werb 1\11'. and Mrs. Joe J.(lima and Susan, Mr.

:~~ ~~~. ,~~l;.:aTul~~!l:~d ar~~v~J.r. Mt's. William Koepke was host~

ess to' the Pitch club Thursday eve­ning with Mrs. Albert Heller " ... in­ning high score prize, Mrs. John Goetze, second and Mrs. Frank Lawson, low. Lunch was served. M~and 1\1rs. Richard Dohren

were osts to the Pinochle club at thei home Thursday evening. 1\1rs. Jilh Rennick and Ervin Sieckc were winners of high score 8jnd Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welch, low. I Lunch

w~:.e~~1 ~lr:' IF~~~c~~rLdrensen entcrtainep fvI1'. and Mrs. Lee Lor~ ensen at din'ncr Wednesday cvc~ ning .. ~ Mrs.

Coal and Gas

,~';~~ ;;~('di;if~~~~v;;1fY~~ I RAN G E fuUy

A.G.A • • APproved





• NORTHWE;':--C-l

IWAKE~~ Mrs. W~ C. rung

Jan. 27

Thursday evening gUl'sts at Leo Schulz' wcre Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd John~


Laurel' thc C'l~rence Wolter fam{ly visitM

cd at !:.eo iBrudigan's, ·Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Eckbeqf1and

cl1i1dren v.isited at the Leo Schulz cve- home.

Word wCj.s received that Mrs. Mrs, Vorace Patke.r ul'l:derwent an ap­Fred pendectomy Saturday in Doctor's

hospital in Omaha.' , The Leo Schulz family spent

,Wednesday evening at Clarence her Nelson's. has Mr. and Mrs. Harry BartC'ls, Mr.

and' 'Mrs. EmU Walter, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Art Meyer attended fUneral Mrs' services for Mrs. Henry Kuhnhenn

. in Laurel Wednesday afternoon. It was postponed from Tuesday on account of the weather.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Erickson, Lois and Dwain were in Wisner Sunday to enjoy birthday dinner with her father, G. A. Sundell, who was 93 years old that day. He is spending the winter at the Dr. A. A. Sundell home.

• LESLIE I I bY-------­Mrs. Grace Buskirk

Jan. 27



LJNT March


Get Yo~r Machinery Ready N Time is getting shorter eve]'~: tepan' parts needed to get your

day ... that's why you shOUld bpi ~quipment in A-I shape. Road getting ready fol' the big pusH· I ponditions permitting, we'll call Get your tractor and impI1-; ~nd get your tractor ... give it ments in condition so you'll bEl h thorough overhauling ... and ready to go ... this snow can It~hen return it you all ready to last forever. Some folks ha~1 :go. Our interest in your farm had the idea that farl1(l machi~~: 'equipment extends ~yond the ery was going to be plentifUl iimmediate sale of a tractor, this year. This isn't so. Weco' -: icombine or implement. It's a tinue to get a few tractors Irule with us to take a personal but most farmers wiil have lintel'est in seeing that your get along another ,equipment delivers the best

I their old tractors. I possible field performance. You

We're prepared to help : can depend on us for service ... We have the mechanics and i where and when you need it.

I > \

We 'Have New and i

farm Machi

* Fairbanks-Morse


Omaha Heavy Du~y

DiSCI Harrows in Stock

tra?e. We finance

* * Corn Shellers

ba~k. We call for provide the IlllVl<;Jll<~"""

I •

* * Horn and Sargent


* Automatic Tractor Cabs

* And a good m~ny' used items, teconditibned and



you, want at prIces Y 01,1 never know to do for you until yorir problems with no~ to see us the


See this fine Omaha disc harrow at our store Warne. Find out •.. ask about its to great and what we may De

time yoifre in we have on hand

to get for you.

1 i

Motor I: & Im~le~~nt 'I

South Main

1 I

, ~



i ."