secrets of the pink kush the da vinci code...

Secrets of the Pink Kush The Da Vinci Code Decrypted The Holy Grail - Genetically Modified Humans and the Da Vinci Code by William H. Bradshaw, Dipl. T., CPIM WARNING: This information may be offensive to many especially if they belong to one of the religions mentioned in this document. I apologize for this offense but this is the truth about these religions. If you cannot handle the truth then I recommend that you do not read this document or watch this video. This information is derived from my book Secrets of the Pink Kush. Some knowledge revealed here may not be in the book exactly as detailed here as this is more speculative but the main premise is derived from the book. Please note that I am not an occultist or religious but a scientist and my objective is to remain unbiased and only present the facts that I discovered during my lengthy research project. Most of this video is fact but some of what is contained here is speculation in an attempt to explain some of these ancient mysteries.

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Secrets of the Pink Kush

The Da Vinci Code Decrypted

The Holy Grail - Genetically Modified Humans and

the Da Vinci Code

by William H. Bradshaw, Dipl. T., CPIM

WARNING: This information may be offensive to many especially if they belong to

one of the religions mentioned in this document. I apologize for this offense but

this is the truth about these religions. If you cannot handle the truth then I

recommend that you do not read this document or watch this video.

This information is derived from my book Secrets of the Pink Kush. Some knowledge

revealed here may not be in the book exactly as detailed here as this is more

speculative but the main premise is derived from the book. Please note that I am not an

occultist or religious but a scientist and my objective is to remain unbiased and only

present the facts that I discovered during my lengthy research project. Most of this video

is fact but some of what is contained here is speculation in an attempt to explain some

of these ancient mysteries.

Introduction I will cover the following topics here in this video: Some medieval paintings containing clues, some facts and fiction about the Da Vinci Code movie, the Cosmic Egg and its ancient Holy Grail message, Rosslyn Chapel, hidden messages, God’s plan for humanity, breeding projects, expected results of these breeding projects, some of the problems with genetically modified organisms, why the Tribe of Dan was banished, how the Holy Grail is actually a special genetic line, evolution and the implications of vaccinations and finally the research that is needed.

Please realize, without prejudice, that I have somewhat of a distinct advantage over many others in decrypting and/or decoding these things because I was computer programmer/analyst specializing in designing and writing encryption and decryption software (see old site for verification), I was a Rosicrucian and thus had knowledge that others would not have access to, and I just spent seven years researching the occult or hidden knowledge along with natural science / metaphysics and the relationships to these tetraploid humans who are referred to as the hidden ones as documented in the Bible and other ancient texts. The Paintings The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci This started out as a letter/e-mail sent in reply to Scott Wolter of America Unearthed. He had asked me to look at a couple of pictures and to decrypt the hidden codes within these paintings. Some may think that I am wrong but I am fairly confident that I decoded these two paintings correctly. I used to write encryption and decryption software as my business of protecting digital intellectual property so this was a breeze but definitely much different than employing mathematical concepts and computer languages. What many people may not know is that Leonardo Da Vinci was the Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order. He was involved in the occult and embedded occult symbolism

into his paintings. The purpose of the occult symbolism is to reinforce the message from the ancient Cult of Demeter and to convey to others that he was part of this ancient global and nefarious conspiracy.

Surprisingly, it took me only a few seconds to see the prominent V with Da Vinci’s Last Supper or L’Ultima Cena. This V in the painting symbolizes Venus or Lucifer as god or goddess actually, not Jesus. Et in Arcadia ego (also known as Les bergers d'Arcadie or The Arcadian Shepherds)[1] is a 1637–38 painting by Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665). It depicts a pastoral scene with idealized shepherds from classical antiquity clustering around an austere tomb. It is held in the Louvre, Paris.

It took me only a few more minutes to realize that painting Et in Arcadia Ego or Arcadian Shepherds by Nicolas Poussin which depicts three men with a woman in the background. This is actually showing the Arcadian or Akkadians (also called Hyksos, Hittites, Hibiru and Hebrew) using three front men to do the bidding of their goddess Venus or Lucifer, who always remains hidden in the background. Perception and deception are the two main elements. The goddess Lucifer deceives the entire world by using front men to give the perception that men rule the world when in fact it is a matriarchal society ruled by Jewish women. Jesus is another front for this same matriarchal rule. The feminist Jews actually crucified Jesus on the Cross of Tiamat and then placed the thorny crown, that only a goddess would wear, upon his head to add insult to injury.

Jesus was attempting to subvert the evil and corrupt matriarchy of the New World Order and this was something that these Luciferians/Venetians/New World Order proponents could not tolerate. Not only did they murder him, they converted him from being a martyr for either a patriarchy (Sun God) or perhaps an egalitarian society, an equal and in my opinion better system, to being a front man for a presumably peaceful matriarchal society. The lies were spawned from there and continue until this day where you can clearly observe that Jews and Catholics both worship a goddess as do all Persian religions. This is Mary for the Catholics and Ishtar for the Jews. It is all based upon the ancient Cult of Demeter and perhaps Mithraism itself is actually worship of the ancient goddess Demeter which may simply be Meter or Mitra. It is all based upon the Persian religions as are all or most religions of our present day Hellenistic Western world.

Dear Scott Wolter: Thank you for the revelation about the Last Supper painting containing the image of a baby and your advice about thinking further about this and my theory. My initial thought was that this had absolutely nothing to do with my theory but upon further review, it does appear to have something to do with my book and the conspiracy aspect or at the very least, a genetic aspect. What I am about to suggest is very preliminary and this topic is fraught with political and religious land mines. This, of course, has never really stopped me before, so I will continue. Please remember that I am not a geneticist and what I am about to state has not been verified and it is merely me “thinking out loud”. I will research this further when I get some time. Leonard Da Vinci was, like I was before, a Rosicrucian. That is all I can say at this time, without risk of getting murdered. I do list them in my book, as an opinion but I must explain the theory with supporting facts as omitting them weakens my argument. Please refer to the Octopus in Volume III, end of chapter 10. They will not be impressed with me, to say the least.

Facts vs. Fiction in The Da Vinci Code By Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel

“A frequent question asked by readers of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code is “How much of the novel’s depiction of historical events, people, artwork, and institutions is correct.” The short answer is “Not much.” In fact, the only thing more amazing than Brown’s consistent misrepresentation of facts is a widespread acceptance of his claims, with both reviewers and readers praising the “research” and “knowledge” supposedly evident in his novel. The Da Vinci Hoax: Exposing the Errors in The Da Vinci Code examines, in much detail, the lengthy list of claims made in the Code. Here is a brief look at just a few of the claims made in Brown’s novel and on his web site.”

Stone Cosmic Egg – Ancient Holy Grail Message “Fascinating stone monuments can be found everywhere, which serve as a vestige of mystical significance from ancient cultures around the globe. Ranging from the medieval era to the stone age, mysterious stone artifacts with strange symbols have left researchers scratching their heads for centuries now.

One of these strange stones can be found in Algarve, Portugal. It consists of a carving of what looks like a double helix, which is the symbol for DNA.”

This egg shaped stone pictured here was found in Algarve, Portugal by British researcher and author Peter Daughtrey. It is referred to as the “Cosmic Egg” with a double helix DNA strand carved into it as well. It is estimated to be 7,000 years old. This is clear evidence that the tetraploid humans had knowledge of DNA. There is similarly, evidence of breeding projects in Malta found in the Hypogeum. This provides verification of said breeding projects. Expert Opinions Definition

“An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing.” - Nicholas Butler

I am not an expert but a polymath with years of academic training, work as a computer software programmer/analyst, later an agricultural researcher and eventually discovering the secrets of the hidden ones, tetraploid humans, and I can state unequivocally that this is indeed a double helix of DNA carved by these tetraploid humans. There is also evidence of breeding experiments in Malta from thousands of years ago. This is all documented in my book Secrets of the Pink Kush. Remember that the Bible states that Adam was made out of clay but perhaps it originally stated in a clay Petri dish rather than out of clay. I strongly suspect it was IN CLAY thus meaning DNA gene insertion, gene stacking as well as in vitro fertilization was involved as was the case with Sarah, the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac. Remember that Sarah was barren but then was told that she would now have a child. How is this possible without human intervention or tetraploid human (God) intervention.The Bible goes on to state that they wish the genetics of Isaac to be pervasive among all humans? This is why the Jews have a sterilization and genocide program against the goyim. The tetraploid humans want all humans to have their specific DNA which probably contains some bonobo genes as well as other attributes, perhaps from other different organisms, that suits their needs for a complacent, complicit and meek population. The tetraploid humans are super intelligent and extremely advanced beyond our own. Yes, the meek shall indeed inherit the Earth because that is part of the conspiracy. They want a docile population that will follow the orders of the Persian matriarchal Empire with the Jews acting as executive administrators and they then follow the orders of God, but only through Lucifer. For them, Lucifer is God and their matriarch. This genetic programming is the real Holy Grail. It is of vital importance for the tetraploid humans because their long term survival depends upon it. A violent and patriarchal population could easily overwhelm them with their small population numbers. I estimate their population to be less than 250,000. You can verify this yourself using the following parameters and assumption:

There were about 600 tetraploid humans, according to the Old Testament around 7,800 years ago. Their population growth rate is only half that of normal diploid humans. This equates to 20 years for a generation of diploids and 40 years for a generation of tetraploids. The population usually doubles every 50 years so their population doubles every 100 years. You can use a population growth calculator to do your own calculations.

Definition of God The Sanskrit defined God as one to whom you pay tribute. God is therefore, nothing more and nothing less than that precept. You must pay tribute to the giants, the tetraploid humans for they were God. There were many of them as well and thus polytheism is correct while monotheism is not correct. The Jews were claiming to be the first to adopt monotheism but that has flaws in it because their god is Lucifer and she is a Goddess. She is a jealous goddess and wants humans to worship her as a matriarch.

The Jews are indeed the “Chosen Ones” as they were chosen from several various humanoid species with differing genetic aspects. Genetics provide the programming for all life organisms and it can be modified such that life organism will act differently. God, a tetraploid human, wanted specific traits from his people. One of them was to be subservient to a matriarchal society rather than a patriarchal society. God and his cohorts isolated the gender genes somewhat. I suspect that they used bonobo genes as a method to accomplish their project goals. Bonobos follow a matriarch, use lesbianism as a control mechanism over the males and the males tend to be homosexual. Expect these traits from these genetically modified humans. Another trait was unemotional leadership and execution of orders from God, again was a tetraploid human.

Rosslyn Chapel Ceiling Rosslyn Chapel “Rosslyn Chapel was founded on a small hill above Roslyn Glen as a Catholic collegiate church (with between four and six ordained canons and two boy choristers) in the mid-15th century. The chapel was founded by William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness of the Scoto-NormanSinclair family. Rosslyn Chapel is the third Sinclair place of worship at Roslyn, the first being in Roslyn Castle and the second (whose crumbling buttresses can still be seen today) in what is now Roslyn Cemetery.[2]“

Rosslyn Chapel DNA Column

“Construction of the chapel began on 20 September 1456, although it has often been recorded as 1446. The confusion over the building date comes from the chapel's receiving its founding charter to build a collegiate chapel in 1446 from Rome. Sinclair did not start to build the chapel until he had built houses for his craftsmen.”


Rosslyn Chapel

It is important to note that William Sinclair had a Norman background. Norman were actually of Jewish/Persian heritage, not Viking or Celtic as they would like you to believe, and William Sinclair is probably named after Saint Clair of Assisi from Italy, She founded the Order of Poor Ladies, a monastic religious order for women in the Franciscan tradition, and wrote their Rule of Life,[1] the first set of monastic guidelines known to have been written by a woman.

Ark of the Covenant Church in Aksum, Ethiopia

One would have to ask the question, did the giants help Sinclair build the chapel as they had done for the Ethiopian Jews by King Lalibela in Aksum, Ethiopia hundreds of years ago. King Lalibela stated that the bees recognized him as king.

King Lalibela

“Gebre Mesqel Lalibela (reigned early 13th century), also called simply Lalibela, which means "the bees recognize his sovereignty" in Old Agaw, was negus or king of Ethiopia and a member of the Zagwe dynasty. He is also considered a saint by the Ethiopian church.”

Author’s note: This Wikipedia reference of King Lalibela appears to be altered or watered down somewhat as the original quote Is that “the Bees recognize him as King” and not just the sovereignty. My point may seem like nothing to the uninitiated but it is of grave importance as it is a major clue to the genetic makeup of King Lalibela. Please notice that he appears to be a giant white man barely able to ride a horse due to his immense size. He was a tetraploid human and thus highly intelligent, physically superior and probably associated with the Serpent People from the Hollow Earth.

This means, from the original quote, that he admitted he was a tetraploid as all queen bees are actually tetraploids with double the chromosome count and thus grow much larger and live much longer. Their admission to their genetic makeup is also documented in Genesis 6:4. When the sons of gods (tetraploids) went unto the daughters of men and begat giants called the Nephilim. It was further stated that the Nephilim were not fruitful unto God. This means that they were sterile. This proof, the polyploidy formula for the mathematics of nature and a few different procedures for creating polyploids is fully documented in my book, Secrets of the Pink Kush. It provides a complete audit and full explanation using the scientific method to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that these ancient gods and modern aliens are in fact, tetraploid humans. They do not want you to know that they exist and will kill any that could

acknowledge their existence or of their nefarious conspiracy to control the world. This is paramount in their conspiracy and thus they are referred to as the Hidden Ones, even in the Bible which they wrote. Some of their knowledge is forbidden or hidden knowledge and this is also referred to as the occult, which simply means hidden knowledge.

Rosslyn Chapel DNA Pillar These dates are important because they show that the chapel was built almost 50 years before Columbus had travelled to the Americas, the only place where corn/maize has been grown. How did they know about corn? The answer of course is that the tetraploid humans knew very well about maize/corn and, I suspect, that they did breeding projects involving corn to produce a higher quality and higher yielding product although the original corn was probably more nutritious than our current version with a somewhat higher sugar content. I also suspect that they created the giant Sequoia trees in California as well as some types of wheat, strawberries and many other organisms that they either genetically modified or simply increased the level of ploidy which I do not consider as genetically modified as no individual gametes were modified, simply the entire chromosome was doubled and individual genes remain original.

Rosslyn Chapel Maize Carvings

Hidden Messages There are clues found in the symbolism of many names, corporations, pictures, drawings, logos, paintings, etc for their beliefs or religion or end game. There appears to be several clues found in the painting of the Last Supper of Leonardo Da Vinci, or at least two of which I am now aware thanks to your insight. I suspect that the V, as denoted by the separation clearly represents the matriarchal society of the Freemasons and their sister organizations which are all followers of Venus AKA Lucifer AKA Cult of Demeter AKA Tiamat. The baby probably represents the bloodline of a genetically modified human and this is the genetics that they want to be implemented for all humans. I do not believe that the baby is necessarily that of Jesus, although it could be, but may be the bloodline of a specific interbred line. I think the matrilineal line requirement of Jews is, for this very reason. This relates to the breeding project that God did when creating Adam and Eve. God isolated and modified the patriarch/matriarch gene which I think exists. This explains why bonobos are matriarchal while chimpanzees are patriarchal.

God’s Plan I believe that there exists such a gene that predetermines this predisposition. Every bonobo has a gene which makes them wish to submit to a matriarch while chimpanzees have the opposite phenotype that they will only submit to a patriarch. Therein lies the problem for global peace as the differing genetic programming results in warlike behavior from some of the population and peaceful co-existence from the remainder of the population. The plan of God or tetraploid humans is in reality, to modify all humans such that there genetics are all like that of the bonobos. This type of genetically modified human is designed for the advantage the tetraploid humans rather than us normal diploid humans as this modification also, unfortunately, results in humans with defective genes and thus are more susceptible to diseases, especially cancer.

Breeding Projects The God mentioned in Genesis did a breeding project. I did mention this in the book but was uncertain if any genes were modified. Using modern DNA testing, it now appears that God did in fact, create a genetically modified human but we need to examine the

DNA samples of some humans for evidence of any such gene modification (gene stacking, etc.). There is clear genetic evidence to suggest the Jewish DNA is quite unique and may have, in fact, been genetically modified. In my book I elude to a gene that determines whether person will be submissive to a patriarch or matriarch. I think that this may be one gene that was isolated and modified by the tetraploid humans. There was evidence found in Malta which suggests breeding projects. I still need to obtain more information on this subject as I had to cut things off in my book and everything in the universe is connected somehow. It states in The Bible that God created Adam and then Eve. I now believe that this is true but in the book I do not speculate about the possibility that Adam was a genetically modified to have specific genetic traits (phenotypes).

Some of the evidence found in Malta which suggests breeding projects included drawings of the DNA sequence. I still need to obtain more information on this subject. Two things: firstly, I had to cut things off in my book as everything in the universe is connected somehow so it would go forever and secondly, it is really hard to obtain this type of information as it is forbidden knowledge due to the hidden agenda of the status quo. It states in The Bible that God created Adam and then Eve. I now believe that this is true but in the book I do not speculate about the possibility that Adam was genetically modified to have specific genetic traits (phenotypes). Adam was designed to have a gene that would make him like bonobos, submissive to a matriarch. Eve was genetically modified to contain the same gene. Perhaps they tried mating Adam or another male to a normal female who was not genetically modified or was modified for a patriarchal gene. Perhaps her name was Lilith) with a patriarchal gene but were unsuccessful. This led them to create another version, Eve. Would her genes be passed on because of her mitochondrial DNA rather than through a patrilineal line?

Desired Results of Breeding Project Why would they go to such trouble to genetically modify humans? This is because of their end game, they wanted a peaceful, submissive and compliant race that they could employ as slave labour and would also worship them and be good “servants of God”. They had tried, in the past, to make humans and even triploid humans to be their slaves but this grandiose plan did not work out for them. Eventually the overwhelming numbers of this successful species (diploid humans) was becoming a real threat to the tetraploids humans. The tetraploids were much smarter and stronger than us diploids but their slower reproduction rates (due to the higher ploidy level) meant that they would be overrun eventually. How do you plan for this future catastrophe (for the tetraploids) if you have no control over it? You gain control over it by making humans more subservient. How do you do that? You accomplish this lofty goal by genetically modifying them just as you can modify an apple to never go brown. Modifying some of genes to create your own version of human and then allowing that genetic strain to flourish such that they can take over and control the masses.

Problems with Genetically Modified Organisms There are several problems that are starting to appear with this extremely long term breeding project. These genetically modified humans have some great advantages but equally have some great disadvantages. One of the disadvantages, and a known issue, is the susceptibility to disease. The GMO humans (especially if they have aneuploidy) get cancer and several other diseases more easily than the non-GMO humans. The data is starting to show this trend very clearly. In the future, they could possibly pull back the patrilineal line (lost tribes of Israel?) and mate them back into the matrilineal line in order to propagate a species that contained their desired DNA. This would result in more people containing the gene with the genetic predisposition to a matriarchal society. I am beginning to suspect that part of their end game is to ensure that all humans have this gene. Perhaps this is the reason that Satan wanted to destroy the human race, Satan did not want matriarchal humans, he wanted patriarchal so they would follow him or he did not believe in GMO humans and was more nature oriented. I want to make it clear that Satan is the adversary and not simply an evil creature or demon as is usually depicted. It should be well noted that I am not stating that I endorse Satan or Satanists in any manner but I merely trying to share and present the

information that I have found. The same can be said of my feelings about the plans of Lucifer or Luciferians.

Tribe of Dan Banished Remember the boat people that become known as the tribe of Dan? They lived in their boats and the others did not know where they originally came from. The historians do not know either but many have speculated. Many other people suspect, as I do now, that they were in fact ancient Vikings/Scandinavians from Northern Europe or at the very least Celts from central Europe. These boat people were eventually forced out of the greater tribe of Israel because they would not worship the god of Abraham (Lucifer) but continued to worship Moloch (Satan). Lucifer demanded that they be exiled so they left the area.

This is fully documented in the Bible. Perhaps they were not the same type of genetically modified humans as the others because they were from Northern Europe

and had not been exposed to this matrilineal line at this time. Lucifer would achieve this or attempt to achieve this in the future for her goals of global domination. The Norse boat people had an inherent propensity to worship or serve a patriarch and thus could not bow down to Lucifer. Their patriarchy was ruled by male gods such as Odin being God, Thor being Satan (and later assuming leadership as God after the father died) and Freyja being Lucifer but she never assumed absolute power as a matriarch. Freyja always takes a subservient role throughout Viking history, or so it appears. I suspect this is further evidence of my hypothesis regarding the difference in genes.

Holy Grail is a Special Genetic Line In the end you were right and I was wrong as this information probably does relate to the Conspiracy Theory as mentioned in my book. The Holy Graal AKA Holy Grail AKA Sangraal is probably this bloodline that contains the genetically modified human species that God (Lucifer) wants as his servants. This is the bloodline of the Holy Spirit of humans (royal blood of kings, queens of divine rule who act as administrators of the office of Lucifer). The important GMO version of these humans must be protected and preserved in order for there to be peace in the world according to their Luciferian philosophy.

Mary Magdalene was perhaps part of the same DNA as Eve, who was the original GMO human and an extremely valuable breeding project. Jesus did not worship Lucifer, but God the father so I suspect that these Luciferians were and are merely using Jesus because he had a great following which continues to this day. Remember that David was not a real Jew because his mother was Ruth, and she was not Jewish. Jesus was from the bloodline of the House of David and was thus had a patriarchal predisposition gene. We will never know for sure as we have no DNA evidence, just speculation. Perhaps the Holy Grail is not a cup containing the blood of Jesus but a Petri dish containing the bloodline of Jesus or Mary Magdalene which is actually Eve. This is the royal blood and the desired genetics of the office of Lucifer/Venus. Nature, on the other hand, has another answer and always wins over the long run. I suspect that her plan has real flaws, another of which is the promise of peace as there is always a constant war to fight for global peace. From my viewpoint, that appears to be an oxymoronic concept and thus is flawed but who am I to question God? Royal Bloodline The Royal bloodline can be clearly detected today using simple blood tests. This turns out to be RH- (RH negative) blood. This RH negative designation means that the person is totally devoid of any rhesus monkey genes. This is a genetic impossibility for humans on the evolutionary tree as we all must have those genetics to be considered primates. There is only one answer to this strange anomaly and that is that these people are the descendants of genetically modified humans as I previously stated. The Queen of England and her entire family has this RH negative blood type. That is the HOLY GRAIL or the DIVINE RIGHT TO RULE by God who was and is, merely a tetraploid human.

Evolution and the Implications of Vaccinations If human evolution continues it may be possible that the matriarchal gene may convert or revert back to a patriarchal gene. There may be other genetic preferences, for the tetraploids anyway, that may disappear or change as well. In order to prevent this from occurring, one must stop evolution in its tracks. Viruses are an integral part of evolution as they help organisms to advance through evolution. If you vaccinate the masses against viruses then you somewhat control evolution or at least slow it down. One needs to ask the question, are vaccines really for the good of the human race in the long run? I strongly suspect that vaccinations are not in the best interest of humanity.

Further Research Needed These are just my thoughts on this matter at this time and they may change as new information comes to light. It would be desirable to gather, record and analyze the DNA from many humans in order to discover the truth. We need further research on this matter but I hope that none attempt to interfere with bonobos or chimpanzees, only humans. P.S. I thought Holy, Blood Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln (which I read in 1991) was the first book on this topic, followed by the Da Vinci

Code by Dan Brown but I just found this: The Hidden Church of the Holy Graal by Arthur Edward Waite written in 1909. It should be well noted that Waite does not link the Holy Grail to the Knights Templar or the Freemasons but I do. They are the elite of the administration of these Luciferians (derived from the Cult of Demeter also known as Venetians or New World Order advocates) so it must also be their job to protect this bloodline as they serve God (with Lucifer being their god or goddess actually). I hope this makes sense as it is somewhat speculative as I previously mentioned, but I am totally open to whatever leads to the truth. Summary

Secrets of the Pink Kush reveals the science and facts behind these tetraploid humans

and their system of administration over us diploid humans. They do not want their

existence known, hence their name the Hidden Ones and Serpent People, and they

have help from some people among us. Find out whom and more importantly, why.

Read Secrets of the Pink Kush for more knowledge of the occult and many other topics

that are related by a certain lily plant that can potentially cure cancer or kill

animals/people or create polyploids such as the tetraploid humans or create superior

plants like the Pink Kush which is also a tetraploid but a cannabis plant. The book also

describes how to breed and grow superior plants and cannabis in particular. There is

knowledge in this book that is not found anywhere else in the world except amongst the

tetraploid humans and they are keeping it a secret. Thank you for your interest in this



Secrets of the Pink Kush

William H. Bradshaw, Dipl. T., CPIM

The Da Vinci Hoax by Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel

Secrets of the Pink Kush

Sincerely, William Bradshaw Dipl. T., CPIM Phone: 778-862-1670

Copy Protection and Encryption Software

Secrets of the Pink Kush

How to Grow Medical Marijuana

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