second termspeakingclasstwo

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  • 7/28/2019 Second Termspeakingclasstwo


    Second Term(Segundo de la ESO y Cuarto Diversificacin)

    Worksheet 2

    1) Read the dialogue (a PAIR OF STUDENTS ROLE PLAY THE DIALOGUE)

    AHMED: Back to school.

    Marie: Ugh! How boring!Summers brilliant. I always go to the beach and playvolleyball with my friends.

    Ahmed: Youre lucky! I hardly ever go to the beach. I usually stay at home and

    watch TV. Well, sometimes, I go to the village where my grandfather lives. I usually

    have a good time there, but its good to be at school again because you can see

    your friends.

    Marie: MmmmIm not sure.

    2) And you? What do you usually do in summer? TELL the class.

    3) How do you study? Write the answers in full sentences in your

    notebook. TELL the class.

    Where do you usually study?

    Do you usually study a) alone b) with a friend c)with a member of your family?

    Do you use a computer to do your homework?

    Do you watch television or listen to music while you are doing your homework?

    How much time do you spend studying a day?

    When do you usually do your homework?

    When you study, do you usually have a pen and a notebook with you?

    What marks do you usually get? A)excellent b)very good c)good d9OK e) not very


    Can you come to a conclusion about your work?

  • 7/28/2019 Second Termspeakingclasstwo




    All spiders have got eight legs and eight eyes. They can grow a leg if they lose one.

    There are more than 30,000 different types of spiders in the world.


    Tarantulas are very big. They can measure up to 30cm across and they are very

    hairy. They are nocturnal: they sleep during the day and hunt at night. They live in

    nests under the ground. They eat bigger insects than other spiders and can even

    eat frogs, beetles and small birds. The male Tarantula has longer legs than the

    female. Male Tarantulas live for about six years, but the female Tarantula can live

    for 20-30 years. Tarantulas are poisonous but not for humans.


    The female Black Widow spider is black and has got a red mark on her stomach.

    She is very poisonous to people. The female is 3cm long. However, the male is

    smaller than the female and is not poisonous. These spiders live in dark places.

    Their webs are very strong and they use them to catch insects. The female hardly

    ever leaves the web. She stays near the eggs and bites to protect them. These

    spiders live for about a year and a half and the female usually eats the male.

    Are these sentences true or false?

    The tarantula is bigger than the Black Widow spider.

    Male spiders usually have a longer life than female spiders.

    The Black Widow is more poisonous than the Tarantula.

    T he male Black Widow is more dangerous than the female Black Widow.

    Male spiders are always bigger than female spiders.

    Question prompts. Choose a spider and write questions for your partner

    to answer.




    What/look like?

    How long/live?
