section 7.1. agenda lab reports due! test corrections for ecology and biochem. tests cell theory...

Honors Biology I Section 7.1

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Honors Biology ISection 7.1

AgendaLab reports due!Test corrections for Ecology and

Biochem. TestsCell theoryProkaryotes vs. EukaryotesRead Sections 7.1 and 7.2 for

HomeworkDue Pro & Eu cells double bubble map.

Test correctionsFor each test that you are correcting, complete a test correction sheet.

If you run out of room on your sheet, use a sheet of notebook paper.

When you are finished with your corrections, staple your test and correction sheet together. Make sure your correction sheet is on TOP.

The History of the CellIn 1665 Robert Hooke viewed a piece of

cork under a microscope.

Leeuwenhoek designs his own microscope and discovers other organisms.

Schleiden: plant tissues are made out of cells.

Schwann: animal tissues are made out of cells.

Virchow proposed that cells arise from existing cells.

So why are these people and their ideas important?

Cell Theory1) All living things are composed of

one or more cells2) Cells are the basic unit of

structure and organization for living organisms.

3) Cell only come from existing cells which pass copies of genetic material onto daughter cells.

An Ode to the microscope

Compound Light MicroscopeSeries of glass lenses and visible light

Limitations :The properties of visible light limit resolution.

Maximum magnification is ~ 1000X

Electron MicroscopeOnes you need to be familiar with TEM- Transmission Electron Microscope

SEM- Scanning Electron Microscope

STM- Scanning Tunneling Electron Microscope

AFM- Atomic Force Microscope

Introduction to CellsCells are the basic units of organismsCells can only be observed under

microscopeBasic types of cells:

Animal Cell Plant Cell Bacterial Cell

Number of CellsOrganisms may be:• Unicellular – composed of one cell• Multicellular- composed of many cells that may organize

Cells May be Prokaryotic or EukaryoticProkaryotes include bacteria & lack a nucleus or membrane-bound structures called organelles

Eukaryotes include most other cells & have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles (plants, fungi, & animals)

ProkaryotesNucleoid region contains the DNA

•Cell membrane & cell wall

• Contain ribosomes (no membrane) to make proteins in their cytoplasm

Eukaryotic CellContain 3

basic cell structures:

• Nucleus• Cell

Membrane• Cytoplasm

with organelles