second round district level monitoring committee meeting level...

SECOND ROUND DISTRICT LEVEL MONITORING COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE KURUNG KUMEY DISTRICT HELD ON 12TH DECEMBER 2009 AT CONFERENCE HALL KOLORIANG. The 2nd round of District level Monitoring Committee (DLMC) with all Heads of Department, Administrative Officers and Zilla Parishad Members of Kurung Kumey District under the Chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioner Kurung Kumey District Koloriang held on 12th December' 2009 at 1030 hrs. in the Conference Hall, Koloriang to review the progress of the schemes under PM's Package, SPA, ACA and other Centrally Sponsored Schemes in Kurung Kumey District. Shri Remo Kamki, the Deputy Commissioner Cum Chairman of the District Level Monitoring Committee (DLMC) extended his hearty welcome to all the members present in the meeting. He expressed his happiness and said that this is the first in the district, the joint meeting ofPR leaders, implementing agency, HODs and Administrative Officers are in unison to 5trength~n· the monitoring mechanism to accelerate the much needed developmental activities in the district. Shri Mangdo Babung District Planning Officer highlighted that the aims and objective of the meeting is to review the latest status of all the schemes under PM's Package, SPA,ACA, NLCPR, NEC, BADP and other Centrally Sponsored and flag-ship schemes being implemented by various works departments in the district. He further informed the house that '" the prime purpose of the DLMC meeting is result of the massive economic package announced ~ by the Hon'ble Prime Minister during 31st January _1st February '2008 and State Government's I initiative to strengthen the monitoring mechanism in the district by constituting District Level Monitoring Committee (DLMC). The members present in the meeting are given at Annexure A. The DC Cum Chairman initiated the scheme-wise progress of the various projects for which the concerned implementing agencies were asked to explain the latest progress of schematic status. PWD S.angram Division was the first department to present the progress of schemes under PM's package, SPA, ACA etc. Schemes under PM's Package were discussed first. On discussion, it was informed that most of the schemes under PM's. Package are physically completed or 90% completed which are implemented under PWD Sangram Division. Under SPA and ACA also under PWD Sangram Division, it was inform tha.t the most of projects are physically completed or near completion. However, the members specially the PR leaders were not satisfied with the presentation as the Assistant Engineer PWD Sangram and Palin Sub-Division represented on behalf of Executive Engineer could not explain some of the queries of members because of their newly posting in that Sub-Division. DC Cum Chairman directed them to be well-prepared in next DLMC meeting. On the construction of 50 bedded Hospital at Palin under NEC, AE PWD, Palin informed that the 99% of asset has been completed physically. Participating in the discussion, EE Power and~MO expressed that because of non-deposit of water ~IWI an<:i_eleJ~tricj:LQrovision to PI-ffiD and-Pow L ~artment, the buildOingisnoryetin a Rosition to take over an ring for utility. DC directed PWD Sangram Div.ision-to-=-depositthe required fund to PHED-i'na-'PO"Wer department immediately. '-""Bowever, t~e entire P.Ioj~cts. falling_Jmder~Jy_ created PWD_T.~Ji.Diy!sion suc~~a~_, Road from Dari to C~g u!}derRIDF, TaI1J.en-TaliRoad via Yarkum underNLCPR, Road "from Chetam to Pip~qr~ng und~~BADP and-rione 9f th~'.!chem~s~nder PWD J:.a}i~!vision could be take up in the discussion because of absence of the Executive Engineer or his representative in the meeting~}Similarly, the projects under RWD Layang-Sangnim Division "-such as 1. C/o RLR from Yaglung, 2. C/o RLR from Gaga to Langth-Ioth village, 3. C/o RLR from Nyaph to L~ba, 4. C/o Ro~d fmm Kuru Bridge Point to Nangram, 5. C/o WRSB over Nyokuriang Kamla river to Pillo, 6. C/o WRSB over Kamla river in between Seriang and Nyokuriang, C/o steel truss bridge on Bokam to Chambang under PM's Package and schemes under SPA, ACA etc could not be discussed and review the progress because of absence Executive Engineer, RWD or his representative. The Executive Engineer, Power (Elect) Kurung Kumey Div1sion presented that the Department has completed the construction of 2x1 MY A, 33/11 KV Sub-Station at Sangram under NLCPR with the estimated cost of Rs.50.00 lakhs for which the physical and financial achievement is 100%.

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The 2nd round of District level Monitoring Committee (DLMC) with all Heads ofDepartment, Administrative Officers and Zilla Parishad Members of Kurung Kumey Districtunder the Chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioner Kurung Kumey District Koloriang heldon 12th December' 2009 at 1030 hrs. in the Conference Hall, Koloriang to review the progressof the schemes under PM's Package, SPA, ACA and other Centrally Sponsored Schemes inKurung Kumey District.

Shri Remo Kamki, the Deputy Commissioner Cum Chairman of the District LevelMonitoring Committee (DLMC) extended his hearty welcome to all the members present in themeeting. He expressed his happiness and said that this is the first in the district, the jointmeeting ofPR leaders, implementing agency, HODs and Administrative Officers are in unisonto 5trength~n· the monitoring mechanism to accelerate the much needed developmentalactivities in the district.

Shri Mangdo Babung District Planning Officer highlighted that the aims and objectiveof the meeting is to review the latest status of all the schemes under PM's Package, SPA,ACA,NLCPR, NEC, BADP and other Centrally Sponsored and flag-ship schemes beingimplemented by various works departments in the district. He further informed the house that

'" the prime purpose of the DLMC meeting is result of the massive economic package announced

~ by the Hon'ble Prime Minister during 31st January _1st February '2008 and State Government'sI initiative to strengthen the monitoring mechanism in the district by constituting District LevelMonitoring Committee (DLMC).

The members present in the meeting are given at Annexure A.The DC Cum Chairman initiated the scheme-wise progress of the various projects for

which the concerned implementing agencies were asked to explain the latest progress ofschematic status. PWD S.angram Division was the first department to present the progress ofschemes under PM's package, SPA, ACA etc. Schemes under PM's Package were discussedfirst. On discussion, it was informed that most of the schemes under PM's. Package arephysically completed or 90% completed which are implemented under PWD SangramDivision. Under SPA and ACA also under PWD Sangram Division, it was inform tha.t the mostof projects are physically completed or near completion. However, the members specially thePR leaders were not satisfied with the presentation as the Assistant Engineer PWD Sangramand Palin Sub-Division represented on behalf of Executive Engineer could not explain some ofthe queries of members because of their newly posting in that Sub-Division. DC CumChairman directed them to be well-prepared in next DLMC meeting. On the construction of 50bedded Hospital at Palin under NEC, AE PWD, Palin informed that the 99% of asset has beencompleted physically. Participating in the discussion, EE Power and~MO expressed thatbecause of non-deposit of water ~IWI an<:i_eleJ~tricj:LQrovision to PI-ffiD and-Pow L~artment, the buildOingisnoryetin a Rosition to take over an ring for utility. DC directedPWD Sangram Div.ision-to-=-depositthe required fund to PHED-i'na-'PO"Wer departmentimmediately.

'-""Bowever, t~e entire P.Ioj~cts. falling_Jmder~Jy_ created PWD_T.~Ji.Diy!sion suc~~a~_,Road from Dari to C~g u!}derRIDF, TaI1J.en-TaliRoad via Yarkum underNLCPR, Road

"from Chetam to Pip~qr~ng und~~BADP and-rione 9f th~'.!chem~s~nder PWD J:.a}i~!visioncould be take up in the discussion because of absence of the Executive Engineer or hisrepresentative in the meeting~}Similarly, the projects under RWD Layang-Sangnim Division

"-such as 1. C/o RLR from Yaglung, 2. C/o RLR from Gaga to Langth-Ioth village, 3. C/o RLRfrom Nyaph to L~ba, 4. C/o Ro~d fmm Kuru Bridge Point to Nangram, 5. C/o WRSB overNyokuriang Kamla river to Pillo, 6. C/o WRSB over Kamla river in between Seriang andNyokuriang, C/o steel truss bridge on Bokam to Chambang under PM's Package and schemesunder SPA, ACA etc could not be discussed and review the progress because of absenceExecutive Engineer, RWD or his representative.

The Executive Engineer, Power (Elect) Kurung Kumey Div1sion presented that theDepartment has completed the construction of 2x1 MY A, 33/11 KV Sub-Station at Sangramunder NLCPR with the estimated cost of Rs.50.00 lakhs for which the physical and financialachievement is 100%.


Under SPA normal, on Renovation and modernization of transmission and distributionsystem under Kurung Kumey District with estimated cost ofRs. 53.00 lacs, C/o SPT Type-IIIquarter for JE (E) at Chambang, C/o SPT Type-III quarter for JE (E) at Sangram, C/o SPTTyp-IV quarter for AE (E) at Koloriang and Providing Oil Testing machine and Dehydrationmachine have been fully completed both physically and financial. Regarding the progress ofRGGVY in Kurung Kumey District, it is informed that the material has been booked andreceived and pole erection is in progress.

Executive Engineer PHE & WS Division Sangram-Layang presented the progress ofschemes Infrastructure development ofPHE & WS Sub-Division Sango under Phassang circleunder SPA 2008-09. Under this project one no. of Office Building, 02 units of Type-II quarter,02 units of type-III quarter, 02 units of type-I quarter, 04 units of bachelor barrack and 01 unitof store has fully been completed both physical and financial. Photographs and utilizationcertificate of these project's have also been submitted. Under ACA (pM's Package), thephysical status for Renovation of Water Supply at Koloriang HQ. with the estimated cost ofRS.22.45Iakhs was also presented by EE PHE & WS Division Layang-Sangram in which HeadWork (Droplet intake type 01 no. and Sedimentation cum storage tank 01 no. have beencompleted. Further, EE PHE & WS informed that Re-construction and restoration of damagedinfrastructure of flood and natural calamities during 2005 under Sangram Division under ACAwith the estimated cost ofRs.22.34 lakhs have also been completed both physical and financialfor which copy of utilization certificate has been placed before the house.

Assistant Engineer, Water Resources Division Ziro presented the physical and financialprogress of scheme, Inftastructure Development of Govt. College at Nyapin under SPA 2008­09 and Cluster of Flood Damage Rectification works under Nyapin, Sangram and PhassangCircle under SPA 2008-09. Under Inftastructure Development of Govt. College at Nyapin, heapprised that SPT bachelor barrack, Administrative building, SP type-IV quarter, Boundarywall, SP type-I quarter 01 no and boys hostel have been completed both physical and financialand construction of one' no of boundary wall is progressing satisfactorily.·Under Cluster ofFlood Damage Rectification works under Nyapin, Sangram and Phassang Circle under SPA2008-09, 20 (twenty) nos. of minor irrigation project (MIP) have been submitted with 100%physical and financial completion status.

On the progress of C/o Mini hydel Project over river Pagu near Old Palin under RIDF2007-08, the Executive Engineer, Hydro Power, Ziro Division informed that the Civil Workshave been completed. But, he apprised that there is no provision of Transmission andDistribution provision in the DPR Deputy Commissioner cum Chairman directed EE, Power(E) to prepare separate DPR for T & D portion at the earliest as construction of hydel withoutT & D could not yield any asset. Further, EE, Hydro Power informed the house that MHP overKoye river at Sangram circle under PM's Package is near completion stage and will becommission very soon. Pertaining to progress of Mini hydel project over Dumi-Dutte streamunder Pipsorang circle under BADP, EE, Hydro Power informed that the project is in progressstage. He however,' told that the delay in progress is due to communication bottle-necks asmost of the input materials like cement and machines are to be carried by air lifting.

O,~the issue on progress of 03 Rural Lin.kRoad ftom Koloriang to CheBo via NyoBo,Damin to Paniasang and Sarli to Polosang under BADP, the Assistant Project Officer (RE)represented on behalfofPD, DRDA informed that the project is under progress in full swing.He assured the house that along with formation cutting, retaining wall, breast wall, culvert,drainage and soiling will be taken up simultaneously.

Shri Pisa Gunia,ZP Chairperson of Kurung Kumey District, advised officers to comewith well prepared III suChmeeting with all relevant papers and documents. He asked DC andDPO to give proper directive and instructions to all concerned officers to redress thegrievanc~s and queries made by the PR members to their satisfaction.

He remarked that the development of an important departments like agriculture,Horticulture Handloom & Industries should also be given equal importance as they are thebackbone of the rural economy. He also assured to build inftastructure for recreation centre,particularly for officer in order to minimize their isolation syndrome.

Remo Kamki,Dy.Commissioner cum Chairman DLMC,in his speech emphasized tocarry out proper and problem-solving monitoring system for effective implementation ofschemes and needs a mechanism to be adopted to over come the hurdles for achieving thedesired target.



He cautioned that concerned officers would be fixed for any lapses on the implementation partand stressed that DLMC should review the progress of at least quarterly basis.He proposed to carry out a massive monitoring work by the DLMC member consisting of all

HODs, Administrative Officers and Zilla Parishad Members headed by himself on all the on­going schemes between the period ITom 16th to 22nd January 2010 in various circles of thisdistrict. Deputy Commissioner cum took serious note on EE, RWD and PWD Tali Division fornot attending in such important meeting for which progress of important project could not bereflected in public and caution them not to repeat in next meeting.

He informed that the people of the District has got land marked achievement in terms ofbanking activity as SBI Koloriang is already in fully functional now and requested HODs totransfer their Bank Account ITom SBI Ziro to SBI Koloriang to operate all kind of Govt.transaction. The District Treasury of kurung Kumey will be shifted ITom Ziro to Koloriangwithin December or January 201O.He reiterated that Officers are accountable to the public, sothey are to render their duties and responsibilities with out most sincerity and honesty up to thedoor-step of common people.

All the Zilla Parishad Members and Heads of Department present in the meetingparticipated in the debate and discussion and made valuable suggestions for improvement ofquality of works as well as for time bound completion of projects so that the asset created yieldmaximum benefits to the public.

After marathon debate and open discussion, the house adopted the following follow-up

action points: - ../,,1~ implementing agency should provide the copy of progress report and\ photographs of project to the Deputy Commissioner monthly/quarterly without

fail. .

~eads of all implementing agency and ZPM should be present in the DLMCreview Defaulter should be issued so-cause notice for non-compliance.

~Hon'ble MiAs of the District also be invited in the DLMC meeting.

/\.~hysical achievement should not be compromised in spite of difficultgeographical conditions.

&-Fund sanctioned/approved against specific project should not be diverted to otherhead.

~DLMC will inspect all the projects of different circles in Kurung Kurung District. between the period ITom 16th to 22nd January 2010. For this, separate detail tour

programme will be work out by DPO within a week.

Mangdo Babung,DPO cum Member Secretary, in his vote of thanks requested to allexecuting agencies to provide a copy of progress report and utilization Certificate (DC) to the

Deputy Commissioner along with project photographs taken at i~tial, MJddle and final stageregularly. He assured to make all necessary arrangement for power point presentation by theconcerned executing,agencies of all developmental projects at Kurung Kumey District in nextDLMC meeting so that a picturesque review of all development schemes could bedemonstrated before the public .and requested all implementing agency, HODs, fieldfunctionaries and PRI members for rendering their services with sincerity and dedication inorder to make Kurung Kumey a progressive district at par with other districts.

(Remk~tf1Deputy Commissioner·

Kurung Kumey DistrictKoloriang.

Memo NO. DPO/KK/DLMC-60/2008 ~Y6b-t,5-6 Dated Koloriang, the 16th December'2009.Copy to :_ ;71 Tho 1><';: tn. tho Un.n'hlo ~,.{;n;ctorfP"'rl;"'m<>nt"'nT <';:<>r-r<>t"'nT~1fT Ac' 1<11",nO" 1<11m<>.,T);ctr;r-t



3. The PS to Development Commissioner, Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar for

1Jfudinformation please.VI.he Secretary (planning) Government of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar for kind informationplease.

S. The Director (planning) Government of Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar for kind informationplease.

6. The Director (State Plan) Government of Aruanchal Pradesh, Itanagar for kind informationplease.

7. The Chairperson, Zilla Parishad, Kurung Kumey District for kind information please.8. The Executive Engineer, PWD/RWDIPHEDlPower (E) Sangram Division/Hydro

PowerlWRD Ziro DivisionIPWD Tali Division camp, Ziro for information please.9. All HODs Kurung Kumey District, Koloriang for information please.10. All Administrative Officers Kurung Kumey District for information please.11. The Zilla Parishad Members, Kurung Kumey District for information please.12. Office Copy/concerned file .

.~41(Remo Kamki)

Deputy CommissionerKurung Kumey District





Sl.No. Name of Members Designation1

2 31

Shri Remo Kamki DC Cum Chairman2

Pisa Gunia Chairperson Zilla Parishad3

Shri A. Tamut SP4

Er. Tapi Tai EE (power)5

Er. Tadar Ukap EE, PHE &WS6

Er.Karom Perme EE, Hydro Power, Ziro Div.7

Dr. Higio Tama DMO, Kurung Kumey8

Shri Tame Chakum ARCS, Kurung Kumey9

Michi Kani DIPRO10

Shri Nangram Pinkap CO, Pipsorang11

Dr. Md. Usman DVO, Kurung Kumey12

Shri Dobum Apang CO cum BDO Sarli13

Shri Aiit Pao DAO, Kurung Kumey14

Shri Gyamar She DPC (in DDSE)15

Shri Nani Taka BDO Koriang16

Er. Tami Nikja AE, PWD Koloriang17

Er. Tarak Gango AE, PWD Sangram18

Er. Heri Robin AE, PWD Palin19

Er. S.A Borah . AE, WRD Koloriang20

Er. Yumlam Take APO (RE) DRDA21

Shri Ringu kama CDPO & lIc DD (ICDS)22

Shri Hage Tatan ADTH23

Shri Bengia Raja APO (Cr) DRDA24

Shri Tarh Tamin EO (RE) DRDA25

Shri Bamang Saniay EO (RE) BDO Damin26

Er. Sangio Tania AE (NIC) Koloriang27

Shri Gora Togung ZPM Chambang28

Shri taring Bath ZPM Tarak-Lengdi29

Smti Nangram Niani ZPM Lower Koloriang30

Smti Tai Yapang ZPM Sangram31

Smti Bengia Yadek ZPM Upper Koloriang32

Shri Barno Sakter ZPM Damin33

Smti Sangio Yasok ZPM Tali34

Shri Sangha Tagik ZPM Parsi Parlo35

Shri Cham Nili NChairperson, Yangte36

Smti Dugi Depung N Chairperson, Palin37

Shri Miching Hania NChairperson, Tarak-Lengdi38

Shri Ha takia NChairperson, Parsi Parlo39

Shri Rodak Tadek -A/Chairperson, Tali

40Shri Taku Karu

,DF &CSO, Koloriang

41Shri Tapak Rakmi RA, Koloriang

42Shri Mangdo Babung DPO cum Member Secretary.

~(Mangdo Babung)

District Planning OfficerKurung Kumey District
