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Page 1: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point



Page 2: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

District Convention 2016 Annual Achievement Report—————————————————————————————————————-

Awards and Contests Overview——————————————————————————————–——————

Individual Awards Overview————————————————————————————————–——————

Outstanding Advisor Awards———————————————————————————————–——————

Outstanding Club Officer Awards—————————————————————————————–——————

Malcolm Lewis Outstanding Club Member Award—————————————————————–——————

Back to the Future Award——————————————————————————————————————-

Most Spirited Member Award————————————————————————————————————-

Club Awards Overview———————————————————————————————-——–——————

Distinguished Club Award—————————————————————————————-——–——————

6 for 65 Award——————————————————————————————————————–——————

Service Hours Award———————————————————————————————————–——————

Single Service Award————————————————————————————————————————-

Membership Growth Award————————————————————————————————–——————

Convention Attendance Award—————————————————————————————–——————

Major Emphasis Award———————————————————————————————-——–——————

District Project Award———————————————————————————————————————-—

The Eliminator Award————————————————————————————————-——–——————

Global Relief Award——————————————————————————————————————————

#PNWELIMIN8 Award———————————————————————————————————–——————

Non-Digital Poster Contest Entry Form———————————————————————————–——————

Digital Poster Contest Entry Form——————————————————————————-——–——————

Video Contest Entry Form—————————————————————————————————–——————

Website Contest Entry Form——–-————————————————————————————–——————

Club T-Shirt Contest Entry Form———————————————————————————————–——————

Scrapbook Contest Overview———————————————————————————————–——————

Scrapbook Contest Entry Form——————————————————————————————–——————

Talent Contest Overview————————————————————————————————–——————

Talent Contest Entry Form—————————————————————————————————–——————

Oratorical Contest Overview———————————————————————————————–——————

Oratorical Contest Entry Form———————————————————————————————–——————

Oratorical Topic—————————————————————————————————————–——————

































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District Convention 2016 Each Key Club is required to complete and submit this report prior to its District Convention,

according to the guidelines set by its own district. PLEASE READ THE RULES BEFORE COMPLET-



1. The filing of the Annual Achievement Report is required for every Key Club, per Key Club

International Board policies. Part One and Part Two of the report must be printed in black

or blue ink, or typed.

2. Part Two report attachments must be produced as computer-printed documents.

3. Follow the instructions as indicated on this form. Failure to comply with any rule may result

in disqualification from the contest.

4. The Annual Club Report should contain club activities occurring between the 2015 and

2016 district conventions.

5. Upon completion of the report, the club may score its own report according to the scor-

ing directions shown in the right-hand column on each page; tabulate the scores from

each section in Part Three.

6. This report should be submitted to the Key Club district prior to its convention, as directed

by the proper Key Club district official(s).

7. The district may recognize clubs achieving predetermined scores as “Distinguished Club”

or “Distinguished Club- Diamond Level.”

Key Club: _________________________________ Club ID Number: _____________ District: ______________________ Faculty Advisor: ___________________________

School Address: ____________________________ City: _______________________

State/Province: ______________ Country: _______________ Postal Code: _______

Telephone: Business (______)______________ Home (______)__________________


1. Enter the total number of actual club members as of

(a) December 1, 2015_______ (b) February 1, 2016 ________

2. Average the numbers entered in (a) and (b) above. Round to the nearest whole number

and enter the average on the line. This is the number that will be used for calculations else-

where in this report. _____________


These signatures certify the validity and accuracy of the information contained herein. The

school and Kiwanis Club signatures cannot be by the same person.

_________________ ____________________ ___________________ Key Club President Kiwanis Club President & Advisor Principal or Faculty Advisor

Page 4: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Part One: Club Information


Club Meetings 1a. How many club meetings were held:

B. During the school year that were attended by faculty advisor? __________

C. During the school year that had a speaker or program? __________

D. During the summer (or other break period)? __________

E. As special meetings (banquet, etc.)? __________

As board meetings? __________

1b. Average club meeting attendance percentage: _________% (Include all regular club meetings, round to the nearest whole number)

Club Reports 2. Reports completed and submitted on time:

A. Monthly Activity (submitted monthly to district) ___ YES ___ NO

B. Club Election (submitted to district) ___ YES ___ NO

C. Key Club Magazine Report Form (submitted at least one) ___ YES ___ NO

Dues Payment 3. Dues payment date: ___________

Division Involvement 4. Activities in which the club participated:

A. Division or Region/Zone training conference ___ YES ___ NO

B. President or Divisional Council Meeting(s) ___ YES ___ NO

C. Division-wide Rally or service project ___ YES ___ NO

Club Communications 5. Did the club utilize either of these forms of communications for members?

a. Club newsletter with a minimum of six (6) issues ___ YES ___ NO

b. Club website (address: __________________) ___ YES ___ NO


Education and Development Programs 1. Did the club provide a special program for new-member

induction, including a ceremony, and pin presentation? ___ YES ___ NO

2. Did the club provide a formal program for member orientation

and education including the new-member handbook,

Key Club magazine, videos, etc.? ___ YES ___ NO

Convention Attendance 3. How many attended the 2015 district convention?

Voting Delegates: __________ Advisors: ___________

4. How many attended the 2015 International Convention

in Indianapolis, Indiana?

Voting Delegates: __________ Advisors: ___________

SCORING Club Meetings

Club Reports

Dues Payment

Division Involvement

Club Communications

Education & Development

Convention Attendance

1a. 1 point for every

five meetings, to a

maximum 5 points.

b. 6 or more is 1 point

c. 1 or more is 1 point

d. 1 or more is 1 point e. 10 or more is 2

points; 5-9 is 1 point.

1b. 80%+ is 4 points,

60-79% is 3 points, 40-

59% is 1 point.

2a. If yes, 1 point

b. If yes, 1 point

c. If yes, 1 point

3. By Oct. 15th, 3

points; by Dec

1st, 2 points

4a. If yes, 1 point

b. if yes, 1 point

c. If yes, 1 point

5a. if yes, 1 point

b. if yes, 1 point

Section A Total

If yes, 2 points

If yes, 2 points

3. 1 point per


delegate (2

points max.)

3b. An advisor is

1 point (max.)

4. 1 point per


delegate (2

points max.)

4b. An advisor is

1 point (max.)

Page 5: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Part One: Club Information

Membership Activities 5. How many club social activities were held for all club members? _________

6. How many inter-clubs were held with other Key Clubs? _________

Membership Growth 7. What is the increase/decrease of dues-paid members over

the previous year? _________


Key Club Officer Training 1. Did your club participate in a formal officer training? ___ YES ___ NO

2. Did the faculty and/or Kiwanis advisor participate in

the club officer training? ___ YES ___ NO

3. Did the president and secretary attend a division or

district club officer training workshop or conference? ___ YES ___ NO

Key Club Leadership Training and Development 4. Has your club conducted or participated in:

A. District or division leadership conference or retreat? ___ YES ___ NO

B. Key Leader event? ___ YES ___ NO

C. A club officer/member leadership retreat? ___ YES ___ NO

5. What percentage of members has served in leadership

positions including officers, board members, committee

and project chairpersons? _________%

6. During the past year, has the club included:

A. A candidate for district or International office? ___ YES ___ NO

B. A district officer or committee member? ___ YES ___ NO

C. An International officer or committee member? ___ YES ___ NO


Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Interaction 1. Have sponsoring Kiwanis club members attended a

minimum of 15 Key Club meetings? ___ YES ___ NO

2. Have Key Club members attended a minimum of 15

meetings of the sponsoring Kiwanis Club? ___ YES ___ NO

3. Has the Key Club participated in joint service projects

with the sponsoring Kiwanis club? ___ YES ___ NO

4. Has the Key Club jointly sponsored a Builders Club or

K-Kids with its sponsoring Kiwanis club? (Club Name ______) ___ YES ___ NO

5. Has the Key Club participated in at least one service

project with a Kiwanis club (other than its sponsor), CKI,

Builders Club, K-Kids or other Kiwanis-family organization? ___ YES ___ NO

Kiwanis-Family Interaction 6. Has the Key Club presented a program at a Builders Club

or K-Kids meeting? ___ YES ___ NO

7. Has the Key Club participated in at least one interclub with

a Kiwanis club (other than its sponsor club), CKI, Builders Club,

K-Kids, or other Kiwanis-family organization? ___ YES ___ NO

SCORING Membership Activities

Membership Growth

Key Club Officer Training

Key Club Leadership Training

and Development

Sponsoring Kiwanis Club


Kiwanis Family Interaction

5. 3 or more is 2

points. 1-2 is 1


6. More than 5 is 2

points. 3-4 is 1


7. The greater of: 10

members or 10% is 2

pts.; 5 members or

5% is 1 pt.

Section B Total

1. If yes, 1 point

2. If yes, 1 point

3. If yes, 1 point

4. If yes to one of

a), b), or c), 2

points; if yes to

two of a), b),

or c), 4 points

5. 50% is 5 pts.,

40% is 4 pts.,

30% is 3 pts.,

20% is 2 pts.,

10% is 1 point

6a. If yes, 1 point

6b. If yes, 1 point

6c. If yes, 1 point

Section C Total

1. If yes, 2 points

2. If yes, 2 points

3. If yes, 3 points

4. If yes, 1 point

5. If yes, 2 points

6. If yes, 2 points

7. If yes, 2 points

Section D Total

Write point

total here

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Page 6

Part Two: Club Service

Part Three: Scoring


List all service projects and activities the key Club has completed during the administrative year. The projects should

be organized by month. If more than 50 projects have been undertaken, list the 50 projects involving the greatest

number of members and producing the greatest number of service hours first. The, list the remaining projects. For a

recurring project (for example, daily raising and lowering of school flags) treat the project as a single project for each


Use separate sheets of paper, allowing only one line for each project. Provide the month, brief project description,

number of members participating, and umber of service hours produced by Key club members during the month.

The list must be a) typed or b) completed as a computer printed document. An example is provided.

Total the number of projects and enter the number in the scoring box below. Attach the list to this report.



Total the number of service hours for the 50 best projects

of the Key club which have been listed on attached sheets

(see Section A. above). Divide the service hour total by the

number of members (listed in the membership box on the

front page of this form). Round to the nearest whole

number. Enter that number in the scoring box to the right.

C. SERVICE FUNDRAISING – 20 POINTS POSSIBLE Total the money raised by the Key Club for nonprofit, educational, and other charitable purposes. Convert the funds

raised to $US. Enter that figure on the blank to the right. $US ______________

Divide the $US figure by the number of members (listed in the membership box on the front page of this form). Enter

that figure on the blank to the right. $US/member ______________

Round to the nearest whole number. Enter that number (maximum 20) in the scoring box

Project Description Month # of

Members Service Hours

Read at primary school April 12 10

School trash pick-up April 17 44

Bake sale for UNICEF April 18 36

Easter egg hunt April 15 60

Set up for carnival May 12 24

SCORING Service Projects

Service Hours

Service Fundraising

Each project is 1 point, with

50 points max.

Section A Total

Each average service hour

is 1 point, with 60 points


Section B Total

1 point for every $US per

member, with 20

points maximum

Section C Total

Write point

total here

Transfer the total score for each Section to the proper box below. Add the six Section totals to determine the

report score. Enter this total in the REPORT SCORE box to the right of the chart below.


Judging and Certification: ____________________________________________________________________________

Section: A. B. C. D. A. B. C. FINAL SCORE


Possible: 25 points 16 points 15 points 14 points 50 points 60 points 20 points

200 points



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Page 7

District Convention 2016

All awards that are applicable for Convention must take into account the following judging criteria:

VISION STATEMENT: To develop competent, capable, and caring leaders through the vehicle of service.

MISSION STATEMENT: Key Club is an international, student-led organization providing its members with

opportunities to perform in service, build character, and develop leadership.

CORE VALUES: Caring, Character Building, Leadership, Inclusiveness.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Outstanding Faculty/Kiwanis Advisor Recognize your advisors for all of their hard work and dedication to the Key Club organization and your club

throughout the year by entering them in the Outstanding Advisor contest.

Outstanding Club Officers Recognize your club officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor) for all of their work and

service to Key Club throughout the year by entering them in the Outstanding Club Officer contests.

Malcolm Lewis Outstanding Club Member Recognize that special club member who has gone the "extra mile" and put forth a special amount of time

and effort in his/her work with the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International. Enter this exceptional club member in the Malcolm Lewis Outstanding Club Member contest.

Back to the Future Award This award is presented to a 67th Annual District Convention attendee that epitomizes the core values of Key

Club and goes the extra mile in his/her dedication to service throughout the weekend.

Most Spirited Member Award This award is presented to the most spirited Key Club member in attendance of the 67th Annual District



Distinguished Club Award This award is given to outstanding Key Clubs that uphold the objectives of Key Club International, which in-clude club administration, membership, K-family involvement, Major Emphasis Involvement, and service &


6 for 65 Award Does your club have at least 6 club members who have each performed a minimum of 65 hours of

community service during the year? If so, enter your club in the 6 for 65 contest.

Service Hours Award This award is given to the Key Club that has performed on average, based upon club membership, the most

service hours during the past year. Enter your club in this contest for the recognition they deserve!

Single Service Contest This award celebrates your club’s unique service projects. Multiple awards are given based upon club size.

Club Membership Growth Award How many Key Club members have you been able to recruit and retain over the course of one year? This award recognizes the club with the highest percentage membership growth. Multiple awards are given

based upon club size.

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Page 8

District Convention 2016

Convention Attendance Award

This award recognizes the club that brings the highest percentage of good standing members to the 67th Annual District Convention. Multiple awards are given based upon club size.

Major Emphasis Involvement Award

Has your club done an outstanding project related to the Key Club Major Emphasis “Children: Their Future, Our Focus"? If so, enter your club in the Major Emphasis Involvement contest.

District Project

Has your club done an outstanding service project related to our District Project, ELIMINATE? If so, enter your club in the District Project contest.

The Eliminator Award

This award is given to the club who raises the most money for our District project, the Eliminate Project.

Global Relief Award This award is given to the club who raises the most money for any global relief program excluding

The Eliminate Project

#PNWELIMIN8 Award This award is given to the Key Club that has submitted an exceptional picture with regard to this year’s District

Project, Eliminate.

Club Poster Contest Is your club creative? Do you design your own Key Club membership recruitment posters? If so, then you should enter the Club Poster contest. This year there is a contest for both Non-Digital and Digital posters.

Club Video Award

Does your club have those special video editing skills? If so, produce a video that promotes Key Club in under 60 seconds.

Website Award

Does your club have its own website? If so, enter your club in the Club Web Site Contest.

Club T-Shirt Award Does your club have its own club T-Shirt? If so, enter your club in the Club T-Shirt contest.

Scrapbook Contest Put together a book full of pictures, articles, and mementos of the past year in a traditional or non-traditional

way. Your Key Club exploits should be on show for all, but only if you enter the Scrapbook Contest. Remember, the binder form of submission must be used for the traditional scrapbook.

Talent Contest Enter as a club, team or individual; all are welcome! Showcase the talent that makes the Pacific Northwest

District the best of all time. Don't be afraid to make a fool out of yourself . . . who knows, you might win! Limited to one entry per club.

Oratorical Contest

If you're good at writing and public speaking, then this is the contest for you! Each orator is given the same subject and a time limit of 5 minutes for presentation at District Convention, and the rest is up to your

imagination. Limited to one entry per club.

Divisional Spirit Contest Does your Division have spirit? Come to District Convention and show off your Division’s spirit in the Divisional

Spirit Contest. Make divisional hats and banners to show everyone else just how much spirit you have!

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Page 9

District Convention 2016

All clubs interested in entering the contests described in the previous page, excluding the

Oratorical, Talent, Scrapbook, Future of Service, Most Spirited Member, and Divisional Spirit

Contests must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the convention mailing


PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

In addition, all photo submissions for the #PNWELIMIN8 Award must be uploaded by February 1, 2016.

The allotted time for submitting contest entries for the Oratorical, Talent, and Scrapbook

Contests is between 3:00PM-5:00PM on Friday, March 18, 2016 at the Awards Desk at

District Convention.

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Page 10

District Convention 2016 Eligibility: Any active Key Club member, faculty advisor, or Kiwanis advisor in good standing belonging to an

active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing is considered

eligible for nominations for their respective awards.

Criteria: A letter of support of less than 200 words from the nominator is required for all applications in order to

be considered eligible for these awards. This letter should describe why the nominee deserves the award and

how the nominee has affected the community. Nominations submitted without a letter of support will not be

considered, and nominations with letters of support that do not meet the word limit will be penalized.

Nominations: All nominations for these awards must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address for consideration for judging:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Contest entries may be reclaimed after the close of convention at the Awards Desk in the hotel lobby.

Note: Failure to comply with the contest rules or failure to affix ALL signatures as called for will result in

disqualification of the entire report. This is a Key Club International requirement.

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Page 11

District Convention 2016 Eligibility: Any person serving as a Faculty Advisor to a PNW Key Club during the 2015-2016 term.

Criteria: A letter of support with less than 200 words from the nominator is required for an application in order

to be considered eligible for the award. This letter should describe why the nominee deserves the award and

how the nominee has affected the community. Nominations submitted without a letter of support will not be

considered, and nominations with letters of support that do not meet the word limit will be penalized.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School ________________________________________ City/State______________________________

Division___________ Name of Faculty Advisor__________________________________________________________

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.


1. Did your faculty advisor attend the 2015 District Convention?

2. Is your faculty advisor attending the 2016 District Convention?

3. Is your faculty advisor a Kiwanian?

4. Did your faculty advisor assist in publicizing Key Club in the school and community?

5. Did your faculty advisor attend the divisional Lieutenant Governor training rally?

6. (a) Number of Key Club meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Advisor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

7. (a) Number of Board meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Advisor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

8. (a) Number of committee meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Advisor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

9. (a) Number of projects club held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Advisor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

10. (a) Number of rallies/DCMs held by the Lt. Governor ______ (b) Number attended by Advisor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club President Principal

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor

Page 12: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 12

District Convention 2016 Eligibility: Any person serving as a Kiwanis Advisor to a PNW Key Club during the 2015-2016 term.

Criteria: A letter of support with less than 200 words from the nominator is required for an application in order

to be considered eligible for the award. This letter should describe why the nominee deserves the award and

how the nominee has affected the community. Nominations submitted without a letter of support will not be

considered, and nominations with letters of support that do not meet the word limit will be penalized.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School ________________________________________ City/State______________________________

Division___________ Name of Kiwanis Advisor__________________________________________________________

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.


1. Did your Kiwanis advisor attend the 2015 District Convention?

2. Is your Kiwanis advisor attending the 2016 District Convention?

3. Did your Kiwanis advisor attend a 2015 Key Leader weekend?

4. Did your Kiwanis advisor assist in publicizing Key Club in the school and community?

5. Did your Kiwanis advisor attend the divisional Lieutenant Governor training rally?

6. (a) Number of Key Club meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Advisor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

7. (a) Number of Board meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Advisor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

8. (a) Number of committee meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Advisor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

9. (a) Number of projects club held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Advisor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

10. (a) Number of rallies/DCMs held by the Lt. Governor ______ (b) Number attended by Advisor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club President Principal

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President

Page 13: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 13

District Convention 2016

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.


1. Follow up to achieve timely dues remittance prior to December 1 for both District and International Dues?

List date dues were sent _________

2. Attend the 2015 District Convention and the President’s Workshop at convention?

3. Attend at least 5 Kiwanis meetings? Number attended _________

4. Attend a Key Leader weekend in 2015?

5. Sponsor at least two underclassmen into your club? How many _______?

6. Attended Divisional Training Conference/Rally held by the Lieutenant Governor?

7. Achieve a net increase in your club’s paid membership over last year?

2014-2015 membership _________ 2015-2016 membership _________

8. Ensure that your club participated in at least one project for each of the three Service Partners of Key Club


Number undertaken _________ (Attach a separate sheet listing each project along with a brief description.)

9. Schedule to hold club elections before February 5?

Date election will be held _________ (Attach proof such as an agenda)

10. Ensure that your club interclubbed with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club?

Number of interclubs _________

11. Involve your club in at least two joint activities (service/fundraising/social) with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club?

Number of activities in which the club was involved in _________

11. (a) Number of Key Club meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by President____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

12. (a) Number of Board meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by President____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

13. (a) Number of committee meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by President____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

14. (a) Number of projects club held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by President____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

15. (a) Number of rallies/DCMs held by the Lt. Governor ______ (b) Number attended by President____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

Eligibility: Any person serving as a Club President to a PNW Key Club during the 2015-2016 term.

Criteria: A letter of support with less than 200 words from the nominee’s faculty or Kiwanis advisor is required for an application to be con-

sidered eligible for the award. This letter should describe why the nominee deserves the award, how the nominee has affected the com-

munity, and how the nominee’s leadership skills have developed as a result of being a Key Club officer. Nominations submitted without a

letter of support will not be considered, and nominations with letters of support that do not meet the word limit will be penalized.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School ________________________________________ City/State______________________________

Division___________ Name of Club President__________________________________________________________

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

Page 14: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 14

District Convention 2016 Eligibility: Any person serving as a Club Vice-President to a PNW Key Club during the 2015-2016 term.

Criteria: A letter of support with less than 200 words from the nominee’s faculty or Kiwanis advisor is required for

an application in order to be considered eligible for the award. This letter should describe why the nominee

deserves the award and how the nominee has affected the community. Nominations submitted without a

letter of support will not be considered, and nominations with letters of support that do not meet the word limit

will be penalized.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School ____________________________________________ City/State______________________________

Division___________ Name of Club Vice-President_________________________________________________________

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club Vice-President Key Club President

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis or Faculty Advisor

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.


1. Attend the 2015 District Convention AND the Vice-President workshop?

2. Attend the divisional training conference(s) held by your Key Club Lieutenant Governor?

3. Attend at least 5 Kiwanis meetings? Number attended _________

4. Attend a Key Leader weekend in 2015?

5. Sponsor at least two underclassmen into your club? How many _______?

6. (a) Number of Key Club meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Vice-President____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

7. (a) Number of Board meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Vice-President____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

8. (a) Number of committee meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Vice-President____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

9. (a) Number of projects club held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Vice-President____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

10. (a) Number of rallies/DCMs held by the Lt. Governor ______ (b) Number attended by Vice-President____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

Page 15: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 15

District Convention 2016 Eligibility: Any person serving as a Club Secretary to a PNW Key Club during the 2015-2016 term.

Criteria: A letter of support with less than 200 words from the nominee’s faculty or Kiwanis advisor is required for

an application in order to be considered eligible for the award. This letter should describe why the nominee

deserves the award and how the nominee has affected the community. Nominations submitted without a let-

ter of support will not be considered, and nominations with letters of support that do not meet the word limit

will be penalized.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School ___________________________________________ City/State______________________________

Division___________ Name of Club Secretary____________________________________________________________

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.


1. Attend the 2015 District Convention AND the Secretary’s workshop?

2. Prepare and submit to your Key Club Lieutenant Governor at least ten written monthly reports of the club’s

activities by the fifth of each month. Number submitted _________

3. Attend at least 5 Kiwanis meetings? Number attended _________

4. Attend a Key Leader weekend in 2015?

5. Sponsor at least two underclassmen into your club? How many _______?

6. (a) Number of Key Club meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Secretary____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

7. (a) Number of Board meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Secretary____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

8. (a) Number of committee meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Secretary____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

9. (a) Number of projects club held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Secretary____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

10. (a) Number of rallies/DCMs held by the Lt. Governor ______ (b) Number attended by Secretary____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club Secretary Key Club President

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis or Faculty Advisor

Page 16: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 16

District Convention 2016

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.


1. Attend the 2015 District Convention AND the Treasurer’s workshop?

2. Prepare written financial reports for the club? How many _________? Attach club’s annual 2015-2016 budget to


3. Attend at least 5 Kiwanis meetings? Number attended _________

4. Attend a Key Leader weekend in 2015?

5. Sponsor at least two underclassmen into your club? How many _________?

6. Follow up to achieve timely dues remittance prior to December 1st for both District and International dues?

List date dues sent _________

7. (a) Number of Key Club meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Treasurer____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

8. (a) Number of Board meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Treasurer____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

9. (a) Number of committee meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Treasurer____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

10. (a) Number of projects club held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Treasurer____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

11. (a) Number of rallies/DCMs held by the Lt. Governor ______ (b) Number attended by Treasurer____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

Eligibility: Any person serving as a Club Treasurer to a PNW Key Club during the 2015-2016 term.

Criteria: A letter of support with less than 200 words from the nominee’s faculty or Kiwanis advisor is required for

an application in order to be considered eligible for the award. This letter should describe why the nominee

deserves the award and how the nominee has affected the community. Nominations submitted without a let-

ter of support will not be considered, and nominations with letters of support that do not meet the word limit

will be penalized.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School __________________________________________ City/State______________________________

Division___________ Name of Club Treasurer____________________________________________________________

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club Treasurer Key Club President

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis or Faculty Advisor

Page 17: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 17

District Convention 2016 Eligibility: Any person serving as a Club Editor to a PNW Key Club during the 2015-2016 term.

Criteria: A letter of support with less than 200 words from the nominee’s faculty or Kiwanis advisor is required for

an application in order to be considered eligible for the award. This letter should describe why the nominee

deserves the award and how the nominee has affected the community. Nominations submitted without a let-

ter of support will not be considered, and nominations with letters of support that do not meet the word limit

will be penalized.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School __________________________________________ City/State______________________________

Division___________ Name of Club Editor______________________________________________________________

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.


1. Attend the 2015 District Convention AND the Editor’s workshop?

2. Prepare and submit to your Key Club Lieutenant Governor at least ten bulletins.

Number submitted _________

3. Attend at least 5 Kiwanis meetings? Number attended _________

4. Attend a Key Leader weekend in 2015?

5. Sponsor at least two underclassmen into your club? How many _________?

6. (a) Number of Key Club meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Editor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

7. (a) Number of Board meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Editor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

8. (a) Number of committee meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Editor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

9. (a) Number of projects club held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Editor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

10. (a) Number of rallies/DCMs held by the Lt. Governor ______ (b) Number attended by Editor____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club Editor Key Club President

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis or Faculty Advisor

Page 18: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 18

District Convention 2016

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.


1. Attend the 2015 District Convention?

2. Attend the 2015 International Convention?

3. Attend a Key Leader weekend in 2015?

4. (a) Number of Key Club meetings held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Member____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

5. (a) Number of projects club held during the year ______ (b) Number attended by Member____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

6. (a) Number of rallies/DCMs held by the Lt. Governor ______ (b) Number attended by Member____ (c) % attended ____ ((b) divided by (a))

How many Key Club service hours did the member take part from March 15, 2015– February 1, 2016? _________ hours

Malcolm Lewis First President of Key Club International

Outstanding Club Member Award

This award has been designed to reward those Key Clubbers who may not normally receive recognition for all of the hard work they do

for their home school and community. This award is designed for the club member who has gone the "extra mile" and put forth a special

amount of time and effort in his or her work with the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International.

Eligibility: Any member of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club in good standing may be nominated for this award. Executive District

Officers, Lieutenant Governors, Club Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries, Editors and Treasurers are not eligible.

Criteria: Those nominated should represent the spirit of Key Club. Only those who have proven to be of outstanding service to their club

and the people they serve should be nominated. This award is for special individuals who have demonstrated leadership, service, and

commitment to the goals and objectives of Key Club. A letter of support with less than 200 words from the nominee’s faculty or Kiwanis

advisor is required for an application to be considered eligible for the award. This letter should describe why the nominee deserves the

award and how the nominee has affected the community. In addition, a nominating application for the Malcolm Lewis Award must also

include a subjective evaluation written and signed by the nominee’s home club’s Executive Board. This evaluation must be less than 500

words. Nominations submitted without a letter of support and an evaluation will not be considered, and nominations with letters of

support and evaluations that do not meet the word limit will be penalized. Lastly, a log of the member’s completed Key Club service

hours from the timeframe of March 15, 2015-February 1, 2016 must be submitted, as well as a list of K-Family event attendance.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of Nominee _____________________________________________ High School ______________________________

Division ___________ Grade ___________ Years in Key Club____________________________________________________

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability.

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club Member Key Club President

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis or Faculty Advisor

Page 19: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 19

District Convention 2016

Eligibility: Any active Key Club member of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good

standing that is attending the 67th Annual District Convention. The member must stay for the entire duration

of District Convention, spanning from March 18—March 20, 2016.

Criteria: This award is given to the attendee who, over the weekend of convention, has exemplified the core

values of Key Club, gone the extra mile in his/her dedication to service and shown commendable spirit for

his/her division and district.

Any DCON attendee is automatically submitted in the running for this award. No forms required.

Page 20: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 20

District Convention 2016

Eligibility: Any active Key Club member of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good

standing that is attending the 67th Annual District Convention. The member must stay for the entire duration

of District Convention, spanning from March 18—March 20, 2016.

Criteria: This award is given to the attendee who, over the weekend of convention, has exemplified spirit for

their division, service, and the Future of Service theme.

Any DCON attendee is automatically submitted in the running for this award. No forms required.

Page 21: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 21

District Convention 2016 Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing that

has submitted/will submit an Annual Achievement Report Form (which can be found beginning on page 3 of

this packet) in accordance with the guidelines and rules as published by Key Club International. The activities

covered by the reports may only include those undertaken between March 15, 2015 and February 1, 2016.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address for consideration for judging in the District-level competition:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Contest entries may be reclaimed after the close of convention at the Awards Desk in the hotel lobby.

Note: Failure to comply with the contest rules or failure to affix ALL signatures as called for will result in disqualifi-

cation of the entire report. This is a Key Club International requirement.

Page 22: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 22

District Convention 2016 The Distinguished Club Award Program will provide recognition to individual Key Clubs for their overall

performance in the combined areas of club administration, membership and leadership development,

Kiwanis family involvement, service, and fundraising as judged against a pre-established standard of


Rules Governing the Distinguished Club Award Program

Entries shall use the Official Annual Achievement Report, which can be found beginning on page 3 of this

packet. All entries in the Club Achievement Awards program shall be dually entered in the Distinguished Club


Entries shall be judged based upon achieving a percentage of accumulated points in the categories of the

club Annual Achievement Report. Clubs achieving a predetermined score shall be designated as a

“Distinguished Club.” The Pacific Northwest Key Club Executive Board shall set the minimum number of points

required for this designation.

Only activities which occurred during the district administrative year shall be included on the report. These

activities covered by the reports may only include those undertaken between March 15, 2015 to February 1,


Judging of each entry in the Club Achievement Awards Program shall determine the point total upon which

recognition shall be provided as a Distinguished Club.

Disqualification from the Club Achievement Awards Program shall also constitute disqualification from the

Distinguished Club Award Program.

The point value to achieve the Distinguished Club—Diamond Level shall be a pre-determined number set by

the Pacific Northwest Key Club Executive Board.

Page 23: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 23

District Convention 2016

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.

All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the convention

mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Please attach more

sheets if necessary.

In the spirit of Key Club service, the Key Club of ___________________________ High School from Division _______

of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International hereby certifies that at least six (6) members of this

Key Club have each performed a minimum of sixty-five (65) hours of community service from March 15, 2015

through February 1, 2016.

Member Name No. of Hours

_____________ (required)

_____________ (required)

_____________ (required)

_____________ (required)

_____________ (required)

_____________ (required)







We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor

Page 24: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 24

District Convention 2016

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.

_____________ / _____________ = _____________

Service is the basic goal of Key Club International. This Service Hours Award is given every year to the

club with the most service hours per member in the Pacific Northwest District.

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing

that has submitted/will submit an Annual Achievement Report Form (which can be found beginning on page

3 of this packet) in accordance with the guidelines and rules as published by Key Club International. The

activities covered by the reports may only include those undertaken between March 15, 2015 and February 1,


Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Name of High School __________________________________________ City/State _______________________________

Division __________________

Total number of Key / Total number of = Average number of

Club service hours of club members hours per member

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor

Page 25: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 25

District Convention 2016

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing that is attend-

ing the 67th Annual District Convention.

Criteria: A. A qualifying single service project shall be defined as a club service project, planned, organized and produced by

the Key Club occurring on a single day or consecutive days, or recurring on different days. In the case of a recurring pro-

ject, it is the same project that must be repeated to achieve the same service goal.

B. Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within four membership categories: Bronze, being 35 members or

less; Silver, being 36 to 60 members; Gold, being 61 to 85 members; Platinum, being 86 members or more

C. Entries shall be judged based upon an accumulated total of points allocated to the following categories: Service

need, 10 points; Project plan, 20 points; Project implementation, 20 points; Final results, 25 points; Public awareness, 15

points; Member participation, 10 points

D. Only activities which occurred during the district administrative year shall be included on the report.

E. Judging of all entries within each district shall determine one first place winner, and other levels of recognition

as deemed appropriate, in each membership category. Each first place report should be forwarded to Key Club

International for competition with other first place winners. No changes may be made in the report by the club,

district or judging committee.

F. An entry may be disqualified by the judges for reporting incorrect or false information or failure to submit a

report according to the rules of the district’s competition. Any disqualification at the district level requires the

approval of the district administrator or his/her designee.

G. Suitable recognition should be provided to clubs achieving first place and other places at district and Inter-

national levels of competition. At each level of judging, the decisions of the judges are final. No changes, alter-

ations or re-grading will take place after the results have been certified by the judges.

H. Report must be typed. Each section found in Section D must begin on a new page and each page must

have a heading specifying the section being described. There is no word limit. The official Major Emphasis In-

volvement Report cover sheet must accompany all entries It must be completed in its entirety.

Key Club of: _________________________________________________ Division: ________________________________________

District: ____________________________________________ Number of members in club: ________________________________

Project name: _______________________________________ Total service hours involved: _______________________________

Contact name: ______________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________

Certification. This certifies that we, the undersigned, have read this report and that the activity described in this report and preparations for

this report were performed by official Key Club members.

Key Club President:

Principal or Faculty Advisor:

Key Club Lieutenant Governor:

Kiwanis President or Advisor:

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis or Faculty Advisor

All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the convention

mailing address.

Club membership

1 . Enter the total number of actual club members as of ______a) December 1, 2015 _______b) February 1,


2. Average the numbers entered in (a) and (b) above. Round to the nearest whole number and write the

average on the following line: _____

3. Use that number to determine the club’s membership category. Circle the one below that applies: 35 members or less: Bronze | 36-60 members: Silver | 61-85 members: Gold | 86 members+: Platinum

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.

Page 26: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 26

District Convention 2016

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing

that is attending the 67th Annual District Convention.

Criteria: A. A qualifying club shall be defined as a Key Club in good standing for at least two years.

B. Clubs shall compete with other clubs of similar size within four membership categories based upon membership

from the previous year:

Bronze—35 members or less

Silver—36-60 members

Gold—61-85 members

Platinum—86 members or more

C. The club with the largest growth percentage in each of the membership categories shall be deemed the first

place winner.

E. To be eligible for the recognition, the entry must be postmarked February 1, 2016 and sent to the convention

mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

F. The decisions of the judges are final, and no changes, alterations, or re-grading will take place after the results

have been certified by the judges.

KEY CLUB: __________________________________DIVISION: __________________ Club growth percentage from January 31, 2015-January 31, 2016: ______________________________________

Number of club members as of January 31, 2015 Number of club members as of January 31, 2016:

Contact Person:___________________________ Position: _________________________ E-mail: ____________________

The Club Membership Growth Award program shall provide recognition to individual Key Clubs for exhibiting

outstanding club membership growth in a single year.


This certifies that we, the undersigned, have read this report and that the activity described in this report

and preparations for this report were performed by official Key Club members, and that all information

regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.

Page 27: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 27

District Convention 2016

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing

that has submitted/will submit an Annual Achievement Report Form (which can be found beginning on

page 3 of this packet) in accordance with the guidelines and rules as published by Key Club International.

The activities covered by the reports may only include those undertaken between March 15, 2015 and Feb-

ruary 1, 2016.

Criteria: These awards are given to the Key Clubs that have the highest percentage of members in good

standing (members that have paid their dues) at District Convention in the following categories:

Bronze: 35 members or less

Silver: 36-60 members

Gold: 61-85 members

Platinum: 86 members or more

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School __________________________________________ City/State ______________________________

Division __________________

A. Number of dues-paid Key Club members as of February 1, 2016 ________

B. Number of dues-paid Key Club members registered for 2016 District Convention ________

C. % of dues-paid members registered [(b divided by (a)] ________

Please circle your club’s membership category:

35 Members or Less 36—60 Members 61—85 Members 86 Members or More

Bronze Silver Gold Platinum

Page 28: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 28

District Convention 2016

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing

that is attending the 67th Annual District Convention.


A. Report must be typed. Each section found in item D below must begin on a new page and each page

must have a heading specifying the section being described. There is no word limit. The official Major Em-

phasis Involvement Report cover sheet must accompany all entries and may be hand written legibly in

black or blue ink pen. It must be completed in its entirety.

B. The activity described can cover any phase of Key Club Major Emphasis Involvement specifically high-

lighting personal development and social interaction of children, during the year from district convention to

district convention. The report may include newspaper clippings, substantiating photographs, or other perti-

nent information.

C. The decisions of the judges are final, and no changes, alterations, or regrading will take place after the

results have been certified by the judges. D. The section to be described and the points for each are indicated below:

1. THE NEED: To qualify for judging, a statement must establish in what way the project deals with the MEP.

2. THE PLAN (10 points): Describe how the project was organized.

3. IMPLEMENTATION (20 points): Describe the steps taken to implement the plan.

4. FINAL RESULTS (25 points): Describe the benefits of the service rendered.


partnerships formed. Describe how the project was publicized.

6. PERCENTAGE OF CLUB MEMBERS PARTICIPATING: 1-9% (1 point), 10-19% (2 points), 20-29% (3 points), 30-39%

(4 points), 40-49% (5 points), 50-59% (6 points), 60-69% (7 points), 70-79% (8 points), 80-89% (9 points), 90-100%

(10 points).

7. CLUB’S OVERALL PROGRAM DEALING WITH MEP (25 points): Describe any other projects/programs your club

implemented to address the Major Emphasis Program. Describe how your club worked with MEP during oth-

er parts of the year.

Key Club of: _________________________________________________ Division: ________________________________________

District: ____________________________________________ Number of members in club: ________________________________

Project name: _______________________________________ Total service hours involved: _______________________________

Certification. This certifies that we, the undersigned, have read this report and that the activity described in this report and preparations for

this report were performed by official Key Club members.

Key Club President:

Principal or Faculty Advisor:

Key Club Lieutenant Governor:

Kiwanis President or Advisor:

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis or Faculty Advisor

Brief Description of Project: ________________________________________________________________________________

All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.

Page 29: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 29

District Convention 2016

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing that

has submitted/will submit an Annual Achievement Report Form (which can be found beginning on page 3 of

this packet) in accordance with the guidelines and rules as published by Key Club International. The activities

covered by the reports may only include those undertaken between March 15, 2015 and February 1, 2016.

Criteria: This award is given to the Key Club that has completed an exceptional service project with regard to

this year’s District Project, ELIMINATE. Two letters of support with less than 200 words each from 1) a faculty

advisor, school counselor, principal, or teacher and 2) a Kiwanis advisor or sponsoring Kiwanis Club President

are required for an application to be considered eligible for the award. These letters should describe why the

club deserves the award and how the club has affected the community through their efforts to support

ELIMINATE. In addition, a brief description of under 250 words must also be included with the application. This

description should elaborate on what the club did for their service project. Be sure to include the total number

of hours put into the project, and the number of members that were involved. Nominations submitted without

a letter of support or project description will not be considered, and nominations with letters of support and

project descriptions that do not meet the word limit will be penalized.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School __________________________________________ City/State _______________________________

Division __________________ Name of Project ____________________________________________________________

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor

Page 30: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 30

District Convention 2016

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing that

has submitted/will submit an Annual Achievement Report Form (which can be found beginning on page 3 of

this packet) in accordance with the guidelines and rules as published by Key Club International. The activities

covered by the reports may only include those undertaken between March 15, 2015 to February 1, 2016.

Criteria: This award is given out to the Key Club that has successfully raised the highest amount of money in

regards to this year’s District Project, ELIMINATE.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School __________________________________________ City/State _______________________________

Division __________________ Total Amount Raised________________________________________________

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor

Fundraiser Title Amount Raised

Page 31: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 31

District Convention 2016

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Please attach a copy of the Annual Achievement Report along with your application.

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing that

has submitted/will submit an Annual Achievement Report Form (which can be found beginning on page 3 of

this packet) in accordance with the guidelines and rules as published by Key Club International. The activities

covered by the reports may only include those undertaken between March 15, 2015 to February 1, 2016.

Criteria: This award is given out to the Key Club that has successfully raised the largest amount of money in

regards to any global relief programs, such as The American Red Cross, Comic Relief, etc., excluding The Elimi-

nate Project.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School: __________________________________________ City/State: _______________________________

Division: __________________ Total Amount Raised: ________________________________________________

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor

Fundraiser Title Relief Program Amount Raised

Page 32: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 32

District Convention 2016

Eligibility: Any active Key Club member of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good

standing that has submitted/will submit a digital picture through Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag

“#PNWELIMIN8” by February 1, 2016.

Criteria: This award is given to the Key Club that has submitted an exceptional picture with regard to this

year’s District Project, Eliminate. Follow these easy steps for your chance to be the winner of the DCON 2016

Eliminate picture contest award:

1. Take a picture of you, your friends, and/or your whole club supporting the Eliminate Project; this could be

at an Eliminate fundraiser, at school when sporting your Eliminate gear, or at any Key Club event sup-

porting the Eliminate Project.

2. Upload the picture to Instagram or Facebook using #PNWELIMIN8

Nominations: Upon posting a picture using the hashtag listed above, your club will be automatically nomi-

nated for an award at DCON 2016. Ask your Lieutenant Governor for more information.

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Page 33: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 33

District Convention 2016

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing

that is attending the 67th Annual District Convention.

Criteria: Please type or print information on this form and affix to the back of the poster. All entries must be

submitted in a secure mailing tube. Winning entries become the property of Key Club International and will

not be returned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce winning entries. Appropriate recogni-

tion will be provided to the Key Club and the poster’s artist. Entries in this category may not include material

produced through electronic means, such as cameras and computer software.

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Key Club of: ____________________________________________ Division:_______________________

The poster dimensions should be 18 inches by 24 inches, and should not measure more than 1/8 inch in


The poster should be designed to recruit new members for Key Club, and should not bear the name of any

school, community or district.

Posters will be judged according to the following criteria:

Originality .................................................................................................................... 10 points

Creativity .................................................................................................................... 10 points

Artistic Ability .............................................................................................................. 10 points

Promotion of Key Club ............................................................................................. 15 points

Effectiveness for Membership Recruitment ......................................................... 15 points

Ability to Reproduce the Poster via Printing ........................................................ 10 points

Overall Appearance ................................................................................................ 30 points

Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor:

(Signature) _____________________________________ (Print name here) _________________________________

Key Club artist producing poster:

Artist name: ______________________________________________ Email: __________________________________

Signature of Key Club artist attesting to the poster’s originality:

(Signature) ____________________________________ (Print name here) __________________________________

All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the convention mail-

ing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the Chairman

of Judges, is final.

Page 34: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 34

District Convention 2016

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing

that is attending the 67th Annual District Convention.

Criteria: Please type or print information on this form and either include with flash drive containing digital

poster submission or submit separately, filling out the email address information. All entries must be submitted

in a secure mailing tube. Winning entries become the property of Key Club International and will not be re-

turned. Key Club International reserves the right to reproduce winning entries. Appropriate recognition will

be provided to the Key Club and the poster’s artist. Entries in this category may include material produced

through electronic means, such as cameras and computer software.

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Key Club of: ____________________________________________ Division:_______________________

The poster should be designed to recruit new members for Key Club, and should not bear the name of any

school, community or district.

Posters will be judged according to the following criteria:

Originality .................................................................................................................... 10 points

Creativity .................................................................................................................... 10 points

Artistic Ability .............................................................................................................. 10 points

Promotion of Key Club ............................................................................................. 15 points

Effectiveness for Membership Recruitment ......................................................... 15 points

Ability to Reproduce the Poster via Printing ........................................................ 10 points

Overall Appearance ................................................................................................ 30 points

Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor:

(Signature) _____________________________________ (Print name here) _________________________________

Key Club artist producing poster:

Artist name: ______________________________________________ Email: __________________________________

Signature of Key Club artist attesting to the poster’s originality:

(Signature) ____________________________________ (Print name here) __________________________________

Email address used for submission: ________________________________________________

All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the convention mail-

ing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the Chairman

of Judges, is final.

Page 35: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 35

District Convention 2016

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing

that is attending the 67th Annual District Convention.

Criteria: Please print the required information on this form and affix the completed form to an enve-

lope. Place the DVD inside the envelope. DVD format is required.

The video must be produced by Key Club members only at a cost not to exceed US $250. The video should be

promotional for Key Club as an organization and/or the Key Club within its respective school or community. The

length of the completed video segment should be no more than 60 seconds. The video must include the core

values of Key Club.

Winning entries become the property of Key Club International and will not be returned. Key Club In-

ternational reserves the right to reproduce winning entries for any use deemed appropriate by Key

Club International. Appropriate recognition will be provided to the Key Club.

Videos will be judged according to the following criteria:

Originality ........................................................................................................................... 10 points

Creativity ........................................................................................................................... 10 points

Promotion of Key Club .................................................................................................... 20 points

Clarity of Message ........................................................................................................... 10 points

Projection of Idea ............................................................................................................ 10 points

Sound Quality ................................................................................................................... 10 points

Picture Quality .................................................................................................................. 10 points

Overall Impression/Appeal ............................................................................................ 20 points

Key Club of: ___________________________________________________ Division: _________________

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the

nomination will be disqualified.

Signature of faculty advisor or Kiwanis advisor:

(Signature) _________________________________________ (Print name here) ___________________________________

This certifies that this DVD is original and was created in accordance with copyright laws:

(Signature) _________________________________ (Print name here) ____________________________________

Please itemize costs

associated with creation of this


Donations : $__________

DVD: $__________

Rentals: $__________

Other: $__________

Other: $__________

Other: $__________

Total: $__________

All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016

and mailed to the convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s deci-

sion, when certified by the Chairman of Judges, is final.

Page 36: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 36

District Convention 2016

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing

that has submitted/will submit an Annual Achievement Report Form (which can be found beginning on

page 3 of this packet) in accordance with the Guidelines and Rules as published by Key Club International.

The activities covered by the reports may only include those undertaken between March 15, 2015 and Feb-

ruary 1, 2016.

Criteria: This award is given to the Key Club that has developed the best Key Club web site during the 2015-

2016 Key Club year. The web site must meet Key Club International graphic standards.

Nominations: All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the

convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School __________________________________________ City/State ______________________________

Division __________________ Website Address __________________________________________________________

Each web site entry must follow Key Club International Graphic Standards and will be judged based upon

the following criteria (75 points total):

Contains links to District and International Key Club website (10 points)

Contains information on current officers and club membership (5 points)

Contains creative content [links, music, photos, etc.] (15 points)

Sponsoring Kiwanis Club featured with contact information (5 points)

Contains Division Lt. Governor name and email address (5 points)

Contains information on how to join Key Club and who to contact (5 points)

Contains club service project information (5 points)

Contains dues information (5 points)

Contains District and International theme information (5 points)

Contains information on Key Club International Service Partner organizations (5 points)

Visual appeal (10 points)

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor

Page 37: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

District Convention 2016

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing

that is attending the 67th Annual District Convention.

Criteria: Please print the required information on this form and affix the completed form to a package. Place

the t-shirt of made of cotton or polyester fabric in the package. Each club may only submit one entry for this


The decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alterations, or regrading will take place after the re-

sults have been certified by the judges and the Chairman of the Judges. The Club T-Shirt entry must uphold

the standards of Key Club International. All Club T-Shirt entries submitted become the property of PNW Key


Division:_______________________ Key Club of: ________________________________________

District: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Information

Please circle one:

Advisor name: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone number with area code: _________________________________ Email: __________________________________

Faculty Advisor Kiwanis Advisor

All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016

and mailed to the convention mailing address:

PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s deci-

sion, when certified by the Chairman of Judges, is final.

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate and the t-shirt design is original:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Judging of the Club T-Shirt will

be on a point system as follows

(75 total points):

Artistic Representation

(15 points)

General Content

(15 points)

Uniqueness of Presentation

(20 points)

Layout & Design

(25 points)

Page 38: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 38

District Convention 2016 A Key Club may enter a non-traditional scrapbook or traditional scrapbook into the scrapbook contest, but not both. This

scrapbook should contain pictures, examples, newspaper clippings, or other representations of its activities from within the

timeframe of March 15, 2015-March 17, 2016. No audio, visual, or computer equipment will be allowed as part of the entry.

Each entry should adequately be divided into and portray the following categories: Service to School, Service to Community,

Fundraising Projects, Assistance to Kiwanis Projects , Major Emphasis Involvement, and Miscellaneous.

Scrapbook entries must be submitted to the convention registration desk no later than 5:00PM on Friday, March 18, 2016.

The respective Scrapbook Award Registration Form must be affixed to the inside front cover of the scrapbook. If this sheet of

paper is not affixed to the inside front cover, the judges will deduct ten points. This statement must be signed by the Key Club

president and faculty advisor, stating that the scrapbook's retail cost value (including photographic materials) does not ex-

ceed the amount of $300. All materials, including those donated, MUST be included in the $300 amount. Work done by Key

Club members such as hand lettering, artwork, etc., need not be included as cost items. Failure to comply with this rule will

result in disqualification.

Suitable awards will be presented for scrapbooks that are judged to be the best on the basis of format and general content.

The winning scrapbook will be retained by the Pacific Northwest District and delivered to Key Club International. Entries may

be reclaimed after convention close at the Awards Desk. All entries not picked up will be discarded.


Each of the required categories above must be tabbed accordingly. The pages also must be numbered with a table of con-

tents included at the beginning. Judges will deduct five points from missing tabs and five points for a missing table of contents.

Each entry is required to be submitted in a scrapbook binder measuring no larger than 14 inches wide and 14 inches high. The

cover may be decorated.

Judging of the scrapbooks will be on a point system as follows (110 total points):

Format - Total 50 points

Cover ......................................................................................................................................... 10 pts.

Interior Art Work ........................................................................................................................ 20 pts.

News clippings & Photos ......................................................................................................... 20 pts.

General Content - Total 60 points

Service to School ..................................................................................................................... 10 pts.

Service to Community............................................................................................................. 10 pts.

Fund Raising Projects ............................................................................................................... 10 pts.

Assistance to Kiwanis Projects................................................................................................ 10 pts.

Involvement with Major Emphasis………………………………………………………………10 pts.

Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................... 10 pts.


Each scrapbook must be divided into the following categories: Service to School, Service to Community, Fundraising Projects,

Assistance to Kiwanis Projects, Major Emphasis Involvement, and Miscellaneous.

Judging of the scrapbooks will be on a point system as follows (110 total points):

Creativity - Total 50 points

Uniqueness of Project Presentation ...................................................................................... 20 pts.

Artistic Value ............................................................................................................................. 20 pts.

Participation by Club Members ............................................................................................ 10 pts.

General Content - Total 60 points

Service to School ..................................................................................................................... 10 pts.

Service to Community............................................................................................................. 10 pts.

Fund Raising Projects ............................................................................................................... 10 pts.

Assistance to Kiwanis Projects................................................................................................ 10 pts.

Involvement with Major Emphasis………………………………………………………………10 pts.

Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................... 10 pts.

Page 39: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 39

District Convention 2016

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate, that the scrapbook’s retail value

does not exceed the $300 limit for this award, and all expenditures that were made towards this scrapbook

are listed above:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor



PAGES: $____________

COVERS: $____________


__________________________ $____________

__________________________ $____________

__________________________ $____________

__________________________ $____________

__________________________ $____________


MATERIALS BY SCHOOL: $____________



__________________________ $____________

__________________________ $____________

__________________________ $____________

TOTAL VALUE $____________


If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

All nominations for this award must be postmarked by February 1, 2016 and mailed to the convention mailing


PNW Key Club Convention

c/o Mike Wallis

WWC Business Solutions

1024 Marine Drive

Astoria, OR 97103

Eligibility: Any active Key Club of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International in good standing

that has submitted/will submit an Annual Achievement Report Form (which can be found beginning on

page 3 of this packet) in accordance with the Guidelines and Rules as published by Key Club International.

The activities covered by the reports may only include those undertaken between March 15, 2015 and

March 17, 2016.

Judging: All nominations will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The panel’s decision, when certified by the

Chairman of Judges, is final.

Name of High School __________________________________________ City/State ______________________________

Division __________________ Entry type (circle one): TRADITIONAL or NON-TRADITIONAL

Page 40: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 40

District Convention 2016 Each Key Club may have no more than one act entered in the PNW Talent Contest.

A club's talent contest entry may take any form as long as it is entertaining and in good taste. To help in

classifying entries, the following three categories for acts have been decided upon.

VOCAL: Vocal solos, ensembles - duets, quartets, choruses

INSTRUMENTAL: Solos or groups - classical, popular, or instrumental

MISCELLANEOUS: Dancers - solos or groups, skits or variety acts, readings or

recitations, miscellaneous - magicians, tumblers, etc.

Judging for this contest will be based on the following criteria and point values (100 total points):

Content (20 points)

Performance (20 points)

Poise (20 points)

Audience Response (20 points)

Personal Evaluation (20 points)

All participants in an act must be official members in good standing with Key Club International and their local

club. In the case of a group act, all members must be from the same club.

Selection of acts at the trial program, as long as they are consistent with high quality

performance, will be final.

The top three acts in the talent contest will proceed be talent finalists, who will perform at the Saturday Night

Talent and Awards General Session.

Each performance must not exceed five (5) minutes. Any act exceeding this time limit will be disqualified.

Any materials (props, instruments, costumes, etc.) that are needed for performance must be supplied by the

members of the act. (Also, background music should be brought on a CD and will be run through the

DJ's sound system.)

Any entertainment on the convention program prior to the talent contest cannot participate as a judged act.

The decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alterations, or regrading will take place after the results

have been certified by the judges and the Chairman of the Judges.

To be considered to be a talent finalist, each act must submit a Talent Contest Registration Form at the

Awards Desk in the Convention Center 6th Floor Lobby on Friday, March 18 from 2:30PM-5:00PM, and at-

tend the talent contest try-outs on Friday, March 18 at 9:00PM. The location of the talent contest

try-outs will be announced in the program.

Note: Any act, not only the district winner, may be entered in the International Competition.

Page 41: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 41

District Convention 2016

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

Are all members of this talent act currently members in good standing of your Key Club? (circle one)


Are there any items that this act will need other than those that are self-provided? YES or NO

If your answer was yes, please elaborate on any additional items you may need for your act (microphones,

microphone stands, chairs, audio, video, etc.). Please also include your cell phone number on this form in

case we need to contact you about any issues that may arise:

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate, and that we consider this talent

act suitable for presentation at the Key Club District Convention:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor

Turn this form in at District Convention between 2:30PM-5:00PM at the Awards Desk located in the Convention

Center 6th Floor Lobby.

All information must be completed on this form or it will not be accepted.


Name of High School __________________________________________ City/State _______________________________

Division _________ Name(s) of Participant(s) _____________________________________________________________

Type of Entertainment: (circle one) VOCAL INSTRUMENTAL MICELLANEOUS

Describe Act



Page 42: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 42

District Convention 2016

The subject for all orations will be pre-determined is described on page 39.

The oration and the presentation must be original and completely developed by each orator. These factors

will be considered equally in determining who is to receive the awards.

Each orator will be allowed a maximum of five (5) minutes for his/her presentation. Notes will not be allowed

during the presentation. ALL SPEECHES MUST BE MEMORIZED.

This contest is limited to one entry per club and the orator must be an official member, in good standing with

Key Club International and his/her local club.

Judging for this contest will be based on the following criteria and point values (100 total points):

A. The Speech (65 points)

Clarity of Message and Projection of Idea (20 points)

Depth (10 points)

Organization (10 points)

Reference/Relativity to Prompt (15 points)

Grammar/Word Choice (10 points)

B. The Delivery (35 points)

Posture (composure and gestures) (10 points)

Voice (tone and effectiveness/pronunciation) (10 points)

Attention of Audience (15 points)

The winning orator from the PNW District will be eligible for the International Oratorical Contest. In case the first

place winner of the District Contest is unable to attend the International Convention, the second place District

winner may be allowed to take the place of the first place District winner in the International contest.

All orators will be judged during the Friday evening auditions. The first place orator will be selected and ex-

pected to address the entire convention.

The first place orator at the District level will receive a suitable award and recognition for their excellence in

public speaking.

The decisions of the judges are final and no changes, alterations or regrading will take place after the results

have been certified by the judges and the Chairman of the Judges.

Page 43: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 43

District Convention 2016

If any of the required signatures are not on this form, the nomination will be disqualified.

All information must be completed on this form or it will not be accepted.


Name of High School ____________________________________ City/State ______________________________________

Division _________ Name of Participant _________________________________________________________________

Is the member in this oratorical act currently a member in good standing of your Key Club? (circle one)


Turn this form in at District Convention between 2:30PM-5:00PM at the Awards Desk located in the

Convention Center 6th Floor Lobby.

We hereby certify that all information regarding our nomination is accurate, and that we consider this oratori-

cal act suitable for presentation at the Key Club District Convention:

Key Club President Principal or Faculty Advisor

Key Club Lieutenant Governor Kiwanis President or Advisor

Page 44: SECTION C - · 5% is 1 pt. Section B Total 2. If yes, 1 point 3. If yes, 1 point ... 10% is 1 point 6a. If yes, 1 point 6b. If yes, 1 point 6c. If yes, 1 point

Page 44

District Convention 2016

“How would Key Club membership growth help us further our vision of being

caring and competent servant leaders who transform communities


All oratorical contest participants will be asked to speak on this prompt

provided by Key Club International, which will also be the prompt for speakers

at International Convention 2016.

Please contact Convention Chair Ryan Miura at (503) 490-0041 or at

[email protected] if any

questions or concerns exist regarding this matter. Thank you!

NOTE: All entrants are required to speak on this prompt, or their contest entry

will not be judged.