second regular session senate bill no. 936

SECOND REGULAR SESSION SENATE BILL NO. 936 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY INTRODUCED BY SENATOR MAY. Read 1st time January 28, 2020, and ordered printed. ADRIANE D. CROUSE, Secretary. 4994S.02I AN ACT To amend chapter 313, RSMo, by adding thereto seven new sections relating to video lottery, with penalty provisions. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows: Section A. Chapter 313, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto seven new 2 sections, to be known as sections 313.360, 313.425, 313.427, 313.429, 313.431, 3 313.433, and 313.435, to read as follows: 313.360. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the 2 contrary, the commission may incur fees when accepting debit cards or 3 other electronic payment methods, except credit cards, for the sale of 4 lottery game plays. 313.425. Sections 313.425 to 313.435 shall be known and may be 2 cited as the "Missouri Video Lottery Control Act" and shall establish the 3 regulatory framework for the use of player-activated video terminals 4 for the conduct of lottery games. 313.427. As used in sections 313.425 to 313.435, the following 2 words and phrases shall mean: 3 (1) "Centralized computer system", a computerized system 4 developed or procured by the commission that video lottery game 5 terminals are connected to using standard industry protocols that can 6 activate or deactivate a particular video lottery game terminal from a 7 remote location, and that is capable of monitoring and auditing video 8 lottery game plays; 9 (2) "Commission" or "lottery commission", the five-member body 10 appointed by the governor to manage and oversee the lottery under 11 section 313.215; 12 (3) "Establishment", any establishment registered to do business

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Read 1st time January 28, 2020, and ordered printed.

ADRIANE D. CROUSE, Secretary.4994S.02I


To amend chapter 313, RSMo, by adding thereto seven new sections relating to video

lottery, with penalty provisions.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

Section A. Chapter 313, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto seven new

2 sections, to be known as sections 313.360, 313.425, 313.427, 313.429, 313.431,

3 313.433, and 313.435, to read as follows:

313.360. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the

2 contrary, the commission may incur fees when accepting debit cards or

3 other electronic payment methods, except credit cards, for the sale of

4 lottery game plays.

313.425. Sections 313.425 to 313.435 shall be known and may be

2 cited as the "Missouri Video Lottery Control Act" and shall establish the

3 regulatory framework for the use of player-activated video terminals

4 for the conduct of lottery games.

313.427. As used in sections 313.425 to 313.435, the following

2 words and phrases shall mean:

3 (1) "Centralized computer system", a computerized system

4 developed or procured by the commission that video lottery game

5 terminals are connected to using standard industry protocols that can

6 activate or deactivate a particular video lottery game terminal from a

7 remote location, and that is capable of monitoring and auditing video

8 lottery game plays;

9 (2) "Commission" or "lottery commission", the five-member body

10 appointed by the governor to manage and oversee the lottery under

11 section 313.215;

12 (3) "Establishment", any establishment registered to do business

SB 936 2

13 in this state by a person licensed as a video lottery game retailer that

14 is or becomes licensed under chapter 311 to sell liquor at retail, and

15 that is one or more of the following:

16 (a) A fraternal organization or veterans' organization that

17 maintains a license issued under chapter 311 to sell intoxicating liquor,

18 and that obtains and maintains a license issued by the commission to

19 offer lottery games played on video lottery game terminals;

20 (b) A truck stop equipped for fueling commercial vehicles, that

21 has sold on average ten thousand gallons of diesel or biodiesel fuel

22 each month for the previous twelve months or is projected to sell an

23 average of ten thousand gallons of diesel or biodiesel fuel each month

24 for the next twelve months, that is situated on more than two acres of

25 land adjacent to a major state or federal highway, that maintains a

26 license issued under chapter 311 to sell intoxicating liquor, and that

27 obtains and maintains a license issued by the commission to offer

28 lottery games played on video lottery game terminals;

29 (c) A convenience store that has sold on average ten thousand

30 gallons of fuel each month for the previous twelve months or is

31 projected to sell an average of ten thousand gallons of fuel each month

32 for the next twelve months, that maintains a license issued under

33 chapter 311 to sell intoxicating liquor, and that obtains and maintains

34 a license issued by the commission to offer lottery games played on

35 video lottery game terminals;

36 (d) A bar, tavern, or restaurant that maintains a license issued

37 under chapter 311 to sell intoxicating liquor, and that obtains and

38 maintains a license issued by the commission to offer lottery games

39 played on video lottery game terminals;

40 (e) A liquor store that maintains a license issued under chapter

41 311 to sell intoxicating liquor, and that obtains and maintains a license

42 issued by the commission to offer lottery games played on video lottery

43 game terminals;

44 (f) A grocery store that maintains a license issued under chapter

45 311 to sell intoxicating liquor, and that obtains and maintains a license

46 issued by the commission to offer lottery games played on video lottery

47 game terminals;

48 (4) "Fraternal organization", any organization within this state

49 operating under the lodge system which exists for the common benefit,

SB 936 3

50 brotherhood, or other interest of its members, except college

51 fraternities and sororities, of which no part of the net earnings inures

52 to the benefit of any private shareholder or any individual member of

53 such organization, which has been exempted from the payment of

54 federal income tax, and which derives its charter from a national

55 fraternal organization which regularly meets;

56 (5) "Veterans' organization", a post or organization of veterans,

57 or an auxiliary unit or society of, or a trust or foundation for, any such

58 post or organization organized in the United States or any of its

59 possessions in which at least seventy-five percent of the members are

60 veterans of the United States armed forces and substantially all of the

61 other members are individuals who are veterans or are cadets, or are

62 spouses, widows or widowers of war veterans of such individuals, in

63 which no part of the net earnings inures to the benefit of any private

64 shareholder or individual, and which has been exempted from payment

65 of federal income taxes;

66 (6) "Video lottery game", any lottery game approved by the

67 commission for play on a video lottery game terminal using video

68 lottery game terminal credits that have been purchased with cash, cash

69 equivalents, or by a winning video lottery game terminal ticket;

70 (7) "Video lottery game adjusted gross receipts", the total of cash

71 or cash equivalents used for the play of a video lottery game on a video

72 lottery game terminal minus cash or cash equivalent paid to players as

73 a result of playing video lottery games on a video lottery game

74 terminal;

75 (8) "Video lottery game distributor", a person licensed by the

76 commission to buy, sell, lease, rent, finance or otherwise provide,

77 distribute or service video lottery game terminals or major parts and

78 components of video lottery game terminals, including used or

79 refurbished video lottery game terminals to and from licensed video

80 lottery game manufacturers and licensed video lottery game operators;

81 (9) "Video lottery game handler", a person employed by a licensed

82 video lottery game operator to handle, place, operate, and service video

83 lottery game terminals and associated equipment;

84 (10) "Video lottery game manufacturer", any person that

85 manufactures video lottery game terminals or major parts and

86 components for video lottery game terminals as approved by the lottery

SB 936 4

87 commission;

88 (11) "Video lottery game operator", a person licensed by the

89 commission that owns, rents, or leases and services or maintains video

90 lottery game terminals for placement in licensed video lottery game

91 retailer establishments;

92 (12) "Video lottery game retailer", a person meeting the

93 requirements of a lottery game retailer under section 313.260,

94 possessing a video lottery game retailer's license, and possessing a

95 license to sell liquor, and with whom a licensed video lottery game

96 operator has contracted for the placement of a video lottery game

97 terminal or terminals, provided the video lottery game retailer and

98 video lottery game operator do not have identical ownership;

99 (13) "Video lottery game terminal", player-activated terminal that

100 exchanges coins, currency, tickets, ticket vouchers, or other electronic

101 payment methods approved by the commission for video lottery game

102 terminal credits used to play video lottery games approved by the

103 commission. Such video lottery game terminals shall use a video

104 display and microprocessor capable of randomly generating the

105 outcome of video lottery games and be capable of printing a ticket at

106 the conclusion of any video lottery game play that is redeemable at a

107 video lottery game ticket redemption terminal or reinserted into a

108 video lottery game terminal for video lottery game credit. All video

109 lottery games approved by the commission for play on a video lottery

110 game terminal shall have a minimum theoretical payout of eighty-five

111 percent;

112 (14) "Video lottery game terminal credit", one cent, five cents, ten

113 cents, or twenty-five cents either won or purchased by a player on a

114 video lottery game terminal that is used to play video lottery games

115 and that may be converted into a video lottery game ticket;

116 (15) "Video lottery game ticket" or "ticket", a document printed

117 at the conclusion of any lottery game play or group of plays on a video

118 lottery game terminal that is redeemable for cash utilizing a video

119 lottery game ticket redemption terminal or that may be reinserted into

120 a video lottery game terminal in the establishment for which it was

121 issued for video lottery terminal game play credit;

122 (16) "Video lottery game ticket redemption terminal", the

123 collective hardware, software, communications technology, and other

SB 936 5

124 ancillary equipment used to facilitate the payment of tickets cashed out

125 by players as a result of playing a video lottery game terminal.

313.429. 1. The commission shall implement a system of video

2 lottery game terminals utilizing a licensing structure for processing

3 license applications and issuing licenses to video lottery game

4 manufacturers, video lottery game distributors, video lottery game

5 operators, video lottery game handlers, and video lottery game retailers

6 for the conduct of lottery games utilizing video lottery game terminals

7 within the state; except that, a person licensed as a:

8 (1) Video lottery game manufacturer or a video lottery game

9 distributor shall not be issued a license as a video lottery game

10 operator or a video lottery game retailer;

11 (2) Video lottery game operator shall not be issued a license as

12 a video lottery game manufacturer or a video lottery game distributor;

13 and

14 (3) Video lottery game retailer shall not be issued a license as a

15 video lottery game manufacturer or a video lottery game distributor.

16 Nothing in this subsection shall prevent a video lottery game

17 manufacturer from obtaining a video lottery game manufacturer's

18 license and a video lottery game distributor's license and providing and

19 operating the centralized computer system for monitoring video lottery

20 game terminals, and nothing in this subsection shall prevent a video

21 lottery game operator from obtaining a video lottery game retailer's

22 license or a video lottery game retailer from obtaining a video lottery

23 game operator's license, provided the applicant meets the requirements

24 for all such licenses.

25 2. Under no circumstances shall the commission:

26 (1) Authorize or allow a single vendor or licensee to implement

27 the system of video lottery game terminals created under this section;

28 or

29 (2) Allow a single licensed video lottery game operator to control

30 or operate more than twenty-five percent of video lottery game

31 terminals in the state.

32 3. (1) The video lottery game system authorized by this section

33 shall allow for multiple video lottery game manufacturers, video lottery

34 game distributors, and video lottery game operators to encourage

35 private sector investment and job opportunities for Missouri

SB 936 6

36 citizens. Video lottery game terminals shall be connected to a

37 centralized computer system developed or procured by the

38 commission. The commission shall provide licensed video lottery game

39 operators with the necessary protocols to connect the operators' video

40 lottery game terminal or terminals to the centralized computer system

41 after such terminal or terminals have been approved by the

42 commission. No video lottery game terminal shall be placed in

43 operation without first connecting to the centralized computer system

44 after such terminal or terminals have been approved by the

45 commission. A vendor that provides the centralized computer system

46 authorized under this subsection shall not be eligible to be licensed as

47 a video lottery game operator or video lottery game retailer. The

48 commission may impose an initial nonrefundable license application fee

49 as follows:

50 (a) For video lottery game manufacturers, video lottery game

51 distributors, and video lottery game operators, no more than fifty

52 thousand dollars;

53 (b) For video lottery game retailer establishments, no more than

54 five hundred dollars; or

55 (c) For video lottery game handlers, no more than one hundred

56 dollars.

57 (2) The initial license and first subsequent license renewal shall

58 be for a period of one year. Thereafter, license renewal periods shall

59 be four years with the applicable annual renewal fee paid for each year

60 such license is renewed. Annual license renewal fees for anyone

61 licensed pursuant to this subsection shall be as follows:

62 (a) Five thousand dollars for video lottery game manufacturers

63 and video lottery game distributors;

64 (b) Five thousand dollars for video lottery game operators;

65 (c) Fifty dollars for video lottery game handlers; and

66 (d) Five hundred dollars for each video lottery game retailer's

67 establishment.

68 (3) In addition to the license fees required in subdivisions (1)

69 and (2) of this subsection, video lottery game operators shall pay the

70 commission an annual license fee of two hundred dollars for each video

71 lottery game terminal placed in service. Such video lottery game

72 terminal license shall be renewed each year and cost two hundred

SB 936 7

73 dollars. A license issued under this subsection is nontransferable.

74 (4) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to relieve the

75 licensee of the affirmative duty to notify the commission of any change

76 relating to the status of the license or to any other information

77 contained in the application materials on file with the commission.

78 4. No license shall be issued to any person, and no person shall

79 be allowed to serve as a sales agent, who has been convicted of a felony

80 or a crime involving illegal gambling.

81 5. No license requirement, sticker fee, or tax shall be imposed by

82 any local jurisdiction upon a video lottery game manufacturer, video

83 lottery game distributor, video lottery game operator, video lottery

84 game retailer, video lottery game handler, or video lottery game

85 terminal or an establishment relating to the operation of video lottery

86 games, video lottery game terminals, or associated equipment.

87 6. (1) Video lottery game terminals shall meet independent

88 testing standards approved by the commission, as tested by one or more

89 approved independent test labs, and be capable of randomly generating

90 the outcome of video lottery games approved by the commission. Video

91 lottery game terminals shall be capable of printing a ticket redeemable

92 for winning video lottery game plays. Such video lottery game

93 terminals shall be inspected and approved by the commission prior to

94 being sold, leased, or transferred.

95 (2) Licensed video lottery game manufacturers may buy, sell, or

96 lease new or refurbished video lottery game terminals to and from

97 licensed video lottery game distributors.

98 (3) Licensed video lottery game distributors may buy, sell, or

99 lease new or refurbished video lottery game terminals to or from

100 licensed video lottery game manufacturers or licensed video lottery

101 game operators.

102 7. (1) Licensed video lottery game operators:

103 (a) May buy, lease, or rent video lottery game terminals from

104 licensed video lottery game manufacturers, operators, or distributors;

105 (b) May handle, place, and service video lottery game terminals;

106 (c) Shall connect such video lottery game terminals to the

107 centralized computer system approved by the commission; and

108 (d) Shall pay winning tickets using a video lottery game ticket

109 redemption terminal. Such video lottery ticket redemption terminal

SB 936 8

110 shall be located within the video lottery game retailer's establishment

111 in direct proximity of where such video lottery games are

112 offered. Video lottery game operators shall pay the commission

113 thirty-two percent of any unclaimed cash prize associated with a

114 winning ticket that has not been redeemed within one year of issue.

115 Rents or leases for video lottery game terminals shall be written at a

116 flat rate and shall not include revenue splitting as a method used in the

117 calculation of the lease or rent.

118 (2) Licensed video lottery game operators and licensed video

119 lottery game retailers shall enter into a written agreement for the

120 placement of video lottery game terminals. The agreement shall be on

121 a form approved by the commission and shall specify the division of

122 adjusted gross receipts between the video lottery game operator and

123 the video lottery game retailer after adjustments for taxes and

124 administrative fees are made. A video lottery game operator shall be

125 responsible for remitting to the commission and the video lottery game

126 retailer its share of adjusted gross receipts. Video lottery game

127 retailers that are also video lottery game operators and licensed video

128 lottery game operators that are also video lottery game retailers shall

129 only be required to submit an agreement pursuant to this subdivision

130 if the ownership is not identical in both entities. Nothing in this

131 subdivision shall prohibit a licensed video lottery game operator from

132 entering into an agreement with a sales agent for retailer agreements

133 provided such agreement is in writing and approved by the

134 commission. No video lottery game operator or its sales agents,

135 employees, or affiliates may offer, promise, or tender any property or

136 personal advantage to any employee or agent of any video lottery game

137 retailer with the intent to influence such video lottery game retailer

138 with respect to locating any video gaming terminal in the video lottery

139 game retailer's establishment. Video lottery game operators and video

140 game lottery retailers may allocate costs related to the operation,

141 promotion, and maintenance of video lottery game terminals in any

142 manner that has been mutually agreed to. An agreement for the

143 placement of video lottery game terminals, or any similar agreement,

144 entered into prior to the enactment of sections 313.425 to 313.435 shall

145 be invalid and unenforceable. Persons violating this subdivision are

146 subject to the loss or prohibition of their video lottery game operator's

SB 936 9

147 license.

148 (3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent a video

149 lottery game operator or a video lottery retailer from using a player

150 rewards system as approved by the commission. No player shall be

151 required to enroll in a rewards program offered by a video lottery game

152 operator or video lottery game retailer as a condition to play video

153 lottery games.

154 8. No licensed video lottery game operator shall:

155 (1) Offer video lottery gaming terminals that directly dispense

156 anything of value except for tickets for winning plays. Tickets shall be

157 dispensed by pressing the ticket dispensing button on the video lottery

158 gaming terminal at the end of any video lottery game play. The ticket

159 shall indicate the total amount of video lottery game terminal credits

160 and the cash award, the time of day in a 24-hour format showing hours

161 and minutes, the date, the terminal serial number, the sequential

162 number of the ticket, and an encrypted validation number from which

163 the validity of the prize may be determined. The cost of the video

164 lottery game terminal credits shall be one cent, five cents, ten cents, or

165 twenty-five cents, and the maximum wager played per video lottery

166 game shall not exceed five dollars. No cash award for the maximum

167 wager played on any individual video lottery game shall exceed one

168 thousand dollars;

169 (2) Operate in a retail establishment that is not also licensed to

170 sell liquor, except if the business of the establishment is a truck stop

171 where any state or local ordinance prohibits the sale of intoxicating

172 liquor;

173 (3) Operate more than five video lottery game terminals at one

174 video lottery game retailer establishment; except if the establishment

175 is a veterans' organization, fraternal organization, or truck stop, such

176 establishment may operate up to ten video lottery game terminals as

177 approved by the commission;

178 (4) Allow video lottery games to be played at any time when the

179 video lottery game retailer's establishment is closed for business.

180 9. (1) A person under twenty-one years of age shall not play

181 video lottery games, and such video lottery game terminals shall be

182 under the supervision of a person that is at least twenty-one years of

183 age to prevent persons under twenty-one years of age from playing

SB 936 10

184 video lottery games. Video lottery game terminals shall not be visible

185 from areas normally occupied by minors and shall be placed within the

186 unobstructed line of sight of the sales counter unless placed in an

187 enclosed or partially enclosed area that is continually monitored by

188 video surveillance. A warning sign shall be posted in a conspicuous

189 location where such video lottery game terminals are located,

190 containing in red lettering at least one-half inch high on a white

191 background the following:



194 In addition to the placement and supervision requirements of this

195 subsection, a video lottery game operator shall provide video

196 surveillance in the immediate area of the video lottery game retailer's

197 establishment where video lottery game terminals are

198 located. Recorded video from such surveillance system shall be made

199 available to the commission upon request and shall be reviewed by

200 video lottery game operators as reasonably and specifically requested

201 by the commission for any violation of law, rules, or regulations

202 governing the conduct of video lottery games. A video lottery game

203 operator that fails to review such surveillance video and report any

204 known violation of law, rules, or regulations governing the conduct of

205 video lottery games in conformance with established commission

206 procedures may be subject to an administrative fine not to exceed five

207 thousand dollars. Any video lottery game retailer that fails to report

208 any known violation of law, rules, or regulations governing the conduct

209 of video lottery games in conformance with established commission

210 procedures may be subject to an administrative fine not to exceed five

211 thousand dollars. In the event a video lottery game operator or retailer

212 is found to have knowingly committed a violation governing the

213 conduct of video lottery games the commission may impose an

214 administrative fine not to exceed five thousand dollars, suspend such

215 operator's or retailer's license for up to thirty days, or in the case of

216 repeated violations revoke such operator's or retailer's license for a

217 period of one year. Any video lottery game operator or retailer

218 aggrieved by the commission's decision in any disciplinary action that

219 results in the suspension or revocation of such operator's or retailer's

220 video lottery game license may appeal such decision by filing an action

SB 936 11

221 in circuit court. The commission shall refer a violation of the criminal

222 code, with any evidence thereof, to the appropriate law enforcement

223 officials. Video lottery game retailers shall provide an intrusion

224 detection system capable of detecting unauthorized entrance of the

225 video lottery game retailer's establishment during nonbusiness hours

226 and shall report to the commission any unauthorized entrance of the

227 video lottery game retailer's establishment. Such surveillance and

228 intrusion detection system shall meet specifications as defined by the

229 commission.

230 (2) A video lottery game operator shall post a sign in a

231 conspicuous location where such video lottery game terminals are

232 located, containing in red lettering at least one-half inch high on a

233 white background a telephone contact number (1-800-BETSOFF) for the

234 problem gambling helpline.

235 10. (1) Video lottery game operators shall pay the commission

236 thirty-six percent of the video lottery game adjusted gross receipts,

237 which shall be deposited in the state lottery fund. The commission

238 shall transfer the amount received from the operator from the lottery

239 fund to the lottery proceeds fund after administrative expenses equal

240 to four percent of the video lottery game adjusted gross receipts are

241 paid to the municipality where a licensed video lottery game retailer

242 maintains an establishment licensed for the operation of video lottery

243 game terminals, or if such licensed establishment is not located within

244 the corporate boundaries of a municipality, then the county where such

245 licensed establishment is located to reimburse such municipality or

246 county for administrative expenses, and any administrative expenses

247 for the commission that are not covered by reimbursements from

248 operators are deducted. Net proceeds transferred to the lottery

249 proceeds fund shall be appropriated to public elementary and

250 secondary education and public institutions of higher education with

251 an emphasis on programs to promote science, technology, engineering,

252 and mathematics (STEM) and programs to promote workforce

253 development.

254 (2) Video lottery game operators shall retain sixty-four percent

255 of the video lottery game adjusted gross receipts, a portion of which

256 shall be utilized to pay for administrative expenses which shall include

257 the cost of the centralized computer system, which cost shall be paid

SB 936 12

258 by video lottery game operators in proportion to the number of video

259 lottery game terminals operated and shall not be apportioned by the

260 video lottery game operator among video lottery game retailers to

261 which it provides operations. The remainder, after the cost of the

262 centralized computer system are paid, shall be divided between the

263 video lottery game operator and video lottery game retailer as agreed

264 to by the video lottery game operator and video lottery game retailer

265 under the freely negotiated agreement made under subdivision (2) of

266 subsection 7 of this section.

267 11. All revenues received by the commission from license fees

268 and any reimbursements associated with the administration of the

269 provisions of sections 313.425 to 313.435, and all interest earned

270 thereon, shall be considered administrative expenses and shall be

271 deposited in the state lottery fund. Moneys deposited into the state

272 lottery fund from license fees and any reimbursements of commission

273 administrative expenses to administer sections 313.425 to 313.435 shall

274 be considered administrative expenses and shall not be considered net

275 proceeds pursuant to Article III, Section 39(b) of the Missouri

276 Constitution. Subject to appropriation, up to one percent of such

277 license fees and reimbursements deposited to the credit of the state

278 lottery fund may be deposited to the credit of the compulsive gamblers

279 fund created under section 313.842. The remainder of the money

280 deposited in the state lottery fund from video lottery game license fees

281 and any reimbursements of commission administrative expenses to

282 enforce sections 313.425 to 313.435 shall, subject to appropriation, be

283 used for administrative expenses associated with supervising and

284 enforcing the provisions of sections 313.425 to 313.435.

285 12. The commission may contract with a state law enforcement

286 entity to assist in conducting investigations into applicants for any

287 video lottery game license and to investigate violations by any video

288 lottery game licensee of any of the provisions of sections 313.425 to

289 313.435 or state law regulating illegal gambling activities. A video

290 lottery game licensee suspected of a violation shall be afforded an

291 administrative hearing on the record and any action taken to impose

292 a fine on such licensee, or to suspend or revoke the ability of a licensee

293 to offer lottery game products for sale, shall be appealed to the

294 commission. Any such administrative suspension or revocation upheld

SB 936 13

295 by the commission may be appealed by the video lottery game licensee

296 in a state court of competent jurisdiction.

297 13. The possession or use of any video lottery game terminal not

298 authorized by the commission under the provisions of sections 313.425

299 to 313.435 may be prosecuted under the provisions of chapter 572. The

300 commission shall have the power to investigate suspected violations by

301 any video lottery license holder and to refer any violations or

302 suspected violations to the appropriate law enforcement authority.

303 14. The commission shall adopt rules for the implementation of

304 the video lottery game system authorized under sections 313.425 to

305 313.435, including, but not limited to, the placement of video lottery

306 terminals within a retail establishment and for the active oversight of

307 the conduct of video lottery games. Any rule or portion of a rule, as

308 that term is defined in section 536.010 that is created under the

309 authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it

310 complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and,

311 if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are

312 nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly

313 pursuant to chapter 536, to review, to delay the effective date, or to

314 disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional,

315 then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or

316 adopted after August 28, 2019, shall be invalid and void.

313.431. 1. In order to expedite the orderly implementation of

2 the video lottery game system authorized under sections 313.425 to

3 313.435, the commission shall:

4 (1) Issue a request for proposal for the supply and operation of

5 a centralized computer system for video lottery games within one

6 hundred twenty days of the effective date of this section;

7 (2) Make license applications for video lottery game

8 manufacturers, video lottery game distributors, video lottery game

9 operators, video lottery game retailers, and video lottery game handlers

10 available to applicants and promulgate any emergency or regular rules

11 and regulations needed for the implementation of the video lottery

12 system authorized under sections 313.425 to 313.435 within one hundred

13 twenty days of the effective date of this section;

14 (3) Issue a provisional license to an applicant for a video lottery

15 game manufacturer's, video lottery game distributor's, video lottery

SB 936 14

16 game operator's, video lottery game retailer's, or video lottery game

17 handler's license if such applicant satisfies all of the following criteria

18 to the satisfaction of the commission:

19 (a) The applicant is current on all state taxes;

20 (b) The applicant has submitted a complete application for

21 licensure as a licensed video lottery game manufacturer, video lottery

22 game distributor, video lottery game operator, video lottery game

23 retailer, or video lottery game handler, which shall be submitted

24 concurrently with the applicant's request for a provisional license;

25 (c) The applicant has never been convicted of any felony or

26 gambling law violation in any jurisdiction; and

27 (d) The applicant for a video lottery game retailer's license has

28 been issued and holds a valid license to sell liquor under chapter 311.

29 A provisional license shall be issued by the commission within sixty

30 days from the date on which the application was first received unless

31 the commission shows cause that the license application is deficient or

32 such applicant does not meet the criteria for licensure.

33 2. The commission may issue provisional licenses prior to the

34 completion of a background check to an applicant that is currently

35 licensed under sections 313.200 to 313.435 or sections 313.800 to 313.850;

36 holds or is an affiliate of any entity that holds a license in good

37 standing from a regulatory body of another state to operate, handle, or

38 maintain video gaming terminals or video lottery game terminals that

39 are substantially similar to video lottery game terminals authorized

40 under sections 313.425 to 313.435; or if such person has been in the

41 business of locating and operating amusement games within this state

42 continuously for a period of five years.

43 3. A provisional license shall be valid until:

44 (1) The commission either approves or denies the applicant's

45 application for licensure;

46 (2) The provisional license is terminated for a violation of this

47 section; or

48 (3) One calendar year has passed since the provisional license

49 was issued.

50 Nothing in this section shall prohibit an applicant for a video lottery

51 game manufacturer's, video lottery game distributor's, video lottery

52 game operator's, video lottery game retailer's, or video lottery game

SB 936 15

53 handler's license from applying for a renewal of the provisional license

54 issued under this section so long as the commission has not made a

55 final determination to award or deny the applicant a license.

56 4. Each applicant shall attest by way of affidavit under penalty

57 of perjury that the applicant is not otherwise prohibited from licensure

58 according to the requirements of this section.

59 5. All requests for provisional licensure under this section shall

60 include the following fee, which is in addition to the applicable fee

61 required for an application for licensure and shall be retained by the

62 commission:

63 (1) Five thousand dollars for a video lottery game manufacturer

64 and video lottery game distributor;

65 (2) Five thousand dollars for a video lottery game operator;

66 (3) Five hundred dollars for a video lottery game retailer's

67 establishment; or

68 (4) One hundred dollars for a video lottery game handler.

313.433. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the

2 contrary, participation by a person, firm, corporation, or organization

3 in any aspect of the state lottery under sections 313.425 to 313.435 shall

4 not be construed to be a lottery or gift enterprise in violation of section

5 39 of article III of the Constitution of Missouri.

6 2. The sale of lottery tickets, shares, or lottery game plays using

7 a video lottery game terminal under sections 313.425 to 313.435 shall

8 not constitute a valid reason to refuse to issue or renew or to revoke or

9 suspend any license or permit issued under the provisions of chapter

10 311.

313.435. A municipality may adopt an ordinance prohibiting

2 video lottery game terminals within the corporate limits of such

3 municipality within one hundred twenty days from the effective date

4 of this act. A county commission may, for the unincorporated area of

5 the county, adopt an ordinance prohibiting video lottery game

6 terminals within the unincorporated area of the county within one

7 hundred twenty days from the effective date of this act. The

8 commission shall not license video lottery game retailers within such

9 area covered by such ordinance. Any such municipality or county that

10 has opted to prohibit the use of video lottery game terminals to play

11 video lottery games may repeal such ordinance and upon such repeal

SB 936 16

12 the commission may license video lottery game retailers within such

13 municipality or county to conduct video lottery games.