seattle’s evolving approach current neighborhood planning

Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning Current Neighborhood Planning

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Page 1: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

Seattle’s Evolving Approach

Current Neighborhood Planning

Current Neighborhood Planning

Page 2: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning


A City of Neighborhoods

Current Neighborhood Planning

Page 3: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

Mid-1970sNeighborhood Improvement Program

Current Neighborhood Planning

Page 4: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

1996 - 1999

• Growth Management Act

• Vision 2020

• Countywide Planning Policies

• Toward a Sustainable Seattle

• Urban Centers & Villages

• Neighborhood Plans

Current Neighborhood Planning

Neighborhood Planning

Page 5: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

Station Area Plans 1998-2000Light rail stations in SE Seattle

Current Neighborhood Planning

Page 6: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

2008 - 2010

Current Neighborhood Planning

City Direction• City legislation on objectives and means.• Neighborhood Planning Advisory Committee

Defining Objectives • Impacts & opportunities from new light rail (TOD & Gentrification)• Inclusivity

Public engagement• City facilitated • Public Outreach and Engagement Liaisons

Approval/adoption• Plans “recognized by resolution” and policies adopted

Implementation• Zoning legislation adopted

Neighborhood Plan Updates

Page 7: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

Race & Social Justice Initiative

Public Outreach & Engagement Liaisons


African American



Current Neighborhood Planning

Page 8: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

2010 - Present

APA Atlanta

Community Development

City Direction• City budget legislation provides overall direction

Defining Objectives • Community Development• Health & Equity• Inclusive engagement

Public engagement• City facilitated • Public Outreach and Engagement Liaisons.

Approval/adoption• Plans “recognized by resolution” and policies adopted .

Implementation• Zoning legislation adopted• Grants

Current Neighborhood Planning

Page 9: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

Community Development

S eattle

K ent

B e llevue

A uburn

K irkla nd

F ede ra l W a y

S a m m a m is h

B urien

S hore line

S eaTa c

T ukw ila

Is s a qua h

B o the ll

K enm ore

C o vington

D es M o ines

S noqua lm ie

W o o dinville

M ap le Va lley

B la ck D ia m o nd

E num cla w

M ercer Is land

N ew ca s tle

N o rth B end

D uva ll

P a cific

M ed ina

L a ke F ores t

P a rk

A lgo na

N o rm a ndy P a rk

R edm o nd

C a rna tion

M ilto n

R ento n

L ife E xp ec tan c y C o m p ared toth e Ten L o n g es t-L ived C o u n triesb y C en s u s T rac t2005-2009, K in g C o u n ty W A

D a te : 1 0/11/2011

L eg en d


C a le n d a r Y ears A h ead

S m all popu la tio n

C a le n d a r Y ears B eh in d

Y ea rs be hind or ahea d a re fro m 2007 .D ata S o urces : Inte rnationa l life expe c tancies : Ins titute for H e a lth M etrics a nd E va lua tion , U nive rs ity o f W a sh ingto nL o ca l life e xpec ta ncy: W a sh ingto n S ta te D epartme nt o f H ea lth,C en ter for H ea lth S tatis tic s D ea th F ilesA na lys is and p re pa ration : A ss es s m ent, P o licy D e velo pm e nt & E va lua tion ,P ub lic H e a lth – S ea ttle & K ing C ounty, 10/2011

P repare d by: A ss es s me nt, P o licy D e ve lo pm e nt & E va lua tion

P ro v is io n a l: S u b jec t to R ev is io n

24 to 57

10 to 23

Ze ro to 9

1 to 1 4

15 to 30

31 to 42

Health & Equity




8%If you use light rail, how do you most often travel to the station

nearest to where you live?

A.Walk/PedestrianB.BikeC.RideD.Drive your car and park nearby

Current Neighborhood Planning

Page 10: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

2010 – Present

City Direction• Led by DPD, partners include SDOT, Office of Economic Development,

Office of Housing

Defining Objectives • Focus on how physical pieces fit together – new buildings, street

improvements, parks.

Public engagement• City facilitated working groups, iterative review with broader public

Approval/adoption• Not adopted by Council• Establish clear direction for subsequent projects: zoning, design guidelines,

streetscape plans...

Urban Design Frameworks

Current Neighborhood Planning

Page 11: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

Urban Design Frameworks

Current Neighborhood Planning

Page 12: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

Current planning processes

Current Neighborhood Planning

COMMUNITY PLANNING PROCESSES Community Development Area Planning

Most often used in…

N’hoods that want to stimulate job creation and housing development – often with fewer engaged community groups at beginning

N’hoods already experiencing significant growth, wanting to channel or fine tune how change happens– often with very active community groups

Community engagement

DPD/DON collaboration, POELs

DPD, often aligned with SDOT/OED processes

Shared: Stakeholder working groups, broad public outreach

Typical deliverables… Vary, depending on needs and planning histories

Community action plans Urban Design Frameworks

Shared: Capacity building, Comp Plan amendments, zoning, streetscape concept plans, grants, neighborhood design guidelines

Examples 23rd Ave, Delridge, Rainier Beach

South Lake Union, U District, Ballard

Page 13: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

Common ThemesCity Direction

• Evolving, but Core Values motivate City action• community • livability and environmental stewardship • social equity• economic opportunity and security

• Multi-disciplinary, interdepartmental approach

Public engagement• Inclusive engagement. See participation from both traditional

stakeholders as well as a much broader cross section• Work with communities to set long term vision as well as realistic,

obtainable results

Implementation• Opportunistic• Private sector roles• Increasingly, grants & capital projects

Current Neighborhood Planning

Page 14: Seattle’s Evolving Approach Current Neighborhood Planning

Susan McLainNora Liu

Dave LaClergueSeattle Department of Planning & Development

Thank You

Current Neighborhood Planning